Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The output power of a Micro-Thermo-Photovoltaic (MTPV) system strongly depends on the micro-combustor
CFD geometry and the micro-flame stability. In this context, numerous numerical and experimental works have been
Wavy micro-channel conducted and focused on geometries limited to circular and planar micro-channels (MCs) with and without
Thermo-photovoltaic sudden expansion. Therefore, the present work proposes a novel MC configuration with wavy walls. The use of
Micro-flame stability
wavy walls increases the MC surface and consequently the heat transfer characteristics of this system could be
Reaction mechanisms
improved. In this study, two-dimensional numerical simulations on CH4–air premixed flames in the novel
configuration have been carried out. The wavy MCs are heated with a wall temperature gradient in the
streamwise direction. The investigations have been carried out with a MC height H = 600 μm, a mixture velocity
U = 1 m/s and the equivalence ratio Φ = 1. Moreover, the effects of various parameters on the flame behavior
are reported: the wavy wall geometries, the maximum values of the temperature profile and the kinetic me-
chanisms of CH4 combustion. The results are original, since the effect of the wavy wall geometries are not
available in the literature. In addition, the effects of the other parameters are not well documented in the
literature, especially the CH4 combustion mechanisms. It is found that the flame location is sensible to the wavy
wall geometry. As the number of waves increases, the flame moves towards the MC exit. The maximum value of
the temperature gradient has an opposite effect. As the maximum temperature increases, the flame moves to-
wards the MC inlet. The results show also that the flame location, shape and temperature are strongly affected by
the different reaction mechanisms.
1. Introduction micro-channels (MCs), the absorber, the emitter, the photovoltaic (PV)
cell and the heat sink. Within this system, the MC serves as a combustor
Micro-Thermo-Photovoltaic (MTPV) systems have received sub- which increases the temperature of the emitter forming an optical he-
stantial attention over the recent years due to the advances in the ated source (an average temperature of 1100 °C). Some of the thermal
micro-fabrication capability. They are efficient and economically viable emission (emission of photons) is then absorbed by the PV cell. This
power systems for commercial and space applications. For commercial later converts the radiated photons into electricity.
applications, they can be used to replace batteries of laptops and ta- The MC is the key component of the MTPV system, which sig-
blets. They can also provide a continuous supply of power in off-grid nificantly affects the output power and energy conversion efficiency,
homes. For space applications, they are proposed to supply power to Zuo et al. [1]. The MC faces generally the flammability and flame
orbital micro-satellites by replacing a fraction of the PV solar cells. quenching issues, Durisch et al. [2]. This makes the flame stability the
MTPV system transforms the chemical energy to thermal energy and most important issue and the key parameter to improve the thermal
then to electricity. The chemical and thermal energies are supplied by performance of the MC. Recently, several classic and advanced methods
combustion of a gaseous fuel, hydrocarbons or hydrogen (H2), in a are used to address the flame stability, such as: sudden expansion,
micro-combustor. The use of hydrocarbon fuels is beneficial due to their Akhtar et al. [3]; bluff-body, Yan et al. [4]; catalytic surface, Li et al.
energy densities (an average of 40 MJ/kg), which is much higher than [5]; porous media, Pan et al. [6] and external heating, Maruta et al. [7].
the actual best batteries (an average of 1 MJ/kg). MTPV system is The last method is the focus of the current study.
generally composed of the main parts shown in Fig. 1, which are: the MC with an external heating is found also in the literature as MC
Received 5 October 2018; Accepted 22 December 2018
Available online 17 January 2019
0196-8904/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
with a controlled temperature profile or gradient, Di Stazio et al. [8] suppression can be due to a few important elementary reactions, which
and Kamada et al. [9]. The majority of the reported MCs are focused on play a dominant role in contributing to the heat release rate. In the
cylindrical tubes (circular micro-reactors) and parallel plates (planar external temperature profile works, Wang et al. [16] conducted tran-
micro-reactors). These geometries make the MC a simple system, which sient numerical simulations of premixed CH4–air combustion in a
is a great advantage to investigate complex combustion chemistry. narrow channel. They imposed a fixed hyperbolic tangent temperature
Moreover, the inner diameter/height of the MC is smaller than the profile along the MC wall, starting from 300 K and ending with 1300 K
ordinary quenching diameter/height of the flame. The MC is heated by or 1400 K. Depending on the wall temperature profile, two instable
an external heat source and a stationary temperature profile along the flames were observed: the oscillating flame and the FREI. The oscil-
inner surface of the MC is developed in the streamwise direction. The lating flame corresponds to the high wall temperature profile, whereas
external heat source can be an electric heater, Nakamura et al. [10], or the FREI corresponds to the low wall temperature profile. Kang et al.
a hydrogen burner, Kikui et al. [11]. The MC operates under premixed [17] conducted transient numerical simulations of premixed CH4–air
condition and the mixture temperature strongly depends on the tem- combustion in a planar MC. They investigated the effect of different
perature profile of the wall. In addition, the flow mixture within the MC wall temperature profiles on the flame dynamics for different inflow
is laminar and at a constant pressure. In the previous studies using velocity conditions. For low velocity, such as 0.2 m/s, the flame shows
circular MC reactor, Maruta et al. [7]; Di Stazio et al. [8] and Kamada spatial oscillations and even flame extinction. For high velocity, such as
et al. [9], three types of flames are observed: stable flames, flames with 1 m/s, the flame is stabilized for all the wall temperature profiles ex-
repetitive extinction and ignition (FREI) and weak flames, depending amined.
on the mixture velocity at the inlet. The stable flame is an ordinary In the light of the above review, none of the aforementioned studies
steady flame and observed at a high flow velocity (around 0.5–1.2 m/s). characterized the combustion and micro-flame stability in a wavy MC.
The FREI occurs at an intermediate flow velocity (around 0.3–0.45 m/ The majority of these works adopted circular or planar MC. In addition,
s). The weak flame is stable with quite weak chemiluminescence and there is insufficient knowledge on the effect of kinetic mechanisms on
observed at a low flow velocity (around 0.05–0.25 m/s). the characteristics and stability of the micro-flames. A greater number
The micro-flame dynamics and behavior strongly depend on other of simulated premixed CH4–air MC, such as Kang et al. [15], Wang et al.
parameters than the mixture velocity, such as: the dimension of the MC, [16], Kang et al. [17] and Kang et al. [18], used the DRM-19 reaction
the fuel type and the external temperature profile. In the MC dimension mechanism of Kazakove and Frenklach [19]. Only few studies used or
studies, Norton and Vlachos [12] studied numerically the effects of the compared other reaction mechanisms to characterize the combustion of
MC diameters and thickness of walls on combustion characteristics and CH4–air in MC. Thus, the need of the present study is to further increase
flame stability. They found that the wall thickness is very important as the knowledge on CH4 combustion in MTPV systems, using various
it determines the upstream heat transfer, which is necessary for flame reaction mechanisms. Also, to propose innovative MC configurations
ignition and stability. For large diameters, such as 4 mm, the reaction with the aim to improve the efficiency of MTPV systems by enhancing
rate is low and the flame spreads out over approximately the half of the the heat transfer characteristics. This goal could be achieved by in-
burner length. For smaller diameters, such as the 600 μm, reaction is creasing the heat exchange surface within the MC by using wavy walls.
more localized, with greater intensity, causing steeper temperature and Moreover, different wavy walls are proposed to assess the complexity of
composition gradients. Li et al. [13] conducted a 2D numerical study on the combustion within the MC. Furthermore, this paper uses CFD
CH4–air premixed combustion in both cylindrical MC and planar MC. (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to fulfill the above points. Three main
Their results showed that the planar channel with H = 1 mm represents parameters are investigated, which are: the wavy wall geometry, the
higher flame temperature than a cylindrical tube with D = 2 mm, over wall temperature profile and the reaction mechanisms of CH4.
a velocity range varying from 0.3 to 1 m/s. In the fuel type studies, Tang
et al. [14] fabricated and experimentally investigated a planar MC
operating with C3H8/H2–air mixture. They built also a 3D calculation 2. Numerical procedure
model to characterize the combustion process of the studied blended
flue. It is reported that the H2 addition can overcome the shortcomings 2.1. Geometric model and grid
of propane flame instability. When a small amount of hydrogen is
added, the flame location could be fixed. The H2 enriched fuel can In this study, four planar MC configurations are modeled in two-
further reduce the minimum quenching diameter of the MC. Kang et al. dimensions (2D). The first configuration consists of two parallel flat
[15] investigated numerically the suppression of the flame instability in plates, as shown in Fig. 2. This configuration is chosen to perform va-
a premixed CH4–air planar MC using H2/CO addition. By adding small lidation of the CFD calculations with the results in the literature. The
amounts of H2 or CO, flame instabilities present for the methane air MC length (L) and height (H) are 6 mm and 0.6 mm, respectively.
mixture in the form of FREI could be effectively suppressed. The Premixed CH4–air is fed to the MC. A fixed temperature profile is im-
posed along the MC walls to initiate and maintain the combustion. The
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
unit tensor.
Energy conservation equation
· u ( E + p) = · T hi Di + µ ( u + ( u ) ) ·u I ·
i 3
u + Sh
Fig. 2. Computational domain of the flat MC along with the temperature profile
where E is the total energy, is the mixture conductivity, T is the
temperature, hi is the enthalpy of the species i , Di is the diffusion flux of
species i and Sh is the source term of the mixture enthalpy.
Species conservation equation
( u Yi ) = Di + Ri (4)
where Yi is the mass fraction of species i and Ri is the net production
rate of species i by chemical reaction.
The details of these equations term by term can be found in Poinsot
and Veynane [22] and Alipoor and Mazaheri [23].
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
Fig. 6. Centerline profiles of temperature and species mole fractions for different wavy channels configurations.
temperature profile to another. Also, the heat release reduces within the
flame core and takes the values of 14.61 w, 13 w and 10.67 w for the
profiles of 1400 K, 1500 K and 1600 K, respectively. This explains the
reduction of the flame temperature with high wall temperature profile.
Fig. 7. Centerline profiles of (a) temperature and (b) CO mole fractions for Furthermore, the high wall temperature provokes combustion near the
different wavy MCs using asymmetric temperature profiles. wall and not only near the center of the MC, which is clearly shown for
the 1600 K case. This leads to reduce the heat release within the flame
more warmed for the high temperature profiles. Along with the early core since there is a small heat release that forms near the wall. The
ignition and when the flame confronts the high pre-heating zone, it will profiles of heat of reaction at the upper wall in Fig. 13 justify well the
stabilize at an earlier position near the center of the MC. Moreover, the reduction of the flame temperature. The heat of reaction of the 1600 K
increase of the wall temperature affects the flame shape, as shown in profile is almost tow times higher than the heat of reaction of the other
Fig. 12. The flame becomes more and more inclined from one high profiles.
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
Fig. 9. Heat of reaction (flame) contours for different wavy MC models using Fig. 12. Heat of reaction (flame) contours within the 8-waves MC using the
asymmetric temperature profiles. different prescribed wall temperature profiles.
Fig. 13. Heat release profiles at the upper wall of the 8-waves MC using the
different prescribed wall temperature profiles.
Z. Mansouri Energy Conversion and Management 198 (2019) 111155
Fig. 14. Centerline profiles of temperature and species mole fractions within the 8-waves MC using different kinetic mechanisms.
Table 1
Temperature and species values for the different combustion mechanisms.
2-Step Skeletal Smooke DRM-19 GRI 3.0
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