2012 - Sorok Bridge-Standard For An Economical Suspension Bridge
2012 - Sorok Bridge-Standard For An Economical Suspension Bridge
2012 - Sorok Bridge-Standard For An Economical Suspension Bridge
Sung-bum Chun, Assistant Manager; Jin-hyuk Choi, Assistant Manager; Jae-hong Kim, PE, General Manager; Daelim Co. Ltd,
Technology Research & Development Institute, Bridge Engineering Team, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Contact: [email protected]
DOI: 10.2749/101686612X13216060213239
The Sorok Bridge is believed to
represent the best solution for the
construction of a cost-effective sus-
pension bridge for several reasons.
First, in the construction of the foun-
dation, a decrease in the self-weight
of the concrete open caissons due to
their buoyancy allowed a reduction
in the capacity of the floating crane
when the caissons were fabricated on
a floating dock and submerged into
the sea. Second, the diamond shape
of the pylons minimized the scale
of the foundation and increased the
transverse resistance against wind and
earthquake loads. During their instal- Fig. 1: Full view of the Sorok Bridge
lation, the automatic climbing system
was used for the complicated pylon 470 m
geometry. Third, a trapezoidal steel 110 m 250 m 110 m
box girder with a steel deck is more
economical than other types in terms
87,4 m
50,0 m
87,4 m
of the amount of steel needed; it could
be erected using the large-block instal-
lation method because steel was used
for the girder. Finally, the main cable Shipping passage
was installed by the prefabricated 110,0 m × 21,5 m
parallel wire strand method without
a hauling system, thus eliminating the P7
PY 2
cost of such a system and producing PY 1
significant cost savings. Fig. 2: General arrangement
Keywords: economical suspension bri-
dge;open-caisson foundation;diamond-
shaped pylon; trapezoidal steel box located at 25 m above the top slab of the via the ultimate strength design
girder; prefabricated parallel wire foundations. Regarding the stiffening method. During their construction,
strand. girder, the steel weighs 5,0 kN/m2 and they were not influenced by waves
it utilizes a trapezoidal steel box with and tidal current, as the distance from
the steel deck stiffened by U-shaped the seabed to the sea level is within
Introduction ribs. Its height is 2,5 m, and the central the range of 7–15 m. This simplified
space of 2,5 m on the deck supports the construction process. According
The Sorok Bridge,which links Goheung- the monocable and has safety fences. to the initial plan, open-caisson foun-
gun in Jeollanam-do to Sorok Island, It has a self-anchored and monoca- dations constructed on land should
across the South Sea of Korea, was ble system, the diameter of which is be placed by a floating crane with
under construction for seven years 310 mm. In the following section, the a capacity of 3000 t as the weights
before being completed in 2008. The design and construction of each part of of the foundation on pylons 1 and
suspension bridge has a main span of the structure are introduced in detail 2 are 1968 and 2305 t, respectively.
250 m and side spans of 110 m. The in terms of their efficiency, structural However, a floating dock was used
total length of the bridge including system, and aesthetic aspects. to reduce the weights of the founda-
approach bridges is 1160 m (Figs. 1 tions via a buoyancy design, allow-
and 2). The open-caisson foundations Foundation ing a weight reduction from 2305 to
have a diameter of 20 m. It also has 1985 t. By introducing the floating
diamond-shaped concrete pylons with The foundations of the Sorok Bridge dock, a floating crane with a capacity
a height of 87,4 m, with a crossbeam are concrete open caissons designed of 2000 t could handle the placement.
15,7 m
0,6 m 6,0 m 2,5 m 6,0 m 0,6 m
2,5 m
Fig. 4: Pylons constructed by the automatic climbing system Fig. 5: Transverse section of the stiffening girder
a connection between the blocks in the head of the strands through the the unreeler located on the first side
the field, a steel deck was welded. The driving force of the winches on the span behind the end pier, the socket
lower flange and the web plate were deck at anchorage and on top of of the strand was conveyed with a
linked with high-tension bolts. the pylons (Fig. 7). Of course, this side-span carrier driven by a tower
method is somewhat disadvantageous winch of pylon (PY) 2 (Fig. 8). The
in terms of the required installation strand was then installed from pier
Main Cable period and the degree of constructa- (P) 8 to the top of PY2. On the main
bility, but it is preferable as a set of span, the strand was installed by one
The most notable aspect of the cable
expensive equipment in the form of a tower winch of PY1 from the top of
system is that the main cable was
hauling system is not necessary. PY2 to the center of the bridge and
installed by the prefabricated par-
by another tower winch of PY1 from
allel wire strand (PPWS) method The details of the main cable installa-
the center of the bridge to the top of
without a hauling system. This led tion are as follows. First, a catwalk, as
PY1. On the last side span, the winch
to significant cost savings. A haul- a temporary workspace for the instal-
on the deck of P7 was used to install
ing system for suspension bridges lation of the main cable, composed
the strand from the top of PY1 to
allowed materials to be conveyed by of four ropes with a diameter of 28
P7, and the socket of the strand was
cable equipment attached to a haul- mm and a floor was used. The cat-
fixed at the anchorage of the stiffen-
ing rope driven by a winch. In the walk rope was unreeled and arranged
ing girder.1
common PPWS method, socket car- on a previously constructed deck,
riers move the strands through the because the cable of this bridge is
hauling system. However, especially self-anchored at the stiffening girder. Conclusion
for suspension bridges on the scale It was then anchored both on top of
of the Sorok Bridge, dispensing with the pylon and at the anchorage after In this article, the design and construc-
the use of a hauling system is consid- being clamped and lifted by a crane tion of the Sorok Bridge are explained
ered to be economical and feasible. positioned on top of the pylon. The in terms of its efficiency, structural sys-
The force of the cable is relatively catwalk floor was also raised by the tem, and aesthetic aspects. During the
small because of its not long main hydrocrane on the deck and installed installation of the open-caisson foun-
span, which is only 250 m, and the to the pylon from both the center dations, a floating dock was used to
large sag ratio of 1/5.2 Moreover, and the end. Second, two ropes with reduce the weight of the caissons via
large wires with a diameter of 6,59 a diameter of 32 mm and one carrier buoyancy, allowing the capacity of the
mm are used. These lower the num- running on them were installed onto floating crane to be reduced. Diamond-
ber of strands to 14, with 127 wires each span; the tramway support ropes shaped pylons minimized the diameter
per strand. Therefore, carriers run- served as the rails for the carrier. of an open caisson, and reduced the
ning on two-lane ropes can transport Finally, after a strand reel was set in amount of concrete necessary for the
TS rope
PPWS strand
PPWS carrier 50 t truck crane
trolley PPWS roller 20 t truck
Tower winch wire
Guide roller
Long roller
Anchor bent
$7,6 S
$7,6 V\VWHP F