Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Andres Castrejon Grade Level: 10th grade

Target Content/Lesson Topic: The Renaissance Era Date: 3/28/2021

Essential Question What impact did the renaissance have in the culture of medieval Europe?
What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses? What is the core
purpose of the lesson that includes the
strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
State Learning Standards SS.BH3.a.h Analyze the means by and extent to which groups and institutions can influence people, events, and
Identify relevant grade level standards cultures in both historical and contemporary settings.
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives The student will be able to identify the reasons why the renaissance era was so important by writing a list.
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Individual work along with sporadic whole class discussion.
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social N/A
purposes, etc.)
Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co-
teacher to plan, instruct, and assess
learning? What Co-Teaching Model will

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you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation Process-Guided reading is offered to students who need help reading. Students can opt for the audible read
Respond to your students’ needs and instead but as long as they follow along.
adjust the content, process, product, Product- Students can submit a paragraph instead of the list.
and/or environment to reach individual Learning Environment- Quiet corner, relaxing seats, students with visual disabilities can sit closer to the
learners based on their readiness, board.
interests, and learning preferences Tiering: Complexity- Students can be challenged to focus on a narrower perspective of how the renaissance
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
artist made an impact instead of focusing on a broader idea. For example, Boccaccio influenced renaissance
supports here.
literature but in particular, he changed the format of how characters and plots were designed by creating them
with a more humanistic and realistic dialogue.
Formative Assessment Students will write a list with ten names on them and fill in the three categories. ARTIST, ACCOMPLISMENT,
How will you monitor student learning IMPACT.
throughout the lesson? Be specific The student must write a minimum of a sentence on each category. I have provided an example in the lesson.
about how your chosen assessments
connect with the objectives above.
Does your formative assessment
have/need evaluation criteria? If so,
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.
Summative Assessment No summative assessment but will be working towards an upcoming project.
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard? Note: This assessment
does not have to occur during/after this
lesson but in upcoming lessons.
Evaluation Criteria
What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy
of your checklist, rubric, observation
criteria, or other measure.

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Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall
Introduction and Connection to The teacher will start the lesson by introduce the strategy Frontloading with Images on page 100 of Subject Matters
Previous Learning book. (As a warmup and activating prior knowledge)
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) The teacher will display a series of images of renaissance art and poetry on a projector and ask the students what
● Activate prior knowledge.
they think about the poetry.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for The teacher will combine the strategy KWL in page 104 found in the same book.
lesson. The teacher will handout the KWL chart that the students will need to fill out.
● Establish clear expectations. The teacher will explain the columns and the purpose of each.
● Model concept K- stands for what they Know prior to reading the text.
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up W- stands for Want to learn or questions that they have about the topic.
groupings/ instruction/ lesson L- stands for what they Learned after reading the text.
progression might look different!
The teacher will tell the students to fill out the K column from what they responded from the images shown and
any other knowledge of events, historical figures, or ideas that come to mind when they hear about the
Renaissance era.
The teacher will help the students fill out the W-part by telling the students, what questions they have, what they
want to know.
Using both strategies, the teacher will activate prior knowledge and give background knowledge.
After discussing the images with the students, the teacher will handout the text the Renaissance by Will Durant.
Grouping is only allowed for students who have trouble reading or need guided reading.
During (Lesson Progression) The teacher will give the students 20 minutes to read the first two chapters.
In this portion of the lesson, you will be The teacher will explain to the students that this is the time to write anything notes on what they are learning from
letting go and letting students engage in the chapters on the L part of the chart.
productive struggle; engaging in gradual Once the class is done reading, we will have a class discussion.
release, inquiry, or other learning
The teacher will discuss with the class what they learned.
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of: The teacher will explain the next assignment.
● Students’ thinking and how they The list is meant to organize and classify the ideas, figures, accomplishments and events of what they just read.
will start the lesson The students will then have to make a list of the accomplishments of the artists from the renaissance.
● Provide appropriate support The instructions are as follows.
(not explaining how to do it) The students will be given names. They must analyze through the chapter to find the answers.
● Provide worthwhile extensions. Artist: Accomplishment: Impact:
● Provide opportunities for
Here is an example.
students to engage in using the
academic language. Artist: Giovanni Boccaccio Accomplishment: Italian poet who created an original writing style. Wrote the
This is where you will be suggesting or famous short stories The Decameron. Impact: Boccaccio influenced future writers by creating original works that

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modeling specific strategies and focused on realistic dialogue and humanism.
helping students choose which strategy Artist included in the list are Petrarch, Boccaccio, Angelo, Da Vinci, Bosch, Donatello, Titian, Chaucer, De Cervantes,
makes sense to them. However, you Alighieri.
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension After completing the list, the class will have a short discussion on the chapters.
This is where you have students talk Before class is dismissed, the students will do a post-reading activity.
about their thinking and share strategies
with the whole class. It’s important to The students will write a reflective personal literary journal responding to a prompt. The students must use a
name strategies and use academic minimum of two terms under each column in the classifying chart.
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to The prompt is: What historical figure do you believe had the most impact during the Renaissance era
broader ideas.
and why?
● Promote a community of
The students then write (practice) on their journal what they learned.
● Listen actively and probe The students are encouraged to share what they wrote if they want.
thinking without evaluating or Class is dismissed.
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, The Renaissance by Will Durant
Equipment and Technology The handout listed below.
Attach a copy of ALL materials the The KWL Chart is listed below as well.
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides,
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.

Classifying Chart

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K- what you know W- what you want to know L- what you learned

September 1, 2020

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