Sarcopenic Obesity in Older Adults
Sarcopenic Obesity in Older Adults
Sarcopenic Obesity in Older Adults
Adults over the age of 65 constitute 13% of the global and mortality, and highlight evidence-based and novel
Sections of General Internal
Medicine and Weight and
population and are the fastest growing demographic therapies targeting this high-risk population.
Wellness, and the Dartmouth subgroup; this group is expected to reach 2.1 billion
Centers for Health and Aging, people in 2050 (ref.1). Within this population, obesity Biological pathways to sarcopenic obesity
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical has steadily increased2,3, and in the United States, 38.5% Age-related changes in body composition. Multiple
Center, Lebanon, NH, USA.
of men and 43.1% of women are currently classified as factors are responsible for changes to body composi-
Geisel School of Medicine at having obesity4. Worldwide, these rising rates presuma- tion with ageing. Body fat increases until the seventh
Dartmouth, The Dartmouth
Institute for Health Policy and
bly offset gains in life expectancy5, with age-adjusted life decade of life and thereafter decreases13,14. Vertebral
Clinical Practice, The Health expectancy dropping by roughly 0.17 years from 2014 to compression results in a reduction in height15, which
Promotion Research Center 2015 (refs6–10). affects anthropometric measures such as BMI. Muscle
and the Norris Cotton Cancer Sarcopenia , which is the loss of muscle mass and mass declines after peaking in the fourth decade16, such
Center, Dartmouth College,
strength or physical function, naturally occurs in ageing. that weight is mostly gained as fat rather than lean mass.
Hanover, NH, USA.
Sarcopenia synergistically worsens the adverse effects of This age-related reduction in lean mass17,18 accounts, in
Division of Endocrinology,
Diabetes and Metabolism,
obesity in older adults, resulting in sarcopenic obesity. part, for reduced resting metabolic rates19. Other aetio-
Baylor College of Medicine, Sarcopenic obesity is appropriately characterized as a logical factors that cause a decline in resting metabolic
Houston, TX, USA. confluence of two epidemics — an ageing population rates include reduced physical activity20, reduced mito-
Center for Translational and rising obesity rates11. As elevated BMI, functional chondrial volume and reduced oxidative capacity21,22.
Research on Inflammatory impairment, increased mortality and reduction in Age-related decreases in the components of total
Diseases, Michael E DeBakey quality of life10 are observationally associated, addressing energy expenditure (such as, resting metabolic rates,
VA Medical Center, Houston,
sarcopenic obesity is important for preventing long- thermic effect of food and physical activity) contribute
term disability in the older adults at high risk12. In this largely to the gradual increase in body fat.
*e-mail: john.batsis@ Review, we describe the aetiology and pathogenesis of The age-related decline in resting metabolic rates sarcopenic obesity, as well as the associated adverse out- can also result from factors independent of changes to
s41574-018-0062-9 comes for aged individuals beyond reduced function body composition, such as adaptive thermogenesis23,24,
Key points physical function in men >65 years of age with age-
reduced levels of testosterone (serum testosterone
• Body composition changes that occur with the ageing process can lead to sarcopenic concentration <275 ng/dl)53. Levels of dehydroepian-
obesity, an increasingly prevalent disorder owing to the increased prevalence of drosterone sulfate, the biological precursor of testoster-
obesity in an ageing population.
one, also decrease with age in both men and women54,55
• Hormonal, inflammatory and myocellular mechanisms impact underlying biological (for a comprehensive review on the effects of testosterone
processes that promote fat deposition and loss of lean mass and strength.
on body composition see ref.56).
• Definitions of sarcopenia and obesity can vary considerably, prompting difficulties in
the diagnosis and epidemiological understanding of sarcopenic obesity as well as the Inflammatory pathways. A number of inflamma-
development of treatment strategies for this disease.
tory pathways are common to muscle and visceral
• Lifestyle interventions including calorie restriction and physical activity consisting of fat. Obesity activates macrophages, mast cells and
aerobic and resistance exercises are the cornerstones of therapy.
T lymphocytes, promoting a low-level inflammation
• Clinicians and researchers need to be aware of weight loss-induced sarcopenia and that results in the secretion of tumour necrosis factor
(TNF), leptin and growth hormone (GH)57–59. All such
• Novel, promising therapies, including weight loss medications, bariatric surgery, secretory changes lead to insulin resistance, which is
whole-body vibration therapy, periodization (a systematic variation in physical
increased by muscle catabolism60, promoting gain in
training specificity, intensity and volume within periods), testosterone, selective
androgen receptor modulators, anamorelin, myostatin inhibitors, vitamin K and
fat mass and a loss of muscle mass57. Leptin upregulates
mesenchymal stem cells, require further investigation. the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF, which
results in a reduction in the anabolic actions of insulin-
like growth factor 1 (IGF1)61. This reduction in IGF1,
which is considered a defence mechanism against weight along with the age-related reductions in testosterone,
loss25. The reduction in energy expenditure as we age is increases the likelihood of incident frailty62. Elevated
not proportionally associated with a reduced drive to cytokine levels observed in hypogonadal states are
eat, which furthers fat build-up and leads to small yearly associated with truncal obesity, which exacerbates the
positive changes in energy balance that might lead to development of sarcopenia44,45. Adiponectin is negatively
weight gain25–27. Considerable inter-individual variabil- correlated with age and obesity and counters the effects
ity to weight loss suggests that adaptive thermogenesis of leptin. Elevated TNF directly inhibits adiponectin63,
plays a part in energy balance28 in sarcopenic obesity. arresting muscle protein synthesis and mitochondrial
The loss of muscle mass,
strength or physical function Muscle mass loss with ageing29 correlates with decreased processes64. Obesity also induces leptin resistance,
with age. resting metabolic rates and metabolic adaptation, which promoting reduced muscle fatty oxidation and ectopic
perpetuates the development of obesity30–32. As most fat deposition65,66.
Oxidative capacity individuals with sarcopenic obesity are sedentary, small
The maximal ability of muscle
to utilize oxygen per g of
changes in their muscle mass can markedly alter daily Myocellular mechanisms. A number of mechanisms
muscle per hour. energy expenditure, which in turn affects adaptive might explain the reduction of muscle mass and strength
thermogenesis and exacerbates a vicious cycle in their in sarcopenic obesity, including type II muscle fibre atro-
Thermic effect of food metabolic development33–36. phy, reduction in motor neurons, collagen deposition
The amount of energy
and fibre necrosis67–70. Older adults (those ≥65 years)
expended owing to the body’s
processing and storage of food. Sex-specific hormonal changes: oestrogen and testos- are at risk of developing anabolic resistance owing to
terone. Sex-specific changes in muscle and fat compo- reduced post-prandial amino acid availability, reduced
Fat-free mass sition are partly due to age-related changes in oestrogen muscle perfusion and a reduced digestive capacity
A term interchangeably used and testosterone. In women, menopause increases body resulting from splanchnic sequestration of amino acids71.
with muscle mass and lean
mass; it refers to the mass of all
weight and fat mass, specifically in visceral areas37, but Ageing stimulates the infiltration of fat into mus-
visceral organs, muscles decreases fat-free mass38. This shift in fat deposition to the cle72,73, which might negatively affect sarcopenia74, as
(smooth and skeletal), bones, centre of the body (which accounts for 15–20% of total described below, and obesity promotes the deposition
ligaments and tendons but fat stores) expands waist circumference and reduces mus- of fat in the liver, heart, pancreas and skeletal muscle
does not include fat that is
cle mass38–40. Oestrogen can attenuate these changes41 by (Fig. 1). The deposition of intramyocellular lipids promotes
present in the marrow of bones
or internal organs. modulating inflammation in skeletal muscle through lipotoxicity and inflammation and induces dediffer-
satellite cell activation42,43. entiation of mesenchymal adipocyte-like progenitor
Waist circumference In males, testosterone promotes muscle regenera- cells that express fatty tissue genes75. The regeneration
An anthropometric measure of tion through satellite cell activation44,45. Testosterone potential of muscle is impaired, which might promote
central obesity (subcutaneous
and visceral) measured at the
levels decline by approximately 1% per year, which fibrosis, thereby promoting insulin resistance76–79, par-
level of the iliac crest. can negatively affect muscle mass and fat distribution tially owing to impaired mitochondrial fatty acid oxi-
in ageing46. Testosterone levels in the highest quartile dation and increased lipolysis76,80. A reduction in the
Visceral fat (496–1,340 nmol/l) are associated with reduced lean number of mitochondria and elevated production of
A measurement of the
muscle loss47 and reduced visceral fat redistribution48 reactive oxygen species occur in muscle following the
adiposity located among
organs within the abdominal in older men aged ≥65 years and in individuals with deposition of intramyocellular lipids. This process can
cavity; it is associated with obesity49. Testosterone increases muscle protein syn- impair muscle function and might reduce the oxidative
inflammation and increased thesis by increasing amino acids utilization in skeletal capacity of muscle81. Potential mechanisms explaining
cardiometabolic risk. muscle and increases androgen receptor expression44,45,50. these changes include age-related reductions in protea-
Intramyocellular lipids
Current data on supplementation for muscle strength- some activity, deficiencies in ubiquitylation and auto-
Fat depositions within the ening are conflicting51,52. A 2016 study reported that phagy and impairments in removing degraded proteins
muscle structure. treatment with testosterone for 1 year did not improve and end products82–84.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
• Testosterone
• Oestrogen
Mesenchymal regeneration
Myostatin progenitor cell
Mast • TNF
cell • IL-6 IGF1
• Leptin
Ectopic T cell
deposition of Intramyocellular • Muscle contractility
fat: lipid deposition Lipotoxicity • Muscle protein
• Liver synthesis
• Pancreas
• Heart
• Other organs
Macrophage Adiponectin Mitochondria
activation function
Fat oxidation Lipolysis
Fig. 1 | A proposed model of mechanisms leading to sarcopenic obesity. The proposed interplay between adipose and
muscle tissue, which is believed to contribute to the development of sarcopenic obesity , is shown. The black lines are
stimulatory , while red lines with flat ends indicate inhibition. IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
Pro-inflammatory lipids also secrete paracrine hor- increase muscle protein synthesis in older adults despite
mones and cytokines that promote a feedforward cycle age-related decreases in anabolic signalling106–109. Muscle
by producing intramyocellular lipids. This lipotoxicity satellite cells located between myofibres and their sur-
impairs muscle fibre contractility and interferes with rounding basal lamina are recruited into existing muscle
muscle protein synthesis, exacerbating sarcopenia82–84. fibres by physical activity110,111. Muscle injury activates
Lipid deposition can also occur in spaces previously satellite cells to regenerate muscle by releasing IGF1,
occupied by muscle, impairing new muscle tissue fibroblast growth factor and mechano growth factor, all
growth. One study reported an increase in intramyo- of which stimulate the differentiation and proliferation of
cellular lipid deposition after young, healthy men and muscle satellite cells112,113. Circulating inflammatory bio-
women aged 19–28 years were exposed to 30 days of leg markers, including IL-6, C-reactive protein and TNF, are
disuse, which resulted in lower extremity muscle mass downregulated by aerobic exercise and strength train-
loss85. This finding could be due to skeletal muscle pref- ing, although the relationship is less clear with combined
erentially depositing fat for a source of energy as opposed aerobic and resistance activities114–118. Elevated levels of
to glucose86,87. While muscle cells can regenerate through IL-6 and TNF and low levels of IGF1 are associated
satellite mesenchymal progenitor cells, their numbers with reduced muscle mass, reduced muscle strength,
decline with age, which contributes to reduced muscle reduced muscle mobility and reduced muscle function,
function88,89. Myostatin can be upregulated in skeletal suggesting a marked role of exercise in attenuating these
muscle, inhibiting muscle genesis90. In sum, individuals muscular changes with ageing117,119,120.
with obesity are at risk of inflammation, which can lead Aerobic activity can improve the oxidative capacity
to the preferential mobilization of muscle instead of fat91. of muscle by counteracting the negative effect of intra
myocellular lipids and accelerating lipolysis, which results
The role of exercise. Exercise can affect hormonal bal- in an increase in capillary density121. The synthesis of
ance, reduce oxidative stress, induce mitochondrial mitochondria in myocytes is upregulated to meet the
synthesis, alter immunological and motor function and demands associated with an increase in capillary density,
improve muscle oxidative capacity92–95. Increased muscle which in turn leads to increased oxygen extraction
Myostatin protein synthesis with exercise sensitizes muscle insu- and metabolism122 through the induction of calcium and
A transforming growth factor- lin action and promotes anabolism96–100. Sarcopenia is metabolic signalling pathways such as those involv-
related protein that is associated with reduced muscle protein synthesis, partly ing 5′-AMP-activated serine/threonine-protein kinase
synthesized and secreted in
skeletal muscle and negatively
owing to decreased anabolic stimulation (which can (AMPK) and sirtuins123. These mediators stimulate
regulates muscle mass and result from a lack of regular exercise). Aerobic exercise101, mitochondrial production, which promotes improved
function. resistance training 102–104 and their combination 105 fatty acid metabolism124.
Myocyte apoptosis can be abrogated by physical the effects of aerobic activity in patients who had recov-
activity125,126, while mechanisms of cellular quality con- ered from breast cancer reported that individuals who
trol, including autophagy, mitophagy and mitochondri- were randomized to the aerobic exercise group demon-
ogenesis127, contribute to the development of sarcopenic strated reductions in insulin and leptin and increases in
obesity and could be potential targets for therapy. the adiponectin:leptin ratio but no significant changes
Reduced cytokine production can lead to improved in adiponectin compared with participants in the usual
glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and muscle pro- activity group148. These results parallel those from studies
tein synthesis, which might dampen the progression of in inactive men aged 65–82 years who were overweight.
sarcopenic obesity. Investigators assigned participants to partake in vary-
Ageing leads to reduced cardiopulmonary status ing intensities of resistance exercises. The investigators
owing to inefficient oxygen extraction and a concomi- reported no alterations in concentrations of leptin, but
tant reduction in metabolically active muscle mass128. participants had intensity-dependent changes in adiponec-
Peak oxygen consumption is potentially inversely tin139,145 — high-intensity resistance training led to an
related to frailty129,130, suggesting that improvements increase in the concentrations of adiponectin for 24 hours
in VO2 max following aerobic training counteract after exercise in inactive adults who were overweight139.
frailty131,132. Following a 12-week diet–exercise interven-
tion in male and female frail adults with obesity aged Summary of mechanisms. The core biological factors
69 ± 1 years, investigators reported reduced skeletal that underlie sarcopenic obesity are age-related changes
muscle levels of mRNA for TLR4, IL6 and TNF, increased in metabolism and body composition and the presence
mechano growth factor mRNA and increased fat-free of concurrent environmental obesogenic factors and
mass in the exercise group, and these results were inde- physical illnesses that develop with the ageing process.
pendent of weight loss133. Separately, resistance exercises Incremental metabolic changes over time promote fat
resulted in increased TNF mRNA and protein from skel- deposition with a pro-inflammatory cascade of events.
etal muscle biopsy samples in frail adults134. Expression In tandem, crosstalk with biologically active muscle tis-
of skeletal muscle TNF, IL-1β and nitric oxide synthase, sue leads to a negative feedback cycle that promotes pro-
inducible in patients with heart failure was reduced fol- gressive gain in fat mass and loss of lean mass and muscle
lowing aerobic training, suggesting that aerobic exercise strength. In a pre-frail and frail population, a strategy
has anti-inflammatory effects135. Furthermore, a 12-week combining physical training and nutritional intervention
aerobic and resistance programme increased serum levels was more likely to result in stable or reduced IL-6 lev-
of ghrelin and adiponectin by 47% and 55%, respectively, els in individuals who demonstrated improved physical
and reduced circulating levels of CD14+ and CD16+ performance than in those with lower physical perfor-
inflammatory monocytes, adding additional evidence to mance149. Calorie restriction and physical activity might
the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise136. impede and halt these processes. While we have a better
Resistance exercise increases the number and size of understanding of the role of physical activity in reversing
fast twitching muscle fibres (IIA and IIX), which improve sarcopenic obesity, the effect of a lifetime of inactivity on
glucose metabolism in muscle and muscle protein synthe- the development of sarcopenic obesity is still unclear.
sis102,103,137–139. Muscle protein synthesis is also improved by
nutrient-stimulated vasodilation and nutrient transport Assessing body composition
to local muscle myofibrils112,124. Muscle fascicle length Gold standard methods to assess body composition,
and muscle tendon stiffness reportedly increased after including CT and MRI, allow clinicians to accurately
strength training (leg press and extension) over 14 weeks analyse adipose tissue and muscle mass150 (Fig. 2). Steven
in a cohort of men and women aged over 65 years140. In a Heymsfield and colleagues have argued the impor
study of eight young adults (aged 18–29 years) and seven tance of using measures beyond muscle mass when
older adults (aged 67–81 years), isometric knee extension diagnosing sarcopenic obesity151. The strengths and
at varying degrees of maximal voluntary contraction fol- limitations of each method to assess body composition
lowed by a 6-week resistance programme demonstrated to diagnose sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity have been
early increases of isometric knee extensor maximal force reviewed elsewhere152–155.
(which is a marker of voluntary muscle contraction) and Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is recom-
VO2 max increases in motor unit discharge rates (which is a magni- mended for the assessment of appendicular lean mass in
The maximal amount of tude of the speed of neural activation)141. Resistance train- the diagnosis of sarcopenia156 owing to its affordability,
oxygen used per kg of body
weight during maximal
ing has also been shown to reduce levels of cytokines, availability and diagnostic accuracy157. DXA correlates
exercise. such as resistin, leptin and IL-6 (ref.142). well with gold standard measures of body composition,
Leptin and adiponectin stimulate and inhibit, respec- such as MRI, and with bioelectrical impedance, which
Lean mass tively, the deposition of intramuscular lipids (Fig. 1); can also measure fat and segmental muscle mass158–160.
A term that refers to the mass
however, defining their precise roles in physical activity Assessments of lean mass are highly reproducible and
of all visceral organs, muscles
(smooth and skeletal), bones, continues to be challenging. For instance, the concen- can be used for clinical monitoring, while a detailed
ligaments and tendons but tration of leptin in the systemic circulation is suppressed assessment of visceral fat is not as accurate150,161–163.
excludes fat from bone. following resistance exercise143 but also in individuals In a 2013 report by the International Society for Clinical
with overweight or obesity following a physical training Densitometry, the recommendation to perform DXA for
Appendicular lean mass
Muscle mass consisting of the
intervention143–145. Resistance training seems to be more assessing total body composition and for a regional ana
sum of the upper and lower efficient in reducing leptin levels than aerobic training lysis of fat and muscle in patients with muscle weakness
limbs. alone146, though conflicting evidence exists147. A study into or poor physical function was categorized as fair157.
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© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Body composition modalities have advantages and showed that definitions for sarcopenia were highly
disadvantages in assessing changes in fat or muscle dependent on mathematical thresholds, reference pop-
distribution. We suggest DXA for research purposes, ulations and muscle mass definitions. A comparison
as it is more readily available to provide the necessary of the rates of sarcopenic obesity using bioelectrical
information. If DXA is unavailable, a stand-alone or impedance to define sarcopenia and percentage of body
portable bioelectrical impedance system can be used. fat to define obesity showed increasing rates with age196.
We advocate caution when using bioelectrical imped- In another study, the authors identified individuals
ance equations; they must account for age, sex, levels of with a BMI ≥35 kg/m2 and evaluated the prevalence of
physical activity, body fat and ethnicity. Feasible anthro- sarcopenic obesity using DXA-defined body fat in 120
pometric indices as surrogates for adiposity, including predominantly female adults (46.9 ± 11.0 years). The
BMI and waist circumference, have poor sensitivity. investigators reported rates that ranged from 0–84.5%
In one study, BMI correctly classified 41.0% of men and in women to 0–100% in males depending upon the defi-
45.1% of women as being obese and waist circumference nition applied197. In a population-based cohort using
correctly classified 64.2% of men and 81.0% of women as National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
being obese194. We believe that anthropometric measures (NHANES) data that applied the aforementioned FNIH
should be used with great caution when assessing body criteria for appendicular lean mass, rates of sarcopenic
composition and only if other imaging is unavailable. obesity were 12.6% in men and 33.5% in women. The
With ageing, fat preferentially accumulates both vis- rates of sarcopenic obesity increased with age, reaching
cerally and ectopically rather than as abdominal subcu- 48.0% and 27.5% in females and males, respectively, in
taneous fat. Rapid accumulation of intra-abdominal fat those aged over 80 years198. In a cohort of individuals
is exacerbated by physical inactivity, hormonal changes, from South Korea’s Korean Sarcopenic Obesity Study, an
reduced responsiveness to thyroid hormone and leptin ongoing epidemiological, prospective cohort of healthy
resistance186. As central fat accumulation predominates, volunteers aged 20–80 years, prevalence of sarcopenic
and loss of muscle occurs peripherally, the prototype obesity ranged from 1.3–15.4% in men to 0.8–22.3%
of sarcopenic obesity is easily recognized (‘fat frail’). in women199.
This prototype is not inconsistent with intramuscular The prevalence of low muscle strength with obesity is
fat accumulation, which contributes to inflammation, less clear. Data from the InCHIANTI study noted rates
Knee extensor strength mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance within of 3.2–8.7% using the low knee extensor strength with
A measure of lower extremity
muscle and reduces muscle protein synthesis74,195. either high BMI or waist circumferrence200. Investigators
strength. The test is performed
using a dynamometer with the from the Cardiovascular Health Study used low grip
participant sitting with hips and Prevalence of sarcopenic obesity strength and high waist circumference to define low
knees flexed at 90°; the A shortcoming in ascertaining accurate prevalence muscle strength and obesity. Rates approached 11.1%201,
participant extends his or her rates for sarcopenic obesity is the lack of a consistent while data from FNIH classified 4.1% of men and 14.0%
knee and pushes against a
resistance pad — the results
definition for either sarcopenia or obesity. A review of of women as having sarcopenic obesity using high BMI
are measured in kilograms eight definitions for sarcopenic obesity noted a 19-fold and low grip strength as measures of obesity and low
or pounds. to 26-fold variation in sex-specific rates178. The analysis muscle strength, respectively202. Overlap using different
Disability or impairments. Richard Baumgartner and Metabolic impairments. A study from the South Korean
colleagues were the first to characterize the association NHANES conducted an evaluation of sarcopenia
between sarcopenia (as defined by appendicular lean (as defined by muscle mass) with obesity (as defined by
mass) and percent body fat on incident disability191. a BMI ≥25 kg/m2). The authors reported that individu-
In their analysis, when compared with a healthy body als with sarcopenic obesity were at an increased risk of
composition, sarcopenic obesity was associated with a dyslipidaemia (OR 2.82, 95% CI 1.76–4.51)214 and had
relative risk of incident disability over 8 years that was significant positive associations with insulin resistance as
2.63 (95% CI 1.19–5.85). In addition, when compared defined by HOMA scores and triglycerides215. In another
with a healthy body composition, a combination of obe- study, low handgrip strength and high waist circumference
sity, as defined by percentage of body fat, with low mus- and/or BMI were significantly associated with elevated
cle mass represented odds ratios of difficulty ascending levels of IL-6, C-reactive protein and IL-1 (ref.57) but con-
and descending stairs that were 2.60 and 2.35 higher, flicted with results using the FNIH criteria to define low
respectively203. The Concord Health and Aging project204 lean mass216. By contrast, low muscle strength (as defined
used the FNIH criteria for sarcopenia with elevated body by the FNIH criteria) with an elevated BMI was not asso-
fat to evaluate frailty and reported that sarcopenic obe- ciated with differences in metabolic components among
sity resulted in an increased risk of frailty (OR 2.00, 95% groups of postmenopausal women aged 55–75 years217.
CI 1.42–2.82), activity of daily living disability (OR 1.58,
95% CI 1.12–2.24) and instrumental activity of daily liv- Comorbidities. Individuals with sarcopenic obesity
ing disability (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.05–1.76). The above have a higher risk (OR 3.51, 95% CI 2.15–5.75) of radio
results contrast with an earlier cross-sectional study graphic knee osteoarthritis218 than individuals in the
that defined sarcopenic obesity by low muscle mass non-sarcopenic obesity group. One study reported that
and elevated body fat and did not demonstrate differ- risk of falling was highest in individuals with low muscle
ences in disability compared with controls205. Another mass and/or strength with obesity as defined by percent-
group used DXA to assess body mass and its relation- age of body fat219, but spine and total BMD were lower in
ship with physical capacity and found mixed results188. individuals who were sarcopenic obese and dynapenic
Data from the Quebec Longitudinal Study applied defi- obese than in individuals with obesity alone220. A study
nitions of sarcopenic obesity comprising Baumgarter’s that evaluated participants over 6 years reported that the
definitions of sarcopenia and obesity as defined by body combination of obesity as defined by BMI and low hand-
fat191 and found global physical capacity scores were grip strength suggested an increased risk of type 2 diabe-
no different between obese groups (sarcopenia versus tes mellitus (OR 3.57, 95% CI 2.04–6.24), an association
non- s arcopenia (P = 0.14 in men and P = 0.19 in that was not observed with cardiovascular disease221. The
women)), but lower scores were observed than with the rate of depression has been reported as being highest in
non-sarcopenic non-obese group (P < 0.05)188. Women patients with sarcopenic obesity (defined as low handgrip
with sarcopenia alone had higher scores than people with strength and obesity defined by BMI) (OR 1.79, 95% CI
obesity without sarcopenia and than individuals 1.10–2.89) over 4 years222 compared with non-obese indi-
with obesity and sarcopenia (P < 0.01). viduals in the highest tertile of grip strength. These data
Muscle strength is a stronger predictor of long-term were confirmed in another study that defined sarcopenic
functional decline than muscle mass206. Data from the obesity as low muscle mass or muscle strength, with obe-
Osteoarthritis Initiative showed that a combination of sity defined by percentage of body fat223. Individuals with
low knee extensor strength with high BMI was asso- low muscle mass and high waist circumference had worse
ciated with reduced gait speed and reduced Late-Life psychological health and higher stress than individuals
Function and Disability Index and Short Form-12 with normal muscle mass and normal waist circumfer-
scores207, which indicate a lower degree of physical ence. Finally, an area of interest for researchers now is
function208 and decreased self-reported health status209. the role of sarcopenic obesity in cancer224, which further
Low handgrip strength and elevated BMI were strongly demonstrates its relationship with adverse health events.
associated with an increased risk of functional decline210.
In addition, data from the UK Biobank study found an asso- Mortality. Epidemiological studies investigating the
ciation between high BMI, low grip strength and reduced relationship between sarcopenic obesity and mortality
long-term physical activity211. Data from the InCHIANTI have reported conflicting results198,204,221,225–228. A longi-
study showed that mobility disability trajectories and gait tudinal study from 2017 demonstrated small differences
speed over 6 years were steepest in individuals with obesity in all-cause mortality between obesity as defined by both
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
BMI and low muscle strength and low muscle strength individuals with normal indices236. The EuroQOL score was
alone229. Others showed that mortality was significantly dependent on cardiovascular fitness rather than sarcopenic
elevated in people with sarcopenic obesity, which was obesity237. Future studies need to focus on health-related
defined using mid-arm circumference (HR 1.46, 95% quality of life and patient-reported outcomes in sarcopenic
CI 1.23–1.73) and muscle strength with waist circumfer- obesity before we are able to draw firm conclusions.
ence (HR 1.23, 95% CI 1.09–1.38)230. Sarcopenic obesity
(defined by muscle mass assessed by bioelectrical imped- Institutionalization and health-care utilization. Few
ance and percentage of body fat) was associated with studies, and no known longitudinal studies, have eval-
an increased mortality (HR 1.29, 95% CI 1.03–1.60)230. uated the relationship between sarcopenic obesity and
Muscle strength also affects mortality independent of institutionalization. Peggy Cawthon and colleagues238
muscle mass. Investigators from the Health, Aging and reported that neither sarcopenia nor the components
Body Composition study reported that low quadri- that define weakness increased the risk of hospitalization
ceps strength was associated with increased mortal- or short-term nursing facility stay. A population-based
ity231. Similar results were reported in another study cohort study that defined sarcopenia using the EWGSOP
that showed that reduced leg isometric strength and criteria found an increased incidence of long-term care
increased waist circumference were associated with certification in patients with sarcopenia239. Low muscle
increased mortality232 (HR 2.46, 95% CI 1.34–4.52). mass or strength is causally associated with long-term
These results were further corroborated in the Mini- care placement. The relationship with obesity is clearer,
Finland Health Examination Study, which also showed whereby an elevated BMI is associated with admission
that reduced muscle strength is associated with to a nursing home240. Midlife obesity also increases the
increased mortality (HR 1.30, 95% CI 1.09–1.54)228. Cut- risk of long-term care placement241, an association that
offs specific to individuals from South Korea predicted persists in older adults with obesity242.
higher mortality risk than the FNIH cut-off233. Finally,
a recent meta-analysis found that mortality was high- Treatments for sarcopenic obesity
est in patients with sarcopenic obesity (HR 1.24, 95% Lifestyle interventions, including calorie restriction and
CI 1.12–1.37) compared with healthy individuals, but physical activity, are hallmarks of treating sarcopenic
the authors acknowledged that they had used multiple obesity (Table 2). Few clinical trials specifically focus on
definitions of sarcopenic obesity in their study230. sarcopenic obesity243; however, intentional weight loss in
older adults improves morbidity and physical function186.
Quality of life. Few studies have evaluated the effect of Following a meta-analysis of randomized trials of adults
sarcopenic obesity on quality of life. Sarcopenic obesity with obesity aged ≥55 years, which had follow-up times of
(as defined by low appendicular lean mass normalized for ≥4 years, investigators reported a 16% reduction in mor-
height2 and increased BMI) was associated with unfavour- tality (95% CI 0.71–0.99)243. In the United States, while
able scores on the Medical Outcomes Survey234. Another Medicare covers weight loss therapy244, no major societies
study reported no differences in Short Form-36 scores, outline targeted therapies for sarcopenic obesity187,245.
which provide a measure of quality of life235, between Dennis Villareal’s work best corresponds to partic-
individuals with obesity and low handgrip strength and ipants with sarcopenic obesity as defined by obesity
a PPT score b FSQ score and motivational interviewing249. Weight loss trials tend
25 ** 16 ** to restrict calories by 500–1,000 kcal per day250. Initial
Change from baseline (%)
weight loss, such as consumption before exercise or
spreading out of protein during the day, can prevent
c Lean mass d Strength weight loss-induced sarcopenia247,250. Energy deficits
1 25 created by acute calorie restriction could downregu-
Change from baseline (%)
intake (1.2 g of protein per kg per day) during weight
loss might eliminate the beneficial effect of weight loss
Fig. 3 | Mean percentage changes in physical function and lean mass during the on insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle258. Distributing
weight loss interventions. Measures used included a physical performance test (PPT) protein intake throughout the day259 or pulse feeding at
(scores range from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating better functional status) (part a); main meals260 could be beneficial for the stimulation of
the Functional Status Questionnaire (FSQ) (scores range from 0 to 36, with higher scores muscle protein synthesis in patients with sarcopenic
indicating better functional status) (part b); lean mass (part c); and strength (measured as obesity.
total one repetition maximum (that is, the total of the maximum weight a participant can The PROT-Age group recommends 1.0–1.1 g/kg
lift, in one attempt, in the bicep curl, bench press, seated row , knee extension, knee protein per day in divided doses, acknowledging
flexion and leg press)) (part d). Scores on the PPT were used as an objective measure that a ‘one size fits all protein recommendation’ fails
of frailty (primary outcome), and scores on the FSQ were used as a subjective measure of
to account for the complex physiological changes of
frailty. Percentage changes are presented as least-squares–adjusted means; T bars
indicate standard errors. *P < 0.05 for the comparison with the control group. **P < 0.05 ageing71. Generally, 25.0–30.0 g of protein contain-
for the comparison with the aerobic group. ***P < 0.05 for the comparison with the ing 2.5–2.8 g of leucine can slow frailty 261,262. Early
resistance group. Figure adapted with permission from ref.247, New England Journal of pilot studies demonstrate that meals enhanced with
Medicine, Villareal, D. T. et al. Aerobic or resistance exercise, or both in dieting obese protein and coupled with a weight loss intervention
older adults, 376, 1943–1955 Copyright © (2017) Massachusetts Medical Society. improve physical function 263. For example, a high-
Reprinted with permission. protein diet in conjunction with resistance training
preserved appendicular lean mass during weight loss264.
In a pilot study, participants with sarcopenic obesity
with evidence of physical frailty246,247. In this cohort of undergoing a weight loss programme augmented by
patients, weight loss alone or exercise alone improved a high-protein diet showed improvements in muscle
physical function; however, a combination of weight strength and Short Form-36 scores (ref.265). We need
loss and regular exercise improved physical function further evidence to support the effect of supplemental
and ameliorated frailty more than either intervention protein on functional outcomes in patients with sar-
alone246. Moreover, another study reported that weight copenic obesity266–268. High-protein diets consisting
loss plus combined aerobic and resistance exercise was of 1.0–1.2 g per kg per day should be prescribed with
the most effective method for improving functional caution to prevent renal dysfunction269 as evidenced by
status of adults aged 65 years and older with obesity247 observational data270–272, as higher doses have recently
(Fig. 3). Hung‐Ting Chen and colleagues248 evaluated four demonstrated no changes in lean mass273. We recom-
groups of individuals with sarcopenic obesity according mend the importance of ensuring adequate protein
to different exercise interventions (aerobic, resistance, intake in countering weight loss-induced sarcopenia
combined aerobic and resistance), and controls who in individuals with sarcopenic obesity participating in
were prohibited from engaging in exercise, and demon- programmes. Careful medical monitoring and dietary
strated that individuals in the resistance training group planning are required when optimizing protein intake
had the greatest improvements in strength. while limiting calorie restriction, and this often needs
to be administered under the auspices of a registered
Dietary strategies: calorie restriction and protein dietician with expertise in this population. The chal-
supplementation. Dieticians are multidisciplinary team lenges in limiting calories are recognized, and hence we
members integral to developing lifestyle interventions believe that alternative approaches are crucially needed
whose delivery is often grounded in behavioural theories to augment muscle mass and strength.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Resistance training and aerobic exercise. Several pro- hypertrophy group or a high-speed circuit group for
fessional societies3,187,245,274 recommend that all older 15 weeks289. High-speed circuit training was associated
adults engage in at least 150 min per week of moderate with nonsignificant improvements between groups in
to vigorous aerobic exercise, with two sessions of resist- short performance physical battery (mean difference 1.1,
ance exercises consisting of strength training, flexibility 95% CI –0.1 to 2.4; P = 0.08) and power (mean difference
and balance. Aerobic exercise and resistance training are 158 W, 95% CI 2–315; P = 0.01). We note that while these
safe, even in patients who are at a high risk of falling275. trials enrolled patients with sarcopenic obesity in each
Aerobic exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness and arm, they are small, short-term studies.
has beneficial effects on mortality276–278. Even mini- Other exercise therapies, including tai chi or yoga,
mal resistance exercise improves muscle strength and could potentially be beneficial; however, to our knowl-
mass279,280, and progressive resistance exercises counter edge, no studies have evaluated these modalities in
sarcopenia by increasing strength. As with any exercise sarcopenic obesity. Tai chi and The Otago Exercise
programme, clinical consultation and medical clearance Programme (a home-based balance and strength fall
is advised. prevention programme) have been shown to be effec-
A Cochrane review reporting physical outcomes of tive at preventing falls and improving physical function,
progressive resistance exercises for older people identi- mobility and functional measures of lower extremity
fied 33 trials that significantly improved physical abilities strength in older adults291. A meta-analysis of 18 trials
(standardized mean difference 0.14, 95% CI 0.05–0.22) in (n = 3,824), including study participants greater than
2,172 participants, with improvements in muscle strength 65 years who participated in tai chi for a minimum of
(standardized mean difference 0.84, 95% CI 0.67–1.00) in 4 weeks (range 1–12 months) 1–3 times per week,
73 trials281 (3,059 participants). The LIFE study282, a struc- demonstrated a reduction in falls of 20% (relative
tured, moderate-intensity physical activity programme, risk (RR) 0.8, 95% CI 0.72–0.88)292. In addition, yoga
demonstrated reduced persistent mobility disability has been shown to improve mobility in participants
(HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.57–0.91) compared with a health 60 years of age and older, with no restriction on their char-
education programme. Evaluation of four groups of men acteristics, whose follow-up ranged from 8 to 24 weeks
and women aged 60–75 years with sarcopenia demon- (total duration 8–36 hours of yoga)293. A meta-analysis
strated that 2 days of high-resistance concentric exercise of 28 studies demonstrated a positive effect of aquatic
with one bout of low-resistance exercise increased muscle exercises on physical functioning (RR 0.70, 95%
expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine receptors, max- CI 0.48–0.92) compared with no training (control
imized muscle mass and total lean mass and improved group)294. Furthermore, the data suggested that aquatic
knee extension283. A secondary subset analysis of the LIFE exercises are as effective as land-based exercises (stand-
pilot study found that the short physical performance ardized mean difference 0.39, 95% CI 0.12–0.66). Finally,
battery — an objective assessment tool for the evaluation while training until failure might be an approach for
of lower extremity function (higher score equals better muscle strengthening and endurance295, we generally
function)284 — of patients with sarcopenia improved recommend exercising until fatigue rather than fail-
from 7.4 to 8.7 when compared with the successful ageing ure, as exercising until failure can increase the risk of
group285. Although the LIFE study is considered a stand- musculoskeletal injury.
ard for physical activity in older adults282, we acknowledge We advocate individualized exercise treatment for
its lack of evidence in sarcopenic obesity and the lack of patients with sarcopenic obesity because of the associ-
power in this pilot trial. ated medical comorbidity and disability. As previously
High-intensity resistance training combined with described, the exercise programme296 should begin at
short resting intervals improves body composition, a fairly low-to-moderate intensity, duration and fre-
muscle and functional performance in men aged quency to minimize injury and maximize adherence;
68 ± 4.1 years286. High-speed resistance training over this approach progressively induces exercise adapta-
12 weeks induced greater improvements in muscle power tions246,247. Aerobic activity should target ~65% of the
and functional capacity than low-speed training287. In this peak heart rate, aiming to reach 70–85% of peak heart
study of 60 women of Hispanic descent aged over 60 years, rate over the duration of the exercise regimen. Resistance
high-speed training consisted of individuals performing activities, on the other hand, should focus on 1–2 sets of
exercises as fast as possible (1 second or less) and was 8–12 repetitions at ~65% of one repetition maximum,
compared with low-speed resistance training (3 seconds). which is defined as the maximal amount of force a
The authors of this study also demonstrated that two person generates in a single repetition, with the aim of
versus three training sessions per week for 12 weeks of advancing to a goal of 2–3 sets of 75% of one repetition
high-speed resistance training were equally effective for maximum over time. These activities are recommended
improving physical performance and quality of life288. even for frail, older adults246,247.
High-velocity knee extension training at 240° of move-
ment per second increases the expression of MYH6 and Calorie restriction and physical activity. A trial of older
MYH9 mRNA and improves muscle enhancement138. adults with obesity247 consisted of a hypocaloric diet with
The effect of power training (moving resistance at an energy deficit of 500–750 kcal per day on average, 1 g
higher speed) on function requires further investi- high-quality protein, plus either 60 min of progressive
gation289,290. A pilot study of patients with sarcopenic aerobic exercise and resistance training or 75–90 min
obesity (defined using EWGSOP criteria for sarcopenia of both aerobic exercise and resistance training, three
and BMI for obesity) were randomized to a strength and times a week. The findings demonstrated increases in
physical performance test scores (higher score equals serum concentrations of adiponectin (6.9 μg/ml for
higher level of function), more so in the combined aer- individuals in the group without aerobic activity versus
obic and resistance exercise group (27.9 to 33.4 points 8.5 μg/ml for individuals in the group with aerobic
(21% increase)) than in the aerobic (29.3 to 33.2 points activity (P < 0.001))305. Levels of adiponectin were also
(14% increase)) or resistance group (28.8 to 32.7 points elevated following a multicomponent, randomized life-
(14% increase)) alone. Other activities for weight loss style intervention study that investigated the mRNA
therapy in older adults reflect similar components and expression of adiponectin and its receptor in skeletal
outcomes and have produced similar findings250,297. muscle in adults with impaired glucose tolerance who
There are few multicomponent studies in patients with were aged ≥60 years and had a BMI of 30–40 kg/m2
sarcopenic obesity. A meta-analysis showed that aerobic (ref.306). These data suggest that improved insulin sen-
exercise and resistance were useful tools to preserve fat- sitivity is due, in part, to the distribution of adiponectin
free mass in adults aged ≥50 years who were engaged in across various tissues and an upregulation in the expres-
a moderate energy restriction-induced weight loss pro- sion of its receptor. Other conflicting data suggest that
gramme298. Increased muscle mass and reduced total and in patients with knee osteoarthritis, weight training
visceral fat over an 8-week intervention were observed in combined with walking three times a week for 1 hour
predominantly female individuals, whose mean age was does not have any significant effect on levels of TNF,
69 years, with sarcopenic obesity engaged in resistance IL-6 or C-reactive protein307. The addition of weight loss
training248. A resistance programme of participants ful- of 0.3 kg per week for 6 months to physical activity in
filling the EWGSOP criteria for sarcopenia and obesity older community-dwelling adults with obesity or over-
as defined by percentage body fat demonstrated reduced weight results in a greater reduction in serum levels of
rates of sarcopenia and improved physical function fol- leptin and IL-6 than either physical activity alone or a
lowing three training sessions weekly over a 12-week successful ageing health education intervention308.
period compared with a control group receiving no
intervention297. A combined treatment of diet and exer- Risks of weight loss in older adults
cise improved physical function in frail older men with Energy restriction with a hypocaloric diet with or without
obesity aged ≥65 years for 1 year, despite resulting in a exercise results in the loss of approximately one-quarter of
reduction in oestradiol levels and only a modest increase lean mass per unit weight, which could worsen sarcopenia
in testosterone levels299. and osteopenia154. A total of 33 intervention studies lasting
Combining both diet and exercise can positively 8–24 weeks reported that unopposed calorie restriction
improve adipose markers of adiponectin and signif- without resistance training leads to the loss of muscle mass
icantly reduce leptin levels. In response to a 6-month and loss of handgrip strength of up to 4.6% and 1.7 kg,
randomized diet and exercise intervention, levels of respectively309. Unopposed diet therapy without exercise in
C-reactive protein and IL-6 decreased in older adults older frail adults ≥65 years with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2)
(age ≥65 years) with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) com- led to a marked loss of lean mass at 6 months and 1 year
pared with controls (−2.5 versus 0.8 mg/l (P < 0.05) and (−3.5 kg and −3.2 kg, respectively) compared with the diet
−2.4 versus 1.6 pg/ml (P < 0.05), respectively)300. Yet, the and exercise group, where the loss of lean mass was par-
positive effects on circulating cytokines, adiponectin tially mitigated (−1.7 kg and −1.8 kg, respectively)246. In the
and TNF were due to diet and not exercise301, which is Look AHEAD trial, total skeletal mass decreased in both
consistent with the direct effect of exercise on or within of the intensive lifestyle groups and in the diabetes support
muscle not being reflected in the circulation 133,134. and education group (−1.4 kg; P < 0.001). The researchers
A study that investigated the effect of diet or diet and reported that patients in the intervention group regained
exercise interventions in individuals aged 50–79 years appendicular lean mass during the second year and that
with overweight or obesity reported that levels of adipo weight loss was 5.2 kg less in the intervention group than
nectin increased in individuals with overweight or in participants in the control group, whose weight did
obesity compared with controls (diet resulted in 9.5% not markedly change after the second year310. A review of
increase in adiponectin (P < 0.001), and diet and exercise 52 studies reported that loss of fat-free mass as a propor-
resulted in a 6.6% increase in adiponectin (P < 0.001)). tion of overall weight was attenuated after combining
Furthermore, levels of leptin in individuals with obesity exercise with calorie restriction298.
or overweight decreased by 27.1% in the diet group and Weight loss in younger adults (age 45–65 years) led to
40.1% in the diet and exercise group302. loss of lean mass after calorie restriction (4% reduction
Investigators in the LIFE pilot study reported that in lean mass; P < 0.0001), which was partially lessened by
individuals in the physical activity group had reductions augmentation with aerobic activity (2% reduction in lean
in IL-8 but no differences in other inflammatory mass in participants who had augmented weight loss
markers 303. A 12-week aerobic exercise regime in with aerobic activity; P = 0.05)311. One study evaluated
combination with a low glycaemic index diet or high the effectiveness of low-fat diets versus carbohydrate-
glycaemic index diet resulted in reductions in leptin lev- restricted diets with or without progressive resistance
els in two groups of participants who had elevated levels exercise on fat-free mass in 42 men with the metabolic
of adiponectin, suggesting that the reductions in leptin syndrome whose age was 59 ± 7 years. Percent weight
were a result of exercise training and independent of loss from appendicular lean mass dropped markedly
dietary glycaemic index304. Another study reported that more in the low-fat and no exercise group than in the
in postmenopausal women with overweight or obesity, other groups, suggesting that this intervention has a
adding aerobic activity to calorie restriction increased detrimental effect on appendicular lean mass312.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Obesity is inversely related to BMD and fractures313 function331 and proximal muscle weakness332 through the
but might increase the fracture risk through bone actions of vitamin D metabolites333. Vitamin D deficiency
quality314,315 or frailty132,316 independent of BMD. Adipose is associated with an increased risk of falls and fractures,
tissue has been shown to be inversely associated with bone and reduced muscle mass and strength334–338, independ-
material strength and positively associated with cortical ent of obesity. We agree with the American Geriatrics
porosity, indicating an adverse effect of adipose tissue on Society recommendation of 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 per
bone microstructure317. Calorie restriction alters bone day with calcium among non-institutionalized adults
metabolism, resulting in the loss of BMD in the hip with- aged ≥65 years334, to maintain serum levels of vitamin D
out effects on lumbar spine318, even after a 4-month restric- at ≥30 ng/ml.
tion319. Increases in bone markers such as osteocalcin
and of carboxy-terminal telopeptide (C-telopeptide) and Future directions and emerging therapies
N-terminal telopeptide (N-telopeptide) of type I collagen We anticipate that a deeper understanding of sarcopenic
were observed. Levels of osteocalcin were increased in obesity will emerge over the next decade, which will ulti-
the diet-only group (36 ± 11.6%), yet its levels were no mately bridge the divide between clinical practice and
different than baseline in individuals on diet coupled research. Here, we outline the major gaps of knowledge
with exercise; increased differences were reported in and advancements needed to further the field (Box 1).
the disposition index (an index of insulin secretion after
correction for insulin resistance) in the diet–exercise Harmonizing a definition. The most notable barrier
group (92.4 ± 11.4%) compared with the diet-only group to advancing the science in targeting this condition is
(61.9 ± 15.3%) at 12 months320. Loss of BMD in older the lack of a consistent definition for sarcopenic obesity.
adults with obesity seems to continue during long-term While the criteria for identifying and classifying subcu-
lifestyle change in the opposite direction to the weight taneous or visceral adiposity are somewhat consistent,
changes321. These findings suggest that BMD and markers major progress is needed regarding the definition of
of bone turnover following long-term calorie restriction sarcopenia. Advancing our understanding of the rel-
show larger changes in patients than in healthy control ative contributions of strength and muscle mass — as
participants advised to continue their current diet322. well as their differences — might help. The introduction
In one study, the authors reported that trabecular in 2016 of an International Classification of Diseases 10
bone microarchitecture was no different in calorie- code for sarcopenia (M62.84) will permit clinical recog-
restricted participants (~35% less calories than controls) nition and promote its diagnosis, classification and drug
than in middle-aged individuals eating a Western diet323. development339,340. Different populations, ethnicities and
Furthermore, trabecular geometry, cortical geometry sexes require specific diagnostic thresholds; therefore,
and strength were no different in individuals under integrating highly accurate body composition measures
going intentional weight loss through calorie restriction into clinical settings will encourage clinical identifica-
or weight maintenance for 6 months324, which suggests tion of sarcopenic obesity. The disparate classification
that calorie restriction has protective effects on bone has impeded progress in this field.
quality. However, 2017 data from the Look AHEAD trial
showed that long-term intentional weight loss was asso- Integrating methods for analysing body composition
ciated with a 39% increased risk of fragility fractures325. into clinical practice. To promote the translation of
Very-low energy or protein-sparing diets to induce rapid methods for assessing body composition, including CT,
weight loss are not recommended owing to potential loss MRI and DXA, into routine care, we acknowledge the
of muscle mass, strength and bone and risks of dramatic need to remove regulatory and operational obstacles,
fluid, electrolyte and water shifts owing to protein shifts; particularly in the United States. For instance, DXA is
however, a preliminary, short-term study in a popula- routinely performed for screening and assessment of
tion of individuals ≥65 years of age suggests potential osteoporosis and is generally covered by insurance for
benefits326. Studies emphasize exercise training during this indication341. Older adults often receive gold stand-
calorie restriction to prevent an increase in bone turn- ard imaging, which can accurately ascertain muscle and
over327 and an increase in serum levels of sclerostin328, fat content, for indications other than sarcopenic obe-
thus minimizing bone loss. Whether weight loss and sity, such as abdominal pain or back pain342,343. Assessing
exercise lower overall risk of falls and fractures despite muscle strength (using handgrip dynamometry) and
the decline in BMD is unknown, suggesting the need for muscle mass (using DXA, bioelectrical impedance or
formal evaluation in future studies. other modalities) can fill a clinical gap in identifying
sarcopenic obesity. Widespread availability of DXA
Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D. even in low-resource areas344 permits this evaluation.
Conventional strategies to minimize the effect of weight Future studies should focus on dissemination and
loss on bone metabolism, including up to 1,200 mg sup- implementation strategies of using such diagnostics.
plemental calcium per day and 800–1,000 international
units (IU) per day of vitamin D3, are needed to minimize Epidemiology and clinical outcomes. Further work is
the risk of weight loss-induced BMD reduction329. Oral required to elucidate the descriptive epidemiology of sar-
calcium should be coupled with vitamin D to mitigate copenic obesity regarding important outcomes beyond
the potential risks of unopposed supplementation330. weight loss, comorbidity and mortality. Though experts
Supplementing vitamin D in patients with sarcopenic currently debate a unifying definition, one will ulti-
obesity can potentially influence and improve muscle mately become accepted, standardized and implemented.
Box 1 | Emerging therapies in sarcopenic obesity differentially affect muscle mass, strength and weight.
Research should distinguish appropriate diets, the type of
Anamorelin protein to administer (such as whey or casein) and poten-
A ghrelin analogue used in cancer cachexia that could promote appetite and enhance tially the timing of intake in relation to exercise, as well
lean mass with anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties.
as whether recommendations should be based on ideal
Bariatric surgery or total body weight. The specific composition of essen-
The safety and efficacy of different procedures (Roux-en-Y, gastric band and gastric tial amino acids (for example, leucine or creatine) and
sleeve) are currently unknown but can be considered in carefully selected older adults vitamin D supplementation requires structured interven-
aged 65 years and older. tions to ascertain dosing and monitoring. For instance,
Mesenchymal stem cells leucine-rich protein can activate metabolic pathways
Shared precursors of muscle, bone and cartilage that hold promise in the regeneration involved in testosterone and IGF1 homeostasis348–351.
of muscle tissue. Barriers exist but these cells may play a promising role in the future Such elements will allow tailored dietary interventions.
management of sarcopenia.
Myostatin inhibitors Exercise and combined interventions. While aero-
A treatment type with biological plausibility for improving physical function by enhancing bic and resistance exercises are core components in
skeletal muscle growth development. This class of therapy can directly inhibit muscle loss, the treatment of sarcopenic obesity, the specific fre-
with data suggesting improvements in physical function in patients with cancer. quency, intensity, time and types (aerobic, resistance
neuromuscular activation or both) should be considered. The relationship of
Whole-body vibration therapy (using electrical stimuli) or tai chi can enhance muscle resistance exercises with respect to dietary composi-
contraction efficiency and function. tion requires evaluation. Longitudinal studies should
Periodization strategies verify whether weight loss plus combined aerobic and
Systematic variation in training specificity, intensity and volume used in sports resistance training prolongs physical independence in
programmes to achieve peak physical performance. May be feasibly prescribed in sarcopenic obesity. Such studies might translate to older
sedentary, frail, older adults to improve function but it is premature to endorse these adults who have access to health membership benefits in
strategies. community-based exercise centres352. Assessing aquatic
Testosterone and selective androgen receptor modulators therapies353–355 or tai chi356, in isolation or in tandem with
Important regulators of body composition that increase muscle and bone mass by other types of physical activities, might prove useful for
increasing insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and decreasing inflammatory markers. treating patients with sarcopenic obesity. The addition
Data on their impact on muscle strength and function are conflicting. Selective androgen of pharmacotherapy, such as testosterone supplementa-
receptor modulators (that is, enobosarm) preferentially target androgen receptors on tion, to progressive resistance training augmented the
muscle and bone, sparing the androgenic impact elsewhere in the body. Early efficacy
improvements in body composition, including reduced
studies demonstrate improved lean mass and function in patients with cancer.
fat mass and improved lean mass357. However, whether
Weight loss therapies or not physical activity should be combined with novel
Anti-obesity medications (liraglutide, lorcaserin, phentermine, topiramate, bupropion and promising treatments requires systematic and
and orlistat) are approved for use in non-geriatric populations with weight loss as an
further investigation.
indication. Their use is restricted to off-label use for weight loss, and few data exist on
their safety and efficacy in this population.
Periodization strategies. Periodization, which is a
Vitamin K systematic variation in physical training specificity,
Inhibits bone resorption and osteoclast formation and may be helpful in mitigating intensity and volume within periods, has emerged as
bone loss following intentional weight loss. Supplementation may increase bone
a potential strategy to improve muscle performance358.
resorption markers, although conflictive data exist on its effect on BMD and fractures.
Periodization is typically used in sports programmes
aiming to achieve peak physical performance while min-
Until then, useful and cost-effective measures, including imizing overtraining risk. Linear periodization reduces
grip strength, gait speed, the short performance physical training volume while increasing training intensity or
battery and/or bioelectrical impedance or DXA, should load between cycles359. Periodized resistance training
continue to be used in clinical and research arenas345–347. in older adults demonstrated equal efficacy in physical
Focusing on patient-centred outcomes, including phys- function and physiological outcomes when compared
ical function and quality of life, is important. Additional with non-periodized resistance training360. In patients with
trials in sarcopenic obesity can clarify the mechanisms sarcopenic obesity (defined using handgrip strength and
underlying interactions between fat, muscle and bone that BMI), no differences were observed in strength, power or
explain alterations in short-term and long-term outcomes. short performance physical battery following a 10-week
Improved characterization of biological signalling will per- periodization strategy of strength and endurance
mit full comprehension of the differences between sarcope- training with concentric and eccentric movements290.
nia and sarcopenic obesity. The association of resource and Preliminary studies indicate that periodization results
cost data in health systems and third-party payers (insurers) in increases in serum levels of irisin and decreases in
will escalate the importance of sarcopenic obesity. IL-1β361. Leptin might also be reduced further with peri-
odized resistance training362. While periodization could
Dietary composition and restriction. No specific inter- feasibly be prescribed in sedentary or frail older adults
ventions have tested diets for the treatment of sarcopenic to improve physical function, it is premature to endorse
obesity. While diets should be individualized, the com- this training as superior to non-periodized training358.
position of carbohydrates, fats and protein have differed Longer-term investigations in older populations with
in clinical trials. Adjusting these components might sarcopenic obesity are needed.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
increases in lean mass were accompanied by improve- fibroblasts426. Enobosarm, a non-steroidal SARM, suc-
ments in handgrip strength, knee extension and leg cessfully increased muscle mass and physical function
press and chest press exercises415,416. A meta-analysis of in patients without cancer and in those with advanced
testosterone supplementation found effect sizes of 0.47 lung, colorectal or breast cancer or lymphoma427–429.
(95% CI 0.12–0.84) for upper and 0.63 (95% CI 0.03– Other studies showed increases in lean mass without
1.28) for lower extremity strength417, without sustained improvements in strength or physical performance in
improvements in body composition418. Healthy men patients with sarcopenia428,430. Early trials demonstrated
with reduced levels of testosterone had no improvements a greater total lean mass of 1.3 kg (P < 0.001), better
in muscle strength or mobility after 6 months of sup- physical function as measured by reduced stair climb
plementation350. Another trial of testosterone treatment time (P = 0.013), a trend towards lower blood levels of
found improved stair-climbing power and strength351. glucose of 6.9 ± 2.5 mg/dl (P = 0.052) and lower insulin
Improvements in lean mass do not directly result in sensitivity (−27.5% versus 2.6%; P = 0.013) with 3 mg
improved function after testosterone therapy409. With per day of GTx-024 (an orally bioavailable nonsteroidal
ageing, muscle strength often drops before muscle SARM) than with placebo 429. Enobosarm signifi-
mass73. The nonlinear relationship between mass and cantly increased lean mass compared with baseline
function suggests that hypertrophy rather than muscle (1.0 kg, 95% CI −4.8 to 11.5; P = 0.046) versus controls
fibre hyperplasia materializes without neuronal plas- (0.02 kg, 95% CI −5.8 to 6.7; P = 0.88). SARM treatment
ticity. A reason for the observed significance in some in older women with low lean mass, a self-reported
studies might be a patient’s intrinsic threshold for func- mobility disability and a short physical performance
tional impairment. Frail older adults with testosterone battery score between 4 and 9 provided improvements
deficiency could require minimal incremental gains in in muscle mass without benefits of improved strength430.
mass to realize benefit. Therefore, we suggest an individ- SARMs that have been developed in the past 5 years
ualized approach. Comorbidity and health status, small have not demonstrated adverse effects431 and have
sample sizes, minimal changes in testosterone levels fol- restored cortical and trabecular bone in orchidecto-
lowing treatment and the lack of practice sessions before mized mice432. Transdermal SARMs could emerge in
initiating strength testing could have contributed to the the future433. A review of SARMs has been conducted
negative findings. Areas of future research should iden- elsewhere434, but they could be of benefit to patients with
tify responders to androgen supplementation in those sarcopenic obesity who require muscle mass improve-
with low lean mass or strength. ments rather than strength. However, conclusive
Testosterone potentially augments diet-induced loss evidence is still needed.
of fat mass in individuals with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 and low
testosterone levels. Over 56 weeks, testosterone-treated
Anamorelin. Anamorelin, an oral ghrelin analogue, is
participants (mean age 53 years) had greater reductions effective for improving appetite in patients with cancer
in fat mass (mean between-group difference 2.9 kg; cachexia and might hold promise in patients with
P = 0.04) and visceral fat (−2,678 mm2; P = 0.04) than sarcopenic obesity. Its anti-inflammatory and anabolic
controls. Testosterone-treated participants also had properties might counter the negative nitrogen balance
greater lean mass regain during weight maintenance observed in sarcopenia. Anamorelin is safe, well toler-
(mean between-group difference 3.4 kg; P = 0.002) fol- ated and stimulates appetite by promoting expression of
lowing the very-low-energy diet, suggesting that weightGH, IGF1 and IGF-binding protein 3 (refs435,436), which
loss was exclusively fat mass419. As multicomponent reverses muscle atrophy in mice437. A meta-analysis of
interventions can attenuate lean mass losses, studies 1,641 patients with cancer demonstrated improved total
should evaluate whether testosterone replacement helps body weight, lean mass and quality of life (1.78, 95% CI
preserve muscle and bone mass during weight loss in 1.28–2.28, P < 0.001; 1.10, 95% CI 0.35–1.85, P = 0.004;
patients with sarcopenic obesity. 0.19, 95% CI 0.08–0.30, P = 0.0006, respectively)438.
Adverse events associated with testosterone supple- A review of four studies demonstrated high hetero-
mentation include polycythemia420, possible cardio geneity with improved symptom scores, and in three
vascular events421, venous thromboembolism422 and studies, improved lean mass was shown439. Anamorelin
prostatism423. Those who favour supplementation cite improved lean mass in patients with cancer cachexia
a lack of credible evidence related to cardiovascular compared with placebo (2.09 kg, 95% CI 0.94–3.25;
risk424. Future cost–benefit analyses should compare theP = 0.0006)440 but failed to improve muscle power or
relative benefits regarding body and bone composition handgrip strength in patients with inoperable non-
with disability risk. To date, the American Association small-cell lung cancer441. Lack of functional improve-
of Clinical Endocrinologists187, the Endocrine Society425
ments were also observed in patients with unresectable
and the Obesity Society186 have not recommended tes- non-small-cell lung cancer442. Adverse effects are no
tosterone supplementation as a treatment for sarcopenia different than with placebo. It is unclear whether the
or obesity. improved lean mass observed in patients treated with
anamorelin has differential effects on intramuscular fat
Selective androgen receptor modulators. Selective in patients with sarcopenic obesity. As no studies have
androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) target androgen established improved function or strength, further eval-
receptors on muscle and bone but do not activate andro- uation is needed, particularly in the subset of patients
genic effects elsewhere. SARMs indirectly affect non- with sarcopenic obesity who have low lean mass with
muscle androgen receptor pathways mediated by muscle intact muscle strength.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Myostatin inhibitors. Individuals with sarcopenia have of the complex relationship between vitamin K and
elevated levels of myostatin443, a negative regulator of weight loss-induced effects on bone, muscle and fat in
skeletal muscle growth development444. Myostatin is sarcopenic obesity is currently in its infancy465.
also expressed in adipose tissue and is inversely related
to insulin resistance445. In vitro trials demonstrate Mesenchymal stem cells. Muscle, bone and cartilage
that myostatin inhibitors increase muscle mass and derived from mesenchymal cells share common precur-
strength446, suppress irisin, downregulate inflammatory sor mesenchymal stem cells. In mice, transplantation of
cytokines and improve insulin resistance447. Its expres- satellite cells into damaged muscle leads to self-renewal
sion drops following weight loss because it directly influ- and muscle regeneration466,467. An early human study
ences adipocyte metabolism448, and myostatin inhibitors suggests a role for mesenchymal stem cells in managing
can directly inhibit muscle loss. Myostatin inhibitors frailty468. The cost, regulatory constraints and potential
reduce expression of myostatin in both aerobic and ethical barriers of applying such technology into clinical
resistance exercise449 and might be beneficial in treating settings need to be addressed further.
sarcopenic obesity. Early data suggest improved physical
function in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer427. Conclusions
Interventions should directly measure changes in levels The growing challenges associated with sarcopenic obe-
of myostatin and corresponding changes in muscle mass, sity will probably worsen with the changing demographic
strength, function and insulin sensitivity. distribution of our ageing population. Effective evidence-
based therapies can be helpful for improving physical
Vitamin K. Vitamin K might have a role in mitigating function in older adults. We encourage further agree-
bone loss following intentional weight loss by inhibit- ment on defining sarcopenic obesity within both research
ing bone resorption450 and osteoclast formation451. Its and clinical settings. In our opinion, a lack of a consensus
deficiency has been associated with increased risk of definition is one of the greatest limitations to advancing
fragility fractures452–455, particularly in patients who the science. Without being able to accurately identify
are malnourished456,457. Vitamin K supplementation populations of patients, there will be continued difficul-
can restore serum levels of the vitamin458,459 and might ties in targeting further obesity subtypes. Clarifying the
increase bone resorption markers460. Conflicting data mechanisms that contribute to sarcopenic obesity might
exist; in some studies, vitamin K antagonists demon- elucidate novel therapies to improve function, quality of
strate no differences in BMD or fracture rates461, while life and prevent institutionalization. A number of novel
other data suggest lessening of steroid-induced BMD462 therapies independently hold promise or could be con-
and sex-specific improvements in insulin sensitivity463. sidered adjunctively for those who have struggled with a
One study464 reported that over 3 years vitamin K sup- lifetime of reduced motivation. These potential strategies
plementation was not implicated in the age-related should be key research questions in future work.
changes in skeletal muscle or adipose tissue mass in
older community-dwelling adults. Our understanding Published online xx xx xxxx
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468. Tompkins, B. A. et al. Allogeneic mesenchymal stem reported in this publication was supported in part by the US the official position of the Centers for Disease Control
cells ameliorate aging frailty: a phase ii randomized, National Institute on Aging of the US National Institutes of and Prevention.
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Health under award number K23AG051681. Support was
J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 72, 1513–1522 (2017). also provided by the Dartmouth Health Promotion and Author contributions
469. Newman, A. B. et al. Sarcopenia: alternative Disease Prevention Research Center supported by cooper- J.A.B. and D.T.V. both researched the data for the article, pro-
definitions and associations with lower extremity ative agreement number U48DP005018 from the Centers vided substantial contributions to discussion of the content,
function. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 51, 1602–1609 (2003). for Disease Control and Prevention and the Dartmouth wrote the article and reviewed and/or edited the manuscript
This evaluates two sarcopenia definitions in the Clinical and Translational Science Institute under award before submission.
Health, Aging and Body Composition study and number UL1TR001086 from the US National Center for
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suggests differential prevalence rates by obesity Advancing Translational Sciences. D.T.V.’s research was sup-
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status, highlighting the importance of fat mass in ported in part by DK109950 from the US National Institute
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