Electric Vehicles and Mobility Report

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Electric Vehicles and Mobility



Duration of Course:

6 Weeks

I would like to acknowledge everyone who played a role in
my academic accomplishments. I feel obliged in showing
my gratitude to all the people who have made this work
possible by offering help and guidance whenever required.
I am extremely thankful to Coursera and École des
Ponts ParisTech for Providing us with such a Tremendous
course which help us to learn more about the future
Secondly, my Teachers, parents and colleagues
each of whom has provided patient advice and guidance
throughout the research process. Thank you all for your
unwavering support.

Electric mobility, according to the definition of the German government and
the National Development Plan for Electric Mobility (NEP) comprises all
street vehicles that are powered by an electric motor and primarily get their
energy from the power grid – in other words: can be recharged externally.

This includes purely electric vehicles, vehicles with a combination of

electric motor and a small combustion engine (range extended electric
vehicles – REEV) and hybrid vehicles that can be recharge via the power
grid (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles – PHEV). Furthermore, the National
Development Plan for Electric Mobility does not just look at specific
vehicles but at the overall system. Aside from electric cars, this so-called
systemic approach also includes the energy supply side as well as the
charging and traffic infrastructure in its definition of electric mobility, since
those components are interconnected and together, they lead to
sustainable mobility. One thing all definitions have in common is the narrow
interpretation of the term electric vehicles, which is based on the idea of
electricity as "fuel." This was chosen with good reason. Because when you
consider the entire energy chain, only electricity offers efficiency
advantages and – as long as it comes from renewable sources – a
significant reduction of CO2-emissions.

A Brief History and Evolution of Electric Cars
The history of the electric car is much longer than you might think. In this
article, we take a whistle-stop tour of the evolution of the EV.
To understand the history of the electric car, it's useful to put it into context
with the development of personal vehicles in general. 
On the eve of the 20th Century, the predominant form of transport was still
the horse. But as people's incomes increased and available technologies
advanced, some were beginning to experiment with newer forms of
At this point, gasoline, steam, and electrical power were all available, with
each competing for dominance in the market. 
Steam technology was well established at this time and was generally
understood and trusted by the public. It had, after all, proved its worth
powering factories, mines, trains, and ships - it seemed only a natural
progression to build smaller forms of transport using steam engines.
Some self-propelled vehicles did exist from the late 1700s
(notably Nicholas Joseph Cugnot's steam tricycle) but this technology
wasn't really developed for this role until the late 1800s. Cugnot's steam-
powered Dampfwagen is widely accepted to be the world's first
But there was a problem - steam engines needed a long warmup time,
often approaching an hour. They also had a limited range and needed to be
constantly fed with water. 

How do electric cars work?
Electric cars, or EVs for short, work through the use of an electric motor
instead of an internal combustion engine, like gasoline-powered cars. In
most cases, EVs make use of a large traction battery pack to power the
motor. This battery pack is charged by being plugged into a specially
designed charging station or outlet at the users' home.
As EVs run on electricity, they have no exhaust and do not contain parts
like the fuel pump, fuel line, carburetor, and fuel tank, which are needed in
gasoline-powered cars.
In general, electric vehicles consist of a series of basic components. These
include, but are not limited to, the following: 
1. Battery (all-electric auxiliary): In most electric drive vehicles, the
auxiliary battery provides electricity for start-up and to power vehicle
accessories like the clock. This is not to be confused with the main traction
battery pack.
2. Charge port: The stored energy in a battery cannot last forever and it
needs to be recharged from time to time. This is where the charge port
comes into play. It allows the EV to be connected to an external power

Source: U.S. Department of Energy

3. DC/DC converter: Typically, the traction battery pack will have a

higher voltage than many other components in the car. This device
converts the higher-voltage DC into lower-voltage DC for safe use.

4. Electric traction motor: Since the electric vehicle is expected to

actually move at some point, a means is needed to convert electricity into
rotational force to move the wheels. This is where the traction motor comes
in. Some vehicles also have energy regeneration functions at the wheels,
too to recoup some of the lost energy.

5. Onboard charger: As electricity from external sources is typically AC,

this device converts it into DC for use in charging the battery. It is also used
to monitor battery characteristics such as voltage, current, temperature,
and state of charge while charging the pack.

6. Power electronics controller: This device actively manages the flow
of electrical energy delivered to the battery and controls the speed of the
electric traction motor (not to mention the torque it generates). 

7. Thermal cooling system: This system maintains the proper operating

temperature range of the engine, electric motor, power electronics, and
other components.

8. Traction battery pack: This is the "fuel tank" of the electric vehicle and
is the source of all electricity used to run most of the other components in
the vehicle.

9. Electrical transmission: This device transfers mechanical power from

the traction motor in order to drive the EVs wheels. 

Alternative Fuel Technology Solutions
An alternative fuel technology may be defined as a technology solution
which powers the vehicle by any fuel other than the conventional
petroleum-derived fuels (diesel or petrol); it can be primarily referred to any
technology of engine powering that does not entail solely petroleum (such
as solar powered, electric car or hybrid electric vehicles). Such a vehicle is
therefore “cleaner” and safer for the environment. While it is widely
agreeable that there is an urgent need to decarbonize the transport sector,
the development and wide-scale use of alternative fuels is important due to
a number of factors such as a) conventional fuels running out, b) reducing
air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and c) sourcing these fuels
domestically (J. Anastasia, 2015).

 Bio fuels
 Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The Paris Agreement concluded on limiting the average global
temperature increase to two degrees Celsius to mitigate global
warming. Greenhouse gases such as carbon-dioxide (CO2) produced
by human activities including transport, heating, and energy
production strongly contribute to this temperature increase. The
European car fleet is currently responsible for 12% of European GHG
emissions and the transport sector itself is expected to become the
largest CO2 contributor by 2030 [1] . Hence, the decarbonisation of
transport is a major challenge to limit the temperature increase and to
reach the Paris climate goal. Thus the question arises: what will
power our vehicles in the near future and how will this help transport
decarbonisation .

Today, most people are aware of electric vehicles (EVs) as one of the
main potential solutions for the decarbonisation challenge. Most car
manufacturers are thoroughly researching vehicle electrification and
many EV models are in the pipeline for the coming years. Existing
issues about price, driving range and electric charging infrastructure
are solved step-by-step to increase the widespread adoption of EVs.
Worldwide, the current impact of transport electrification is estimated
to replace 279,000 barrels of diesel a day (mainly caused by the high
numbers of electric buses in China) [2]. Considering the enormous
adoption potential in Europe, this impact will definitely increase in the
near future and contribute to the decarbonisation challenge.

Biofuels are a big group of fuels in which energy is derived from the
process of biological carbon fixation. They have been around as long
as cars have. First generation biofuels were not really considered
sustainable as they were generated out of feedstock that can also be
consumed as a human food.  Second generation biofuels on the
other hand, the ones that are used nowadays, are made of
sustainable feedstock such as waste and agricultural residues.

Technologies to produce these are more complex but they do not

compete with food production and because they use waste, they
increase circularity of resources. Regarding emissions, biofuels emit
only slightly less than fossil fuels but they are still considered carbon
neutral because they emit CO2 that has been previously captured
and transformed by plants.

The overall sustainability of biofuels strongly depends on the type of

fuel and how this fuel is produced. Unlike Electric and hydrogen
technologies, only little modifications are required to existing vehicles
to make them run on biofuels. Current adoption of biofuels is still
limited mainly because of a lack of infrastructure and limited capacity
of biofuel supply.

Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)

A LCA, or life-cycle assessment, is the reference approach to

measure a product’s impact on the environment. The impacts are
recorded throughout the product’s entire life cycle, from the extraction
of raw materials, their transformation, to manufacturing, distribution
up until its usage and end of life. This assessment is based on the
inventory of material and energy flows from and into the system
defined by the product’s life cycle. Based on this inventory, we
calculate indicators to reflect the potential impacts on the
environment : the greenhouse effect,natural resources depletion
water consumption,atmospheric acidification,water eutrophication,
smog, freshwater, marine and land ecotoxicity and human toxicity.
Through several stages and criteria, this approach allows us to
capture all potential impacts and avoid pollution transfers.

The LCA is especially useful to compare various products. The

comparison is based on functional units, providing equivalent
services. For instance, we can compare the environmental impact of
disposable and reusable diapers or oftin packing and plastic packing.
This approach gives us rich information on the contribution of each
component and life-cycle stage to the environmental impacts. It is
essential to improve products using eco-innovation.

It also helps confirm that the developed solutions are

environmentally relevant. Finally, it is the cornerstone of
communication with the customer, as it provides strong arguments.
We can also calculate the LCA for a service or even for a decision,
for instance, a choice of public policy. Would it be better to
regenerate used motor oils or to thermically recycle them? We call
this a consequential LCA.

Economic Analysis Tools and Concepts
In order to assess if the benefits associated with electric vehicles, i.e.
less pollution, noise and oil dependency, counter balance the
associated costs, i.e.battery cost,charging infrastructure installation, it
is useful to give these benefits a monetary value.

Let us take the example of noise pollution. To define the monetary

value of the benefit associated with its reduction, we can mainly use
two methods. First, the contingent valuation consists in conducting
surveys with directly or indirectly affected persons. "Hello. We are
considering the possibility to cover the road next to your house to
reduce noise.

The other method is called hedonic prices. It consists in revealing the

value people have actually allocated to noise reduction. For that
matter, we can use the housing market for instance and statistically
analyze in the price differences between the different properties
elements related to the distinctive characteristics of this property,
surface area, number of rooms, those related to the characteristics of
the district in which the property is located, presence of businesses,
public transport services, and those related to other characteristics
we want to monetarize, noise exposure as it happens. Properties with
double glazing and additional noise protection or those located further
away from the noisy infrastructure are sold for a higher price. It
informs us on the value people actually give to noise pollution.

Monetarization is useful to rationalize public policy choices in the fight

against the different negative effects of mobility. For instance, to
determine when it is preferable to secure a dangerous crossing
instead of building a noise barrier. It is also a means to regulate
pollution by making those who create it pay the cost of the associated
damage. This is called monetarization.

Electric Mobility and Infrastructures:
Technical and Economic Dimensions
Although electric vehicles run on the same roads as thermal vehicles,
they require some specific infrastructures. We will discuss here the
technical and economic dimensions of these infrastructures in
France, in Europe and worldwide. This analysis will lead us to take an
interest in the various business models of the electric vehicle. The
course will be completed by a video More on method explaining the
balance of supply and demand on electricity networks. This chapter
also includes two Do you know that?, one on the charging stations,
the other on electricity storage, as well as interviews of experts from
Groupe Renault to complete our knowledge of infrastructure.

Issues and Situational Analysis

In this section,we will be interested in the technical characteristics of
charging infrastructures. We will see how the deployment of public
charging infrastructure contributes to the development of electric
vehicles and we will draw up a situational analysis of charging
infrastructure distribution in France as well as their establishment
conditions on the territory.

Charging point and outlet

First, the charging point represents the outlets in which the electric
vehicle can be plugged to charge the battery. Each outlet
corresponds to a connector standard which is different depending on
the vehicle model. A charging point can include several outlets but it
can only charge one car at a time.

Charging terminal and charging station In premises open to the
public, charging infrastructures are terminals including one or several
charging points that can charge the battery of one or several vehicles
simultaneously. A terminal can include different types of connectors
to charge different electric vehicle models. Each charging terminal
can have a different charging mode which corresponds to different
speeds. When several terminals are located in the same place, it is
called a charging station.

Electric Mobility Today
So far, we have discussed environmental issues, the macro and
microeconomic effects of electric mobility, infrastructure needs of the
electric vehicle and various business models associated with it. We
can now look at electric vehicle markets. In this chapter, we will first
draw up an inventory of electric vehicle markets in France, in Europe
and worldwide. Then, we will study the supporting public policies that
could accompany the take-off of these markets at the French,
European and global levels

Current State
Current state of the global market As you can see in Figure 5.1, the
growth rate of the electric vehicle market for the past 4-5 years has
been particularly dynamic. The fleet, i.e. the number of electric
vehicles on the road, increased from approximately 100 000 vehicles
in 2012, which is already interesting, as the first vehicles of the
current generation date from 2010-2011, which means that it became
quite rapidly dynamic, to over 1 300 000 vehicles in circulation around
the world today.

Today we see that the growth was significant, but the players in this
growth have changed, with one notable game changer, China. China
has actively engaged in the electric vehicle market. Last year, they
registered over 350 000 electric vehicles, a significant figure for a
total market of 1 300 000 units. It must be understood that half of the
global fleet is in China, this is very important. Europe remains
dynamic, and we will see that France is the first European market.
The United States are also very dynamic, with a good level of growth,
however, Japan is in slight decline compared to previous years.

Public Policies Supporting EVs in the
Categorizing public policies supporting EVs To tackle the analysis of public
policies supporting electric vehicles and their characterization, the first
question to distinguish one policy from another is : who is implementing this
policy? We will especially focus on the governmental level.

Who? Various governmental levels choose to implement support policies

but the nature and conditions of the policies implemented by these
governmental agencies usually depend on the expected upsides for these
agencies. We can distinguish policies implemented at a national level from
those implemented at a lower level.

What? A second question before analyzing the public policies supporting

electric vehicles is : what, or in other words, which element in the system of
electric mobility will the policy influence? We usually distinguish two types
of policies. Some target supply, the design, manufacturing or distribution of
the vehicle, battery, charging infrastructure or services associated to the
vehicle. Others target demand, whether the policy targets the purchase or
usage of the vehicle by the customer.

How? The third question to ask to distinguish public policies supporting

electric vehicles is how. We can then look at the indicative, normative or
incentive nature of the policy in question. Indicative public policies can, for
instance, set governmental goals for the penetration of electric vehicles in
the national fleet. They can send signals to the market or set a course but
are neither a standard nor an incentive. We can also look at the monetary
or non-monetary nature of the policy in question.

Hybridization and Electric Vehicles

Vehicle drivetrain system choice What type of drivetrain? Vehicle

powertrains can be summarized as follows : first of all, energy
storage is required on board, then an energy transformer, that
ensures the production of mechanical energy, necessary to the
motion of the vehicle.first we have a fuel tank,which provides the
energy reserve required for motion, for the range of the vehicle, then
a thermal engine that produces mechanical energy, that provides the
power necessary for the dynamics of the vehicle.

Recharging the energy is done very simply, as the storage system is

an open tank recover its full range. This system has the
disadvantage of emitting local nuisance, notably pollutant exhaust
emissions, and sound emissions due to the operation of the thermal

According to the same principle, on-board energy storage is provided

by a battery, with the particularity that the battery provides both the
storage of energy and the supply of power. It powers an electric
machine, which provides the mechanical energy required by the
wheels. Note that this system is reversible, energy can be recovered
from the braking of the vehicle.

This vehicle has the advantage of emitting no local pollutants, and

only extremely low noise levels in urban use. Recharging the vehicle
is done differently, the battery is a closed system, and the recharging
system consists of an electric charger that reinjects power into the
battery during recharge.

Taking into account the balance of this vehicle then requires a total
life-cycle approach, since there is production of electricity, therefore
decentralization of pollutant emission to where the electricity is

Issues regarding on board energy
Let us now compare thermal and electric vehicles in terms of on-board
energy . We have on this synthetic diagram first a conventional thermal
vehicle ,with a 45-liter tank, and we see tha the range of this vehicle is
approximately 1 000 km, and a very interesting factor, a very short
recharging time, since the fuel pump hose represents a power of
approximately 1 megawatt, and you see that in a few minutes, 2-4 minutes,
the conventional vehicle can be fully recharged.

Hybrid drivetrain
Following the same principle, hybrid powertrains include a conventional
thermal engine and a fuel tank, as previously, to which is associated an
electric engine, and a battery with a limited size, to limit problems related to
the cost of the onboard battery. Notice also that these vehicles do not
require external charging of the battery, which also eliminates all
constraints related to the vehicle charging infrastructure. However, these
hybrid vehicles produce local pollutant emissions, due to the use of the
thermal engine, as well as, to a lesser extent, noise emissions, also due to
the use of the thermal engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of EVs
for car-pooling
Several families of carpooling services can also be identified, for long
distances or daily commuting, static or dynamic, with or without meeting
infrastructure, but these characteristics are of secondary importance when
discussing the pros and cons of electric vehicles for such services. While
long-distance carpooling obviously raises the question of range and of
enroute and destination charging, there are no specific obstacles to the use
of electric vehicles for local carpooling, unless significant detours are
envisaged, to pick up new carpooling passengers, which carpooling
services exclude, or make it possible to exclude.

Main disadvantages of EVs for car-

Among the characteristics of electric vehicles proving a disadvantage
compared to their thermal competitors in the context of car sharing
services, the limited range and the recurring constraint of recharging must
be considered in priority. Since car-sharing cars are shared between
several users, they are used more intensively than private cars.

The high investment costs involved in choosing electric vehicles, which

include the cost of the vehicle, of the battery, and possibly of the recharging
infrastructure, represent another disadvantage for electric vehicles
compared to their thermal competitors, for an equivalent type of vehicle.
Only the ability of the operator to reason in TCO, i.e. total cost of
ownership, over the entire useful life, possibly through long-term lease
service contracts, will overcome the obstacle of fixed capital cost overruns.

Main advantages of EVs for car-sharing
Among the characteristics of electric vehicles giving them an advantage in
shared use over thermal vehicles, the combination of low costs of usage
and high investment costs provides a strong incentive to make the
investment profitable through intensive use, which can be envisaged in
shared modes. This combination is therefore more favorable to car sharing,
notably but not only in peer-to-peer, than the combination of low investment
cost and high cost of usage that characterizes thermal vehicles.

In addition , although lithium on battery technology currently dominates the

electric vehicle market, at least one alternative technology is making its
way into the carsharing market, lithium-metal-polymer technology, LMP,
which requires the battery temperature to be maintained and therefore the
vehicle to be kept in charge when not in use, provides car-sharing services
with a potential alternative to lithium-ion technology, provided that the
service can rely on a network of charging points in the stations.

Finally, in terms of externalities, the reduced levels of local pollutants

emitted by electric vehicles compared to thermal vehicles position electric
vehicles strongly for intensive use in car-sharing services in urban areas,
although the question naturally arises of the promotion by the operator of
environmental gains to public authorities and their possible remuneration.


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