Task 1: Read the information about the seven sacraments and complete the table on the next page
The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (Holy Communion) are known as the sacraments
of initiation. This means that they are the ceremonies through which people can become full members of
the Roman Catholic Church.
1. Baptism
For Catholics, baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. At the service of
baptism, water is poured on a baby’s head while the priest or deacon says, ‘I baptise you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ The baby is also anointed with oil of catechumens which
provides strength to turn away from temptation and chrism which shows the child is part of the Church. The person being
baptised becomes part of the family of God. Baptism takes away original sin and gives a new birth in the Holy Spirit. Its sign is the
pouring of water. Catholic families are encouraged to baptise their children soon after birth, however sometimes people are
baptised later, or even as adults.
2. Confirmation
As most Catholics are baptised as babies, confirmation is done when they are older. It is usually given by the
bishop. Its signs are the laying-on of hands on a person’s head and anointing with oil. Confirmation completes the
sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new life, confirmation is the sacrament of
maturity and coming of age. It gives the strength to follow Jesus and to become involved in the mission he left to
the Church
3. Eucharist
At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and wine and asked his followers to re-enact the meal when they come
together. Its signs are the bread and wine that Catholics receive at Mass – the body and blood of Christ. Catholics
believe the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. They believe in the real presence of
Jesus, who died for humanity’s sins. As they receive his body and blood, they are fed spiritually.
The next two sacraments are known as the sacraments of healing. These celebrate the healing power of Jesus as shown in the
Gospels when Jesus forgave sins and healed the sick.
4. Penance (confession)
In this sacrament a person will speak directly to a priest and confess their sins. The priest gives words of
absolution which means a person’s sins have been forgiven. By expressing sorrow for their sins in the sacrament of
penance or reconciliation, Catholics experience God's forgiveness and healing. Their relationship with God and
their membership of the Church is made whole again
During this sacrament the individual is anointed with oil of catechumens (a symbol of strength) and receives the laying-on of
hands from a priest. This unites a sick person’s suffering with that of Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins. It brings strength in
illness, comfort from suffering, and prepares those close to death to meet God.
The final two sacraments are known as the sacraments at the service. These help individuals to serve the community and bring
about the salvation of others.
6. Matrimony
The couple give the sacrament to each other and their wedding rings and vows are the signs of this sacrament.
In matrimony, or marriage, a baptised man and woman are united as a sign of the unity between Jesus and his
Church. God is present through the couple’s lifelong love and commitment to each other.
7. Holy orders
The signs of this sacrament are the laying on of hands and anointing with oil by a bishop. In holy orders, men are ordained as
priests, deacons, or bishops. Priests serve as spiritual leaders of their communities. Ordained people are the presence of God for
their community.
Sacrament Sign(s) Effects Significance
WATER At the service of baptism, water is poured on a baby’s head The person being baptised becomes part of the family of
OIL OF CATECHUMES while the priest or deacon says, ‘I baptise you in the name of God. Baptism takes away original sin and gives a new
Baptism the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ The baby is birth in the Holy Spirit.
also anointed with oil of catechumens.
Penance (Confession)
Holy Orders
Task 2: answer the skill c) question based on the information below – include the terms in bold:
The Mass or Eucharist is the service where Catholics gather to recall the Last Supper,
when Jesus took bread and wine and asked his disciples to remember him when they
did the same. Jesus said “This is my body, take eat and eat it. Do this in memory of
me” and “This is my blood, the blood of the new covenant”. Catholics believe the
Eucharist was the new promise or agreement that God made with all people.
The word ‘Eucharist’ means ‘thanksgiving’ and for Catholics, it is the most regularly celebrated sacrament. A sacrament is a way
in which a person can receive God’s grace (mercy). The Eucharist (Mass) is celebrated every day of the year except Good Friday
and Easter Saturday. Catholics should attend Mass on Sunday and as often as they can as it is a way of showing thanks to Jesus as
he brought salvation through his death and resurrection.
Mass is said to be ‘the source and summit of the Christian life’, because it unites Christians with God.
Catholics believe they become closer to God because they receive Jesus in communion. By eating the bread and
drinking the wine they become one with Jesus. The Mass re-enacts the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, so it is the
highest form of prayer that a believer can make. By receiving the Eucharist in communion Christ’s Body and
Blood spiritually feeds the believer. It makes individual Catholics part of the body of Jesus or the Church
Roman Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Mass. They believe in transubstantiation
which means the consecrated (blessed) bread and wine, become Jesus’ body and blood. Furthermore, Jesus is
present in the readings, since Jesus is the word of God and the readings, especially the gospel outline his
teachings. In addition Jesus is present in the believers gathered together and in the person of the priest (Catholics
believe that Christ works through the ministry of the priesthood to transform the bread and wine into his body
and blood).
c) Explain why the Eucharist (Mass) is significant (important) for Roman Catholics (8)
Task 3: Complete the skill d) task by reading the statements below and decide if they are arguments in favour or against:
d) ‘Going to Mass is the most important part of Catholic life.’ (15 marks) Discuss the statement showing that you have
considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.)
Mass is said to be ‘the source and summit of Many Christians would argue that following the
the Christian life’, because it unites teachings and examples of Jesus is more important
Christians with God. Catholics believe they than going to Mass. For example, following the
become closer to God because they receive Beatitudes or Jesus teachings in the Sermon on the
Jesus in communion. Mount are more important.
Some might argue that the sacrament of baptism is Roman Catholics believe that Jesus is
the most important part of Catholic life. Baptism present in the Mass. They believe in
transubstantiation which means the
follows the example of Jesus and washes away the
consecrated (blessed) bread and wine,
original sin of the child.
become Jesus’ body and blood.
closer to God as prayer can be done at and wine into his body and blood).
Conclusion – what do you think? Do you think going to Mass is the most important part of Catholic Life?
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