Contract 2 MCQ
Contract 2 MCQ
Contract 2 MCQ
21. The transfer of the ownership of goods 29. ----------- means to make good the
by one person to another for some specific actual loss caused to the insured
purpose is known as A. Reinsurance
A. bailment B. Indemnity
B. hypothecation C. Insurable interest
C. pledge D. Mitigation of loss
D. none of these
30. A person employed to do any act for
22. The delivery of goods by one person to another or to represent another in dealing
another for some specific purpose is known with a third person refers to
as A. Principal
A. bailment B. Employee
B. hypothecation C. Agent
C. pledge D. Development Officer
D. mortgage
31. Insurance contract is sort of contract
23. The bailment of goods can be made by which is appointed by
its owner of A. Indian Contract Act
A. movable goods only B. Indian Factory Act
B. both of these C. Indian Companies Act
C. immovable goods only D. Indian Finance Act
D. none of these
32. Out of the following, which is/are duty
24. In which of the following ways, the of a bailee?
bailment is not terminated? A. To take care
A. Expiry of a specified period B. To take a reasonable care
B. Fulfilment of an object C. To sell the goods
C. Bailer’s insolvency D. To retain the goods
34. Which of the following persons does not 42. In case of retirement of a partner full
have a right of general lien? good will is credited to the accounts of:
A. Bankers (a) All partners
B. Wharfingers (b) Only retiring partner
C. Finder of goods (c) Only remaining partner
D. Factors and policy brokers (d) None of the above
35. An ordinary partnership business can 43. Revaluation account is operated to find
have: out gain or loss at the time of:
(a) Not more than 50 partners. (a) Admission of a partner
(b) Not more than 20 partners. (b) Retirement of a partner
(c) Any number of partners. (c) Death of a partner
(d) Any number than 2 partners (d) All of above
36. A banking partnership business can 44. If all the partners, but one are insolvent
have: it is:
(a) Not more than 10 partners. (a) Dissolution of an agreement
(b) Not more than 20 partners. (b) Dissolution of firm.
(c) Not more than 50 partners. (c) May or may not cause dissolution
(d) Any number of partners. (d) None of above
50. Which one of the following statements Q 54. Contract by which one party
is incorrect? promises the other to save from loss
a) Unascertained goods are products which may be caused either by the
that have not yet been manufactured or conduct of the promisor or by the
acquired by the seller, or are unidentified. conduct of any other person is
b) Specific goods are those that are called.
identified at the time the contract of sale is (a) Guarantee
made. (b) Bailment
c) Ownership of goods always (c) Indemnity
passes when physical possession (d) Pledge
passes to the buyer.
d) Sale of Goods Act s17 provides that Q 55. In a contract of indemnity
the property in specific or ascertained (a) 3 parties and 3 contracts
goods passes when the parties intend it to (b)2 parties and 2 contracts
(c) Indemnity
be transferred
(d) Pledge
51. Sale of Goods Act 1979 implied various
Q 56. Right of indemnity holders is
terms into contracts for the sale of goods
specified in Section . . . . . .
but what type of goods are not included
(a) 126
under the Act?
a) Cars (b)125
b) Crops which are to be severed from (c) 124
(d) 123
land before sale.
c) Land.
Q 57. . . . . . . . is a contract to perform
d) Clothing advertised in catalogues.
the promise or discharge the liability
of a third person in case of his
52. Which one of the following statements
is correct?
(a) Guarantee
a) The Sale of Goods Act 1979 does not
apply if the exact price is not mentioned in (b) Bailment
(c) Indemnity
the contract.
b) The Sale of Goods Act 1979 only (d) Pledge
applies to contracts for the sale of goods
Q 58. Which of the following Section of the
where ownership is to be transferred
immediately the contract is made. Indian Contract Act, 1872 deals with
consideration for guarantee’?
c) The Sale of Goods Act 1979 applies to
(a) 126
contracts for the sale of goods where
(b) 127
ownership is to be transferred immediately
(c) 128
from the seller to the buyer and to
(d) 129
contracts where the seller agrees to
transfer ownership at a later date.
Q59. Under a contract of guarantee
d) A contract for the sale of goods must
(a) If principal debtor is liable,
be written
guarantor is liable.
Q 62. Which of the following Sections of Q 67. Bailment without reward is called
the Indian Contract Act, 1872 state (a) Pledge
that the creditor’s forbearance to (b) Constructive bailment
sue does not discharge surety? (c) Gratuitous bailment
(a) 134 (d) Hire
(b) 135
(c) 136 Q 68. Lien means
(d)137 (a) A charge
(b) A particular status
Q 63. If the creditor does any act which is (c) A guarantee
inconsistent with the right of the (d) A legal claim to hold
surety, or omits to do any act which property as security
his duty to the surety requires him
to do, and the eventual remedy of Q 69. Bailor in pledge is known as
the surety himself against the (a) Pawnor
principal debtor is thereby (b) Pawnee
consequently impaired then. (c) Bailee
(a) The surety is discharged (d) None of these
(b) The surety is not discharged
(c) Depends Q 70. For the purpose of pledge, delivery
(d) None of the above of possession of goods
(a) May be symbolic
Q 64. Where a person gives a guarantee (b)Either actual or constructive
upon a contract that the creditor (c) May be constructive
(d) Has to be actual
Q 88. Chapter III of the Sale of Goods Act, Q 96. Prior to the enactment of the Indian
1930 deals with Formation of the Partnership Act, 1932 law relating to
contract partnership was contained in chapter
(a) Condition and Warranties . . . . . of the Indian Contract Act,
(b) Performance of contract 1872.
(c) Effects of contracts (a) X
Q 89. The rules relating to transfer of (c) XII
property in specific goods are (d) XIII
contained in sections . . . . . . of the
Sale of Goods Act Q 97. Who among the following cannot
(a) 20 to 22 enter into partnership?
(b)20 to 24 (a) Married women
(c) 20 to 26 (b) A company
(d) 18 to 22 (c) Alien enemy
(d) None of the above
Q 90 The risk of loss as a rule lies on the
(a) Buyer Q 98. The right to indemnity
(b) Seller (a) Will cease on dissolution of firm
(c) Owner (b)Will not cease on dissolution
(d) None of the above of firm
(c) Depends
Q 91. Risk . . . passes with property (d) None of the above
(a) Always
(b)Prime facie Q 99. No partner should carry on any
(c) Usually business
(d) None of the above (a) Of the same nature of the firm’s
Q 92. A question of risk arises when the (b) Competing with the firm
goods which are agreed to be sold (c) Both (a) and (b)
are . . . (d) None of the above
(a) Lost
(b) Destroyed Q 100. All the partner are . . . . . of a firm.
(c) Damaged (a) Servants
(d)All of the above (b)Agents
(c) Employees
Q 93. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 (d) None of the above
has . . . . . chapters.