Scheme of Work: Cambridge O Level Chemistry 5070
Scheme of Work: Cambridge O Level Chemistry 5070
Scheme of Work: Cambridge O Level Chemistry 5070
Cambridge O Level
Scheme of work – Cambridge O Level Chemistry (5070)
Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit 1: Kinetic theory and atomic structure....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Unit 2: The Periodic Table (including ionic bonding)...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Unit 3: Organic Chemistry 1 (includes covalent bonding and energy from chemicals)................................................................................................................................... 17
Unit 4: Atmosphere and environment............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Unit 5: Amount of substance.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Unit 6: Metals and metal reactivity.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Unit 7: Rate of reaction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Unit 8: Acids, bases and salts (including qualitative analyses)....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Unit 9: Electrolysis.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Unit 10: Organic Chemistry 2......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Recommended prior knowledge
This scheme of work provides ideas about how to construct and deliver a course. The Cambridge O Level Chemistry syllabus has been broken down into teaching units
with suggested teaching activities and learning resources to use in the classroom. This scheme of work provides additional support for teachers and should be used
alongside the syllabus not in place of the syllabus. We recommend that learners who are beginning this course should have previously studied a science curriculum such
as that of the Cambridge Secondary 1 curriculum framework or equivalent national educational frameworks. Learners should also have adequate mathematical skills for
the content contained in the syllabus.
The units within this scheme of work are:
10.1 Air 8%
Unit 4 Atmosphere and environment 10.2 Water
1.3 Identification of ions and gases
4 Electrolysis 8%
Unit 9 Electrolysis 9.5 Manufacture of aluminium
11.3 Alcohols 6%
Unit 10 Organic Chemistry 2 11.4 Carboxylic acids
11.5 Macromolecules
Teaching order
The units may be taught in order, 1 to 10. This is not essential, but the following recommendations apply.
(a) It is recommended that Unit 1 is taught as the first unit of the course.
(b) Other units that are suitable for teaching early in the course include Units 2, 3 and 4. Some of the ideas met in Units 2 and 3 (e.g. ionic and covalent bonding) are
revisited in Unit 4.
(c) Some units contain slightly more difficult concepts and so are suitable for teaching in the middle of the course. These include Units 5, 6 and 7. It is recommended
that Unit 5 is taught before Units 6, 7 and 8 so that amount of substance calculations can be carried out by learners in these units.
(d) Units that study the more difficult concepts, or rely on prior learning from earlier in the course, include Units 8, 9 and 10. Unit 10 must be taught after Unit 3.
(e) It is recommended that the teaching of some skills and concepts are ongoing across all units. These include the use of symbols, formulae, equations, calculations,
ideas about redox, energy changes and chemical bonding and structure.
(f) It is recommended that the themes outlined in the syllabus content, Section 1, Experimental Chemistry, are ongoing across most units such that theory is backed up
by experiment wherever possible and practical skills become second nature.
An editable version of this scheme of work is available on Teacher Support. Go to The scheme of work is in Word doc format and will open
in most word processors in most operating systems. If your word processor or operating system cannot open it, you can download Open Office for free at
An up-to-date resource list for this syllabus can be found at
The textbooks referenced have been written to accommodate this Cambridge O Level Chemistry syllabus (though it is advisable to check textbook content with the
syllabus before each unit, since the text may also contain some material relevant to other Cambridge International Examinations’ syllabuses).
Endorsed textbooks:
Textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations for use with the Cambridge O Level Chemistry syllabus (syllabus code 5070) include:
Harwood, R Chemistry 2nd Edition Cambridge University Press, UK (2002) ISBN: 9780521530934
Chemistry GCE O Level Examinations Past Papers with Answer Guides: Chemistry (Cambridge International Examinations) Foundation Books, India
ISBN: 9788175961791
The suggested learning resources listed in the units in this scheme of work are intended to provide support for learners and teachers following the course. Some
resources directly support the suggested teaching activities whilst others provide more general reference, background and extension material. All resources have been
checked to ensure their relevance and academic level is suitable for the Cambridge O Level syllabus. All references are to specific web pages rather than to the general
site URL and may be followed directly from the electronic scheme or work or typed directly into the address bar of any web browser. A number of animation and video
resources rely on the correct plug-in software being installed on the user’s computer (e.g. Quicktime and Flash) – all of which are freely available for download via the
This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge International Examinations is not responsible for the accuracy or
content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or of the
site’s owners (or their products/services). The particular website pages in the learning resource column were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other
aspects of the sites were not checked and only the particular resources are recommended.
This unit should be studied very early in the course. The concepts of kinetic theory and atomic structure are necessary prior learning for most of the other units.
Learners study the kinetic theory of solids, liquids, gases and solutions and are introduced to ideas about atomic structure. This unit contains core learning for all
other units, therefore learners of all abilities need to study all of the concepts.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
2.1 Kinetic particle theory Learners should be familiar with diagrams or
(a) Describe the solid, liquid and computer animations of ‘particles in boxes’ to Click on ‘Resources for
gaseous states of matter and represent solids, liquids and gases. Learners should ages 11–14’ → ‘Chemistry’
explain their interconversion in be able to describe the arrangement and movement → ‘Materials’.
terms of the kinetic particle theory of particles in each state.
and of the energy changes
involved Discuss by showing experiments or pictures of There is an opportunity to practise
substances undergoing changes of state e.g. ice the use of thermometers and stop chemistry/resource
melting, water evaporating, steam condensing, flow clocks, syllabus learning objective Download and look at
chart of the water cycle. 1.1(a). experiments 20, 23, 26, 36
and 37.
Suggested experiments Learners use a thermometer to
Observing state changes. measure the temperature change
every 30 s as ice melts and the m/vac/states/index.htm
Plotting a heating curve for water. resultant water is heated to boiling. Use virtual lab to look at
(b) Describe and explain evidence Learners should practise describing diffusion using
for the movement of particles ideas about the arrangement and movement of chemistry/resource
in liquids and gases particles at different temperatures. Download and look at
experiment 27
(d) State qualitatively the effect of Suggested experiment A white ring of ammonium
molecular mass on the rate of Set up a long horizontal tube with rubber bungs at chloride forms nearer the
diffusion and explain the each end. Insert cotton wool soaked in conc. ammonia hydrochloric acid end, because HCl
dependence of rate of diffusion on at one end, and cotton wool soaked in conc. molecules have a greater mass so
temperature hydrochloric acid at the other. diffuse more slowly.
2.3 Structure and properties of Suggested experiment Learners need learn Downloadable element
materials Investigate the properties of iron and sulfur definitions for elements, flashcards, games and
(a) Describe the differences (appearance, magnetic properties, density compared compounds and mixtures and to be worksheets (care re non-
between elements, with water, effect of dilute acid) and then a mixture of able to identify them from chemical systematic names):
compounds and mixtures the two. The elements can then be heated to form a formulae and ‘particles in boxes’
compound and the properties of the compound diagrams. s/ apchem.html
React heated Na with Cl2 gas; the explosion between fact that compounds can differ
H2 and O2. greatly in properties from the chemistry/resource
elements they are made from. Download and look at
Alloys as examples of useful experiment 14
(a) Describe methods of Suggested experiment This links to water purification For background information
purification by the use of a Separating mixtures e.g. salt from rock salt, pure water (syllabus learning objectives 10.2 on salt extraction:
solvent, filtration and from sandy sea water. Demonstration: propanone from (c) and (d).
crystallisation, distillation and a propanone/water mixture using a heating mantle.
fractional distillation Stress the usefulness of fractional
distillation as it appears later for chemistry/
industrially separating fractions Look at experiment 1 and
from crude oil or the gases from air. 99
(c) Describe paper Suggested experiment This links to the identification of Use Google to search for
chromatography and interpret Chromatography of food colourings or ink from felt tip amino acids from images of
chromatograms including pens. Dyes from sugar coated sweets can be used by hydrolysed proteins (11.5(k)), a ‘chromatography’;
comparison with ‘known’ transferring the dye to filter paper using a damp paint technique used to click on the image tab then
samples and use of R1 values brush. diagnose some illnesses e.g. enter ‘chromatography –
diabetes. there are lots of colourful
(d) Explain the need to use Learners can carry out chromatography of permanent images available to show to
locating agents in the inks using methanol as a solvent. The separation of food colourings learners as well as
chromatography of colourless can be carried out on paper and examples of other types of
compounds thin layer chromatography – the Rf chromatographs including
values change using the different gas/liquid.
Look at experiments 4, 40
and 71.
2.2 Atomic structure Suggested activity Learners need to learn the
(a) State the relative charges and Learners use information from the Periodic Table to definitions of key terms, e.g. proton, hemistry/about.jsp
appropriate relative masses of draw the atoms of the first twenty elements using neutron, electron, proton number, Click on ‘free sample units’
a proton, a neutron and an crosses to represent electrons in circles to represent nucleon number. The terms atomic and go to ‘structure of the
electron electron shells. These can be made colourful and number and mass number are used atom’ and click on ‘view
used to make a class wall display. throughout as well as proton and unit’.
(b) Describe the structure of an nucleon number.
atom Diagrams such as these can be particularly useful in
emphasising the difference between isotopes. Isotopes The concept of relative atomic Click on: ‘Resources for
(c) Define proton and nucleon with unstable nuclei are radioactive. mass (Ar) can be introduced here in ages 14–16’ → ’Physics’ →
number relation to the values quoted in the ‘Atomic and Nuclear
Periodic Table (syllabus learning Physics’ → ‘A world of
(f) Deduce the numbers of objective 3(e)). atoms’.
protons, neutrons and
electrons in atoms and ions
Click on ‘GCSE revision’ →
(d) Interpret and use symbols ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Atomic
(e) Define the term isotopes
available at
The learning in this unit follows directly from the ideas in Unit 1. Unit 2 needs to be studied early in the course because an understanding of the Periodic Table is
necessary prior learning for most of the other units. The link between atomic structure and the Periodic Table can be emphasised early in the course.
Learners learn how the properties of elements depend on their position in the Periodic Table, with specific reference to Groups I, VII and the transition metals. This leads
to a study of ionic bonding. The unit gives opportunity to introduce and practise the use of symbols, balanced chemical equations and state symbols. More able learners
could begin an early introduction to ionic equations by writing equations for the formation of ions.
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
8.1 Periodic trends Learners should use the version of the Periodic Table Learners should be familiar Periodic Table games:
(a) Describe the Periodic Table as an from Appendix 6.2 of the syllabus. Larger coloured with some of these ideas from their
arrangement of the elements in the versions are available from scientific suppliers. work on atomic structure in Unit 1. m
order of increasing proton They need to be able to draw the
(atomic) number atomic structures of the first
20 elements by using information in dex.html
(b) Describe how the position of an from the Periodic Table.
element in the Periodic Table is www.activescience-
related to proton number and
electronic structure m odule=5
(c) Describe the relationship between Learners can annotate their own photocopied Periodic A project building on IT skills,
Group number and the ionic Table using shading and a key to show metals/non- utilising the various web Periodic Click on ‘GCSE revision’ →
charge of an element metals. One approach is to ask groups of learners to Tables can be a very useful cross- ‘Chemistry’ → ‘The
research different elements. These should include: curricular exercise. Periodic Table’
8.2 Group properties Suggested demonstration This topic provides a good Video clips of the reactions
(a) Describe lithium, sodium and Demonstrate the reaction of lithium, sodium and opportunity to practise writing and of Group I elements with
potassium in Group I (trends in potassium with air by observing the tarnishing of the balancing chemical equations water are available online
physical properties and reactions cut surface (if available, this can be shown using a (syllabus learning objective 3(d)). at:
with water) digital microscope and shown on a screen).
en ts
Demonstrate the reactions with water, by adding small This is an opportunity to teach the
pieces to a trough containing water and Universal gas test for hydrogen (syllabus
Indicator solution. Focus on the similarities between learning objectives 1.3(c)) and the
the reactions of each element, and the trend in use of Universal Indicator (7.1(a))
Ask learners to predict what will be observed when the Learners need to learn the crucial Balancing equations:
more reactive elements are added to water. difference between an observation
(e.g. bubbles are seen) and an uk
Show video clips of the more reactive metals in Group inference (e.g. hydrogen gas is Go to ‘Balancing Equations’
I. (See resources) produced).
(b) Describe chlorine, bromine and One approach is for learners to research the physical Ideas about ionic bonding (syllabus
iodine in Group VII (trend in properties (e.g. appearance, melting and boiling points learning objective 2.4) can be chemistry/resource
physical properties and etc.) of the halogens and enter the data into a table or taught alongside teaching about Look at experiment 19
displacement reactions) spreadsheet. Groups I and VII.
Learners test each other by deleting/hiding information This is an opportunity to teach the
and trying to predict the missing properties by gas test for chlorine (syllabus
considering the position of the element in the Group. learning objective 1.3(c)).
The displacement reactions can be carried out as a By the end of the course, learners
demonstration or experiment. A few drops of hexane should be able to discuss
can be used to distinguish between iodine (purple in displacement reactions in terms of
hexane) from bromine (orange). oxidation numbers, electron
transfer and REDOX (syllabus
Learners can check their understanding by using learning objective 6.2(a) to (c)).
element (fluorine, chlorine etc.) and compound
(aqueous potassium fluoride, aqueous potassium If this unit is taught early in the
chloride etc.) cards. Learners take a card from each course, it is recommended that
pile and say whether or not a reaction will happen. these ideas are not introduced
More able learners can be asked to predict here, but are dealt with as revision
observations and equations for each reaction. later.
(c) Describe elements in Group 0 Learners can research the extremely low boiling points
(The lack of reactivity that can be of the noble gases, the fact that they are monatomic
related to their electronic gases and their uses using the interactive Periodic
structures and uses.) Tables.
8.3 Transition elements Learners can carry out a data search of the physical The concept of oxidation state
(a) Describe the central block of properties of the transition elements and plot graphs to change can be covered later in Unit chemistry/resource
elements (physical properties, compare them with K and Ca. 6. Look at experiment 88
variable oxidation states and
coloured compounds) Learners can be shown examples of compounds to
see that they are coloured and relate them to oxidation
state e.g. Fe2+ and Fe3+, Cr3+ and CrO42-.
2.4 Ionic bonding Learners should practise drawing the ionic structures Learners can practise writing ionic
(a) Describe the formation of ions by of ions that are formed from some of the first 20 equations (syllabus learning Click on ‘GCSE revision’ →
electron loss/gain in order to obtain elements (i.e. Groups I, II, III, VI and VII), showing the objective 3(d)) for the reactions that ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Chemical
the electronic configuration of an electron shells and overall ionic charge. they have met in this unit e.g. Bonding’
inert gas formation of ions, displacement of
Learners should practise predicting the formulae of halogens.
(b) Describe the formation of ionic bonds common ionic compounds of the first 20 elements (i.e. reactivity-series-link
between metals and non-metals (e.g. Groups I, II, III, VI and VII). Click on ‘Ionic Equations’
NaCl; MgCl2)
(c) State that ionic materials contain a This can be carried out as a data search with learners The white colour of Group I and II
giant lattice in which the ions are researching data such as appearance, melting point, compounds can be compared to chemistry/resource
held by electrostatic attraction state etc. of common compounds such as chlorides Transition element compounds to Look at experiment 32
and oxides. reinforce syllabus learning objective
(d) Deduce formulae of ionic 8.3 (see above).
compounds from diagrams of their Suggested experiment hemistry.diagrams/indexdia
lattice structures Learners examine common ionic compounds and Hand lenses, a microscope or grams.htm
identify similarities in their appearances. digital microscope are useful to see Choose appropriate
the crystalline structures. diagrams from list –
diagrams can be saved for
future use
(e) Relate the physical properties Learners can then test the properties of some ionically
(including electrical property) of bonded compounds e.g. solubility in water, electrical
ionic compounds to their lattice conductivity of their crystals and solutions, whether
structure crystals melt on heating. Learners can then be given
two white solids (e.g. sodium chloride and powdered
wax) and can be asked to identify which is ionically
Unit 3: Organic Chemistry 1 (includes covalent bonding and energy from chemicals)
This unit is suitable for studying towards the middle of the course. It is a necessary preparatory for Unit 10: Organic Chemistry 2. Ideas about energy from chemicals are
used in rate of reaction (Unit 7).
This is a lengthy unit. The ideas all relate to the petrochemical industry. Learners study fractional distillation and cracking of crude oil, leading to a study of the properties
and reactions of two homologous series: the alkanes and alkenes. It is suggested that the alkanes are used as examples of typical covalent compounds – thus an
introduction to covalent bonding is taught alongside learning about the structures of alkanes. Following an introduction using simpler molecules (see syllabus), more able
learners should be able to draw ‘dot and cross’ diagrams for more complex molecules, e.g. alkanes, and molecules which contain double or triple bonds. The unit ends
with a study about energy changes in chemical reactions. All learners should be able to draw energy profile diagrams. Work on the petrochemical industry lends itself to
‘topic’ based work and the opportunity for learners to carry out their own research.
There are several possible routes through the unit. Syllabus learning objectives 2.5 (Covalent bonding) and 5 (Energy from chemicals) can be taught alongside 11.1
(Alkanes), using alkanes as examples to teach the key ideas. Another approach is to teach covalent bonding and energy discretely as preparation for teaching alkanes
and alkenes together towards the end of the unit. More able learners should understand that the relative bond energies of products and reactants determine the nature
of the energy change in reactions.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
11 Organic Chemistry Discuss the range of products made from oils e.g. This issue is best addressed in an
(a) State that the naphtha fraction from fuels, detergents, plastics, paints, dyes, fibres etc. integrated approach by discussion
crude oil is the main source of across the unit.
hydrocarbons used as the feedstock Learners could make an ‘oil diary’ for a day to show
for the production of a wide range of how they use oil products. Learners should realise that we
organic compounds depend on oil for chemicals to
Link crude oil to other fossil fuels, particularly natural make many ‘everyday’ goods, and
Describe the issues relating to the gas and shale gas. that oil reserves are being rapidly
5 Energy from chemicals (part 1) Learners need to be familiar with how the process of This cross-links to syllabus learning
(h) Describe petroleum as a mixture of fractional distillation works by considering the different objective 1.2(a), purification by
hydrocarbons and its separation into boiling points of the oil fractions. Most textbooks have distillation. Click on: ‘Resources for
useful fractions by fractional suitable diagrams to use. See the list of websites for ages 14–16’ → ‘Chemistry’
distillation virtual visits to oil platforms and refineries. → ‘Industrial Processes’ →
‘Discover Petroleum’
(i) Name the main fractions and Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons –
state their uses (see syllabus for natural gas is largely methane. Use the properties of
list) – Note: The importance of these to introduce the general physical properties of
the naptha fraction as the main covalent compounds (in contrast to ionic compounds).
organic feedstock.
2.5 Covalent bonding Learners need to be able to draw dot and cross for all It is important to contrast the
(a) Describe the formation of a covalent the molecules given in Syllabus section 2.5(b). properties of covalent compounds
bond by the sharing of a pair of to those of ionic (from Unit 2).
electrons in order to gain the They should start by drawing compounds that contain
electronic configuration of an inert only single bonds and then progress to double (CO2) Learners should be able to identify
gas and triple (N2). the type of bonding in a compound
from tabulated data such as melting
(b) Describe, using ‘dot-and-cross’ Introduce bonding in alkanes (and alkenes). and boiling points, electrical
diagrams, the formation of covalent conductivity etc.
bonds between non-metallic
11.1 Alkanes Learners can produce a table of names, formulae (both This syllabus area provides the
(a) Describe a homologous series as a condensed and structural), melting and boiling point, opportunity for introducing relative
group of compounds with a general relative molecular mass for the alkanes. They can use atomic and molecular mass.
formula, similar chemical databooks or online databases to find the information
properties and showing a gradation independently. Discuss the trends in the properties and
produce a summary of the main points.
(b) Describe the alkanes as a If resources are available, learners should build 3-D There is also opportunity to teach
homologous series of saturated models of the alkanes. Molecular modelling kits can or practise using empirical and Click on ‘GCSE Revision’
hydrocarbons with the general be used, but if these are not available they can use molecular formulae, syllabus → ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Products
formula CnH2n + 2 cocktail sticks or drinking straws for bonds and learning objective 3(h). from crude oil’
modelling clay or soft sweets for atoms.
(c) Draw the structures of branched and Learners need to learn to name and give the formulae This can be taught alongside
unbranched alkanes, C1 to C4, and for the first four alkanes. One approach is to make covalent bonding 2.5 (above). ol/library
name the unbranched flashcards for the learners to put in order, match Click on ‘Hydrocarbons’
alkanes, methane to butane names with formulae. The cards can then be used for
learners to test each other.
(d) Define isomerism and identify Learners need to learn the definition for isomers.
isomers Again, if possible they can build 3-D models of the
isomers of butane and use them to draw structural
(e) Describe the properties of This is a further opportunity to practice balancing This provides an opportunityto
alkanes as being generally equations. Learners should be able to write equations teach Redox in terms of oxygen
unreactive except in for combustion and substitution reactions of the first gain, syllabus learning objective
terms of burning and substitution by four alkanes. 6.2(a).
The gases from a burning candle or Bunsen burner This is also an opportunity to teach
can be collected and tested for water and carbon the tests for carbon dioxide and
dioxide. water, syllabus learning objective
5 Energy from chemicals (part 2) Use the burning of methane as the initial example for Use syllabus 5070 past
(a) Describe the meaning of enthalpy constructing an energy profile. examination papers to see the chemistry/resource
change in terms of exothermic (ΔH layout of energy profile diagrams Look at experiments 16, 22
negative) and endothermic Test tube reactions suitable for experimenting with used in examinations. Past and 84
(ΔH positive) reactions temperature and energy changes include: question papers available at
Represent energy changes using • magnesium and aqueous copper sulfate
energy profile diagrams. Ideas about activation – Reeko’s mad scientist lab:
(b) • hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide energy should be introduced here,
Describe bond breaking as an • any metal carbonate and hydrochloric acid although a fuller treatment follows
endothermic process and bond • dissolving ammonium salts. in Unit 7.
(c) making as an exothermic process
Learners should draw energy profile diagrams for the Learners should appreciate that
Explain overall enthalpy changes in reactions they carry out and label them with reactants, even very exothermic reactions
terms of the energy changes products, activation energy and enthalpy change. (e.g. combustion of methane)
associated with the breaking and require an initial energy input (a
(d) making of covalent bonds lighted match).
(f) Describe hydrogen, derived from Learners should compare using ethanol and hydrogen Use a search engine to
water or hydrocarbons, as a potential with using fossil fuels such as natural gas and oil search for ‘Hydrogen car’ to
fuel for use in future, reacting with fractions, and discuss issues such as: see the latest examples of
oxygen to generate electricity hydrogen fuelled vehicles.
directly in a fuel cell (details of the • hazards
construction and operation of a fuel • storage/ liquid and gas states Clean energy:
cell are not required) and discuss the • method of manufacture
advantages and disadvantages of this • pollutant gases produced leanEnergy/default.asp
• long-term future/renewable v non-renewable.
Describe photosynthesis and
explain how this can provide a chemistry/resource
(j) renewable energy source Look at experiment 54
11.2 Alkenes Note: Use of the term ‘unsaturated’ and the general
(a) Describe the alkenes as a formula CnH2n.
homologous series of unsaturated
hydrocarbons with the general
formula CnH2n
(b) Draw the structures of branched and Flash cards can be used in the same way as
unbranched alkenes, C2 to C4, and recommended for alkanes.
name the unbranched
(c) Describe the manufacture of alkenes This can be demonstrated by heating vaseline soaked
and hydrogen by cracking on mineral wool in a horizontal test tube, passing the chemistry/resource
hydrocarbons and recognise that vapour over a broken pot catalyst (in the middle of the Look at experiment 96
cracking is essential to match the test tube) and collecting the product (ethene) over
demand for fractions containing water. See online links suggested
smaller molecules from the under ‘fractional distillation’
refinery process above for oil refining.
(e) Describe the properties of This is a further opportunity for equation writing
alkenes (combustion, practice. Learners should be able to draw the
polymerisation, addition structures of alkenes showing the double bond
reactions) reacting to form saturated products.
Suggested experiment
Distinguishing between hexene and hexane using
aqueous bromine.
(d) Describe the difference between Learners can test different vegetable oils and melted This topic can be used to reinforce
saturated and unsaturated animal fats for ‘degree of unsaturation’ by counting the the use of transition metals as chemistry/resource
hydrocarbons from their molecular number of drops of aqueous bromine that each will catalysts (syllabus learning Look at experiment 9
structures and by using aqueous decolourise. objective 8.3, in Unit 2) by stressing
bromine the role of nickel in hydrogenation.
11.5 Macromolecules Learners can practise drawing monomers and An interesting extension is to look
(a) Describe macromolecules as large polymers of compounds related to ethene. They at the international symbols for chemistry/resource
molecules built up from small units, should be able to identify the repeating unit in a given recycling plastics (see website) and Look at experiments 77
different macromolecules having polymer. identifying which compounds are and 95
2.3 Structure and properties of Learners need to be able to explain physical properties This links to previous work on
materials in terms of bonding and structure. They can research covalent and ionic bonding. Again, Click on ‘GCSE revision’ →
(b) Compare the structure of simple the properties of the substances in section 2.3 by using learners should practise identifying ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Chemical
molecular substances, e.g. methane, data books or online data-bases. the type of bonding from tabulated Bonding’
iodine, with those of giant molecular data such as melting and boiling
substances, e.g. sand, diamond, points, electrical conductivity
graphite in order to deduce their
(d) Deduce the physical and chemical A suggested experiment is to ask learners to
properties of substances from their distinguish between silver sand (giant covalent), salt
structures and bonding and vice (ionic) and powdered wax (simple covalent) by
versa experiment.
(c) Compare the bonding, structure Learners need to be familiar with the 3-D diagrams of
and properties of diamond and the two forms of carbon. One activity is to give learner
graphite in order to deduce cards of different properties and their explanations and
properties such as electrical ask them to work out which property fits which
conductivity, lubricating or cutting explanation e.g. ‘Property: diamond is denser than
action graphite’ ‘Reason: atoms in diamond are closer
together than in graphite’.
The ideas covered in the unit are suitable to be studied early in the course.
This unit studies the gases in the atmosphere, both naturally occurring and pollutant, and the role of chemistry in supplying drinking water. The unit
‘stands alone’ but can be used to introduce or practise skills from other syllabus areas including the use of symbols and equations, covalent bonding, redox and acidic
nature of non-metal oxides. The study of water purification can be used to practise separation techniques as preparation for the practical component of the examination.
All learners should find the ideas in this unit accessible.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
10.1 Air Learners can process the percentage composition data Unit 3: Organic Chemistry 1 Use a search engine such
(a) Describe the volume composition of using bar graphs or pie charts or by using a spread includes the teaching of covalent as ‘Google’ to search for
gases present in dry air as 78% sheet. This activity can be used to practise the bonding. If learners have already uses of the gases in air.
nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the mathematical requirements of the course (see studied Unit 3, they can draw ‘dot
remainder being noble gases (with Appendix 1 of the current syllabus). and cross’ diagrams to represent
argon as the main constituent) and the bonding in the atmospheric chemistry/resource
carbon dioxide Learners should be taught how fractional distillation gases that have a simple structure. Look at experiment 11
works. This is a good opportunity for learners to think
(b) Describe the separation of oxygen, about boiling points with negative values. This cross-links to syllabus learning BOC Industrial Gases UK:
nitrogen and the noble gases from objective 1.2(a), purification by
liquid air by fractional Learners can use textbooks, CD-ROMs and the distillation. The BOC website gives dex.html
distillation internet to find out what the gases are used for. useful information on the separation
(c) State the uses of oxygen (e.g. in and uses of gases from the air.
making steel; oxygen tents in
hospitals; in welding)
(d) Name some common atmospheric Suggested research activity This is an opportunity to refer to the Many governments monitor
pollutants (e.g. carbon monoxide; One approach is to ask different groups to research idea of exothermic reactions again air quality. Use a search
methane; nitrogen oxides (NO and the different gases. Each group needs to be given in preparation for Unit 6. engine to search for ‘Air
NO2); ozone; sulfur dioxide; specific tasks so that the key learning objectives are quality data/information’ to
unburned hydrocarbons) covered e.g. ask learners to find out: This is also an opportunity to teach find local information about
• the formula of the gas the gas tests for carbon dioxide, levels of pollutants.
Discuss the effects of pollutants • how it is formed as a pollutant sulfur dioxide and oxygen (syllabus
(g) on health and environment • what problems it causes learning objective 1.3(c)).
(carbon monoxide and acid rain) • how we can solve the problems or reduce the
pollution. Ideas about the acidity of non-metal www.carbonmonoxidekills.c
oxides can be introduced here as om
Groups take turns to present their findings to the whole preparation for syllabus learning
group e.g. using posters or by giving a talk supported objective 7.1(h) in Unit 8.
by overhead transparencies (OHTs) or a presentation html
using ‘PowerPoint’.
(f) Describe the reactions in Learners should use ideas about Redox reactions to This unit provides an opportunity to
catalytic converters and flue-gas explain the reactions in catalytic converters. At this teach ideas about REDOX Search for ‘Catalytic
desulfurisation early stage, the reactions can be discussed simply in reactions in terms of oxygen gain – converter’
terms of oxygen loss and gain. They also need to think particularly in reference to the
about how the structure of the converters is linked to reactions in a catalytic converter,
speeds of reaction. The reactions happen very fast due (syllabus learning objective 6.2(a)).
to the high temperature and high surface area (This
links to syllabus learning objective 6.1). Energy profile diagrams (syllabus
learning objective 5(b)) are taught
Flue-gas desulfurisation is an opportunity to consider in Unit 6. However, there is an
some social and economic issues e.g. how industrial opportunity to introduce these ideas
processes use large amounts of raw materials and can here to represent the lowering of
produce large amounts of waste for disposal. activation energy by the catalysts.
(h) Discuss the importance of the ozone Learners should know the nature of CFCs. They need This provides an opportunity to
layer and the problems involved to know an outline of the problems of ozone depletion practise and consolidate syllabus ries/index_2000.html
with the depletion of ozone by e.g. UV light levels may rise; this may cause skin learning objectives 2.5(a) to (d). Search for ‘Ozone
reaction with chlorine-containing cancer to humans and kill smaller organisms. If Unit 3 depletion’
compounds, chlorofluorocarbons has already been covered, learners can research
(CFCs) names of CFCs and draw diagrams or make models of
their structures. More able learners can draw dot and Search for ‘Refrigerators’
cross representations of the simpler molecules.
(i) Describe the carbon cycle Learners should use flow charts to show the processes Refer to the sources of CO2 and As this is a highly
(combustion, respiration and occurring in the carbon cycle. They should know CH4. politicised topic teachers
photosynthesis) equations for the processes and appreciate that are recommended to use a
combustion of fossil fuels is causing a rise in Also mention other factors, e.g. search engine to access
(j) State that carbon dioxide and atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. deforestation. In order to obtain a sufficient sites to provide a
methane are greenhouse gases and balanced scientific view long-term balanced scientific view..
may contribute to global warming, A suggested extension is to discuss the approaches cyclical climate change and the
give the sources of these gases and that governments and scientists are using to reduce solar activity should be researched.
The Carbon Cycle:
discuss the possible consequences of the amount of carbon dioxide that is being released.
an increase in global warming
10.2 Water Learners can evaporate measured volumes of different This is an opportunity to remind
(a) State that water from natural sources types of water (e.g. sea, river, tap, bottled) and learners about the formulae, names chemistry/resource
contains a variety of dissolved estimate the dissolved mass per litre. and charges of common ions. Look at experiment 42
substances both naturally
occurring and pollutant Labels from bottled water can be analysed. Learners
can process the data using bar charts or tables and
compare water composition from different sources.
(b) Discuss the environmental Learners should know about the importance of the This links to the high solubility of
effects of dissolved substances solubility of oxygen and mineral salts for aquatic life. ionic compounds in Groups I and II,
(beneficial and pollutant) first discussed in Unit 2.
Learners should know about the main stages in
eutrophication (see Unit 8). This is a further
opportunity to present a process using a flow chart. It
is important to emphasise the chemical processes
(solubility of salts and leaching) rather than the
biological processes involved.
(c) Outline the purification of the water Suggested experiment Use Google image search
supply in terms of Learners can set up their own water filtration column for ‘desalination’ to see
(i) filtration to remove solids using bands of successively smaller gravel and sand. images of both membrane
(ii) use of carbon to remove tastes They can test its effectiveness compared to and distillation processes.
and odours conventional filter paper by filtering a mixture of soil
(iii) chlorination to disinfect the and water and evaporating a measured sample of the
water filtrate.
(d) State that seawater can be converted It is not expected that learners should know any
into drinkable water by desalination technical details of the processes of desalination.
However, an interesting approach would be to look at a
membrane and distillation process in outline.
1.3 Identification of ions and Learners can carry out a water test on a test tube
gases scale. chemistry/resource
(d) Describe a chemical test for Look at experiment 109
The skills taught in this unit are necessary for all other units. It is strongly suggested that ideas about symbols, equations and calculations are taught using an integrated
approach through all other units. This unit should link together and revise ideas that have been introduced in earlier units. Unit 5 should be taught before Unit 6 and Unit
The unit contains skills of using calculations to calculate amounts of substances, including volumes of gases, in chemical reactions. These calculations are useful in
handling data throughout the course. Volumetric analysis is routinely assessed in the practical component of the examination.
A list of mathematical requirements for candidates is available under Appendix 1 of the syllabus.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
3 Formulae, stoichiometry and It is strongly suggested that these ideas are taught Learners can be given a copy of the
the mole concept using an integrated approach across the syllabus. It is Periodic Table (use Appendix 6.2 of Click on ‘GCSE’ →
(a) State the symbols of the elements expected that examination candidates will be able to the syllabus) and a list of guidance ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Writing
and formulae of the compounds write, interpret and use formulae and equations fluently notes for writing symbols and formulae and balancing
mentioned in the syllabus across all units. formulae, and for writing and equations’
balancing equations.
Deduce the formulae of simple It is suggested that the use of symbols is introduced in
(b) compounds from the relative Unit 1, with the teaching of atomic structure. The use These notes can be stuck in the
numbers of atoms present and vice of equations and formulae can be introduced in Unit 2 front cover of learners’ books – or
versa in the context of the Periodic Table and reactions of in a prominent section of their files -
Groups I and VII. There are opportunities to teach and so that learners can refer to them
Deduce the formulae of ionic practise ionic equations in displacement reactions during the course.
(c) compounds from the charges on the (Group VII (introductory work in Unit 2) and metals
ions present and vice versa (Unit 6) and in electrolysis (Unit 9)).
(e) Define relative atomic mass, Ar It is suggested that this is covered in Units 1 and 3.
(f) Define relative molecular mass, Learners should be able to calculate relative molecular Look at experiment 5
Mr and calculate relative molecular masses using formulae of compounds and by referring
mass (and relative formula mass) as to the Periodic Table.
the sum of relative atomic masses
(g) Calculate the percentage mass A range of calculations using a variety of elements and Fertilisers are useful examples for
of an element in a compound compounds should be practised. this type of calculation.
when given appropriate information
(h) Calculate empirical and Suggested experiment See the current syllabus for advice
molecular formulae from relevant Heating magnesium to form magnesium oxide and about mathematical requirements. chemistry/resource
data determine its formula. Look at experiments 61, 67
This experiment is useful in terms and 90
Learners should understand, with reference to of processing a class set of results
structures met in Units 2 and 4, such as poly(ethane), using a spreadsheet, such as
sodium chloride and silicon dioxide, that some Excel, and plotting the graph.
formulae represent simple ratios. Suitable molecules
for illustrating empirical formulae include hydrocarbons
(alkanes and alkenes), phosphorus oxides and
(i) Calculate stoichiometric reacting Learners should practise calculating reacting masses These skills should be practised in
masses and volumes of gases (one on both an experimental scale, using grams, and an the context of the later units of the chemistry/resource
mole of gas occupies 24 dm3 at room industrial scale, using tonnes. course. It is common for Look at experiment 68
temperature and pressure); examination questions to test
calculations involving the idea of Less able learners can calculate reacting masses from calculation skills in the context of
limiting reactants may be set ratios of masses in the equation without learning about other syllabus areas e.g. acids,
molar amounts. bases and salts, extraction of
(j) Apply the concept of solution Suggested experiments Use past practical (or
concentration (in mol/dm3 or g/dm3) Acid-base titrations e.g. aqueous hydrochloric or alternative to practical) examination chemistry/resource
to process the results of volumetric sulfuric acid with aqueous sodium hydroxide. papers for examples of common Look at experiments 5, 8,
experiments and to solve simple volumetric calculations. 45 and 48
problems Redox titrations potassium manganate(VII) titrations.
It is important that the techniques of
Learners should practise calculating concentrations of rough and accurate titres are
aqueous solutions from results using different molar practised to prepare for the
ratios of reactants. practical paper.
(k) Calculate % yield and % purity Learners need to be able to identify the limiting factor Again, use past practical
that determines the maximum yield. examination papers for examples of
this type of calculation.
Suggested experiments
Determination of percentage yield: preparation of Alternatively, this can be taught as
copper sulfate from an excess of copper carbonate an integral part of the preparation of
and a known volume of sulfuric acid. salts in Unit 8 or the amount of
metals in ores in Unit 6.
Purity: Determination of the copper carbonate content
of a weighed sample of malachite by reaction with
sulfuric acid. The calculation can either be based on
the dried residue waste, or on a back-calculation from
the mass of copper sulfate produced (this will need
heating and drying to the anhydrous form).
Nov 10 Paper 41 Q8
Jun 10 Paper 31 Q1
Jun 10 Paper 41 Q8
Jun 11 Paper 42 Q4
Jun 11 Paper 42 Q8
Nov 11 Paper 42 Q10
Learners should study this unit before Unit 9, as it covers the extraction of metals using carbon. Unit 9 includes the use of electrolysis to extract aluminium.
This unit covers physical and chemical properties of metals linked to the reactivity series. The unit should be taught using practical experiments wherever possible. It is
suggested that Redox reactions are taught in the context of the unit so that more able learners learn to analyse metal reactions in terms of electron transfer and oxidation
number change. Less able learners can focus on corrosion as an example of a simpler oxidation reaction. The reactivity series is linked to methods of extraction for
metals. There are opportunities for topic based work on recycling.
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
2.6 Metallic bonding Learners should be familiar with the ‘cations in It is important that learner can Copper properties and
(a) Describe metals as a lattice of delocalised mobile electrons’ model of metal structure. compare metallic structure and uses:
positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’ They should be able to explain metallic properties properties with ionic and covalent
using this model. Learners should be careful when structures e.g. electrical
drawing the diagram not to have the metal ions conductivity. 16/chemistry/
touching. ml
(b) Relate properties of metals A suggested activity is for learners to use a table or Learners need to be able to identify
(malleability and electrical spreadsheet of data about metal physical properties the type of bonding from a table or
conductivity) to their structure (see 9.1 below) to explain why different metals are list of data such as melting points
used for different purposes. and conductivity.
9.1 Properties of metals The teaching of metal properties should be taught in This links to early work on Kinetic
(a) Describe the general physical properties the context of bonding (above). theory of solids in Unit 1.
(b) Describe alloys as a mixture of a metal Learners can research the properties of alloys
with another element, e.g. brass; compared with their constituent elements. chemistry/resource
stainless steel Look at experiment 63
(c) Identify representations of metals and Learners should use diagrams showing the effect of Paper chromatography can be used Information about gold
alloys from diagrams of structures different sized atoms on metal structure and use the to identify the metals present in an alloys:
diagrams to explain why alloys are typically harder and alloy such as brass or the coinage
Explain why alloys have different less malleable than elements. metals.
(d) physical properties to their constituent
9.2 Reactivity Series Learners should carry out test-tube reactions of the This is an opportunity to teach the
(a) Place in order of reactivity calcium, named metals with water and acids. This is an gas test for hydrogen (syllabus chemistry/resource
copper, (hydrogen), iron, lead, opportunity for the learners to practise making learning objective 1.3(c)). Look at experiment 31 and
magnesium, potassium, silver, observations and to draw conclusions about relative 62
sodium and zinc by reference to metal reactivity from their own data. They can Learners may note the exothermic
(i) the reactions compare reactivity by contrasting the rate of evolution nature of reactions involving acids
(ii) the reduction of bubbles or by measuring temperature changes. by using a thermometer to monitor Click on ‘GCSE revision’ →
temperature changes during the ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Metals – the
Learners should practise making predictions about the reaction (syllabus learning objective Reactivity Series’.
reactions of a metal by reference to its position in the 5(a)).
reactivity series.
A mixture of lead oxide and carbon heated in a crucible These reactions are good examples
will produce a puddle of molten lead. for the use of datalogging methods Click on ‘GCSE Chemistry
using a temperature probe. 2013 → ‘The Reactivity
Learners should realise that more Series’
reactive metals need more energy
to reduce them from their
compounds. This idea is an
important preparation for Unit 9.
(b) Describe the reactivity series as related Learners can carry out test-tube reactions of copper, Learners should be able to
to the tendency of a metal to form its iron, lead, magnesium and zinc with aqueous solutions represent displacement reactions chemistry/resource
positive ion, illustrated of their salts. They can produce tabulated observations using ionic equations (syllabus Look at experiment 97
by its reaction with and use their findings to deduce an order of reactivity. learning objective 3(d)).
(i) the aqueous ions of the other listed
(ii) the oxides of the other listed metals
(d) Describe the action of heat on the Learners can heat metal carbonates in test tubes This is an opportunity to teach the
carbonates of the listed metals and relate attached to a delivery tube. The gas evolved can be gas test for carbon dioxide chemistry/resource
thermal stability to the bubbled through a second test tube containing lime (syllabus learning objective 1.3(c)). Look at experiment 66
reactivity series water. Learners can time how long it takes for the lime
water to go cloudy and so rank the carbonates in order More able learners should be
of stability. aware that these reactions require
energy and are therefore
As an extension, more able learners may consider the endothermic.
size and charge on the cation as a factor in
determining stability. All learners should write equations
for the reactions.
6.2 Redox These ideas should be taught where they occur across This is an opportunity to teach the
(a) Define oxidation and reduction (redox) the syllabus. gas test for sulfur dioxide (syllabus
in terms of oxygen/hydrogen gain/loss learning objective 1.3(c)).
Note: Use of the mnemonic ‘OILRIG’.
Define redox in terms of electron
(b) transfer The learners can work to a set of rules for determining This is also an opportunity to revise
oxidation numbers. They can use metal displacement and compare displacement
Identify redox reactions in terms of reactions as a context to learn to identify the oxidant reactions of halogens from Unit 2
(c) oxygen/hydrogen, and/or electron, and reductant from full and ionic equations. They need and analyse them using ideas
gain/loss to be able to do this both in terms of electron transfer about redox in terms of electron
(d) Describe the use of aqueous potassium The common reactions and colour changes of
iodide in testing for oxidising agents oxidising and reducing agents can be demonstrated.
and acidified potassium manganate(VII) These are covered again in other syllabus areas (e.g.
in testing for reducing agents from the amount of substance).
resulting colour changes
9.3 Extraction of metals One approach is to ask different groups of learners to Percentage purity calculations
(a) Describe the ease of obtaining metals research the extraction of different metals e.g. (syllabus learning objective 3(k)) chemistry/resource
from their ores by relating the elements • name of metal can be taught here. Look at experiments 33, 74
to their positions in • occurrence in nature (element or compound) and 94
the reactivity series • how it is extracted from its ore? (heating with Learners can work out the
carbon or electricity) percentage of metal compounds in
(b) Describe metal ores as a finite resource • cost per tonne (this can be found using an various ores. Click on ‘GCSE’ →
and hence the need to recycle metals internet search engine for latest metal prices) ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Extraction of
• uses of the metal Metals’
Discuss the social, economic and • whether or not the metal is usually recycled.
(c) environmental advantages and Copper properties and
disadvantages of recycling metals, This data can be displayed on fact cards or put into a uses:
e.g. aluminium and copper table on board, spreadsheet or database.
The metals can then be considered in order of 16/chemistry/
reactivity to link trends in reactivity with the method ml
and energy of extraction. It is important that learners
recognise that the energy demand of extraction
contributes towards the price of the metal, and that the tm
use of large amounts of energy has implications for
recycling and the need to save fuel resources.
9.4 Iron Learners need to be familiar with an outline schematic The equations for the reactions in
(a) Describe and explain the essential diagram of the blast furnace. the blast furnace should be chemistry/resource
reactions in the extraction of iron using discussed in terms of redox Look at experiment 35
haematite, limestone and Learners need to know the raw materials, waste (oxidation state and oxygen
coke in the blast furnace outputs (slag, carbon monoxide and dioxide) and transfer).
equations for the oxidation of carbon, reduction of iron
oxide and formation of slag.
(b) Describe steels as alloys which are a Learners can carry out a ‘steel survey’ using a magnet This is an opportunity to reinforce Steel for many purposes:
mixture of iron with carbon or other to identify where iron and steel are used in the ideas about alloys.
metals and how controlled materials around them. Examples include, food and
use of these additives changes the drinks cans, vehicles, paper clips. Learners can research to find out ex.html
properties of the iron, e.g. high carbon which elements are added to make
steels are strong but For each use learners should be able to outline which different types of steel e.g. mild
brittle whereas low carbon steels are properties of steel are most important in its choice. steel, stainless steel, high tensile
softer and more easily shaped steel.
(d) Describe the essential conditions for the Test tube reactions using nails can be set up to show Contrast the rusting of iron to the
corrosion (rusting) of iron as the that air and water are needed for rusting to take place. formation of a protective oxide layer chemistry/resource
presence of oxygen and Learners can investigate different methods of rust on aluminium (syllabus learning Look at experiments 50, 55
water; prevention of rusting can be prevention e.g. coating the nails with oil, grease or objective 9.5(b)). and 69
achieved by placing a barrier around the paint, using copper or zinc foil, investigating the effect
metal of acid and salt on rate of rusting. Learners should recognise rusting
as an oxidation reaction.
(e) Describe the sacrificial protection of Another activity is to bring a bicycle into the classroom.
iron by a more reactive metal in terms Learners look to find out how the different parts of the Contexts to use for discussion
of the reactivity series bicycle are protected from rusting. They can consider include the use of zinc and
where the more reactive metal corrodes why different methods of rust prevention are used for magnesium blocks to protect oil
preferentially different areas. rigs, ships and boats in both salt
and fresh water, the sealing of car
box-sections with plastic sealants.
The ideas themselves are not difficult, but the unit can be used to revise and consolidate learning from other units e.g. the writing of equations and calculations involving
reacting masses and gas volumes (Unit 3), energy profile diagrams (Unit 4), metal reactivity (Unit 6) and reactions of metal carbonates with acids (Unit 8).
This unit can be taught either as a preparatory unit for Units 6 and 8 or as a summative unit to consolidate ideas about reactions from these units.
The unit has a strong emphasis on practical chemistry. Learners should carry out extensive experimental work to generate data about speed of reaction under variable
conditions. There is opportunity for ICT in the use of data loggers and spreadsheets. Suitable reactions for studying speeds of reaction include the reactions of metals
with acids (Unit 6) and metal carbonates with acids (Unit 8).
A list of mathematical requirements for the examination is provided in the syllabus. The questions used to assess this syllabus area assume that candidates are familiar
with using graphs.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
1.1 Experimental design Learners should be familiar with the full range of If available, learners should have
(a) Name appropriate apparatus for the apparatus through their experimental work in this unit. the opportunity of processing their
measurement of time, temperature, data using a spreadsheet to
mass and volume, produce tables and graphs.
(b) Suggest suitable apparatus, given Learners should collect gases over water and using
relevant information, for a variety of measuring cylinders. They should also measure rate
simple experiments, including by monitoring mass lost during a reaction in which a
collection of gases and measurement gas is evolved. If available, a data logger attached to a
of rates of computer can collect mass changes from an electronic
6.1 Rate of reaction Suggested experiment See the current syllabus for advice
(a) Describe the effect of concentration, The reaction between limestone/marble chips and about graphs. chemistry/resource
pressure, particle size and dilute hydrochloric acid can be used to show the Look at experiments 29, 64
temperature on the rates of reactions effects of all the variables listed with the exception of Learners should present their data and 65
and explain these effects in terms of pressure. using graphs where possible. More
collisions between reacting particles able learners should realise that the
Learners collect the carbon dioxide evolved in a gas gradient of the slope of the graph is Click on ‘GCSE’ →
Suggest a suitable method for syringe or over water into a measuring cylinder. Trial related to the rate. ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Rates of
investigating the effect of a given runs should be used to determine the appropriate Reaction’
variable on the rate of a reaction concentration and quantities to use. Learners should Learners should be able to interpret
investigate the effects of changing the concentration of the relative shape of graphs to Rates of reaction:
Interpret data obtained from acid, particle size of limestone and temperature of identify what variables have
experiments concerned with rate of acid. changed e.g. how the shape reaction-rates-links.htm
reaction changes when the rate is
Learners need to use particle diagrams to explain faster/slower. What happens to the
these effects in terms of frequency of successful shape when the temperature,
collisions. It is important when considering surface area or concentration of
temperature effects to discuss ideas about the acid changes.
numbers of reactant particles with the minimum
activation energy needed for successful collisions to The effect of pressure should be
occur. Learners should realise that not all collisions are discussed in theory. This concept
successful. is visited again in the industrial
preparation of ammonia, Unit 8.
Learners should be given the opportunity to
experiment with different ways of measuring rate of The reaction of sodium thiosulfate Iodine clock reaction:
reaction (see 1.1 below). with acid can be followed using the
‘disappearing cross’ method or odine_clock_reaction
Alternative reactions: Iodine Clock. A reaction of using a light sensor linked to a
sodium thiosulfate with hydrochloric acid. computer/calculator.
(b) Define the term catalyst and An appropriate reaction to use is the decomposition of This links to syllabus learning
describe the effect of catalysts hydrogen peroxide using manganese(IV) oxide as a objective 5(b) from Unit 3. chemistry/resource
(including enzymes) on the rates of catalyst. The volume of oxygen evolved can be Look at experiment 58
reactions measured against time.
(c) Explain how pathways with lower
activation energies account for the 1-catalyst-energy.htm
increase in rates of reactions
(d) State that transition elements and Learners can investigate different metal oxides as This links to syllabus learning Resources for schools:
their compounds act as catalysts in a catalysts for the hydrogen peroxide experiment (See objective 8.3 from Unit 2.
range of industrial processes and that above). ge/active_science.cfm
enzymes are biological catalysts The use of transition element
Examples: magnesium oxide, aluminium oxide, compounds as catalysts is
copper(II) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, other transition reinforced in industrial processes in
metal oxides. Biological catalysts can also be used Units 8 and 10.
e.g. small amounts of liver or vegetables (celery and
potatoes both work). Learners can be told that our liver
metabolises hydrogen peroxide as
it is a poison.
This unit contains a substantial quantity of learning objectives that are assessed as part of both theory and practical components. The unit contains the more complex
inorganic chemistry in the course. The reaction of acids and carbonates is commonly used to teach rate of reaction (Unit 7). There are strong links between the two
Learners study the reactions of acids and the preparation and analysis of metal salts. This unit has an extensive practical component. Learner should carry out as many
of the reactions as possible in the laboratory. More able learners should use this unit to consolidate their learning about equations, calculations, volumetric analysis and
ionic bonding. Reactions of acids are accessible to all learners. Less able learners should use this unit in preparation for the practical component of the examination by
focusing on techniques for salt preparation and analysis.
Two industrial processes are studied. These can be taught anywhere in the unit.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
1.2 Methods of purification This should be taught alongside syllabus learner This can be used to revise ideas
(a) Describe methods of purification by objectives 7.1 and 7.2 below. See past examination about tests for purity. (syllabus chemistry/resource
the use of a suitable solvent, papers of Paper 4 for practice. learning objective 1.2(e) from Look at experiments 1 and
filtration and crystallisation, Unit 1). 99
1.3 Identification of ions and Learners need to be familiar with the methods of See Practical / Alternative to
gases carrying out these tests. Practical past papers for guidance chemistry/resource
(a) Describe the use of aqueous sodium on how to set out the recording and Look at experiment 80
hydroxide and aqueous ammonia to Learners should carry out the experiments and focus processing of results.
identify the following on learning to:
aqueous cations: aluminium, • recall how to carry out each test
ammonium, calcium, copper(II),
iron(II), iron(III) and zinc • write an equation for each reaction
(b) Describe tests to identify the • knowing how to test for any gas evolved
following anions: carbonate (by the (syllabus learning objective 1.3(c))
addition of dilute acid and
subsequent use of limewater); • recall the objectives of the cation tests
chloride (by reaction of an aqueous
solution with nitric acid and aqueous • being able to record their observations and
silver nitrate); iodide (by reaction of conclusions systematically
an aqueous solution with nitric acid
and aqueous silver nitrate); nitrate • being able to identify a salt by combining the
(by reduction with aluminium and results of the cation and anion tests.
aqueous sodium hydroxide to
ammonia and subsequent use of
litmus paper) and sulfate (by
reaction of an aqueous solution with
nitric acid and aqueous barium
7.1 Characteristic properties of Learners can test a range of laboratory acids and If available, learners can be shown
acids and bases alkalis, including weak acids (e.g. ethanoic acid) and other methods of measuring pH chemistry/resource
(a) Describe the meanings of the terms weak alkalis (e.g. aqueous sodium carbonate) using e.g. using pH meters, pH probes or Look at experiments 10
acid and alkali in terms of the ions Universal Indicator paper and/or solution. a pH probe attached to a data and 38
they contain or produce in aqueous logger. Issues to discuss include
solution and their effects on An interesting extension is to test ‘everyday’ the increased accuracy and Acid-Base Indicators:
Universal Indicator paper substances e.g. fruits, milk, toothpaste, skin etc. and convenience of using electronic
find their pH. methods of measuring pH in the chem/senese/101/acidbase
Describe how to test hydrogen ion workplace and industry. /indicators.shtml
(b) concentration and hence relative Learners should be able to discriminate between a
acidity using Universal Indicator strong and weak acid by using Universal Indicator or This links to work in Unit 10 relating
paper and the pH scale by considering the different rates of reaction with the to the properties of ethanoic acid.
substances named below.
Describe the characteristic properties
(c) of acids as in reactions with metals,
bases and carbonates
(g) Describe the characteristic properties • equations for the reactions (include state symbols) Learners should carry out at least
of bases in reactions with acids and • trends in reactivity of the metals one of each type of reaction.
with ammonium salts • gas tests for hydrogen and carbon dioxide
• change in pH during the reactions
• temperature changes in the reactions (an
opportunity to revise exothermic reactions)
• practise choosing reagants to make a named salt
• practising techniques named in syllabus learning
objectives 1.1, 1.2 (above) and 7.2 (below).
(e) Describe neutralisation as a reaction Learners may have carried out a titration during Unit 5. This provides an opportunity to
between hydrogen ions and The emphasis this time should be on titration followed teach volumetric analysis using an chemistry/resource
hydroxide ions to produce by partial evaporation and crystallisation as a method acid-base titration (syllabus Look at experiments 45, 48
water, H+ + OH- → H2O of preparing a soluble salt. learning objective 3(j), Unit 5). and 60
Learners could make an ammonium salt such as Learners may note the exothermic
ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate to show how nature of neutralisation by using a
artificial fertilisers are made. This links to syllabus thermometer to monitor
learning objective 7.3 below. temperature changes during the
reaction (syllabus learning objective
(f) Describe the importance of Learners can discuss reasons why calcium hydroxide This can be taught in the context of
controlling the pH in soils and how is chosen to use on soil. Issues to discuss include the the effect of calcium hydroxide on chemistry/resource
excess acidity can be treated using treatment of soil or lakes in areas where rain water is ammonium salts (syllabus learning Look at experiment 91
calcium hydroxide polluted and acidic. objective 7.3 below).
(h) Classify oxides as acidic, basic or This should be linked to the Periodic Table. Learners This is an opportunity to revise
amphoteric, based on metallic/non- can test the pH of some soluble oxides (e.g. calcium metallic and non-metallic elements chemistry/resource
metallic character oxide, and bubbling carbon dioxide through Universal related to their positions on the Look at experiment 21
Indicator solution) and should practise predicting the Periodic Table (syllabus learning
character of an oxide from the position of an element in objective 8.1(e)). Acidic oxides
the Periodic Table. were met in Atmosphere and
Environment, Unit 4.
7.2 Preparation of salts This section is commonly assessed via the This should be taught parallel to 1.2
(a) Describe the techniques used in the Practical/Alternative to Practical paper (Paper 4). below. chemistry/resource
preparation, separation and Learners should refer to past papers to practise the Look at experiments 47
purification of salts as examples of range of common tasks. Extension and 48
some of the techniques specified in More able learners should calculate
Section 1.2(a) One approach is to ask learners to research and a theoretical yield and an
(methods for preparation should devise their own method for making a named salt. experimental percentage yield
include precipitation and titration Syllabus learning objective 7.1 (above) can be used to (syllabus learning objective 3 (k),
together with reactions of acids teach the techniques needed in preparation for the Unit 5). Each working group can
with metals, insoluble bases and investigation. Learners will need to choose a method enter their yield onto a spread
insoluble carbonates) based on the solubility of the salt and sequence the sheet for a discussion relating to
techniques involved. how to increase yields. This can be
(b) linked to the economic importance
Describe the general rules of
solubility for common salts to of high yields in industry.
include nitrates, chlorides (including
silver and lead), sulfates (including
barium, calcium and lead),
carbonates, hydroxides, Group I
cations and
ammonium salts
7.3 Properties and uses of This should be taught alongside syllabus learning Stress the importance of iron as a
ammonia objective 6.3 (below). transition metal catalyst to reinforce chemistry/resource
(a) Describe the use of nitrogen, from syllabus learning objectives 8.3(b) Look at experiment 49
air, and hydrogen, from cracking oil, Learners should be familiar with the yield against and 6.1(b).
in the manufacture of ammonia temperature/pressure graph and be able to discuss
optimum conditions interms of yield and rate. An interesting extension is for
Describe and explain the essential learners to research the life of Fritz
(c) conditions for the manufacture of There is an opportunity to discuss the issue of the Haber.
ammonia by the Haber process economic and environmental need for fuel and energy
conservation in industry.
6.3 Reversible reactions This should be taught in the context of the manufacture It is also important that learners
(a) Describe the idea that some of ammonia, syllabus learning objective 7.3 (above). practise predicting the effect on
chemical reactions can be reversed yield of changing conditions of
by changing the reaction conditions Learners should be familiar with the symbol for temperature and pressure by
reversible reactions. looking at equations for unfamiliar
Describe the idea that some reactions and considering the molar
(b) reversible reactions can reach These ideas can be revisited in the study of sulfuric volumes of gases involved and the
dynamic equilibrium and predict the acid manufacture (below). value of ∆H.
effect of changing the conditions
7.3 Properties and uses of Learners are not expected to know details of the role of This links to calculations based on UK agriculture:
ammonia nitrogen in the growth of plants. One approach is to relative molecular masses first met
(d) Describe the use of nitrogenous look at labels of fertiliser bags. Learners can identify in Unit 5. arming/crops/fertilisingcrop
fertilisers in promoting plant growth the compounds used and calculate the percentage s.html
and crop yield nitrogen in each compound
(f) Describe eutrophication and water One approach is to summarise eutrophication using a Water pollution was introduced in
pollution problems caused by flow chart. It is important to focus on the chemical Unit 4.
nitrates leaching from farm land and process of solubility causing leaching and give only a
explain why the high solubility of brief outline of the subsequent biological processes
nitrates increases these problems that occur in the river.
Describe the displacement of Learners can heat ammonium salts with solid calcium
(g) ammonia from its salts and explain hydroxide in test tubes. Use damp Universal Indicator
why adding calcium hydroxide to paper to test for ammonia evolved. This also works
soil can cause the loss of nitrogen with proteins e.g. hair, nail clippings.
from added nitrogenous fertiliser
7.4 Sulfuric acid Use fertilisers – amomonium sulfate – as the link to Stress the importance of
(a) Describe the manufacture of sulfuric this section vanadium(V) oxide as a transition
acid from the raw materials sulfur, metal compound catalyst to
air and water in the Contact process Learners should study the manufacture of sulfuric reinforce syllabus learning
acid with emphasis on: objectives 8.3(b) and 6.1(b).
State the use of sulfur dioxide as a • a summary of the main reactions (e.g. using a flow
(b) bleach, in the manufacture of wood chart) This is an opportunity to teach the
pulp for paper and as a food • equations, including state symbols for each gas test for sulfur dioxide (syllabus
preservative (by killing bacteria) reaction learning objective 1.3(c)).
• considering the reversible nature of the reaction to
form sulfur trioxide (see syllabus learning
objective 6.3 above)
• the large scale importance of sulfuric acid with
reference to its uses.
Jun 10 Paper 41 Q9
Jun 11 Paper 42 Q9
Nov 11 Paper 22 QB6
Nov 11 Paper 42 Q11
Unit 9: Electrolysis
This unit builds on learners’ understanding of atomic structure, ionic bonding, ionic equations, energy changes, redox reactions and metal extraction. The unit can be
used to consolidate and reinforce ideas from these syllabus areas.
The unit examines the electrolysis of molten and aqueous compounds. Learners should have the opportunity to observe or carry out these reactions as small scale
experiments in the laboratory. More able learners should be practise writing ionic equations for the reactions and predicting the products of
electrolysis. They should discuss the reactions using ideas of redox in terms of electron transfer. Less able learners should be able to learn the products of
the reactions they study. The manufacture of aluminium is included in the unit. This gives an opportunity for studying the social and environmental importance of
recycling of metals.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
4 Electrolysis Learners can compare the conduction of electricity by Practical experiment with a KMnO4
(a) Describe electrolysis as the metals and ionic compounds. crystal on moist filter paper a useful chemistry/resource
conduction of electricity by an ionic demonstration. Look at experiment 34
compound (an electrolyte), when Learners should be able to describe the term
molten or dissolved in water, leading ‘electrolyte’ by referring to its decomposition by an
to the decomposition of the electric current.
(b) Describe electrolysis as evidence for
the existence of ions which are held
in a lattice when solid but which are
free to move when molten or in
(c) Describe, in terms of the mobility of This can be carried out as a demonstration by melting If possible, this should be carried
ions present and the electrode a small sample in a crucible and electrolysing it, while out in a fume cupboard as the toxic
products, the electrolysis of molten heating, using graphite electrodes. bromine vaporises.
lead bromide, using inert electrodes
(d) Predict the likely products of the Learners should be able to predict the products of
electrolysis of a molten compound electrolysing other simple compounds e.g. other metal
(e) Apply the idea of selective discharge Learners can carry out the electrolysis of the named This is also an opportunity to teach
(linked to the reactivity series for solutions using graphite electrodes in small cells. the gas tests for hydrogen and chemistry/resource
cations, see 9.2) to deduce the Adding Universal Indicator to aqueous sodium chloride oxygen (syllabus learning objective Look at experiments 82, 92
electrolysis of concentrated aqueous allows identification of the alkali (sodium hydroxide) 1.3(c)). and 100
sodium chloride, aqueous copper(II) and chlorine (the indicator is bleached). Learners
sulfate and dilute sulfuric acid should carry out at least one experiment where the
using inert electrodes gases are collected and tested.
Predict the likely products of the Learners should be given rules of selective discharge
(f) electrolysis of an aqueous and should practise predicting the products of
electrolyte, given relevant electrolysis of a range of other aqueous ionic salts.
(g) Construct equations for the reactions Learners need to be able to write ionic equations, with It is also important that reactions
occurring at each electrode during state symbols, for common reactions at both the anode are discussed in terms of redox
electrolysis and cathode, including the discharge of oxygen gas (electron transfer, oxidation number
from hydroxide ions from water. change).
(i) Describe the electrolysis of aqueous This can be taught alongside the electrolysis of Interesting issues to discuss
copper(II) sulfate with copper aqueous copper(II) sulfate with inert electrodes. include the need for very pure Click on ‘GCSE’ →
electrodes as a means of purifying Learners need to be able to compare the two copper for use in electrical cable. ‘Chemistry’ → ‘Electrolysis’
copper processes e.g. the different observations and anode This can be linked to the recycling
(k) Describe the production of electrical Learners should use a voltmeter to measure voltages This should be linked to the
energy from simple cells (i.e. two when different pairs of electrodes are dipped in an reactivity series (syllabus learning chemistry/resource
electrodes in an electrolyte) linked to aqueous electrolyte e.g. dilute hydrochloric acid. They objective 9.2). Look at experiments 7 and
the reactivity series can also try making a fruit battery by using a citrus fruit 15
or potato as the electrolyte. Learners could research the Daniell
Cell as an extension activity. How batteries work:
More able learners should discuss the size of the
voltage to the difference in reactivity of the metals.
9.5 Manufacture of aluminium Learners should be familiar with a schematic diagram Further discussion can focus on the
(a) Outline the manufacture of of an industrial cell for the electrolysis of molten large energy demand for the
aluminium from pure aluminium aluminium oxide in molten cryolite. process and the implications for
oxide dissolved in cryolite (starting depletion of non-renewable fuels.
materials and essential conditions, Teaching points include: This should be linked to the
including identity of electrodes the role of the cryolite,electrode reaction, importance of recycling of
should be given together with names of substances involved and ionic aluminium, first discussed in Unit 6.
equations for the electrode reactions equations
but no technical details or diagrams reactions discussed in terms of redox (oxygen
are required) and electron transfer, oxidation number
the processes that erode the anodes.
(b) Explain the apparent lack of Suggested experiment is to compare the reaction with Contrast the role of the impervious
reactivity of aluminium dilute acid of an ‘old’ aluminium strip to one that has oxide layer to the oxidation of iron chemistry/resource
had its surface oxide layer removed by rubbing with causing iron to rust (syllabus Look at experiment 55
(c) State the uses of aluminium and sandpaper (or been cleaned with vinegar). learning objective 9(d)).
relate the uses to the properties of
this metal and its alloys, e.g. the
manufacture of aircraft; food
containers; electrical cables
The unit builds on previous learning about homologous series, alkanes, alkenes and covalent bonding. Carboxylic acids are examples of weak acids and so link to
learning about acids in Unit 8. The unit can be used to form a summary of the organic component of the course.
Learners study three main classes of organic compound; alcohols, carboxylic acids and condensation polymers. The level of the unit is accessible to most learners if it is
studied late in the course.
Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Further teacher guidance Learning resources
11.3 Alcohols Learners can make flashcards of the names and Learners may need to revise ideas
(a) Describe the alcohols as a formulae of the first four alcohols. These could be about homologous series (syllabus
homologous series containing the – used in matching or ordering exercises or learners can learning objectives 11.1 and 11.2)
OH group work in pairs to test each other. first met in Unit 3.
(b) Draw the structures of alcohols, C1 Extension If modelling kits are available,
to C4, and name the unbranched More able learners can derive a general formula for the learners should build models of the
alcohols, methanol to butanol alcohols and use it to predict the formula of larger alcohols.
Models can also be built using
Learners can use databooks or an online database to cocktail sticks or drinking straws for
research the physical properties of the alcohols e.g. bonds and modelling clay or sweets
melting and boiling points. This information can be for atoms.
used to revise ideas about trends in homologous
series first met in Unit 3.
(c) Describe the properties of alcohols This should be linked to exothermic changes (Unit 3, This is an opportunity to practise
in terms of combustion and syllabus learning objective 5(a) onwards). Learners writing and balancing equations, chemistry/resource
oxidation to carboxylic acids can compare the energy output of different alcohols by and to revise the use of energy Look at experiments 79
measuring temperature changes when water is heated profile diagrams (syllabus learning and 85
using alcohol burners. Importance of ethanol (and objective 5(b)).
methanol) as fuel for cars – reduction of CO pollution
(renewable fuel – Brazil and New Zealand).
(d) Describe the formation of ethanol by The fermentation of ethanol can be carried out on a The distillation of ethanol made by How winemaking works:
the catalysed addition of steam to test-tube scale. The mixture can be fractionally distilled fermentation can be used as an
ethene and by fermentation of to give ethanol that is pure enough to ignite – this example of fractional distillation to
glucose illustrates in outline the production of ethanol for fuel illustrate syllabus learning objective
(e.g. in Brazil). Contrast the flammability, or not, of 1.2(a). Ethanol fuel:
brandy and wine, or solutions of 10% and 40% alcohol.
(e) State some uses of ethanol, e.g. as a Learners should know the equation and conditions for This is an opportunity to discuss the
solvent; as a renewable fuel; as a the industrial preparation of ethanol from ethene. use of ethanol as a renewable fuel
constituent of alcoholic Learners can discuss the conditions by considering the made from glucose obtained by
beverages choice of temperature, pressure and catalyst in terms photosynthesis (syllabus learning
of optimum yield and rate. objective 5(j)).
11.4 Carboxylic acids Similar activities to those used for the teaching of Models of the molecules can be
(a) Describe the carboxylic acids as a alcohols (above) can be used. made, where materials are
homologous series containing the – available (see alcohols, above).
CO2H group
(c) Describe the carboxylic acids as Learners can carry out the reactions on a test-tube This can be used to revise ideas
weak acids, reacting with scale. A worthwhile approach is to carry out about strong and weak acids met in chemistry/resource
carbonates, bases and some metals experiments to compare the reactions to those of a Unit 8 (syllabus learning objective Look at experiment 78
typical strong mineral acid e.g. dilute hydrochloric acid. 7.1(d)).
Learners should identify any gases formed and write
equations for the reactions. Learners can revise gas tests for
carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
(d) Describe the formation of ethanoic The formation of ethanoic acid works on a test-tube Redox should be discussed in Oxidation of ethanol to
acid by the oxidation of ethanol by scale. A suggested experiment for aerial oxidation is terms of oxygen transfer and ethanoic acid:
atmospheric oxygen or acidified to put the same volume of ethanol into vessels with oxidation number. www.creative-
potassium manganate(VII) different surface areas, and add a few drops of
Universal Indicator solution to each. If available, a pH probe and data dule3/documents/N-ch3-
logger should be used to monitor 15.pdf
Learners can monitor the pH change over several days the pH changes.
as ethanoic acid forms.
(e) Describe the reaction of carboxylic The reaction can be carried out either by the learners If samples of other esters are Carboxylic acids:
acids from C1 to C4 with alcohols or as a demonstration. The learners can be given the available, learners can smell them
from C1 to C4 to form esters opportunity to note the characteristic smell of ‘pear and decide whether they resemble 28751/review/biochem/
drops’ to illustrate the use of esters in perfumes and fruit flavourings. ml
Draw the structures of and name the flavourings.
(f) esters formed from carboxylic acids
and alcohols
11.5 Macromolecules The polymerisation of nylon from solutions of its This section builds directly on the
(e) Describe the condensation monomers can be demonstrated – ‘nylon rope macromolecules section which Click on ‘GCSE’ →
polymerisation of nylon experiment’. dealt with addition polymerisation in ‘Chemistry’ →: ‘Products
(polyamide) and Terylene Unit 4. from crude oil’
(polyester) using representations Learners can melt nylon granules over a gentle heat
shown in the syllabus on a metal lid or plate. A glass rod can be used to
draw a thread from the melted nylon. This is a similar
method to that used to make nylon threads for
purposes such as fishing lines.
(f) State some typical uses of synthetic Learners can carry out a polymer survey by looking at Learners may be interested to know
fibres such as nylon and Terylene, the labels in their clothes or at the information in a that Terylene is being replaced in chemistry/resource
e.g. clothing; curtain materials; clothing catalogue. coat and sleeping bag packing by Look at experiments 10
fishing line; parachutes; sleeping recycled polymers. Used plastic and 12
bags Learners can survey the range of fibres used, and bags can be melted and spun into
classify the fibres as man-made and synthetic. fibres that have similar properties to
(g) Describe the pollution problems Learners should recognise that the non-biodegradable Some of these ideas were met in
caused by the disposal of non- nature of many plastics leads to long term Unit 3, syllabus learning objective
biodegradable plastics environmental problems. Issues to discuss include the 11(b).
need for conserving oil reserves and recycling of
plastic waste. Biodegradable plastics have limited uses
as they are usually weaker materials.
(h) Identify carbohydrates, proteins and The main ideas to address are to compare the Examples of structures of
fats as natural macromolecules structures of natural and man-made polymers in terms natural proteins can be
of the variability of monomers in the natural molecule. found in A Level Biology
Describe proteins as possessing the textbooks.
(i) same amide linkages as nylon but Learners should be able to identify whether a
with different monomer units macromolecule is a polyamide or polyester by looking
at its structure.
Describe fats as esters possessing the
same linkages as Terylene but with
(j) different monomer units
(k) Describe the hydrolysis of proteins This can be carried out as a demonstration. This technique is used as a
to amino acids and carbohydrates diagnostic tool in medicine. The
(e.g. starch) to simple sugars Learners need to know the conditions for the resulting amino acids are identified
hydrolysis and be able to predict the likely monomers by analysing their Rf values by
that will form from a given polymer structure. using chromatography and a
locating agent (syllabus learning
objective 1.2(c)).
Sugars can also be separated by
paper chromatography and
visualised by drying in an oven.