Lesson Plan Footnote To Youth
Lesson Plan Footnote To Youth
Lesson Plan Footnote To Youth
a. select and state a scene in the story wherein they think was the most important,
b. relate the story in real life situation,
c. grasp the moral lesson of the story,
d. justify Dodong’s decision to Blas whether it’s right or wrong; and
e. realize that marriage requires maturity and responsibility.
III. Procedure
“So I have a picture here, tell me what can “The Girl/Lady is sad”
you say about the picture?”
“What do you think are the reasons why “Because some of teenagers today lacks
teenagers became pregnant at an early age knowledge about having the proper
nowadays?” relationship with his/her partner, and
maybe most teenagers hardly listen to their
parents anymore”
“Thank You!”
“On your own understanding what do you “It is the basic story of marrying at a very
mean, what do you think Footnote to youth young age and questioning the wisdom of
is?” making life choices at our young age which
we must lived with.”
“Okay, bring out you Homeworks. We’re “ For me, is when a short story colorless
going to have discussion on that. Who worm march blindly to dodong’s foot and
wants to share his/her answer? Did you crawled damnily over it”
able to find words or group of words that
shows the plot of the story?”
“What did dodong do? And what does that “Dodong got tickled and jerked his foot
show? May you justify your answer?” flinging the worm into the air. He was not
bothered. For me it only means that
dodong did not think about his future. He
follow what he feels and not conscious
about the consequences he might face.”
“Okay on the first part of the story, what “His father was sad and afraid on what
can you say about his father’s reaction maybe the result of what he is planning. It
when he asks permission to marry teang?” is maybe because his father already
experienced it”
“Very Good! What did Dodong feel when “It made him feel guilty because he already
Teang was giving birth?” realized that he was not yet ready for
paternity. It was too early”
2nd part
“Very Good! Okay now what did Dodong “Dodong was delighted when he saw his
felt when he came to his wife and their baby he finally accepted the fact the
firstborn baby?” Dodong is now a father.”
“Dodong even blames himself for it. But the “She became so thin and shapeless”
children came and came. But what happen
to Teang? Can you describe her?”
“Did she regret having married?” “Yes, she even remembered his past suitor
and thought what if she married him
“Okay, so can you please read this “One night as he lay beside his wife, he
passage?” rose and went out of the house. He stood
in the moonlight, tired and querulous. He
wanted to ask questions and somebody to
answer him. He wanted to be wise about
many things. One of them was why life did
not fulfill all of Youth’s dreams. Why it
must be so. Why one was forsaken…after
“You encountered the world “querulous”, “It means someone who ask or who want
by using context clues, what do you think to ask many questions, or wants to whine.”
us the meaning of the word “querulous”.
“Very Good! That was correct, now on the “No, if I would be Dodong, I would blame
last sentence, Dodong stated a question myself, not love. I would blame myself
saying, why one was forsaken for love, now because I can’t control my temptations and
if you were Dodong, and would you say the I don’t think about what will happen in the
same thing? Would you blame love about future about what I will do.”
all the things that happened?”
“”That was an excellent answer. But did “Dodong would not fint the answer. Maybe
Dodong came up to an answer? Let’s see. the question was not to be answered. It
Can you please read the next text, Ms. must be so to make youth, youth. Youth
______? must be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully
sweet. Dodong returned to the house
humiliated by himself. He had wanted to
know a little wisdom but was denied it.”
“So Dodong can’t find the answer, he said “It should be like a dream, wherein you can
that youth should be dreamfully sweet. do whatever you want, being free”
What do you mean by dreamfully sweet?”
“One night, while Dodong was sleeping, he “He is shocked about his Son’s Decision,
hears footsteps. He then woke up to see maybe he is also remembering himself.”
who it is. It was Blas, he watched Blas
undress and sleep quietly, Blas was nervous
and yet silent. Dodong asked why he would
not sleep. Then Blas called his Itay Softly,
saying he will marry Tona (his girlfriend).
Dodong can’t say a thing”
“Stop, thank you. Can you please continue Blas Voice stilled with resentment. “I will
Ms. _______?” marry Tona.”
Dodong kept silent, hurt.
“You have objections itay?” Blas asked
“Son… n-none…” (But truly, God I don’t
want Blass to marry yet… not yet. I don’t
want Blass to marry yet…)
But he was helpless. He could not do
anything. Youth must triumph… now.
Love must triumph… now
Afterwards… it will be life.
As long ago Youth and Love did triumph for
Dodong… and the Life Dodong looked
wistfully at his young son in the moonlight.
He felt extremely sad and sorry for him.
“So in the end, Dodong let Blas marry Tona “I think the moral lesson of the story is to
although he really did not want Blas to get always think first about what you will do
marry yet. But in his thoughts, Youth and what will it’s consequences be. And
should prevail, and Youth should be also, always listen to your parent’s advice”
“Dreamfully Sweet”
“Now what do you think is the moral lesson
of the story?”
Comprehension Question
3. What did Dodong and Teang feel about their marriage after almost ten years?
4. What did Dodong realize after being married for a long time?
5. What was Blas asking permission from Dodong? Did Dodong allow him?
V. Assignment:
Individual: In a piece of short bond paper create a vendiagram, comparing and contrasting
the characters of Dodong and his son Blas.
New Era University
College of Education
Submitted by:
Genewel F. Geneza
STC 3-11 Thursday 2-3:00pm
Submitted to:
Dr. Perla Cruz