yarn-II Note
yarn-II Note
yarn-II Note
Speed Frame
Speed Frame : Speed frame is the m/c where the sliver is subjected to one or more attenuating
process and the attenuated sliver receives a small amount of twist and is then wound on
bobbins suitable for creeling at next process.
It is a conventional process where generally three passages are required .
They are as below –
Sliver ------- Sliver frame ------ Slubber bobbin ( draft change 3-5 )
Slubber bobbin ----- Intermediate frame ------ Coarse roving ( d.c. 3-5)
Coarse roving ---- Fire roving frame --- Fore roving ( draft change 3-5)
2. Intermediate frame : Two slubbing bobbin are creeled for each spindle on the
Intermediate frame and the resulting roving is finer than that of slubbing.
Draft Range : 5-6
Drafting system : 3 over 3.
3. Roving Frame : Roving frame is the next m/c which doubles two of the intermediate
bobbins and offers finer hank roving.
Draft Range : 5-6
Drafting system : 3 over 3.
4. Fine roving frame : For very fine counts spinning , attenuation is done again on fine
Roving frame / jack frame where two roving bobbins are creeled for one spindle.
Draft Range : above 7.
Drafting system of Simplex / Speed Frame :
1. Conventional drafting system : 4 over 4 without apron
2. Modern drafting system : 4 over 4 with apron
I SKF Pk 1600
II SKF Pk 1500
1. Conventional 4 over 4 drafting system :
Features :
1. Draft range --- 6 ---10
2. Less middle %one draft ( about 1.05)
3. Roller weighting by dead weight and hook arrangement.
4. Nip point is in the vertical line of the roller centre.
5. After passing the nip point , fibre is not controllable.
6. Nip to nip distance is higher than fibre staple length.
7. Pressure system is dead wt and hook arrangement.
8. .Top Rollers are rubber coated & Bottom are steel and flutted.
Advantage : → Flutted rollers causes of less slippage and synthetic rubber coating prevent
more fibre damage .
Disadvantage : → No arrangement for properly fibre control.
Irregular draft distance.
Time required for changing nip t nip distance.
Found more irregularity.
Thick and thin places produce.
The roller setting distance should be changed for even
Very small change in fibre staple length.
Less production due to more time required .
Feature :
It is 3 over 3 drafting system.
Draft range – 10-15 and break draft range form 1.05-1.15
Apron is used in front %one and thickness of apron is 1 mm and aprons is
shorter and lower apron is longer.
Cradles are long continuous sheet used in double apron system.
Top roller weighting is by spring or pneumatic.
Roller setting is not necessary for small change of fibre length.
Roller Pressure : Front pair → 20-30 daN, Middle Pair 20- 25 daN, Back pair
15-20 daN.
Hardness of top roller 80-88 shore and hardness of bottom roller is about 60
shore , & Back –85-80 and Front 80-75 .
Roller dia
Front Middle Back
Top—28 mm 25 mm 28 mm
Bottom—30-32 mm 25-27 mm 30-32 mm
Regular and uniform draft distribution .
Better fibre control.
Roller setting is not always necessary.
Better roving evenness.
Less influenced by change in staple length of fibre.
Disadvantage :
If draft is below the lower limit , then drafting operation becomes difficult to
Cracked open , badly joined leather apron produce bad roving.
2. SKF PK – 1600 drafting system :
Feature :
Draft range – Max 20 Normally 10-15
Roller dia slightly change .
All bottom roller dia ---- 28.0 mm
Top roller dia--- Back 28, 3rd---28, 2nd—25 , front ---28 mm.
For middle zone, draft distribution easily.
More wider roller setting.
Double apron is used and thickness 1 mm.
Top roller hardness is 80-85 shore.
Roller setting is not necessary for small change of fibre length.
Roller weighting by spring or pneumatic.
Condenser in middle %one to hold the fibres in one place.
Roller setting :
Front range : ---------- Staple length +1/16~1/18”
Middle range : -------- Staple range + 2/16~3/16”
Back range : -------- Staple range + 4/16~5/16”
Advantages :
Regular and uniform drafting is possible.
Roller setting is draft %one for dust and fly fibre suction.
Pneumatic suction in draft %one for dust and fly fibre suction.
Less irregularity.
Roller setting is flexible.
Better controlling and guiding of fibre occurs .
Capability of giving high range of draft.
Less tendency of roller lapping.
Disadvantage :
When draft is below the lower limit then drafting is difficult to control.
Cracked apron , badly joined leather apron produce bad roving and end
Factors consider for Roller Pressure and Hardness :
1. Bulk of the mtl : Bulk → , Pressure
3. Type of fibre : Polyester and acrylic is bulk fibre As a result required higher roller pressure
then cotton .
Factors considered for Roller setting :
1. Bulk of the mtl R/r setting
2. Amount of Draft R/r setting
3. Type of fibre Staple length R/setting
Difference between Conventional and Modern Drafting system :
Conventional Drafting system Modern drafting system
1. Roller draft method. 1. Apron draft method.
2. Apron is not used. 2. Apron is used for better drafting.
3. Not fibre control. 3. Better fibre control.
4. Roller weighting by dead weight 4. Roller weighting by spring and
and hook arrangement. pneumatic.
5. Draft range 6-10. 5. Draft range 10-15 Maximum 20.
6. Less tendency of roller lapping and
6. More tendency of roller lapping end breakage rate.
and end breakage rate.
7. Spindle speed is very high.
7. It is possible to apply very less 8. Able to more production.
speed in spindle.
8. Not able to more production. 9. Various staple length fibre can be
9. Various types of setting is needed treated in same roller setting.
to various staple length of fibre. 10. Less time required.
10. More time required to change of
roller setting. 11. Not.
11. Nip points in the vocational line of
roller centre.
12. Irregular draft distributes. 12. Regular draft distributes.
Apron : Apron is an endless sheet of synthetic rubber , Over which fibre can free movement . It
may be of short or long and the thickness is about 1 mm. The aprons are held out by tensioning
Objects :
To reduce the less of short fibre .
Control the floating fibre.
Prevent foreign matters.
Help regular drafting by alignment of fibre..
Twisting :
Twisting is one of the main operation involved in speed frame. The process of giving
spiral rotation in the drafted mtl along its axis is called twisting. .
Twist helps to bind the fibres together to give a desired strength to the drafted strand just
sufficient to enable it to build up in the form of bobbin and easy with draw for the next process.
Importing Twist :
The flyer inserts twist . Each flyer rotation creates one turn in the roving. Twist per unit
length of roving depends upon the delivery rate of front roller.
RPM of flyer
Turns per inch =
Front roller delivery ( inch / min )
High level of roving twist represent production losses and also draft problem in the ring
spinning m/c. But low twist levels can cause roving breaks during bobbin winding and
Spindle :
The spindle is simply support and drive element for the flyer without any ancillary
function. It is a long steel shaft, mounted at its lower end in a bearing and supported package
tube acting as a neck bearing. The spindle tip is and provided with a slot .When the flyer is set
on the spindle a pin on the flyer projects into the slot so that the flyer and spindle are converted
into a unit for drive purpose.
The Flyer :
Flyer is an essential part pf a speed frame, By this Twist are given an roving , without
any current resistance . Flyer hold the roving and pass the roving through hollow legs also
maintain uniform tension during bobbin building.
The second full flyer leg serves to balance the grooved leg .
Mainly three types of flyer --------
1. Spindle mounted flyers ( conventional)
2. Top mounted flyer ( Modern)
3. Closed mounted flyer
Flyer speed ---- 80-1200 rpm.
Function of flyer :
To import twist on roving. It gives one twist on roving per revolution.
Guiding the roving in proper place over the bobbin during winding.
The pressure of the flyer on the roving helps to produce a compact bobbin.
Helps in winding.
Protects the weak roving from resistance of air.
The m/c part that induces all changes is the change over mechanism , which
comprises metal brackets (3/7) and rods (5/6)
This mechanism is secured to the bobbin rail and is raised and lowered as a unit with
the rail.
A stationary pin is struck by one of the rods (5/6) on the upward stroke and by the
other on the downward struck.. and each time a micro switch (4) emits a pulse.
Each pulse from micro switch causes operation of a release mechanism to permit
rotation of the ratchet wheel through one half tooth.
2) Reversal of the bobbin rail movement :
Reversal of the rail movement originates from the reversing gear.
An electrically operated valve pressurizes the left and right chambers of the double
acting cylinder (9) alternately.
Thus the left hand clutch and right hand clutch are operated successively so that the
pinion is meshed either with. gear wheel 1 or gear wheel 2.
The shaft on which gear wheels 1 and 2 are mounted , always rotates in the same
Accurately , operation of clutch ( 1)or ( 2) causes left or right hand rotation of the
pinion and shaft.
The bobbin rail is correspondingly raised or lower via the bevel gear, pinion ,
sprocket and lifting chain.
3) Shorting of the lift :
Rods 5 and 6 are inclined. The inclination is adjustable and corresponds exactly to
the taper of the bobbin ends (α)
During winding of a package , the ratchet is rotated at every change-over and also
the micro switch is gradually shifted further to the right on a slide .
The rods engage the micro switch steadily earlier in the lift stroke and reversal
occurs correspondingly earlier.
This gives a continuous reduction in the lift of the rail.
The bobbins are thus built with a taper.
Break draft : The greater portion of draft in speed frame is obtained between middle and front
roller. But the draft between back and middle roller varied from 1.03-1.5 which is known as
break draft.
To prepare the processed sliver for final drafting in the front zone.
Engage to break the twist in the curled mtl to prepare it for final drafting.
Helps to acquire higher draft between middle and front roller.
Excessive break draft are undesirable from evenness and quality point of view. The twist of the
speed frame roving is well broken in the break draft field, so that the roving , enters the main
draft zone , is in sufficient loose condition.
List of break draft of different fibres for different back zone setting :
1 1
LCP and & LCP
Coil / inch Roving hank
Problem -01 : Find out the Production / frame / Shift of a modern speed frame at 85%
efficiency to produce 1.5 hank roving.
Assume necessary parameters .
Given , Efficiency = 85%
R.H = 1.5 Ne
Let , TM = 1.1
TPI = TM R . Hank = 1.1 1.5=1.34
No of spindle = 120
Spindle speed = 1200 rpm
Spindle speed * no of spindle * 60* 8 * 0.85
Production = lb
TPI * 36 * 840 * 1.5
= 96.6 lb / shift.
Problem 02 : In speed frame spindle speed =1200, No of spud =120. Roving Hank =1 , TPI =
1.3 , Effy = 85% , cale production lb/hr.
120 * 120 * .85 * 60
Production =
1.3 * 1 * 840 * 36
= 186.81 lb / hr.
Problem 03 : Find out the DCP required to produce 1.5 Hank roving from the sliver of 60
grains / yd. When,
Present DCP = 60 , Roving hank = 0.74
Present sliver = 68 grain /Yd.
R.H = 1.5 Ne
Sliver hank = 60 grain /Yd.
Present DCP = 60
Present roving hank = 0.78
Present sliver = 68 gram/ Yds.
Present DCP * present Draft = Required DCP * Required draft
Delivery Hank
Now, Present draft = ------------(1)
Feed Hank
Delivery Hank = 0.74
Feed Hank = 68 grains / Yd.
= 0.1225 Ne
L w 1 1
W l 68
0.1225 Ne
Present draft = =6.03
= 6.03
delivery Hank
Required draft =
Feed Hank
= = 10.8
Present draft * Present DCP
Required DCP =
Required draft
= = 33.5 = 34 teeth.
Problem no 04: Present R.H = 1.2 Present hank = .014, Required R.H = 1.1 , Required sliver
Hank = 0.12 , Present DCP = 60 , Required DCP = ? Ans :
56.14 ~ 57.0
Present R.H = 1.2 Required RH = 1.1
Present Sliver Hank = 0.14 Required Sliver Hank = 0.12
Present DCP = 60 Required DCP = ?
Problem 05 : Front roller dia = 1.125” , Front roller rpm = 185, If Roving Hank is 0.8 Ne , find
out production in lb per hr.
* Front roller dia * N * 60
Production in lb/ hr =
36 * 0.8 * 840
* 1.125*185*60
36 * 0.8 * 840
= 1.62 lb/hr.
Production with 85% efficiency = 1.62 * .85 = 1.38 lb/hr.
Problem no 06 : Find out the production less / shift in lbs of a speed frame was stopped for
40 mins due to roving breakage (Assume necessary parameters)
Solve :
Here data given , time of stoppage = 40 mins
Let number of spindle =120 , Production in 03 per spindle = 160
Now Production loss in spindle –hr = No of spindle * time in hr
= 120* 40/60 = 80
OPS * spindle -hr 160 * 80
Production loss in lb per shift = =
16 * 8 16*8
= 100
Production loss 100 lb / shift (Ans)
Chapter 2
Combing : Combing may be defined as to removed of short fibres , reps and remaining
impurities of card sliver by using comb with the help of knives , brushes and rollers.
Objects of combing :
1. To remove short fibres below a pre elected length so that the spinner enable to produce
finer / better yarn.
2. To remove reps and foreign matter from the cotton / sliver.
3. With the help of drawing and doubling , combed sliver is uniform and the fibre are
straight and parallel.
Combing for finer / better yarn :
Why combing is necessary for finer / better yarn :
1. For finer count , high draft is required but draft irregularity for presence of short fibre .
After combing short free product ( sliver / Roving) is ready for higher draft .
2. Longer fibres are finer than short fibres. After combing higher count is possible to keep
minimum no of fibre in yarn dia.
Ring spinning system at least 60-65 no of fibre.
Rotor Spinning system more than 80 no of fibre.
Length ↑ → Yarn dia ↓
Length ↑ → yarn dia ↑
3. Long fibre yarn has less hairiness but more luster.
4. Combing is necessary for better yarn appearance and regularity.
5. Less twist for finer yarn but more twist required in present of short fibre. To remove
Feature :
Three sliver creel for one m/c.
Every creel can accommodate 20 cans of sliver .
The sets of 20 ends are separated into 2 sets of 10 sliver are passed through the
detecting roller and draft together by vertical arrangement drafting system.
2 over 3 Drafting system.
After drafting the web are led through the calendar roler and finally made indo lap.
Separated indicator and stop motion for all rollers.
Fully automatic doffing.
M/c specification :
Speed → 80-120 m/min.
Production → 300-350 kg/hr..
Maximum 8 comber → 1 lap former
Lap wt → 700-1200 grains / Yd.
Waste → above 20 %
Advantage :
Increase wt / unit length
Regularity maintained in wt/ unit length.
Additional feature :
Auto grain adjuster.
Auto lap carrying device.
Lap length measure device
Auto stop motion
Fault indicating lamp.
Sliver lap machine:
Object of this machine is to produce a narrow lap from a number of card slivers or draw frame
slivers. The machine is made to take 16-20 slivers depending upon the width and weight/yard
of the lap required to be produce.
Machine Description and material passage: in this machine material i.e. sliver are passes
through the following passages:-
1. Each sliver passes through a hole in the guide plate placed at the back end to the
2. Then they are passed over special spoons.
3. Then the slivers are guided over a v-shaped feed table which brings them together in
the order in which they lie in the lap.
4. Then the slivers are passed through 3 pairs of drafting rollers.
5. Due to draft in the drafting zone the fibers become straightened as all slivers pass
side is side creating web.
6. After leaving the web table the lap sheet runs through 2 pairs of calendar rollers
which compress it in to a sheet.
7. The sheet of cotton is then wound onto a wooden spool bobbin with the help of two
fluted lap winders.
8. During winding on spool bobbin considerable pressure is applied so that a long
length of compressed lap can be obtained.
Ribbon Lap Machine: The machine description and material passage of ribbon lap machine is
mentioned below:-
1. The lap from the sliver lap machine is creeled here. This lap is unwound and fed to
drafting rollers.
2. Ribbon lap machine is actually used to increase wt/unit length and uniformity of the lap
obtained from sliver lap machine.
3. IN ribbon lap machine 6-8 laps are fed. They form a web of same width but more
thickness then doubling and drafting is done.
4. Two wooden fluted feed rollers are used to unwind the lap.
5. Generally 3 over 3 or 4 over 4 drafting system are employed in this machine.
6. After drafting the lap is emerged out in web form passes via deflector plate’s web tables
and calendar rollers.
7. Here 2 pairs of calendar rollers are employed to compress the lap.
8. Thus comber lap is obtained and it is rolled on a spool bobbins Two fluted rollers are
responsible to obtains a compact lap bobbin.
Basic principle of combing / Sequence of combing : Cycle :
a) Lap feed by the feed roller : The feed rollers S move the sheet W forward while the
nippers Zo/Zu are held open.
b) Lap nipping by nipper : The upper nipper plate Zo is lowered onto the cusion plate
Zu so that the fibres are clamped between them
c) Combing by the cylinder : The combing segment (k) mounted on rotating cylinder
(Z) sweeps its needle or saw-teeth through the fibre fringe (B) and carries away thing not
held by the nippers.
d) Nippers forward : The nippers open again and move towards the detaching rollers
e) Web return : Meanwhile the detaching rollers A have returned part of the previously
drawn of stock (web v) by means of a reverse rotation so that the web protrudes from
the back of the detaching device.
f) Piecing : In the coarse of the forward movement of the nippers the projecting fibre
fringe B is placed upon the return web V.
g) Detaching : The detaching rollers begin to rotate in the forward direction again and
draw the clamped fibres out of the sheet W held fast by the feed rollers S ( Detaching ) .
h) Combing by the top comb : Before the start of the detaching operation , the top comb
F has thrust its single row of needles into the fibre fringe , As the fibres are pulled
through the needles of the top comb during detaching , the trailing part of the fringe is
combed thus making up for the inability of the cylinder combs to reach this part of the
i) As the nipper assembly , is retracted , the nippers open for the next feeding step . The
top comb is with drawn . A new combing cylinder begins.
M/C specification :
Nip / min → Max 450
Feed /nip → 4.3-5.9 mm
Drafting system → 3 over 3 or 3 over 5
Noil → 8-25 %
Draft → 9-20
Sliver Hank → Max 0.24 Min 0.16
Production → 66 kg/hr.
Parameters Influence the combing operation :
1. Raw material :
→ Fibre type
→ Fibre length
→ Uniformity of fibre length
→ Fibre Stiffness.
→ Moisture content.
2. Material preparation :
Parallelization of the fibre.
Sheet thickness.
Sheet evenness.
Orientation of the hook.
Tailing hook → 50%
Leading hook → 15%
Straight fibre → 20%
Both end hook → 15%
3. Factors associated with the m/c :
Condition of the m/c.
Condition of the can.
Orientation of the comb.
Accuracy of the setting.
Drafting arrangement and draft.
4. M/C setting :
Feed distance
Type of feed
Detachment setting.
Point density of the comb.
Depth of penetration of the top comb.
5. Atmospheric condition :
Relative Humidity ( R.H)
Moisture Regan ( MR)
Room temperature .
Index wheel : In comber outside the cylinder shaft , a wheel is attached with 40 equal parts
names as Index wheel.
H is always change during working of comber . There is a pointer on it to indicate the index
Various motion of comber m/c and its timing such as nipper , cylinder , top comb, roller and
different setting and adjustments are done by different index number.
With the reference of index number , Nipper comb , cylinder and conjugative position , motion
and adjustment limit are selected.
Degree of combing:
The amount of noil (short fibres ,neps or impurities) extracted during combing expressed in
percentages is called degree of combing
Degree of combing depends on the end use of yarn
types of combing on the basis of degree of combing:
Forward feed:
The mtl is feed during the forward motion of the nipper towards the detaching roller during
detaching. the fringe of the fibres producing from the nipper has a length L when the nipper
moves backward . there fore all fibres are shorter then L are extracted by the circular comb and
subsequently passed in the waste. the mtl is feed as the nipper swings forwards again and
during detaching roller and pass into the sliver
the calculation of the waste percentage of therefore performed according to the following
A 2
(L- )
P%= 2 100
here, F= maximum fibre length
P%=wastage percentage
A= feed per nips
L=detaching distance
Difference between forward feed and backward feed :
A 2
) (L+A/2) 2
7. equation P%= 100
7. equation P%= 2 100 F2
Problem 1: if nip/min= 220, no of head=8, feed/nip =7mm, lap wt =1000 grains/yds,eff% =
90% , noil =15%. calculate pro/day/comber=?
production =nip/min * feed/nip* no of head*feed lap wt*eff * *60*24
= 2120.315 LB/DAY
Problem : 2
Calculate the production per day of a combing m/c running with following particulars -- feed
lap wt= 1100 grains/yds, nips/min = 400 ,no of combing head = 8, noil extraction = 17%,
feed/nip = 5 mm , eff% =90%
= 2957.75 lb/day
Problem 03: Find out the no of comber m/c to produce 10000 lb/day of 40 count semi combed
(50:50) yarns when nips /min =380; feed nip =8; lap wt= 1000 grain/yds, no of head /frame = 8:
noil% =15; effy =90%
production =
=2615.97 lb/comber/day
no of comber required= 10000/2615.97
Total 4 comber will be required
problem 04: find the no of modern comber that feed by a lap former having the particulars lap
production rate = 5000 lb/yda;;ap wt = 1000 grain /yds; nips/min = 400, length feed/ nip = 4.8
mm, assumed all the other parameter
efficiency = 90%
waste/noil =
extraction= 15%
production =
no of comber=5000/921.28
Problem 05: find out the production per hour at a combing running particular nips/min=300,
feed/nip= 5.4 mm, lap feed= 64 k tex, no of head=8, noil extraction= 16%; effy= 85%
solve: =852.79 kg/day =35.53 kg/hr
Problem 06: Find out the production per hy at particular
nip/min=180; feed/nip=4.8 mm; feed lap hank =0.0095, no of head= 8; effy =85%, noil %= 15
Problem 07: Find Out required DCP to produce 3.4 ktex sliver from 64 ktex comber lap,the
comber m/c particulars are as the following , no the head =8, no of delivery =2; noil extraction =
15%, draft constant=1696
delivery count*no of doubling
Actual draft=
feed count *no of delivery
mechanical draft =actual draft* 100-15/100
draft canstant = mechanical draft*DCP
so, DCP =1696/64.43 =26T
Chapter 3
Ring Frame
2. roller pressure:
front pair 10-18 dan
middle pair 10-14 dan
back pair 12-16 dan
To increase fibre gripping , roller pressure should increased
3. top roller pressure system is pendulum arm with pneumatic weighting /spring loaded
or magnetic weighting system
4. Roller setting distance:
To maintain security of yarn
To prevent yarns collision
with adjacent yarns
To prevent rubbing of yarn
Easy passage of yarn from
the front roller to the bobbin
To control balloon size
Balloon control ring:
The spindles used for yarn winding are relatively long. The spacing between the
ring and the thread guide is correspondingly long. Thus it gives a high balloon. This high
balloon causes space problem and excessive yarn tension due to high air drag
To avoid this problem, balloon control rings are used between lappet and ring. This balloon
control rings divides the bigger balloon into too smaller sub-balloons
The surface of balloon control rings should be very smooth otherwise yarn hairiness
increases. This balloon control ring should also participate in up and down traverse
movement with ring rail but with a shorter stroke length
The rings are made of low carbon steel i.e. soft steel or of ceramic in the form of a bar which
modeled into ring shape either by bending and welding or by piecing and rolling the
desired projection termed as ring
Function of ring:
I Ring circular run of the traveler
II It acts as a high speed bearing surface of traveler
III It also acts as a track of traveler
Feature of a good ring:
A good ring should have the following feature
I Best quality row mtl
II Good but too high surface smoothness
III An even surface
IV Exact round ness
V Good running condition
VI Good, even surface hardness, higher then traveler
VII Good operating lifetime
VIII Correct relationship between ring and bobbin tube diameter
IX Horizontal disposition
X It should be exactly centered relative to the spindle
Material for the spring:
The ring should always be tough and hard on its exterior. The surface layer must have high
and even hardness in the range 800-850 Vickers. the traveler hardness should have lower
650-700 Vickers
surface smoothness is also important . it should be high or not too high since otherwise a
lubricating film cannot build upon it.
The following mtls are used
Flame or induction hardness steel
Carbo-nitrided steel
Nitrided steel
Chrome steel
Classification Of Steel
1. basic forms
a. Lubricated rings (in woolen / worsted spg )
b. Un lubricated rings
i. Single side ring
ii. Double side ring
2. Anti-wedge shaped ring
3. The low-crown ring
4. Su-ring
4. Su – ring:
Traveler is the most tiny part made up of metal or plastic through which yarn passes on its
way form balloon controlling ring to the yarn package surface in ring spinning m/c.
It is mounted on the ring and is dragged round by the yarn. During its rotational
movement on ring it impart twist on yarn
Function of traveler:
1. Twisting the drafted strand of finer through the front roller
2. Winding of the yarn on the bobbin in proper way
3. Maintaining winding tension of the yarn by the friction al resistance between the
ring and traveler
4. It acts as thread guide
5. It performs the functions of building motion and also maintains spinning tensions
Types of travelers:
a. According to a c-traveler
b. Flat- traveler
c. Elliptical traveler
d. N traveler
According to x-section of wire
1. A round traveler
2. Flat traveler
3. Semi circular traveler
For cotton , flat wire types are preferred because a good seating on the ring is achieved and
the yarn is cleaned
For cotton only, best remedy for hairiness yarns and bobbins
for cotton , extremely wide traveler resulting in a very good guidance , the large , surface
allowing heat to be conduced away rapidly for high performance
for synthetic and blends. profile keeps yarn free from damage
for synthetics
for wool and synthetics, travel with around wire profile do not roughen the yarns
spindle is the third most important machine element following the draft arrangement and
the ring /traveler combination. the spindle is capable of speeds up to 28000 rev/min but
this maximum speed can not be exploited commercially because of the limited traveler
parts of spindle:
spindle blade performs conjunction between spindle and bobbin is placed on
spindle 1 blade
lock prevents the spindle from coming out with bobbin
wharves is the place of the spindle, connected to ropes or belts or any other
driving mechanism to get drive
insert or bolster is the lower part of spindle which is connected with bearing
and acts as a bearing of spindle blade
bearing helps to move the spindle smoothly
bolster case is used for containing lubrication agent
I to reduce the friction from metal to metal
II to avoid the damping effect
Function of spindle:
I To hold the bobbin tightly to prevent slacking during its revolution.
II To help in winding on to bobbin.
III To help in twisting yarn .
IV Capacity of ring frame mainly determined by the no of
1. In a ring frame 30 Ne carded yarn is to be spun in which spindle speed is 17000 rpm and
there are 504 working spindles. If the m/c runs at 95% efficiency and twist multipller is
4.6. Find out its production in lbs/shift.
Solution: Here, data given,
Yarn count=30 Ne
Spindle speed =17000 rpm
No Of working spindle=504
M/C efficiency=95%
Twist multiplier=4.6
Now we know T.P.I Twist multiplier count in indirect system
T.P.I=4.6 30
Spindle speed x no of spindle x 60 x 8 x.95
Production in lbs/shift=
T.P.I x 840 x 36 x Yarn count
17000 x 504 x 60 x 8 x .95
= lbs/shift
25.195 x 840 x 36 x 30
Production = 170.93 lbs/shift.
2. A ring frame was stopped for 30 minutes due to block creeling. Find out production loss
in lbs and spindle –hr for block creeling. Let Ops =4 and no of spindle =504.
Here, data given,
Ounch per spindle production=4
No of stoppage=30 minutes.
Production loss in spindle-hr=no of spindle x time in hr
=504 x
=252 spindle-hr
ops x spindle - hr
Production loss in lbs =
16 x 8
4 x 252
16 x 8
=2.1 lbs (Ans)
3. Problem: Production requirements of 30΄s combed woven cotton yarn is 2000 lbs/shift.
Now many ring frames to be run meeting this requirement. (Assume necessary
Solution: Here, date given.
Production in lbs/shift=2000
Count of yarn = 30 ΄S a(combed)
We know,
Production in lbs/shift
Find out the production of a Ring Frame in ops which is running with the following parameters –
spindles speed= 1700 rpm, yarn conut = 40 Ne carded yarn efficiency =95%.
4.2 40
Production in ops with 95% efficiency = =3.85 ops /shift
Production will be 3.85 ops /shift
If we assume that there were 1008 spindles in that ring frame then,
Production=(3.85x 1008) Ounce /shift/frame
Find out the production in ops per shift of a ring frame having 480 spindles and running with
folloeing parameters. Spindle speed =15000 rmp; count=30 Ne ; Twist multiplier 4.4; Efficiency
Here data given,
Time =shift ie. 8 hours .
No of spindle=480
Spindle speed =15000
Count =30
Twist multiplier=4.4
4.4 30
Production in ops per shift /frame with 92% efficiency
spindle speed x no of spindle x 60x8x.92x16
T.P.I x 36x840x30
=4.845 ounce
Find the number of spindles if yarn count =30 Ne ; production =2000 lbs /shift ; Assuming ne
Solution: necessary parameters.
Production requirement of 40 Ne cotton yarn is 3000 lbs /day. How many ring frames and
simplex machines will be required to fulfill this requirements ? Assuming necessary parameters.
Here data given,
Yarn count =x ;
Spindle rmp=17000
Wastage of ring frame=3%
spindle speed x no of spindle x 60 x24 x o.95
Production =
T.P.Ix 36x840x40
1700 x 60 24 0.95
28 36 840 40
3000 28 36 840 40
17000 60 24 0.95
x 4369.04 4370
4370 spindles will be required and if there are 504 spindle/ring frame and if there are 504
spindle/ring frame then 866 x 9 ring frames will be req.
9 ring frames are needed (Ans)
Now, wastage in ring frame= 3%
3000 103
Production of speed frame= lbs
=3090 lbs.
Let, Spindle speed of speed frame = 1200
Roving T.P.I.=T.M. R.Hank
Twist multiplier= 1.3
1.3 0.75
Roving hank = 0.75
Problem: Find out the required T.C.P. to produce 40 Ne carded woven yarn when twist
multiplier is 4.6, existing T.C.P. is 48 T and existing T.P.I. is 21.7
Here data given,
Existing T.C.P. = 48 T
Produced yarn count=40 Ne (Carded)
Twist multiplier= 46
We know,
Existing (T.C.P X T.P.I)…………….(1)
Now, Required T.P.I.=Twist multiplier Count in Ne.
4.6 40
From (1) we get,
existing (T.C.P X T.P.I)
Required T.C.P.=
48X 21.7
35.8 36T
A pinion with with 36 Twill be required as T.C.P. Ans.
Chapter 1
Drawing Frames
A. Reach: The distance between the center of the front back roller (retaining) to the bite of
the front (drawing) & front pressing roller is known as reach of the drawing frame. The
reach should be slightly longer than the longest fibre in the sliver.
B. Nip: the distance between the foremost gill where the pins leave the sliver and the bite
of the front pressing roller is called “Nip”. The distance should be as short as possible.
C. Pitch of faller: the distance between the one row of pins of one faller bar to pins of next
faller bar is called pitch of faller.
D. Lead% : The difference in the surface speed of fallers over surface speed of retaining
roller to give sufficient tension to the sliver is known as lead percentage. This lead
should not be more or less .
S.S. of faller - S.S. of retaining roller) X 100%
Faller bar lead % =
S.S. of retaining roller.
This faller bar lead% is generally 10 – 15%.
orthodox type
i. Push bar type drawing frame
high speed type
Double threaded sprial draw frame
ii. Spiral drawing frame
Triple threaded sprial draw frame
2. Modern Draw Frame: There are two type of modern jute drawing frame, namely-
i. Variable draft draw frame.
ii. Gardella 18-M model.
Push Bar Draw Frame (Feature and types): In push bar drawing frames the fallers have
specially cranks ends which run in slides on the machine frame. The fallers are driven by a large
carrier wheel at the back of the machine. In modern frames the bear across the full width
1. Orthodox type d/f: The features of orthodox type drawing frame are mentioned below:
i. Orthodox type drawing frames have 2 carrier sheets
ii. Their speed is moderate(faller bar speed)
iii. 10-15 % faller bar lead is necessary for good pinning.
iv. Wide nip.
v. Used as 1st drawing frame.
vi. Faller bars are propelled by carrier wheels both at back and front.
2. High Speed Type: The features of high speed draw frame are mentioned below:
i. They have one carrier wheel.
ii. Faller bar speed is high.
iii. Maximum control over entire drafting zone on fibres of faller bar.
iv. Short nip.
v. Low draft and noiseless running.
vi. 1st drawing frames are normally high speed type.
vii. Faller bars are propelled by carrier wheel only at back side.
Mack High Single Crank Push Bar First Drawing Frame:
This is a high speed type push bar 1st drawing frame having 2 heads, 4 sliver per head, 2
deliveries per head, doubling 2:1. the propelling mechanism of ½´´ pitch faller bar “F” are
controlled by faller carrier wheel or sprocket “E” at the back of the machine. Thus, a faller bar is
pushed forward by the other behind it and the fallers leave the sliver at the front of the machine
almost vertically.
The faller bars “F” are controlled by a single crank at one end and are arranged in the machine
alternately right & left handed. The fallers travel under full control through out the entire path
of fallers. Production of 3 finisher card can be processed by 2 first drawing frames. The machine
is normally roll-delivery type.
The rolls of finisher card delivery sliver is fed on the bottom fluted feed roller. The sliver is
passed over the back plate “A” side by side, then under back retaining roller “B”, over the slip
roller “C” and then under the front retaining roller “D”. The slivers then pass over the moving
gills “F” being embedded in their pins. After necessary drafting, the slivers passes between the
drawing (front) roller “H” and front pressing roller “J” to the guide plate “K”. in front of the
guide plate, there is doubling plate “L” where the slivers are grouped in equal numbers for
doubling and then delivered between the delivery roller “M” and delivery pressing roller “N”.
Due to the effect of draft that is higher speed of drawing & drawing pressing roller ten the
retaining rollers. The fibres held by the gill pin bed, become straight, reduce weight per unit
length of the sliver. Due to doubling, irregularity of the sliver is reduced to a great extent.
Jute 2nd Draw Frame (Spiral type double threaded):
This is a drawing frame having 3 head, 6 slivers per head and 2 deliveries per head. So here
doubling ratio is 3:1 i.e. here 3 slivers are doubled into one.
This drawing frame has derived its name from the fact that the faller bars (N) are propelled
along the spiral screws (F)
On each head there are two sets of top slides(p) along which the faller bars(N) travels. These top
slides are supported by two top spiral screws(F) when moving in forward direction.
Each of the top screws has two cams attached at the forward end set at 180° apart from each
other. For one revolution of top screws the two faller bars drop down. Because the fallers have a
travel equal to the lead of screw or twice the pitch of faller bar.
As each faller comes to the forward end of the top slide the guide spring (H1) is pushed away
from the slide P. This allow the faller bar N to pass down between the end of slide P and spring
H1 on to the bottom slide S. This downward peerage of faller bar is assisted by cam
arrangement. The back journey of the fallers are preformed by two bottom S to support the
But here the bottom screws have courser pitch than the pot screws.
When a faller on the bottom screws reaches its back most position, it presses the guide spring
H2 which allow it a passage for raising to the top screws E. This lift of the fallers from bottom to
top is assisted by cams.
The passage of slivers from the feed end is over the conductor roller (A), under the back
retaining roller (B), over the slip roller (C), under the front retaining roller on to the gills (N).
After required drafting the slivers are passed between delivery pressing rollers then over
Screw Gill Triple thread finisher Drawing Frame:
By-James Mackie & sons Ltd. (For light Yarn)
This type of triple thread spiral drawing frame produces slivers of desired weight for spinning
into yarn by a light yarn spinning frame. On account of triple thread screw high delivery speed
for drawing frame is possible. The length of the machine varies according to the number of
heads but a 5 heads machine is very popular having 8 slivers/head, 4 deliveries per head,
doubling 2 ends into.
¼’’ to 3/8’’ wide crimping box is fitted to each delivery to import crimps to the delivered sliver.
This crimp gives cohesion to individual fibres and thus adds strength to the light and delicate
slier which will have to pass over the back of the spinning frame to the top or retaining rollers
there without breakage crimping in the finisher drawing frame delivered sliver is essential.
In this drawing frame, there is no doubling plate. Doubling at this stage in creases regularity of
the delivered slivers and therefore doubling is done by passing 2 slivers side by side through
harrow guides at the back of the frame and passed on to the drafting field as one sliver.
Crimps to the slivers are added in the crimping boxes, one box being fitted to each delivery at
the position where the sliver emerges from the delivery roller. The crimping box consists of an
oblong box made of cast iron or some other light metal. The delivered sliver keeps filling the
space inside the crimping box until the sliver forces the weighted lid of the crimping box
upward. The lid is heavy enough to slightly resist the pressure imparted by the sliver but at the
same time the weighted lid does not stop the flow of the sliver from the delivery roller. This
resistance compresses the sliver whit e filling inside the box and imparts a wavy or crimped
shape the sliver which greatly assists in keeping the fibres tightly together in the delivered
Crimping may be added to slivers delivered by all the drawing frames but it is essential in the
finisher drawing frame delivered slivers.
Working principle
The working principle of this drawing frame is similar to that of the double thread screw
gill second drawing frame in their faller bar propelling mechanism.
On each carriage or head, there are two 2 sets of top slides along which the faller bars
travel and are supported when driven by 3 top screws in the forward direction, one screw at
each side. Each of the top screws has 3 cams attached at the forward end set at 1200 apart from
each other. For one revolution of the top screws 3 fallers drop down, fallers having a travel
equal to the lead of the screw or thriee the pitch of the faller bar. As each faller bar comes to the
forward end of the top slide, the check or guide springs is sufficiently pushed away from the
slide ot allow the faller bar to pass down between the end of the slide and the springs on to the
bottom slide. The downward passage of the faller bars being assisted by the cam attached to the
forward end of the screw.
The back journey of the fallers are performed by two bottom screws which have their
won slides to supports thee fallers. The top screws have the fine pitch whereas the bottom
screws have coarse pitch.
When a faller on the bottom screws reaches its backmost position, it presses the guide
springs which allow it a passage for rising to the top screws. The lift of the fallers from the
bottom to the top screws is assisted by cams attached to the back end of the back end of the
bottom screws. The bottom screws having coarser pitch quickly return the faller bars to the top
screws for re traverse.
doubling plate and crimping box. At last it is collected in sliver can in rope form. This sliver os
fluffy and lighter than the ribbon form sliver of 1st draw frame.
Topics 1st draw frame 2nd draw frame 3rd draw frame
1. No of head 2 3 5
2. No of sliver 4 6 8
3. No of delivery 2 2 4
4. Doubling ratio 2:1 3:1 2:1
5. Deliver sliver 3-5 5-7 7-9
weight Comparison between
6.Crimping Absent Present Present push bar and spiral
draw frame:
7. Concentrated Absent Present Present
can packing Push
arrangement. Topi bar
8. Faller bar ½” ½” 3/8” draw
c draw
pitch. frame
9. Production/ 600-650 lbs 600-650 lbs 400-450 lbs
hour/m/c Falle Faller Faller
10. DoublingAt delivery At delivery At feed end. r drops drops
process. end end
drop up to in
Auto stopAt both feed At feed end. At delivery
motion. and delivery end. 850/m doubl
end in e
12. Change Surface Surface speed Surface speed screw
pinions in m/c. change, draft change, draft change draft
up to
change, change. change.
variable v- 400
pulley. drops
up to
Lead Faller Faller
bar bar
lead lead
over 1.5-
retaini 4.5
Sou No Noisy
nd sound
Clea Tends Self
ning to clog &Clea
with ning
dirt becau
se of
jerk at
Pinn In Excell
ing moder ent
n type laps
g is
lapp Laps Seldo
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onally, laps
ly with
Dra 1st 2nd
w draw and
fram frame 3rd
e is push draw
bar frame
s are
Crimping Box in Draw Frame: In 2nd and 3rd drawing frame of jute we see that there is a
crimping box after the sliver emerges out the delivery rollers.
Necessity Of Crimping Box: In case of cotton we see that cotton has some natural convolutions.
So it needs not to be crimped. But in case of jute we see that jute has no natural crimp. So as the
draw sliver of jute comes out from flaw frame its count is reduced and it becomes mare and
more fragile when it emerges out from the finisher draw frame, it is in so tenuous form that it
becomes impossible to handle and it can not be carried up to the back of the spinning frame.
So to overcome this problem, the sliver is crimped to give a certain amount of cohesion and
strength to the strand. This crimping is imparted to the draw sliver by crimping box.
Crimping Process: In this figure below a crimping box is shown which is attached to the
delivery of a finisher drawing frame.
The sliver leaves the nip of the drafting rollers and passes down the sliver plate into the nip of a
pair of fluted delivery roller. The upper roller is spring loaded and positively driven through a
wide pitch gear from the lower one.
The sliver is driven into a box where it meets a metal finger or lid which is hanging down into
the box. The finger hinders the motion of sliver and the box is filled quickly. When more sliver
entes the back of the lid of the box. The sliver is forced up by the mass of sliver in side the box.
So the sliver at the front of the box comes out.
This is a continuous process. During its sojourn in the box the fibers of the sliver becomes
concertina and take on a permanent crimp or wave.
The time of staying the sliver inside the box can be regulated by means of a small weight which
can be added to the finger. A heavy weight on the finger required greater mass of sliver to lift
the finger up and hence develops greater amount of crimp in the fibers.
Variable Draft Draw Frame: Variable draft draw frame is a modern type of jute drawing frame
which Produces regular sliver with constant weight /unit length.
Here a variable draft draw frame is described which is developed by B.J.T.R.A
Here the in feed sliver passes through a measuring sensor which is a capacitance type evenness
tester.(Like Uster evenness tester). This evenness tester measures the weight /unit length of
sliver and sends it to standard signal. In standard signal previously the standard or desired
weight /unit length of sliver is set.
So the two values are compared and sent to the memory. The memory collects the information
for certain time and then transmits it to the variable speed motor so that the motor can act at
proper time. This variable speed motor changes the speed of drawing and delivery rollers so
that the sliver can get required amount of draft. As a result the output sliver obtains long term
Thus the thick place of in feed sliver get more amount of draft and thin places get less amount
of draft. As a result the sliver becomes even and regular with desired wt/unit length.
Gardella is an Italian company which has developed this model of modern jute draw frame. The
basic improvements added in this draw frame are mentioned below:
i. Faller bars of conventional draw frame had single row of pins where as in
GARDELLA “18-M draw frame there are double rows of pins.
ii. Pneumatic drafting system is included here.
iii. During processing faller pins are continuously cleaned by rotating brush.
iv. Drafting and delivery pressing roller are covered with special rubber sleeve. This
result in less wears out of covering and less slippage of roller.
v. Wide range of speed and draft. Here in every d/f draft range is 3-10.
vi. Mono head (conventional had 2,3 and 5 heads)
vii. All machines are similar in design. That is to say the design of m/c parts of 1st ,2nd
and 3rd d/f of this made are the same. So parts replacement is possible.
If one takes two or more such slivers whose weight varies according to normal distribution and
doubles them together then the variation is the count on the resultant product (i.e. sliver) will be
less than that of the individuals. The amount by which the variation falls depends upon haw
many slivers are doubled together. In fact the variation falls according to the square root of the
number of doublings. This is shown the narrower and taller the bell shaped the better and more
uniform the sliver.
Doubling is highly advantageous but it should not be forgotten that to reduce the count of the
material drafting must predominate over doublings and that drafting increases the variability of
weight’s as the material passes over drawing stage two matters happen simultaneously
doubling lending to greater uniformity and drafting leading to greater irregularity of weighty.
Utility of faller bar drawing: The reach is always larger than the jute fiber being drafted. For
this reason there is always a large no of fibers which are gripped neither by the retaining rollers
nor by the drawing rollers. These are called floating fibers. For ideal drafting each fiber should
move with the same speed as the back rollers until their leading ends enter the nip of drawing
rollers. In practice a fleeting fiber is held by the entanglement of if with neighboring fibres and
with inters fiber frictional forces. When a long fiber has its tip gripped by the drawing rollers it
immediately accented rate to the speed of these rollers and because of these fiber entanglements
and inter fiber friction. Some of the fiber lying alongside will be dragged forward and
prematurely drafted. This process is cumulative. So that a clump of short fiber is drafted too
soon, producing a thick place in the sliver. So this is the problem with only two sets of rollers
and if no attempt is made to control the movement of floating fibers the resulting sliver will by
highly irregular. For this reason in jute drawing frame short fiber controlling is obtained by
means of moving sheet of pins which carry the sliver up to the nip of drafting rollers. The pins
provide sufficient restraint to stop most of the short fibers being drafted prematurely but at the
sometime do not interfere with the normal process of drafting near the nip of drawing rollers.
So this type of drafting named faller bar drawing is applied to jute sliver.
Chapter 2
Jute Spinning
Essential Tasks of Spinning Process: The three essential tasks of spinning process are
1. Drafting
2. Twisting
3. Winding –On
Drafting is carried out by the usual arrangement of retaining rollers and drawing rollers where
drawing rollers rotate faster than retaining rollers
After emerging out from the nip of drafting rollers the thin ten-uous sliver passes down to the
top of the flyer goes through its hollow leg and wound onto the bobbin. During flyer ration it is
imparted necessary amount of twist.
Winding on function is carried out by builder mechanism. As the builder moves up and down
the bobbins alternatively rise into and withdraw from the flyers and thus winds yarn on the
bobbin in a continuous spiral.
Type of jute spinning: There are two types of jute spinning process according to Yarn
Manufacturing Process, namely-
1. Sliver Spinning
2. Roving Spinning
Now they are shortly described below:-
1. Sliver Spinning:-Here yarn is produced from the sliver of finisher drawing frame. Sliver
spinning is used to produce coarser inferior quality yarn. Here the count of yarn
produced range from 10-200 lbs/spindle. Sliver spinning is used mostly all over the
world. The process flow chart of producing span by sliver spinning is mentioned below.
Input Out put
Sliver Sliver from 2nd or 3rd drawing Sliver.
Sliver Sliver Spinning Yarn
There are 2 types of sliver spinning namely-
I Slip draft sliver spinning
II Apron draft sliver spinning.
2. Roving Spinning :-In roving spinning yarn is produced from rove of roving frame. So
by roving spinning we can get finer and superior quality jute yarn. Here the count of
yarn produced ranges from 5-10 lbs/spindle. The flow chart of producing yarn by
roving spinning in mentioned below:-
Input Out put
Sliver Sliver from 3rd or 2nd drawing Sliver
Sliver Roving frame Rove
Rove Rove Spinning Yarn
Here the sliver passes down over a series of smooth surfaced intermediate rollers. Each of them
deeply grooved. The placing of the lower rollers can be adjusted to impart a greater on lesser
tension in the sliver. The roller of grooved roller series is self weight.
4. Faller bar or Gill pin type drafting system:
The gill pin /faller bar type drafting system is very similar to the gill drawing frame. This is a
conventional type drafting system which is used for producing coarser and heavier yarn like
rope yarn, carpet yarn etc.
This system offers a lower draft range. The faller bed is inclined at 45˚ angle. On the faller bed
the gill pins are fine and densely set. The faller drops per minute is about 500 and the spirals are
usually 1/4˝ pitch triple screw type.
5. Single Apron and Intermediate roller type:
This is a modern drafting system found in modern sliver spinning frames. This is sued for
producing better quality and finer yarns. Here the breast plate is replaced by an endless rubber
The fibers leave the nip of the retaining rollers or drawing rollers and then pass onto the surface
of a rubber apron. As they move down this they meet a slip roller which is pressing gently into
apron. Below the apron there is a conductor just before the drafting nip.
6. Double Apron and Intermediate Roller Type:
Double apron drafting system is a modern type drafting system which is used for producing
finer count jute yarn in sliver spinning.
This type is a more recent development of apron and intermediate roller type. Here the slip
roller contains another apron above the lower one. The lower apron is given tension by a dead
weight. This lower apron is driven by a grooved wheel at its upper end and its lower end is
made to turn sharply round a small adjustable plate.
The upper apron is driven by surface contact of the lower one. In this way the two aprons are
brought very close to the nip of drawing rollers and a positive grip is maintained on the short
fibers as late as possible.
Apron Draft Sliver Spinning Frame
Apron draft sliver spinning frame is the modified version of slip draft spinning
It is capable of producing a yarn with improved quality at a higher rate of
Drafting of material in the machine is by means of a moving apron which provides
a very good control of material through out the entire drafting zone. As a result,
the yarn produced is more regular than a conventionally spun yarn. This
regularity in the yarn brings in good appearance and increased strength.
Apron drat spinning are of two types that in 4 -1/4” frame and 4 – ¾:” frame of
100 spindles and 80 spindles respectively. In 4 – ¼” pitch frame, the bobbins used
has a capacity of 12 ozs of yarn and bobbin size being 6 ½” x 3”, and flyer speed of
4750 rpm. In the 4 ¾” pitch frames, the bobbin capacity is 20 ozs, the bobbin size is
7 1/2” x 3 ½” and flyer speed is 4500 rpm.
Control draft not only brings yarn regularly, increased strength and better
appearance but also reduce the number of the number of ends breaks per unit
time. This reduced breakage of sliver during spring helps increased production
and decreased work load on the spinner. The bobbin capacity to hold more yarn
mean less numbers of doffs per unit time and the consequence more running time
to help increased production from the machine.
The apron draft sliver spinning frame has an automatic cleaner which traverses
full length of machine and thus increases yarn cleanliness reducing operator work
load. The apron is removable to cleaning and replacement of new apron if
necessary. All rollers are mounted on ball and roller bearings to allow smooth
running, reliability and durability. The flyer has been newly designed keeping in
view the increased speed of flyer.
Study of yarn auto – stop mechanism.
Automatic (Sliver) stop motion cuts off the supply of the material for any one flyer when the
yarn breaks without affecting the rest of the frame. This result in considerable saving of waste,
and also reduces the chance of fly – over flowed by two ends spinning into types:
Weight operated.
Power operated.
The power operated stop motion is more definite in action when it acts but the weight operated
stop motion is much quicker in action and is also safer to work. In mackies weight operated
stop motion is fitted and in FLCB frames power operated stop motion is fitted.
When a yarn breaks or a sliver runs out, the yarn stop detector J swings up and its tail operates
necessary motion which releases the weight lever W2 which than falls down at this the sliver
nipping pawl Q mounted near the fulcrum point F2 of the weight lever W1 pusher beak the
retaining pressing roller B1. Thus onward passage of sliver is stopped.
The pressure on the retaining –pressing roller is applied by means of a dead weight W2 hung at
the end of the lever S fulcrummed at F3.
Yarn Tension Control: The yarn will break if the tension in it is greater than the strength at its
weakest point. On the other hand if tension is too low ballooning effect is seen. When
ballooning occurs the yarn strikes the adjacent flyer and breaks. So control of yarn tension is
necessary to avoid excessive spinning breaks and tension should be as low as practicable.
The spinning tension is a balance between two extremes.
The upper level of tension is determined by the ability of yarn to spin successfully.
The four-pad type gives a method by which the frictional radius can be altered. But this change
in frictional radius can not be done during spinning rather it should be ste when the bobbins are
not in use. Each small pad is mounted upon a short spring arm which can be put into one of the
three positions.
i. Inner
ii. Middle
iii. Outer
When the bob is in outer position the distance between the centre of the bobbin and the centre
of the felt bob becomes more and hence the radius increases and as a result tension increase. On
the other hand when the felt bob is in innermost position the frictional radius is small and the
tension is low. So the felt bobs are placed at the inside position for spinning lighter count yarns
and that are placed at the outside position when yarns are to be spun.
Bobbin building Mechanism: In jute spinning frame, flyer is fixed in its position. For
building a bobbin the bobbin rail along with bobbin carrier and bobbin moves up and down.
This is called builder traverse motion.
Building Mechanism in the figure below the arrangement for building motion is shown.
The horizontal lever is fulcrum med at A and in its middle position there is a bowl the lever
moves up and down at a uniform rate due to the action of a heart shaped cam. This heart
shaped cam is driven by gearing from the retaining roller shaft of the spinning frame. When the
nose of the cam touches the bowl the lever moves upward and in other positions it goes
downwards. The stud has a connecting rod at its end. To the lower end of the connecting rod a
chain is fastened which is fixed to the circumference of the quadrant. With the help of this chain
the up and down movement of the rod is turned into a backward and forward movement of the
quadrant. The quadrant is keyed to one end of the builder shaft. So the builder pulleys also
rotate in backward and forward direction alternately to correspond to the motion of quadrant.
This backward and forward rotation of builder pulley makes the bobbin rail to move upward
and downward as it is connected to it via guide pull
Further the backward and forward movement of builder shaft from the same up and down
motion of builder will depend on the size of build pulley.
Mechanism: The arrangement of this spinning frame is similar to apron draft sliver spinning
frame up to delivery roller. The only difference up to delivery roller is that here double apron
drafting is used in place of single apron drafting as in apron draft delivery roller is shown
The yarn is taken inside the traversing tube by strong air suction. When it is deposited in from
traversing tube which traverses up and down during winding. The yarn descends into a rapidly
rotating pot. When it comes against the inner surface of the pot it simultaneously becomes
twisted and wound-on by centrifugal force. The yarn continues to wind the package from the
outside to the inside. When the package is full a spring cage rises into the pot and withdraws
the yarn.
The only disadvantage of this winding is that here no package bobbin is used. So the package is
not stable. And in this type of package unwinding problem arises due to missing the end of
Problem 01: 3 finisher cards supply sliver to 2 1st D/F; Calculate the speed of the back rollers of
the drawing frames required to keep the cards and drawing frames in balanced. Each finisher
card produces 400 lb/hr of 16 lbs /100 yds sliver. Drawing frame has 2 heads, 2 delivery/head,
doubling 2:1.
Production of 1 finisher card = 400 lb/hr.
Production of 3 finisher card = 400X3 =1200 lb/hr.
1200 lbs/hr is fed at 2 Drawing frame.
So, Amount of fed of each drawing frame= lbs / hr .
=600 lbs/hr.
600 100
Length of feed in each D/F = yds / hr .
600 100 3
ft / min 187.5 ft / min .
16 60
As the finisher cards & the drawing frames are in balanced so, feed = Delivery.
The speed of back roller = ft / min .
2X 2X 2
=23.437 ft/min. Ans.
Problem 02: A high speed push bar D/F with 2 heads, 2 delivery/head, doubling 2:1, produces
600 lbs/hr of 8 lbs/100yds sliver. Draft = 4, pitch of the faller bar = ½”, faller bar lead =10%;
Calculate the faller bar drops/min.
100 x100 600 x100 x3
Length of Production= yds / hr ft / min
8 8 x60
600 x100 x3 x12
8 x 60
4500 inches/min.
Sliver length production per delivery roller = inches / min .
2 x2
=1125 inches/min.
Surface speed of faller sheet = 281.25+ 281.25 X
we know, Faller bar S.S.=Faller drops/min X Pitch.
Faller bar S.S.
Or faller drops/min =
= 618.75 Ans.
Problem 03: Calculate lbs/100 yds sliver from the D/F with particulars: F/C delivered
sliver……………..lbs/100 yds.
D/F draft ………………….4
D/F doubling ………….2:1.
D/F doubling
lbs/100 yds from D/F = lbs/100 yds from F/C X
D/F drafting
16 8 Ans.
Problem 04: A high speed type push bar 1st d/f 2 heads, 2 del per head, doubling 2:1 is being
fed with 16 lbs/100 yds sliver. If d/f draft is 4 and the back roller surface speed of d/f is 23.44
ft/min, Calculate,
a. lbs/100 yds from the d/f.
b. Production per hr of the d/f.
a. lbs/100 yds from the d/f=16 8
Delivery roller S. Speed
we know, Draft=
Retaining roller S. Speed
or, Delivery roller S. Speed= Draft X Ret. R/r S. Speed.
=4X23.44X ft/min ( for one sliver)
=4X23.44X2X2 ( for 2 head each of ft/min. 2 delivery sliver
4 23.44 2 2
yds / hr .
4 23.44 2 2 60
yds / hr.
Now, wt of 100 yds sliver = 8 lbs.
4 23.44 2 2 60 8
So, delivery wt =
3 100
=600..64 lbs/hr.
b. Production per hr of the d/f.
Problem 04: A 1st D/F, 2 heads, 2 del/head, doubling 2:1 Producer 600 lbs per hr. The m/c is
fed with rolls of sliver from the F/C. Each roll wt is 30 lbs of lbs/100 yds sliver. S. Speed of back
roller is 30 ft/min. Find out the eff of the m/c (d/f).
Actual production=600 lbs/hr.
Each roll wt= 30 lbs.
30 100
Length of each roll= 214.28 yds 642.857 ft.
Surface speed of back roller= 30 ft/min.
So, time required to finish a fed roll = 21.428 min .
There are 8 rolls of sliver ( i.e. 2X2X2)
So, total wt = 8X30=240 lbs.
So, wt feed per min = lbs.
240 X 60
And wt feed per hr=Calculated production: 672lbs
So, efficiency = 100 89.28%
So, Calculate lbs/100 yds from 2nd D/F.
3:1 Doubling of 2nd D/F.
6 Draft of 2nd D/F.
lbs/100 yds from 2nd D/F= 8 4 Ans.
Problem 05: Calculate prod/hr of Double thread screw gill drawing frame from particulars:
Back R/r S. Speed = 15.52 ft/min.
Draft = 6
Delivered sliver = 4 lbs/100 yds.
5 heads, 2 del/ head, eff= 90%.
Delivery roller S. Speed =15.52 X 6 = 93.12 ft/min.
Total length of delivery =93.12 X 5 X 2 ft/min.
93.12 5 2 60
yds / hr .
lbs / hr.
93.12 5 2 60 4 90
lbs / hr[at 90% eff]
3 100 100
=670 lbs/hr.
Problem 06: On a spiral D/F, Drawing roller dia 2 ½” & its speed 78.5 ft/min. Draft =6; The
faller speed 320 faller drops/min; Faller lead 2%; Find the pitch of screw; Find r.p.m of 2” dia
retaining or back roller.
S. Speed of Drawing roller=78.5 ft/min.
So, S. speed of ret roller or back roller= 13.08 ft/min.
=13.08 X 12 inches/min.
=157 inches/min.
Dia of ret roller = 2”
So, r.p.m. of ret R/r= 24.98 25 Ans.
Faller bar S. Speed = Ret R/r S. Speed + Ret R/r S. Speed X lead%
=157+157 X
=160.14 inches/min.
Faller drops/min X Pitch.
Faller bar s. speed 160.14
Pitch= 0.5inches. Ans.
Faller drops/min. 320
Problem 07:
For 1st D/F
2 heads.
2 del/heads.
del speed 127 ft/min.
delivered sliver 8 lbs/100 yds.
For 2nd D/F
Draft 6
eff =90%
And head= 5
2 del/head.
Doubling 3:1
S. Speed of the back roller=?
Prod/hr of 2nd D/F = ?
Total length of delivery of 1st D/F= 127X2X2 ft/min.
=508 ft/min.
S. Speed of 2nd drawing back roller= ft / min .
5X 2X 3
508 100
ft/min.[At 90% eff]
523 80
=18.82 ft/min.
Delivery roller surface speed=6 X 18.82 ft/min.
So, Total length of delivered sliver of 2nd d/f=6X18.82X5X2 ft/min [At 100% eff]
6 18.82 5 2 90
[ At 90% eff]
6 18.82 5 2 90
= [ yds / hr ]
100 3
3 99
lbs/100 yds of 2nd D/F delivered sliver= 8 =3.96 lbs/100yds.
6 100
So, Prod/hr of 2nd D/F= 804.89 805lbs
1. Calculate lbs/100 lbs sliver from the drawing frame with particulars as below:
Finisher card delivered sliver =16 lbs/100yds.
Drawing frame draft =4
Doubling at drawing frame 2:1
Doubling at D/F
finisher card sliver wt=16 Drawing frame sliver wt.
Draft at D/F
Drawing sliver wt=16 8 lbs/100yds.
2. 3 finisher cards supply slivers to supply slivers to 2 first drawing frames calculate the
speed of back roller of the drawing frame in Balance. Each finisher card produces 400
lbs/100yds sliver; Drawing frame 2 heads, 2 deliveries/head, doubling 2 each into 1.
2 1st D/F = 3 finisher card produ/hr.
=3 X 400=1200 lbs/hr.
=1 1st d/f prod/hr= 600 lbs/min.
1st d/f feed/min= 10 lbs/min.
Total no. of sliver feed at d/f
=2 head X 2 delivery/head X 2 doubling
=2 X 2 X 2 Slivers
Length of Sliver available /min to feed.
10 yds/min
to each d/f
10 100 3
= ft/min.
10 100 3
Surface speed of Back roller= 2 2 2
23.44 ft/min. Ans.
1. Time = 8 hr.
Spindle no. =100
Flyer R.P.M.=3301
T.P.I = 3.35
Sliver from finisher D/F = .5 lbs/100 yds
Spinning frames draft = 9
Spinning frame efficiency = 80%
Sliver from finisher D/F = 0.5 lbs/100 yds.
So, Spinning count= 8 lbs/spyndle
3301 X 60 X 8 X 80 X 100 X 8
Production 3.25 X 100 X 14400 X 36
=583.92 lbs/8hr. Ans.
2. Present form:
8 lbs/spindle Hessian warp = delivery count.
72 lbs/spindle sliver =feed count.
Solution: Draft= 9
Draft constant= Draft X D.C.P = 9 X 27 = 243.
Twist constant= T.P.I. X T.C.P = 4 X 32 = 128.
Required formula:
10 lbs spindle sacking warp = delivery count.
120 lbs/spindle sliver = feed count
T.P.I. = 4.4
T.C.P. = ?
120 243
12 required D.C.P. = 20.2520T
10 12
Draft =
required T.C.P. = 29.09 29T
3. Prepare a spin plant to produce is tons/day Hessian yarn.
Spinning frame:
Spyndle speed=4000
Yarn count = 8 lbs/spindle.
Twist factor, K = 12
Efficiency= 90 %
Wastage = 2 % ( Sliver )
No. of spindles per frame=100
4000 1 90 8
Production/spindle/day= 60 24
4.24 36 100 14400
=18.867 lbs.
15 2240
No. of spindles required =
No. of spinning frames required=
3rd Draw frame:
Delivery speed= 150 ft/min.
Sliver weight= 1 lbs/100 yds.
Efficiency = 70 %
Draft = 9
No. of delivery per machine=20
Wastage=2 %
Doubling = 2 : 1
Required production of 3rd Draw frame 15 15.306tons / day tons/day.
150 1 70
Production of 3rd Draw frame 60 24
3 100 100
=504 lbs/delivery
15.306 2240
No. of delivery required =
No. of 3rd Draw frame required=
2nd Draw frame:
Delivery speed = 90 ft/min.
Efficiency = 70 %
Draft = 6
Doubling= 3:1
No. of delivery per frame= 10
Required production of 2nd Draw frame = 15.306 15.618 tons/day.
Sliver wt of 2nd draw frame delivery:
lbs/100 yds of feed of 2nd draw frame
lbs /100 yds of delivery of 3rd draw frame.
lbs/100 of feed 3rd D/F or sliver wt. Of 2nd draw frame delivery 1
=4.5 lbs/100 yds*
90 4.5 70
Production = 60 24
3 100 100
=1360.8 lbs/day/delivery
15.618 2240
No. of 2nd draw frame =
Required no. of 2nd draw frame = 2.57 3
1st Draw frame;
Delivery speed= 110 ft/min.
Efficiency = 80 %
No. of delivery per frame = 4
Draft = 4
Doubling= 2:1
Required production of 1st draw frame=15.618 15.936 tons/day.
Sliver wt of 1st draw frame delivery:
Sliver wt of feed of 2nd D/F X Sliver wt of delivery of 2nd D/F
Sliver wt of feed of D/F or sliver wt of 1st draw frame =4.5
9 lbs/100yds.
110 9 80
Production of 1st draw frame/delivery= 60 24
3 100 100
=3801.6 lbs/day.
15.636 2240
Required no. of delivery =
=3801.6 lbs/day
15.936 2240
Required no. of delivery=
Required no. of 1st draw frame
Finisher card:
Delivery speed= 140 ft/min.
Efficiency =80 %
Wastage = 4%
Draft = 15
Doubling= 11 : 1
Required production of finisher card= 15.936 16.344 tons/day.
5. Find out the no. of jute spg frame required 10 produce 15000 kg/day of jute yarn of
Hessian warp quality (Assume all necessary datas )
Let, Hessian warp yarn count = 8 lbs/spindle
Required production= 15000 kg/day,
Spyndle speed =4000 rpm, no. of spindle=100
Wastage =2 %, Eff=90% K. factor=12;
T.P.I. = =4.24
400 60 24 100 8 .90
Prodn/frame/day in Kg=
4.24 36 14400 2.204
856.075 17.52 18 Ans.
6. A high speed type push bar 1st drawing frame is being fed with 16 lbs/hr. Sliver if
the back rest, r/r. S.S is 23.44 ft/min. Calculate prodn /hr in lbs of the frame
(Assume all necessary parameters).
93.76 60 0.8 2 2 8
Prodn/hr in lbs=
3 100
=480 lbs/hr. Ans.
Let, draft= 4
Drawing r/r s.s.
Ret. r/r s.s.
Drawing r/r s.s.
Drawing r/r s.s. = 93.76ft/min.
No. of head=2
feed sliver wt XDoubling
1st drawing sliver weight =