Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode ePGP 11

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Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

Executive Post-Graduate Programme

ePGP 11

Quarter III (2019-20)

Course Outline
Corporate Strategy

Instructor: Prof P Rameshan

Course Objectives
(1) To expose participants to the fundamental principles of corporate Strategic
(2) To enable participants to understand the corporate strategic management process and
the impact of changing business environment on it.
(3) To introduce participants to certain key analytical tools of Strategic Management.
(4) To provide opportunity to participants to analyze the strategic management
experiences of companies.
(5) To promote strategic thinking among participants.

1. Text Book
Hill, C.W.L. & Jones, G.R. (HJ for short). Strategic Management: An Integrated
Approach. Latest Edition. Cengage Learning

2. Other Text/Reference Books (As Available/As per Student Preference)

(a) Dess, G.A, G.T Lumpkin, A.B Eisner, G McNamara and B Kim. Strategic
Management: Creating Competitive Advantages. Latest Edition. McGraw Hill.
(b) Hitt, M.A, Ireland, R.D & Hoskisson, R.E. Strategic Management - Concepts.
South-Western Cengage Learning
(c) Barney, J.B & Hesterly, W.S. Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage
– Concepts and Cases. Latest Edition. Pearson Education
(d) Carpenter, M.A & Sanders, W.G. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective
– Concepts and Cases. Latest Edition. Pearson Education
(e) Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J.D. Strategic Management and Business Policy. Latest
Edition. Pearson Education
(f) Johnson, G., Scholes, K. & Whittington, R. Exploring Corporate Strategy – Text
and Cases. Latest Edition. Pearson Education
(g) Haberberg, A. & Rieple, A (2008). Strategic Management – Theory and
Application. Oxford University Press
(h) Lynch, R. Corporate Strategy. Latest Edition. Pearson Education
(i) David, F.R. Strategic Management. Latest Edition. Pearson Education
(j) Thompson, J. & Martin, F. Strategic Management – Awareness and Change.
Latest Edition. Thompson Learning
(k) Faulkner, D.O. & Campbell, A. (2006) The Oxford Handbook of Strategy (Vol. I
& II), Oxford University Press, USA
(l) Hitt, M.A., Freeman, R.E. & Harrison, J.S. The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic
Management. Latest Edition. Wiley-Blackwell
(m)Mintzberg, H., Lampel, J. & Ahlstrand, B. (2005) Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour
Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Free Press
(n) Pettigrew, A.M., Thomas, H. & Whittington, R. (2001) Handbook of Strategy and
Management, Sage Publications Ltd.
(o) Competitive Strategy, by Michael E Porter, Free Press, 2004 (Paper Back)
(p) Competitive Advantage, by Michael E Porter, Free Press, 2004 (Paper Back)

3. Other Materials (To be provided)

a) Selected Cases.
b) Other Selected Readings, if any.

Evaluation Scheme

Assessment/Quizzes 20%
Term Paper (Assignment/Project) 30%
Final Exam 50%

Session Duration: 1.5 Hours

Pedagogy: Lecture/Case Analysis/Discussion/Project Work.

Session Details

Instructor: Prof P Rameshan

Topic Session Topic/Case Reference Case

No. No.
1 1-2 Introduction: Strategic Planning HJ Ch.1;
Process: Concept & Fundamentals; R1
Case Introduction & Discussion
2 3-4 Analytical Inputs for Strategy: HJ Ch.2-3; Air India
External & Internal Analyses. R2-R5
Case & Discussion
3 5-6 Corporate Level Strategy: Growth HJ Ch.9-10; Walt Disney
& Diversification; M&A & R6-R9 & Pixar
Case & Discussion
4 7-8 Business Level Strategy: HJ Ch.5-7; adMart
Competitive Dynamics & Generic R10-R12
Case & Discussion
5 9-10 Strategy Implementation: HJ Ch.4; GE
Structure & Systems, Operational Ch.8; Ch.11-
Strategy, & Governance 13; R13-R15
Case & Discussion
6 11-12 Performance Evaluation: Ch.11 Chemical
Balanced Scorecard R16 Bank
Case & Discussion
Project Work Guidelines
The academic/grading requirement of the course Corporate Strategy includes the students doing a
project on a selected topic related to the course and submitting the project report as a term paper
within the specified date. It is an individual project; hence, each student should do the project
work individually on a different topic and a different corporate entity.

Only report submitted in hardcopy will be evaluated; however, a soft copy should be uploaded to
the online learning platform. No request for IIM staff to print a hardcopy will be entertained.

Project Topic
Select any Indian corporate entity or a foreign company operating in India. Then, for the selected
company, identify any strategic problem tackled by it at least 3-4 years before the current year.
Analyze the problem and the company’s solution with respect to one of the strategic aspects
similar to those listed in Annexure 1 (the list is only indicative; you are free to select any other
relevant topics/aspects being covered in the course). Then, prepare a report by systematically
presenting the problem as a strategic diagnosis of a consultant.

Study should cover (a) at least 2-3 years preceding the occurrence of the strategic problem, (b)
the full duration of the strategic problem, and (c) 2-3 years post-solution.

Each student may ensure, to the possible extent, that he/she selects a topic and company different
from others. Indicative industry/segment for selecting a company for the topics listed in
Annexure 1 is mentioned in brackets. But, you are free to choose any relevant industry/company.

General Guidelines for Term Paper Project Report

1. The report should be based on your original work. For your work you could use company
reports, journal papers, newspaper and magazine articles, Internet materials or any other
sources. Any materials that you use should be properly analyzed and the results should be
expressed only in your own words. Also, the sources of all materials used in the project
should be suitably acknowledged. Plagiarism (reproducing others’ work in full or in parts in
one’s own name and without acknowledgement) and self-plagiarism (submitting in this
course partly or fully a report submitted in any other courses) are a legal/disciplinary as well
as an ethical offence. Violations can attract a course ‘F’ grade or other serious penalties.
2. The report should have the following parts in that order.
a. Tables of contents, tables and figures
b. Executive summary
c. Introduction to the study, statement of problem and propositions (this should cover why do
you do this study, how is your problem strategically important, how did you select the
particular companies for your study, what hypothesis you are going to prove or disprove in
the course of the study, etc)
d. Methodology, source of data and presentation scheme
e. Analysis, interpretations and implications (this should be logically presented)
f. Conclusions
g. Notes, if any
h. References with titles of articles, names of authors and details of publications
i. Appendix of Balance Sheet and Profit-and-Loss data used in the analysis
3. The full report (excluding Appendix) should NOT be more than 15-20 pages
4. The Report should be submitted latest by August 28, 2019 (Tuesday), 5.30 pm. Reports
submitted late will not be accepted.

The project report should be sent to EPGP Office of IIM Kozhikode (& NOT to the instructor).
Annexure 1
Sample List of Project Themes & Industry Segments

1) Impact of industry structure (Foreign entrant in Indian passenger car/telecom industry)

2) Impact of resources, capabilities and competencies (Indian passenger car company)
3) Impact of industry choice (corporate action) (Indian IT/manufacturing company)
4) Impact of business strategy (Indian 2-wheeler company)
5) Impact of corporate strategy (FMCG company)
6) Impact of level of consistency among company’s business & corporate strategies (Indian
business conglomerate)
7) Impact of mergers/acquisitions (Indian business group)
8) Role of strategic alliances/collaborations (Indian finance sector company)
9) Impact of company’s business portfolio (Biscuit/apparel industry)
10) Impact of company’s innovation strategy (Indian pharmaceutical company)
11) Impact of company’s international business strategy (Indian energy company)
12) Impact of the process of company’s strategy formulation (Packaged food company)
13) Impact of the process of company’s strategy implementation (Reliance group)
14) Impact of changing customer preferences (Watch industry)
15) Impact of the declining nature of industry (Movie theatre industry)
16) Impact of diversification from declining industries (Tobacco industry)
17) Impact of low margin nature of the business (Retail industry)
18) Impact of high margin-induced competition in the business (Fashion goods company)
19) Impact of operating in a niche in a new market with established rivals (Upper-end
automobiles company)
19) Impact of corporate governance practices (Indian business group)
20) Impact of lack of effective performance evaluation measures (public enterprises)
21) Impact of the constraints on differentiation in a difficult to survive industry (Salt/Ice-
cream/Cereal-flour business company)
22) Impact of cost-based strategy (Relevant consumer goods company)
23) Impact of reverse innovation strategy (Relevant consumer durable company)
24) Any other strategic problem/industry segment you may like to choose (as per specified

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