International Equity Plan Account Application & International Client Agreement-1
International Equity Plan Account Application & International Client Agreement-1
International Equity Plan Account Application & International Client Agreement-1
S P S - B
organ Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a registered broker-dealer, not a bank. Where appropriate, we have entered into arrangements with licensed banks and other third
parties to assist in offering certain services. Unless otherwise specifically disclosed to you in writing, investment products offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
LLC, Member SIPC, are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, banks and are subject to investments risks, including possible
loss of principal amount invested.
The Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the Equity Plan Account and, together with your new account opening
materials, provides important information about Equity Plan Account services and fees. Also included in your new account opening materials is a copy of our U.S. Privacy
Policy. The Equity Plan Account you are opening is a limited purpose brokerage account, which is not regulated by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.
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The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, Pub. 1. No. 107-56 (2001).
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For the purposes of this paragraph, a “Politically Exposed Person” or a “PEP” is a natural person currently or formerly entrusted with a senior public role or function
(e.g., a senior official in the executive, legislative, military, administrative, or judicial branches of government), an immediate family member of a prominent public figure,
or a known close associate of a prominent public figure. Immediate family members are defined as the spouse/partner, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, step-child, or
in-law of the prominent public figure. Known close associates include those widely- and publicly-known close business colleagues and personal advisors to the prominent
public figure, in particular financial advisors or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity.
In this regard, a “U.S. Person” means any U.S. Person as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
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10. if you have provided one or more Trusted Contact(s) in the Trusted Contact Authorization section of this application, the information
provided will be confirmed to you in writing. You understand and agree that your Trusted Contact(s) must be 18 years of age or older.
You further understand and agree that we may, but are not obligated, unless required by applicable law, regulation or rule, to contact
your Trusted Contact(s) and disclose information about you and/or your account(s) in order to address possible financial exploitation,
confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status, and/or the identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee
or holder of a power of attorney or as otherwise permitted by the Rules of FINRA. You may add, remove and/or change any or
all of your Trusted Contacts at any time by contacting the MSSB team servicing your account(s). You acknowledge and agree that
we will rely on your agreement to promptly notify us of any changes to your Trusted Contact(s). You further acknowledge that the
Trusted Contact Authorization does not constitute a trading authorization or power of attorney and does not authorize your Trusted
Contact(s) to make any decisions on your behalf regarding your account(s), including, but not limited to, making changes to your
beneficiary designations.
Electronic Delivery
AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. As a client enrolled in Electronic Delivery you will receive electronic notifications that documents
are available for review in lieu of physical copies. These notifications will be sent to the email address that you have provided below,
or through other electronic delivery channels as authorized by you and in accordance with applicable law. At your first log-in to there will be a verification process for this email address, and any other electronic delivery contact
information you may provide, which must be completed before Electronic Delivery can commence. Any accounts you open in the
future will also be enrolled in eDelivery.
Please send all eDelivery notifications to the following email address:
Client Acknowledgement
Non-U.S. persons must file the appropriate Form W-8 which will be supplied to you separately. MSSB may be required by law to
withhold a percentage of dividends, interest and gross proceeds of sales of securities for any account which has not filed a Form
W-9 or an appropriate Form W-8.
Your Equity Plan Account at MSSB is governed by a predispute arbitration clause (starting on pages 7 – 8, paragraph 13 of the
attached Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement). You acknowledge that you have received a copy of the Equity
Plan Account International Client Agreement, including the predispute arbitration clause.
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delivered to you personally. You must notify us immediately of any account(s) in order to address possible financial exploitation, confirm
change to your address. MSSB has no obligation to you to update the specifics of your current contact information, health status, and/
your mailing address unless you have personally notified us of the or the identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee or holder
address change. You warrant that the address specified by you is an of a power of attorney or as otherwise permitted by the Rules of
address where you personally receive communications. the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). You may
You acknowledge that if you have provided instructions to link add, remove and/or change any or all of your Trusted Contacts at
your Equity Plan Account with separate accounts of others, your any time by contacting the MSSB team servicing your account(s).
personal and financial information may be provided to such You acknowledge and agree that we will rely on your agreement to
other account owners by virtue of your Equity Plan Account promptly notify us of any changes to your Trusted Contact(s). You
being linked. further acknowledge that the Trusted Contact Authorization does
not constitute a trading authorization or power of attorney and does
If you have designated another individual to receive your
not authorize your Trusted Contact(s) to make any decisions on your
communications from us pursuant to an Alternate Mail Instruction,
behalf regarding your account, including, but not limited to, making
you agree that the instruction is applicable to all communications
changes to your beneficiary designations.
(except certain regulatory mandated communications) including but
not limited to proxies, prospectuses, confirmations and statements of 3. Electronic Delivery
account. In consideration of MSSB accepting and acting upon that
If you request electronic delivery, you understand and agree that
instruction, you agree that all such communications shall be deemed
you are providing blanket authorization to discontinue hard-copy
for all purposes to have been personally received by you on the date
delivery of most documents relating to your MSSB Equity Plan
indicated in such communication. You further agree to indemnify
Account and begin electronic delivery to the email address you
and hold harmless MSSB, its officers, directors and employees from
provide, or through other electronic delivery channels as authorized
any and all liabilities arising from MSSB’s compliance with these
by you and in accordance with applicable law. Documents
instructions and you hereby specifically waive any claims from your
include but are not limited to your account statements, trade
election not to promptly review transactions posted to your Equity
confirmations, Corporate Action Credit Advices, account
Plan Account.
documentation (including your Equity Plan Account International
Transactions entered into for your Equity Plan Account shall be Client Agreement and amendments to such), and all documents
confirmed in writing to you where required by applicable law or that may be added to eDelivery in the future, including general
regulation. You agree that transactions on your statements and correspondence (collectively “eDelivery Documents”). When you
confirmations shall conclusively be deemed accurate, binding enroll in eDelivery, you consent to the electronic delivery of all
and authorized by you unless you notify us in writing, within eDelivery Documents and further agree and understand that you
three (3) days of receipt for confirmations and ten (10) days of will not receive and we are not obligated to provide paper copies of
receipt for statements. Even if you have verbally advised us of any such eDelivery Documents.
inaccuracy or unauthorized activity, you must send written notice
By selecting eDelivery, you are providing your informed and
by letter or mail of the believed inaccuracy to the manager of the
positive consent to receive eDelivery Documents electronically by
branch office servicing your Equity Plan Account. Failure to so
accessing them on an MSSB or other third-party website selected
notify MSSB in writing will preclude you from asserting at a later
by MSSB after being electronically notified by email, or by means
date that such transaction was inaccurate or unauthorized.
of other electronic delivery channels as authorized by you and in
You understand and agree that the property in your Equity Plan accordance with applicable law, that the eDelivery Documents
Account may be transferred (escheated) to the appropriate state are available for your review. After enrollment, you will receive
if we are unable to contact you by mail or email and no activity enrolled eDelivery Documents in electronic form rather than by
has occurred in the Equity Plan Account within the time period physical delivery.
specified by the state law where your Equity Plan Account is located.
You consent that when you select a document by type (e.g., trade
confirmations) to be electronically delivered for all of your existing
2. Trusted Contact Authorization
linked accounts, that document type will be electronically delivered
If you have provided the name and contact information for one or
for any accounts you may open in the future which are then linked
more trusted contact person(s) (“Trusted Contact”) you understand
to your existing accounts. If you do not select electronic delivery
and agree that your Trusted Contact must be 18 years of age or older.
for a document type for all of your accounts, then that document
You further understand and agree that we may, but are not obligated,
type will not be automatically enrolled for electronic delivery for
unless required by applicable law, regulation or rule, to contact your
accounts you may open in the future.
Trusted Contact and disclose information about you and/or your
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Your consent will include accounts that you own as an account intended to contain personally identifiable information, they may
holder, as well as accounts for which you are an authorized person. contain in their design part or all of your name or other identifier
You can contact your Financial Advisor if you need to make that could be seen or intercepted by others if delivered to your
adjustments to Account Linking. business email address or other computers or electronic devices not
You will receive a mailed letter confirming current eDelivery exclusively under your control. You understand and agree that you
enrollment settings for your linked accounts: when you enroll will not respond to the electronic delivery notice by return email,
an account in eDelivery for the first time; when an account is or use it to request information, service, paper copies or other
automatically enrolled based on previously established eDelivery items or to revoke consent. MSSB will not be responsible to act
preferences for you; or when, pursuant to your instructions, your upon requests made in this manner.
Financial Advisor assists in enrolling linked accounts for eDelivery Although electronic documents are provided without charge, you
or modifying eDelivery settings. Contact us immediately if you have understand that other online subscription or access fees by internet
any difficulty accessing your account documents electronically or if service providers may apply. You must maintain the ability to access
you have any questions about your electronic delivery instructions. and open electronic documents. There are minimum computer
You consent to be notified by email to the address you provide, or (or other electronic device) hardware and software requirements
by means of other electronic delivery channels as authorized by you necessary to receive and view your electronic documents, including,
and in accordance with applicable law, that an eDelivery Document but not limited to, an internet connection and internet browsing
is available on our secure website or a third-party website. The email software. You may request a paper copy of any document delivered
address that you provide, or such other electronic delivery contact through eDelivery but you may incur a charge for that copy. MSSB
information you may provide, will be used to provide notifications will maintain an electronically accessible archive of your eDelivery
of document availability to you for your Equity Plan Account and, documents on our secure client website for seven (7) years after
if applicable, for all selected accounts and document types for your document publication. If you wish to retain eDelivery documents
Morgan Stanley Online username. for a longer period of time, you are responsible for archiving
beyond seven (7) years. You agree that, notwithstanding a request
To ensure uninterrupted document delivery, update your email
for electronic delivery of eDelivery Documents, we may in our sole
address, or such other electronic delivery contact information
discretion send you copies of documents in hard copy form. If you
you may provide, if your contact information changes, or contact
wish to modify or customize your enrollment instructions, or decide
us immediately to request an update. You may be required to
at any time that you want to discontinue electronic delivery, you
complete a verification process for new contact information.
can do so by contacting your Financial Advisor.
If at any time we are unable to deliver electronic notifications
to your email address, or by means of other electronic delivery 4. Transactions
channels as authorized by you and in accordance with applicable
We may require a deposit or a full payment before we accept an
law, you understand that:
order from you. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that if
• We will notify you by regular mail. your Equity Plan Account does not have sufficient spending power
• Depending on the reason for the delivery failure, we may available to complete a transaction, you will promptly deposit the
immediately suspend eDelivery for the Equity Plan Account necessary funds to your Equity Plan Account.
and documents enrolled under your username/email address, All transactions entered into under this Equity Plan Account
resulting in physical delivery of eDelivery documents until International Client Agreement shall be subject to any applicable
such time that you revalidate your email address, or such other constitution, rules, regulations, customs and usages of the exchange
electronic delivery contact information you may provide. or market and its clearinghouse, if any, where such transactions are
You understand that certain risks are associated with the executed by MSSB or its agents and to all applicable laws, rules
transmission of confidential information, electronic delivery and regulations of governmental authorities and self-regulatory
notifications, and other communications through the internet agencies. Such reference to the “constitution, rules, regulations,
including, but not limited to, unauthorized access, systems customs and usages of the exchange” shall in no way be construed
outages, delays, disruptions in telecommunications services and to create a cause of action arising from any violation of such
the internet. Email and other electronic delivery channels are constitution, rules, regulations, customs and usages.
not private or secure. The electronic delivery notices sent to you In the event of a dispute between parties with conflicting claims
by email, or by means of other electronic delivery channels as as to the ownership of your Equity Plan Account, we may refuse
authorized by you and in accordance with applicable law, are to accept instructions for transactions in the Equity Plan Account
not encrypted. Although such electronic delivery notices are not
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and we may freeze the assets in the Equity Plan Account to prevent either your or our interests. The provisions of this Equity Plan
withdrawals or distributions. Account International Client Agreement will continue to apply to
If you have received payment of funds or securities to which you an Equity Plan Account that has been closed.
were not entitled or to which you are subsequently not entitled You agree that we may also in our sole discretion and without notice
(“erroneous payment”), you agree to notify us as soon as you learn to you, to the extent permissible under applicable law and other
of such erroneous payment and you further agree not to remove governing documents applicable to your Equity Plan Account,
any such erroneous payment from the Equity Plan Account, and to terminate or otherwise restrict any or all services rendered under
return the entire erroneous payment to us. You agree that you are this Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement at any
required to return the full amount of the erroneous payment to us, time and for any reason. We may determine in our sole discretion to
notwithstanding any oral representations to the contrary made by close any of your accounts. You may at any time close any of your
any of our personnel. accounts by giving MSSB notice. When you instruct us to close your
Additionally if you fail to return the erroneous payment, we Equity Plan Account, we may immediately cancel all open orders
shall have the right to remove an amount equal to the erroneous and terminate all services provided to your Equity Plan Account.
payment from your Account and to liquidate, at our sole Upon the closing of your Equity Plan Account (whether closed at
discretion, any of your assets held by us to satisfy your obligations your instruction or at our discretion), you shall bear the sole liability
to return any such erroneous payment. for any depreciation in the value of priced securities in the Equity
If we cannot remove the erroneous payment from your Equity Plan Plan Account due to market movement. Following closing of your
Account and you fail to return the full amount of the erroneous Equity Plan Account, you agree to instruct us with respect to the
payment to us, you will become liable to us not only for the disposition of assets remaining in your Equity Plan Account. If, after
amount of the erroneous payment but also for any interest and a reasonable period of time we have not received your instructions
expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) associated with the regarding the disposition of the assets remaining in your Equity
recovery of the erroneous payment. Plan Account, we may, but are not obligated to, liquidate the assets
remaining in your Equity Plan Account and mail a check to you at
You agree that MSSB is authorized to act on your written
the last known address we have on record for you. You understand
instructions provided on the Stock Option Exercise Notice and
and agree that we may liquidate the assets remaining in your Equity
Payment Authorization form.
Plan Account regardless of current market conditions. The proceeds
When you instruct us to sell “long” securities, you must own the of any liquidated assets will not earn interest. These actions may
securities when you place the order. You also agree to make good cause you to recognize taxable income or to report losses for tax
delivery of the securities you are selling by settlement day. You purposes. You acknowledge that you, and not MSSB, are responsible
agree that if you instruct us to sell a security that we designate for any losses, fees, costs or charges you may incur as a result of
as a “long” sale, and we are unable to deliver the security to the liquidating the assets remaining in your Equity Plan Account under
purchaser as a result of your failure to provide the security to us, such circumstances. Your Equity Plan Account will be closed after
you acknowledge that we are required by law to purchase (i.e., all the assets remaining have been transferred from your Equity Plan
“buy-in”) or borrow a security of like kind and quantity. You agree Account or liquidated and the proceeds paid to you. You understand
to be responsible for any loss which we may sustain through a and agree that until your Equity Plan Account is closed, we will
buy-in or borrowing including any premiums, interest or other charge any applicable fees to your Equity Plan Account.
costs which we may be required to pay as a result of such buy-in or
You understand and agree that closing your Equity Plan Account
borrowing or the inability to make a buy-in or borrowing.
or terminating or restricting services will not affect your obligations
You understand that this Equity Plan Account is a cash account, incurred in connection with the Equity Plan Account, including
without margin privileges. the obligation to pay for securities transactions, or other charges.
This Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement will
5. Restrictions and Account Termination continue to govern matters relating to your Equity Plan Account
You agree that we may in our sole discretion and without notice that arose before your Equity Plan Account was closed or that may
to you, to the extent permissible under applicable law and other arise after the closing of your Equity Plan Account.
governing documents applicable to your Equity Plan Account, If, after your Equity Plan Account has been closed, we receive
decline, cancel or reverse your orders or instructions, or place any dividends, interest or other payments with respect to assets
trading, disbursement and other restrictions on your Equity Plan previously held in your account, we will transfer such payments to
Account. We may hold assets in your Equity Plan Account if it you based on instructions you have provided us. If you have not
is necessary to comply with governmental requests or to protect provided us with instructions, we may liquidate any such securities
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and payments so received and mail a check to you at the last You understand that other sweep investments may have a
known address we have on record. You agree that we may charge minimum initial investment and/or BDP Pricing Group value to
any applicable fees resulting from our receipt of such dividends, activate the sweep. You also acknowledge that residents of some
interest or other payments. jurisdictions may be ineligible for a sweep. You agree that MSSB
In the event of your death, MSSB shall have no liability for following may impose its own minimum investment requirement to activate
valid instructions previously received from you or received from such other sweep investments for your Equity Plan Account. To
your agent until MSSB has actual notice of your death. You agree the extent such other sweep investments become available for
that upon notice of your death and prior to the appointment of an your Equity Plan Account, you agree that until such time as you
executor, administrator or other legally empowered individual, we meet the minimum initial investment, and/or BDP Pricing Group
may, at our sole discretion, close out or sell any open positions held value, if applicable, your free credit balances will be invested
in your Equity Plan Account or take any actions we deem necessary in the default sweep investment. You further acknowledge that
to protect MSSB or your estate. MSSB may with 30 days written notice (i) make changes to these
sweep terms; (ii) make changes to the terms and conditions of any
Your estate and beneficiaries shall bear the sole liability for any
available sweep investment; (iii) change, add or delete the products
depreciation in the value of priced securities in the Equity Plan
available as a sweep option; (iv) transfer your sweep investment
Account due to market movement following notice of your death.
from one sweep product to another.
Without limiting the language set forth below, you hereby
6. Sweep
authorize MSSB to automatically withdraw any Bank Deposit
You acknowledge and agree that, if your Equity Plan Account is Program balances available in your Equity Plan Account from
eligible, we are authorized without further direction from you to time to time to cover any of your indebtedness or obligations to
automatically deposit or “sweep” all the free credit balances in your MSSB including non-trade related debts. You acknowledge that
Equity Plan Account into one or more FDIC insured depository MSSB is further authorized to liquidate any other property held
institutions (“Sweep Banks”) affiliated with us as more particularly in your Equity Plan Account to satisfy any such indebtedness or
set forth in the Bank Deposit Program Disclosure Statement, obligations whenever in MSSB’s discretion MSSB considers it
which is available at necessary for MSSB’s protection. If you do not wish to participate
bankdepositprogram.asp and will be sent to you upon your first in the Bank Deposit Program and want to opt-out of that service,
deposit in the Bank Deposit Program, and by which you agree to be please contact your Financial Advisor.
bound. You also acknowledge that any free credit balances in your
Equity Plan Account that exceed $2,000,000 will be swept to the
7. Fees, Charges and Compensation Earned by MSSB
Sweep Banks and not the Sweep Fund as such fund is described in
the Bank Deposit Program Disclosure Statement. You acknowledge You agree to pay any account fees and other charges related to your
and understand that we may amend the list of Sweep Banks at any Equity Plan Account with us, and authorize us to automatically
time with 30 days written notice to you. You may eliminate such debit such fees from your Equity Plan Account. You agree to
banks from the Bank Deposit Program as permitted in the Bank promptly pay any deficiency that might arise in your Equity Plan
Deposit Program Disclosure Statement. Account. You also authorize us to transfer excess funds between
your Equity Plan Account and any other accounts you may have
You acknowledge (i) that you are responsible to monitor the total
with us for any reason that does not conflict with applicable law.
amount of deposits you have at each Sweep Bank in order to
You understand and agree that we reserve the right to add or
determine the extent of FDIC insurance coverage available to you,
change account and service fees and charges at any time with prior
and (ii) that MSSB is not responsible for any insured or uninsured
written notice to you of the new fees.
portion of your deposits at any of the Sweep Banks.
You understand that MSSB may retain, as compensation for its
You acknowledge and agree that the Bank Deposit Program will
provision of services, your Equity Plan Account’s proportionate
be your designated sweep investment by default. You further
share of any interest earned on uninvested cash balances held by
acknowledge and agree that the rate of return on the Bank Deposit
MSSB or an affiliate.
Program may be higher or lower than the rate of return on other
sweep investments. As set forth in the Bank Deposit Program Disclosure Statement,
you understand and agree that MSSB or its affiliates may earn
You agree that MSSB is not responsible to you if the Bank Deposit
additional compensation through the investment of your Equity
Program has a lower rate of return than other sweep investments or
Plan Account in the sweep vehicle noted above.
causes any tax consequences resulting from your investment in the
Bank Deposit Program by default.
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You understand and acknowledge that MSSB may effect trades securities and other property held in your Equity Plan Account,
on behalf of client accounts through exchanges, electronic or close any or all transactions in your Equity Plan Account. You
communication networks, alternative trading systems and similar agree to be responsible for all costs and commissions related to
execution systems and trading venues (collectively, “Trading such liquidations. In addition, you agree that we shall be entitled
Systems”), including Trading Systems in which MSSB or its to apply any dividends, capital gains payments, interest payments
affiliates may have a direct or indirect ownership interest. In or other incoming funds, such as funds that would otherwise be
addition, you understand and agree that, subject at all times to invested through the Dividend Reinvestment Program, to cover
its obligations to obtain best execution for its customers’ orders, fees or other indebtedness to us.
MSSB will route certain customer order flow to its affiliates.
You agree that brokerage charges will be assessed against your 9. Credit Verification and Reporting
Equity Plan Account and will be provided to you through MSSB at its sole discretion may inquire from any source, including
securities transaction confirms. the Company, your employer or a consumer reporting agency, as
to your identity, creditworthiness (and your spouse’s, if you live in
8. Costs and Debt You May Incur a community property state) and ongoing eligibility for the Equity
As security for the payment of any amounts owed to us or our Plan Account upon the opening thereof and any time thereafter.
affiliates by you under this Equity Plan Account International Client You authorize us to obtain copies of your consumer and credit
Agreement or otherwise, you grant to us a first priority continuing reports at our discretion, at any time, for reasons including, but
security interest in and lien on, and a right of setoff with respect to, not limited to, the following:
all property that is, now or in the future, held, carried or maintained • To collect a debit balance in your Equity Plan Account;
for any purpose in or through this or any other account with us that • To investigate, detect and prevent fraud involving you, or your
you maintain or have an interest in. You agree that we may elect, at Equity Plan Account;
any time, with or without notice, to make any debit balance or other
• If a deposit of funds or securities to your Equity Plan Account
obligation related to your Equity Plan Account immediately due and
is returned.
payable. You further agree that we may at our discretion hold such
property until your debts or obligations to us are fully satisfied, or we You authorize us to share this information with others in the
may apply such property and the proceeds of its liquidation toward normal course of business. You have the right to request the name
the satisfaction of your debts and obligations. You understand that and address of any consumer reporting agency that furnished
you will remain liable to MSSB for any deficiency. In enforcing our reports to us. You understand that we may report any past due
security interest, you agree that we have the discretion to determine amount to a consumer or securities credit reporting agency. We
which property is to be sold and the order in which it is to be may also refer your Equity Plan Account to a collection agency and
sold. We also have all the rights and remedies available to us as a you agree that you will be responsible for any costs, fees or other
secured party under the New York Uniform Commercial Code. expenses we incur as a result of such referral.
You agree that you will not cause or allow any of the collateral held
in your account(s), whether now owned or hereafter acquired, to 10. Client Qualifications
be or become subject to any liens, security interests, mortgages or By signing this Equity Plan Account International Client
encumbrances of any nature other than our security interest without Agreement, you represent that you are of the age of majority and
our prior written consent. As used in this Equity Plan Account are qualified to open account(s) with MSSB. Unless you advise
International Client Agreement, “property” includes, but is not us in writing to the contrary, you also represent that neither you
limited to, securities accounts, securities of all kinds, securities nor any member of your immediate family is an employee of
entitlements, money, securities or securities entitlements, and the any exchange, or of any corporation of which an exchange owns
distributions, proceeds, products and accessions of any of the above, a majority of the capital stock, or a member of any exchange or
including proceeds of proceeds. All property held in a securities of any corporation, firm or individual engaged in the business
account shall be treated as a financial asset under Article 8 of the of dealing, either as a broker or as principal, in securities, bills of
New York Uniform Commercial Code. exchange, acceptances or other forms of commercial paper. You
Whenever it is necessary for our protection to satisfy any amounts understand that you may be required, and agree if so requested
owed to us by you (including, without limitation, the filing by, on by us, to provide us with a letter of approval from the employer if
behalf of, or against you of a petition or other proceeding under either you or an immediate family member is so employed.
any applicable bankruptcy or insolvency laws), we may — but are
not required to — sell, assign and deliver all or any part of the
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You further represent that neither you nor any other person disclosures included in the disclosures provided to you or otherwise
who has an ownership interest in or authority over this Equity available online.
Plan Account knowingly owns, operates or is associated with a
business that uses, at least in part, the internet to receive or send 12. Losses Due to Extraordinary Events
information that could be used in placing, receiving, or otherwise
You agree that we are not liable for loss caused directly or indirectly
knowingly transmitting a bet or wager.
by government restrictions, exchange or market rulings, suspension
of trading, interruptions of communications or data processing,
11. Electronic Funds Transfer Services war, terrorist acts, strikes, acts of God or other conditions beyond
These services may not be available in all jurisdictions. You MSSB’s control.
understand and agree that if you intend to utilize Electronic
Funds Transfer (“EFT”) privileges offered in connection with 13. Arbitration
your Equity Plan Account, we are authorized to debit your Equity
This Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement
Plan Account immediately when an EFT transaction is effected.
contains a predispute arbitration clause. By signing an
You agree to maintain spending power sufficient to pay for EFT
arbitration agreement the parties agree as follows:
transactions made by you. You understand and agree, however, that
if there is insufficient spending power in your Equity Plan Account a. All parties to this Equity Plan Account International Client
to cover payments when they become due, we have no obligation Agreement are giving up the right to sue each other in court,
to effect such EFT transactions. You also understand and agree that including the right to a trial by jury, except as provided by
we have no obligation to make partial payments. the rules of the arbitration forum in which a claim is filed.
You acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to cancel your b. Arbitration awards are generally final and binding; a party’s
EFT privileges at any time for any reason with or without notice ability to have a court reverse or modify an arbitration award
to you. If we so decide, you understand and agree that you are is very limited.
responsible for any pending payments, which will be processed and c. The ability of the parties to obtain documents, witness
deducted immediately from your Equity Plan Account. statements and other discovery is generally more limited in
Subject to any limitations imposed by applicable law, and except as arbitration than in court proceedings.
otherwise set forth in this Equity Plan Account International Client d. The arbitrators do not have to explain the reason(s) for
Agreement or in other disclosures provided to you, you agree that their award unless, in an eligible case, a joint request for an
neither MSSB, nor any processing bank, will be liable for any loss explained decision has been submitted by all parties to the
you incur in connection with your EFT transactions unless we are panel at least 20 days prior to the first scheduled hearing
negligent in fulfilling this Equity Plan Account International Client date.
Agreement. In no event will we or any processing bank be liable for e. The panel of arbitrators will typically include a minority
consequential, special or indirect damages or losses unless applicable of arbitrators who were or are affiliated with the securities
law requires otherwise. You also agree that liability regarding industry.
online services is further limited by the applicable online services
f. The rules of some arbitration forums may impose time limits
terms and conditions. To the extent you utilize online services you
for bringing a claim in arbitration. In some cases, a claim
acknowledge that you are bound by those terms and conditions.
that is ineligible for arbitration may be brought in court.
You agree that any termination of your Equity Plan Account
g. The rules of the arbitration forum in which the claim is filed,
will result in the cancellation of all EFT services. If your Equity
and any amendments thereto, shall be incorporated into this
Plan Account is terminated, you will remain responsible for the
Equity Plan Account International Client Agreement.
payment of charges to your Equity Plan Account, as well as any
outstanding EFT transactions, whether arising before or after the By signing this Equity Plan Account International Client
termination of your Equity Plan Account. Agreement you agree to arbitrate disputes as described herein
and expressly reject the jurisdiction of your home country
Your Equity Plan Account may be eligible for EFT services that
courts and the applicability of your home country laws.
are subject to separate service agreements. If applicable, you must
agree to the separate terms and conditions governing the particular You agree that all claims or controversies, whether such
service you use to initiate such EFT services. In addition, you agree claims or controversies arose prior, on or subsequent to the
that your use of such EFT services to receive or transfer funds to date hereof, between you and MSSB and/or any of its present
or from your Equity Plan Account is subject to the separate EFT or former officers, directors, or employees concerning or
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arising from (i) any account maintained by you with MSSB your Financial Advisor if you are no longer employed by the
individually or jointly with others in any capacity; (ii) any Company associated with the Plan-related securities in this Equity
transaction involving MSSB or any predecessor or successor Plan Account.
firms by merger, acquisition or other business combination You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless from any
and you, whether or not such transaction occurred in such threatened or actual claim made by a third party alleging that
account or accounts; or (iii) the construction, performance activity in the Equity Plan Account was inconsistent or in violation
or breach of this or any other agreement between you and of a court order or other pre-existing written restriction on the
us, any duty arising from the business of MSSB or otherwise, Equity Plan Account.
shall be determined by arbitration before, and only before, any
self-regulatory organization or exchange of which MSSB is a
15. Restricted Securities
member. You may elect which of these arbitration forums shall
hear the matter by sending a registered letter or other written You are aware that various U.S. federal and state laws or regulations
communication addressed to Morgan Stanley at 485 Lexington may be applicable to transactions in your Equity Plan Account
Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10017, Attn: Legal and regarding the resale, transfer, delivery or negotiation of securities,
Compliance Division. If you fail to make such election before including the Securities Act and Rules 144, 144A, 145 and 701
the expiration of five (5) days after receipt of a written request thereunder, and the Securities Exchange Act. You agree that it is
from MSSB to make such election, MSSB shall have the right your responsibility to notify MSSB of the status of such securities
to choose the forum. All claims advanced in arbitration must and to ensure that any transaction you effect with MSSB will be
be brought within the federal or state statute of limitations or in conformity with such laws and regulations. You will notify
other time limits that otherwise govern if the claim was brought MSSB if you are or become an “affiliate” or a “control person”
in a federal or state court of competent jurisdiction. within the meaning of the Securities Act, or a “reporting person”
under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act with respect to
o person shall bring a putative or certified class action to
any security held in your Equity Plan Account. You will comply
arbitration, nor seek to enforce any predispute arbitration
with such policies, procedures and documentation requirements
agreement against any person who has initiated in court a
with respect to “restricted” and “control” securities as we may
putative class action; or who is a member of a putative class
require. You acknowledge that if you are an employee or “affiliate”
who has not opted out of the class with respect to any claims
of the issuer of a security, any transaction in such security may be
encompassed by the putative class action until: (i) the class
governed by the issuer’s insider trading policy and you agree to
certification is denied; (ii) the class is decertified; or (iii) the
comply with such policy. You will also notify MSSB if you are or
person is excluded from the class by the court.
become (i) a director, partner or employee of a registered broker-
uch forbearance to enforce an agreement to arbitrate shall
S dealer, a securities exchange or an entity controlled by a securities
not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Equity Plan exchange or a registered securities association or (ii) a portfolio
Account International Client Agreement except to the extent manager for a bank, savings and loan institution, insurance
stated herein. company, investment company, investment advisor or collective
You further agree that as a non-resident of the U.S. you will investment account. In order to induce MSSB to accept orders with
submit to the jurisdiction of the chosen arbitration forum and respect to securities in your Equity Plan Account, you represent
will be bound by its determination thereby waiving any prior, and agree that, unless you notify MSSB otherwise, such securities
simultaneous or subsequent actions or proceedings in any non- or transactions therein are not subject to the laws and regulations
U.S. forums and also waiving any claims based on non-U.S. regarding “restricted” and “control” securities, or those governing
laws or regulations. securities trading of persons affiliated with financial service firms.
You understand that if you engage in transactions that are subject
to any special conditions under applicable law, the transactions may
14. Accuracy of Account Information/Updates to
be canceled or delayed pending fulfillment of the conditions.
Account Information
You agree to provide MSSB with your personal information. You
16. Dean Witter Dividend Reinvestment Program
agree to promptly notify MSSB of any material changes to those
Terms and Conditions
categories of information. You acknowledge and understand that
MSSB will rely on the accuracy of the information you provide. Morgan Stanley’s Dean Witter Dividend Reinvestment Program
You also acknowledge and understand that MSSB will rely on permits you to reinvest through the automated reinvestment
your agreement to promptly notify it of any material changes to service cash dividends, capital gains distributions and return of
the information you have provided. You agree to promptly notify capital distributions credited to your account.
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You acknowledge that if you choose to participate in the Dividend market price for the relevant security. No commission will be
Reinvestment Program, you will be charged a transaction fee charged for the liquidation of the partial share position. In lieu of
for each reinvestment. You may direct your Financial Advisor to separate trade confirmations, all transactions made through the
add the Dividend Reinvestment Program to eligible securities Dividend Reinvestment Program will be reported on your monthly
in your Equity Plan Account. Your enrollment authorizes us to account statement. Please be aware that reinvestment for certain
automatically reinvest cash dividends, capital gains distributions securities might occur through the Depository Trust Company’s
and return of capital distributions (collectively, “Dividends”) paid (“DTC”) dividend reinvestment program. DTC and the issuer
on securities held in your Equity Plan Account in additional shares determine which securities participate in the DTC program. Only
of the respective security. On the Dividend payable date, we will certain eligible DTC program securities will participate in the
credit your account the amount of the cash Dividend (less any Dividend Reinvestment Program and such eligibility is determined
amounts required by law or agreement to be withheld or debited). by us. Dividend reinvestment does not ensure profits on your
We will aggregate such Dividends from your Equity Plan Account investments and does not protect against loss in declining markets.
with those of other clients requesting Dividend reinvestment in the By offering the Dividend Reinvestment Program, we are not
same security and use these funds to purchase additional shares of recommending that you participate. The eligibility of any specific
the relevant security for you and the other clients on a best efforts security for the program is not a recommendation by the firm that
basis. We will credit your Equity Plan Account the number of you should purchase shares in that security. We reserve the right to
shares equal to the amount of your funds to be reinvested in such terminate or amend the Dividend Reinvestment Program at any
security divided by the purchase price per share. time, including charging commissions or transaction fees. Contact
We seek to provide the Dividend Reinvestment Program for a your Financial Advisor if you wish to terminate your enrollment
broad range of U.S. equities, those listed on the New York Stock in the Dividend Reinvestment Program. Your termination must
Exchange or traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market will be considered be received by the record date in order to be effective for a given
for the Dividend Reinvestment Program. Securities that do Dividend payment on an enrolled security.
not meet certain levels of liquidity and minimum or maximum
share prices will generally not be eligible. We reserve the right to 17. Lawful Usage and Tax Considerations
amend the eligibility criteria and suspend or remove securities You represent and warrant to MSSB that in conjunction with this
from the program without notice. Automatic reinvestment of Equity Plan Account or any other account carried with MSSB
your eligible cash distributions in the Equity Plan Account might at any time, that you will utilize said account(s) solely for lawful
give you interests in partial shares of securities, which will be purposes and will remain aware of, and fully comply with, all
calculated to three decimal places. You will be entitled to receive applicable laws and regulations that you may be subject to in
Dividend payments proportionate to your partial share holdings. relation to the operation and use of said account(s) including, but
If your Equity Plan Account is transferred, a stock undergoes not limited to, laws and regulations relating to taxation, exchange
reorganization, or if stock certificates are ordered out of your or capital controls, and reporting and filing requirements. You
Equity Plan Account, partial share positions, which cannot be agree that MSSB cannot advise or counsel you on the existence,
transferred, reorganized or issued in certificate form, will be applicability or compliance with any law or regulation that may
liquidated. If you enter an order to sell your entire whole share affect you in any particular jurisdiction and that you are solely
position, any remaining partial share position will be liquidated responsible for remaining aware of, and complying with such laws
at the execution price of the sell and will be posted to your Equity or regulations. You agree that nothing in this Equity Plan Account
Plan Account on the settlement day. If you perform any other International Client Agreement or any other agreements entered
nonmarket activity that results in a partial share position left in the into with MSSB or any written or oral communications between
Equity Plan Account, such position will be liquidated at the most us constitutes advice relating to taxation or compliance with any
appropriate time following such activity at the then-prevailing laws or regulations.
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