1998 Indicator in Instruments of Science An H
1998 Indicator in Instruments of Science An H
1998 Indicator in Instruments of Science An H
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nstrulllents o c1ence
Robert Bud
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The Science Museum, London
Associate Editor
Stephen Johns_ton
Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
Picture Editor
Simon Chaplin
The· Science Museum, London
:,./ · Since_ World War II, the historical study of science has grown enormously. Once the domain of a
:1/.'. few scientists interested in their intellectual genealogy and a scattering of intellectual historians,
:: philosophers of science, and sociologists of knowledge, it is now a mature and independent disci-
}. pline. However, historians of science have not had a way until now to make the essentials of their
t.; · subject accessible to high school and college students, scholars in other disciplines, and the general
;( public. The encyclopedias in this series will furnish concise historical information and summarize
'/-·:: the latest research in a form accessible to those without scientific or mathematical training.
.;..,.. . .
[ Each volume in the series will be independent from the others. The focus of a particular volume
�::, · may be a scientific discipline (such as astronomy), a topic that transcends disciplines (such as
if .laboratories and instruments or science in the United States), or a relationship between a science
:·�,.i/{: and another aspect of culture (for example, science and religion). The same entry title may ap-
�;-\·. pear in a number of volumes, perhaps with a different author, as individual volume editors and
[('.· co-editors approach the subject from different contexts.
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What is common to each of the volumes is a concern for the historiography of the history of
�}: science. By historiography, I mean the recognition that there is never an undisputed explanation
�\·; : of past events. Instead, historians struggle to corne to a consensus about the facts and significant
Nf issues and argue over the most valid historical explanations. The authors of the entries in this
�f; •·.and the other volumes in the series were asked to provide entries that are accurate and balanced,
�/i while also being cognizant of how historical interpretations changed over time. Where historio
ii(.-: gra:phic debate has occurred, authors were asked to address that debate. They were also given
1( · The
extent to which historiographie issues are prominent in the entries varies from entry to entry
1\ and from volume to volume, according to the richness of the historical literature and the depth of
tr. - the debate. Even for a subject with a rich historiographie literature, such as science in the United
}· . .
f , States, there are topics for which there is little scholarship. The one or two scholars working on a
f(: · particular topic may still be laboring to uncover the facts and get the chronology correct. For other
: .
/:>.. · fields, there may have been too few active scholars for the development of a complex debate on
<: almost any topic.
:,.. .: .
t _ Each entry also provides a concise, selected bibliography on the topic. Further bibliographie in-
iC. - formation can be obtained from the volumes in the Garland series Bibliographies on the History
U- of Science and Technology, edited by Robert Multhauf and Ellen Wells.
. ..
Marc Rothenberg
Smithsonian Institution
Who invented the gyroscope? How has the telescope evolved? For what have bomb calorimeters
been used? How has changing gas testing technology been reflected in the cost of instruments?
This volume differs significantly from other histories of scientific instruments: its 32 7 entries ad
dress topics ranging from antiquity to the present day and include instruments designed for rou
tine testing as well as those used for cutting-edge research. More than two hundred scientists,
instrument pioneers, historians, and sociologists contributed entries, each of which is accompa
nied by a list of further readings and an illustration.
The approach taken in this volume is pragmatic but not unprincipled and has been guided by a
sensit_ivity to the cp.anging historical forms of natural knowledge. There are, therefore, entries re
lating to the mathematical sciences from antiquity onwards, the natural philosophy of the seven
teenth and eighteenth centuries, physics and chemistry and the newly emerging life sciences of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the applied and engineering sciences, which have corne
to increasing prominence in recent years.
This historicist approach has some important consequences. For exarnple, we have chosen instru
ments that no longer figure in modern conceptions of science, including early modern drawing
instrum�nts and sectors used in mathematics and geometry, the spheres and astrolabes of as
tronomy, and the cross-staffs and sextants of navigation. At the other end of the spectrum, the
recent developments in biology and biotechnology suggested entries that confound traditional con
ceptions of an instrument, including four organisms that are crucial in biological research-E. coli,
neurospora, drosophila, and the mouse. Reflecting the importance of applied science, we have also
explored the usës of instruments in sites of routine testing and monitoring such as the hospital,
the petroleum refinery, and the airplane cockpit.
Carrent Scholarship
The historical significance of instruments has become vastly better understood·thàn was the case
even a decade ago. The growing material record preserved in museums has challenged and inspired
curators to focus upon its meaning. The practice of science equally has attracted detailed atten
tion from a wide field of historians, philosophers, and sociologists. 1 This volume has benefited
from. their enormous efforts as well as from the knowledge and experience of practitioners.
Despite such expertise, the complexity and scope of science remain a formidable challenge. While
for some instruments we are in a position to locate a detailed understanding within a rich con
text-intellectual, social, and economic-for others even the establishment of a skeletal chronol
ogy has proven difficult. Thus this volume represents current understanding and the questions
being raised by scholars today.
Science may be international, but its practice is often affected by local conditions, where both the
uses of instruments and their patterns of evolution diverge and where manufacturers, key people,
and urgent problems differ. Whereas this volume is international in scope, the emphases of the
authors, who work in a dozen countries, naturally reflect their own experience and knowledge.
Readers will find themselves challenged to produce accounts reflecting the local conditions most
familiar to themselves and to develop further international overviews.
Moreover, in many modern worksites, instruments.areoften brought together into .systems and
networks, becoming part of ensembles such as astronomical observatories, mineralogical labo
ratories, or automobile dashboards. .Although our A-Z listing of individual instruments preserves
the sense of instruments as distinctive and unique artifacts, we hope that scholars will integrate
accounts of individual instruments in ways that this volume could not attempt.
Although ail instruments are clearly not of equal importance to the development of scientific
ptactice, allocation of space in this volume could not possibly reflect the scale of such diversity.
Cross-references to other entries are indicated by bold type. Lists of further reading suggest the
fuller accounts that we could not provide for the history of better-known devices. In other cases,
however, this volume's entries bring together for the first time information available in scattered
and often obscure sources. Therefore, the space allocated to each of our instruments falls within
a relatively narrow range: most entries are· approximately one thousand words in length.
The volume is intended to communicate clearly to a wide audience and is itself the product of a
diverse community of specialists. In most cases, therefore, modern units, rather than cont�mpo
rary or archaic measures, are used. Moreover, it has not been possible to standardize to e.ither
metric or imperial so both will be found.
The lists of up to five further readings follow each entry. These also serve to provide full refer
ences for sources referred to in the text or in picture captions. Many of the photographs corne
from the collections of the Science & Society Picture Library at the Science Museum or from the
collections of the National Museum of American History.
This volume is the result of a collaboration between two major national museums and draws upon
the strengths of their object, archivai, and picture collections. Their institutional support and ac
cumulated resources have made this volume possible. We are grateful also ,to the members of the
advisory committee who providèd valuable guidance throughout the project. Severa! staff mem
bers of the two museums worked bard to ensure the success of this multinational endeavor. We
are grateful to Angela Murphy for facilitating the provision of Science Museum photographs,
Catherine Cooper for· work with copyright clearances, Charlotte Cowling and Tia Snell, who
· checked bibliographie references, Susan Gordon for her help with computing, and Marjorie Castle,
Julia Law, Lorraine Gray, and Margaret Sone, who sustained the network of editors, authors, fax
machines, e-mails, and entries with effitiency and good humor. We are also delighted to thank
.. Sarah Angliss, Eunice Petrini, and the production staff at Garland who employed great care, te
nacity, and patience to ensure the project would finally finish.
Robert Bud
Deborah Jean Warner
Stephen Johnston
. Notes
1. See, for example, such general guides to the history of scientific instruments as J .A.
Bennett, The Divided Circle: A History of lnstrumen'ts for Astronomy, Navigation and
Surveying, Oxford: Phaidon, 1987; Maurice Daumas, Scientific Instruments of the Seven
teenth and Eighteenth Centuries, translated by Mary Holbrook, New York: Praeger,
·: ' :
1972; Anthony Turner, Eàrly Scientific Instruments, Europe 1400-1800, London: Philip
Wilson for Sotheby's, 1987; Gerard L'E. Turner, Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instru
ments, Berkeley: University of California Press; London: Philip Wilson, 1983; Albert Van
Helden and Thomas L. Hankins, eds., "Instruments." Osiris 9 (1994): 1-250.
:. 2
. The search for appropriate entries was carried out over several years. Without being com
prehensive, it might be useful to list such general works on current scientific instruments
a.s W.H. Cubberly, Comprehensive Dictionary of Instrumentation and Control, Research
Triangle, North Carolina: Instrumentation Society of U.S.A., 1988; L. Finkelstein and
·. K.T.V. Grattan, Concise Encyclopedia of Measurement and Instrumentation, Oxford:
Pergamon, 1994; B.E. Noltingk, Jones' Instrument Technology, 4th ed., London:
Butterworth, 1985; Peter Payne, Biological and Biomedical Measurement Systems, Ox
.: : . .
.' , ... ford: Pergamon, 1991; and J.G. Webster, ed., Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and In
strumentation, New York: Wiley, 1988.
r· -.
l\ Popplewell, William Charles. Experimental Indicators also played a major role in the
Engineering. Vol. 2. Manchester: Scien establishment and rise of thermal engine theory.
;/ . tific, 1901. Thus Emile Clapayron, inspired by the indica
[s'Unwin, W illiam Cawthorne. The Testing of tor diagrams o( the steam engines, traced in
?;_ ·_ · _Materials of Construction. 2nd ed. Lon-· 1834 the Carnot cycle in a pressure-volume
- don: Longmans, 1899. coordinate system.
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James Wq,tt's steam engine indicator, ca. 1796. SM 1890-83. Courtesy of SSPL.
Around 1830 John McNaught replaced indicators that could record successive closed
the fla t ch art wi th a rotating drum. Arthur diagrams as well as indicators able to measure
Morin and Paul Garnier of France introduced the work developed during a period of time·.
!;._;. G·er-man engineer G.A. Hirn and the Frenchman of transistors after 1950, and microprocessors
}f:,- :, Marcel Deprez created a m�fhod for raising a after 1989, greatly increased the efficiency of
�{,; "stroboscopie diagram,' that made it possible to the amplifier.
J(. reduce if not to eliminate the inertia of moving Pressure transducers, which use deforrna
}c parts. It supposed that at each turn of the crank- tions of an elastic diaphragm, are of several
·\,, ·..
�t' .
�f' shaft only one point of the diagram was regis- forms. One is the rnagnetic transducer, in which
- tered, ail the diagrams being a succession of an . iron core fixed on the diaphragm under pres
tr· . points obtained after a high number of cycles. sure moves inside a coil creating an electrical
�i(·, .Two types of indicators were built to exploit cÙrrent. Another is the capacity variation trans
t:;'. · this method: those for which pressure is chosen ducer, which uses a condenser capacity with
in advance and the piston position is revealed, movable plates to control the electric current.
i{>\( '. and those for. which the piston position is fixed The stroboscopie method was often used with
['. · · and �he pressure is revealed. Deprez built the indicators of this sort.
The other major type of pressure trans
ducer uses modifications of the intrinsic prop
��·:'V:�.:.'. boscopic indicators were abando�ed in the erties of the item submitted to pressure. The
�( · 1930s. major categories here are electric resistance
M\•· . variation transducers, which use-the electric
;1t.;: ,., .· High-Frequency Mechanical Indic4tors variation of small carbon disks subrnitted to a
t.t< and Micro-Indicators. These use an encased pressure, and quartz-pressure transducers,
......:i,: .
ft:. stem as a spring that permits the self-frequency which are based on the piezo-electric properties
J.f\ to be increased to 1,200 Hz and are charac · of quartz (n.amely the creation of electric
�L- .terized by very small diagrams. The micro charges. when a crystal is compressed ùnder
lK:�: .· indicator is based on a strong reduction of the specific conditions). Discovered by Jacques
. .
E;" instrument dimensions and the elimination of and Pierre Curie in 1880, this phenomenon was
t) the amplification device. The first micro- applied to indicators in the middle of the 1930s
t( indic_ator was probably built by O. Macler in by the German professors Kamm, Rickert, and
1912. These indicators were abandoned in the Kieln. Modern quartz-pressure transducers are
•: ·: .
;( .
�} 1930 s.
the most ·efficient and the most common.
(·. .::
· .
Alexandre Herléa
:•. .
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Optical Indicators or Manographs. The
_··,. manograph is characterized by an optical am- Bibliography
pl.ification system. Here the pressure element is De Juhasz, Kalman John. The Engine Indica
connected with one or two srnall mirrors on tor: It's Design, Theory and Special Ap
:which a light beam is focused, and a screen or plications. New York Instruments, •
I N D I C AT O R 3 27.
struments Commission of the Union portions in the same coil acted as primary and
Internationale d'Histoire et de Philo secondary circuits.
sophie des Sciences, edited by Christine Callan was influenced by the electromag
Blondel, et al., 193-234. London: Rogers netic researches of his friend William Sturgeon,
Turner, 1989. the shoemaker turned scientific lecturer and
Labarthe, André. Nouvelles méthodes de inventor of electrical instruments, and also by
mesure mécanique. Paris: Ministère de Henry and Faraday, in that order. His,earliest ,,
l'Air, 1936. induction coils (1836) were derived from his
Roberts, Howard Creighton. Mechanical electromagnets (18 34). His device was still an
Measurements by Electrical Methods. autotransformer similar to Page's 1835 configu
Pittsburg, Pa.: Instruments, 1946. ration, except that now the wires of the two·
Zelbstein, Uri. La piezo-electricité appliquée coils were of different thicknesses. His repeater
à l'etude des moteurs. Paris: Ministère de energizing the coils was a rocking. wire whose
l'Air, 1947. ends dipped alternately into cups of mercury,
operated by a clockwork motor. The electric
shocks were taken from the beginning of the
Induction Coil first and the end of the second coil, but by 183'7 ,.
An induction coil produces high-voltage sparks. he kept the two coils separate and ·took the· .J
lt usually consists of two sets of windings that shock only from the secondary coiL. This was ·..j
are either wound close to, or on top of, one the configuration of the genuine induction coil. · <�
another. Current from a battery is passed During the second phase of development,- . \}
through the primary winding, which has a small the prototypes became marketable products. ·�;•
number of turns, and is rapidly interrupted ei .
structed. The interrupter has its origin in early the founder of the Polytechnic Institution in ifî
nineteenth-century medical electricity, when London, had made the same observation with
0 jj
physicians began to use voltaic batteries. They
were so used to the intermittent shocks pro
��!!;!: c
:;:o ���i:J s::;;:l �:;��:�pters. )i
duced by the previous generation of electro
static machines that they devised mechanically
ln the 1840s a popular medical coil pattern ·
had both a manual and an electromagnetic in-:- ·•·- �•
operated interrupters to "break up" the con terrupter, so that either strong or weak shocks . (i
tinuons current of the battery. could be administered (depending on the speed •· :Jj
Much of the early pioneering work was of the interruptions). A particularly popular :"r.i
type was based on Barlow's wheel, in which ·. ii!
: .. :.....;;
done independently by Nicholas Joseph Callan,
a priest who taught physics at Maynooth Col the stars of the wheel rotated by hand would }� ... f;:
lege near Dublin, and by Charles Grafton Page, clip into a mercury trough during rotation. A · •);�;
a physician and designer of electrical in�tru
ments of Salem, Massachusetts. At this time the
key factor was the development of the electro-
magnetic interrupter begun by Page in 1837, '-·
basic principles were determined almost entirely :-:( ;
but this too had several antecedents, including :'}� �
by means of trial and error. Callan's rocking repeater. Page's most success- ;-:/�
The induction coil and the related termi fui design was a precursor of the auto_matic ·. };�::, . ..
nology (inductance, self-inductance, and induc hammer break, or vibrator, similar to the
tive current) originated from research with flat device that has become so corilrnon with the · · {
spiral coils of copper ribbons insulated with silk electric bell. A similar device was described · · .,.
that was conducted by Joseph Henry, a young by James William McGauley in 1837 and de- !]
instructor at the Albany Academy in Albany, veloped further by the physician Golding Bird, <\\:
· :.:•\� ,:
New York. Page continued this work, inventing the London instrument-maker William N�eeves· · .:f'
the first autotransformer in which different (1838), Ernst Neeff (1839), and o.thers.
3 28 I N D I C AT O R