Preparing The AIP and APP
Preparing The AIP and APP
Preparing The AIP and APP
School Implementation Plan (Adjusted for July 2021 – December 2021 Implementation)
Month: __________________
Project/Activity/Expenditure Purpose Resources Needed Estimated Cost Account Title Account Code
Kind Quantity
It is said that no two months are exactly the same. This is also true in the context of planning and budgeting. While months may be similar
in terms of the recurring expenditures like payment of monthly utility or subscription bills or payment for the services rendered by job order
workers, months differ in terms projects and activities that are implemented. It is, therefore, suggested that the school head with the school
planning team, first identify the projects and activities to be implemented in each month based on the needs of the school and its stakeholders as
well as on the DepEd School Calendar.
The “Project/Activity/Expenditure” Column of the AIP
• In the context of preparing the adjusted School AIP for July 2021 to December 2021, project and activity are used interchangeably. A
project or an activity is defined as a time-bound undertaking that require use of resources in order to achieve a specific objective that
contributes to the school’s attainment of its medium- and long-term goals. An expenditure on the other hand, refer to costs incurred on a
regular basis.
• It must be reiterated that a project or an activity entails the use of resources in order to be implemented or conducted.
• The procurement of the resources needed to implement a project or to conduct an activity requires funds.
• A project or an activity is usually stated beginning with phrases like: Procurement of …; Provision of …; Conduct of …; Improvement of …;
Rehabilitation of …; Repair of …; and the like; while an expenditure is usually stated with phrases like Payment of/for …; Reimbursement of
1. Provision of supplies, materials, and equipment for the reproduction of 4th Quarter SY 2020-2021 Self-Learning Modules
2. Procurement of catering services for the conduct of end of school year In-Service Training for Teachers
3. Improvement of the 1-unit handwashing facility located at the school entrance
4. Payment of electricity bill for the month July 2021
• The “Purpose” column requires the statement of purpose of a particular project, activity, or expenditure
• The purpose of a particular project, activity, or expenditure is usually expected to directly relate to or contribute to the effective and efficient
delivery of the school’s mandated services or the school’s compliance to programs and policies of higher offices or to the school’s continuous
• The purpose, in this context, is usually stated beginning with phrases like: to ensure …; to comply with …; to provide …; to promote …; and
the like
Project Purpose
Provision of supplies, materials, and equipment for the reproduction To ensure the availability of Self-Learning Modules in all grade levels
of 1st Quarter SY 2021-2022 Self-Learning Modules and all learning areas to be distributed to 633 learners
Procurement of catering services for the conduct of end of school year To provide snacks and meals to teachers during the school-based
In-Service Training for Teachers INSET designed to enhance their competencies
Improvement of the 1-unit handwashing facility located at the school To comply with the minimum health protocols and with the
entrance requirement of SBM-WinS
Payment of electricity bill for the month July 2021 To ensure continuous and efficient operations of the school
• It must be emphasized that the successful implementation of a project or conduct of an activity requires appropriate (kind) and adequate
(quantity) resources
*The quantity of these resources must be based on data such as but not limited to:
o Enrolment
o No. of learning areas
o No. of weeks in the quarter
o Average no. of pages per SLM
Average No. of
Grade Level Enrolment No. of Learning Areas No. of Weeks Pages Total No. of Pages
K 100 1 8 10 8000
1 96 8 8 10 61440
2 95 8 8 10 60800
3 90 8 8 15 86400
4 87 8 8 20 111360
5 85 8 8 20 108800
6 80 8 8 25 128000
Grand Total 564800
If 1 ream:500 sheet and 1 sheet:2 pages (back-to-back), then 564,800 pages/2 = 282,400 sheets and 282,400 sheets/500 sheets = 565 reams
For Ink
If a 100ml bottle of black ink can print 3,000 pages, then 564, 800 pages/3,000 pages = 189 bottles of 100ml black ink
If, for example, 141,200 pages are to be printed in full color and a set of colored ink can print 2,000 pages, then 141,200 pages/2,000 pages =
71 bottles of 100 ml yellow ink, 71 bottles of 100 ml magenta ink, 71 bottles of 100 ml cyan ink
2 units
Project Purpose Resources Needed
Kind Quantity
Provision of supplies, materials, and equipment To ensure the availability of A4 bond paper 656 reams
for the reproduction of 1st Quarter SY 2021-2022 Self-Learning Modules in all Ink (black) 189 bottles
Self-Learning Modules grade levels and all learning Ink (yellow) 71 bottles
areas to be distributed to 633 Ink (magenta) 71 bottles
learners Ink (cyan) 71 bottles
Staple wire 7 boxes
Heavy duty stapler 7 units
Printer 2 units
• The estimated costs of the resources (e.g. goods and services) are expected to be realistic that ideally, a market price survey to determine the
trend and prevailing prices of goods and services must be conducted
• The estimated cost of a particular goods is determined by multiplying the unit price and how much (quantity) of such goods is needed.
• It is emphasized that there are limits to the allowable prices and charges that can be paid through the MOOE fund based on existing
accounting and auditing rules and regulations. For example, a single equipment amounting to PhP 15,000.00 and above is considered
Capital Outlay, thus, the MOOE Fund cannot be utilized to pay for the procurement of such equipment or in the case of the provision of
snacks and meals during the conduct of trainings like the school-based INSET, charges for snacks is only up to PhP 100.00 per participant
while charges for breakfast, lunch or dinner is only up to PhP 200.00 per participant.
School Implementation Plan (Adjusted for July 2021 – December 2021 Implementation)
• If the project or activity is properly stated in the “Project/Activity/Expenditure” Column of the AIP, it can only be copied and pasted to the
“Procurement Project” Column of the APP
The “End-User” Column of the APP
• The end-user is usually the one who needs or requests for the resources or is the focal person for a certain project or activity
All teachers needs supplies and materials for the reproduction of SLMs, so a representative such as the teachers’ league president may be
identified as an end-user or the designated chairperson for the school-based INSET may be identified as the end-user for the procurement
of resources needed for the conduct of the INSET
Is this an BUDGET (PhP)
PROCUREMENT MODE OF Submission/ (Brief
Procurement Advertisement/ OF
PROJECT END-USER PROCUREMENT Opening of Notice of Contract Description
Activity? Posting of FUNDS Total MOOE CO
Bids/ Award Signing/PO of Project)
(Yes/No) IB/RFQ
Provision of Teachers’
supplies, League
materials, and President
equipment for
reproduction of
1st Quarter SY
2021-2022 Self-
Procurement of School
catering INSET
services for the Chairperson
conduct of end
of school year
Training for
The “Is this an Early Procurement Activity?” Column of the APP
• Early Procurement Activity is only applicable for projects procured through Public Bidding and is done prior to the start of the current fiscal
year. For example, a project for FY 2022, once the GAA FY 2022 is approved, may be procured in FY 2021 short of award, meaning, the
procurement will only be until the post qualification and the contract will be awarded in 2022 yet.
• In most cases, schools do not conduct Early Procurement Activity, so, indicate “NO”
• The mode of procurement refers to how a particular goods or service needed to implement a project will be procured and these modes are
defined and the steps of conducting each mode are described in RA 9184 and its IRR
• While Public Bidding is the default mode of procurement, most schools adopt alternative modes of procurement and the most common of
these alternative modes of procurement adopted by the schools are Shopping and Negotiated Procurement (Small Value Procurement)
a. Shopping of readily available off-the-shelf goods, or ordinary/regular equipment under Section 52.1 of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184; and
b. Small Value Procurement of goods, infrastructure projects, and consulting services under Section 53.9 of the IRR.
a. The decision to resort to Shopping or Small Value Procurement shall be reflected in the Annual Procurement Plan and must take into
consideration the annual procurement requirements of the item to be procured and other market factors, such as fluctuations in prices.
b. Splitting of contracts is strictly prohibited. Splitting of contracts means the breaking up of contracts into smaller quantities and
amounts, or dividing contract implementation into artificial phases or subcontracts, for the purpose of making it fall below the threshold for
shopping or small value procurement or evading or circumventing the requirement of public bidding.
c. After the decision to resort to Shopping or Small Value procurement has been made, the conduct thereof may be delegated to the
appropriate bureau, committee, or support unit duly authorized by the Bids and Awards Committee.
a. The Request for Quotation (RFQ), indicating the specification, quantity, Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC), and other terms and
conditions of the item to be procured, shall be prepared.
b. The RFQ must also prescribe the manner by which price quotations shall be submitted i.e., by sealed or open quotation, and the deadline
for their submission. In all instances, however, information relating to the examination, evaluation, and comparison of price quotations
shall be kept confidential and should not be disclosed to any other party except to those officially concerned until award of contract.
c. The RFQ shall be sent to at least three (3) suppliers, contractors, or consultants of known qualifications. However, during unforeseen
contingencies requiring immediate purchase under Section 52.1(a) of the IRR, the RFQ may be sent to only one (1) supplier.
d. RFQs shall also be posted for a period of seven (7) calendar days in the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilG-
EPS) website, website of the procuring entity, if available, and at any conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in the premises of the
procuring entity. However, in the following instances, this posting requirement shall not be applicable:
i. When there is an unforeseen contingency requiring immediate purchase under Section 52.1(a) of the IRR; or
ii. RFQs with ABCs equal to Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000.00) and below.
e. After the deadline for submission of price quotations, an Abstract of Quotations shall be prepared setting forth the names of those who
responded to the RFQ, their corresponding price quotations, and the lowest quotation (for goods or infrastructure projects) or highest rated
offer (for consulting services) submitted.
f. For Shopping under Section 52.1 (b), at least three (3) price quotations must be obtained.
g. The deadline for submission may be extended if none or less than the required number of price quotations are received. Extensions of
deadline shall be posted in accord with subparagraph 3(d) of these Guidelines.
h. Award of contract shall be made to the lowest quotation (for goods or infrastructure projects) or, after successful negotiations, the highest
rated offer (for consulting services) which complies with the specifications and other terms and conditions stated in the RFQ.
i. For information purposes, all awards shall be posted in the PhilG-EPS website, website of the procuring entity, if available, and at any
conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in the premises of the procuring entity except for those with ABCs equal to Fifty Thousand
Pesos (Php 50,000.00) and below.
j. The procuring entity must validate whether it is entering into a contract with a technically, legally and financially capable supplier,
contractor or consultant by requiring the submission of relevant documents or through other means.
The sample projects in the illustration below require different categories of goods and services, thus the mode of procurement will also vary.
The Provision of supplies, materials, and equipment for the reproduction of 1st Quarter SY 2021-2022 Self-Learning Modules may be procured in
two lots: (1) Office Supplies for which the mode of procurement will Shopping; and (2) Semi-Expendable Equipment for which the mode of
procurement will be Negotiated Procurement (Small Value Procurement). For the Procurement of catering services for the conduct of end of school
year In-Service, the mode of procurement will be Negotiated Procurement (Small Value Procurement)
Is this an BUDGET (PhP)
PROCUREMENT MODE OF Submission/ (Brief
Procurement Advertisement/ OF
PROJECT END-USER PROCUREMENT Opening of Notice of Contract Description
Activity? Posting of FUNDS Total MOOE CO
Bids/ Award Signing/PO of Project)
(Yes/No) IB/RFQ
• To reiterate the Procedural Guidelines for Shopping and Small Value Procurement:
RFQs shall also be posted for a period of seven (7) calendar days in the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
(PhilG-EPS) website, website of the procuring entity, if available, and at any conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in the premises of
the procuring entity. However, in the following instances, this posting requirement shall not be applicable:
i. When there is an unforeseen contingency requiring immediate purchase under Section 52.1(a) of the IRR; or
ii. RFQs with ABCs equal to Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000.00) and below. (but nothing is preventing from posting in the PhilGEPS even is
the ABC is below PhP 50,000.00)
Given the timeline that must be observed, it is strongly suggested that the procurement of the resources programmed for a particular month
should begin at least a month before, such that procurement of resources needed for August 2021, for example, should begin in July 2021
• Unless the school is a recipient of foreign assistance the source of funds of public schools is the Government of the Philippines. Indicate
“GoP” under this column
The “Estimated Budget” Columns of the APP
• If the entries under the “Estimated Cost” Column of the AIP are realistic, they may just be copied and pasted to the “Total” and “MOOE”
columns of the APP; Indicate “N/A” under CO which stands for Capital Outlay.
Provision of Teachers’ Shopping (Office 2nd week of 3rd week of 3rd 3rd week of GoP PhP Php N/A
supplies, League Supplies July 2021 July 2021 week of July 2021 238,860 238,860
materials, and President component) July
equipment for 2021
the Small Value
reproduction of NO Procurement
1st Quarter SY (Semi-
2021-2022 Self- Expendable
Learning Equipment
Modules component)
Procurement of School 2nd week of 3rd week of 3rd 3rd week of GoP PhP PhP N/A
catering INSET Small Value July 2021 July 2021 week of July 2021 60,000 60,000
services for the Chairperson NO Procurement July
conduct of end 2021
of school year
Training for
The “Remarks” Column of the APP
• The purpose of the project under the “Purpose” Column of the AIP may be copied and pasted to the “Remarks” Column of the APP and/or
for accounting purposes, a statement against which account the expenses will be charged may also be included
Is this an (PhP)
PROCUREMENT MODE OF Submission/ (Brief
Procurement Advertisement/ Notice OF
PROJECT END-USER PROCUREMENT Opening of Contract Description
Activity? Posting of of FUNDS Total MOOE CO
Bids/ Signing/PO of Project)
(Yes/No) IB/RFQ Award
Provision of Teachers’ Shopping (Office 2nd week of 3rd week of 3rd 3rd week of GoP PhP Php N/A To ensure the
availability of
supplies, League Supplies July 2021 July 2021 week of July 2021 238,860 238,860 Self-Learning
materials, and President component) July Modules in all
equipment for 2021 grade levels
the Small Value and all
learning areas
reproduction of NO Procurement to be
1st Quarter SY (Semi- distributed to
2021-2022 Self- Expendable 633 learners;
Learning Equipment against Office
Modules component) Supplies
Expenses and
Procurement of School 2nd week of 3rd week of 3rd 3rd week of GoP PhP PhP N/A To provide
snacks and
catering INSET Small Value July 2021 July 2021 week of July 2021 60,000 60,000 meals to
services for the Chairperson NO Procurement July teachers
conduct of end 2021 during the
of school year school-based
In-Service designed to
Training for enhance their
Teachers competencies;
*Note: Expenses for Utilities, Job Order, and Reimbursement of Travel need not be included in the APP