Unitmodule 4 RIZAL
Unitmodule 4 RIZAL
Unitmodule 4 RIZAL
Rizal had envisioned in the past a future generation of enlightened and educated
Filipinos; a time when Filipinos would read his writings not as a heretic but as a person
with the same national sentiment as he had once. Today, Rizal is not just read out of
appreciation but also as a primary weapon to dictate the identity of the Filipinos, which in
turn has a direct correlation to building the nation. This lesson aims to point out the role of
Jose Rizal in today's process of nation-building.
realize the function of studying the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal to the
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
1. Read The Life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal page 21-23
2. Link to my audio visual presentation:
Philippine History is a repository of the nation's collective memory. It should be taken from the
heart. This is the reason why History is translated in Filipino as Kasaysayan. Its root word is Saysay
(essence). The narrative of the past must be seen as vital to their existence.
Likewise, studying the life, works, and writing of Rizal must be well entrenched in every
Filipino's soul. Lessons about his life, like his education, lovers, past time etc. are all useless if not
applied in real life. The same idea can be seen in the logic behind the annual commemoration of
Rizal Day.
It is an opportunity for everyone to fulfill what Gemino Abad referred to as the crucial infinitives
in life "to read, to think, to write." Just like what Rizal did in the past, everyone is enjoined to
participate in political and social processes of building the nation, not necessarily great things right
away but in small yet impact ways. Especially the youth, they are expected to be "Rizal-like" in terms
of deep nationalism.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Note: History education has often been associated with the inculcation of citizenship values, especially in the
forging of national identity. It is important to look at the evolution of theories of nation-building and at the other
concepts which it has both supplanted and included.
2. How can the study of life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal contribute to the process of nation-
Key Notes
History National Identity Education
Social Progress Nation- Building
Reflect on Rizal’s role as a symbol of nation-building. As a student, how can you become a
herald of nationalism.
3. Give the relationship between the primary healthy personality characteristic and the
RIzal course objective of transforming students into ideal Filipino citizens- socially
concerned, productive, morally upright, and patriotic; and
4. trace the origin of the primary healthy personality characteristics.
Present Realities:
The slow, scientific method of doing things, step by step, in an orderly manner is no longer
appreciated by many of the Filipino youth nowadays. their fast-paced world surrounded with
computers, cell phones, television sets, among others, nave given them instant answers to their
questions, without the use of their thinking and reasoning powers. Information gathered through
mass media and the Internet are absorbed without filtering, and because of lack of critical thinking,
many young people have accepted that certain ideas like abuse of political power, materialism,
preference for foreign goods or practices are in while traditional teachings related to fairness and
justice, social concern, moral uprightness, love of county and the like are 'out:" Through logical
reasoning, Filipinos, young and old alike, should be able to identify the primary healthy personality
characteristic that will “unlock” and release the other healthy personality characteristics of individual
Filipinos which, in turn, could enable them to fully function as human beings, thereby transforming
themselves Into ideal Filipino citizens who could help build a more just and more humane Philippine
Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. List down the five most important healthy personality characteristics in your opinion.
2. Of the five most important healthy personality characteristics in your list, identify the
primary healthy personality characteristic that must be developed first, in order that the
others could also be developed after it.
3. Reason out and explain why the chosen primary healthy personality characteristic could
ensure the development of the other healthy personality characteristics.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
4. State the relationship between the primary healthy personality characteristic and the
characteristics of an ideal Filipino citizen-socially concerned, productive, morally, upright,
and patriotic.
5. Trace the origin of the primary healthy personality characteristic that will enable an
individual to be an ideal Filipino citizen like Dr. Jose Rizal. Get clues from the lyrics of the
song “The Greatest Love of All.”
In two or three statements, answer the following after completing the activity.
I realize that:
I resolve that:
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets