Nursing Care Plan On Cystocele

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Nursing care plan on


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in NCM 209 – RLE 


Submitted to:

Bella Shary Fuentes, RN, MN

Clinical Instructor 

Submitted by: 

Oliveros, Leoneil B.

BSN – 2I Group 2

February 24, 2021

Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

Date/ Cues Need Nursing Diagnosis Pt. Outcome Planning/Intervention Implementation Evaluation
8:00 S: E Impaired urinary Within 8-hour span of Independent: 2/24/21
 Hindi ako 1
AM L Elimination related to care and nursing  Assess voiding 3:00 pm
2/24/ I prolapsed urinary bladder interventions, the pattern, including Goal met:
2021 M as evidenced by small & patient will be able to: frequency and After 8 hours of
maayos I frequent voiding, &  Client will be amount. Compare nursing care the
as N feeling of fullness of able to empty urine output with patient was
verbualize A bladder. the bladder fluid intake. Note discharged and
d by the T completely and specific gravity. specifically was
patient. I R: cystocele may put regularly. R: Voiding pattern able to:
 Masakit O pressure on or lead to a  Able to start and identifies characteristics of  Empty the
ng kaunti N kink in the urethra and stop urine bladder function, including bladder
and puson cause urinary retention, a stream. effectiveness of bladder completely
ko. As P condition in which you  Verbalize the emptying, renal function, and
verbualize A are unable to empty all understanding and fluid balance. regularly
d by the T the urine from of the health  Assess urine 2  Able to
patient. T your bladder. teachings characteristics, start and
 Maya E  Maintain a noting color, clarity, stop urine
maya ako R Source: odor. stream
balanced Intake
Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

ihi ng ihi N  Cystocele. (2020, and Output. R: Urinary retention,  Was able
as August 01).  Avoid vaginal drainage, and the to verbalize
verbualize Retrieved complications possible presence of the
d by the February 22, 2021, intermittent or indwelling understand
patient. from catheter increase risk of ing of the
O: infection. health
 Patient is  Maintain patency of teachings
seen to information/urologi indwelling catheter;  Was able
have an c- keep drainage to maintain
urge to diseases/cystocele tubing free of kinks. balanced
void every #:~:text=A R: Promotes free drainage Intake and
hour. %20cystocele of urine, reducing the risk Output
 Patient %20may%20put of urinary stasis and  Was able
has a pain %20pressure,can retention and infection. to avoid
scale of %20lead%20to  Teach patient how further
6/10 %20kidney to perform Kegel complicatio
 Upon %20damage. exercises. ns
inspection, R: Kegel exercise can 6

mass help to strengthen your

protruding pelvic floor muscles and
in the keep the prolapse from
Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

vaginal progressing.
canal can  If pessary is
be seen. advised, instruct
 Bladder is patient how use it
palpable. and give health 7

R: Pessary ring is a non-
surgical management to
treat pelvic organ
prolapse. It holds the
urinary bladder in place.
 Advice patient to
eat a high fiber diet.
R: Constipation will cause
straining which will cause
the pelvic floor muscle to
 Instruct patient to
avoid certain
activities, such as
heavy lifting or 8
Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

R: Repetitive straining
may cause vaginal walls
and pelvic floor muscles to
stretch and weaken.

 Catheterize when
indicated or per
protocol if the
patient is unable to
void or is
R: If the patient is unable
to void or urinate by
herself, catheterization
might be needed to empty
the bladder.

 If the patient is
Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

estrogen therapy
may be initiated 9
R: Estrogen helps
strengthen and maintain
muscles in the vagina.
 Monitor BUN,
creatinine, white
blood cell (WBC)
count. 5
R: These reflect renal
function and identify

Name: _Orcanica Butter______ age: _22 years_____Sex: _Female ____ Attending Physician: _Dr. Oliveros____
Chief complaint: _Prolapsed bladder Diagnosis: Cystocele____ Room & Bed #: _406________

 Doenges, M. E., APRN, BC-Retired, & Murr, A. C., BSN, RN-Retired. (n.d.). Chapter 14. In 1168589154 876582254 M.
Moorhouse RN, MSN, CRRN (Ed.), Nursing Care Plans (9th ed., pp. 665-675). Philadelphia, United States: F. A. Davis

 Kucinx. (1970, January 01). Nursing care Plan: Ncp cystocele; rectocele. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

 Wayne, G., By, -, Wayne, G., & Gil Wayne graduated in 2008 with a bachelor of science in nursing. He earned his license to
practice as a registered nurse during the same year. His drive for educating people stemmed from working as a community
health nurse. He conducted first aid traini. (2017, September 23). Impaired urinary elimination – nursing diagnosis & care
plan. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

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