The Acm Icpc, Acpc, Ecpc

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Competitive Programming
From Problem 2 Solution in O(1)


Mostafa Saad Ibrahim

PhD Student @ Simon Fraser University

◼ The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

was founded in 1947 as the world's first scientific and
educational computing society.

◼ International Collegiate Programming Contest

(ICPC) is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious
programming contest. It is a Battle of the Brains
◼ In 2012: 29,479 students from 2,322 universities across 91

Think => Get Idea => Balloon if right

ICPC Levels

◼ Local competitions (per university/faculty)

◼ If will be hold formally, it is accredited - Must attend.
◼ May allow more slots for university
◼ National Level (per country)
◼ Each country has formal national competition
◼ ECPC (Egyptian), LCPC (Lebanon), ...etc
◼ Regional Level
◼ Nationals Winners qualified to regional
◼ ACPC: Arab Collegiate Programming Contest
◼ World Finals (WF)
◼ Winners in the regions are qualified to World Finals
◼ 128 teams in 2015
Popular naming mistake

◼ Don’t say “ACM”, It is not ACM

◼ The right ways
The Contest Organization

◼ Steering Committee
◼ Makes some strategic decisions on its level
◼ Each level has its committee.
◼ Each country has its national committee.
◼ Regional Contest Director (RCD)
◼ Executes the regional contest...adhere to rules/policies
◼ Contest date, registration, budget, software..etc
◼ Regional, may have some customized rules for it than WF
◼ Chief Judge
◼ With help of judges …. Write/Revise problems, test data,
solutions….manages the judging room
◼ Regional Systems Administrator: Software, PC^2, ...
The Contest Rules

◼ An eligible team must be

◼ 3 students (same faculty) - At least a half-time load.
◼ If you are graduated, then join Master or PhD program
◼ Bring recent university ID or an official letter of enrollment
(‫)اﺛﺑﺎت اﻟﻘﯾد‬
◼ Age up to period of eligibility (around 23 years old)
◼ Under some conditions, some extensions may occur
◼ Coach can be anyone in the world, but can’t be contestant
◼ S\He registers the team. Highly preferred to attend contest.
◼ Team member can attend up to 5 regionals / 2 world finals
◼ Team member must be eligible to world finals
◼ See Regional Rules. Finals Rules. Eligibility tree
The Contest Rules

◼ Optionally, you can bring a PDF/text of max 25 pages

◼ Every team writes his Library in these notes
◼ You must bring them in practice session NOT contest day
◼ We usually put our written algorithms:
◼ Usually either algorithms that you don’t know
◼ Algorithms that you may do bugs if wrote from mind
◼ Whatever...25 pages :)
◼ Notes and Formulas. Popular Cheat sheet
◼ Example: Stanford University ACM Team Notebook
◼ Books are NOT allowed on WF, but allowed in lower
levels. Advice: DON’T bring them, never helped
◼ No Mobiles & USBs inside contest hall. Read rules.
The Contest Nature

◼ 3 students => 1 PC + 8-13 problems + 5 hours

◼ Problems prerequisites
◼ Programming Background: Programming 1 (No OOP)
◼ Algorithms knowledge and experience (Much adhocks)
◼ Submission time per problem is important.
◼ Re-Submission has a penalty (if solved)
◼ Winner => solves most problems in least time
◼ Many skills needed to win
◼ Reading, Thinking, Coding, Testing, Debugging
◼ Team Communication Skills, Time Management Skills
◼ Other success factors: Team Strategy, Spirit, …
The Contest Scoring

◼ For a solved problem

◼ Time Score: # minutes till first acceptance + penalty 20
for each wrong submission
◼ No penalties after first acceptance
◼ No score for unsolved problem.
◼ Team score: (total problems, total problems time)
◼ Example, team submitted 6 runs:
◼ 3 for problem A, 2 for B, and 1 for C.
◼ C accepted after 63 minutes and A after 98, B Wrong
◼ C penalty: 63. A penalty = 98 + 2 * 20 = 138
◼ Total score = (2 problem for 63 + 138 = 201 points)
The Contest Scoring

◼ Teams rank
◼ By # of solved problems. If tie, the minimum time score
◼ If tie, geometric mean of the individual times for each
solved problem without the penalties
◼ If tie, coin flip in case the winners
The Contest Scoreboard

◼ Inform us about other teams performance

◼ The last hour (blind hour), it is not updated
The Contest Prizes & Awards

◼ World Finals
◼ Top team: $12,000 + Gold medal
◼ 3 other teams: $6,000 + Gold medal
◼ Silver Medal gets $3,000, Bronze $1,500
◼ Regionals: Prestigious prizes.
◼ Nationals: Little prizes .. depends on event sponsors
◼ Awards: First to Solve a problem, Extreme
Programmers, Steadfast Gurus, Solid Programmers,
Relentless Programmers
◼ Membership to the ACM for a year….Job Offers!
The Contest Environment

◼ See World Finals

◼ Hardware, Software, Editors...etc
◼ Other Levels...very similar
◼ Operatings systems: Either Windows or Linux
◼ Coding IDE: Mainly C++/Java Eclipse (No VS)
◼ Programming languages: C, C++, or JAVA
◼ Submission Software: Usually PC^2
◼ Not used in WF since 2008

◼ Arab Collegiate Programming Contest

◼ It Manages the regional and national contests
◼ Send notifications about the contests
◼ Follow their social media Site, Facebook
◼ It occurs in Nov / Dec
◼ Nationals before that
◼ E.g. ECPC in October
◼ World finals in next year
◼ Around May/June
World Finals - Region Champions

◼ Our Africa and Middle East champions 2015, AUC Team / 5 problems
◼ Team: Islam Diaa, Hossam Samy, Mohamed Ghoneim
◼ Coach: Mohamed Mahmoud Abd El-Wahab
Registration Email
Registration Steps

◼ When registration opens for the contest, coach should

create an account (if not yet) and create the team and
its details
◼ If they don’t have account yet, they receive invitation
◼ To know more about overall region status
◼ Go to / Regional finder
◼ Select ACPC Region, then the country
Registration - Teams
Registration - Follow up Emails
Accommodation Emails
Teams to National Level

◼ Countries National is the qualifier to the regionals.

◼ Each university 2 slots + 2 extra excellence slots if
(Hosting official contest, Camps, Send trainers)
◼ Remaining slots equally distributed. Reminder by
national steering committee
◼ Example: ECPC will host 93 teams. 20 Universities
will share. 5 Universities with excellence efforts
◼ 5 Universities => 10 slots. Remaining 83 slots.
◼ 4 slots for each university. Remaining 3 slots.
◼ 3 slots distributed by national steering committee
Teams to Regional Level

◼ Each country 2 slots + 10% of its national teams

◼ Team MUST solve 1 problem at least
◼ E.g. if ECPC 93 slots. 82 teams solved problems
◼ Total slots => 2 + 8 = 10 slots
◼ Maximum 2 teams per university
◼ RCD Steering committee distributes extra slots
◼ University may get more than 2 here
◼ Competitions (local, national, regional) must be accredited
by the steering committee
◼ If local is official too, team must attend it
Teams to World Finals

◼ Each region 1 slot

◼ Depending on Region size, little more slots are given
◼ Maximum 1 team per university
◼ Say top scoreboard teams: FCI1, FCI2, AUC, FCI3, GUC
◼ If 3 slots => FCI1, AUC, GUC
Registration Fees

◼ You should receive email about such details

◼ Nationals - ECPC around 400-500 LE
◼ ACPC Regional => around $400-500
◼ These fees depend on some factors...they may go up!
◼ World Finals => ZERO
◼ You should care with all your fees
◼ Registration, Accommodation, Transportation, Pocket
◼ In WF, Registration, Accommodation = For Free
◼ Ask your faculty to support you. Try to find a helpful
doctor who works with you over that.
More on ACPC: Figures

◼ Originally named Arab & North Africa Regional

Contest (ANARC)
◼ Founder: Sidi Ali Maelainin from Morocco
◼ He was the 2015 World Finals Director
◼ In 1998, 1st contest in
Al Akhawayn University
with 8 Universities / 4 countries
More on ACPC: Figures

◼ In 2010, the region renamed to Arab Collegiate

Programming Contest (ACPC)
◼ 91 teams attended in 2012
◼ Dr Ziad Najem
◼ GodFather of ACPC
◼ RCD for many years
More on ACPC: Figures

◼ Dr Ossama Ismail
◼ Director, North Africa and the
Middle East Contest
◼ They are doing great efforts in the
nationals and regional
◼ They are doing great efforts in the
EOI / IOI competitions too
More on ACPC: Volunteers

◼ Problem authoring, and judging:

◼ Usually we Call for Contribution and its rules
◼ Contact Chief judge or Wahab
◼ Organizing a contest
◼ Mohamed Fouad, Executive Regional Contest Director
◼ Volunteering in the ACPC staff
◼ Event Operations. Fundraising. Guest relations.
◼ Media Logistics and Supply. Admin and front office.
◼ Contact operations people
◼ More contacts: RCD Contact Or ACPC Page
ICPC community in your faculty

◼ Some faculties have strong community (e.g. Cairo

University)...Others have 1-2 students!
◼ It is your responsibility to launch ICPC community
◼ Find a helpful doctor to be your managerial coach
◼ He can get funds for you.
◼ Arrange with other doctors if competition during exams.
◼ Try to make summer training, even if you are junior
◼ Teach them whatever you know...Utilize my channel
◼ Ask faculty for an ICPC room, even a small one
◼ You may create ACM Chapter
Related: IOI Competition

◼ IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) is an

exciting contest for High schools
◼ EOI: Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics
◼ To learn more, See. How to train?
◼ It is very different from ICPC: See 1. See 2
◼ If you are a college student, you probably don’t need to
give attention.
◼ If you grew up and become a senior, you may solve
some IOI contests.
‫ﺗﻢ ﺑﺤﻤﺪ ﷲ‬

‫ﻋﻠﻤﻜﻢ ﷲ ﻣﺎ ﯾﻨﻔﻌﻜﻢ‬

‫وﻧﻔﻌﻜﻢ ﺑﻤﺎ ﺗﻌﻠﻤﺘﻢ‬

‫وزادﻛﻢ ﻋﻠﻤﺎ ً‬

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