The Acm Icpc, Acpc, Ecpc
The Acm Icpc, Acpc, Ecpc
The Acm Icpc, Acpc, Ecpc
Competitive Programming
From Problem 2 Solution in O(1)
◼ Steering Committee
◼ Makes some strategic decisions on its level
◼ Each level has its committee.
◼ Each country has its national committee.
◼ Regional Contest Director (RCD)
◼ Executes the regional contest...adhere to rules/policies
◼ Contest date, registration, budget, software..etc
◼ Regional, may have some customized rules for it than WF
◼ Chief Judge
◼ With help of judges …. Write/Revise problems, test data,
solutions….manages the judging room
◼ Regional Systems Administrator: Software, PC^2, ...
The Contest Rules
◼ Teams rank
◼ By # of solved problems. If tie, the minimum time score
◼ If tie, geometric mean of the individual times for each
solved problem without the penalties
◼ If tie, coin flip in case the winners
The Contest Scoreboard
◼ World Finals
◼ Top team: $12,000 + Gold medal
◼ 3 other teams: $6,000 + Gold medal
◼ Silver Medal gets $3,000, Bronze $1,500
◼ Regionals: Prestigious prizes.
◼ Nationals: Little prizes .. depends on event sponsors
◼ Awards: First to Solve a problem, Extreme
Programmers, Steadfast Gurus, Solid Programmers,
Relentless Programmers
◼ Membership to the ACM for a year….Job Offers!
The Contest Environment
◼ Our Africa and Middle East champions 2015, AUC Team / 5 problems
◼ Team: Islam Diaa, Hossam Samy, Mohamed Ghoneim
◼ Coach: Mohamed Mahmoud Abd El-Wahab
Registration Email
Registration Steps
◼ Dr Ossama Ismail
◼ Director, North Africa and the
Middle East Contest
◼ They are doing great efforts in the
nationals and regional
◼ They are doing great efforts in the
EOI / IOI competitions too
More on ACPC: Volunteers
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