Quiz 2

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1. The Diagram of how virtue ethics works is a cycle that starts and end in our principle.

principles guide our action. It helps us picking the better action or solution especially in times
where are principles are being tested. From the action we have chosen to do up to the result of
it, it establishes in us the experience from encountering and doing something regarding a
situation. It builds in us the confidence, knowledge and helps us mature regarding the matter,
which then leads us to having a feedback or reflection on what we experience from the action
we chose to do. From our refelection, it refines our values. It mold our values for the better,
whether be it there is something to be remove or something to be upgrade. Only then our
values will inform our principles on what is the updated principles we have now.
2. Virtue means a behavior showing high moral standards and eudemonia is a Greek word which
means happiness or welfare. When we live a life with virtue, we live a life of happiness. We,
humans are encountering many problems everyday. We practically pass this problems by picking
options on what is best for ourselves and the society. But sometimes, we encounter a problem
where our choices will either is not best for ourselves but best to the society, or vice versa. And
thus, our virtue are being challenge. From the quote, “The Life of Virtue is the Life of
Eudemonia”, it is basically saying to us that no matter what happens, we should live a life with
virtue. We should pick the choice where it is the best among the other option, therein, we will
not live our life with guild and disappointed.

Case study


 We value human life in a way that we want everyone to feel happy and contented in their life,
as it is the basic goal of everyone. Young or old, disregarding the sex or status in life, we value
every human.
 The human law always prevails when there is a conflict with one’s moral law as the human law is
followed by the society. But the law should not always be followed and the justice should make
some special alterations with the law regarding a very special case and which the special matter
is about the human life.
 If I would be in the position to make the final decision, I would choose to donate the baby
organs and let someone who needs it have it, though it means letting the baby die sooner. Yes,
it is somehow unimaginable to cut the baby for its organ but maybe, it is his purpose why he is
born I will let one of the organ receiver live, rather than having both the baby and the receiver
die. alive despite his disease.

2. step 1: A 93-year old with Ms. Jones with a very poor health condition, in between the decision of
whether continuing the operation despite a very low chance of survival or just continuing with the
palliative care.


1. Ms. Jones might not survived the operation or to just continue to live her life with suffering from
the fracture.
Step3. The patients condition should be disclosed to the patient itself and or to its guardian. Step and
procedures should be discussed as well the probability of success. Patient’s or its guradian decision
should be respected.

Step 4.

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