Iep Case Study 1
Iep Case Study 1
Iep Case Study 1
Parent: Name/Title:
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g) Does the student require alternative format for instructional materials? Yes No
If yes, specify format(s) of materials required below.
Measurable Annual Goals: Academic and/or functional goals designed to meet the child’s Progress At Reporting Period
needs that result from the disability to enable the child to be involved in and make progress in Method of
Criteria for Mastery
the general education curriculum or to meet each of the child’s other educational needs Evaluation
that result from the disability. 1 2 3 4
1. Abby will be able to solve math problems involving multiple 70% accuracy on Quizzes, test,
steps/operations and word problems with minimal teacher 3/4 classroom worksheets
assistance. assessments.
2. Abby will be able to properly spell words with minimal teacher 70% accuracy on Weekly
assistance. 3/4 classroom spelling test
3. Abby will be able to properly solve math problems involving 70% accuracy on Fraction/
fractions and decimals with minimal teacher assistance. 3/4 classroom Decimal fact
assessments. worksheets
and test
4.Abby will be able to accurately read orally with minimal 70% accuracy on Reading
teacher assistance.
3/4 classroom fluency exams
assessments. where teacher
counts the
number of
words and the
number of
MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL: Abby will be able to solve math problems involving multiple steps/operations and word problems with minimal teacher assistance, with 70%
accuracy on 3/4classroom assessments.
By February of 2019, Abby will be able to develop her problem- 60% accuracy Worksheets
solving skills, when asked to generate word problems to match graded by the
given equations. teacher
By February of 2019, when using a computerized mathematic 60% accuracy IXL generated
program for practice such as IXL, Abby will be able to accurately math
solve math problems involving multiple steps/operations. problems
By February of 2019, when provided with a list of key words and 60% accuracy Quizzes and
phrases to look for, Abby will be able to accurately solve word test
a) The student will participate in the following regular required assessments (Each state mandated test and subtest must be considered individually and
documented below).
Specific Testing Accommodations (Accommodations used for assessment must be consistent with accommodations used for classroom instruction/testing and
specified in the IEP. Some accommodations used for instruction may not be allowed for statewide assessment. Refer to the GaDOE Student Assessment
Handbook for the only allowable accommodations. Conditional accommodations are only allowable for students who meet eligibility criteria.) All subtests must
be considered individually. If the CRCT-M is considered, the Participation Guidelines for the CRCT-M must be completed and attached.
Milestone Reading Small group setting Extended time Larger text Scantron Standard
Milestone Math Small group setting Extended time Oral administration Scantron Conditional
Allowed to use math
b) The student will participate in the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) Yes No
If yes, provide a statement of why the child cannot participate in regular required assessment.
Georgia Department of Education
Model Form July 2011
Student Name: Abby Normal Meeting Date: 12/11/18
VIII. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Instruction/Related Services in General Education Classroom/Early Childhood Setting
Options Initiation of Anticipated Content/Specialty
Frequency Provider Title
Considered Services Duration Area(s)
(mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy)
Consultative N/A
Collaborative N/A
Related Services
IX. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Instruction/Related Services Outside of the General Education Classroom
Options Initiation of Anticipated
Considered Frequency Services Duration Provider Title
(mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy)
Separate Class N/A
Separate School
Home Instruction
Supportive Services
Related Services
X. The explanation of the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate with peers without disabilities in the regular
class and/or in nonacademic and extracurricular activities:
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Georgia Department of Education
Model Form July 2011
Student Name: Abby Normal Meeting Date: 12/11/18
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Georgia Department of Education
Model Form July 2011
a) Are extended school year services necessary? Yes No
If yes, complete the section below.
b) Goals to be extended or modified:
Initiation of Anticipated
Services Frequency Services Duration Provider Title Location
(mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy)