Volumetric Infusion Pumps Argus 717 V Argus 718 V: Service Manual
Volumetric Infusion Pumps Argus 717 V Argus 718 V: Service Manual
Volumetric Infusion Pumps Argus 717 V Argus 718 V: Service Manual
1 5
8 8
10 11
Rear 19
14. Power connection
15. DC connection & interface for a medical PC
16. Nurse call
17. Optional interfaces: RS-232 galvanic isolated; Ethernet
18. Drop detector connection
19. Handle
17 16
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Table of contents
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6. Replacement of Parts......................................................... 44
6.1. Exploded View ARGUS 71x V complete................................. 44
6.2. Exploded View ARGUS 71x V Casing backside inside..............45
6.3. Exploded View ARGUS 71x V Casing backside outside............46
6.4. Exploded View ARGUS 71x V Casing front inside....................47
6.5. Exploded view of ARGUS 71x V Casing front outside............. 48
6.6. Part Numbers and Descriptions...............................................49
6.7. Technical Error List..................................................................50
6.8. Assembly Instructions.............................................................51
6.8.1. Disassembling of the Housing................................................51
6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing....................................................51
6.8.3. Replacement of Battery Pack..................................................51
6.8.4. Disassembling of the Main Board...........................................51
6.8.5. Assembling of the Main Board...............................................51
6.8.6. Replacement of the Coin Cell.................................................51
6.8.7. Replacement of the Keypad...................................................51
6.8.8. Replacement of Stop Flow Clamp ARGUS 717 V.....................52
6.8.9. Replacement of Anti-Free Flow Clamp ARGUS 718 V..............52
6.8.10. Replacement of Pressure Sensor.............................................52
6.8.11. Replacement of Air Detector..................................................52
6.8.12. Replacement of Window Global Alarm...................................52
6.8.13. Replacement of Interface Board Bluetooth..............................52
6.8.14. Disassembling of Door...........................................................52
6.8.15. Assembling of Door...............................................................52
6.8.16. Disassembling of Pump Unit...................................................52
6.8.17. Assembling of Pump Unit.......................................................52
6.8.18. Replacement of Peristaltic Membrane NBR.............................52
6.8.19. Disassembling of Sensor Board...............................................53
6.8.20. Assembling of Sensor Board...................................................53
6.8.21. Replacement of Stepper Motor..............................................53
6.8.22. Disassembling of Transformer and Mains Receptacle..............53
6.8.23. Assembling of Transformer and Mains Receptacle..................53
6.8.24. Disassembling of Power Board................................................53
6.8.25. Assembling of Power Board....................................................53
6.8.26. Replacement of Edge Board...................................................53
6.8.27. Replacement of Fuse..............................................................53
6.8.28. Replacement of the Combination Clamp................................53
6.8.29. Replacement of the Rubber Feet............................................53
7. Isolation of the Patient.......................................................54
8. Isolation of the User...........................................................55
9. Wiring Diagram...................................................................56
10. Block Diagram.....................................................................57
11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)..............................................58
11.1. Reminder “Safety Check is Due”............................................58
11.2. Volume Control Measurement................................................58
11.3. Pressure Control Measurement...............................................58
11.4. Functional Air Bubble Detection Test......................................59
11.5. Functional Drop Detection Test...............................................59
11.6. Battery Pack Test....................................................................60
11.6.1. Check with CODAN ARGUSservice Utility...............................60
11.6.2. Check without CODAN ARGUSservice Utility..........................60
11.7. Nurse Call Test.......................................................................61
12. Repair Order Form.............................................................. 64
13. Care of the pump................................................................65
13.1. Important notes.....................................................................65
13.2. Cleaning and disinfection.......................................................65
13.3. Storage and transport............................................................65
14. Product Specifications.........................................................66
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1. Introduction
This manual contains the latest data available and is subject to and serviced as specified in the instructions for use. The device
changes in accordance with technical improvements. shall be operated by trained medical professionals, under the
It is intended for the exclusive use by authorized persons who continuous supervision of qualified healthcare professionals that
have been trained in maintenance and repair of devices by have been properly instructed and trained in the use of the
CODAN ARGUS AG. The service manual is meant to be used volumetric pump.
together with the user manual. The information in this document The system is intended for use on human adults, juveniles, infants
is relevant to the service personnel (as defined in IEC60601- and neonates.
1:2005+Amd1:2012, see Section „1.1. Important Terms and
Definition“) servicing the device. Other operators (e.g. nurses, Contra-indication
doctors, etc.) handling the device are not obliged to know the The ARGUS 717 V and ARGUS 718 V are not designed and
content of this document. approved:
• for home use.
1.1 Important Terms and Definition • for ambulance or helicopter use.
Service Personnel • in a hyperbaric chamber.
Individual or entity accountable for installing, assembling, • in a MRI environment.
maintaining and repairing the device. • with non-calibrated IV-sets.
• for use by unqualified, untrained staff.
For numbers in decimal notation, a point is used for the separator.
For further information please contact the official distributor or
When ARGUS 71x V is used, both kinds of infusion pumps are the manufacturer’s Customer Service Department.
meant - ARGUS 717 V and ARGUS 718 V.
1.3 Safety Notification
This is a PC-Windows based service software for the configuration WARNING
and maintenance of ARGUS 71x V. • Configuration changes with the CODAN ARGUSservice utility,
as well as repairs and manipulations requiring the opening of
Meaning of signal words in this document: the ARGUS 71x V may only be performed by authorized and
trained personnel. Otherwise, patient or user safety is not
DANGER guaranteed. CODAN ARGUS AG shall not assume any
The signal word DANGER indicates a hazard with a high level of responsibility for any manipulations which have been carried
risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. out on the ARGUS 71x V by a non-authorized person.
• To completely isolate the ARGUS 71x V from mains power, it
WARNING has to be unplugged.
The signal word WARNING indicates a hazard with a medium • The Safety Standard Check (SSC) has to be performed at least
level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious every 24 months or after 10’000 hours of operation. The SSC
injury. has to be performed in accordance with Section „11. Safety
Standard Check (SSC)“.
CAUTION • Modifications outside of this service manual are not allowed.
The signal word CAUTION indicates a hazard with a low level of • The pumps should not be used adjacent to or stacked with
risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate other equipment.
In case of repair, send the device together with the filled out
Notice repair order form to the local distributor. See Section „12. Repair
The signal word NOTICE serves to advise the user of additional Order Form“. Further information is available at:
important information. There is no correlation with safety-
relevant risks. CODAN ARGUS AG
Oberneuhofstrasse 10
1.2 Intended use CH-6340 Baar
The volumetric pumps ARGUS 717 V and ARGUS 718 V are Phone +41 41 785 09 44
purposed to deliver fluids and medications through any clinically Fax +41 41 785 09 40
accepted route of administration connected to a patient in a [email protected]
predefined way. www.codanargus.com
The devices are intended for infusion therapies including but not
limited to: The latest ARGUS 71x V firmware version and CODAN
• Drugs such as cytostatic agents, anesthetics, etc. ARGUSservice software are available under www.codanargus.
• Blood and blood components com/Login section. First-time users are required to register in
• Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) order to enter the Login area of the website.
• Lipids
• Colloids and crystalloids Besides the regular SSC, no additional maintenance is necessary.
The volumetric pumps ARGUS 717 V and ARGUS 718 V are The device does not contain wearing parts.
designed to be safe for continuous operation (24 hours per day)
during expected life-time under the assumption that it is operated
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1. Introduction
1.5 Accessories
The accessories available are listed in the catalogue „Spare parts
&Accessories“. See www.codanargus.com/Downloads.
The ARGUS 71x V may only be used with spare parts and
accessories recommended by CODAN ARGUS AG. The functional
safety of the device is not guaranteed if non approved materials
or spare parts are used. The safety of the patient may be
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1. Introduction
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2. Operating Elements
These symbols are attached to the rear of the device on the type
plate or directly on the pump housing. They give important
information on the general use of the device.
Serial number
Fuse type
Battery type
Protection class 2
Dual insulation
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2. Operating Elements
Switch the device on or off
When turning off, all previous parameters of a therapy will be set
to zero.
These keys are used to enter rate, volume or time. The keys
correspond to the numbers of the display (starting from the
right). The value of the corresponding number is increased by one
unit by repeatedly pressing one of these keys.
Press both keys at the same time to set the value inputs to zero
Call up basic menu
Mute alarm
Select submenu
Exit menu or submenu
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
The ARGUS 71x V must not be connected to a patient while being
serviced with CODAN ARGUSservice.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
3.1 Compatibility
Use the table below to determine the proper CODAN
ARGUSservice version for your device, depending on the firmware
version of the device.
Device Generation Type Device Model Firmware Version of Minimum Compatible CODAN
Device ARGUSservice Version
First generation devices Syringe pumps ARGUS 600 S 4.xx V4
Volumetric pumps ARGUS 707 V
Docking stations ARGUS 60 M
New generation devices Volumetric pumps ARGUS 717 V, 5.04 5.04
ARGUS 718 V 5.05 5.05
5.06 5.06
Docking stations ARGUS 300 M, 5.04 5.06
ARGUS 500 M,
3.2 Installation
The newest version of CODAN ARGUSservice can be downloaded
from the CODAN ARGUS AG website (www.codanargus.com/
Login) On the website, go to the Login page and either register
or enter your user name and password to gain access to the
Login section. (Figure 2) Figure 2: CODAN ARGUSservice setup icon
Sometimes the driver for USB interface cable does not install,
even if selected. If this should be the case, then manually install
the driver after the installation of CODAN ARGUSservice is
complete. This can be done by going to the ARGUS folder in the
Windows start menu and selecting “Installation interface cable
driver” (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Installation type selection
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
When started, a window appears where you may select the Figure 4: left: Desktop short-cut; right: Start menu short-cut
appropriate CODAN ARGUSservice version to start (Figure 4). The
selection depends on the generation of the device which is to be
serviced (see table in Section „3.1. Compatibility“).
3.4 Login
After selecting new generation devices, a login window will
appear (Figure 6).
The above given pin is defined as the default pin code. The pin
can be changed by the administrator. After logging in successfully,
the Configuration Tools page appears.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
The expiration of the specified service interval time will be
indicated by
• Docking station: a short beep once an hour and the alternate
green-orange blinking of the Status LED.
• ARGUS 71x V: a notification after the start-up animation.
This continues until the SSC is performed and a new reminder is
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
3.6.4 Extras
Under Extras (Figure 12), there are additional utilities.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V Calibration
Use a balance with a minimum resolution of 0,1g.
1. Switch the pump on. The pump must be in the regular
infusion mode.
2. Insert the infusion set and close the front door.
3. Verify that the inserted infusion set corresponds with the
name being displayed on the pump.
4. Open roller clamp.
5. Purge the infusion set.
6. Set the balance to zero by pressing TARA.
7. Start the infusion at a rate of 250 ml/h and a VTBI of 30 ml.
The calibration time is therefore approximately 7 minutes.
8. Wait for the alarm “END INFUSION”.
9. The resulting weight is needed for setting the correction
factor in the toolbox of the CODAN ARGUSservice utility.
10. Change to the configuration mode of the pump.
11. Select the desired calibration type, either Volume or Rate.
12. Enter 30ml as target and the measured value as actual value.
13. The deviation is automatically calculated. It may not be
greater than +/- 15%.
14. Select the infusion set for which the calibration is being
15. Click on Apply Correction to Set.
16. Click on Download Correction to Device.
1. From the drop-down list under User, select the user for which
the pin is to be changed.
2. Under Old pin enter the current pin for the selected user.
3. Show PIN: Enabling this check-box, makes the pins visible.
4. Enter a new PIN. The PIN has to be exactly 4 digits long.
5. Enter the new PIN again to confirm it.
6. Confirm the change with OK. OK button will be enabled if
both poins match.
7. Or press cancel to exit the window without changing the PIN. Figure 15: Change device login PIN
In the current releases of CODAN ARGUSservice (Version 5.06
and older) there is a bug which does not allow the proper
firmware upgrade of a device when the Administrator PIN is not
the default value (1220).
Figure 16: Successful PIN change
To recover a lost PIN send the report file (see Section „
Create Report File“) to CODAN ARGUS AG. Then the PIN will be
sent to you.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
After downloading the configuration successfully with CODAN
ARGUSservice, switch off the device to save the changed
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
Do not make any software updates as long as the device is in use
and/or connected to a patient!
A standard safety check (SSC) has to be performed after every
firmware update!
• In the current release of CODAN ARGUSservice (Version 5.06
and earlier), there is a bug which does not allow the proper
firmware upgrade of a device when the Administrator pin is
not the default value. Therefore, before starting the flash
procedure, ensure the Administrator pin on the device which
is to be updated is the default value (default value is 1220).
• Before flashing, ensure that the device is connected to mains
• During the flashing process, do not remove the serial port
connection or the connection to mains power.
• An interrupted or cancelled flash procedure might make a
restart of the device impossible. It is therefore forbidden to
manually switch off or reboot the ARGUS 71x V during a flash
• The current firmware version of the device is shown by getting
connection from CODAN ARGUSservice to the device.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
Steps to flash:
1. Ensure that a connection to the desired device exists and the
device is listed in the Flasher tool. Also ensure that the device
is connected to mains power and will remain so during the
entire flashing process.
2. Click “Open FW File”.
3. Select the desired firmware file and confirm with open.
4. Confirm any pop-up windows that might appear.
5. Check the correct name and path for the selected firmware
file listed in “Hex-File(s)”.
6. In the device status window of each individual device, the
current firmware version and the new firmware version (after
flashing) are listed. Verify these.
7. Start the flashing process by clicking on “Start flashing” (7 in
Figure 24) or “Flash All”.
8. Select language (Figure 25)
9. The flashing process consists of the states shown in Figure 26.
10. During the flashing process, the device will reboot. The
flashing process is not complete yet.
11. After flashing is completed, the status bar for the device will Figure 25: Select Language
indicate “Flashing finish”. The device will be in the
configuration mode again.
12. Check in configuration mode if proper firmware version was
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
If a device with a valid connection is switched off manually and
switched on again, the connection to this device needs to be
re-established in the Get Connections control. A manual
reconnection needs to be performed for the specific device.
ark red: Technical error on device or
Grey: Disconnected an error with COM port
In order to be able to use a device with CODAN ARGUSservice,
there needs to be a connection to the device AND the connection
needs to be selected (3 in Figure 29).
It is possible to be disconnected with an error. In this case the
colour of the panel will be red, but the status (5 in Figure 29) will
indicate disconnected.
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3. CODAN ARGUSservice ARGUS 71x V
Reconnect / disconnect to an individual device: Figure 30: Right click options of device status panel
1. Right click on the status panel of respective device (Figure 30).
2. From the drop down list, select the desired action, either
“Disconnect” or “Reconnect”.
1. Make sure the device was turned on and off at least once
since the technical error occurred.
2. Connect to device.
3. Right click on the panel of the device (Figure 31).
4. Select “Reset Techerror”.
5. Wait for the technical error to be cleared and a report file to
be created (Figure 32). Enter a file name for the report file. It
can take several minutes to gather the information to create
the report file.
6. Send this report file together with a problem description to
your local CODAN ARGUS representative or directly to
CODAN ARGUS AG. Figure 31: Resolving a technical error
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4. Communication Interfaces
The device has one RS232 serial interface and one Ethernet
interface to connect to external systems. Over both interfaces,
an external system can communicate with the device and the
inserted pumps using the ARGUSprotocol.
Connect to ARGUS 71x V only to external (non CODAN ARGUS)
devices which comply with IEC60950-1:2005.
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5. Maintenance
Menu Overview:
This overview describes all available menus and their sequence
of availability.
The Menu key guides the user through all available menus. Press
the Menu key until the desired menu is displayed.
Pump Settings
In the Pump Settings Menu some configuration parameters can
be set permanently and directly without using CODAN
Volume Calibration
This menu is a part of the set calibration and guides the service
technician through the volume calibration process (see Section
„5.1.2. Volume Calibration“).
Pressure Calibration
This menu is a part of the set calibration and guides the service
technician through the pressure calibration process (see Section
„5.1.3. Pressure Calibration“).
Special Functions
Permanent selection of one special function. Just one special
function is possible at the same time. This menu is also accessible
in normal mode. If one of the functions is activated in the
maintenance mode, then the user is not able to change this
settings in normal mode.
• Delayed infusion
• Barcode mode
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5. Maintenance
Battery Info
Information about the remaining battery capacity in % and in
hours/minutes. If the specified times are no longer achieved, the
Technical Service Department can replace the batteries.
Version Info
Column 1: Firmware Release with Version and Revision
Column 2: Bootloader Release with Version and Revision
Column 3: Serial number of the device
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5. Maintenance
The buzzer and speaker volume may also be changed temporarily
during normal infusion. See user manual “14.2.1. Changing the
volume of the audible signal (buzzer and speakers”.
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5. Maintenance
3. Insert the infusion set and press Start. The infusion starts
and the volume increases to 5.0 ml.
6. Enter now the value of the balance (e.g. 29.80g) and press
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5. Maintenance
3. Open the door, remove the infusion set and press Start.
5. Insert the infusion set, close door, open the 3-way stop
cock and press Start.
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5. Maintenance
7. Open the 3-way stop cock and release the pressure. Close
the 3-way stop cock again and press Start as soon as the
manometer reaches 0.2 bar.
11. The 0.0 bar calibration done screen is displayed and press
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5. Maintenance
Select all tests one by one and follow the instructions shown on
the display.
DISPLAY TEST This test detects possible defective pixels. The check contains of two steps. The correct function of
the display is confirmed by a black display at the end of this test.
KEYPAD TEST This test verifies the correct function of all keys except the ON/OFF Key. This one is automatically
checked at every switching on and off of the pump. The test is successfully completed when every
key was pressed once and when the check-mark is displayed.
LED AND BACKLIGHT This test verifies all light media. The test is successfully completed if all light media have shone as
indicated on the display.
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5. Maintenance
• The ARGUS 71x V can be used with a maximum of 4 different
infusion sets.
• Before an infusion set can be calibrated on the pump, it must
be configured by CODAN ARGUSservice utility. The parameter
“Enable infusion set” must be checked in order to perform a
calibration of the infusion set. See Section „3.6.3.
Configuration of infusion sets“.
• Unless otherwise specified by the customer, the ARGUS 71x V
will be calibrated by the manufacturer with the CODAN
standard set. Other infusion sets have to be calibrated
• Only infusion sets being validated and approved by
CODAN ARGUS AG shall be used. For an up-to-date list
please contact CODAN ARGUS AG.
• After configuration of a new infusion set, pressure and
volume calibration are mandatory.
• A pressure calibration is necessary when a pressure sensor or
the main board was replaced before.
• If the pressure control measurement is not accurate, a
pressure calibration is recommended.
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5. Maintenance
During normal usage, the button cell battery will last over
10 years. However, if the ARGUS 71x V is not used for an extended
periods of time while being disconnected from mains power, the
battery may be empty within a shorter time span.
Repairs shall only be performed by trained specialists who are
authorized in maintenance and repair of the ARGUS 71x V by
CODAN ARGUS AG. Repairs shall only be performed with original
spare parts which must not be modified without prior
authorization from CODAN ARGUS AG. Not following these
instructions can compromise patient safety.
• Changes in the configuration mode (with the CODAN
ARGUSservice PC utility tool), preventive maintenance
measurements or repair constitute a modification of the
device and may only be carried out by authorized persons.
Otherwise, patient safety cannot be guaranteed.
• After each change of a configuration, a function check has
to be performed.
• Reducing the volume also affects the volume of the audible
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5. Maintenance
Note Signal Pause 750 500 - 2000 ms Duration of pause (See Figure 36).
Pulse 750 500 - 2000 ms Pulse length (See Figure 36).
Nurse Call Function False False/True Allows alarm transmissions
Pause width 2 0 - 3600 s Pause width
Pulse width 1 0 - 3600 s Pulse width
Standby Duration 2 1 - 60 min Time-out for unused device until alarm release
One-time False False/True Alarm release only before the first start of infusion
Standby alarm
Figure 33: Auditory Signal for an Alarm
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5. Maintenance
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5. Maintenance
Drug selection False False/True User is forced to select a drug before infusion start
required (drug library must be available)
Rate modification False False/True User is forced to stop infusion before a rate change
in Stop Mode
Set duration 0 0 - 1000 h Notification time if infusion set is inserted too long
exceeded time (0 = disabled).
OFF key delayed 3 0-3s Adjustments of the response time
OFF key in Stop True False/True Device must be in Stop Mode to be switched off
Mode only
STOP key delayed 0 0 - 3000 ms Adjustments of the response time
Fallback time to 15 5 - 120 sec Time to fall back within main screen
infusion rate
Transport Mode 15 1 - 60 min Interval time for recurrence of reminders (Transport
reminder Mode must be enabled)
Speaker Volume setting 10 1 - 10 volume Speaker alarm loudness
Delayed Infusion Blue Leds False False/True Blue leds are enabled for indicating delayed
infusion mode
Barcode Mode Patient barcode False False/True Patient barcode required
Staff barcode False False/True Staff barcode required
Staff barcode False False/True Staff barcode required for rate change (Parameter
required for rate 'Staff barcode required' must also be enabled,
change otherwise no action)
When setting the volume of the buzzer or speaker, ensure that
the loudness is higher than the ambient noise level, otherwise
the operator might not recognize the occurrence of an alarm
condition. This could lead to a delayed reaction to an alarm
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5. Maintenance
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5. Maintenance
Bolus volume 10000 1000 - 999000 µl Limit of the bolus volume being administered
per bolus
Name of infusion CODAN text Name to be displayed on the pump
Level setting for 700 100 - 1000 mbar Pressure level at which a downstream alarm is
occlusion alarm released
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5. Maintenance
Battery Info True False/True Access for user to check remaining battery capacity
Key Lock False False/True Access for user to lock the keyboard by means of a pin
Pressure Setting True False/True Access for user to modify temporarily the occlusion level
Automatic Purge False False/True Access for user to purge IV tubing automatically
Settings True False/True Access for user to modify temporarily buzzer volume,
standby alarm
Fallback time from 60 5 - 60 sec Time to fall back from menu to main screen
menu operation
Transport Mode Access for user to the transport mode
Pressure unit mbar enum mbar, mmhg, kpa, cmh20, psi, Pressure unit to be
settings displayed
Info Menu Accumulated False False/True Shows accumulated volume info menu
Special Functions Barcode Mode False False/True Shows Barcode Mode Menu
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5. Maintenance
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
AT ambient temperature MB main board
BIB bluetooth interface board ML medication library
BP battery pack MV mains voltage
DPS downstream pressure sensor PB power board
FW firmware SB sensor board
H description in the history file SM stepper motor
IB interface board T transformer
KP keypad UPS upstream pressure sensor
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6. Replacement of Parts
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6. Replacement of Parts
6.8.8 Replacement of Stop Flow Clamp 6.8.13 Replacement of Interface Board Bluetooth
ARGUS 717 V 1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the
1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the Housing“.
Housing“ 2. Take the casing back side.
2. Take the casing front side. 3. Unplug the cable of the Interface Board from the Mainboard
3. Remove the 2 screws. 4. Remove the Interface Board.
4. Remove the clamp. 5. Insert new Interface Board (601551).
5. Insert new clamp (#11). 6. Plug in cable from the Interface Board.
6. Fix the clamp with the 2 screws and tighten them with a 7. Perform steps in Section „6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing“.
torque of 0.6 Nm
7. Perform steps in Section „6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing“. Notice
• it is only possible to use a Bluetooth Interface Board with
6.8.9 Replacement of Anti-Free Flow Clamp ARGUS Mainboard same or newer than index M in article number
718 V 601276.M (located on label, near plug for keypad).
1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the
Housing“ 6.8.14 Disassembling of Door
2. Take the casing front side. 1. Open the door.
3. Unplug the cable from the clamp. 2. Gently press the hinge stopper backwards.
4. Remove the 2 screws. 3. Pull the shaft towards the centre with help of needle nose
5. Remove the clamp. pliers until the shaft is out of the holder.
6. Insert new clamp (#11). 4. Repeat step (2) and (3) for the other side of the door.
7. Fix the clamp with the 2 screws and tighten them with a 5. Remove the Door.
torque of 0.5 Nm
8. Plug in the cable from the clamp. 6.8.15 Assembling of Door
9. Perform steps in Section „6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing“. 1. Insert Door (#5).
2. Push the two shafts with needle nose pliers into the holders.
6.8.10 Replacement of Pressure Sensor 3. Close the door.
1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the
Housing“. 6.8.16 Disassembling of Pump Unit
2. Take the casing front side. 1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the
3. Unplug the cable from the downstream or/and the upstream Housing“.
Pressure Sensor. 2. Perform steps in Section „6.8.14. Disassembling of Door“.
4. Remove the screw of the selected Pressure Sensors. 3. Unplug all cable from mainboard, sensor board and motor.
5. Insert new Pressure Sensor (#10). 4. Remove the 4 screws on the front casing located above and
6. Fix the Pressure Sensor with the screw and tighten them with below.
a torque of 0.3 Nm. 5. Be careful with the flat cable of the display when withdrawing
7. Perform steps in Section „6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing“. the pump unit.
6.8.12 Replacement of Window Global Alarm 6.8..18 Replacement of Peristaltic Membrane NBR
1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.1. Disassembling of the 1. Perform steps in Section „6.8.16. Disassembling of Pump
Housing“. Unit“.
2. Take the casing front side. 2. Change Membrane NBR (#18).
3. Push with a thin pointed tool from behind into the holder 3. Perform steps in Section „6.8.17. Assembling of Pump Unit“.
hole of the Window Global Alarm.
4. Remove the Window Global Alarm.
5. Insert new Window Global Alarm (#3 and #4).
6. Perform steps in Section „6.8.2. Assembling of the Housing“.
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6. Replacement of Parts
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7. Isolation of the Patient
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8. Isolation of the User
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9. Wiring Diagram
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10. Block Diagram
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
The exact reason for the reminder “Safety Check is Due” may be
found in the history. Look for Safety Standard Check (SSC) in the
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
The pressure calibration procedure always includes all of the
following steps and is complete when the control measurement
was successful. The previous values remain stored in a premature
termination of the calibration.
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
Device identification :
Serial-No.: Hospital:
Pump-No.: Department:
Used infusion set: Customer:
The SSC has to be performed at least every 24 months or after 10’000 hours of operation.
The check has to be done in accordance to the user and service manuals.
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11. Safety Standard Check (SSC)
The pump has passed the safety standard check and is safe for use.
Date: Name: Signature:
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12. Repair Order Form
Purchase Order
Proforma Invoice Number:
Customer Name:
Contact Person:
Tel. Number:
Device Identification :
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13. Care of the pump
• Avoid any liquid penetrating into the device or the device
plug. If liquid is spilt over the device, the latter must be
immediately disconnected from the mains plug or removed
from the docking station. Then the pump must be dried
immediately and thoroughly cleaned.
• Warnings relating to the liquids (medications) must be
observed for cleaning.
• If there is any likelihood of liquid having penetrated inside the
device, the device must be inspected by the Technical Service
Department before continuing in use.
• The pump and the accessories must be kept clean and dry. In
order to maintain the full functionality, regular cleaning
within the product specifications is recommended (see
Section „14. Product Specifications“).
• Do not use any abrasive cleaning agents.
• The pump is unsuitable for sterilization in autoclaves and
must not be immersed in liquids.
• The battery must be fully charged after 3 months at the latest
so that full capacity is preserved. Otherwise batteries can
over-discharge and leak, at worst.
• For transport, make sure that you choose appropriate
packaging with sufficient protection against impact effects!
We recommend using the original packaging.
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14. Product Specifications
Display type monochrome LCD, 98.4 x 26.2 mm, 240 x 64 pixel illuminated, adjustable brightness
Display contents flow rate in units and ml/h, infused volume, target volume
(VTBI), infusion time, remaining infusion time, battery capacity,
pressure level, medication name and setup, bolus delivery and
information menu etc.
Menu overview intuitive and configurable for specific applications display text in national language, overview of infusion data
Menu configuration by means of ARGUSservice software / temporary settings by client-specific configuration possible
Infusion lines CODAN standard- and cyto-sets and other validated sets tube materials: PVC, PVC-free, NoDEHP / display of the set
ARGUS 718 V: CODAN IVP dedicated set
with anti-freeflow-clamp
Pressure release automatic pressure release after occlusion
Air bubble detection individual air bubbles configurable from 50 – 1‘000 µl
accumulated air bubbles configurable from 100 – 2‘000 µl within 8 – 64 min
Drop detector 10 – 65 drops/ml in transport mode alarm is less sensitive
Alarms, pre-alarms visual and audible signals for rapid detection with text explanation and symbols, large alarm window
Alarm types occlusion (up- and downstream), air bubbles, no drops and
too many drops, end of infusion, standby, low battery, end of
battery, maintenance due etc.
Key lock activation / deactivation via numerical code
Pressure limit for occlusion 100 – 1‘000 mbar (also in mmHg, kPa, cmH2O, Psi) 10 configurable steps
DERS: Medication database on request on request
(Dose Error Reduction System)
Power Supply
Battery 1’800 mAh, NiMH maintenance-free
Battery operation 6 hours at 25 ml/h
Battery charging time 9 hours in standby mode
Mains power supply 230 VAC ±10%, 50 – 60 Hz option: 115 VAC ±10%, 50 – 60 Hz
Power consumption 12 VA maximum
Product Specification
Dimensions 190 x 160 x 130 mm (W x L x D) without combination clamp
Housing ASA high performance plastic
Operating-/ medication temperature 5 – 40°C / 18 – 30°C
Temperature for storage and transport 0 – 40°C
Relative humidity 20 – 90% without condensation
Weight with battery 2.0 kg including battery and power supply unit
Maintenance safety standard check (SSC): every 24 months or after 10‘000 operating hours
IP protection class IP22 drop-protected in horizontal position up to ±15° inclination
Protection class II electric shock protection according to IEC 61140
Applied part type CF according to EN 60601-1
MDD classification IIb
Electrical safety EN 60601-1, EN 60601-1-4, EN 60601-2-24
Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60601-1-2
Certification CODAN ARGUS AG ISO 13485, ISO 9001
Device CE mark CE 0123 according to directive 93/42/EEC
Docking stations ARGUS docking stations in 3 sizes for different combinations version M: monitoring (PDMS link) + power supply
version P : only power supply
Attachment system combination clamp suitable for pole- and rail systems
Software ARGUSservice program for simple maintenance and configuration
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Oberneuhofstrasse 10
CH-6340 Baar
Phone +41 41 785 09 44
Fax +41 41 785 09 40
[email protected], www.codanargus.com