Post-Tensioned LNG Storage Tanks
Post-Tensioned LNG Storage Tanks
Post-Tensioned LNG Storage Tanks
Hudson Lun 1
Frank Filippone 2
Diana Cobos Roger 3
Marcel Poser 4
The growing world-wide use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has seen the development of significant LNG
storage tank facilities for LNG exporters and importers. These massive storage tanks are essential for
receiving and safe storage of the liquid gas. The storage temperature of LNG is –162°C and is described as
cryogenic conditions. The liquid occupies 600 times less space than natural gas in its gaseous state, making
it practical to ship by ocean tanker. And it's stable and safe, because even though compressed in volume,
the liquid remains at normal atmospheric pressure. On land, LNG is stored in specially engineered and
constructed double-walled storage tanks. At these temperatures, the requirements for the containment
structures are very stringent and post-tensioned concrete tanks are ideally suited to the task. The large
concrete tank structures are extremely robust with significant amounts of prestressing required – all being
designed and installed under tightly controlled quality conditions with hardware requiring special
certifications. The design and construction techniques have been specially formulated for LNG tank
construction and this paper will outline typical details as employed on various projects around the world.
LNG or Liquefied Natural Gas is natural gas that sited in close proximity to port facilities ready for
has been super cooled to a temperature around transport, and the liquefied natural gas may be
–162°C, whereby it condenses into a liquid form. stored in liquid form in preparation for shipping.
The process is not a new one, having been
proven in 1917 and first used in the United States LNG is stored at atmospheric pressure in double-
over 60 years ago. walled tanks: the space between the tanks being
filled with insulation. The outer walls of the tank
The main benefit of the cooling is that the LNG is are most commonly constructed from post-
reduced to around 1/600th of its volume as gas. It tensioned concrete.
also weighs only about 45% as much as an
equivalent amount of water. This has obvious Over the past few decades, world consumption of
benefits in terms of transportation from natural LNG has increased more than five-fold and it is
gas rich areas. LNG is a non-toxic, non-corrosive, predicted that this growth will continue to be very
colourless and odourless fuel. strong. The growing demand from large markets
such as China and India combined with the
Once the gas has passed through the LNG increasing popularity in a large number of other
processing and distribution network, it can be smaller markets has resulted in the development
used in conjunction with, or in place of, domestic of many new LNG facilities throughout the world.
natural gas as its properties are very similar. There are significant natural gas reserves globally
and exploration companies are rapidly developing
The natural gas that is processed into LNG is facilities for exporting the natural gas with
explored for, and produced, in an identical way to corresponding receiving facilities being planned
natural gas. It is typically discovered in and built in emerging markets. With a timeframe
conjunction with oil exploration operations. Once of some 5-10 years required for planning and
extracted, the natural gas can be transported to a construction, there is currently much activity
liquefaction plant where it is super cooled to underway in the LNG supply chain in preparation
–162°C using refrigerants. LNG tanks are usually for current and predicted demands.
General Manager, Structural Systems (Western) Pty Ltd, Australia
Group Principal Engineer, Structural Systems Ltd, Australia
Project Manager, BBR Pretensados y Técnicas Especiales, S.L, Spain
Managing Director, BBR VT International, Switzerland
Tests according to these guidelines were
Tank dimensions are typically in the order of completed for the BBR technology in Perth in
80-90m in diameter and 50m in height with a wall 2005.
thickness in the order of 750mm (refer Figure 1).
The post-tensioning tendons are very large and Subsequent to this, a new guideline has been
can run in both the vertical and horizontal published to cover prestressing in cryogenic
directions. Vertical tendons can either be single applications - ETAG 013. According to this
directional tendons from the top of the tank document, testing is to be conducted as follows:
terminating in a recess at the bottom or “U”
tendons starting at the top coming vertically down • Tendon stressed to 80% of the characteristic
through the tank curving around through 180 tensile strength
degrees and returning to the top. • Decrease temperature to specified cryogenic
temperature of –196°C
• Test tendon in 10 load cycles between
characteristic yield force and 80% level
• Finally, load tendon to failure
The horizontal tendons are anchored at four Figure 5 – Installation of prefabricated vertical
equally spaced buttresses (local wall thickenings). tendons
Each tendon is approximately 150m in length and
spans half the circumference of the tank. Access to the horizontal tendons was via mast
climbing work platforms measuring 10m long.
The vertical tendons were anchored at the top and The work platforms could be shaped to suit the
bottom of the wall. Access to the bottom geometry of the workface and allow access to any
anchorage was via inverted concrete culverts level. A typical mast climbing platform is shown in
measuring 750mm wide x 600mm high installed Figure 6.
below the base slab (refer Figure 4).
The horizontal tendons were installed one strand
at a time using specially designed high capacity
strand pushers. The strand pushers are
electronically controlled and can be set to
automatically stop at any desired distance.
Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the strand pusher
equipment and pushing operation.
The post-tensioning design was carried out by LNG storage tanks are ideally suited to
Structural Systems in Melbourne and BBR CONA construction methods employing slip formed or
type tendons and anchorages were used. These climbing insitu concrete construction combined
anchorages were tested for compliance with fip with post-tensioning. The specific design and
recommendations for use in cryogenic conditions. installation techniques are very specialised and
require the use of specially certified and tested
This project included ‘U’ type vertical tendons and materials and highly experienced contractors.
wall construction was achieved by continuous slip
forming. A large database of information has been
developed during the construction of these
massive concrete structures and many innovative
RUWAIS LPG (Propane & Butane) TANKS. techniques have streamlined the activities
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES associated with the supply and installation of
post-tensioning materials and other construction
The nature and form of construction of these large related engineering. The nature of the typical
concrete tanks can readily be adapted to storage design/build project delivery method has seen the
of other materials. Another significant storage formation of some strong design and construction
facility designed and constructed by CB&I has relationships and this has seen the rapid
recently commenced near Abu Dubai, in the UAE. development and optimisation of design and
installation techniques.
In this project, 4 No. 62.8m diameter x 34m wall
height tanks with domed concrete roofs are With the expected growth in demand of LNG
required for storage of propane and butane. storage facilities throughout the world and the
rapid pace with which these facilities will need to
These tanks generally have 500mm thick walls be constructed, the specialised teams, equipment,
with a lower taper to 800mm thick at the base and materials and innovations developed to date are
are horizontally post tensioned only since the sure to add value to future customers.
concrete wall here is static formed outside an
inner steel liner.
Working again in partnership with C B & I,
Structural Systems Ltd is the specialist post- The authors would like to acknowledge the
tensioning subcontractor and has provided the contributions from numerous members of the
design and detailing input in addition to the supply international BBR Network who contributed
and installation site services. material for inclusion in this paper.