The World of Work

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STUDENT: _____________________________________________ Nº: ___ CLASS: ____ DATE: __________________


A. Define the given words:
 Career ___________________________________________________________________________
 To make a living____________________________________________________________________
 Sick pay __________________________________________________________________________
 Flexitime work _____________________________________________________________________
 Job cuts __________________________________________________________________________

B. Insert the given words into the sentence gaps. Four words will be left.
job cuts turnover of staff to moonlight to fire promotion job satisfaction
profession overtime pay skills to hire taxes retire
trade company perks breadwinner valuable salary gross wages

1) There is no________________________ in our company, everyone is very satisfied and is not

planning to leave this well-paid job.
2) He is very rich, and he doesn’t even need all these _________________________, he has his own 2
cars and his brother owns a sports center. Plus, he has 3 mobile phones.
3) Do you think that this information is ______________________? I think that we cannot use it in
4) People have to pay____________________________ .
5) What ___________________ are required for this job? Well, you have to type and know how to use
a computer.
6) I don’t believe that this firm has so many______________________ It has always been so wealthy!
7) His ___________________ is very interesting. I love when people make things with their own
8) Nowadays, lawyer is a very important and prestigious __________________________.
9) After doing a survey at this company, the committee concluded that general
____________________ is very low.
10) A lot of people work extra hours and don’t get any _______________________________.
11) What age do you plan to _______________________________?
12) His boss __________________________ him when he sold very secret information to other
13) It’s not polite to ask people what their _______________________________ is.
14) At the period of the world crisis a lot of people try to _________________________ whenever it is
possible just to feed their children.

2021 GOOD WORK! Teacher: Paula Varandas Ferreira

C. Write the names for the given definitions.

1) An individual piece of work or task, a duty; what you do to earn your living especially if you work for
someone else. _________________________

2) A period of paid absence from work for a woman during the months immediately before and after
childbirth. _________________________

3) Payment in return for work or services, esp. that made to workmen on a daily, hourly, weekly basis.

4) Advancement in rank. _________________________

5) A person who earns money with intellectual work. _________________________

6) A form used to apply for a job. _________________________

7) A feeling or opinion about something or someone; a mental position with regard to a state.

8) The ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it.

9) A self-employed person, esp. a writer or artist, who is not employed continuously but hired to do
specific assignments. _________________________

2021 GOOD WORK! Teacher: Paula Varandas Ferreira

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