Power Electronics Proposal
Power Electronics Proposal
Power Electronics Proposal
A bootstrap circuit is needed when an MOSFET is used for the high-side transistor of the output
switch. Nowadays a number of power supply ICs comes with a bootstrap circuit mounted, and
thus an understanding of the operation of the bootstrap circuit in connection with the evaluation
of power supply circuits may be helpful.Due to the low on-resistance, the MOSFET can be used
as a power switch to improve efficiency. Given the same on-resistance, the MOSFET can be a
lower cost option compared with the MOSFET. That said, turning MOSFET completely on as a
high-side switch requires a high enough VGS, that is, a voltage higher than the drain
voltage.Incidentally, for the same reasons as those mentioned above, bootstrap circuits are also
used in non synchronous rectifying circuits. Beyond the MOSFET, bootstrap circuits are also
applied to reduce the saturation voltage in circuits that use bipolar NPN transistors.
Objectives / Outcomes
This project used for inverter design. And also for such like technique for variable frequency
drive VFD used in inverter design.It showed a detailed calculation method as well as a general
rule of thumb estimation for the bootstrap capacitor.
The control method is known as ‘PWM’ for 'Pulse Width Modulation'. This means the DC is
switched on and off very quickly (chopped) by the Transistor switches. A sine wave of motor
current is made by a series of DC pulses where the first has a very short ‘on’ period, followed by
a longer on period, then longer until the widest pulse appears in the centre of the positive sine
wave, then smaller until the DC is inverted and the same pattern of pulses generate the negative
part of the sine wave.
The flux equations and the torque equation can be defined in any reference frame, denoted by
superscript “a.”
π T
Te = [C( )λam ] a
2 is
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[3] C. Klumpner and N. Shattock, "A cost-effective solution to power the gate drivers of
multilevel inverters using the bootstrap power supply technique", Proc. 24th Annu. IEEE Appl.
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[4] "DIPIPM application note bootstrap circuit design manual" in Dual-in-Line Package
Intelligent Power Module, Tokyo, Japan:Mitsubishi Electronic Corp, 2016.