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Nama : Shinta Nur Shoimaini

NIM : 361993301021
Kelas : MBP 2A

5.1 Boarding Pass

1. Boarding pass are provided at check-in
2. Know theb identity of the guest when going into the plane, and make it easier for guest to
carry out activities on the flight
3. Women, because it apprears before the name, namely (MRS)
4. Singapore
5. The flight nombor is : SQ 312
6. The pesengger seat is : 33D
7. If you leave at 11.30 then you must be at the airport at 9.30

5.2 Filling in a form

1. Mario
2. In here
3. Will
4. Go
5. Come
6. Stayed
7. Look

Immigration card
 On 28th January 2012
 Gomes family
 Mario
 Mario Gomes
 Portugal
 29th january 1974
 Male
 Lees than one week
 Holiday
 Hotel
 No
 Mario Gomes
 On 28th January 2012
53. A departure card
 Leaveing
 Flight
 Stayed
 Take
 Meet
 Has
 Is
 Is
 Tried
 Met
 Buys
 Stay
 Go
Departure Card
Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS and tick () boxes where required.
Date of departure: 7 th/ October/2020
Last name: Ken
First name: Ken
Occupation: Timor
Nationality: Timor Leste
Is your absence?
Duration of absence?
Up to 1 week
Countries you will visit whilst away? Siangapore and Kuala Lumpur
Purpose of absence?
Write three comparative sentences from the information below.
Restaurant A: Good service good food cheap very friendly.
Restaurant B: Slow service delicious food very cheap sometimes friendly.
1. Restaurant B is a cheaper than Restaurant A
2. Restaurant A are very friendly than restaurant B
3. Restaurant A has good servise than restaurant B

Text : Italy

1. Hotter , shorter , further

2. The best , the hottest , best of summer
3. 8 pm
4. Cool light clothing is best for summer, but be aware that you will need to cover legs,
shoulders and arms when visiting churches or the Vatican Museums
5. Sourth Italy
6. a. Cool
b. Store/Market
c. Gentle wind

5.5 Exersice : ‘any’, ‘some’ , ‘much’ , many’

1. Many

2. Some

3. Any

4. Some

5. Much

6. Any

7. Many

8. Many

9. Much
10. Many

11. Any

12. Any


Exersice : Asking question

Imagine you are attending a tourism conference in Bali, and you meet another participant,
and start talking.

Make up a new identity for yourself. Fill in this form with information about who you are
pretending to be. Your colleague must also fill in a form like this. Do not show your forms to
each other.
Name: Shinta Nur Shoimaini Position: Supervisor

Age: 20 years old Years with the company: 2018

Nationality: Indonesia Responsibilities at work: General Manager

University where you studied: State Polytechnic Languages spoken:Indonesia

of Banyuwangi

Department in which you studied: Business How you travelled to the conference: By Plane
Management of Tourism
Company where you work now: Sangrila Hobbies and interests: Cycling and Front
Surabaya Hotel Office

Name: Fayola Gilvana Position: HRM

Age: 33 years old Years with the company: 2009

Nationality: Indonesia Responsibilities at work: HRM

University where you studied: Harvand Languages spoken: Indonesia

Department in which you studied: Business How you travelled to the conference:by Plane

Company where you work now: Sangrila Hobbies and interests: Swimming and
Surabaya Hotel Reading.

Maria’s guest house

Insert the correct tense.

Our guest house opened in October last year. We Called it

‘Visitors’ Rest’. It Was very near the shopping centre and only a five minute walk

from the beach. During the first month we have fifteen guests. The following

month ten businessmen from China and eight Australian tourists Came to stay.

The Christmas period Was good for business. In both December and January the

guest house Was full to capacity with twenty eight guests each month.

Unfortunately February Wasn’t as good, as guest numbers Dropped by ten. However March Had
three more guests than in February. April and May Were both quiet months for visitors;

in each of those months we Had half our maximum number of guests, mainly

from Europe. In June we Was only a quarter full but in July there Was a conference in Dili, and so
guest numbers shot up by fourteen to twenty

one. In August we had nine fewer guests than July and in September we were full again with UN
officials. That was a summary of the past

twelve months. Our average number of guests were fifteen, so, overall last year was a good year.

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