Where Financial Report Still Falls Short
Where Financial Report Still Falls Short
Where Financial Report Still Falls Short
tive and controversial. In fact, stock valua- tern of speech changes when a person lies.
tion(securities) was also difficult after adop- During their research, they discovered some
ting this method fair values were not accura- verbal cues that connote that there is some
te. Valuation of intangible assets like patent, manipulation in the books of accounts of the
goodwill etc areas are not possible and if the company.
valuation is done as per this method the re-
sults will not be accurate. 3. Conclusion
• Cooking the Decisions Not The books: Inves- The company should disclose the underlying eco-
tors also reflect on the way in which the ex- nomic reality of the business. It is difficult to get
penses are incurred in the accounts of a bu- accurate reports but at least an understanding of
siness. Analysts, accountants, investors. Ma- their vulnerabilities and the availability of new
nagers also purposely overstate costs and tools to detect deception will enable us to achie-
do so to achieve those targets. They also ve that ideal. As businesses are steadily using the
prefer an expense or a loss to be under- timing of operational decisions to artificially im-
provisioned. Over-provisioning and under- prove output figures, diligence is more difficult to
provisioning practices have been rendered identify and control.
less objectionable by recent amendments to
GAAP and IFRS laws. Some suspect that re-
cent reforms in legislation have undermined
the ability of corporations to manipulate dif-
ferent financial reports. Managers are now at-
tempting to change statistics by manipula-
ting operations instead of reports.