This document outlines a global compact to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. It commits signatories to strengthen health systems and outcomes in all countries in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Progressive pathways that first reach vulnerable groups are key to ensure no one is left behind. The compact calls for equitable, sustainable health systems funded by public finance and based on primary health care. It also supports policy dialogue and accountability to foster investment in health systems and monitor equitable progress towards UHC.
This document outlines a global compact to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. It commits signatories to strengthen health systems and outcomes in all countries in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Progressive pathways that first reach vulnerable groups are key to ensure no one is left behind. The compact calls for equitable, sustainable health systems funded by public finance and based on primary health care. It also supports policy dialogue and accountability to foster investment in health systems and monitor equitable progress towards UHC.
This document outlines a global compact to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. It commits signatories to strengthen health systems and outcomes in all countries in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Progressive pathways that first reach vulnerable groups are key to ensure no one is left behind. The compact calls for equitable, sustainable health systems funded by public finance and based on primary health care. It also supports policy dialogue and accountability to foster investment in health systems and monitor equitable progress towards UHC.
This document outlines a global compact to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. It commits signatories to strengthen health systems and outcomes in all countries in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Progressive pathways that first reach vulnerable groups are key to ensure no one is left behind. The compact calls for equitable, sustainable health systems funded by public finance and based on primary health care. It also supports policy dialogue and accountability to foster investment in health systems and monitor equitable progress towards UHC.
towards universal health coverage This global compact reflects our firm support We, the signatories to the International Health for the aims of the Sustainable Development Partnership for UHC 2030 (UHC2030), commit to Goals (SDGs) and is consistent with the ambition work together with renewed urgency to accelerate and commitment of other inter-governmental progress towards UHC, as articulated in target agreements, as well as the Addis Ababa Action 3.8 in the SDGs. This will involve building and Agenda, which aims to address the challenge of expanding equitable, resilient and sustainable financing and creating an enabling environment health systems, funded primarily by public finance, at all levels for sustainable development in the and based on primary health care, that deliver spirit of global partnership and solidarity. integrated, comprehensive people-centred and quality health services for all, while taking We reaffirm that the SDGs set a broad necessary measures to protect households and ambitious agenda for a safer, fairer and from financial hazards due to health expenditures. healthier world by 2030. To ensure healthy lives Such efforts should be led by national governments, and promote well-being for all at all ages, we in support of national health policies and plans, must achieve universal health coverage (UHC) building on and strengthening existing sector- by working together effectively to strengthen wide processes to avoid fragmentation. health systems and improve health outcomes in all countries. Progressive pathways towards Progressive realisation of the right to health universality that endeavour to first reach the through UHC is primarily a national responsibility, most vulnerable and marginalised population assisted through regional and global solidarity, groups are key to ensure no one is left behind. exchange and international cooperation. It can be best achieved through reforms that first prioritise UHC, whereby all people and communities meeting the needs of disadvantaged people. have access to needed quality health services As countries make efforts to improve domestic without risk of financial hardship, cuts across resource mobilisation, international development the health targets and contributes to promoting cooperation - including international finance, health security and equity. Countries that progress south-south and triangular cooperation - remains towards UHC will make progress towards the complementary and important in many countries. other health-related targets across different We reiterate our commitment to the principles and sectors, and towards all the SDGs. Good health behaviours of effective development cooperation, allows children to learn and adults to earn, helps maximizing its contribution to equitable, resilient people escape from poverty, addresses social and sustainable health systems for progress and gender inequities and provides the basis towards UHC. for well-being, social cohesion, health security and long-term economic development. We will also support closer alignment between The approach includes strengthening policy dialogue health security and health systems strengthening. between the government health sector authorities We call for the adoption of a ‘one health’ and inter- and all relevant stakeholders, to ensure coordination sectoral approach to emergency preparedness and and alignment of health system strengthening efforts response as part of health systems strengthening, at global, regional and country levels and appropriate and for national strategies, plans and service linkages with other sectors. Shared aspirations delivery models that reflect relevant international should be reflected in the arrangements in place principles and commitments, in particular the in countries for policy dialogue and coordination. International Health Regulations. Essential to this approach are fostering political will, nationally and globally, through policy dialogue and advocacy to promote sufficient, sustainable In our efforts to strengthen health and equitable investment in health systems for systems and achieve UHC, we collectively UHC; and facilitating monitoring and accountability subscribe to the following key principles for equitable progress towards UHC so that no one to guide our action: is left behind. Such monitoring and accountability depend critically on the engagement of beneficiaries, • Leaving no one behind: a commitment particularly representatives of those communities to equity, non-discrimination and a for whom UHC will be of most benefit, and on rights-based approach mechanisms that promote people’s voices and community empowerment. • Transparency and accountability for results
• Evidence-based national health strategies We acknowledge that building a movement
and leadership, with government stewardship to accelerate equitable and sustainable progress to ensure availability, accessibility, acceptability towards UHC requires multi-stakeholder and quality of service delivery collaboration, led by national governments, with partners including, but not limited to, • Making health systems everybody’s parliamentarians, civil society organisations, business – with engagement of citizens, academia, media, the private sector and communities, civil society and private sector development partners. As part of this movement, • International cooperation based on we invite and encourage all promoting UHC to mutual learning across countries regardless join UHC2030 as an indication of our collective of development status and progress in commitment to UHC, equitable, resilient and achieving and sustaining UHC, and sustainable health systems, and effective development effectiveness principles. development cooperation.
The World Health Organization and the World Bank
will provide secretariat support to UHC2030 and facilitate coordination under the umbrella of UHC2030 at global, regional and country levels, working with other signatories, as appropriate.