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Redundancy For Control Systems: Possibilities and Examples

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Redundancy for

control systems
Possibilities and examples

Version: 1.19 (September 2020)


Translation of the original documentation

All values in this manual are current as of its creation. We reserve the right to change the contents of this manual
without notice. B&R Industrial Automation GmbH is not liable for technical or editorial errors and defects in this
manual. In addition, B&R Industrial Automation GmbH assumes no liability for damages that are directly or indirectly
attributable to the delivery, performance or use of this material. We point out that the software and hardware
designations and brand names of the respective companies used in this document are subject to general trademark,
brand or patent protection.
Table of contents

1 General information.................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Controller redundancy.....................................................................................................................................3
1.2 POWERLINK cable redundancy..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 POWERLINK ring redundancy........................................................................................................................5

2 Hardware.................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Overview of modules that can be used..........................................................................................................6
2.2 Controller redundancy in various network topologies.....................................................................................7
2.2.1 Controller redundancy in a basic POWERLINK network.......................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Controller redundancy in a POWERLINK ring.......................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Controller redundancy in a system with POWERLINK cable redundancy................................................ 9
2.3 System with POWERLINK cable redundancy.............................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 X20IF2181-2 - Interface module............................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 X20HB8884 - Compact link selector....................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 X20BC8084 - Bus controller with integrated link selector.......................................................................14
2.4 POWERLINK ring redundancy......................................................................................................................18
2.4.1 CPU as a controlled node in a ring........................................................................................................ 19
2.4.2 X20 bus controller as a node in a ring................................................................................................... 20
2.4.3 Other devices as nodes in a ring............................................................................................................21
2.5 Hubs for POWERLINK networks.................................................................................................................. 22
2.5.1 8-port industrial hub (layer 2)..................................................................................................................22
2.5.2 Modular X20 Ethernet hub...................................................................................................................... 22
2.6 Redundant supply of controller components................................................................................................ 24
2.6.1 Non-redundant supply of X20 standalone devices................................................................................. 24
2.6.2 Redundant supply of X20 standalone devices........................................................................................25
2.6.3 Non-redundant supply of X20 bus controllers.........................................................................................27
2.6.4 Redundant supply of X20 bus controllers............................................................................................... 30

3 Problematic cases...................................................................................................33
3.1 Cable redundancy in a ring topology........................................................................................................... 33
3.2 Multiple errors in a network with cable redundancy..................................................................................... 34
3.3 Multiple errors in a ring topology..................................................................................................................35

4 Topologies............................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Cable redundancy with redundant managing node connection................................................................... 36
4.2 Cable redundancy with non-redundant managing node connection............................................................ 37
4.3 Controller redundancy combined with cable redundancy I...........................................................................38
4.4 Controller redundancy combined with cable redundancy II..........................................................................39
4.5 Controller redundancy combined with ring and cable redundancy...............................................................40
4.6 Controller redundancy combined with double ring redundancy................................................................... 41

Appendix A ................................................................................................................ 42
A.1 Overview of hardware revisions................................................................................................................... 42

2 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

General information

1 General information

The basic differentiation in terms of redundancy is made between controller and network redundancy. In the case
of POWERLINK, network redundancy can either be executed as ring redundancy or as cable redundancy. A com-
bination of controller and network redundancy maximizes protection against failures across the entire automation

In this document, the term "controller redundancy" will be used exclusively (synonymous with "CPU
Aside from the use of controller and network redundancy for increasing operational safety, there is also the option
of setting up the power supply for controller components with redundancy:
• In the X20 system, supply modules can be utilized with redundancy to safeguard X2X Link power supply
and the supply of X20 standalone devices and X20 bus controllers.
• In the X67 system, the X67 system supply module with redundancy can be utilized to safeguard the X2X
Link (see the X67 user's manual).
• The redundant power supply of I/O modules and their sensors/actuators is not possible through the redun-
dant use of X20 power supply modules, but via power supply redundancy (see power supply data sheets).

1.1 Controller redundancy

Ethernet process bus

Redundancy link
Fiber optic cable
Primary Secondary
controller controller

Active Inactive


B&R's redundant control solution ensures maximum availability for entire systems as well as individual machines.
Controller redundancy allows data to be synchronized within microseconds, whereby max. 2 cycles pass when
switching over to the other controller. This functionality is seamlessly integrated in the real-time operating system
and easy to use. A second, identical X20 CPU is added to the existing control topology which is configured as
redundant via software. An interface module (redundancy link module) handles data exchange completely auto-
matically. Configuration and visualization remain the same for the user. Maximum machine availability really is
only a mouse click away. Additional protection against failure is achieved by combining controller redundancy with
network redundancy (ring or cable redundancy).

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 3

General information

Controller redundancy offers the following advantages:

• Switchover times of max. 2 cycles • One-click configuration
• Microsecond synchronization • Bumpless software update
• Seamlessly integrated • Replace CPU without stopping machine
• X20 standard CPUs
Note: For controller redundancy system requirements, see section Project management →Controller redundancy
in Automation Help.

Controller redundancy without I/O systems

Redundant controllers can also be used purely as communication controllers without an I/O system.
If, in this case, POWERLINK masters (X20IF2181-2) should be configured, then they must be cabled together:
otherwise, bumpless redundancy operation will not be achieved.


It is important to note that a controller redundancy TG license (1TG10X0.1) is required for each con-
troller (primary and secondary). The license must be located on the Technology Guard (dongle) that
is connected to the CPUs.
If the necessary licenses are missing, a corresponding entry is made in the logbook. Blinking LEDs
on the controller also indicate they are missing.

1.2 POWERLINK cable redundancy

Network 2

Network 1 Compact link selector

Bus controller
with an integrated link selector

Bus controller
with an integrated link selector
and hot-swap hubs

With this type of network redundancy, two physically separate lines run through the plant. Each network node is
connected to both lines via a link selector. If a cable error occurs, the system automatically switches to the line
that is still functioning. This also allows the lines to be run over separate paths, as it is often specified for process
technology. The manager redundancy capabilities of POWERLINK allow cable redundancy to be combined with
controller redundancy, which ensures a redundancy solution that offers maximum machine and system availability.
POWERLINK cable redundancy offers the following advantages:
• Suitable for process and plant automation
• Seamlessly integrated
• X20 standard components
• Possible to replace components during runtime
• Separate line routing possible

4 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

General information

1.3 POWERLINK ring redundancy

Drive Drive
Ring redundancy is a simple and inexpensive form of
network redundancy. Here, the POWERLINK devices
are connected in a line, with the last unit connected back
Remote I/O
to the manager. Thus the ring is closed. The ring re-
dundancy manager immediately registers any interrup-
tion at any point and then handles the data supply from
both sides. This guarantees that communication to all
Remote I/O nodes remains intact whenever an interruption occurs.
The manager recognizes when the ring is closed again
Control system
and responds accordingly, with data once again only be-
ing supplied from one side of the ring.
Hub Hub
POWERLINK ring redundancy offers the following ad-
• Simple design
Hub Hub Hub • Seamlessly integrated
• X20 standard components
• Partial ring possible
• Can be combined with slip ring

Partial ring
A partial ring is when only a certain part of the topology is laid out as a redundant ring. Any type of standard
topology, such as a star, tree or line, can branch off from the ring using a hub. The image above shows an example
of a partial ring.
Combination with slip ring
Rotating applications, such as a turntable where rigid Remote I/O

cable connections cannot be used and slip rings are Drive

required for bus and power connections, can be safe-
guarded through ring redundancy. Consisting of a stat-
ic and a rotating component, a slip ring transmits a sig-
Remote I/O
nal either via brushes or a capacitive coupling. Different
types provide different numbers of channels. The redun-
dant POWERLINK ring is run through the slip ring to in- Control system
corporate the hub on the rotating part of the machine.

Partial ring with slip ring Rotating machine component

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 5


2 Hardware

Malfunction due to faulty wiring!
Suitable organizational measures (e.g. color coding of the cables and connectors on the device) can
prevent wiring errors.

2.1 Overview of modules that can be used

Some B&R modules for creating redundant systems (controller / cable / ring redundancy):
Standard module Coated module Notes
Controller redundancy1)
X20CP3584 X20cCP3584 Controller redundancy is supported by the X20 CPUs listed on the left.
X20CP3585 - Notes and constraints regarding controller redundancy:
X20CP3586 X20cCP3586 • Local I/Os cannot be used.
• The X20IF10X0 redundancy link module needs to be in the first (left) slot of the rCPU.
• The integrated POWERLINK interfaces are only supported when the redundant controllers are operated
in Ethernet mode (TCP/UDP/IP). The X20IF2181-2 interface module must be used to connect redundant
controllers to a POWERLINK network.
• NC Manager is currently not supported on redundant controllers.
• X20SLXx10 modules may not be used together with redundant controllers.
X20IF10X0 X20cIF10X0 Redundancy link module for synchronization of application data.
General modules for setting up various network topologies
X20HB8880 X20cHB8880 Modular X20 hub with up to 2 slots for hub expansion modules:
• X20HB2880 / X20cHB2880
• X20HB1881
• X20HB2881 / X20cHB2881
X20HB2880 X20cHB2880 Hub expansion module: 2x Fast Ethernet RJ45
X20HB1881 - Hub expansion module: 1x Fast Ethernet fiber optic connection
X20HB2881 X20cHB2881 Hub expansion module: 2x Fast Ethernet fiber optic connections
0AC808.9-1 - 8-port industrial hub (layer 2)
Modules for setting up redundant network topologies
X20IF2181-2 X20cIF2181-2 1x POWERLINK managing or controlled node: 2x Fast Ethernet RJ45
Depending on how it is configured, this module can be used as follows:
• in a system with POWERLINK cable redundancy
• in a POWERLINK ring
• in a basic POWERLINK network
X20HB8884 X20cHB8884 POWERLINK compact link selector with up to 2 slots for hub expansion modules:
Passive hub expansion modules: Active hub expansion modules:
• X20HB2880 / X20cHB2880 • X20HB2885 / X20cHB2885
• X20HB1881 • X20HB2886 / X20cHB2886
• X20HB2881 / X20cHB2881
X20BC8084 X20cBC8084 Bus controller with integrated link selector with up to 2 slots for hub expansion modules:
• X20HB18812)
• X20HB2885 / X20cHB2885
• X20HB2886 / X20cHB2886
X20HB2885 X20cHB2885 Active hub expansion module: 2x Fast Ethernet RJ45
X20HB2886 X20cHB2886 Active hub expansion module: 2x Fast Ethernet fiber optic connections
X20IF1082 - 1x POWERLINK managing or controlled node: 2x Fast Ethernet RJ45
X20IF1082-2 X20cIF1082-2 Depending on how it is configured, this module can be used as follows:
• in a POWERLINK ring
• in a basic POWERLINK network

6 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Standard module Coated module Notes
Modules for setting up non-redundant network topologies
X20BC8083 X20cBC8083 Bus controller: POWERLINK controlled node with up to 2 slots for hub expansion modules:
• X20HB2880 / X20cHB2880
• X20HB1881

X20HB2881 / X20cHB2881
Additional B&R products
The above list is only an excerpt can be expanded by other devices:
• All devices with 2 POWERLINK interfaces and an internal hub can be directly integrated (with no additional hub) into a line or ring topology as a con-
trolled node (e.g. X20BC0083, X20BC1083).
• Power Panel 500 and Automation PC 510/511 devices equipped with an interface module (such as the 5PP5IF.FPLM-00 interface board) can also be
used as a managing node in a ring topology.
• All POWERLINK components can be used as nodes in a POWERLINK network, regardless of whether or not controller redundancy is involved.
1) Note: For controller redundancy system requirements, see section Project management →Controller redundancy in Automation Help.
2) The X20HB1881 hub expansion module can be operated on the X20BC8084 bus controller with hardware revision >D0.

Technical data and detailed descriptions of the listed modules can be found in their respective data sheets.

All X20 modules used in the examples can also be replaced by the corresponding "coated mod-
ule" (X20c...), if available.
For an overview of the hardware revisions of compatible modules, see chapter "Overview of hardware
revisions" on page 42.

Key for symbolic images used

Symbolic images of the modules are used to describe their functionality and connection options. X20 modules
used to connect to a network have 1 or 2 connections. The following graphic illustrates which connections on the
symbolic images correspond to which ports on the module:

X20 module X20 module X20 module



2.2 Controller redundancy in various network topologies

Redundancy-capable X20 CPUs
Controller redundancy can be implemented with the following X20 CPUs:
Order number Short description
X20CP3584 X20 CPU, Atom 0.6 GHz, 256 MB DDR2 RAM, 1 MB SRAM, removable application memory: CompactFlash, 3 insert slots for
X20 interface modules, 2 USB interfaces, 1 RS232 interface, 1 Ethernet interface 10/100/1000BASE-T, 1 POWERLINK inter-
face, including power supply module, 1x terminal block X20TB12, slot covers and X20 end cover plate X20AC0SR1 (right) in-
cluded, order application memory separately!
X20CP3585 X20 CPU, Atom 1.0 GHz, 256 MB DDR2 RAM, 1 MB SRAM, removable application memory: CompactFlash, 3 insert slots for
X20 interface modules, 2 USB interfaces, 1 RS232 interface, 1 Ethernet interface 10/100/1000BASE-T, 1 POWERLINK inter-
face, including power supply module, 1x terminal block X20TB12, slot covers and X20 end cover plate X20AC0SR1 (right) in-
cluded, order application memory separately!
X20CP3586 X20 CPU, Atom 1.6 GHz, 512 MB DDR2 RAM, 1 MB SRAM, removable application memory: CompactFlash, 3 insert slots for
X20 interface modules, 2 USB interfaces, 1 RS232 interface, 1 Ethernet interface 10/100/1000BASE-T, 1 POWERLINK inter-
face, including power supply module, 1x terminal block X20TB12, slot covers and X20 end cover plate X20AC0SR1 (right) in-
cluded, order application memory separately!

Redundancy link module

Every redundant controller requires a redundancy link module in order to provide controller redundancy. This mod-
ule is responsible for synchronizing the application data on both CPUs:
Order number Short description
X20IF10X0 X20 interface module, 1 redundancy link interface 1000BASE-SX, CPU-CPU data synchronization module for controller redun-

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 7


POWERLINK interfaces
The X20IF2181-2 interface module is required in order to use redundant X20 CPUs in a POWERLINK network:
Order number Short description
X20IF2181-2 X20 interface module, 1x link selector for POWERLINK cable redundancy, POWERLINK functions: - Managing node - Con-
trolled node for iCN operation - Redundant managing node for controller redundancy - Ring redundancy - 2x hub - Multi ASend
- PRC function 2x RJ45

The interfaces integrated in the X20 CPUs are only supported when the redundant controllers are operated in
Ethernet mode (TCP/UDP/IP).

2.2.1 Controller redundancy in a basic POWERLINK network

rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2 rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2


Data Data
sync. Hub sync. Hub

RJ45 RJ45

Redundant controller Redundant controller



This takes care of the following error:

• Failure of one of the two redundant controllers
Note regarding X20IF2181-2 module configuration:
• Network redundancy mode must be set to "No network redundancy".

8 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


2.2.2 Controller redundancy in a POWERLINK ring

Node 7 Node 6 Node 5

rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2 rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2

X2 X2

Data Data
sync. RR sync. RR

X1 X1
RJ45 RJ45

Redundant controller Redundant controller

Ring redundancy in the

Node 1 Node 4

Node 2 Node 3

This takes care of the one of the following errors:

• Failure of one of the two redundant controllers (= interruption of ring)
• Interruption of ring caused by failed cable or failed node
Note regarding X20IF2181-2 module configuration:
• Network redundancy mode must be set to "Ring redundancy".

2.2.3 Controller redundancy in a system with POWERLINK cable redundancy

N2 N2
rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2 rCPU IF10X0 IF2181-2

Data Data
sync. sync.

RJ45 RJ45

Redundant controller N1 Redundant controller N1

Hub Hub

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 2

This takes care of the following errors:

• Failure of one of the two redundant controllers
• Interruption of one of the networks caused by failed cable, failed node or failed hub
Note regarding X20IF2181-2 module configuration:
• Network redundancy mode must be set to "Cable redundancy".

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 9


2.3 System with POWERLINK cable redundancy

Redundant network cabling is often essential to safe operation, especially in processing plants. The potential for
danger, especially to the lines that run through the plant, can be disproportionately high in relation to the need to
keep communication active in all operating situations. Redundant cabling and separate cable routing are effective
ways to help reduce this risk.
POWERLINK cable redundancy is based on the principle of doubling the communication lines as well as providing
continuous and simultaneous monitoring. A mechanism feeds data simultaneously into two cable lines. The same
mechanisms are used to receive this data from the redundant network.

Networks 1 and 2 must always have the same topology and run parallel from a logical standpoint. The
following characteristics of the two networks must be identical:
• Number of hubs
• Logical arrangement of hubs
• Cable lengths of the two networks
• Direction of telegram transfer
The double cabling used with POWERLINK cable redundancy makes it possible to bypass one or more
errors on a network. At any given time, the errors must be isolated to only one of the two networks.
Errors occurring on both networks at the same time can cause nodes to fail.
The following modules can be used to set up a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy:
• X20IF2181-2 interface module
• X20HB8884 compact link selector
• X20BC8084 bus controller

2.3.1 X20IF2181-2 - Interface module

Interface module X20IF2181-2 is used to connect X20 CPUs to a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy.
Order number Short description
X20IF2181-2 X20 interface module, 1x link selector for POWERLINK cable redundancy, POWERLINK functions: - Managing node - Con-
trolled node for iCN operation - Redundant managing node for controller redundancy - Ring redundancy - 2x hub - Multi ASend
- PRC function 2x RJ45

Examples of connecting a managing or controlled node to a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy:

CPxx8x IF2181-2 ... ... ...
Managing node

or Hub

Controlled node
X20 modules N2
CPxx8x IF2181-2 ... ... ...
RJ45 Managing node

N1 X20 modules
Controlled node



POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

Note regarding X20IF2181-2 module configuration:

• Network redundancy mode must be set to "Cable redundancy".

10 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


2.3.2 X20HB8884 - Compact link selector

Nodes can be connected to a POWERLINK cable redundancy system via the X20HB8884 compact link selector
and hub expansion modules:
Order number Short description
X20HB8884 X20 compact link selector, 2x RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.
X20HB2880 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB1881 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 1-port hub, for multimode fiber optic cable
X20HB2881 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 2-port hub, for fiber optic cable
X20HB2885 X20 hub expansion module, integrated active 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB2886 X20 hub expansion module, integrated active 2-port hub, 2 fiber optic interfaces

When using X20HB2881 or X20HB2886 modules, observe the derating requirements for the operating
temperature (see data sheet)!

Operating principle

Nx N1 Nx N1 N2 Nx
HB1881 HB1881 HB8884 HB2880/1 HB8884 HB2885/6 HB2885/6 HB8884
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub

Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45


N1 N2 Nx N2 Nx N1 N2 Nx

N1/N2 are connected to cable-redundant network segment. In contrast, Nx can only be used to branch off or
connect to a non-redundant network segment. X20HB8884 with passive hub expansion modules

This section contains examples of how an X20HB8884 compact link selector and passive hub expansion modules
can be used to connect individual nodes to a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy:

X20HB8884 with passive hub expansion module X20HB2880

HB2880 HB8884 PS
RJ45 RJ45

RJ45 RJ45 HB2880 HB8884 PS
RJ45 RJ45

RJ45 RJ45



POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 11


X20HB8884 with passive hub expansion module X20HB2881

HB2881 HB8884 PS

FO RJ45 HB2881 HB8884 PS




POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

X20HB8884 with X20HB1881 passive hub expansion modules

HB1881 HB1881 HB8884 PS HB1881 HB1881 HB8884 PS

RJ45 RJ45


N1 N2 N1 N2




POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

12 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Hardware X20HB8884 with active hub expansion modules

This section contains examples of how an X20HB8884 compact link selector and active hub expansion modules
can be used to connect individual nodes to a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy:

X20HB8884 with X20HB2885 or X20HB2886 active hub expansion modules

N1 N2 N1 N2
HB2886 HB2886 HB8884 PS HB2885 HB2885 HB8884 PS
FO FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub Hub

FO FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

N1 N2 N1 N2


POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

X20HB8884 with X20HB2885 and X20HB2886 active hub expansion modules

N1 N2 N1 N2
HB2886 HB2885 HB8884 PS HB2885 HB2886 HB8884 PS
FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 FO RJ45

Hub Hub Hub Hub

FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 FO RJ45

N1 N2 N1 N2


POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 13


2.3.3 X20BC8084 - Bus controller with integrated link selector

The X20BC8084 bus controller with built-in link selector and active hub expansion modules can be used to connect
remote I/O nodes to a POWERLINK network with cable redundancy:
Order number Short description
X20BC8084 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, 1x link selector for POWERLINK cable redundancy, supports expansion with ac-
tive X20 hub modules, 2 RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.
X20HB1881 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 1-port hub, for multimode fiber optic cable
X20HB2885 X20 hub expansion module, integrated active 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB2886 X20 hub expansion module, integrated active 2-port hub, 2 fiber optic interfaces
*) The X20HB1881 hub expansion module can be operated on the X20BC8084 bus controller with hardware revision >D0.

When using the X20HB2886 module, observe the derating requirements for the operating temperature
(see the corresponding data sheet)!

Operating principle

N1 N1 N2 N1
HB1881 HB1881 BC8084 HB2885/6 HB2885/6 BC8084
RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub

Hub Hub
Hub Hub
RJ45 RJ45

N1 N2 N2 N1 N2 N2

*) The X20HB1881 hub expansion module can be operated on the X20BC8084 bus controller with hardware revision >D0.

N1/N2 are connected to cable-redundant network segment. X20BC8084 in combination with Cu cable

N1 N2 N1
HB2885 HB2885 BC8084 PS ... BC8084 PS ...
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

X20 modules X20 modules

Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

N1 N2 N2

POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

14 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


The X20BC8084 bus controller can be used to create a cable-redundant branch to a network node.

N1 N2 N1 N1
HB2885 HB2885 BC8084 PS ... BC8084 PS ...
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

X20 modules X20 modules

Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

N1 N2 N2 N2

POWERLINK network 2
POWERLINK network 1

When connecting two X20BC8084 bus controllers with only one network cable, keep the following in mind:

Interruption between network 2

and managing node

N1 N2 N1 N1
HB2885 HB2885 BC8084 PS ... This node is no longer BC8084 PS ...
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 connected to the network RJ45

X20 modules X20 modules

Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Via N1, this node is still RJ45
connected to the network
N1 N2 N2 N2

POWERLINK network 2
POWERLINK network 1

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 15

Hardware X20BC8084 in combination fiber optic cable

N1 N2 N1 N1
HB2886 HB2886 BC8084 PS ... BC8084 PS ...

X20 modules X20 modules

Hub Hub


N1 N2 N2 N2

POWERLINK network 2
POWERLINK network 1

N1 N1
HB1881 HB1881 BC8084 PS HB1881 HB1881 BC8084 PS
RJ45 RJ45



N1 N2 N2 N1 N2 N2



POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

*) The X20HB1881 hub expansion module can be operated on the X20BC8084 bus controller with hardware revision >D0.

16 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Hardware X20BC8084 in combination with different transmission media

N1 N2 N1 N2
HB2885 HB2886 BC8084 PS ... HB2886 HB2885 BC8084 PS ...
RJ45 FO RJ45 FO RJ45 RJ45

X20 modules X20 modules

Hub Hub Hub Hub

RJ45 FO RJ45 FO RJ45 RJ45

N1 N2 N1 N2

POWERLINK network 2 POWERLINK network 2

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 1

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 17


2.4 POWERLINK ring redundancy

General information
When using POWERLINK ring redundancy, multiple nodes are connected in a ring. The ring manager must be
located within the ring. During normal operation, the ring manager checks the integrity of the ring. In order to keep
packets from being circulated endlessly around the ring, the ring manager does not forward them on.
If a node or cable fails, then the test packets sent from one of the ring manager's connections are not received on
its other connection. From that point on, the ring manager sends packets in both directions.

Ring manager Ring manager Ring manager

Test RJ45
Test RJ45
Test RJ45

Node 1 Node 5 Node 1 Node 5 Node 1 Node 5

Node 2 Node 4 Node 2 Node 4 Node 2 Node 4

Node 3 Node 3 Node 3

Diagram of a ring topology

Node 5 Node 4

CPxx8x IF module ... ... ...

Managing node

RR X20 modules

Hub Node 10 Node 11
Ring redundancy in the
Node 1

Node 2 Node 3

It is important to note that devices from 3rd-party manufacturers with a 2-port hub do not generally
support ring redundancy. Only devices that have been tested and approved by B&R are permitted (see
"Overview of hardware revisions" on page 42).

18 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


Information on ring topologies

Notes regarding operation:
• The IF module used must be configured for ring redundancy.
• The managing node (ring manager) must be a station in the ring.
• Poll-response chaining (PRC) is currently only possible within the ring and only when using interface module
X20IF2181-2 as the ring manager. PRC does not work for nodes that are connected to the ring via a hub
(such as nodes 10 and 11 in the figure "Diagram of a ring topology" above).
• Combining dynamic node allocation (DNA) and ring redundancy is not possible.
• Both transfer directions must be taken into account when calculating the response time.
Notes regarding potential errors:
• The network is protected against interruptions caused by cable failure within the ring, and this will not cause
any nodes to fail.
• If a node in the ring fails, the other nodes will continue to be supplied with data.
• In the example above, if the hub fails, then Node 10 and any subsequent nodes will be disconnected from
the network.
• If the ring is interrupted in two places, then all nodes in between will be disconnected from the network.
POWERLINK ring redundancy combined with controller redundancy
• See "Controller redundancy in a POWERLINK ring" on page 9.

Interface module as managing node

For an overview of compatible interface modules, see section "Overview of hardware revisions" on page 42.

2.4.1 CPU as a controlled node in a ring


CPxx8x IF module ... ... ...

Controlled node

Hub X20 modules



Interface modules
For an overview of compatible interface modules, see section "Overview of hardware revisions" on page 42.
Note regarding interface module configuration:
• Network redundancy mode must be set to "No network redundancy".
Note: In Automation Studio, the network redundancy mode "Ring redundancy" is not available for selection
when a module is in "Controlled node" mode.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 19


2.4.2 X20 bus controller as a node in a ring


outside the ring

HB1881 BC8083 PS ... ... ... HB2880 BC8083 PS ... ... ... BC0083 PS ... ... ...
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub X20 modules Hub X20 modules Hub X20 modules

FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45


outside the ring outside the ring


X20 - Bus controller

For an overview of compatible bus controllers, see section "Overview of hardware revisions" on page 42.

Hub expansion module for X20BC8083

Bus controller X20BC8083 with 2-port hub can be extended up to a 6-port hub with the following hub expansion
Model number Short description
X20HB2880 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45

Modules X20HB1881, X20HB2881 and X20HB1882 are not suitable for POWERLINK ring redundancy

Example with X20BC8083 and 2x X20HB2880 with hub expansion modules


outside the ring

HB2880 HB2880 BC8083 PS ... ... ...

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

BC+ X20 modules


RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

outside the ring


20 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


2.4.3 Other devices as nodes in a ring

For an overview of compatible devices, see section "Overview of hardware revisions" on page 42.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 21


2.5 Hubs for POWERLINK networks

2.5.1 8-port industrial hub (layer 2)

The following B&R products can be used as a hub in an Ethernet network (e.g. POWERLINK network):
Order number Short description
0AC808.9-1 8-port industrial hub (layer 2), 24 VDC, 10/100 Mbit/s with autonegotiation, automatic MDIX, order TB704 terminal block sepa-

2.5.2 Modular X20 Ethernet hub

The following X20 modules can be used to create a modular hubs with 2-6 ports:
Order number Short description
X20HB8880 X20 base hub module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB2880 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB2881 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 2-port hub, for fiber optic cable
X20HB1881 X20 hub expansion module, integrated 1-port hub, for multimode fiber optic cable

When using the X20HB2881 module, observe the derating requirements for the operating temperature
(see the corresponding data sheet)! X20HB8880 with X20HB2880

Options for combining an X20HB8880 base hub module with RJ45 hub expansion modules:

HB2880 HB2880 HB8880 PS HB2880 HB8880 PS HB8880 PS

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

6-port hub 4-port hub 2-port hub

6x RJ45 4x RJ45 2x RJ45

*) With Hardware Revision H0 or higher, the X20HB8880 base hub module can be operated independently (without hub expansion module).

22 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Hardware X20HB8880 with X20HB2881 and X20HB1881

Options for combining the X20HB8880 base hub module with fiber optic hub expansion modules:

HB2881 HB2881 HB8880 PS HB2881 HB8880 PS HB1881 HB8880 PS


Hub Hub Hub


6-port hub 4-port hub 3-port hub

4x FO, 2x RJ45 2x FO, 2x RJ45 1x FO, 2x RJ45

HB2881 HB1881 HB8880 PS HB1881 HB2881 HB8880 PS HB1881 HB1881 HB8880 PS

FO RJ45 FO RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub


5-port hub 5-port hub 4-port hub

3x FO, 2x RJ45 3x FO, 2x RJ45 2x FO, 2x RJ45 X20HB8880 with X20HB2880, X20HB2881 and X20HB1881

Options for combining the X20HB8880 base hub module with RJ45 and fiber optic hub expansion modules:

HB2880 HB2881 HB8880 PS HB2881 HB2880 HB8880 PS HB2880 HB1881 HB8880 PS

RJ45 FO RJ45 FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub

RJ45 FO RJ45 FO RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 FO RJ45

6-port hub 6-port hub 5-port hub

2x FO, 4x RJ45 2x FO, 4x RJ45 1x FO, 4x RJ45

HB1881 HB2880 HB8880 PS

RJ45 RJ45


FO RJ45 RJ45

5-port hub
1x FO, 4x RJ45

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 23


2.6 Redundant supply of controller components

This section will describe redundant X2X Link power supply and the redundant supply of the following components:
• X20 hub base module with additional hub expansion modules
• X20 compact link selector with additional hub expansion modules
• X20 bus controller with additional expansion modules
A redundant use of X20 power supply modules for I/O power supply is not possible.
Additionally, the non-redundant supply is also documented in this section for your information.

2.6.1 Non-redundant supply of X20 standalone devices

The X20PS8002 supply module may be used exclusively for the non-redundant supply of X20 stand-alone devices.
Order number Short description
X20PS8002 X20 power supply module for standalone hub and compact link selector

X20 standalone devices include the following products:

Order number Short description
X20HB8880 X20 base hub module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB8884 X20 compact link selector, 2x RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately. X20HB8880: Non-redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules1) are being
operated on the X20HB8880:

BB82 BB81 BB80

HBxxxx HBxxxx HB8880 HBxxxx HB8880 HB8880



RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 X20HB8884: Non-redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules2) are being
operated on the X20HB8884:

BB82 BB81

HBxxxx HBxxxx HB8884 HBxxxx HB8884



RJ45 RJ45

RJ45 RJ45

1) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20HB8880, see "Modular X20 Ethernet hub" on page 22.
2) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20BC8084, see "X20HB8884 - Compact link selector" on page 11.

24 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Hardware Wiring

A detailed description and technical data for the X20PS8002 can be found on the data sheet.



Power supply
for X20 standalone devices _

and for X2X Link

2.6.2 Redundant supply of X20 standalone devices

2 supply modules (1x X20PS9400 and 1x X20PS33x0) are required for the redundant supply of X20 standalone
Order number Short description
X20PS9400 X20 power supply module, for bus controller and internal I/O power supply, X2X Link power supply
X20PS3300 X20 power supply module, for X2X Link and internal I/O power supply
X20PS3310 X20 power supply module, for X2X Link and internal I/O power supply, integrated microfuse

X20 standalone devices include the following products:

Order number Short description
X20HB8880 X20 base hub module, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45
X20HB8884 X20 compact link selector, 2x RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately. X20HB8880: Redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules3) are being
operated on the X20HB8880:

BM01 BM01 BM01

BB82 BB81 BB80

HBxxxx HBxxxx HB8880 HBxxxx HB8880 HB8880







RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Hub Hub Hub

RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

3) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20HB8880, see "Modular X20 Ethernet hub" on page 22.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 25

Hardware X20HB8884: Redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules4) are being
operated on the X20HB8884:

BM01 BM01
BB82 BB81

HBxxxx HBxxxx HB8884 HBxxxx HB8884




RJ45 RJ45

RJ45 RJ45 Wiring

A detailed description of the supply module and related technical data can be found in the corresponding data sheet.

BB8x BM01
PS9400 PS33x0



Power supply
for X20 standalone devices
and for X2X Link

1) The jumpers are required for the correct operation of Error LEDs of the two supply modules.

4) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20BC8084, see "X20HB8884 - Compact link selector" on page 11.

26 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


2.6.3 Non-redundant supply of X20 bus controllers

One of the following supply modules can be used for the non-redundant supply of X20 bus controllers:
Order number Short description
X20PS9400 X20 power supply module, for bus controller and internal I/O power supply, X2X Link power supply
X20PS9402 X20 power supply module, for bus controller and internal I/O power supply, X2X Link power supply, supply not electrically iso-

X20 POWERLINK bus controller:

Order number Short description
X20BC0083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45, bus base, order power supply module and termi-
nal block separately!
X20BC1083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, supports X20 interface module expansions, 2 RJ45, order
bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately
X20BC8083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, supports expansion with X20 hub modules, 2 RJ45, order
bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.
X20BC8084 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, 1x link selector for POWERLINK cable redundancy, supports expansion with ac-
tive X20 hub modules, 2 RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.

The power supply of X2X Link and bus controllers including expansion modules described in this section can also
be used for other X20 bus controllers that are operated on a BB80, BB81 or BB82 X20 bus base. X20BC8084: Non-redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules5) are being
operated on the X20BC8084:

BB82 BB80

HBxxxx HBxxxx BC8084 I/O I/O BC8084 I/O I/O


RJ45 RJ45

X20 modules X20 modules

RJ45 RJ45

5) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20BC8084, see "X20BC8084 - Bus controller with integrated link selector" on page 14.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 27

Hardware Wiring

A detailed description and technical data for the X20PS940x can be found on the data sheet.

Variant 1



+24 VDC

Power supply
for X20 bus controller
and for X2X Link 10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply

Variant 2



+24 VDC

10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply and

supply for X20 bus controller and for X2X Link

28 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


Variant 3




+24 VDC

10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply and

supply for X20 bus controller and for X2X Link

1) The jumper is required for X2X Link power supply via the X20PS940x supply module.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 29


2.6.4 Redundant supply of X20 bus controllers

Only the supply of the bus controllers and the X2X Link can be executed with redundancy.
The redundant use of supply modules for I/O power supply is not possible.
Two power supply modules (1x X20PS9400 and 1x X20PS33x0) are required for the redundant supply of X20
bus controllers:
Order number Short description
X20PS9400 X20 power supply module, for bus controller and internal I/O power supply, X2X Link power supply
X20PS3300 X20 power supply module, for X2X Link and internal I/O power supply
X20PS3310 X20 power supply module, for X2X Link and internal I/O power supply, integrated microfuse

X20 POWERLINK bus controller:

Order number Short description
X20BC0083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, 2x RJ45, bus base, order power supply module and termi-
nal block separately!
X20BC1083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, supports X20 interface module expansions, 2 RJ45, order
bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately
X20BC8083 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, integrated 2-port hub, supports expansion with X20 hub modules, 2 RJ45, order
bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.
X20BC8084 X20 bus controller, 1 POWERLINK interface, 1x link selector for POWERLINK cable redundancy, supports expansion with ac-
tive X20 hub modules, 2 RJ45, order bus base, power supply module and terminal block separately.

The power supply of X2X Link and bus controllers including expansion modules described in this section can also
be used for other X20 bus controllers that are operated on a BB80, BB81 or BB82 X20 bus base. X20BC8084: Redundant supply

An appropriate X20 bus base must be selected depending on how many hub expansion modules6) are being
operated on the X20BC8084:

BM01 BM01
BB82 BB80

HBxxxx HBxxxx BC8084 I/O I/O BC8084 I/O I/O




RJ45 RJ45 PS33x0

X20 modules X20 modules

RJ45 RJ45

6) For hub expansion modules permitted on the X20BC8084, see "X20BC8084 - Bus controller with integrated link selector" on page 14.

30 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Hardware Wiring

A detailed description of the supply module and related technical data can be found in the corresponding data sheet.

Variant 1

BB8x BM01
PS9400 PS33x0



+24 VDC

Power supply
for X20 bus controller
and for X2X Link 10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply

1) The jumper is required for the correct operation of the error LED of the X20PS9400 supply module.
2) The external fuse is only required when using the X20PS3300 A fuse is integrated into the X20PS3310 supply module.

Variant 2

BB8x BM01
PS9400 PS33x0



+24 VDC

10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply and

supply for X20 bus controller and for X2X Link

1) The jumper is required for the correct operation of the error LED of the X20PS9400 supply module.
2) The external fuse is only required when using the X20PS3300 A fuse is integrated into the X20PS3310 supply module.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 31


Variant 3

BB8x BM01
PS9400 PS33x0


Jumper 1

Jumper 2

+24 VDC

10 A slow-blow

I/O power supply and

supply for X20 bus controller and for X2X Link

1) Jumper 1 is required for the correct operation of the error LED of the X20PS9400 supply module.
2) Jumper 2 is required for X2X Link power supply via the X20PS33x0 supply module.
3) The external fuse is only required when using the X20PS3300 A fuse is integrated into the X20PS3310 supply module.

32 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Problematic cases

3 Problematic cases

This section documents a number of problematic cases that should be kept in mind when designing a network
Well-planned wiring prevents malfunctions:

Malfunction due to faulty wiring!
Suitable organizational measures (e.g. color coding of the cables and connectors on the device) can
prevent wiring errors.

3.1 Cable redundancy in a ring topology

In the following example, two X20 CPUs are providing controller redundancy. The two X20 CPUs are located on the
POWERLINK network which is set up in a ring topology. Some segments of the network utilize cable redundancy.
Although this topology would function in theory, it is not permitted:

Redundancy link
Redundant controller Redundant controller Network 1
(managing node) (managing node)
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Controlled node Controlled node

In the case of the error shown, (Network 1 and Network 2 interrupted at two different locations), the ring manager
would detect the interruption of the ring and send data on both POWERLINK interfaces.
Were this to happen, not only a limited number of nodes would fail. Under certain conditions, the entire POWERLINK
network might fail.

It is not permitted to set up segments of a POWERLINK ring topology with cable redundancy.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 33

Problematic cases

The same problem occurs even if controller redundancy is not used.

Managing node
Network 1
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Controlled node Controlled node

3.2 Multiple errors in a network with cable redundancy

In a network with cable redundancy, certain errors may result in the failure of one or more nodes:

Managing node Key:

Network 1
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Controlled node Controlled node

Due to the two interruptions, the marked network cables are no longer carrying data. As a result, 2 nodes are
separated from the network.

Redundant networks only serve their intended purpose when the entire network is monitored constant-
ly and corrective measures are taken promptly in the event of an error.

34 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Problematic cases

3.3 Multiple errors in a ring topology

In a ring topology, multiple errors can result in the failure of individual nodes or entire network segments:

Node 5 Node 4

Managing node
Ring manager

Hub Node 10 Node 11

Node 1

Node 2 Node 3

Node 5 Node 4

Managing node
Ring manager

Hub Node 10 Node 11

Node 1

Node 2 Node 3

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 35


4 Topologies

The previous sections described the basic usage of the hardware and how it can be implemented in individual
cases. This section contains more in-depth examples for topologies.

4.1 Cable redundancy with redundant managing node connection

X20CP158x with 1x X20IF2181-2 (managing node)

Network 1
Network 2
POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 2
Non-redundant network

with 2x X20HB2885


with 2x X20HB2885


with 2x X20HB2885

Motion control

with 2x X20HB2885


with 1x X20IF2181-2
(controlled node)

36 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


4.2 Cable redundancy with non-redundant managing node connection

X20CP158x (managing node) Key:

Network 1
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Motion control

with 2x X20HB2885


with 2x X20HB2885
Motion control

with 2x X20HB2885

ACOPOSinverter P84


with 2x X20HB2885

with 1x X20HB2880

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 37


4.3 Controller redundancy combined with cable redundancy I

Redundant controller Redundancy link Redundant controller

(managing node) (managing node) Key:
Controller redundancy
X20CP3586 Redundancy link
X20IF10X0 Network 1
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Hub for Network 1 Hub for Network 2

X20HB8880 X20HB8880 Compact link selector
X20HB2880 X20HB2880 X20HB8884
X20HB1881 X20HB1881 X20HB2880

Fiber optic cable

Compact link selector

with FO connections
2x X20HB1881

38 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


4.4 Controller redundancy combined with cable redundancy II

Redundant controller Redundancy link Redundant controller

(managing node) (managing node) Legend:
Controller redundancy
X20CP3586 Redundancy link
X20IF10X0 Network 1
Network 2
Non-redundant network

Hub for network 1 Hub for network 2

X20HB8880 X20HB8880
X20HB2880 X20HB2880

POWERLINK network 1 POWERLINK network 2

with 2x X20HB2885

with 2x X20HB2885


with 2x X20HB2885


with 2x X20HB2885

with 1x X20IF2181-2
(controlled node)

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 39


4.5 Controller redundancy combined with ring and cable redundancy

Ring topology
Redundancy link
Redundancy link Ring topology
Controller redundancy Redundant fiber optic network
X20IF10X0 Non-redundant network
X2 X2
X1 X20IF2181-2 X1

Redundant controllers
(managing nodes)

Fiber optic cable

Fiber optic cable
Compact link selector:
1x X20HB8884
2x X20HB2886

Hub: Remote I/Os:

1x X20HB8880 X20BC0083
2x X20HB2880 + PS and various I/Os

Remote I/Os:
+ PS and various I/Os

Remote I/Os: Remote I/Os:
X20BC1083 X20BC0083
X20IF... + PS and various I/Os X67BC8321.L12
+ PS and various I/Os

40 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19


4.6 Controller redundancy combined with double ring redundancy

Redundancy link
Redundancy link

Controller redundancy
X2 X20IF10X0 X2
X1 2x X20IF2181-2 X1

Redundant controllers
(managing nodes)

Controlled node
2x X20IF2181-2

Controlled node
2x X20IF1082-2

The application must include logic to determine which network ring is used as the active ring.
Instead of the two X20IF2181-2 interface modules, it is also possible to use other interface modules that support ring
redundancy(e.g.: X20IF1082-2). It is recommended to use two identical interface modules within a controlled node.

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 41

Appendix A

Appendix A

A.1 Overview of hardware revisions

Model number Ring redundancy1) Cable redundancy Controller redundancy1)
X20 system
X20BC0083 ≥K0 x
X20cBC0083 ≥K0 x
X20BC8083 ≥K0 x
X20cBC8083 ≥K0 x
X20BC8084 x x
X20cBC8084 x x
X20BC1083 ≥H0 x
X20cBC1083 ≥H0 x
X20HB1881 x
X20cHB1881 x
X20HB1882 x
X20HB2880 >F0 x
X20cHB2880 >F0 x
X20HB2881 x
X20cHB2881 x
X20HB2885 >G0 x
X20cHB2885 >G0 x
X20HB2886 x
X20cHB2886 x
X20HB8815 ≥F0 x
X20cHB8815 ≥E0 x
X20HB8880 ≥J3 x
X20cHB8880 ≥J3 x
X20HB8884 x x
X20cHB8884 x x
X20IF1082 x2)
X20IF1082-2 ≥F0 x2)
X20cIF1082-2 ≥D0 x2)
X20IF2181-2 ≥D0 x x
X20cIF2181-2 ≥D0 x x
X67 system
X67BC8321.L12 x
X67BC8513.L12 x
X67BC8591.L12 x
X67BC8780.L12 x
X67BC81RT.L12 x
X20SL8100 x
X20SL8101 x
X20SL8110 x
Logic scanners
5LS182.6-1 x2)
5LS182.6-2 x2)
5LS182.8 ≥C0 x2)
ACOPOSinverter interface modules
8I0IF108.400-2 ≥C0 x
8I0IF108.400-3 ≥C0 x
Interface options
5ACCIF02.FPLK-000 ≥C0 x2)
1) For ring redundancy, the latest firmware must always be used due to continuous product improvements.
2) Controlled node only (managing node not supported)

B&R does not check and therefore cannot ensure the compatibility of devices from 3rd-party manu-

42 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

Publishing information

Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19 43

Publishing information

Publishing information
B&R Industrial Automation GmbH
B&R Strasse 1
5142 Eggelsberg
Telephone: +43 7748 6586-0
Fax: +43 7748 6586-26
[email protected]

44 Redundancy for control systems - Possibilities and examples V1.19

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