Mayamot National High School Senior High School Learning and Development Needs Assessment Plan Background and Rationale
Mayamot National High School Senior High School Learning and Development Needs Assessment Plan Background and Rationale
Mayamot National High School Senior High School Learning and Development Needs Assessment Plan Background and Rationale
Department of Education
LNA Objective/s:
At the end of the LAC Sessions, the participants are expected to
1st Session:
1. revisit the 11 priority indicators from the RPMS Tool for all teachers in the time of COVID-19
2. determine concrete examples of the listed MOVs for each indicator
3. have guidance on coaching and mentoring proficient teachers to perform better and to be more responsive to emerging circumstances
2nd Session:
1. revisit the Resource Packages in the time of COVID-19
2. discuss the 3 indicators in the COT
3. determine how the 3 observable indicators can be observed
4. apply knowledge gained through demo teaching
3rd Session:
1. revisit the 11 priority indicators from the RPMS Tool for proficient teachers in the time of COVID-19
2. revisit the Resource Packages in the time of COVID-19 by the Proficient teachers
3. discuss the concrete examples of the listed MOVs in each indicator
4. adapt and respond to the challenges of the New Normal Education
5. determine how the 3 observable indicators can be observed
6. apply knowledge gained through critiquing of the recorded demo teaching
4th Session:
1. revisit the MOVs presented by the teachers in each indicator
2. discuss their common needs
3. make their Developmental Needs based on their IPCRF rating and SAT
4. apply knowledge gained by submitting all the required outputs
Implementation Details
Activities Responsible Person/s Time Frame Remarks
1. Planning and Design Program Management Team 1 week of February Completed
2. Data Collection and Analysis Program Management Team 2nd week of February Completed
3. Submission of proposal Program Management Team 3rd week of February Completed
4. Program Implementation Program Management Team, Facilitators, March 9, 10, 12, April 15 and Not yet done
TWG, and Resource Speakers June 30, 2021
5. Documentation, Assessment and Documentation Committee Every after the LAC Session Not yet done
6. Program Review Program Management Team, Facilitators, Every after the LAC Session Not yet done
TWG and M & E Personnel