Mayamot National High School Senior High School Learning and Development Needs Assessment Plan Background and Rationale

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Background and Rationale:

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) has been developed and nationally validated and was signed into policy by Department
of Education (DepEd) Secretary Maria Leonor Briones through Dep Ed Order No. 42, s. 2017. Additionally, in the context of RPMS Tools; the KRAs
capture the Domains of the PPST – a document that defines a teacher quality in the country. Just recently, a Memorandum DM-PHROD-2021-0010,
which entitled Guidelines on the Implementation of RPMS for SY 2020-2021 was issued to provide comprehensive guidelines to all DepEd schools in the
implementation of the SY 2020-2021 RPMS in the time of COVID-19.
As the learning delivery changes due to the pandemic, so do the duties of teachers to their learners and the performance expected of them.
Although there was a nationwide orientation of the PPST last January, still, Master teachers need to understand fully how they would rate proficient
teachers. This is also true with proficient teachers. They need to understand each objective on how are they going to get high score.
Mayamot National High School – Senior High School Department conducted Self-Assessment on RPMS for teachers and Master teachers this SY
2020-2021 in the time of COVID-19. Based from the results, out of 11 priority indicators for Proficient & Highly Proficient teachers, 2 objectives have
very high priority areas and 5 objectives have high priority areas to be addressed for Highly Proficient teachers. While there are 3 objectives with very
high priority areas and 5 objectives with high priority areas to be addressed for proficient teachers. It was found out that Proficient and Highly Proficient
Teachers have almost the same areas that need to be improved. These are objectives 1.3 of Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, Objectives 2.1 to 2.3 of
Diversity of learners & Assessment and Reporting, objective 3.2 of Curriculum and Planning, objective 4.1 to 4.3 of Community Linkages and
professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development.
With the abovementioned findings, it is high time that the department should have series of LAC Sessions in order to address the said challenges.
In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues
the enclosed policy on The Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning. In this policy, the DepEd institutionalizes Learning Action Cells (LACs) that aim to develop
and support successful teachers by nurturing their knowledge, attitudes, and competencies in terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in their
work stations. Since the quality of learning is contingent on quality teaching, enhancing teacher quality becomes of utmost importance for the long term
and sustainable nation-building. Thus, these series of LAC Sessions which can also be seen in the school’s SIP/AIP, support the DepEd’s vision, mission,
and strategic goals of ensuring teachers with capacity-building activities to attain quality, relevant, and complete Basic Education for learners. From the
said LAC Sessions, teachers and Master teachers will have collaborations on how their performance be improved better. It will be a combination of virtual
and limited face to face meeting. Those who are sick or with pre-existing health condition will just attend virtually. The first 2 LAC sessions will be for 17
Highly Proficient Teachers. While the third session is for Proficient Teachers. In the third session, the 17 Raters or Highly Proficient teachers will be
divided by 4 groups. This means that in every group there will only be 11 members. And these 4 groups will conduct LAC Sessions simultaneously at the
school in 4 separate rooms. The fourth LAC Session will be for common strengths and weaknesses after the Mid-year review. This is also the right time to
discuss to ratees their needs in order for them to improve better. The last session will be for the discussion of the listed common developmental needs
after the performance evaluation.

LNA Objective/s:
At the end of the LAC Sessions, the participants are expected to
1st Session:
1. revisit the 11 priority indicators from the RPMS Tool for all teachers in the time of COVID-19
2. determine concrete examples of the listed MOVs for each indicator
3. have guidance on coaching and mentoring proficient teachers to perform better and to be more responsive to emerging circumstances

2nd Session:
1. revisit the Resource Packages in the time of COVID-19
2. discuss the 3 indicators in the COT
3. determine how the 3 observable indicators can be observed
4. apply knowledge gained through demo teaching

3rd Session:
1. revisit the 11 priority indicators from the RPMS Tool for proficient teachers in the time of COVID-19
2. revisit the Resource Packages in the time of COVID-19 by the Proficient teachers
3. discuss the concrete examples of the listed MOVs in each indicator
4. adapt and respond to the challenges of the New Normal Education
5. determine how the 3 observable indicators can be observed
6. apply knowledge gained through critiquing of the recorded demo teaching

4th Session:
1. revisit the MOVs presented by the teachers in each indicator
2. discuss their common needs
3. make their Developmental Needs based on their IPCRF rating and SAT
4. apply knowledge gained by submitting all the required outputs


Target Participants Office Position
1. Irene C. Domingo Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
2. Ian Ismael E. Marces Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
3. Donald A. Se Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
4. Harlene Gacosta Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
5. Liezel Aling Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
6. Jerome Hilario Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
7. Ma. Glenda Quirante Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
8. Ande Balmaceda Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
9. Roel Gerente Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
10. Debbie Manuel Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
11. Evelina B. Gabayan Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
12. Maribeth Bonifacio Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
13. Merlyn Almine Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
14. Ma. Glenda Quirante Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
15. Tito Villaflor Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
16. Rosalie Cortez Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
17. Ronald Mendoza Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
18. Dr. Darwin bargo Mayamot NHS - SHS OIC – SHS Principal

LAC SESSION 3, 4 & 5

Target Participants – Group 1 Office Position
1. Irene C. Domingo Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
2. Rinalyn Loria Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
3. Michelle Villorente Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
4. Noriel Pestaño Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
5. Reynaldo Gacosta Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
6. Chenny Taguinaldo Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
7. Ian Ismael Marces Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
8. Analiza Mamanao Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
9. Michael Bartolome Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
10. Domingo Dacillo Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
11. Harlene E. Gacosta Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
Target Participants – Group 2
1. Jerome Hilario Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
2. Nannette Cabangan Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
3. Jayson Seel Maravilla Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
4. Debbie N. Manuel Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
5. Ma. Editha Del Rosario Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
6. Carlos Rafael Arce Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
7. Danica Jane Godoy Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
8. Ande F. Balmaceda Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
9. Winnie Gaston Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
10. Marie Rose Daños Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
11. Evelina Gabayan Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
12. Lara Lei Ondivilla Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
13. Jacqueline Magbutay Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
14. Revelyn Gamilla Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
Target Participants – Group 3
1. Liezel B. Aling-Cruz Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
2. Ronald Mendoza Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
3. Rosalie Cortez Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
4. Glenda Quirante, Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
5. Maribeth Bonifacio Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
6. Merlyn I. Almiñe Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
7. Annalyn Briones Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
8. Eleonor Garcia Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
9. Catalina Hernandez Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
10. Sharon Braga Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher II
11. Vivian Reyes Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
12. Almira Ignalig Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
Target Participants – Group 4
1. Tito C. Villaflor Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
2. Donald Se Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher II
3. Roel A. Gerente Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
4. Faith C. Escresa Mayamot NHS - SHS Master Teacher I
5. Lorenzo Eduardo Rivera Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
6. Marlon Ogsila Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
7. Nonilo Loseriaga Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
8. Benjamin Porto Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III
9. Maria Glarizze Ednaco Mayamot NHS - SHS Teacher III

Data Required LNA Methods LNA Tools Respondents

Indicators that needs to be addressed Consolidation of the SAT Results Self-Assessment Tool MTs
FGD SHS Teachers 1-3

Implementation Details
Activities Responsible Person/s Time Frame Remarks
1. Planning and Design Program Management Team 1 week of February Completed
2. Data Collection and Analysis Program Management Team 2nd week of February Completed
3. Submission of proposal Program Management Team 3rd week of February Completed
4. Program Implementation Program Management Team, Facilitators, March 9, 10, 12, April 15 and Not yet done
TWG, and Resource Speakers June 30, 2021

5. Documentation, Assessment and Documentation Committee Every after the LAC Session Not yet done
6. Program Review Program Management Team, Facilitators, Every after the LAC Session Not yet done
TWG and M & E Personnel

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