Agree and Disagree With The Ideas of The Speaker
Agree and Disagree With The Ideas of The Speaker
Agree and Disagree With The Ideas of The Speaker
I. Learning Objectives:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Okay class, may I request everyone to please
stand, and may I request Mylene to please lead Amen.
the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am Leslie, good morning
3. Classroom Conditioning
Okay class, before we start, please pick up (students pick up pieces of papers and arrange
pieces of papers under your chairs. Then chairs)
arrange your chairs properly.
4. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today? None ma’am.
Wow impressive!
5. Collecting of Assignment
Pass your assignment forward without (students pass their assignments without
standing. standing)
6. Motivation
Okay class, I have here a picture. I want you to Yes ma’am
observe and give your idea. Did you
Very good!
What social issue in the surrounding that you I would like to stand for Discrimination, for we
would like to take a stand? are humans who have feelings and
responsibilities, our differences must not define
Great job!
What would you do to have your voice heard? Be the best version of yourself. Be natural and
true to others.
Nice answer!
Okay for the last question, what have you taken To express one’s opinion, it’s time for you to
a stand today? take a stand and tell them that things need to
Learning Objectives:
B. Activity
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May
Although it falls and die that night. (students comply)
It was the plant and flower of light.
In small proportions we just beauties see,
And in short measure life may perfect be.
C. Analysis
Now class, how did the poem make you feel? For ma ma’am, talks about what makes a man
noble. He compares man to a sturdy oak and to
a delicate lily in order to do this.
Very good!
What else? For me ma’am, long life and big size is not a
sign of excellence. Even a short life can be
perfect. Long life is not perfect if it is not
eventful. On the other hand, a short life is
perfect if it is filled with beauty.
Okay class, who can give me five lines in the The first and last two lines ma’am.
poem that struck you most?
Great job!
Okay, what else? What lines in the poem that (answers vary)
struck you most?
Okay class, base on the poem what do you (answers may vary)
think is the stand about living and existing?
Now, can you cite me lines that support his (answers vary)
stand? Do you agree with the speaker?
Great answer!
D. Abstraction
Thank you!
Very good!
Very good!
By: John Lennon
You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only
I hope some day you’ll join us and the world will
be as one
(after 5 minutes)
Very good!
Please give a round of applause to group 1 (student comply)
Again class, what is agreement? Agreement ma’am is when you are agreeing
with someone’s opinion.
Very good!
F. Evaluation
(after 5 minutes)
(students comply)
Okay class, ball pens up. Please pass your
paper forward without standing.
G. Assignment