Forming an Intention
You can think of sexual energy cultivation...which we’ll get to soon...and focus through
your intention as the Sex Magic Foundations.
Why is intention so important for sex magic? Remember what I said earlier about how
your conscious mind only makes up about 5% of your reality and the rest is
unconsciously created?
Intention allows you to create a container for your energy. Energy likes somewhere to
go. It likes the container in order to be held and nurtured.
It also gives you something to focus on and have awareness around it, which takes your
desire out of the unconscious realm and into the conscious realm.
I love the quote by James Redfield.
Where attention goes, energy flows.
Where intention goes, energy flows.
That’s the whole equation right there. Intention + sexual energy. When your energy
flows there it can become “alive” aka manifested into the material world.
Let’s make this a little more embodied. I want you to set the intention to feel the palm
of your left hand right now.
Put all of your focus and awareness into the palm of your left hand.
Keep doing this for a few minutes and you’ll notice how energy starts flowing there.
You can actually feel the sensation of your left palm. You might feel a pulsation of
energy there.
You can even experiment with breathing in and out of your left palm. Almost like you
have a mouth there in the center of your palm, inhaling and exhaling, feeling the energy
pulsating there even more. Breath is your first step to sexual energy cultivation!
So we decide on an intention (also interchangeable with the words desire or focus) so
that we have somewhere to funnel the sexual energy. It allows you to become laser
focused in your sex magic.
If you don’t have an intention to focus on, your energy may flow all over the place or
leak out into manifesting unconscious desires like repelling love, losing money, etc.
Think about when you pour liquid through a funnel. It becomes much more
concentrated as opposed to pouring something large into a small bottle without a funnel
and losing half of the liquid (energy) or making a mess and experiencing chaos.
Here are some tips on choosing an intention:
• Choose something you actually really want. Let go of judgement. If you want more
money - own that! If you want a partner who wants to give you multiple orgasms -
own that!
The first step is owning your desire and choosing an intention that brings you
pleasure and turns you on when you think about it!
• Choose something more concrete and trackable in some way. Like losing 10 lbs.
Finding a lover. Having a baby. Making $1000. Buying a car. Don’t choose
something like “I just want to be happy” or “feeling more xyz.”
The point is that you want to be able to record synchronicities over the next few
weeks and months that are concrete so you know WHEN it manifests or starts
unfolding. How will you know when you feel happier? It probably won’t help you
much if you choose something less concrete like that.
However, if your goal is to find a lover and you start going on more dates with
eligible candidates, getting asked out more or you enter into a relationship with
someone you adore, that’s trackable.
Or if your goal is $1000, you can track in a journal every time money comes
in...even if you find a penny on the street.
• Build trust by choosing something probable...something that could possibly happen
for you. What are the actual chances of this desire happening for you?
Now don’t confuse this with a lack of belief in yourself or low self worth. It’s easy to
get caught up in thinking that something that good won’t happen for you.
It’s common to believe it’s not possible for you if you’re not used to creating things
that are good for yourself. You might think “maybe that’s possible for her or for a
rich, beautiful, smart person, but not for me.”
We’ll be building your self worth muscle through the whole process of sex magic so
for now cast that aside. There’s a difference between low self belief and choosing
something that isn’t statistically probable for almost everyone. The 1 in a million
kind of stuff is what I mean.
A lot of people want to win the lottery or pick these outlandish goals (that they may
not actually even want!) that aren’t all that likely to happen. Choose something that
stretches you, but also feels believable (remember, casting aside self doubt).
Start small if you need to to build your sex magic muscles. The thing with the lottery
is that so many people are hoping to win, but how many actually do? That’s a 1 in a
million kind of desire that usually is a waste of time.
So many people wish for everyday, probable things like amazing relationships, to
make more money each month or to have a baby and they often happen for those
who do what it takes to acquire or allow it.
If you don’t believe right off the bat that you can find the lover of your dreams, why
not try to attract one enjoyable person to go on a date with to start with while you
build up your confidence and self-worth muscle?
If you don’t think it’s possible for you to make $100,000 this year, why not start out
with something that stretches you yet doesn't feel so far out that you can't even
believe it, like increasing your monthly income by $500, for example?
If you think you’ll never be able to have a vaginal orgasm during sex with your
partner, why not try to focus more on something that just brings you more presence
and pleasure in the now like intentionally feeling every inch of your lover sliding in
and out of you, whether it’s a cock, dildo or finger and approving of every sensation
(or lack of sensation)?
• Choose ONE intention to focus on for the next 30 days at least, if not longer like a
few months. This will help you again with focusing and channeling your energy into
one thing instead of feeling like you’re all over the place.
Now this doesn’t mean that you need to try to pick the “right” or “perfect intention”
as if you’ll never get to everything else.
In my experience, there is no wrong intention to choose and when you start
improving one area (especially while experiencing the gifts of sexual magic like
more pleasure, sexual healing, erotic freedom, etc. simultaneously), the other areas
start to naturally improve.
This is because everything is woven together and interconnected.
This is another reason WHY I love sex magic as my #1 manifestation tool and
When I finally decided to heal sexually and claim my sex magic gifts, using them in
my own life, everything else naturally fell into place without me needing to force it
or make it happen!
It was effortless and really fucking pleasurable. Orgasmic actually!
My relationship unfolded and became a source of connection, healing, deep love,
safety and orgasmic sex.
My income doubled and my finances became more fluid.
My creativity started to flow more easily, allowing me to create things I’d only
dreamed of.
My health improved and my overall vitality and wellbeing gave me a glow from the
inside out.
• Just choose one thing that really turns you on. Cast aside doubt or worry that you’re
being too “something” by choosing that desire or wanting what you really want. Too
greedy. Too slutty. Too frivolous. Too much.
If you secretly want more money yet you shame yourself and say you’re being too
greedy, you’ll never tap into the holiness of that desire.
If you secretly desire to buy yourself something you’ve always wanted yet you
shame yourself and say you’re being too indulgent or materialistic, again you’ll
never tap into the holiness of that desire so it won’t manifest or you’ll manifest it and
then sabotage it.
In fact, you’ll most likely make the opposite happen to keep yourself “safe.”
Do us both a favor and want what you want, lover! Give yourself permission.
1. Write down your intention. Writing it down makes it more real. It also sends a
powerful message to your subconscious mind that you’re serious about this. It also
sends a powerful message to the divine or the universe (God, Goddess, whatever
you want to call the energy of All That Is) that you’re committed and open to this
desire and doing what it takes.
2. Keep your intention close by at all times. You can write it down in several places.
3. Look at and read aloud your intention every day to stay connected and turned on by
4. Surrender it to the divine. Surrender the intention. This doesn’t mean you give up
on it, it means you trust that it WILL come about. You can say “I surrender this
intention to…(fill in the blank)...and I trust that this or something even better will
unfold for me.”
Saying “this or something better” allows you to keep your channel open for magic that
your conscious mind may not be able to perceive as being possible for you because you
might have a limit on how much money, love or good sex you can have, but the divine
doesn’t have a limit for you.
Forming an Intention
with Your Partner
Forming an Intention with Your
If you are practicing sex magic with a partner you will essentially want to come to
agree on a desire or intention.
While you can both focus on your own intention or desire, it’s also very powerful to
come into alignment on ONE desire, because then you’ll have 2x the energy and
intention going into the manifestation of that desire.
If your partner wants more freedom and space yet you want more connection and
security with them, then that misalignment might cancel out both of your desires and
create mixed results.
You can use the same process as above to create an intention together. Do you want to
deepen your relationship? Do you want to start a business together? Get pregnant? Do
you want to focus on one of you making more money and putting both of your energies
into it? Do you want to focus on one of you healing in some way?
Is the intention you are agreeing upon for just one of you? Like you healing from an
illness, your partner getting a raise, you finding new women to hang out with or your
partner losing weight.
Or is it a shared desire for both of you? Like having a baby, building a business
together, having more spontaneous sex or creating more emotional intimacy together.
Make sure you both agree on it and that it’s important to both of you. Even if you’re
doing sex magic that focuses more on one of you, come into alignment and feel into
HOW and WHY it benefits you both.
Sigil Magic: Using a
Symbol for Your Intention
Sigil Magic: Using a Symbol for
Your Intention
A really powerful way to connect with your desire or intention and impact your
unconscious mind is to use symbols or sigils. Symbols and sigils allow you to
communicate directly with and influence your unconscious mind, which often speaks
in symbols.
Think about dreams and how they show up often as symbols or dream analysis books
that show you symbols and archetypes that are common amongst the collective
If you’re practicing sex magic with your partner and you have one shared intention,
you can create a symbol together or you can each use your own interpretation or even
combine them together. Whatever allows you to focus your intention and energy more
is what I recommend.
I’ll be covering symbols and sigils and teaching you how to charge your sigil with
sexual energy and more in my upcoming Solo Sex Magic Course for women so I’m
going to keep it to this simple explanation.
There’s tons of information online about sigil creation and use if you want to know
Solo Sex Magic -
Single Cultivation
Solo Sex Magic - Single
Now we’re going to talk about how to start your solo sex magic journey by cultivating
sexual energy in your own body.
This is called Single Cultivation in Taoism, when you generate and build sexual energy
in your body by yourself. You use things like breath, touch, sound, movement,
intention, self pleasure, awakening your breasts, etc. to build up this energy.
You’ll be lead through a few practices soon...but first, let’s look at the stages of arousal
and states of sexual energy you can experience while self pleasuring, having sex or
practicing solo (or partnered) sex magic.
Stages of Arousal &
Sexual Energy States
Stages of Arousal & Sexual
Energy States
I mentioned earlier about sexual energy being often felt or experiences on its most
basic, primal level as the horny urge to fuck or feeling the arousal and swelling in your
genitals, but we’re going to talk about the states of sexual energy you can experience
and how they correspond with stages of sexual arousal.
A helpful method is to create an event or reminder in your smartphone calendar and set
alerts to go off at certain times. It could be once a day, every few hours, every hour,
once in the morning and once at night or whatever turns you on, but try to get into the
regular habit of bringing conscious awareness and attention to your subtle sexual
Remember: where attention goes, energy flows.
You can continue to go faster and harder into a climax, which may or may not be all
that fulfilling depending on where you are in your sexual journey and if quick, intense
climax is all you seem to be able to experience
You can edge or stop stimulation all together and revel in the energy or feel like you
“lost the orgasm,” which again, may or may not be fulfilling depending on where you
are in your journey and whether you know how to contain, circulate and store this built
up energy in your body. Yes, that’s possible!
You can sustain this energy and circulate it through your body while continuing to have
sex or self pleasure as you relax and surrender into higher states of relaxed arousal and
relaxed excitement, allowing yourself to enter into an altered state of consciousness. A
trance state…
None of these states or options are better than the other, but if you want to have
different experiences sexually and open yourself up to those altered states of
consciousness, which are powerful and healing, then accessing high states of sexual
energy is essential.
Another reason why the highly excited, yet relaxed arousal trance state is so great is
because it becomes the most potent time to plant the seed of your desire! It’s the most
ripe and ready time to combine your intention/desire with your high state of sexual
energy and arousal.
As you build sexual energy, you are building erotic power. As you build sexual energy
and erotic power, you are building creative energy and power, which is the key to
I like to think of the arousal stages during sex and self pleasure (and your sex magic
ritual) as similar to the menstrual cycle. The trace state is like ovulation, a time where
it’s fertile, juicy and literally primed for creating something. Plant that seed of desire
and intention, baby!
Sexual Magic for Lovers
- Dual Cultivation
Sex Magic for Lovers -
Dual Cultivation
The focus of this ebook is not on partnered sex magic, but I know a lot of women want
to know how they could potentially bring this into a current or future relationship.
That’s why I’ll be mentioning some helpful couple tips for partnered sex magic as we
go through this guide and erotic journey.
Dual Cultivation means that two people generate and build sexual energy in their
bodies together. You use things like breath, touch, sound, movement, intention, mutual
self pleasure, pleasuring one another, you or your partner awakening your breasts, etc.
to build up this energy between you.
You can eventually circulate the energy from your body into theirs and simultaneously
receive energy from their body into yours and keep it flowing between you.
You’ll be lead through a few practices for partnered sex magic and Dual Cultivation for
sexual energy.
Solo Sexual Energy
Cultivation Practices
Solo Sexual Energy Cultivation
Here are a few of my favorite solo sexual energy cultivation practices. Cultivating
sexual energy means you build and harvest more of it. I like to work with the genitals
and pelvic floor because often it’s the starting source for what we perceive sexual
energy to be; horniness and turn on. The desire to fuck or be fucked. The craving for
orgasm. The urge to merge.
Then, you breathe sexual energy up from your perineum into each chakra, from sacral
to crown, and exhale it back down with sound. Usually an ahhhh sound, but whatever
feels good.
Inhale through your nose, gently squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and send the energy
from your perineum straight up into your sacral chakra (in your womb space) and then
exhale, sounding out and letting it fall back down to your perineum again.
Envision warm orange light filling your womb space as it's being charged with your
Once you’ve charged your sacral with your symbol/intention, move onto your solar
plexus in your upper abdomen. Imagine golden light here and your symbol.
Then, the heart chakra in the center of your chest. Envision jade green light here.
Then, the throat chakra in the base of your throat. Imagine dark blue light here.
Then, the third eye chakra in between your eyebrows. Imagine violet light here.
And lastly, your crown chakra at the top of your head. Imagine bright white light here.
Repeat the inhale and exhale cycle about 7-10 times per chakra and then move on to
the next chakra once it feels “charged”. This really builds energy, especially the quicker
you inhale and exhale. You can also go slower if you want to be more sensual about it.
Connected Breathing
You can sit comfortably in front of each other or you can sit in the Tantric position Yab-
Yum, which is traditionally the woman sitting in her partner’s lap, both cross legged. If
you’re not in a heterosexual relationship, play around with the positioning depending
on who’s smaller and what feels more comfortable for both of you.
Begin by breathing in a synchronized manner together. Inhaling from your genitals up
into your heart at the same time, squeezing your pelvic floor on the inhale. Exhaling
from the heart back down into your genitals, releasing the squeeze on the exhale. Allow
your breathing to naturally come into sync.
You can imaging taking the intention, symbol or sigil up into both of your hearts on the
inhale and back down on the exhale into your genitals.
Do this for five minutes or longer.
Now you can switch and do a circular breath where you inhale as your partner exhales
and they inhale as you exhale.
You can sit in the same position as before or just in front of each other.
Inhale, squeezing your genitals as you imagine sucking your partner’s energy and the
intention or symbol into your pussy and taking it up into your heart.
While you are inhaling, your partner is exhaling and imagining that they are
penetrating your pussy with their energy and the symbol/intention.
Exhale, sending your energy and the intention into your lover’s heart from yours. As
you are doing that, they are inhaling, taking your energy and the intention from your
heart into theirs.
As you each exhale, you are giving the symbol. As you each inhale, you are receiving
the symbol.
The intention/symbol is supercharged with both of your sexual energies.
Do this for five minutes or longer.
Sex magic is something fun to bring into your life so don’t take it so seriously that you
stop enjoying the whole experience. Play with it, get curious and experiment!
In my Solo Sex Magic Course we’ll be diving deeper into all of this plus other topics
• Mirror magic during sex magic
• Creating sigils & symbols
• Sex magic spells
• Using words, body painting & other fun rituals to spice up your sex magic practice
• How to enter into extended orgasm states
• Extended Orgasm Technique
• And so much more!
FAQ’s on Sex Magic
FAQ’s on Sex Magic
Here I’m going to take a few moments to address a few of the common questions I
received during my sex magic survey.
Are there any mistakes that I can accidentally make when practicing sex magic?
I wouldn’t worry too much about this, but rather I encourage you to adopt a curious,
playful attitude. If you think about it, you’re always manifesting. It’s just usually
coming from the part of you that is shamed, hidden and repressed.
Doing the work to unlock those unconscious desires will help you fulfill them in a way
so that they don’t secretly rule your manifesting, sex magic abilities.
Don’t get me wrong - sexual energy is VERY powerful and people can definitely use it
for bad intentions, but I don’t think being afraid of making mistakes is going to help
Life is all about finding out what works for us and what doesn’t so instead of feeling
shame or fear around less than desirable explorations and outcomes, focus on learning
and remembering how powerful you are. It also helps to stay grounded in your
intention daily and WHY you want it.
Is orgasm bad since it releases your sexual energy and "goes to waste"?
I don’t necessarily think that orgasm (as in climax) is good or bad when it comes to sex
You can practice sex magic with or without having an orgasm. I’ll be teaching two
methods in my upcoming course on solo sex magic: the extended orgasm (which may
or may not include a climax at the “end”, but rather is an extended state of orgasmic
bliss which results from experiencing relaxed arousal) and actual orgasm, as in climax.
The energy can be directed more consciously since most of us have clitoral orgasms
that leave us feeling depleted. It has a lot to do with your intention. Intention is key.
If you focus your climax (and therefore, your sexual energy) on experiencing
everything that’s present and allowing your sexual experience to expand, rather than
contract, I believe that you can amplify your sex magic, whether you have a clitoral,
vaginal, whole body, energy or extended orgasm (or no orgasm/orgasmic experience at
What do I do when I don't feel the energy moving do I know that
energy is still there?
The energy is always there! Remember what I said about subtle sexual energy. It’s also
good to notice what kind of sensual person you are. For me, I can sense/feel sexual
energy as an electrical, tingling feeling but I also have to use my imagination to
visualize it moving up and down. What helps you connect with it?
Do you need to use your pelvic floor to squeeze and pump the energy up and relax,
letting it drop down?
Do you need to imagine it as a color, symbol or something like light?
Do you need to sense it as a temperature, sensation or something like warm heat
Do you need to use your hands to guide it up and down on each inhale and exhale?
Do you need to focus more in the inhale and exhale?
You don’t have to always feel or sense it to know it’s there or moving. It is. If you put
your intention into it, that’s all you need, but building the mind-body connection in
some way can help like using your hands to guide it up and down or squeezing and
releasing your pelvic floor.
How do I know if I'm doing it right?
There is really no way to do it “right” or “wrong.” It’s all an experiment of finding
what you desire, what you don’t, what works and what doesn’t.
Celebrate and feel gratitude for everything that comes about. Yes, even if it seems like
it’s a failed attempt or like it’s not working out or taking forever.
Consider that there may be a part of you that wants the failure, shame, pain and
frustration just as much as the good so be willing to get in alignment with those parts
too instead of shaming them or saying they are less than holy.
Shame will only drive you farther away from the things you really desire. Think about
the things you feel shame around right now and how it causes a split in your energy,
making you feel like you have to hide a part (or many parts) of yourself from the
This shame is most likely alerting you to an unconscious pattern of manifesting
something your conscious mind thinks is bad and unwanted, but your unconscious
wants it for some reason. What might that reason be? Get as playfully curious as you
We need to accept and approve of all things that we manifest, whether unconsciously or
consciously, because some part of us wanted it that way for a reason.
If you’re feeling frustrated or like it’s not working, do some shadow work and look at
WHY you might want it some other way.
Why might some part of you (unconscious) actually want pain, poverty, rejection, the
struggle of feast or famine, the adrenaline rush that comes from always being in certain
situations, etc.? What is the benefit or payoff?
Once you accept and approve of the less than desirable outcomes, the easier it will be
to integrate your WHOLENESS (both your shadow and light) and instead of spiritually
bypassing the “bad” to get to the “good”, you’ll go right through it to other side and
become more self-actualized and closer to your true desire in the process.
Sex Magic Summary
Sex Magic Summary
Here is a quick summary on how to practice sex magic so you can easily reference it
and get started on your solo and/or partnered sex magic practice today!
• Choose your intention (make sure it’s as concrete, trackable & probable as possible,
but let go of self doubt)
• Clear your channel of doubts using tools like EFT, breath work, practicing sex magic
(yes, doing the practice is a great way to clear your channel), meditation, journaling,
shadow work, etc.
NOTE: Clearing your channel and doing shadow work is an ongoing process, not
just before sex magic, but during and after as well
• Visualize, embody the emotions & sensually connect with your desire/intention/
symbol/sigil as if you had your desire NOW
• Build & cultivate sexual energy through things like breast massage, dance, erotic
massage, self pleasure, sex, foreplay, breathwork, the other practices shared
• Charge your intention with sexual energy using your mind’s eye, breath, touch,
sound, etc.
• Start to raise & circulate your sexual energy through breath, touch, sound, pelvic
floor, mind’s eye, etc. (The Microcosmic Orbit is my favorite for this!)
• Enter into relaxed arousal (where high excitement yet deep relaxation merge) & plant
the seed of your desire/intention here in this high sexual energy state
• Release your intention into the cosmic realm or universe through channeling your
orgasm or sexual energy charged intention/symbol (whether climax happens or not)
through the crown of your head using your mind’s eye
• Refocus on your intention & embody having it now again
• Allow the energy to drift back down and ground yourself as it reaches your root
chakra & genitals again
• Do one follow-up action within 24 hours that will help you stay connected to your
intention & get the sex magic manifestation ball rolling
• Connect with your desire every single day in some way. Get creative with what sex
magic means & how you practice it
• Repeat as often as you like!
What’s Next for Your
Sex Magic Practice?
What’s Next for
Your Sex Magic Practice?
I just want to take a moment again to thank you for reading this ebook. Sex magic is
something that I’m so passionate about and it’s my mission and movement in this
lifetime to spread the message and art of sexual magic and erotic ritual to those who are
open to learning and practicing.
I am eternally grateful that yet another woman (or anyone else reading this) is
reclaiming her erotic nature and invoking her sex magic powers to create an orgasmic
body and life by design.
You might be wondering what’s next for your sex magic journey and practice?
I tried to put as much love, energy, information and actual embodied practices into this
guide as I could so that you can begin and continue to practice sex magic in a powerful,
pleasurable and practical way. In a way that turn you on, liberates you and allows you
to fully embody your erotic power, pleasure and orgasmic potential.
There is sooooo much more to this topic and practice though. I’ve given you the most
basic information that you need to know, but there is a way of going deeper and getting
more out of your practice.
I’m still on my own journey, going deeper with my sex magic practice (as I always will
be) and bringing it into my own rituals and life in new ways every day. I want to share
all that I’ve learned, practiced and enjoyed around sex magic with you.
If you’re reading this ebook then you’re on the waiting list to be notified of when doors
open for my upcoming course for women - Solo Sex Magic, which is a course for
modern day women to practice the ancient art of ritual sex magic to create whatever
you desire in a pleasurable, powerful and practical way through self pleasure.
The course if for women only and is based around practicing solo sex magic, because I
think that cultivating the sexual and magical relationship with yourself first is essential.
I’ll also be working on my upcoming course Sexual Magic for Lovers as well so don’t
worry. You’ll be in the know around all of it!
Coming soon, lover ;)
I want to send you all of my love! I wish you the best on your sex magic path and
journey and if you desire to go deeper, keep your eyes on your inbox and you’ll be
notified of when doors open for my erotically unique & completely life-changing
(literally!) course!
Amber L.
About the Author,
Amber Leitz
About the Author, Amber Leitz