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Solo Sex Magic

A Practical, Powerful & Pleasurable

Guide for the Modern Day Woman on
Practicing Solo Sex Magic!
Written by Amber Leitz
Welcome! ...................................................................4
What to Expect / My Intention ...................................5
What is Sex Magic? ...................................................7
What is Manifestation & How Does it Relate to Sex
Magic? .....................................................................11
What Can Sex Magic Accomplish That Other
Techniques May Not Be Able To? ..........................14
Sex Magic, Your Orgasmic Heart & Love ...............17
My Journey with Sex Magic ....................................20
What I’ve Created Using Sex Magic........................24
What Can You Use ..................................................27
Sex Magic For? ........................................................27
Clearing Your Channel .............................................29
Sexual Energy & Intention .......................................32
Forming an Intention ................................................32
Forming an Intention with Your Partner ..................39
Sigil Magic: Using a Symbol for Your Intention .....41
Solo Sex Magic - Single Cultivation .......................43
Stages of Arousal & Sexual Energy States...............45
Sex Magic for Lovers - ............................................49
Dual Cultivation .......................................................49
Solo Sexual Energy Cultivation Practices ................51
Orgasmic Heart & Pussy Breathing .........................52
Orgasmic Chakra Programming ...............................53
Microcosmic Orbit with Sigil...................................54
Sexual Energy Cultivation for Partnered Sex Magic57
Connected Breathing ................................................57
Orgasmic Chakra & Sigil Massage ..........................58
How to Practice Sex Magic ......................................61
Sex Magic Follow Up ..............................................66
Sex Magic Maintenance - How to Maintain the Sex
Magic Intention & Spell ...........................................67
FAQ’s on Sex Magic ................................................70
Sex Magic Summary ................................................78
What’s Next for .......................................................80
Your Sex Magic Practice? ........................................80
About the Author, Amber Leitz ................................83
Welcome to Solo Sex Magic: A Practical, Powerful & Pleasurable Guide for the
Modern Day Woman on Practicing Solo Sex Magic!
I’m honored to have you walking beside me on the path to exploring the ancient art of
sex magic. It’s something I’m so fiercely passionate about and it’s one of the most
popular and common things I get asked about on a regular basis.
I want to take a moment to thank you, celebrate you and acknowledge you for having
the grace, willingness and courage to say yes to downloading and reading this guide,
and if you choose to say yes to the initiation, actually practicing sex magic for yourself.
Sexuality itself is such a taboo, repressed and feared subject and so is the concept of
magic/magick or witchery. Sex magic is something really practical and while there is a
lot of ritual, ceremony and ancient witchcraft that can be infused into it if you desire, it
can also be incredibly simple that anyone can do on a daily basis living in these modern
day times.
This ebook isn’t focusing on witchcraft or religion of any sort. It’s based on using your
deeply erotic nature, sexual energy and intention to create a container for your sexual
spellwork. This will allow you to create whatever you desire, whether that’s calling in
more money, finding an aligned lover, having a baby or moving to the home of your

What to Expect / My Intention
My intention is to invite you to explore the deep mysteries and ancient erotic arts of
sexual magic...want to know and experience the secrets for yourself?
Knowing these secrets intimately will come only from opening your mind, body, heart
and soul to what I’m sharing. I encourage you to take what feels good, question
everything, play around with it and leave out the rest. Try not to take it too serious!
You might be curious...why am I focusing more on teaching solo sex magic as opposed
to partnered sex magic?
While I will be offering you a very brief, yet decadent, taste of partnered sex magic in
this guide, I’m focusing on solo sex magic because YOU always have the power inside
of you to create, magnetize and manifest things that you desire.
Sometimes your partner isn’t always aligned with everything you want or perhaps
they’re not interested in or ready for sex magic.
In my experience, practicing something for myself and awakening it within myself first
always allows me to channel the overflow into my relationship at the right time. It’s
also the basis of cultivating a sexual relationship with yourself.
It also allows you to practice sex magic even if you don’t have a partner right now. You
can use solo sex magic to call in an aligned lover, if you so desire!
This approach allows you to take YOUR power back and become an amazing creatress
of your wildest dreams and desires without needing to wait around for a partner or wait
for them to come into full alignment with what YOU want.
You don’t need to wait around for a partner to hand something to you. You can create
things for yourself and bring your partner in if you choose!
If you have a partner who’s down for supporting you in sex magic, want to apply some
of these tips for themselves and/or practice WITH you, you’ll be able to use the taste of
partnered sex magic to get you both started!
Let’s begin…
What is Sex Magic?
What is Sex Magic?
Sex magic is essentially using your sexual energy and intention to manifest something
you want into reality.
While there is a lot of esoteric wisdom and thought-provoking concepts around sex
magic, I like to keep it simple most of the time.
Your sexual energy is the essence of creation. It’s the ovary egg in a woman and the
sperm in a man. Two seeds of life that have the potential to create literal human life.
How amazing is that?!
Sexual energy can also be thought of as your life-force energy. Sometimes I call it
erotic energy or orgasmic energy. It’s really all the same. It has many different names in
other sacred texts and teachings like Chi or Jing, Shakti, Kundalini, Prana, etc.
Most women can get familiar with sexual energy by realizing that on it’s most primal
level it’s literally just the energy you feel when you’re horny and turned on. It’s the
energy of desire. Of lust and love.
It’s the sensation of swelling in your genitals and the moment of orgasm. It’s your sex
drive and libido driving you to have sex during ovulation and driving a man to
ejaculate for procreation purposes.
This is because all that is currently alive wants to stay alive and not only that, it wants
to grow, expand and thrive. If it doesn’t grow or expand, it stagnates and dies. It ceases
to exist.
The same is true for us human beings. We want to grow, expand and evolve beyond
basic reproductive purposes. We want to grow, expand and evolve sexually, spiritually
(whatever that means for you individually), emotionally and mentally.
This is why stagnancy in life, especially in love and sex, feel like such despair. Your
sex drive isn’t just the drive for more or better sex, it’s for life. For love. For creativity.
For growth, adventure, beauty, truth and freedom.
When I’m in a sex rut, everything else feels like it’s an a rut, because I feel
disconnected from my erotic, sexual energy - the energy that drives ALL of life to
expand, evolve, procreate and grow. Have you ever noticed this for yourself?
Sexual energy is the essential quality of creativity, fertility and the erotic drive to grow
and become more alive.
You can also connect with your sexual, life-force energy when you are painting,
molding clay in between your hands, writing a piece of poetry, cooking a flavorful
meal, creating a magical spell or building a business.
Anytime you create something, sexual energy is the driving force behind it.
You feel it when your lover kisses your lips, seductively strokes you or makes you feel
the electricity of desire thrumming through you.
Sex magic allows you to get deeply in touch with your erotic nature. Eroticism is
derived from Eros - which is life-force. It’s sexual love.
The erotic is not just limited to sex though. Eros is when a baby takes its first breath of
air after being born.
Or when you feel the wind caress your shoulder or dance through your hair on a chilly
autumn night as you walk through the forest.
It’s the way a cat playfully pounces on her toy. Or how a lover gazes at you with
bedroom eyes.
It’s the excitement you feel when you feel passion towards someone or something.
Eros is in everything and everything is essentially Eros.
If you aren’t using this sexual energy to create a baby, then you can actually build
(cultivate) more of it in your body and, with intention, channel it into something
Sex magic allows us to take an intention or desire and fuel that intention or desire with
cultivated sexual energy, which acts like a catalyst propelling it into the manifested
Sexual energy literally supercharges a desire so if you’ve been struggling to manifest
something it might be because you’re not actually turned on by your desire or not using
turn on as the fuel and catalyst to call it in and manifest it.
Imagine strapping a rocket to your desire when you do sex magic.
Think about how amazing this is! You have within you the energy of potential life
From two seeds (sperm and egg) comes a living, breathing human being with a soul,
beating heart, bones, thoughts, dreams, memories and an ego.
Even if you don’t have your ovaries or experience ovulation anymore, you were created
from sexual energy and therefore, it is naturally within you.
It’s not just about ovaries and sperm. It’s about the erotic life-force that flows through
you from head to toe at all times. Even when you’re not turned on or having sex. It’s
always there as a subtle flow or erotic pulse. Like a heartbeat within.
You can create human life with sexual energy and you can also create your OWN life
using it.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to practice sex magic from a space of cultivated sexual
energy first and eventually from the more subtle, everyday kind of sexual energy.
What is Manifestation &
How Does it Relate to
Sex Magic?
What is Manifestation & How
Does it Relate to Sex Magic?
Sex magic is one way to manifest, although there are several methods, which all
involve being in full energetic alignment with your intention and aligning both your
conscious and unconscious minds together.
We’ll be talking about how to come into full energetic alignment in my Solo Sex Magic
Course for women.
Manifesting means to take something that exists in the etheric realm (aka a thought just
in your head) and make it real in the material world.
It means to make something real, simply put. To materialize something into existence
when before it existed purely as thought.
I invite you to consider this: you are always manifesting.
Everything around you right now, you manifested. You manifested it either from your
conscious mind, which makes up about 5% of your abilities and reality or from your
unconscious mind, which makes up the rest.
That means around 95% of your manifesting abilities are flying under the radar and are
not conscious or under your intentional control or awareness.
You don't have awareness around it, because it’s hidden, repressed or simply out of
mind. You might be ashamed of it or try to hide it or have zero awareness around it.
I understand you may look around and see a lot of things you don’t like. Poverty.
Trauma. Sexual repression. Relationships that don’t serve you. A job that you hate.
Pain, numbness and fear that shake you to your core.
It’s easy to say we want the things we consciously manifest. Of course we want the
money flowing in, the amazing lover, the healthy pregnancy...but we’d never truly say
we wanted the poverty, abuse, drama or trauma, right?
This is where your unconscious comes in and this is where sexual shadow work comes
in, which is something you have to be willing to get comfortable with if you want to
practice sex magic of any kind.
We’ll talk more about this under the section on clearing your channel and definitely
way more in depth in my course, but for now, I ask you to consider this provocative
question: what if on some level everything you have around you right now...some part
of you actually wanted it that way?
It’s not about denying your story or experience of the shitty things that have happened
(or saying it’s all your fault), it’s about learning to see beyond victimhood and see from
a new perspective how you may have played a part in the way your life unfolds.
I actually realized recently that on some shadowy level I actually enjoyed the drama,
adrenaline rush and frustration of the feast or famine cycle with money. It also kept me
feeling safe and like I “fit in” with my family because the feast or famine cycle was all
I knew when I watched my parents make money as a child.
Why did I enjoy it? You might be wondering how the fuck someone can enjoy pain,
trauma, drama, etc. but it’s true.
It’s not the conscious, rational part of you that does. It’s the shadowy, unconscious,
hidden desire part of you.
I enjoyed it because it made me feel safe, loved, accepted and connected to my family.
I enjoyed it because on some level a part of me actually gets off on the adrenaline rush
of hustling. And the drama of the “woe is me” story that I got to tell when things used
to fall apart for me financially. That story always got me some extra sympathy, support
and false love.
Everything in our outside environment represents what kind of environment we’ve
been creating or nurturing INSIDE. More on this soon.
Let me tell you about why I love sex magic as the top manifesting method.
Most of the time you’re manifesting based on your unconscious and sometimes from
your conscious (although again it only makes up about 5%), so why not take the
pleasurable and powerful path of sex magic if you’re going to manifest?
Why not use a method that allows you to become orgasmic, fall in love with yourself,
heal sexually and enter into altered state of orgasmic consciousness to do your
Sex magic is the #1 path for me because it allows me to manifest (get what I want!)
while feeling amazing in my body and more erotically liberated, turned on, creative and
alive sexually.
It’s the most integrated approach in my opinion, because it’s not just about mind tactics
or mind states. It brings body, mind (both unconscious and conscious), heart and soul
together and that is full energetic alignment. It allows you to heal shame and express
yourself wholly - shadow AND light.
What Can Sex Magic
Accomplish That Other
Techniques May Not Be
Able To?
What Can Sex Magic Accomplish
That Other Techniques May Not
Be Able To?
Let me share with you why I personally believe that sex magic is the most powerful
manifestation tool and practice.
While I believe that everything we create is technically done through sexual energy
since it flows through us at all times on some level, most of the time we’re not aware of
the energy or what we’re creating.
Awareness and focus are key, because they act as a direct channel for your sexual
energy and intention to funnel through to your ultimate desire.
It all comes down to pleasure and utilizing the sexual energy and most of us need to be
tangibly engrossed and physically engaged with sexual energy in order to feel it and
believe that we’re powerful creators. Or to believe that it’s working.
If you never feel turned on or are struggling with your libido it might be hard for you to
grasp the sensation or feeling of sexual energy. It’s also good to consider how you
connect with sensations, intuition and sexual energy personally.
I often feel sexual energy (besides the most primal version of turn on in my genitals,
which is pretty obvious to feel) as an electricity that flows up and down my spine. The
more I put awareness and conscious focus into it, the stronger it gets and the more I can
direct it where I want it.
Sometimes it feels like tingling, flowing water in my womb and pussy or sensations I
feel in my hands, feet and mouth. You may not feel or experience sexual energy the
same way I do.
Maybe it helps you to feel the temperature of it, visualize a color or maybe you have to
use your physical body (like your hands or pelvic floor) to move it.
So my question for you is...
How much improvement have you seen from other methods like using positive
affirmations? Are they pleasurable to you? Do they turn you on to actually wanting to
do the inner and outer work to allow your desire to unfold? Do you get off on these
methods, literally and metaphorically?
For me, reciting positive affirmations are a small part of it, but they don’t turn me on.
They don’t make me excited to create my life by design, but you know what does? Self
pleasuring and using sex magic to create!
You have this powerful energy inside of you literally designed to create life, so why not
apply that to your actual life?
Sex Magic, Your
Orgasmic Heart & Love
Sex Magic, Your Orgasmic Heart
& Love
The approach I teach around sex magic involves cultivating and practicing from an
orgasmic heart that is supercharged with not only sexual energy, but LOVE as well.
A lot of sex magic can either seem too esoteric with elaborate rituals or too down and
dirty that it almost seems seedy.
And while I enjoy seedy - it has its time and place, especially in true self acceptance
with those parts of ourselves that enjoy seediness and other shadowy qualities - it’s not
really what I want to feel as the overarching, ultimate energy of my sex magic rituals.
I want to feel loved, loving and filled with LOVE as I’m manifesting and practicing sex
Sex magic when charged with LOVE is the most powerful force on the planet. This is
because you’re not trying to practice from the upper chakras alone (thus cut off from
the heart, lower body and your pussy, erotic power and sensual creativity) nor are you
trying to practice from the lower chakras alone (thus cut off from the heart, upper body
and your wisdom, intuition and divinity).
You are in full energetic alignment with an awakened heart as there is a sense of
wholeheartedness present.
Wholeheartedness means that you are practicing with your whole heart involved and
fully committed to your desire and sex magic ritual.
Your wholeness involved. You are committed, devoted and present with all of your
love, energy, intention and will. Your wholeness also includes the whole spectrum of
who you are - “good and bad, shadow and light”.
Napoleon Hill talks about sexual energy transmutation in his book Think & Grow Rich
and how some of the world’s greatest creators and leaders used sexual energy to do so.
He also mentions that sexual energy when combined with love is even more powerful
because love is such a strong emotion that can linger in time and leave its imprint on us
even after it has seemingly passed.
We’ll be working with self love in this ebook and practice, but you’re welcome to
explore bringing in feelings of love for your current lover, past lovers, your pets,
children, family or the energy of worldly love.
Whatever gets you there. It’s not about dwelling on old romantic relationships to
prevent you from moving forward. You want to take the essential quality and essence
of LOVE and infuse it into your desire and intention. Revel in the feeling of love. Not
the story, memory or potential pain attached to it.
Cultivating an orgasmic heart means you can raise your sexual energy and intention
into your heart and breasts and align yourself with love and pleasure in your whole
If you’ve felt cut off from your manifestations or felt too dry, cold or unfulfilled before,
during or after manifesting something, then this approach of an awakened, orgasmic
and love-filled heart will definitely help you juice up your practice and feel excited,
fulfilled and in love with your sex magic practice and desires - even while you’re
waiting for them to manifest into the material world!
My Journey with Sex Magic
My Journey with Sex Magic
I’d love to share a little bit about my journey with sex magic and how I was initiated
into this path of erotic manifesting.
For me (and most likely for you, too, if you’re reading this) it was all a remembering of
an ancient art and concept that I already knew. It’s something that humans have been
doing for as long as we’ve been alive. You and I are both proof of that.
When I was little there were two pretty essential parts of myself that I felt at home in
yet was indirectly (and other times, directly) taught to shame, repress and hide away
from others.
My erotic nature and my witchiness.
While I don’t expect you to call yourself a witch or be interested in witchcraft or
anything of the like, I’m currently on a personal journey to understanding what it
means to a be witchy woman, especially one who specializes and is gifted in sex
witchery and erotic ritual magic.
I’m not interested in hiding that part of myself anymore and I hope you will no longer
hide the parts of you that you were taught (whether directly or indirectly) to shame,
repress or hide.
I’m a modern day woman in 2017 practicing sex magic and reclaiming my sexuality
just like you.
You don’t need to view or see it any other way unless you want to and it feels good.
Anyways, when I was little I have so many fond memories of sitting in the bathtub, for
what seemed like hours, pouring bubbles and bath water from one bottle to another,
pretending I was a witch mixing up potions and doing spell work.
I also had my first orgasm at the age of 2 and was taken to the doctor several times
because my parents couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. So I hid my erotic
nature. I felt like I was too much.
I was too wild. Too sexual. Too loud. Too energetic. Too sassy. Too fucking much.
I was told often to sit down, behave, hush, stay quiet, calm down, pull my clothes up or
down to cover myself, close my legs, go to my room, stop making a mess and the list
goes on.
I took on the story and persona of “too much” and essentially always felt like a mix of
too much and not enough.
So I repressed all of my innate gifts like being deeply erotic and loving magic. I tiptoed
through the house, I tried not to make a mess so I didn’t bother doing the things I
wanted to do anymore, I acted out sometimes to be seen and hid other times when I
didn’t want to be seen.
I self pleasured in secret from age 2 up until about 4 years ago and sometimes faked
sick at school so I could go home and masturbate, even though it was a black hole of
shame, pain and fear that followed my orgasms.
One of the first times I remembered the art of sex magic was a couple of years ago in a
book I read called “Plan Be: The Remembering, Secrets of the Divine Feminine” by
one of my very good friends, Terry Hinkle.
I was knee deep in my sensual healing journey, jade egg practice and all of that, but
something still felt like it was missing.
There was some part of myself that I wasn’t including or accessing...I was still hiding
her away in a deep, dark box in my psyche and pussy.
As I began to get deeper into expanding my orgasmic potential, self pleasuring and
opening myself up sexually, I began to notice life responding to my internal state.
My inner state was becoming more orgasmic, open, abundant, juicy and alive. So my
life began to feel orgasmic, open, abundant, juicy and alive.
Material things started manifesting as I imagined aligning with them in my mind and
using my sexual energy to get more turned on by the idea of them being real.
I started to wonder if the idea of using sexual energy to create and practicing sex magic
was really true after all...
I was also having a lot of dreams, memories, resources and mentors assisting me with
my sex magic rememberings. Everything seemed to flow more and more.
I still had a lot of resistance, pain and trauma I was cycling through, which meant that
sometimes I would manifest things I thought I wanted (more money, clients, love) and
other times I was manifesting things I thought I didn’t want (losing money, drama,
So where was this misalignment? Why was I manifesting things I wanted sometimes
and manifesting things I didn’t want other times?
It was because I wasn’t in full energetic alignment. I was still cut off from those parts
of myself. Sure I was healing sexually, but I was shunning the shadows, the
WHOLENESS, the erotic witch within me.
The woman who creates THROUGH sexual energy and ritual magic. THROUGH
darkness and shadow. THROUGH full integration of my WHOLE self, including the
deep, dark, shameful, naughty parts just as much as the pretty, acceptable, light parts.
I was practicing manifestation and “sex magic”(or really a false sense of self magic)
with my nose in the air. It was almost like I was looking down on it. Still ashamed to
own and embrace the fact that sex and magic are two big parts of who I am.
Two parts of my personal nature...and I also believe they’re in your nature too. In every
woman’s nature.
The eroticism and witchiness. Whatever witchiness means to you. Wild. Healer.
Provocative. Free thinking. Emotional. Loving. Powerful. Sexual. Uninhibited. Gifted.
Intelligent. Beautiful. Awakened. Dark and light.
For so long I had shunned my full erotic side - the “good”, the “bad” and everything in
between - and the need to use magic, ritual and spell work...a part of me that made me
feel like my most divine self.
I’ve worked really hard to welcome home and continue to remember and fully integrate
these parts of myself.
The shadows, light, love and hatred. The anger, rebellion, lust, greed, jealousy, grief,
rage. The girl who feels like she’s “too much” and the woman who feels like she’s “not
The witchy woman who is afraid to be burned at the stake or persecuted for working
with sexual healing arts, magic and ritual. The woman who is afraid that her sexuality
is too much - too dark, too scary, too powerful, too wrong.
This is where the fun began! My life has changed completely within the past few years
as I’ve learned to embrace, integrate and come into full alignment with all sides of who
I am, especially the erotic, witchy side.
What I’ve Created Using
Sex Magic
What I’ve Created Using Sex
I’ve been completely devoted to my sex magic practice, especially within the past year
and a half and amazing things have unfolded for me. Things that sometimes leave me
wanting to pinch myself...even though I know I consciously created them myself.
I wake up every morning filled with gratitude (yes, even when other emotions or
sensations are present like stagnancy, heartbreak, anger, grief, boredom) and
excitement because I have a practice that makes me feel magical and sexual - just like I
And just like YOU are!
Here are some of the desires I’ve intentionally realized and manifested through ritual
sex magic within the past 18 months…

• Deepening the relationship with my partner. Inviting in more intimacy, connection,

commitment, support, love, pleasure, fulfilling sex and so much more. Our
relationship has done a complete 180 from where we were at this time last year.
• Traveling to places I’d only dreamed of going to. I went to California and New York
last year and not only that, but I was able to work and play with mentors I’d been
following for years - Nisha Moodley, Sarah Jenks and Regena Thomashauer.
• As of the day I’m writing this, I just returned from a trip to Salem, MA with my
boyfriend where I spent five days reveling in pleasure, play and magic with him. I
started this desire by self pleasuring to a Pinterest board of Salem, MA photos and
now it’s done less than 6 months later!
• Left my corporate job, expanded my business to support and serve women in a way
that turns me on and began to create offerings that feel fucking sexy to offer and
teach. This includes my Orgasmic Pleasure Course, Jade Egg Sexual Mastery, selling
jade eggs and my upcoming Solo Sex Magic Course for women!
• Doubled my income from last year!
• Grew my YouTube channel from 500 to almost 10,000 within less than a year. I also
have over 3 million view as of right now, which is fucking amazing for a woman
who was TERRIFIED to be seen and heard.
• Grew my Facebook Sisterhood from a few hundred to over 1800 women in less than
a year.
• Redecorated my living room to the point where it’s even better than I imagined it in
my head or envisioned it on my Pinterest board. It evokes the Cozy Erotic energy I
wanted to create and feels like HOME finally. THIS is the feeling I’ve been secretly
chasing since I was a child and I found it within and through using ritual sex magic
to create home how I want it to feel and look.
• Receiving more support, gifts, free items and other surprises.
• Healed my skin even deeper and allowed myself to glow and be seen in my radiance
and beauty.
• Called in opportunities to collaborate, support and be a part of other missions. This
included an erotic podcast conversation where I had a real orgasm on live radio after
some explicit dirty talk with the host, which allowed me to get over 4,000 listens
within 48 hours on my own podcast episode that followed, The Most Dangerous
Form of Slut Shaming.
• Called beautiful men into my life to teach me about understanding and loving the
masculine, both in myself and in them. I once met a man who became a great friend
within 30 minutes after declaring to the universe that I wanted to meet a new man to
have deep conversations with that night.
• So much more!
Seriously...every single day I experience some kind of magical manifestation, whether
it’s more money flowing in, more clients, love, deep sex, extended orgasms, finding the
perfect rug after feeling inspired to stop in a store I never shop in, someone reaching
out that I haven’t talked to but was thinking about, a heart-melting hug with my partner,
receiving a gift in the mail, etc.
Life becomes magical and turned on when you use ritual and sex magic. Why? Because
you have a dedicated practice that draws that magical, sexual part of you out.
It requires that you embrace all sides of the erotic within you and that is magical. It
invites you to create sacredness in the mundane and start working with the right brain -
the creative side where magic and creativity happens!
What Can You Use Sex
Magic For?
What Can You Use
Sex Magic For?
You can use sex magic for anything! You’ll learn more about how to create a specific
intention below, but you can use it for things like…
• Health & healing (yes, even sexual healing) I’ve used it to heal my pelvic floor, skin,
hair, colds, headaches, etc.
• Making more money
• Finding a job
• Starting a business
• Calling in an aligned lover or relationship
• Improving existing circumstances, whether it’s your relationship, health, finances,
creativity, sex life, etc.
• Creating delicious meals
• Creating art work like poetry, pottery, painting, writing, making jewelry, herbal
products, etc.
• Getting to travel somewhere
• Starting or strengthening friendships
• Redecorating your home
• Having better, deeper or more orgasms or orgasmic states
• The list goes on!
If there’s something you want to call in, create, magnetize or improve I invite you to
ask yourself this: how can I use sex magic to do this? How can I apply sex magic
principles to create it?
Clearing Your Channel
Clearing Your Channel
One of the most common things I get asked about sex magic is how to get into the right
state of mind. How to get into it and sustain the energy and desire for what you want.
You want to be in the right state of mind and state of being in order to be in full
energetic alignment with yourself and the desire.
Full energetic alignment means that all of you is in agreement and approval. That
includes the conscious and unconscious parts and desires.
Often there is an energetic split with our desires, because part of us wants it and part of
us may not want it.
This is usually because part of us thinks that having this desire manifest may bring
about something that we feel won’t make us safe. This ties into what I was saying
earlier about your unconscious and conscious mind and no longer having a split
between them, but rather an alignment and agreement.
I’ll give you a couple of examples.
Let’s say you want to make $1000 extra dollars each month. Your conscious mind may
want it because you know it will be good for you having that money to do what you
want to do, take care of yourself and have some extra luxury.
But your unconscious mind may not want it because it will think it’s not safe. Having
$1000 extra dollars per month has its downsides to your unconscious mind.
What if you make this money and your family or friends notice and they don’t approve
of it? What if they think you’re greedy? What if someone steals it? What if you can’t
make $1000 the next month? What if it’s a one time thing?
To your unconscious mind that means you may not be loved, accepted and protected by
your family so you may sabotage your desire to make $1000 extra per month.
Here’s another example.
Let’s say you want to be in a relationship.
Your conscious mind will see the perks of being in love and feeling happy with another
person, but your unconscious might notice the downsides.
What if you get into a relationship and this person sees you and gets to know who you
really are? What if you’re “too much” and they leave you? What if you’re not enough
and they leave you? What if you get your heart broken again? What if they fall in love
with someone else?
Clearing your channel means that you uncover what your unconscious and conscious
mind both want so that you can approve of them and see how you might sabotage your
You can uncover the secret ways your unconscious may try to protect you by
preventing you from having what you want.
The simplest way to do this is to form your intention based on a desire (more on that
below) and ask yourself these questions:
• Why might I want this desire?
• What are the benefits to getting it?
• Why might I not want this desire?
• What are the downsides to this manifesting?
• Why might I not feel safe to have this desire?
• What are the ways in which my life will improve in a safe way?
• How can I bridge the gap between these so that I feel safe to get what I want?
• How can I remind myself that I’m safe to have this desire as it keeps unfolding?
• Where am I feeling shame in my life right now?
• What part of me might actually benefit from the secret desires coming true (like
losing money, breakups, drama, someone rejecting you, etc.)?
You can also check out EFT or tapping to help you clear out the stuff lurking deep
within. You can do cord cutting, which can help you to release energetic attachments to
people, beliefs, situations and more.
You can access a FREE cord cutting meditation I made here.
It’s also good to do womb and pussy clearing, which I’ll be offering in Solo Sex Magic,
but you can simply inhale and imagine swirling light filling your womb and pussy and
then exhaling and using sound (sound is very important!) to move the old energy out of
your body.
Imagine Mother Earth soaking it up like enriching fertilizer.
Moving your body, journaling, dancing, doing Kundalini Shaking and connecting with
nature are other great ways to clear your channel.
Sexual Energy & Intention
Sexual Energy & Intention
I created a little equation for you that will help you easily remember the essence of
what sex magic really is at its core.
Sexual Energy + Intention = Sex Magic
Sexual Energy + Intention = Creating your life by design
Sexual Energy + Intention = Manifestation (thought becoming real)

Forming an Intention
You can think of sexual energy cultivation...which we’ll get to soon...and focus through
your intention as the Sex Magic Foundations.
Why is intention so important for sex magic? Remember what I said earlier about how
your conscious mind only makes up about 5% of your reality and the rest is
unconsciously created?
Intention allows you to create a container for your energy. Energy likes somewhere to
go. It likes the container in order to be held and nurtured.
It also gives you something to focus on and have awareness around it, which takes your
desire out of the unconscious realm and into the conscious realm.
I love the quote by James Redfield.
Where attention goes, energy flows.
Where intention goes, energy flows.
That’s the whole equation right there. Intention + sexual energy. When your energy
flows there it can become “alive” aka manifested into the material world.
Let’s make this a little more embodied. I want you to set the intention to feel the palm
of your left hand right now.
Put all of your focus and awareness into the palm of your left hand.
Keep doing this for a few minutes and you’ll notice how energy starts flowing there.
You can actually feel the sensation of your left palm. You might feel a pulsation of
energy there.
You can even experiment with breathing in and out of your left palm. Almost like you
have a mouth there in the center of your palm, inhaling and exhaling, feeling the energy
pulsating there even more. Breath is your first step to sexual energy cultivation!
So we decide on an intention (also interchangeable with the words desire or focus) so
that we have somewhere to funnel the sexual energy. It allows you to become laser
focused in your sex magic.
If you don’t have an intention to focus on, your energy may flow all over the place or
leak out into manifesting unconscious desires like repelling love, losing money, etc.
Think about when you pour liquid through a funnel. It becomes much more
concentrated as opposed to pouring something large into a small bottle without a funnel
and losing half of the liquid (energy) or making a mess and experiencing chaos.
Here are some tips on choosing an intention:
• Choose something you actually really want. Let go of judgement. If you want more
money - own that! If you want a partner who wants to give you multiple orgasms -
own that! 

The first step is owning your desire and choosing an intention that brings you
pleasure and turns you on when you think about it!

• Choose something more concrete and trackable in some way. Like losing 10 lbs.
Finding a lover. Having a baby. Making $1000. Buying a car. Don’t choose
something like “I just want to be happy” or “feeling more xyz.” 

The point is that you want to be able to record synchronicities over the next few
weeks and months that are concrete so you know WHEN it manifests or starts
unfolding. How will you know when you feel happier? It probably won’t help you
much if you choose something less concrete like that.

However, if your goal is to find a lover and you start going on more dates with
eligible candidates, getting asked out more or you enter into a relationship with
someone you adore, that’s trackable. 

Or if your goal is $1000, you can track in a journal every time money comes
in...even if you find a penny on the street.

• Build trust by choosing something probable...something that could possibly happen
for you. What are the actual chances of this desire happening for you? 

Now don’t confuse this with a lack of belief in yourself or low self worth. It’s easy to
get caught up in thinking that something that good won’t happen for you. 

It’s common to believe it’s not possible for you if you’re not used to creating things
that are good for yourself. You might think “maybe that’s possible for her or for a
rich, beautiful, smart person, but not for me.”

We’ll be building your self worth muscle through the whole process of sex magic so
for now cast that aside. There’s a difference between low self belief and choosing
something that isn’t statistically probable for almost everyone. The 1 in a million
kind of stuff is what I mean. 

A lot of people want to win the lottery or pick these outlandish goals (that they may
not actually even want!) that aren’t all that likely to happen. Choose something that
stretches you, but also feels believable (remember, casting aside self doubt). 

Start small if you need to to build your sex magic muscles. The thing with the lottery
is that so many people are hoping to win, but how many actually do? That’s a 1 in a
million kind of desire that usually is a waste of time.

So many people wish for everyday, probable things like amazing relationships, to
make more money each month or to have a baby and they often happen for those
who do what it takes to acquire or allow it. 

If you don’t believe right off the bat that you can find the lover of your dreams, why
not try to attract one enjoyable person to go on a date with to start with while you
build up your confidence and self-worth muscle? 

If you don’t think it’s possible for you to make $100,000 this year, why not start out
with something that stretches you yet doesn't feel so far out that you can't even
believe it, like increasing your monthly income by $500, for example? 

If you think you’ll never be able to have a vaginal orgasm during sex with your
partner, why not try to focus more on something that just brings you more presence
and pleasure in the now like intentionally feeling every inch of your lover sliding in
and out of you, whether it’s a cock, dildo or finger and approving of every sensation
(or lack of sensation)?

• Choose ONE intention to focus on for the next 30 days at least, if not longer like a
few months. This will help you again with focusing and channeling your energy into
one thing instead of feeling like you’re all over the place.

Now this doesn’t mean that you need to try to pick the “right” or “perfect intention”
as if you’ll never get to everything else. 

In my experience, there is no wrong intention to choose and when you start
improving one area (especially while experiencing the gifts of sexual magic like
more pleasure, sexual healing, erotic freedom, etc. simultaneously), the other areas
start to naturally improve. 

This is because everything is woven together and interconnected.

This is another reason WHY I love sex magic as my #1 manifestation tool and

When I finally decided to heal sexually and claim my sex magic gifts, using them in
my own life, everything else naturally fell into place without me needing to force it
or make it happen!

It was effortless and really fucking pleasurable. Orgasmic actually!

My relationship unfolded and became a source of connection, healing, deep love,
safety and orgasmic sex. 

My income doubled and my finances became more fluid. 

My creativity started to flow more easily, allowing me to create things I’d only
dreamed of. 

My health improved and my overall vitality and wellbeing gave me a glow from the
inside out. 

• Just choose one thing that really turns you on. Cast aside doubt or worry that you’re
being too “something” by choosing that desire or wanting what you really want. Too
greedy. Too slutty. Too frivolous. Too much. 

If you secretly want more money yet you shame yourself and say you’re being too
greedy, you’ll never tap into the holiness of that desire. 

If you secretly desire to buy yourself something you’ve always wanted yet you
shame yourself and say you’re being too indulgent or materialistic, again you’ll
never tap into the holiness of that desire so it won’t manifest or you’ll manifest it and
then sabotage it. 

In fact, you’ll most likely make the opposite happen to keep yourself “safe.”

Do us both a favor and want what you want, lover! Give yourself permission.

Here are the next steps once you’ve decided on an intention…

1. Write down your intention. Writing it down makes it more real. It also sends a
powerful message to your subconscious mind that you’re serious about this. It also
sends a powerful message to the divine or the universe (God, Goddess, whatever
you want to call the energy of All That Is) that you’re committed and open to this
desire and doing what it takes. 

2. Keep your intention close by at all times. You can write it down in several places. 

3. Look at and read aloud your intention every day to stay connected and turned on by

4. Surrender it to the divine. Surrender the intention. This doesn’t mean you give up
on it, it means you trust that it WILL come about. You can say “I surrender this
intention to…(fill in the blank)...and I trust that this or something even better will
unfold for me.”

Saying “this or something better” allows you to keep your channel open for magic that
your conscious mind may not be able to perceive as being possible for you because you
might have a limit on how much money, love or good sex you can have, but the divine
doesn’t have a limit for you.
Forming an Intention
with Your Partner
Forming an Intention with Your
If you are practicing sex magic with a partner you will essentially want to come to
agree on a desire or intention.
While you can both focus on your own intention or desire, it’s also very powerful to
come into alignment on ONE desire, because then you’ll have 2x the energy and
intention going into the manifestation of that desire.
If your partner wants more freedom and space yet you want more connection and
security with them, then that misalignment might cancel out both of your desires and
create mixed results.
You can use the same process as above to create an intention together. Do you want to
deepen your relationship? Do you want to start a business together? Get pregnant? Do
you want to focus on one of you making more money and putting both of your energies
into it? Do you want to focus on one of you healing in some way?
Is the intention you are agreeing upon for just one of you? Like you healing from an
illness, your partner getting a raise, you finding new women to hang out with or your
partner losing weight.
Or is it a shared desire for both of you? Like having a baby, building a business
together, having more spontaneous sex or creating more emotional intimacy together.
Make sure you both agree on it and that it’s important to both of you. Even if you’re
doing sex magic that focuses more on one of you, come into alignment and feel into
HOW and WHY it benefits you both.
Sigil Magic: Using a
Symbol for Your Intention
Sigil Magic: Using a Symbol for
Your Intention
A really powerful way to connect with your desire or intention and impact your
unconscious mind is to use symbols or sigils. Symbols and sigils allow you to
communicate directly with and influence your unconscious mind, which often speaks
in symbols.
Think about dreams and how they show up often as symbols or dream analysis books
that show you symbols and archetypes that are common amongst the collective
If you’re practicing sex magic with your partner and you have one shared intention,
you can create a symbol together or you can each use your own interpretation or even
combine them together. Whatever allows you to focus your intention and energy more
is what I recommend.
I’ll be covering symbols and sigils and teaching you how to charge your sigil with
sexual energy and more in my upcoming Solo Sex Magic Course for women so I’m
going to keep it to this simple explanation.
There’s tons of information online about sigil creation and use if you want to know
Solo Sex Magic -
Single Cultivation
Solo Sex Magic - Single
Now we’re going to talk about how to start your solo sex magic journey by cultivating
sexual energy in your own body.
This is called Single Cultivation in Taoism, when you generate and build sexual energy
in your body by yourself. You use things like breath, touch, sound, movement,
intention, self pleasure, awakening your breasts, etc. to build up this energy.
You’ll be lead through a few practices soon...but first, let’s look at the stages of arousal
and states of sexual energy you can experience while self pleasuring, having sex or
practicing solo (or partnered) sex magic.
Stages of Arousal &
Sexual Energy States
Stages of Arousal & Sexual
Energy States
I mentioned earlier about sexual energy being often felt or experiences on its most
basic, primal level as the horny urge to fuck or feeling the arousal and swelling in your
genitals, but we’re going to talk about the states of sexual energy you can experience
and how they correspond with stages of sexual arousal.


When you’re in an everyday state of arousal, which is little to no arousal, you’ll often
feel like you’re not turned on. Usually you’re preoccupied with things like cooking
dinner, paying bills, going to work, driving, getting ready for the day or taking care of
your kids.
The sexual energy is still there as a subtle pulse and electricity thrumming through you.
Generally in this state you have no desire for sex or much pleasure. I invite you to
make a regular daily practice of becoming aware of your subtle stream of sexual energy
while you’re doing non-sexual things and breathing into it.

A helpful method is to create an event or reminder in your smartphone calendar and set
alerts to go off at certain times. It could be once a day, every few hours, every hour,
once in the morning and once at night or whatever turns you on, but try to get into the
regular habit of bringing conscious awareness and attention to your subtle sexual
Remember: where attention goes, energy flows.


In this state you might be experiencing or desiring pleasure in a small amount. If you’re
self pleasuring or having sex (or getting ready to) it might be the sensation of pleasure
and sexual energy (turn on) beginning to develop. Sexually, you may not be engorged
or wet yet, but you might be starting to feel a low-grade level of excitement.


In this state you might be building more sexual energy, pleasure and arousal. You may
be in the beginning or middle stages of self pleasure, foreplay or sex. You may notice
you’re wet, engorged, desiring to be penetrated or already enjoying the pleasures of sex
or self pleasure.
You may notice your breasts swelling, nipples more erect and darkening in color, chest
and face becoming flushed and your breath starting to quicken. You may be using your
breath, sound, pelvic floor, intention, movement of your hips and body or touch to
build more sexual energy and circulate it through your body. Arousal is rapidly growing


On a scale of 1-10, 1 being little to no arousal and 10 being an actual orgasm or climax,
you’re at about an 8 or 9 here. You’re getting close to reaching the point of no return,
which is the point at which you will not be able to stop an orgasm or climax from
Your body will start responding more here. Naturally you may notice your hips
thrusting, grinding, your mind seeking orgasm, holding your breath or breathing faster,
pulling your partner in deeper or faster, rubbing your clitoris harder and more intensely.
This is an important state because you have three options here.

You can continue to go faster and harder into a climax, which may or may not be all
that fulfilling depending on where you are in your sexual journey and if quick, intense
climax is all you seem to be able to experience
You can edge or stop stimulation all together and revel in the energy or feel like you
“lost the orgasm,” which again, may or may not be fulfilling depending on where you
are in your journey and whether you know how to contain, circulate and store this built
up energy in your body. Yes, that’s possible!
You can sustain this energy and circulate it through your body while continuing to have
sex or self pleasure as you relax and surrender into higher states of relaxed arousal and
relaxed excitement, allowing yourself to enter into an altered state of consciousness. A
trance state…
None of these states or options are better than the other, but if you want to have
different experiences sexually and open yourself up to those altered states of
consciousness, which are powerful and healing, then accessing high states of sexual
energy is essential.
Another reason why the highly excited, yet relaxed arousal trance state is so great is
because it becomes the most potent time to plant the seed of your desire! It’s the most
ripe and ready time to combine your intention/desire with your high state of sexual
energy and arousal.
As you build sexual energy, you are building erotic power. As you build sexual energy
and erotic power, you are building creative energy and power, which is the key to
I like to think of the arousal stages during sex and self pleasure (and your sex magic
ritual) as similar to the menstrual cycle. The trace state is like ovulation, a time where
it’s fertile, juicy and literally primed for creating something. Plant that seed of desire
and intention, baby!
Sexual Magic for Lovers
- Dual Cultivation
Sex Magic for Lovers -
Dual Cultivation
The focus of this ebook is not on partnered sex magic, but I know a lot of women want
to know how they could potentially bring this into a current or future relationship.
That’s why I’ll be mentioning some helpful couple tips for partnered sex magic as we
go through this guide and erotic journey.
Dual Cultivation means that two people generate and build sexual energy in their
bodies together. You use things like breath, touch, sound, movement, intention, mutual
self pleasure, pleasuring one another, you or your partner awakening your breasts, etc.
to build up this energy between you.
You can eventually circulate the energy from your body into theirs and simultaneously
receive energy from their body into yours and keep it flowing between you.
You’ll be lead through a few practices for partnered sex magic and Dual Cultivation for
sexual energy.
Solo Sexual Energy
Cultivation Practices
Solo Sexual Energy Cultivation
Here are a few of my favorite solo sexual energy cultivation practices. Cultivating
sexual energy means you build and harvest more of it. I like to work with the genitals
and pelvic floor because often it’s the starting source for what we perceive sexual
energy to be; horniness and turn on. The desire to fuck or be fucked. The craving for
orgasm. The urge to merge.

These practices will allow you to do the following…

• Locate sexual energy
• Build sexual energy in the genitals
• Circulate and raise the sexual energy through your whole body
• Create a more “wholehearted” and “wholesome” experience of sexual energy.
I don’t mean wholesome as in good vs bad, but in the sense that it becomes less about
fucking and climaxing and more about manifesting your desire - which is the whole
point of sex magic!
If you keep your sexual energy trapped in your genitals or your lower body you won't
be able to move beyond the primal experience of sexual energy - the need to have sex
and come.
Raising your sexual energy up into more wholeness, allows it to come into full
energetic alignment with ALL OF YOU, including your orgasmic heart and higher
chakras. The first practice allows you to build connection between your pussy and
Orgasmic Heart & Pussy
Sit comfortably, either sitting cross legged with a pillow nestled under your tailbone or
sitting on your knees with a few pillows stacked under your butt or in between your
legs (almost like you’re riding the pillows).
Place one hand on your heart or touching your breasts and the other hand over your
Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply into your pussy. Imagine that you have a
mouth in between your legs and you can inhale and exhale out of your vagina.
Inhale through your nose and out of an open, relaxed mouth with a sigh, moan or
sound. My favorite is a gentle and slightly orgasmic Ahhh sound, which is the heart
chakra sound.
Rapidly squeeze and release your pelvic floor muscles a few times as if you’re stopping
your flow of urine and then letting it go, charging your pussy with sexual energy. It’s
like a pulse where there isn’t a gap or hold between the squeeze and release.
Once you feel complete - like you’ve charged your pussy- you can start to raise the
energy from your pussy into your heart and breasts.
Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles inwards and upwards on the inhale, imagine that
your heart is drinking the energy from your pussy up into your breasts and heart.
Exhale out of an open mouth with a sigh or sound, releasing your pelvic floor and
allowing the sexual energy to drop back down into your pussy.
You’re welcome to rock your spine back and forth as you inhale and exhale, sending
your heart forward on in the inhale and slightly rounding your spine on the exhale,
originating from your hips in a sensual, fluid movement that feels good.
Allow this to be pleasurable and orgasmic. Feel what’s going on in your vagina and
heart. Set a timer and practice for 5-10 minutes.
Practice 3-4 x weekly to open your heart and cultivate an orgasmic heart and pussy
Orgasmic Chakra Programming
You can actually program every cell of your body and your chakras with your intention
or desire. And you can do this by first programming it in your symbol or sigil if you’re
using one and then using your breath and sexual energy to translate that intention into
your cells and energy body.
Once you have your intention set, pick a symbolic representation for it. You could use a
symbol or sigil if you created one or you can imagine your intention as one word, a
color, picture, etc.
Imagine it in your mind and feel into how good it would feel to have that thing. Feel it
now as if it’s real and here. Feel the emotions and sensations that you’d be
Now imagine programming and infusing it into your root chakra, located at your
perineum and vaginal opening. Feel your vagina and perineum soaking it up as you
squeeze and release your pelvic floor muscles quickly, pulsing them to charge your root
chakra with your symbol or intention.
Imagine ruby red light here filling your sigil or intention.

Then, you breathe sexual energy up from your perineum into each chakra, from sacral
to crown, and exhale it back down with sound. Usually an ahhhh sound, but whatever
feels good.
Inhale through your nose, gently squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and send the energy
from your perineum straight up into your sacral chakra (in your womb space) and then
exhale, sounding out and letting it fall back down to your perineum again.
Envision warm orange light filling your womb space as it's being charged with your
Once you’ve charged your sacral with your symbol/intention, move onto your solar
plexus in your upper abdomen. Imagine golden light here and your symbol.
Then, the heart chakra in the center of your chest. Envision jade green light here.
Then, the throat chakra in the base of your throat. Imagine dark blue light here.
Then, the third eye chakra in between your eyebrows. Imagine violet light here.
And lastly, your crown chakra at the top of your head. Imagine bright white light here.
Repeat the inhale and exhale cycle about 7-10 times per chakra and then move on to
the next chakra once it feels “charged”. This really builds energy, especially the quicker
you inhale and exhale. You can also go slower if you want to be more sensual about it.

Microcosmic Orbit with Sigil

The Microcosmic Orbit is a Taoist breathing practice that circulates your sexual energy
up the back of your spine, into your brain, and back down into your perineum again.
Sit comfortably in a position that feels pleasurable.
Start to quickly squeeze and release your pelvic floor, imagining your intention
(whether it’s a symbol, sigil, word, feeling, image, etc.) flowing into your perineum.
Do this until your pussy feels charged with your intention. Once you feel complete,
relax your pelvic floor.
Place your tongue at the roof of your mouth on the ridge behind your two front teeth
and keep a gentle lock on your pelvic floor.
Inhale slowly and evenly through your nose, gently squeezing your pelvic floor a little
more firmly, sending the energy from your pussy and perineum up the back of your
spine into your head and brain.
As you inhale imagine drawing your intention/symbol/sigil up into your brain.
Then, exhale down the front center of your body, going back to the lighter pelvic floor
hold, sending energy back into your vagina and perineum.
As you exhale, imagine your sigil or intention falling back into your pussy.
Continue playing with squeezing your pelvic floor muscles in and upwards on the
inhale to pump your sexual energy up and release the squeeze to a very light, residual
hold on the exhale.
You can use your hands to massage your thighs, breasts, womb and belly or to spread
the energy upwards from your pussy into the rest of your body. You can use your hands
to guide the energy and spread your sigil up and down as you inhale and exhale.
You can gently grind into your heel, slowly and seductively stroke your clitoris with a
barely there touch of your finger tip or rock into the pillows. Just don’t go overboard
into climax.
Keep breathing deeply on your inhale and exhale. You will begin to feel major sexual
energy building over time, especially in your genitals but you’ll want to raise it up into
your head on each inhale and exhale it back down.
Keep envisioning your sigil or intention flowing up the back of your spine and down
the front of your body.
Do daily for five to ten minutes.
Sexual Energy
Cultivation Practices for
Sexual Energy Cultivation for
Partnered Sex Magic
Here are two practices you can do with your lover to build sexual energy together and
charge your intention with sexual energy.

Connected Breathing
You can sit comfortably in front of each other or you can sit in the Tantric position Yab-
Yum, which is traditionally the woman sitting in her partner’s lap, both cross legged. If
you’re not in a heterosexual relationship, play around with the positioning depending
on who’s smaller and what feels more comfortable for both of you.
Begin by breathing in a synchronized manner together. Inhaling from your genitals up
into your heart at the same time, squeezing your pelvic floor on the inhale. Exhaling
from the heart back down into your genitals, releasing the squeeze on the exhale. Allow
your breathing to naturally come into sync.
You can imaging taking the intention, symbol or sigil up into both of your hearts on the
inhale and back down on the exhale into your genitals.
Do this for five minutes or longer.
Now you can switch and do a circular breath where you inhale as your partner exhales
and they inhale as you exhale.
You can sit in the same position as before or just in front of each other.
Inhale, squeezing your genitals as you imagine sucking your partner’s energy and the
intention or symbol into your pussy and taking it up into your heart.
While you are inhaling, your partner is exhaling and imagining that they are
penetrating your pussy with their energy and the symbol/intention.
Exhale, sending your energy and the intention into your lover’s heart from yours. As
you are doing that, they are inhaling, taking your energy and the intention from your
heart into theirs.
As you each exhale, you are giving the symbol. As you each inhale, you are receiving
the symbol.
The intention/symbol is supercharged with both of your sexual energies.
Do this for five minutes or longer.

Orgasmic Chakra & Sigil

You’ll both want to take turns doing this for one another. Have your partner sit behind
you as you sit cross legged. You can lean back on them if you like.
Essentially this practice is designed to supercharge your genitals (your pussy, in this
case) with sexual energy, pleasure and the intention, symbol or sigil and then raise it up
into each of your chakras.
Have your partner place one hand on your genitals and let them know how they can
pleasure you. You’re invited to rock your pelvis back and forth through this whole
exercise to build arousal and sexual energy and stay turned on.
They can use their whole hand to just palm your vulva and clitoris or they can stroke
your clitoris in a way that you like. Just don’t go overboard into climax or have them
stroke too hard or fast. They can use warm oil on your naked vulva or do it over clothes
if you enjoy the friction.
Take a few minutes or longer to have your partner pleasure you so you have plenty of
arousal to work with in your genitals and root chakra.
Begin by squeezing and releasing your pelvic floor muscles, rocking back and forth,
breathing deeply and sounding out on each exhale as you supercharge your root chakra
with your intention and sexual energy.
Imagine your root chakra filling with red light as your symbol or intention fills your
root chakra.
Keep breathing, rocking, sounding, using your pelvic floor on each inhale and having
your partner rub your vulva as they place their other free hand over your sacral chakra
(womb space).
When you feel ready, start to inhale and pump the charged sexual energy symbol or
intention up into your sacral chakra.
Make sure to use breath, touch, sound, your pelvic floor and rocking your pelvis to do
this. You can place your hands over your partners if you like or use them to guide
energy into each chakra.
Imagine orange light swirling here with your symbol in your womb space.
When your sacral chakra feels supercharged, move onto the solar plexus and repeat,
allowing your partner to keep one hand always stroking or gently palming and
massaging your pussy and the other hand on each chakra you’re breathing into.
Imagine golden sunlight in your solar plexus. They can place their hand over your
upper abdomen.
Green light in your heart chakra. They can place their hand over your heart space in the
center of your chest.
Blue light in your throat. They can gently hold the base of your throat.
Violet in your third eye. They can place a fingertip over your third eye in between your
While light like a prism in your crown chakra. They can hold their whole palm or their
fingertips over the top of your head.
Once you feel the energy and sigil building in your crown, imagine shooting it out of
your crown into the universe. Make sure to ground yourself in some way, have your
partner firmly press into your vulva downward and feel the energy flow back down
through each chakra back into your pussy.
Repeat on your partner now, stroking their cock or pussy as you follow the exact same
process on them.
If you’re stroking a cock, make sure to use some warm oil or lubricant and don’t let
them go overboard into climax. Edge them if you need to. Allow them to shoot the
energy out of their crown and then ground them by squeezing the base of their cock
gently, but firmly.
Ok now that you know how to clear your channel, create your intention, cultivate
sexual energy and charge your intention with sexual energy, whether solo or partnered,
let’s move into the climax of this ebook - the full sex magic process!
How to Practice
Sex Magic
How to Practice Sex Magic
Step 1. Create sacred space for your ritual. Make sure you feel safe, sensual and able
to dive deeper into your erotic side. Maybe you light some candles, put on a sexy
playlist or close the blinds. Arrange blankets and pillows, red roses in a beautiful vase
or lock your doors.
Whatever feels good and allows you to let completely go.
Step 2. Begin breathing deeply into your pussy. If you are doing this alone, you can
start with some of the breathing techniques I taught you above or doing yoni breathing,
which is just breathing in and out of your vagina. Inhale, lightly squeeze your pelvic
floor muscles, exhale slowly and relax fully. If you’re practicing with a partner, he or
she will do the same, breathing into their cock or pussy. Allow the breathing to be very
fluid and try to match your breathing in sync if doing with a lover.
Step 3. Bring your intention to mind…what do you desire or want to manifest with
this particular sex magic ritual? If you’re doing this alone, decide on your intention and
you can say it aloud three times if you like. Or you can think it to yourself. I’ll give you
a few examples below. I find that when it comes to stating my intention aloud it really
helps me ground into the energy of having it already if I recite it in present tense. You
can also imagine your symbol or sigil if you’re using.
Here are some examples:
• I’ve received x amount of money in my bank account.
• I’ve called in an aligned lover.
• I’ve created a piece of amazing artwork.
• INSERT YOUR DESIRE/INTENTION of choice in present tense.
If you’re doing this with a partner, again decide as a couple on what you want to call in
and then align together. Do you want to create a baby? More money? A luxurious,
romantic getaway? A co-created business?
Agree on your intention and say it aloud together three times in present tense if you
like or just focus on your sigil or symbol together. You can place a photo of your
symbol near you. It will definitely amplify your power and of course, your belief in the
desire, which is just as potent and necessary.
Step 4. Embody the feeling of having it NOW. Close your eyes and imagine what it
would look, and most importantly, FEEL like to have that. Bring yourself deep into the
emotion of it. Would you be celebrating with gratitude? I love to smile deeply and
laugh as I’m envisioning/feeling my desire.
See if you can feel into the emotions (excitement, gratitude, love, peace, fulfillment,
etc.) and try your best to sensually experience it in your mind’s eye.
What would it feel like to kiss your lover’s lips? To have them inside of you? To feel
their deep, unending love for you?
To hold the keys to that new car? To walk into that retreat center in Bali? To slip the
new, sexy lingerie over your skin?
To see the money in your bank account? To be able to donate some of it to your
favorite charity, because you’re overflowing? To feel it in your hands as you hand it to
the barista in exchange for your favorite latte or hot tea?
Bring it in NOW and revel in it. Let yourself get TURNED ON by the vision, sensation
and thought of it.
Step 5. Begin to self pleasure or make love. You can use a crystal dildo or just your
hands if you’re practicing solo (or any other pleasurable toys you fancy).
If you’re with a partner, begin to make love with them. You can try the Yab-Yum
position, any other positions that turn you on or missionary is excellent as well.
Whatever feels good for you both yet allows you to ground into your intention
NOTE: You don’t have to think of, visualize or focus on your intention the whole time.
It’s mostly important before you begin and right at orgasm/climax or during your
extended orgasm state (the trance state).
Periodically I recommend bringing it back into mind or envisioning it circulating
through your body.
Step 6. Begin to raise your sexual energy. You’ll begin to raise your sexual energy
through each chakra from the root chakra/pussy to your crown chakra in the top of your
head by using your breath and your mind’s eye for visualization purposes. You can also
breathe through the Microcosmic Orbit, circulating the energy up the back of your
spine and down your front.
If you’re with a partner, you’ll both want to synchronize your breathing together,
whether you’re going through each chakra or doing the Microcosmic Orbit.
Step 7. Build up to orgasm (climax or an extended orgasm state). Continue to
deepen into pleasure and arousal by self-pleasuring or making love. You can build up to
climax and do something called ‘edging’ where you get close to orgasm/climax (say an
8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10 for arousal, 10 being an actual climax) and then stop for a
couple of minutes to build it up again.
Or you can just build up to orgasm or an extended orgasm state and then move into the
next step. Imagine planting your intention, desire or symbol/sigil like a seed into the
fertile excitement of your sexual energy.
Step 8. Shoot the energy out of your crown chakra (top of your head) into the
universe as you experience orgasm/climax and imagine your intention going into
the cosmos.
As this happens bring the feelings back in again of having it NOW. Let yourself feel
the emotions and visualize having it.
You can imagine your symbol or sigil exploding out of the crown and continuing to
grow further and further away from you until it disappears.
By the way, I believe that orgasm is not just about experiencing climax, as in the
contraction and release of your pelvic floor, genitals and reproductive organs. What I
live and teach my clients is that orgasm is a path of being, living and embodying the
feeling of orgasm, even if you don’t have a climax. It’s a state of BEING.
So basically waves of ecstasy and pleasure at all times, not just upon climax and
release in your genitals. I do believe that every woman is capable of having an orgasm
(climax) so if that is what’s stopping you, shift your mindset and get ready to become
If you choose to not to have an orgasm or it just seems like it’s not happening, no
Your sexual energy being harnessed and directly channeled is still potent. You can just
choose to stop and still imagine it shooting out of your crown into the cosmos and
feeling the desire NOW.
The reason orgasm can be so great (as in climax) is because the lateral orbitofrontal
cortex behind the left eye (the part of the brain responsible for reason and behavior)
goes completely dark, which means we lose attachment to our ego, disbelief and
judgement so we can get lost fully in our desire and surrender to it.
Not to mention the delicious benefits of oxytocin and serotonin being released and
flooding our bodies upon climax.
The reason why entering into an extended orgasmic state (rather than a climax) is so
potent is because you enter into a deeper realm of egoless unity. You become One with
your desire, the divine, your partner (if doing partnered sex magic), love and your
Step 9. Let the energy flow back down into your crown and all the way down into
your pussy and root chakra, the material realm.
Remain seated for a few more moments as you come down from orgasmic bliss.
Imagine your intention-infused sexual energy permeating the cosmos and then slowly
trickling back into your crown chakra and down all the way into your yoni and root
chakra again, the material realm where you can experience the manifestation.
Do something that grounds you like eating, going outside and walking barefoot on
Mother Earth or feeling your legs like tree roots.
Sex Magic Follow Up
Sex Magic Follow Up
So now that you’ve done the actual sex magic practice, what comes next?
Consider it done!
Of course you’ll need to take action towards said desires, but this is your sexual energy
and it’s the most potent form of creation. After all, you come from sexual energy! What
actions do you need to take to allow your desire to happen?
Write a list of 10 small actions you could take within the next 24 hours to get closer to
your desire and do one of them.

Here are some examples:

• Setting up an online dating profile

• Emailing a potential client, inviting them to work with you
• Taking a walk around the block with your dog (for weight and exercise related goals)
• Figuring out when you ovulate next by looking at your period app or checking your
cervical fluid today to plan for pregnancy
• Picking up the phone and calling a travel agent
• Looking up Airbnb’s in the area you want to travel
• Texting that man or woman who asked you on a second date and saying yes (as long
as it feels good)
You’ll want to keep taking aligned and inspired action each day in some way to get
closer to your goal. Sex magic is powerful, but it’s not just about sex or self pleasure
with nothing else involved. You have to take aligned action too.
All it takes is a series of small steps over a period of days, weeks or months. You don’t
need to do big things each day, just the small next step that will get you a little bit
I like to think that when we take one step closer to our desire, our desire takes two steps
closer to us.
Sex Magic Maintenance - How
to Maintain the Sex Magic
Intention & Spell
Another common question I get is what do you do after you’ve done your sex magic
ritual? How do you stay connected to it?
Sex magic is a learning practice. There are times where I focus on one intention, do a
sex magic ritual once and then move on.
For simplicity’s sake, choose one thing to practice sex magic around for the next 30
days, if not longer. This doesn’t mean you need to self pleasure or have sex every
single day, unless you want to and it feels good. 

This also doesn’t mean that every time you have sex or self pleasure that you need to
make it about sex magic, but again, you can if it feels good.
I would say to do an actual sex magic ritual where you have sex or self pleasure with
your intention in mind once or twice per week to maintain your desire until it’s “fully”
manifested and then connect to it in some way once per day at least.
You can do sex magic as often as you like for the same desire and when you start
noticing one desire unfold, you can practice it around another thing.
Sometimes things can get hectic if you’re practicing sex magic for ten different things
so keep it simple and focus on one at a time.
Here are some suggestions on how you can stay turned on and connected to your
desire, which will help increase your confidence and sex magic power:
• Create an altar with items that remind you of your desire. I LOVE creating altars and
will definitely be teaching this in Solo Sex Magic. Your altar doesn’t need to be super
fancy. You can simply arrange a few meaningful, sacred items in one spot of your

I love using things like tarot cards, candles, black crushed velvet fabric, roses or rose
petals, a money tree and other items like my jade egg and obsidian crystal dildo to
decorate. You can also print off photos of your desire or put a picture of your symbol
or sigil on there.
• Do a sexual energy practice like breathing into your heart and pussy and visualize
your intention or sigil circulating through your body for 5-10 minutes per day.
• Create a Pinterest board focused around your intention and look at it every day or
gaze at it softly while you self pleasure, do breathing exercises or just before you go
into your sex magic ritual.
• Do a visualization meditation where you close your eyes for a few minutes each day
and go into the desire. Envision it already being done and how you feel emotionally
and sensually. Feel it all. Bring it into the now.
• Do the same thing as above but take it to an orgasmic level. Touch yourself, breathe
deeply, make orgasmic sounds and imagine supercharging your desire with those
orgasmic feelings and energy.
• Create passwords on your phone, computer and other systems that revolve around
your desire so that you have it in your mind each time you enter your password.
• Add a photo that reminds you of your symbol or desire on your phone or laptop
• Get creative and come up with your own ideas!

Sex magic is something fun to bring into your life so don’t take it so seriously that you
stop enjoying the whole experience. Play with it, get curious and experiment!
In my Solo Sex Magic Course we’ll be diving deeper into all of this plus other topics
• Mirror magic during sex magic
• Creating sigils & symbols
• Sex magic spells
• Using words, body painting & other fun rituals to spice up your sex magic practice
• How to enter into extended orgasm states
• Extended Orgasm Technique
• And so much more!
FAQ’s on Sex Magic
FAQ’s on Sex Magic
Here I’m going to take a few moments to address a few of the common questions I
received during my sex magic survey.

How do I create a sacred space to practice in?

This is something I’ll be going into in more depth in the Solo Sex Magic Course
(coming very soon!), but the most effective method is this:
Figure out how you want to FEEL emotionally, sexually, sensually and even spiritually
in your environment or sacred space. I like to feel erotic, cozy, safe and always desire
an erotic temple, sensual boudoir kind of energy in my sacred space for sex magic. I
usually prefer my bedroom for this reason, but not always!
Determine what space that’s in. Is it a room? Is it a spot in a room? Is it indoors?
Outdoors? Make sure you feel safe to unwind sexually.
Set up your sacred space based on how you want to feel while you’re in it. What items
will support you in feeling that way?
What items won’t?
Do you need to tidy up? Lock the door and close the blinds? Arrange blankets, pillows
and other comfy items? Do you want flowers, an altar, candles, silk sheets? Or
something else entirely?
You don’t need anything too fancy, unless it turns you on and excites you. Your
intention and sexual energy are the most important piece, not necessarily your
environment, but your environment can be a physical representation of what’s inside
and that can help.
I personally love having red satin sheets, lots of candles, red roses, my dresser altar set
up and I love burning incense, resins and palo santo.

How long does it take to see results?

This really depends on what your intention is and how much resistance you have
against it. The easiest way to determine your resistance level is to get curious about
how long you’ve wanted what you’ve wanted without it manifesting. 

What does your body feel when you think about it manifesting? Or not manifesting?
Do you feel shame for not having it?
I’ve had desires manifest within minutes of setting an intention, but usually they’re
ones that I don’t have much resistance on (at all or anymore). I’ve also had to do some
serious inner and outer work for days, weeks, months or even years on some larger

It doesn’t have to take long or be difficult. We’ll be touching on this a lot more in the
Solo Sex Magic Course, but for now, I’ll share something I do that really helps.
The key to progress with your sex magic desire is to actively look for signs that it’s
coming every single day and celebrate the fuck out of these synchronicities, no matter
how small or insignificant your ego thinks they are.
What signs or symbols have shown up to support your desire?
I often will see signs or symbols that communicate with my unconscious. I knew I was
on track with a desire recently when I started to see the eye symbol everywhere.
Maybe you’ll see an ad in a magazine for the exact jacket you want. Maybe you’ll start
seeing number sequences like 11:11 or 333 everywhere. Maybe you’ll see another
woman post on Instagram talking about how she’s traveling somewhere you’ve
recently declared you want to go.
It’s tempting in those moments to think something along the lines of “oh she has it...so
that means I can’t.” That’s lack and scarcity thinking and it’s bullshit. It’s a sign that
she’s having it and there’s plenty for you to have too. Not only that, but it’s on it’s way
to you!
Keeping a journal/diary/book of shadows is also helpful and writing down every single
magical, miraculous, synchronistic or significant experience you have so that you can
read through it periodically and remember how supported, magical and powerful you
are as a sex witch!
The more you celebrate, honor and show gratitude for all of your manifestations *yes
even the unconscious ones you thought you didn’t want* then the quicker your
manifestation will unfold.

Are there any mistakes that I can accidentally make when practicing sex magic?
I wouldn’t worry too much about this, but rather I encourage you to adopt a curious,
playful attitude. If you think about it, you’re always manifesting. It’s just usually
coming from the part of you that is shamed, hidden and repressed. 

Doing the work to unlock those unconscious desires will help you fulfill them in a way
so that they don’t secretly rule your manifesting, sex magic abilities.
Don’t get me wrong - sexual energy is VERY powerful and people can definitely use it
for bad intentions, but I don’t think being afraid of making mistakes is going to help

Life is all about finding out what works for us and what doesn’t so instead of feeling
shame or fear around less than desirable explorations and outcomes, focus on learning
and remembering how powerful you are. It also helps to stay grounded in your
intention daily and WHY you want it.

Do I have to do spells, witchy occult stuff or other elaborate rituals in order to

practice sex magic?
Not at all! I personally love all of that witchy ritual and spellwork stuff, but that’s just
me. I do believe in the energy and mindset of ritual, but it doesn’t have to look or feel a
certain way, other than just feeling good for YOU and serving the purpose and intention
of your sex magic.
It can be as simple or elaborate as you want or a mix in between. Some days I do hours
upon hours of rituals and other times I have 20 minutes or less to devote to connecting
with my sex magic intention.

Is orgasm bad since it releases your sexual energy and "goes to waste"?
I don’t necessarily think that orgasm (as in climax) is good or bad when it comes to sex
You can practice sex magic with or without having an orgasm. I’ll be teaching two
methods in my upcoming course on solo sex magic: the extended orgasm (which may
or may not include a climax at the “end”, but rather is an extended state of orgasmic
bliss which results from experiencing relaxed arousal) and actual orgasm, as in climax.
The energy can be directed more consciously since most of us have clitoral orgasms
that leave us feeling depleted. It has a lot to do with your intention. Intention is key.
If you focus your climax (and therefore, your sexual energy) on experiencing
everything that’s present and allowing your sexual experience to expand, rather than
contract, I believe that you can amplify your sex magic, whether you have a clitoral,
vaginal, whole body, energy or extended orgasm (or no orgasm/orgasmic experience at

What tools do I need?

You only need to use “tools” if it will help you feel more emotionally and sensually
connected to your practice. I love using tools like my jade egg, crystal dildos (like
Chakrubs), incense, candles, rose petals, herbs, resins, mini cauldrons, tarot or oracle
cards, etc. but I also make sure not to be dogmatic about it.
If I feel like the only way my sex magic will work is if everything is done perfectly
with the “right” tools, then I’m missing the whole point of what sex magic is about -
which is intention + sexual energy.
All you need is your intention and body for cultivating, moving and directing sexual
energy into your desire in its most simplest form.
When I travel, I still like to practice sex magic, but it looks totally different than when
I’m at home in my own space with all of my tools and items. When I’m traveling I
might have a small pouch of meaningful items or I might have nothing but myself
available. It’s all about YOU and your intention.
Otherwise if you’re down with using tools here are a list of things to try playing with:
• A jade egg - I prefer and recommend a nephrite jade egg. You can order one here:
• Crystal dildos and pleasure wands - I personally love Chakrubs: http://
• Other sex toys
• Candles (whether sex magic infused or other) I love buying soy or beeswax candles
• Other crystals to arrange around you
• Cauldron for burning resins and herbs
• Tarot or oracle cards
• An altar
• Mojo bags (to fill with herbs, crystals and spells)
• Roses or other flowers
• Incense, resins or other burnable items (I love Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood, Copal
& Myrrh)
• Essential oils
• Herbs to burn, drink or use in other rituals
• Warm oil for massage
• Other props for sexual pleasure like a blindfold, ostrich or peacock feather, ice cubes,
hot wax, floggers, etc.
• A journal and pen to write spells down or do journal entries on my practices,
synchronicities and outcomes
• Pillows, blankets, other cozy items
• Lingerie or other sexy items
• Body paint or other body adornment items like glitter, jewels or makeup to play with
transfiguration (we’ll talk about this in Solo Sex Magic)
• A mirror
• The list goes on!

Is it better to start off manifesting small desires?

I would say to pick one intention that is important to you and have a few small
manifestations to play with here and there during the day - like manifesting a parking
space, cup of coffee or coin of money. The more you fulfill your desire/intention, the
stronger your sex magic abilities become and the more confidence you build. If it helps
you to start small, please do!

How do I continuously use sex magic in my everyday life?

I’ve already shared quite a bit about how you can connect with your sexual energy and
intention (therefore your sex magic practice) every day. Sex magic to me doesn’t just
mean you have to be self pleasuring or having sex.
Some days sex magic is using using my jade egg or doing some orgasmic breathwork
while gazing at a sigil or my Pinterest board.
Other days it’s breathing into my erotic energy while I daydream about my desire as
I’m soaking in the bath, lounging on my couch or taking a walk.
Sometimes it’s a 10-minute quickie with myself and other times it’s an elaborate 3-4
hour ritual.
Sometimes it’s with my partner and most often, it’s with myself.
Don’t use anything like time, money, space, lack of a partner, busyness, etc. as an
excuse to not practice daily in some small or big way!
Get creative and ask yourself: what kind of sex magic practice would truly turn me on
today? Don’t do what you think you should, but instead follow what turns you on.
Feel free to bring in other manifestation elements or tools and infusing them with
sexual energy, pleasure and orgasm like EFT (yes, I’ve done orgasmic tapping before!),
positive affirmations, visualization, vision/Pinterest boards, creating symbols or sigils,
meditation, etc.

What do I do when I don't feel the energy moving around...how do I know that
energy is still there?
The energy is always there! Remember what I said about subtle sexual energy. It’s also
good to notice what kind of sensual person you are. For me, I can sense/feel sexual
energy as an electrical, tingling feeling but I also have to use my imagination to
visualize it moving up and down. What helps you connect with it?
Do you need to use your pelvic floor to squeeze and pump the energy up and relax,
letting it drop down?
Do you need to imagine it as a color, symbol or something like light?
Do you need to sense it as a temperature, sensation or something like warm heat
Do you need to use your hands to guide it up and down on each inhale and exhale?
Do you need to focus more in the inhale and exhale?
You don’t have to always feel or sense it to know it’s there or moving. It is. If you put
your intention into it, that’s all you need, but building the mind-body connection in
some way can help like using your hands to guide it up and down or squeezing and
releasing your pelvic floor.
How do I know if I'm doing it right?
There is really no way to do it “right” or “wrong.” It’s all an experiment of finding
what you desire, what you don’t, what works and what doesn’t.
Celebrate and feel gratitude for everything that comes about. Yes, even if it seems like
it’s a failed attempt or like it’s not working out or taking forever.
Consider that there may be a part of you that wants the failure, shame, pain and
frustration just as much as the good so be willing to get in alignment with those parts
too instead of shaming them or saying they are less than holy.
Shame will only drive you farther away from the things you really desire. Think about
the things you feel shame around right now and how it causes a split in your energy,
making you feel like you have to hide a part (or many parts) of yourself from the
This shame is most likely alerting you to an unconscious pattern of manifesting
something your conscious mind thinks is bad and unwanted, but your unconscious
wants it for some reason. What might that reason be? Get as playfully curious as you
We need to accept and approve of all things that we manifest, whether unconsciously or
consciously, because some part of us wanted it that way for a reason.
If you’re feeling frustrated or like it’s not working, do some shadow work and look at
WHY you might want it some other way.
Why might some part of you (unconscious) actually want pain, poverty, rejection, the
struggle of feast or famine, the adrenaline rush that comes from always being in certain
situations, etc.? What is the benefit or payoff?
Once you accept and approve of the less than desirable outcomes, the easier it will be
to integrate your WHOLENESS (both your shadow and light) and instead of spiritually
bypassing the “bad” to get to the “good”, you’ll go right through it to other side and
become more self-actualized and closer to your true desire in the process.
Sex Magic Summary
Sex Magic Summary
Here is a quick summary on how to practice sex magic so you can easily reference it
and get started on your solo and/or partnered sex magic practice today!
• Choose your intention (make sure it’s as concrete, trackable & probable as possible,
but let go of self doubt)
• Clear your channel of doubts using tools like EFT, breath work, practicing sex magic
(yes, doing the practice is a great way to clear your channel), meditation, journaling,
shadow work, etc. 

NOTE: Clearing your channel and doing shadow work is an ongoing process, not
just before sex magic, but during and after as well
• Visualize, embody the emotions & sensually connect with your desire/intention/
symbol/sigil as if you had your desire NOW
• Build & cultivate sexual energy through things like breast massage, dance, erotic
massage, self pleasure, sex, foreplay, breathwork, the other practices shared
• Charge your intention with sexual energy using your mind’s eye, breath, touch,
sound, etc.
• Start to raise & circulate your sexual energy through breath, touch, sound, pelvic
floor, mind’s eye, etc. (The Microcosmic Orbit is my favorite for this!)
• Enter into relaxed arousal (where high excitement yet deep relaxation merge) & plant
the seed of your desire/intention here in this high sexual energy state
• Release your intention into the cosmic realm or universe through channeling your
orgasm or sexual energy charged intention/symbol (whether climax happens or not)
through the crown of your head using your mind’s eye
• Refocus on your intention & embody having it now again
• Allow the energy to drift back down and ground yourself as it reaches your root
chakra & genitals again
• Do one follow-up action within 24 hours that will help you stay connected to your
intention & get the sex magic manifestation ball rolling
• Connect with your desire every single day in some way. Get creative with what sex
magic means & how you practice it
• Repeat as often as you like!
What’s Next for Your
Sex Magic Practice?
What’s Next for
Your Sex Magic Practice?
I just want to take a moment again to thank you for reading this ebook. Sex magic is
something that I’m so passionate about and it’s my mission and movement in this
lifetime to spread the message and art of sexual magic and erotic ritual to those who are
open to learning and practicing.
I am eternally grateful that yet another woman (or anyone else reading this) is
reclaiming her erotic nature and invoking her sex magic powers to create an orgasmic
body and life by design.
You might be wondering what’s next for your sex magic journey and practice?
I tried to put as much love, energy, information and actual embodied practices into this
guide as I could so that you can begin and continue to practice sex magic in a powerful,
pleasurable and practical way. In a way that turn you on, liberates you and allows you
to fully embody your erotic power, pleasure and orgasmic potential.
There is sooooo much more to this topic and practice though. I’ve given you the most
basic information that you need to know, but there is a way of going deeper and getting
more out of your practice.
I’m still on my own journey, going deeper with my sex magic practice (as I always will
be) and bringing it into my own rituals and life in new ways every day. I want to share
all that I’ve learned, practiced and enjoyed around sex magic with you.
If you’re reading this ebook then you’re on the waiting list to be notified of when doors
open for my upcoming course for women - Solo Sex Magic, which is a course for
modern day women to practice the ancient art of ritual sex magic to create whatever
you desire in a pleasurable, powerful and practical way through self pleasure.
The course if for women only and is based around practicing solo sex magic, because I
think that cultivating the sexual and magical relationship with yourself first is essential.
I’ll also be working on my upcoming course Sexual Magic for Lovers as well so don’t
worry. You’ll be in the know around all of it!
Coming soon, lover ;)
I want to send you all of my love! I wish you the best on your sex magic path and
journey and if you desire to go deeper, keep your eyes on your inbox and you’ll be
notified of when doors open for my erotically unique & completely life-changing
(literally!) course!

Amber L.
About the Author,
Amber Leitz
About the Author, Amber Leitz

Here’s my bio for a deeper look into what I do…

Amber Leitz is a feminine sexuality mentor, erotic guide and ritual sex magic lover.
She teaches and invites women into practicing the art of devotional eroticism, sacred
sexuality and orgasmic awakening. She supports women in remembering and
reconnecting back to their deeply erotic nature and the holiness of their sexuality
through embodiment practices, sexual energy cultivation rituals and various self
pleasure techniques. She believes that the erotic is a woman’s key to deep
transformation, ecstatic sex and, ultimately, divine love and union within.
Amber teaches devotional eroticism as a spiritual practice and encourages women to
come home to the safety, love and ecstasy of their sensual, erotic and orgasmic bodies.
She weaves body, mind, heart and soul together to unite sexuality, spirituality and love
within a woman’s body so that she can radiate that energy into every area of her life
and feel deeply fulfilled, sexually satisfied and turned on to her innate sexual energy.
You can come play with me on social media as well!

My website & blog: http://www.amberleitz.com/blog

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/amberleitz

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberleitz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amberrleitz/

Private Facebook group of over 1800+ women: bit.ly/sensuallyembodiedwoman

For all of my free resources: https://www.amberleitz.com/free-resources/

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