Proposed Warehouse Cum (G+2) Office For Weathereford (Under Balance) For DCM International

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Warehous Cum Office(G+1) for DCM International for weatherford(Underbalance)

Quantity Calculate for Warehouse:

DESCRIPTION U No. L W H/D Quantity T.Quantity
E/W Excavation
Grid 1-14 & Axis A m3 3 76.7 4.5 1.5 1553.175
Grid 14 & Axis A-F m3 3 34.5 4.5 1.5 698.625
Lift area m3 1 3.8 3.8 1.5 21.66
Total E/W Excavation Quantity 2273.46

1000G polythene sheet

Below footing m2 35 2.7 2.7 255.15
Below solid block m2 1 169.4 0.5 84.7
Ware house area G S. m2 1 72.2 17.85 1288.77
Ware house area G S. m2 1 27 12.2 329.4
Office m2 1 45 12.2 549
Total Polythene sheet Quantity 2507.02

100mm thick PCC

Below footing m3 35 2.7 2.7 0.1 25.515
Below solid block m3 1 169.4 0.5 0.1 8.47
Total PCC Quantity 33.985

RCC Isolated footing

Footing m3 35 2.5 2.5 0.4 87.5
Total isolated footing Quantity 87.5

Pedastel m3 35 0.5 0.5 1 8.75

Total Padestal Quantity 8.75
8" Solid block
8" Solid block in between footings m2 1 169.4 0.4 67.76
8" Solid block in between footings tops to m2 1 249.4 0.5 124.7
Tie beam bottom
Total Solid block Quantity 192.46

RCC Tie beam m3 1 249.4 0.2 0.6 29.928

Total Tie beam Quantity 29.928

Bitumen paint
Footing m2 35 2.5 2.5 218.75
Side m2 35 10 0.4 140
8" Solid block in between footings m2 2 169.4 0.4 135.52
8" Solid block in between footings tops to T.B. m2 2 249.4 0.5 249.4
Tie beam m2 2 249.4 0.6 299.28
Total bitumen Quantity 1042.95

250mm thick Roadbase

Below footing m3 35 2.7 2.7 0.25 63.7875
Below solid block m3 1 169.4 0.5 0.25 21.175
Ware house area G S. m3 1 72.2 17.85 0.25 322.1925

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Ware house area G S. m3 1 27 12.2 0.25 82.35
Office m3 1 45 12.2 0.25 137.25
Total Roadbase Quantity 626.755

Back filling m3 1 2083.56

Total Back filling Quantity 2083.56

Ground Slab in ware house

200mm thick with fiber mesh rainforcement m3 1 72.2 17.85 0.2 257.754
m3 1 27 12.2 0.2 65.88
Total G.S. Warehouse Quantity 323.634

Column m3 22 0.2 0.2 1.5 1.32

Total column Quantity 1.32

Cooping beam m3 1 176.85 0.2 0.2 7.074

Total Cooping beam Quantity 7.074

Encasement Column m3 35 0.5 0.5 1.5 13.125

Total Encasement Quantity
6"Hollow block m2 1 176.85 1.3 229.905
Total 6"hollow block Quantity 229.905

I.Wall plaster m2 1 176.85 1.5 265.275

Total I.Wall plaster Quantity 265.275

I.Wall fenomastic paints m2 1 265.27

Total I.Wall fenomastic paints Quantity 265.27

External wall plaster m2 1 176.85 1.5 265.275

Total external wall plaster Quantity 265.275

External wall epoxy paint m2 265.27

Total external wall paint Quantity 265.27

Office Block
100mm thick with BRC Mesh A-142(1-layer) m3 1 45 12.2 0.15 82.35
Total ground slab Quantity 82.35

Groundfloor & First floor

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Decking slab m2 1 45 12.2 549
m2 1 72.2 12.2 880.84
Total decking slab Quantity 1429.84

Lift wall 200mm thick m3 1 4.8 0.2 17 16.32

Total lift wall Quantity 16.32

Lift +Staircase slab m3 1 5.1 4.25 0.2 4.335

Total lift slab Quantity 4.335

Escape staircase slab m3 1 2.8 7.1 0.2 3.976

Total escape staircase slab Quantity 3.976

Lift m3 1 18.7 0.2 1 3.74
Escape staircase m3 1 19.8 0.2 1 3.96 7.7

Lift staircase
Landing m3 6 1.4 1.4 0.2 2.352
Waist slab m3 3 7.6 1.4 0.2 6.384
Steps m3 33 1.2 0.3 0.15 1.782
Escape staircase
Landing m3 3 2.5 1.4 0.2 2.1
Waist slab m3 6 4 1.1 0.2 5.28
Steps m3 33 1.1 0.3 0.15 1.6335
Total staircase Quantity 19.5315

200mm thick insulated block

Ground floor m2 1 42.15 4.8 202.32
First floor & Second floor m2 2 42.15 3.8 320.34
Ground floor
D2 m2 -2 1.8 2.4 -8.64
W m2 -2 2.2 0.6 -2.64
W1 m2 -2 1.2 0.6 -1.44
First floor & Second floor
W3 m2 -1 1.1 1.4 -1.54
CW -1 6.4 2.4 -15.36
CW2 -1 2.25 2.4 -5.4
Total 200mm insulated block Quantity 487.64
Lintal 200mm thick
Ground floor
D2 m3 5 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.44
W m3 4 2.6 0.2 0.2 0.416
W1 m3 2 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.128
First floor & Second floor
CW m3 2 7.4 0.4 0.2 1.184
CW2 m3 2 2.7 0.2 0.2 0.216

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Total lintal Quantity 2.384

150mm thick hollow block

Ground floor m2 1 201.36 4.8 966.528
Ground floor
RD m2 -2 4 4 -32
FD m2 -4 1 2.1 -8.4
AD m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32
D1 m2 -5 0.9 2.1 -9.45

First floor &second floor m2 2 79.9 3.8 607.24

Total 150mm holow block Quantity 1519.598

100mm thick hollow block

Ground floor m2 1 34.87 4.8 167.376
Ground floor
D1 m2 -10 0.9 2.1 -18.9

First floor &second floor m2 2 48.4 3.8 367.84

D1 m2 -18 0.9 2.1 -34.02
Total 150mm holow block Quantity 482.296
Toughened glass
First floor m2 1 40.5 3.8 153.9
First floor D m2 -10 1 2.1 -21
Total toughened glass Quantity 132.9

First & Second floor

100mm thick gypsum partition m2 2 8 3.8 60.8
m2 1 35.95 3.8 136.61
Total gypsum partition Quantity 197.41

Ground floor
Internal wall plaster m2 1 31.84 3 95.52
RUD m2 -1 4 4 -16
FD m2 -1 1 2.1 -2.1 63.52

I.Wall paint m2 1 63.52

Flooring hardner m2 1 12.17 7.5 91.275 91.275

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 91.27

A/C Storage
Internal wall plaster m2 1 24.9 3 74.7
AD m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32 70.38

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I.Wall paint m2 1 70.38

Flooring hardner m2 1 7.35 5.1 37.485 37.485

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 37.48

Internal wall plaster m2 1 14.1 3 42.3

I.Wall paint m2 1 42.3

Flooring hardner m2 1 4.5 4.8 21.6 21.6

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 21.6

Internal wall plaster m2 1 12.15 3 36.45

I.Wall paint m2 1 36.45

Flooring hardner m2 1 2.55 4.8 12.24 12.24

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 12.24

Internal wall plaster m2 1 13 3 39

I.Wall paint m2 1 39

Flooring hardner m2 1 3.4 4.8 16.32 16.32

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 16.32

Internal wall plaster m2 1 17 3 51
FD m2 -1 1 2.1 -2.1 48.9

I.Wall paint m2 1 48.9

Flooring carpet tiles m2 1 3.4 5.1 17.34 17.34

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 17.34

Staff room &Passage

Internal wall plaster m2 1 61.7 3 185.1

D1 m2 -3 0.9 2.1 -5.67

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D2 m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32 175.11

I.Wall paint m2 1 175.11

Flooring carpet tiles m2 1 7.9 10.2 80.58

m2 1 10.5 1.1 11.55
m2 1 2.25 5.1 11.475 103.605

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 103.6

Toilet,Kitchen,Entrance prayer
Wall C/T m2 1 12.4 3 37.2
m2 1 17.6 3 52.8
m2 1 53.8 3 161.4
m2 1 7.8 3 23.4
m2 1 9.6 3 28.8
m2 1 6.3 3 18.9
m2 -15 0.9 2.1 -28.35 294.15

Floor C/T m2 1 2.8 4.8 13.44

m2 1 2 4.8 9.6
m2 1 1.1 3.7 4.07
m2 1 7.35 3.7 27.195
m2 1 1.1 2.8 3.08
m2 1 1.15 2 2.3 59.685

F/C Wet area m2 59.68

Internal wall plaster m2 1 15.8 3 47.4
FD m2 -1 1 2.1 -2.1 45.3

I.Wall paint m2 1 45.3

Flooring carpet tiles m2 1 3.1 4.8 14.88 14.88

Gypsum false ceiling m2 1 14.88

Internal wall plaster m2 1 27.2 3 81.6
D1 m2 -4 0.9 2.1 -7.56
GD m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32
W1 m2 -2 2.25 0.6 -2.7 67.02

I.Wall paint m2 1 67.02

Flooring composite stone m2 1 7.35 6.25 45.9375 45.9375

F/C m2 1 45.94

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Internal wall plaster m2 1 5.7 3 17.1 17.1

I.Wall paint m2 1 17.1

Ground fllor & First floor

Open office room
Internal wall plaster m2 2 76.4 3 458.4
CW m2 -2 1.8 2.4 -8.64
D m2 -2 0.9 2.1 -3.78 445.98

I.Wall paint m2 2 445.98

Flooring carpet tiles m2 2 54.35 10.2 1108.74 1108.74

Gypsum false ceiling m2 2 1108.74

Middle wall
Internal wall plaster m2 2 72 4 576 576

I.Wall paint m2 2 576

Toilet,Kitchen,Entrance prayer
Wall C/T m2 2 30.5 3 183
m2 2 30.5 3 183
m2 2 17.3 3 103.8
m2 -18 0.9 2.1 -34.02 435.78

Floor C/T m2 2 3.95 3.95 31.205

m2 2 3.95 3.95 31.205
m2 2 4.7 3.95 37.13 99.54

F/C Wet area m2 2 99.54

Meeting room
Internal wall plaster m2 2 21.5 3 129
CW m2 -2 6.4 2.4 -30.72 98.28

I.Wall paint m2 2 98.28

Flooring carpet tiles m2 2 10.75 3.95 84.925 84.925

Gypsum false ceiling m2 2 84.92

Internal wall plaster m2 2 26.15 3 156.9
CW m2 -8 0.9 2.1 -15.12 141.78

I.Wall paint m2 2 141.78

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Flooring carpet tiles m2 2 14.85 2.25 66.825 66.825

Gypsum false ceiling m2 2 66.82

I.Wall plaster m2 2 10.2 3 61.2
D1 m2 -2 0.9 2.1 -3.78 57.42

I.Wall paint m2 2 57.2

Escape Staircase
Landing flooring Granite m2 3 2.25 1.4 9.45 9.45
Landing Skirting Granite lm 3 5.05 15.15 15.15
Staircase Steps lm 33 1.1 36.3 36.3

I.Wall plaster m2 1 18.1 4.8 86.88

m2 3 18.1 3.8 206.34 293.22

I.Wall paint m2 293.22

Lift Staircase
Landing flooring Granite m2 6 1.3 1.3 10.14 10.14
Landing Skirting Granite lm 6 2.6 15.6 15.6
Staircase Steps lm 33 1.1 36.3 36.3

I.Wall plaster m2 1 12.2 4.8 58.56

m2 3 12.2 3.8 139.08 197.64

I.Wall paint m2 197.64

External finishing
Alpolic cladding m2 1 27 14 378
D2 m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32
GD m2 -1 1.8 2.4 -4.32
W m2 -2 2.25 0.6 -2.7
W2 m2 -2 0.6 0.6 -0.72
CW m2 -1 6.4 2.4 -15.36
CW2 m2 -1 2.25 2.4 -5.4
W3 m2 -1 1.1 1.4 -1.54
Total Alpolic cladding Quantity 343.64

80mm tyhick Interlock m2 1 77.15 8.1 624.915

m2 1 5.15 30 154.5
m2 1 77.15 7.1 547.765
m2 1 80.35 45.2 3631.82
m2 0.5 28.3 42.2 597.13

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m2 -1 45.85 6.8 -311.78
m2 -1 3.7 15 -55.5
m2 -1 1.8 5.95 -10.71
m2 -1 2 2.8 -5.6
m2 -1 45.85 6.8 -311.78

60mm tyhick Interlock m2 1 3.7 15 55.5

m2 1 1.8 5.95 10.71 66.21

Kerb stone lm 1 31.95 31.95

Compound wall lm 1 538.28 538.28

Fire scape Staircase railing lm 1 21 21 21

Rollup doors (Electrically opperated) No. 3 4 4 20000 60,000.00

Metal door No. 4 1 2.1 3000 12,000.00

Wooden doors
D1 No. 38 0.9 2.1 2500 95,000.00

Glass door
D2 No. 3 1.8 2.4 4000 12,000.00
D3 No. 10 1 2.1 3000 30,000.00

Ground floor
Aluminium louvers
AD No. 4 1.8 2.4 17.28
Aluminium windows
W No. 4 2.25 0.6 5.4
W2 No. 3 0.6 0.6 1.08
First & second floor
W3 No. 2 1.1 1.4 3.08
W4 No. 2 1.4 0.6 1.68
CW No. 14 6.4 2.4 215.04
CW1 No. 2 4.8 2.4 23.04
CW2 No. 4 2.25 2.4 21.6 288.2

Compound wall gate

Electricall sliding gate(10.00m wide) No 3 20000 60,000.00

Automatic gate barier No 2 10000 20,000.00

Lift staircase:

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Light weight concrete m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 45 975.38
Membrane m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 35 758.63
Insulation m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 35 758.63
Sepration layer m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 5 108.38
30mm cement sand mortar m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 30 650.25
White cement tiles m2 1 5.1 4.25 21.675 90 1,950.75
Angle fillit lm 1 18.7 15 280.50
Membrane skirting lm 1 18.7 15 280.50
Tile skirting lm 1 18.7 15 280.50
Flushing lm 1 18.7 40 748.00
Groove & sealent lm 1 18.7 15 280.50
Fire escape staircase:
Light weight concrete m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 45 798.75
Membrane m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 35 621.25
Insulation m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 35 621.25
Sepration layer m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 5 88.75
30mm cement sand mortar m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 30 532.50
White cement tiles m2 1 2.5 7.1 17.75 90 1,597.50
Angle fillit lm 1 19.2 15 288.00
Membrane skirting lm 1 19.2 15 288.00
Tile skirting lm 1 19.2 15 288.00
Flushing lm 1 19.2 40 768.00
Groove & sealent lm 1 19.2 15 288.00

TOTAL 13,252.00
Steel column cover by gypsum
G.F m2 10 1.2 3 36
F.F. & S.F. m2 40 1.2 3 144 180.00

Insulated roof sheeting m2 1 72.15 30 2164.5

m2 -1 5.1 4.25 -21.675
m2 -1 2.5 7.1 -17.75 2125.075
Wall cladding
Elevation-1 m2 3 57 13.8 2359.8
Elevation-2 m2 3 72 13.8 2980.8
Elevation-3 m2 3 17.85 13.8 738.99
Elevation-4 m2 3 30 13.8 1242
Rollup door No. -2 4 4 -32
AD -3 1.8 2.4 -12.96
W -2 2.25 0.6 -2.7
W1 -1 0.6 0.6 -0.36
D1 -2 0.9 2.1 -3.78
CW -12 6.4 2.4 -184.32
CW1 -2 4.8 2.4 -23.04
CW2 -2 2.25 2.4 -10.8
W4 -2 1.4 0.6 -1.68 7049.95

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Decking sheet m2 1 45 12.2 549 1429.23
m2 1 72.15 12.2 880.23


Compound wall 4 side lm 1 538.28 538.28 538.28

250mm thick road base m3 1 128.1 59.7 7647.57

m3 0.5 33.1 59.7 988.035 8635.605

Prassure & wash area (Quantity take off):

E/W Excavation
m3 2 47 4 1.5 564
m3 2 9 4 1.5 108
Total E/W Excavation Quantity 672

1000G polythene sheet

Below footing m2 34 2.2 2.2 164.56
Below solid block m2 1 37.3 0.5 18.65
Ground slab m2 1 45.85 6.8 311.78
Total Polythene sheet Quantity 494.99

100mm thick PCC

Below footing m3 34 2.2 2.2 0.1 16.456
Below solid block m3 1 37.3 0.5 0.1 1.865
Total PCC Quantity 18.321

RCC Isolated footing

Footing m3 34 2 2 0.4 54.4
Total isolated footing Quantity 54.4

8" Solid block

8" Solid block in between footings m2 1 37.3 0.4 14.92
8" Solid block in between footings tops to m2 1 105.3 0.5 52.65
Tie beam bottom
Total Solid block Quantity 67.57

RCC Tie beam m3 1 105.3 0.2 0.6 12.636

Total Tie beam Quantity 12.636

Bitumen paint
Footing m2 34 2 2 136
Side m2 34 8 0.4 108.8
8" Solid block in between footings m2 2 37.3 0.4 29.84

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8" Solid block in between footings tops to T.B. m2 2 105.3 0.5 105.3
Tie beam m2 2 105.3 0.6 126.36
Total bitumen Quantity 506.3

250mm thick Roadbase

Below footing m3 34 2.2 2.2 0.25 41.14
Below solid block m3 1 37.3 0.5 0.25 4.6625
Ground slab m3 1 45.85 6.8 0.25 77.945
Total Roadbase Quantity 123.7475

Back filling m3 1 573.45

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II Preparation of Drawings & Appointments of 300,000.00
Consultant 500,000.00

A Earth works
1 Excavation for foundation m3 2280 25 57,000.00
2 Back filling & compaction m3 2088 25 52,200.00
3 Cartway surplus material m3 2280 20 45,600.00
B Concrete works
1 PCC m3 35 500 17,500.00
2 RCC Isolated footings m3 89 1200 106,800.00
3 Pedastel m3 10 2100 21,000.00
4 Tie beam m3 31 1600 49,600.00
C Sundries
1 Polythene sheet (Guage-1000) m2 2510 5 12,550.00
2 250mm thick Roadbase below footing and m3 630 90 56,700.00
Ground slab warehouse & office slab
3 Bitumen paint m2 1048 8 8,384.00
4 Antitermite m2 2510 8 20,080.00
5 Expension joint,Sealent ls 10,000.00
D Solid block
1 200mm thick solid block m2 198 95 18,810.00 18,810.00

E Ground slab
1 200mm thick ground slab with fiber m3 325 725 235,625.00 235,625.00
reinforcement polished floor slab with floor
hardner warehouse area

F Concrete works
1 Column m3 2 2100 4,200.00
2 Cooping beam m3 8 1600 12,800.00
3 Encasement column m3 15 2000 30,000.00
G Masonary works
1 150mm thick hollow block up to 1.5m height m2 235 75 17,625.00
2 Internal wall plaster m2 270 34 9,180.00

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3 External wall plaster m2 270 38 10,260.00

H Painting works
1 Internal wall fenomastic paints m2 270 15 4,050.00
2 External wall weather tough paints m2 270 45 12,150.00

A Concrete works
1 100mm thick ground slab with BRC Mesh A-142 m3 84 500 42,000.00
(1-layer) for office
2 Decking slab 100mm thick with BRC Mesh m2 1430 100 143,000.00
3 200mm thick RCC lift wall m3 18 1800 32,400.00
4 Lift staircase & Escape staircase Solid slab m3 9 1500 13,500.00
5 Parapet m3 9 1600 14,400.00
6 Lintal m3 4 1600 6,400.00
7 Lift staircase & Escape staircase m3 21 1400 29,400.00
B Masonary works
1 200mm thick insulated block m2 490 110 53,900.00
150mm thick hollow block m2 1525 75 114,375.00
2 100mm thick hollow block m2 485 70 33,950.00
3 Internal wall plaster m2 2420 34 82,280.00
C Flooring works
1 Flooring Composite stone floor finish for m2 48 530 25,440.00
Reception area(PC dhs.380/m2)
2 Flooring Carpet tiles tiles for office area m2 1398 150 209,700.00
3 Flooring Ceramic tiles(PC Dhs60/m2) m2 162 120 19,440.00
4 Flooring landing granite(PC DHS.400/m2) m2 20 600 12,000.00
5 Staircase step granite(P.C.Dhs.150/lm) lm 74 250 18,500.00
6 Epoxy floor marking in warehouse area ls 10,000.00
D Wall finishes
1 Wall ceramic tiles(P.C.Dhs.60/m2) m2 730 125 91,250.00
2 100mm thick gypsum partition with insulation m2 201 120 24,120.00
3 12mm thick toughened glass partition m2 135 600 81,000.00
4 Wall paper for gypsum partition both side m2 402 40 16,080.00
(PC Dhs.25/m2)
5 Landing Skirting granite(P.C.Dhs.50/lm) lm 32 100 3,200.00
E Painting works
1 Internal wall fenomastic paints m2 2420 15 36,300.00
2 External wall Alpolic cladding m2 345 350 120,750.00
F False ceiling
1 (60x60)cm gypsum tile false ceilling m2 196 65 12,740.00
2 (60x60)cm gypsum tile moisture resistant m2 162 70 11,340.00
false ceiling wet area
3 (60x60)cm modular conceald grid metal false m2 1385 140 193,900.00

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ceiling office and plan area
4 Split level gupsum false ceiling reception area m2 50 100 5,000.00
and confrence room 222,980.00

G Roof waterproofing
1 Light weight concrete m2 40 45 1,800.00
2 4mm thick torch applied(one layer) water m2 40 35 1,400.00
proofing membrane including primer
3 50mm thick extruded polystyrene insulation m2 40 35 1,400.00
4 20mm cement sand mortar m2 40 30 1,200.00
5 White cement tiles m2 40 90 3,600.00
6 Angle fillit lm 38 15 570.00
7 Membrane skirting lm 38 15 570.00
8 Tile skirting lm 38 15 570.00
9 Water proofing wet area m2 160 30 4,800.00
H External works
1 Compound wall all sides with railing lm 538 1200 645,600.00
2 80mm thick interlocking m2 4865 80 389,200.00
3 60mm thick interlocking m2 70 70 4,900.00
4 Kerb stone lm 35 75 2,625.00
5 Gaurd room ls 40,000.00
6 Under ground Irrigation tank & Pump room ls 90,000.00
7 Under ground holding tank lm 75,000.00
8 2 Nos.100mm dia conduits crossing each road no 2 1500 3,000.00
9 250mm thick Road base remaining area m3 8635 90 777,150.00
10 Electronic slidding gate no 3 22000 66,000.00
11 Automatic gate barier no 3 10000 30,000.00
12 Provide wall within the boundry lm 161 800 128,800.00

I Steel structure,70mm composit sandwitch ls 1,600,000.00 1,600,000.00

pannel external wall cladding & roof
sheeting and decking profole
J Aireconditioning works ls 700,000.00 700,000.00
K Plumbing works 250,000.00 250,000.00
L Electrical works 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
M Fire fighting with sprinkler & Fire Alarm 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
N Metal doors 12,000.00 12,000.00
O Glass door 45,000.00 45,000.00
P Roll up doors ( electrically operated) ls 60,000.00 60,000.00
Q Wooden doors ls 100,000.00 100,000.00
R Aluminum doors & windows ls 300,000.00 300,000.00
S Staircase railing ls 15,000.00 15,000.00

Provisional items
1 Internal emergency sinage PS 10,000.00 10,000.00
2 Kitchen cabinets PS 15,000.00 15,000.00

Total PS=25000/-

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15% Cordinationcharges 3,750.00 3,750.00

TOTAL 12,147,414.00

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