Student Guide 2019-2020: London -
Student Guide 2019-2020: London -
Student Guide 2019-2020: London -
Student guide
Introduction 1
The University of London and
the member institutions 2
Part one: how you study 4
Online resources 5
Using libraries and bookshops 7
Studying at a recognised
teaching centre 10
Part two: your student journey 11
Funding your studies 12
Registration 13
Assessment 17
Graduation 21
After graduation 23
Part three: our commitment to you 24
Improving your student experience 25
Inclusive practice 27
Get involved! 28
Your Programme Specification and Regulations 29
Complaints procedure 30
Contacting us 31
Our programmes are governed by a number of
committees and sub-committees which monitor,
develop and initiate improvements to the
programmes and to the working of the University.
They are ultimately accountable to the Board of the
University of London Worldwide. For more information
about our governance arrangements please see our
Reading is an essential part of any degree study Why do I need to use the Online Library?
programme. In order to support you during the course XX To access good quality information resources that
of your studies, all registered students have free access are relevant to your programme, which are not
to the University of London’s excellent Online Library. freely available from the internet.
In addition, depending on your course of study,
textbooks and essential reading materials may be sent XX Learning to use the library effectively will equip you
to you as part of your study pack. with the information skills you need to quickly find
resources you need, and to succeed in your studies
Please consult your study guide to see which essential and in your career.
readings are provided (if any), and which ones you will
XX Having access to superior academic information
need to buy yourself.
resources can help you to obtain better grades.
Libraries XX It is also a place to go for support from professional
The Online Library
How to use the Online Library
The Online Library provides access to over 100 million
There is an individual homepage (‘gateway’) for each
academic journal articles, newspapers and a growing
programme. You can access the study programme
collection of eBooks from Dawson Books. All library
gateway from the Online Library Study Programme page.
resources have been carefully selected because of their
high academic quality and as such they are more reliable The Online Library’s databases are password-
than those that are freely available on the internet. protected. To find out more about library passwords
please see here.
To access the Online Library from the Portal, select the
‘Study’ tab. You can also access it directly by visiting To help you to find your way around the Online Library, take the tour.
This should only take you 10 minutes and it will save
you a lot of time in the future.
Resources in the Online Library
The Online Library provides access to a wide variety of
databases, many of which contain full-text electronic
journals and eBooks. There are Quick Start Guides for
each of the databases to help you learn to use them
effectively; you can find these on each database
information page, or on the Quick Start Guides page.
If you would like to change a module/course on your When you receive your study materials it is important
programme after you have completed registration, to check the contents carefully. If there are any
you should contact the Registry Office via the Student discrepancies, please report the matter to us as soon as
Portal. (SOAS students should refer to their Programme possible and within 14 days via the ‘Ask a question’ tab
regulations because the procedures are different.) on the Student Portal. We may not be able to put things
right if issues are reported a long time after the event.
Receiving your study materials
Your VLE will normally provide information and
Depending on your programme of study, your course resources that may be of use prior to the start of
materials will be provided online only or delivered to your study session. Some study materials may be
you in hard copy. For new modules/courses, or where provided online in your VLE as well as in hard copy,
there has been a major revision to a subject guide, you and some materials and resources may be online only,
depending on your programme.
Your final certificate content of the programme that has been successfully
completed. It also provides further information about
Completing your studies represents a tremendous the role of the member institution and method of
personal achievement that demonstrates hard work, study.
commitment and dedication. As proof of this, we The diploma supplement includes a transcript of
will send you an official certificate (sometimes called modules/courses taken and marks achieved as well as
a ‘diploma’), printed on parchment, confirming the the overall classification. You will find this particularly
level of award you have achieved. It will carry the useful for showing to future employers or other
University of London logo and signature of the Vice- educational establishments. Note that your transcript
Chancellor, and will indicate that you were registered shows all of your examination attempts.
with the University of London as well as the name of
the member institution for your programme. For most Because they are legal documents, you will only
students the certificate will be posted to you at your be sent one copy of your certificate and diploma
registered address, so you must keep your contact supplement. If you lose them and require a
details up to date. For students in some countries, the replacement, please send an email to us at
graduation documents are sent to the Examination [email protected] and state your name,
Centre. student number, qualification and year of graduation.
Note that a fee is charged for replacements.
Bachelor's and Master's degrees will also receive a
diploma supplement describing the nature, level and Due to the volume of awards that we process
‘Some people believe that if you ‘It is great that the University is
criticise something you probably asking for student feedback and
don’t like it. However, I’m sure taking it seriously. As a lecturer
the opposite is true. By providing myself on another course, I know
feedback both positive and negative that the student perspective
we can improve what we already can be very different from the
like. Thus, I believe that completing academic one – students have a
evaluation surveys can help to make valuable contribution to make to
our programme better for current and improving the student experience
future students.’ Denis Sosinskiy even further!’ Natasha Peters
If you need to send us a letter or any other information You can use our FAQ database to see if we have
by post, please use the address below, including the already answered your question. It can be found on
department you wish to contact (e.g. the Assessment the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ link in the Student
Office): Portal.
University of London This database is available all year round, 24 hours a day,
Stewart House and you will be able to find an answer to the most
32 Russell Square common queries straightaway. All of the information
London WC1B 5DN here is monitored to ensure that it is accurate and up-
United Kingdom to-date. You can also rate the answers to let us know
which have been the most helpful.
Academic queries
Join the social media community
If you have queries of an academic nature you can
contact your Programme Director, but please note that You can connect with your fellow students around
they cannot provide regular advice or tuition. Details the world by following us on social media. We will
of how to contact your Programme Director can be be sharing interesting content such as inspirational
found in your Programme handbook and/or VLE. If you quotes, #FridayFacts, celebrating international days and
are studying at a local teaching centre, or if we provide interacting with students.
a tutor for your programme, you should speak to the
teaching centre or tutor first.
University closure dates
At certain times of year the University closes LC
completely, so we will not be able to respond to
urgent enquiries at those times. As we are based in
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