Physiological Changes During Pregnancy
Physiological Changes During Pregnancy
Physiological Changes During Pregnancy
development. Some of these changes may directly affect the manner and extent to
may impact the distribution and metabolism of the agent once it enters the body
Maternal blood volume, plasma volume, red cell mass, white cell count, and
platelet production are all increased during pregnancy. The increase in blood
volume begins at about 6–8 weeks gestation and then continues to increase until
reaching a plateau at 30–34 weeks, with an overall typical blood volume increase
et al., 2007). Cardiac output (CO), which is a product of stroke volume (SV) and
heart rate (HR) (i.e., CO=SV × HR), increases significantly during pregnancy, with
the uterus, placenta, and breasts being the main target for most of the increase in
from the pre-pregnancy value of 301±65 (22%) to 354±76 (22%), 386±75 (20%),
400±79 (20%), and 391±79 (20%) at 10, 20, 36, and 38 weeks of gestation,
al., 2020).
(2012) conducted a meta-analysis of available total body water data. The analysis
shows that the mean±SD (coefficient of variation) of total body water in liters
water content of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid at term. The expansions of
and red blood cells by 300–400 ml account for additional water. The remainder is
attributed to extravascular fluid, intracellular fluid in the uterus and breasts, and
During pregnancy, several changes occur in the renal system. The kidneys
enlarge in size and weight increases due to increased renal vasculature, interstitial
volume, and urinary dead space, Changes are also observed as the maternal
the capacity of the bladder and increases in the frequency of urinary incontinence.
Renal blood flow increases 50–80% in the first trimester, then decreases by full
term (Roland, et al., 2020). The increase in renal blood flow results in increased
glomerular filtration rates in the range of 40–60% (Roland, et al., 2020). Creatinine
in residual volume (20%), and a slight decrease in total lung capacity (5%), all of
intestinal tone and motility. The decrease in intestinal motility leads to an increase
in the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and iron, as well as other substances.
enhance the transport of this mineral to the fetus without a long-term alteration in
the mother’s bones (Roland, et al., 2020). Pregnant women can be at risk years
after lead exposure due to mobilization of lead from the bone when calcium needs
found that breastfeeding practices and maternal bone lead were good predictors of
blood lead levels. Bone turnover is higher during the postpartum period. Therefore,
the blood lead concentration is shown to be highest 3–6 months after parturition.
This potential risk of lead exposure to the woman and the breastfeeding
infant is associated with very low (one half to two thirds the daily recommended
requirements) calcium intakes. It has also been shown that foods high in calcium
may have a protective effect against the accumulation of lead in bone (Fernández-
is increased to support fetal growth and milk synthesis (Rooney et al., 2020). Butte
energy expenditure and its components (basal metabolic rate, sleeping metabolic
rate, and minimal sleeping metabolic rate) were observed to be 15–26% higher
expenditure and sleeping metabolic rate were higher in lactating than in non-
lactating women.
Maternal fat stores increase to a peak in the late second trimester and then
gestational weeks 13, 27, and 37, respectively. Blood plasma levels of lipids
endocrine, metabolic, mechanical, and blood flow alterations in the body cause a
woman’s skin to undergo substantial changes. Most of the changes are cosmetic in
nature and are therefore not harmful or associated with risks to the mother or
developing fetus. However, the blood flow changes during pregnancy can alter the
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