Unit 7 Get Dressed

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to present a picture story
Your students will be able to listen to and read a picture story.
Your students will be able to act out the story.

Aim: to review the characters and the story

Elicit from the students the names of the four Super

hAsk students to mime their special powers.
Elicit what happened in the last episode (the old
house, lots of spiders and rats, Misty looked after
her friends by going into the house).

4£Do5 I SB pp86-87| The cap

Aim: to present a picture story
• Elicit where the four friends are at the beginning of the
story (in school).
• Play the recording. Students listen and read to find out
who hasn't got their cap (Whisper) and where it is (in his
bedroom, under a chair).
• Students compare their ideas in pairs before the class
• Play the recording again. Pause after each frame to
check comprehension.
• Talk with the class about the value (saying sorry) and
who does it in the story (Whisper in frame 8). Elicit what
he says.
• Play the recording a third time. Students listen and

iwb p86j Listen and tick (/) the box.

Aim: to review the story
CD3 Track 11
1 Whisper: My cap isn't here.
2 Flash: Are you sure?
3 Whisper: I'm very sorry. Gary.
Key: 1 Whisper (2nd picture), 2 Flash (2nd picture),
3 Whisper (1st picture)
Think! I wb p86 Write the names. Who is
wearing ... ?
Aim: to check understanding of the story
Thinking skill: visual memory
Key: 1 Whisper, 2 Gary, 3 Misty
l> wb p86| Match the dialogues with the pictures.
Aim: to review short dialogues
Key: 2 b, 3 a, a c

Ending the lesson

Aim: to practise the story
• Put students in groups of five.
• Students each take a role of one of the characters.
• Play the recording. Students repeat in role.
• Students practise the role play in groups.
Volunteer groups role play for the class.

Extension activity
Aim: to discuss the value of saying sorry
• Focus on the end of the story where Whisper said
• Elicit from students why this value is important and
elicit examples from the students of when they have
said sorry to their friends, or when someone has said
sorry to them.
Note: This discussion will probably need to take place
in L1.

to fo fcc about the meaning of a story

to prtise consonant clusters starting with s: st
(as in sp), sp (as in sgidet) and sk (as in skirt)
to revielanguage from the story and the unit
language from the story,
■othes, animals, toys, food, the home
Your students will be
abl e to interpret deeper meaning from a story.
Your students will be able to read
and say consonant clusters starting with the letter
sound s.

saying sorry
Aim: to review the story
• Say some key phrases from the story and eliW'vho
says them.
• Use these to recap the story.
^ Think! >SB p87| Look at the picture and choose
the correct sentence.
Um: to check comprehension of the story
'hinking skills: interpreting visual information,
1 Check students know what to do.
1 Students find the expression which best matches the
picture. They compare their ideas in pairs.
1 Elicit the answer from the class.
:ey:3 Can you get my ball?
^ >SB p87j Find who says ...
lim: to present consonant clusters stcarting wth s
Write stop on the boandpusing a red pen for he st. Say
the consonant clusters tfancPP so thaat studeits can see
that there are no vevel $<§ouhts before-^ or betveen the
two letters.
Students repeat ?op/ aft^er yu-
Students find thepeech fc>bu£le in theie.story forne 3).
ley: Whisper
|SB p87 Listen and say.
Lim: to practise and identify some consonant clusters
t the beginnings of words

v-fCD3 K-, RPHPot +h

IWB p87 Write the letters. Listen and say.
Aim: to practise reading, writing and saying words
with consonant clusters starting with s
CD3 Track 13
1 stop. 2 spider. 3 steak. 4 sweater. 5 skirt. 6 stairs.
7 school. 8 snake
Key: See CD script above.

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review and write decodable words with
consonant clusters starting with s
• Students close their Student's Books.
• Dictate the sound sentence while students write.
They compare their sentences with a partner befor§
checking in the Student's Book.
• Play a game, 'Big step, small step race''. §tud€FitS (#fie
up in a row. Say Students wearing T-shirts, take one
big step. Girls wearing skirts, take three small steps.
Boys wearing red socks, take five big steps, etc. until
you have a winner or winners.

Extension activity
Aim: to give practice in writing descriptions
• Demonstrate the activity for the class.
• Write a short description of a student. Don't give his/
her name, e.g. This student's wearing a blue T-shirt,
black trousers, grey socks and white shoes.
• Students look around the room and guess.
• Students do the same about someone in the room.
• Volunteers read aloud for others to guess.


practise reading skills

give practice in writing a poem
reading for specific information
writing from a model
New la
clothes, colours
flashcards (clothes)
Recycled langua
Language competences
('our students will be
able to read for specific information.
Your students will be able to write a poem from
a model.
O Rb p88 Look and read. Write yes or no.
Aim: to practise reading for specific information
• Read the activity instruction and check students know
what to do.
• Students read silently and write yes or no.
• They compare their answers in pairs.
• Check with the class using open pairs.
Key: 1 yes, 2 no, 3 no, 4 no, 5 yes, 6 no
p wd p»H| Kead the poem and colour the picture.
Aim: to give students practice in reading a poem
O Think! I wb p88] Write your poem and draw
a picture.
Aim: to give students practice in writing a poem from
a model
Thinking skill: stimulating students' creativity
Ending the lesson
Aim: to practise memory skills
• Students look at SB Activity 1 for 30 seconds and
then close their Student's Books.
• Say sentences about ths picture. Students stand up
(or stay standing) if they are true, and they sit (or
stay sitting) if they are false.
I -1
Extension activity
Aim: to practise spoken production
• Volunteer students read their poems to the class.
• Alternatively, display the poems around the
classroom for students to mingle and read.
• Students choose the poem they like best.
\__ I


to practise speaking, listening and writing skills

interactive speaking
listening for specific information
writing from ca model
present contir^ous °f- r'de, play,
eat, wear, d<x,'helmet, I think,^-word
33 ^tothos.'fee time activities,
colours, animals
CD, Unit 7 stickers, scissors (optional)
Your students will be
able to listen for specific information.
Your students will be able to write a description.
Your students will be able to interact to play
a game.
Language competences:
Aim: to review free time activities
• Mime a free time activity. Students guess.
• Students take turns to mime and the class guesses.
• Write the free time activities on the board at
the end.
^ Think! I SB p89| Ask and answer.
Aim: to give students practice in interactive speaking
and making choices
Thinking skill: selecting relevant information
• Students look at the pictures carefully. Ask two students
to read the speech bubbles aloud.
• Check students know what to do.
• They ask and answer in pairs about the pictures.
• Elicit ideas as a class.
MB p89| Listen, check and stick.
Aim: to enable students to check their answers by
Note: You may wish students to cut out their stickers with
the backs attached before carrying out this activity.
• Students prepare / find their stickers.
• Play the recording. Students check their ideas from SB
Activity 1 and put their stickers in the correct places.
CD3 Track 14
Tom is riding a bike.
Emma is playing the piano.
Kylie is eating an apple.
Fred is playing football.
• They compare answers in pairs.
• Play the recording again if necessary
• Check with the class.
Key: Tom: riding a bike. Emma: playing the piano.
Kylie: eating an apple. Fred: playing football.
E SB p89] Look at Activity 1 again. Choose and write.
Aim: to give students practice with writing descriptions
• Read the description through with the class. Check
understanding of helmet.
• Make sure students know what to do.
• They choose one of the four children from SB Activity 1
and write about what they are wearing and what they
are doing, using the coloured sticker for reference.
• They write a first draft in their notebooks, using the model.
• Go around the class to check.
• Students write a final draft of their descriptions.
I SB p89 Play the mime game. Are you Toiji,
Emma, Kylie or Fred?
Aim: to give students further practice through a game
• Mime one of the children from SB Activity 1 doing their
• Say Who am I? Students guess and say You're (name).
• Students play the game in pairs.
i wb p891 Look at the pictures and read the
questions. Write one-word answers.
Aim: to give students practice with reading for specific
information and following instructions
Key: 2 kitchen, 3 games. 4 TV, 5 two, 6 jacket
Ending the lesson
Aim: to review clothes vocabulary
• Make circles of eight students. Give each group a
ball of paper.
• Everyone claps twice. The student with the ball says
an item of clothing and then throws the ball to
another student. Everyone claps twice and then the
student with the ball says another item of clothing.
• When all clothing words have been said, students
can start on another set, e.g. colours.
Extension activity
Aim: to practise listening for detail
• Read out a simple description of a boy or girl,
similar to the one in SB Activity 3. Students listen
the first time.
• The second time, read the description in short
sections to give students time to draw.
• The third time, read it in the same way to give
students time to colour their pictures. Students
compare their drawings with classmates.

i integrate other areas of the curriculum
through English: Science
practise describing people's clothes
materials, cotton, come from,
you can wear..., leather, cow, jacket, wool,
woollen, sheep, sweater
Recycled language:
Language competences:

Your students will have

learnt specific language to be able to talk about
Science in English.
/■ \
Aim: to review clothes
• play a guessing game. Say, e.g. I'm thinking of
some clothes.
• students guess, e.g. Are they shorts?
• Students take turns to think of something for the
others to guess.
Mb p90| Listen, read and draw lines.
Aim: to raise students' awareness of different
materials and where they come from
• Pre-teach materials, cows, sheep and comes from.
• Read the first part of the text and do the matching as
a class.
• Play the recording. Students listen and match the other
clothes with the materials.
• They compare answers in pairs.
• Check as a class.
• Find out if students are wearing clothes made of leather,
cotton or wool.
Key: 1 socks - sheep, 2 shoes - cow, 3 shorts - cotton
plant, 4 sweater - sheep, 5 T-shirt - cotton plant,
6 jacket - cow
Think! I SB p90| Say the material for the clothes.
Aim: to enable students to apply real world knowledge
Thinking skill: applying real world knowledge
• Do the example first with the class and check students
know what to do.
• Students talk about the pictures in groups of four.
• Elicit and discuss their opinions as a class.
Key: 2 leather, 3 cotton, 4 cotton, 5 leather, 6 wool
E WB p90l Write the word cotton, wool or leather.
Aim: to check understanding of the different materials
Key: 2 leather, 3 leather, 4 wool, 5 cotton, 6 wool
^ IWB p90] Read. Then write and draw.
Aim: to enable students to evidence their
understanding by writing from a model
Ending the lesson
Aim: to review what students have learnt in
the lesson
• Write the following prompt on the board: Today
I've learnt about:
• Elicit from students what they learnt today,
e.g. where materials come from and what they're
good for.
• Write it on the board. Students copy it into their
Extension activity
Aim: to review language from the lesson
• In pairs, students decide what their shirts/T-shirts
are made of.
• If necessary, they look at the labels.
• Elicit the information and make a chart on the
board, showing the different materials.
• Teach any new words.
Note: Some of the discussion might need to take place
in L1.
to extend the focus on Science through English
to complete a project
strong, warm, cool
clothes, cotton, wool, leather
paper, scraps of material
BYour students will be
able to talk about Science in English.
New language
Recycled language
Language competences
Aim: to review materials
• Say a material. Students tell you where it comes
from and what it is good for.
• They can add their own ideas for other clothes.
© I SB p9l] Look, read and write the words.
Aim: to enable students to apply their own knowledge
and experience
• Read the instruction aloud and check understanding.
• Pre-teach strong, warm and cool.
• Individually, students decide which words to write in the
sentences. They compare their ideas in pairs.
• Check with the class, eliciting examples where possible.
Key: 1 warm, 2 strong, 3 cool
Project |HTp91 Make a poster with different
Aim: to enable students to apply their knowledge and
• Read the activity instruction with the class and make
sure they know what to do.
• Brainstorm materials. Hand out scraps of material if you
have brought these to the class.
• Students work in pairs. They design, make and label
their posters.
• Pairs talk to other pairs about their posters.

IWB p91j Find out about your clothes. Complete

the chart.
Aim: to enable students to personalise the topic
r y
Ending the lesson
Aim: to review what students have learnt in
the lesson
• Write the following prompt on the board: Today
• Elicit from students what they did today, e.§l.- learnt
which materials are strong, warm and cool, made
a materials poster and found out about the
materials my clothes are made of.
• Write it on the board. Students copy it into their
Extension activity
Aim: to give further practice in learning about
• Write all the new materials from WB Activity 1 on
the board. On one side of the board, write where
these materials come from, in jumbled order. On the
other side of the board, write what they are good
for. also in jumbled order.
• In groups, students discuss where each material
comes from and what it's good for.
• Discuss and share ideas as a class.


stimulate the students' imagination through

listening and acting out
practise following a set of instructions
turn around, fly, catch, outside,
put, window
CD, paper bags, pencils, scissors,
staplers, coloured pens, CD of triumphant music
Your students will be
able to listen and do instructions to demonstrate
Aim: to review instructions
• Give students one instruction after another for them
to carry out, e.g. Stand up. Turn around. Sit down.
Open your books. Close your books. Open your
pencil case.
^WCD3 _____
W;is >SB p92| Listen and act out with your teacher.
Then listen again and number the pictures.
Aim: to enable students to listen and mime
• Pre-teach fly, outside and catch.
• Play the recording. Act out the story to the class.
CD3 Track 16
1 you can see a fly on yourjeans.
2 Open the window.
3 Catch the fly.
4 Put the fly outside.
5 Turn around.
6 Oh no! The fly is on your nose.
• Play the recording again. Students act out the story with
• Students look at the pictures in their Student's Books
and try to sequence them.
• Play the recording a third time for studentnto sequence
the pictures.
• They compare the order in pairs. Check wilw the class.
Key: 5, 3, 4. 6. 2.1

I SB p92 Read and number the sentences from

the story.
Aim: to enable students to match sentences with
• Students look at the sentences and try to match them
with the pictures.
• They compare their ideas in pairs.
• Play the recording again for them to check their
Key: 5, 6.4.2,3.1
Q| E SB p92 Listen to your friend and act out.
Aim: to give students practice in saying sentences and
acting out
• Demonstrate the activity for the class. Students say
a sentence for their partner to act out. They don't tell
a story.
• Give students time to prepare their sentences.
• Do the activity first in open pairs.
• Then students practise in closed pairs.
| WB p92 Make a paper hat.
Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions
to make a paper hat
Ending the lesson
Aim: to enable students to create their own stories
from a model
• Students work in groups of four. They adapt the
story from SB Activity 1. changing the animal,
clothing or some of the instructions, e.g. Sit down.
Oh no! The lizard is on your shoe.
• Groups mime and then read their stories.
Extension activity
Aim: to enable students to use their paper hats
• Play the triumphant music.
• Students walk proudly around the room in their
paper hats.
• Give instructions, e.g. You are walking past the
Queen. Smile to her. Now walk quickly and hold
your hat. It's raining and windy.

I SB p92 Read and number the sentences from

the story.
Aim: to enable students to match sentences with
• Students look at the sentences and try to match them
with the pictures.
• They compare their ideas in pairs.
• Play the recording again for them to check their
Key: 5, 6.4.2,3.1
Q| E SB p92 Listen to your friend and act out.
Aim: to give students practice in saying sentences and
acting out
• Demonstrate the activity for the class. Students say
a sentence for their partner to act out. They don't tell
a story.
• Give students time to prepare their sentences.
• Do the activity first in open pairs.
• Then students practise in closed pairs.
| WB p92 Make a paper hat.
Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions
to make a paper hat
Ending the lesson
Aim: to enable students to create their own stories
from a model
• Students work in groups of four. They adapt the
story from SB Activity 1. changing the animal,
clothing or some of the instructions, e.g. Sit down.
Oh no! The lizard is on your shoe.
• Groups mime and then read their stories.
Extension activity
Aim: to enable students to use their paper hats
• Play the triumphant music.
• Students walk proudly around the room in their
paper hats.
• Give instructions, e.g. You are walking past the
Queen. Smile to her. Now walk quickly and hold
your hat. It's raining and windy.
IWB p93| Draw and write examples of what
you know.
Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they
have learnt
Ending the lesson
Aim: to enable students to express their preferences
• Ask students what their favourite song, chant or
game is from the unit.
• Do the song, chant or game again with the class.
Extension activity
Aim: to enable students to discuss and share what
they have learnt
• Put students into groups of four.
• Each student opens their Workbook at page 93.
• Students take turns to read aloud what they have
written for number 2 and to say something about
their pictures.
• Encourage students to compare what they have
written and drawn.
• Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.

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