Arthroscopic Treatment of Malunited and Nonunited Avulsion Fractures of The Anterior Tibial Spine
Arthroscopic Treatment of Malunited and Nonunited Avulsion Fractures of The Anterior Tibial Spine
Arthroscopic Treatment of Malunited and Nonunited Avulsion Fractures of The Anterior Tibial Spine
Alfredo Schiavone Panni, M.D., Giuseppe Milano, M.D., Mario Tartarone, M.D.,
and Carlo Fabbriciani, M.D.
Summary: Ten patients, presenting with a 10° to 25° deficit of knee extension
after an avulsion fracture of the anterior tibial spine, were arthroscopically treated
with debridement and abrasion of the anterior spine. Notchplasty was also
performed in five cases where there was a more severe deficit of extension. At
follow-up (mean: 39.4 months) eight patients had recovered the full articular range of
motion of the knee whereas two had a slight residual deficit of extension of between 3°
and 5°. In no case was ligament stability compromised as compared with preoperative
assessment. Key Words: Anterior tibial spine—Fracture—Malunion—Nonunion—
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 14, No 3 (April), 1998: pp 233–240 233
234 A. S. PANNI ET AL.
collateral ligament ligament injury was documented. 3.1 mm at maximum manual traction. A side-to-side
No other associated injuries were reported. At the time difference between 3 and 5 mm in anterior displace-
of injury, all of the patients were treated nonopera- ment of the tibia was confirmed in seven cases.
tively by other physicians. Type II fractures were All patients showed a quadriceps weakness evalu-
treated with long-leg cast immobilization at 20° of ated with the leg hop test (mean value, 79% of the
flexion, type III and IV fractures were treated with a opposite side). All data relative to the preoperative
closed reduction in hyperextension and a long-leg cast clinical assessment are shown in Table 1.
with the knee fully extended. Cast immobilisation was Preoperative anterior-posterior and lateral radio-
maintained in all cases for 6 to 8 weeks. After this graphs showed in eight cases malunion (Fig 1) and in 2
period the cast was removed and a rehabilitation cases nonunion (Fig 2) of the fracture. The height of
program was implemented, based on knee mobilisa- the anterior tibial spine was measured on the lateral
tion and quadriceps strengthening exercises, to recover radiographs with an original method (Fig 3). On the
the full range of motion of the knee and the muscular film, a tangent line (AB) and a perpendicular line from
strength. Neither continuous passive motion nor drop- the highest point of the anterior tibial spine (C), which
out cast were used during rehabilitation. Physical
meets the line AB at the point D (line CD), were
therapy was performed for 4 to 9 months, but in all
traced. The CD/AB ratio was then calculated. A lateral
cases an extension deficit remained.
view of the opposite knee was taken in all cases and
The patients presented at our clinic 6 to 13 months
used as a control. On arthroscopic examination in eight
(average, 9.5 months) after the trauma, complaining of
intermittent knee pain, swelling and a loss of full cases, malunion of the anterior tibial spine was ob-
extension. No patient referred any episode of giving served, with the presence of scar tissue in the site of
way. fracture and irregularity of the contour of the spine at
Knee extension was evaluated with the patient in a the anterior, medial, and lateral border. In two cases
prone position and the heel height difference was the fracture was not completely healed; the anterior
measured between the injured and the opposite normal margin of the avulsed bone fragment was displaced
knee.17 Loss of extension ranged between 10° and 25° upward with a dense fibrous tissue interposed between
(average, 16.5°). Maximum active flexion was mea- the bone surfaces. Nevertheless, the posterior part of
sured in the supine position and compared with the the spine was in continuity with the tibial plateau and
opposite knee. In no case did we observe a loss of the bone fragment was stable when probed (Fig 4). In
flexion. all cases when the knee was extended the anterior
On ligamentous examination, no laxity of the collat- tibial spine engaged in the anterior part of the intercon-
eral ligaments was found. A positive anterior drawer dylar notch, thus limiting full extension. In no case
was present in five cases and a positive Lachman test was there evidence of scar tissue in the suprapatellar
in seven cases, but in no case was a positive pivot shift pouch or in the medial and lateral gutter. Signs of
observed. Instrumental evaluation with the KT1000 softening or fibrillation of the articular cartilage of the
arthrometer (MEDmetric, San Diego, CA) showed a trochlea in correspondence with the area of impinge-
mean side-to-side difference of 2.7 mm at 30 lbs and ment were observed in all cases. No partial or com-
Age 22 41 31 14 13 32 16 14 41 28
Sex F M M M M M M F M F
Extension loss 20° 10° 25° 20° 13° 20° 10° 12° 25° 10°
Anterior drawer ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺
Lachman test ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Pivot shift ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺
KT1000-301bs (mm) (SSD) 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 4 4 2
KT1000-MMT (mm) (SSD) 3 2 4 3 2.5 1 4 4 5 3
Leg hop test† 70 80 70 75 85 80 90 90 70 80
*Zaricznyj’s classification.
†% of opposite side.
Subjective* A A B A A A B A B A
Symptoms* A A B A A A B B B A
Range of motion† A A B A A A A A B A
Ligamentous examination* B A B B A A B B B B
Anterior drawer ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺
Lachman test ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Pivot shift ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺
KT1000-301b (mm) (SSD) 3 2.5 3.5 3 2.5 1 3 4 4 2
KT1000-MMT (mm) (SSD) 3 2.5 4 3 2.5 1 4 4 5 3
Overall evaluation* B A B B A A B B B B
Leg hop test 100 100 85 100 100 100 90 100 80 100
the fracture, because the femoral condyles do not come tibial spine was associated in 70% of cases with a type
into contact with the anterior tibial spine. III or IV fracture. In all cases, preoperative radiographi-
On the other hand, in type III and IV fractures cal examination made it possible to show an abnormal
surgical fixation of the fragment may be indicated. In height of the tibial spine.
the literature, numerous open5,6,8,20 and arthro- The method of measurement used by us made it
scopic1,24-27 techniques have been proposed for the possible to eliminate radiographic magnification er-
treatment of avulsion fractures of the anterior tibial rors. Moreover, in a pilot study of 50 subjects with a
spine, with satisfactory results in most cases. On the normal knee and an age range equal to that of the
contrary, nonoperative treatment of type III and IV patients in the present study, the ratio CD/AB used by
fractures can be complicated by anterior laxity2,4,5,21 or us for measuring the height of the tibial spine had a
loss of knee extension, which is frequently associated mean value of .12 (similar to that of our control group)
with malunion or nonunion of the avulsed frag- with a standard deviation of .02 and a unimodal
ment.8,10-13,16 distribution. This shows that the ratio CD/AB is a
Mc Lennan1 reported a study in 35 patients with a reliable value for measuring the height of the anterior
tibial spine fracture and observed that closed or tibial spine in a healthy knee, independently of the size
arthroscopic reduction without fixation was main- of the knee itself.
tained in only 40% of the cases with a type III B In the present study, statistical analysis showed that
fracture. At 6 years follow-up Mc Lennan23 reported a the mean height of the tibial spine in the group of
more severe anterior laxity in patients treated with knees with a deficit of extension was significantly
closed or arthroscopic reduction without fixation than greater than that of the control group. Arthroscopic
in those treated with internal fixation. Janarv et al.28 examination subsequently confirmed that in all cases
observed in type III fractures a statistically significant the deficit of extension was related mainly to an
correlation between displacement of the fragment after abnormal height of the anterior tibial spine which
healing and knee laxity. Moreover, mean anterior engaged in the intercondylar notch, thus preventing
displacement of the tibia was greater in the group full extension. We did not find any other intra-articular
treated with closed or open reduction than in the group injury that could contribute to loss of motion, such as
treated with internal fixation. In our study all patients an entrapment of the anterior horn of the medial or
were initially treated conservatively, independent of lateral meniscus in the fracture site, that can some-
the type of fracture, but malunion or nonunion of the times block reduction of the tibial spine,1,8,10 or a
Preoperative values 0.24 0.22 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.21 0.20 0.23 ⫾ 0.05
Postoperative values 0.20 0.15 0.23 0.21 0.16 0.16 0.11 0.13 0.16 0.12 0.16 ⫾ 0.04
Control values 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 ⫾ 0.01
diffuse fibrosis caused by the intra-articular fracture fracture of the anterior tibial spine in both patients
and/or prolonged immobilisation. treated conservatively and those treated surgically, in a
Arthroscopic treatment made it possible in all cases percentage that varies from 13.4% to 51%. However,
to significantly reduce the height of the tibial spine, as symptomatic instability was observed in none of the
shown on postoperative radiographic assessment, re- cases. In a study of 50 patients of pediatric age with an
storing it to values very close to those of a normal outcome of avulsion of the anterior tibial spine 2 to 8
knee. Moreover, debridement of the scar tissue and years after the injury, Willis et al.21 observed anterior
reshaping of the medial and lateral contour of the spine knee laxity in 64% of the cases, but a positive pivot
were performed, thus reducing abnormal contact with shift in only 10% of the cases and only one patient
the femoral condyles. This procedure made it possible referred episodes of giving way. Baxter and Wiley4,5
in five cases to recover full extension of the knee, hypothesized that the absence of instability and a
while in the other five cases (three malunions and two
positive pivot shift is caused only to the small degree
nonunions) notchplasty was also necessary.
of anterior laxity but also to the fact that remodeling of
It is to be specified that in the two cases of nonunion
the fracture had caused a broadening of the tibial spine
reported in our study, the indication for arthroscopic
treatment alone for the recovery of full range of contour, which therefore occupied more space in the
motion of the knee was determined on the basis of intercondylar notch, thus restricting any pivoting mech-
arthroscopic evaluation, which showed the fragment to anism. Even if there is no clinical or biomechanical
be stabilized by a fibrous union and that only the proof that abnormal contact between the anterior tibial
anterior part of the fracture had not united. To our spine and the intercondylar notch can hinder the
knowledge, only one case of avulsion of a fibrous pivoting mechanism of the knee, in the presence of a
union of the anterior tibial spine is reported in the lax anterior cruciate ligament, it is our opinion that in
English-language literature.14 In cases of complete these cases an excessive notchplasty, by markedly
nonunion, in which the avulsed fragment is mobile, we increasing the space between the intercondylar notch
are in any case in favor of debridement of the fracture and the tibial spine, could favor pivoting and with time
surfaces and reinsertion of the tibial spine, as reported cause an increase in anterior laxity and result in
by other authors.8,11,12,14,15 instability. We feel therefore that notchplasty should be
In a recent study, Luger et al.13 reported excellent as sparing as possible.
results obtained when the deficit of knee extension In conclusion, in our study, the arthroscopic treat-
after malunion of an avulsion fracture of the anterior ment of loss of knee extension caused by malunion or
tibial spine was treated by arthroscopic notchplasty. nonunion of avulsion of the anterior tibial spine by
Freedman and Glasgow16 reported a case of malunion means of partial resection of the tibial spine, possibly
of a type III avulsion fracture of the anterior spine combined with a notchplasty, yielded satisfactory
treated arthroscopically by roofplasty and removal of results in all cases. The follow-up evaluation showed
the scar tissue surrounding the site of fracture. no increase in anterior laxity as compared with preop-
In our study we preferred to limit notchplasty to erative examination and recovery of full range of
those cases in which the deficit of extension was more
motion was complete in almost all cases. In two cases
severe and an excessive abrasion of the tibial spine
there remained a slight deficit of extension of between
could have damaged the fibers of the anterior cruciate
3° and 5°. None of the patients referred episodes of the
ligament. It is, in fact, necessary to consider that
knee giving way and in all cases there was a good
avulsion of the anterior tibial spine, especially in an
adult, is often caused by a violent trauma that can recovery of quadriceps strength and a return to the
sometimes also cause an interstitial lesion of the same degree of work or sports activity as that before
anterior cruciate ligament and permanent elongation of the trauma. This shows that our surgical procedure can
the ligament.29 In seven of the patients in our study, give a satisfactory recovery of full range of motion
preoperative examination showed a slight anterior without causing an increase in anterior laxity. If
laxity, subsequently confirmed during surgery in six of possible, abrasion of the tibial spine has to be per-
these cases. However, none of these patients had a formed without damaging the tibial insertion of the
positive pivot shift or referred episodes of giving way anterior cruciate ligament. In cases with a severe
of the knee. deficit of extension and excessive height of the bone
Many authors1,5,8,28 reported the presence of a fragment, it is preferable to perform notchplasty as
positive Lachman or anterior drawer test after avulsion well.
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