Chapter 18: Evolutionary Changes in Populations
Chapter 18: Evolutionary Changes in Populations
Chapter 18: Evolutionary Changes in Populations
Period 1
AP Biology
I. Introduction
a. A population consists of all individuals of the same species that live in a particular place
at the same time. Individuals with a population vary in many recognizable characters.
b. Some of this variation is due to the environment, some is due to heredity.
c. Biologists study variation in a particular character by taking measurements of that
character in a population. By comparing the character and parents and offspring, it is
possible to estimate the amount of observed variation that is genetic, as represented by the
number of frequency, and kinds of alleles in a population.
d. An allele is one of two or more alternate forms of a gene. Alleles occupy corresponding
positions, or loci, or homologous chromosomes.
e. Population genetics is the study of genetic variability within a population and of the
forces that act on it.
f. There are 5 factors responsible for the evolutionary change: nonrandom mating,
mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, and natural selection.
II. Genotype, phenotype, and allele frequencies
a. Each population possesses a gene pool, which includes all the alleles are all loci present
in the population. Because diploid organisms have a maximum of two different alleles at
each genetic locus, a single individual typically has only a small fraction of the alleles
present in a population's gene pool.
b. The evolution of populations is best understood in terms of genotype, phenotype, and
allele frequencies.
c. Each genotype frequency is a portion of a particular genotype in the population.
d. Phenotype frequency is the portion of a particular phenotype in population. If each
genotype corresponds to a specific phenotype and genotype frequencies are the same.
e. And allele frequency is the proportion of a specific allele (that is, of A or a) in a
particular population. A mentioned earlier, each individual, being diploid, just 2 alleles at
each genetic locus.
III. The Hardy-Weinberg principle
Romil Shah
Period 1
AP Biology
a. The frequencies of alleles and genotypes do not change from generation to generation
unless enclosed by outside factors.
b. A population whose allele and genotype frequencies do not change from generation to
generation is said to be at genetic equilibrium.
c. However, if allele frequencies change over successive generations, evolution is a
d. The explanation for the stability of successive generations in populations at genetic
equilibrium was provided independently by Godfrey Hardy, and English mathematician,
and Wilhelm Weinberg, a German physician, in 1908.
e. The resulting Hardy-Weinberg principle shows that if the population is large, the process
of inheritance does not by itself cause changes in allele frequencies.
f. It also explains what dominant alleles are not necessarily more common than recessive
g. When alleles are dominant and recessive, it is usually impossible to visually distinguish
heterozygous individuals from homozygous dominant individuals. The Hardy-Weinberg
principle lets us use the frequencies to calculate the expected genotype frequencies and
allele frequencies.
h. These values provide a basis of comparison with a population's allele frequencies in
succeeding generations.
iii. Large population size. Allele frequencies in a small population are more
likely to change by random fluctuations (that is, by, genetic drift) then are
allele frequencies in a large populations.
iv. No migration. There can be no exchange of alleles with other populations
that might have different allele frequencies.
v. No natural selection. If natural selection is occurring, certain phenotypes
(and their corresponding genotypes) are favored over others.
Consequently, the allele frequencies will change, the population will
B. Human MN blood groups are a valuable illustration of the Hardy- Weinberg principle
a. Humans have dozens of antigens on the surfaces of their blood cells. (An antigen is a
molecule, usually a protein or a carbohydrate, that is recognized as a foreign by cells or
another organism’s immune system.)
b. One group of antigens, designated the MN blood group, stimulates the production of
antibodies when injected into rabbits or guinea pigs.
c. However, humans do not produce antibodies for M and N, so the MN blood group is not
medically important, for example, when giving blood transfusions.
d. The MN blood group is of interest to population geneticists because alleles for the MN
blood group, usually designated M and N, are codominant (genotype MN produces
antigen M only, genotype NM produces antigen N only, and the heterozygous
genotype MN produces both antigens).
e. The MN characteristic is not subject to natural selection and that it does not produce a
visible phenotype that may affect random mating (Genetic Equilibrium)
IV. Microevolution
a. The degree of departure between the observed allele or genotype frequencies and those
expected by the Hardy- Weinberg principle indicates the amount of evolutionary change.
This type of evolution−generation-to-generation changes in allele or genotype frequencies
within a population−is sometimes referred to as microevolution, because it often involves
relatively small or minor changes, usually over two generations. Changes in the allele
Romil Shah
Period 1
AP Biology
a. When individuals select mates on the basis of phenotype (thereby selecting the
corresponding genotype), they bring about evolutionary change in the population. Two
examples of nonrandom mating are interbreeding and assertive mating.
b. The mating of genetically similar individuals that are more closely related than if they
had been chosen at random from the entire population is known as inbreeding.
Although inbreeding does not change the overall allele frequency, the frequency of
homozygous genotypes increases with each successive generation of inbreeding. The
most extreme example of inbreeding is self-fertilization, which is particularly common
in certain plants.
c. Inbreeding does not appear to be detrimental in some populations, but in others it causes
inbreeding depression, in which inbred individuals have lower fitness than those not
d. Fitness is the relative ability of a given genotype to make a genetic contribution to
subsequent generations; fitness is usually measured as the average number of surviving
offspring of one genotype compared to the average number of surviving offspring of
competing genotypes. Inbreeding depression, as evidenced by fertility declines and
high juvenile mortality, is thought to be caused by the expression of a full recessive
alleles as homozygosity increases with inbreeding
e. Assortative mating, in which individuals select mates based on their phenotype, is
another example of nonrandom mating.
f. Such selection of mates with the same phenotype is known as positive assortative mating
(as opposed to less common phenomenon, negative assortative mating, in which mates
with similar phenotypes are selected)
Romil Shah
Period 1
AP Biology
g. Positive assortative mating is practiced by many human societies, in which men and
women tend to marry individuals like themselves in such characteristics such as height
or intelligence. Like inbreeding, assortative mating usually increases homozygosity at
the expense of heterozygosity in the population and is not change the overall allele
frequencies in the population however, Assortative mating changes genotype
frequencies only at the loci involved in mate choice, whereas inbreeding affects
genotype frequencies in the entire genome
f. Mutation itself causes small deviations allele frequencies from those predicted by the
Hardy-Weinberg principle. Although allele frequencies may be changed by mutation,
these changes are typically several orders of magnitude smaller than changes caused by
other evolutionary forces, such as genetic drift.
a. The size of the population has important effects on allele frequencies because random
events, or chance, tend to cause the changes of the relatively greater magnitude in a
small population. If the population consists of only a few individuals, an allele present
at a low frequency in the population could be completely lost by chance.
b. The production of rant illusionary changes in a small breeding populations is known as
genetic drift. Genetic drift results in changes in allele frequencies in a population from
one generation to another. One allele may be eliminated from the population purely by
chance, regardless of whether the allele is beneficial, harmful, or of no particular
advantage or disadvantage. Thus, genetic drift decreases genetic variation within a
population, although it tends to increase genetic differences among different
D. The founder in effect occurs when a few "founders" establish a new colony
b. When one or a few individuals from a large population establish, or how found, a
colony, they bring with them only a small fraction of the genetic variation present in
the original population.
Romil Shah
Period 1
AP Biology
c. Typically, the allele frequencies in the newly founded population are quite different
from those of the parent population. The genetic drift that results when a small number
of individuals from a large population found a new colony is called the founder effect.
c. The mechanism of natural selection does not develop a "perfect" organism. Rather, it
weeds out those individuals whose phenotypes are less adapted to environmental
challenges, while allowing better adapted individuals to survive and passed their alleles
to their offspring.
V. Natural selection operates on an organism’s phenotype
a. Natural selection does not act directly on an organism's genotype.
b. The phenotype represents an interaction between the environment and all the alleles in
the organism’s genotype.
c. Much more common is the interaction of alleles of several different loci for the
expression of a single phenotype.
d. When characters (characteristics) are under polygenic control (as in human height), a
range of phenotypes occurs, with most of the population located in the median range and
fewer at either extreme.
e. Three kinds of selection cause changes in the normal distribution of phenotypes in a
population: stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection.
f. Stabilizing selection (360)
i. The process of natural selection associated with a population well adapted
to its environment is known as stabilizing selection.
ii. Stabilizing selection selects against phenotype extremes.
iii. Although stabilizing selection decreases the amount of variation in a
population, variation is rarely eliminated by this process, because other
micro-evolutionary processes against a decrease in variation.
g. Directional selection
i. In the environment changes over time, directional selection may favor
phenotypes and one of the extremes of the normal distribution. Over
successive generations, one phenotype gradually replaces another.
ii. Directional selection only occurs, if alleles favored under the new
circumstances are already present in the population.
h. Disruptive selection
Romil Shah
Period 1
AP Biology
q. The genetic basis of these clinical differences was experimentally demonstrated in a set
of classical experiments in which series of population from different geographic areas were
grown in the same environment.