CMTS Architecture
CMTS Architecture
CMTS Architecture
This paper describes an advanced receiver structure for DOCSIS 1.x/2.0
cable modem termination systems. The receiver is based on direct
digitization of the entire upstream spectrum of the cable. The digitized signal
is passed to a digital front-end that performs baseband conversion, filtering
and decimation, and followed by synchronization and digital signal
processing functions. Not only this architecture increases the density and
lowers the cost of equipment, but also the receiver has quasi-ideal
performance, which makes high-level modulations usable in practice. In
addition, the receiver incorporates efficient channel equalization and ingress
noise cancellation functions, which make it possible to use the parts of the
spectrum that suffer from significant group-delay distortion and narrowband
ingress noise. Performance of the receiver is illustrated using different types
of signal constellations and is compared to that of legacy CMTS receivers.
Data-Over-Cable System Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) [1] have become a popular
standard for data communications over hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) cable networks. The access
point that connects the HFC network to the core network is called cable modem termination
system (CMTS). The CMTS communicates with the cable modems (CMs) located at
subscriber premises. In DOCSIS specifications, the 5 – 42 MHz spectrum is reserved for the
upstream channel (from CMs to CMTS), while the 88 – 860 MHz spectrum is used for
downstream transmission (from CMTS to CMs). In the conventional CMTS receiver
architecture, the received upstream signal is fed to an analog front-end that selects the
desired channel, amplifies and converts it down to baseband. This implies that a separate
analog front-end and A/D converter are required for each upstream channel to be
demodulated. Furthermore, an analog front-end has practical inherent performance limits,
which make it more difficult to use high-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
This paper describes a receiver architecture that is based on direct digitization of the entire 5
– 42 MHz upstream spectrum (5 – 65 MHz in Euro-DOCSIS). In this architecture, which was
first described in [2], a single A/D converter is needed per port irrespective of the number of
upstream channels on it. Using this concept, a 4-input/16-output receiver was integrated in a
single chip, which also includes 4 downstream modulators and critical medium access
control (MAC) functions. A software-controlled switch integrated in the chip allows sending to
each one of the 16 digital front-ends and demodulators the desired input port signal, and
then each digital front-end selects the desired upstream channel. In addition to the increased
CMTS density, this receiver architecture also offers cable operators full flexibility in network
planning and handling the evolution of their cable plants without human intervention at hubs
and cable head-ends.
Furthermore, the receiver has a number of other unique features, which include a powerful
ingress noise canceller and a very efficient adaptive equalizer. The noise canceller makes it
possible to use the very noisy regions of the upstream spectrum, and the equalizer eases
the use of its lower and upper edges that exhibit strong group-delay distortion. This
increases the number of usable upstream channels and the overall network capacity. A side
advantage of this architecture concerns spectrum monitoring, which is of paramount
importance to network operators. Whereas a spectrum analyzer or a purpose-built hardware
is needed for spectrum monitoring in conventional receivers, no additional hardware is
required in the described architecture. In addition to DOCSIS 1.x, the current version of the
chip also includes the advanced time-division multiple access (A-TDMA) mode of the
recently released DOCSIS 2.0 RF interface specification. With respect to DOCSIS 1.x, this
specification includes an increased channel bandwidth (6.4 MHz), several additional
modulations including 64-QAM, and an improved forward error correction scheme. A
forthcoming version of the chip (under development) will also integrate the synchronous
code-division multiple access (S-CDMA) mode of DOCSIS 2.0.
This paper describes the receiver architecture, gives a brief review of DOCSIS 2.0
specifications, and reports measurement results using quaternary phase-shift keying
(QPSK), 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations. We also give some simulation results that
highlight the performance vs. data rate trade off in DOCSIS 2.0 and the performance of the
trellis code used in S-CDMA.
A general block diagram of the receiver is shown in Fig. 1. The received signal is first filtered,
amplified, and A/D converted using a clock generated by a free-running oscillator. The
nominal frequency of this clock is 102.4 MHz. The variable-gain amplifier used controls the
signal power of the entire carrier multiplex. After A/D conversion, the signal is sent to the fully
digital front-end which is followed by the digital demodulator.
To RS Decoder
Digital Front-End
As shown in Fig. 2, the first function of the digital front-end is to convert the received signal to
baseband and generate in-phase and quadrature components. This is performed using a
numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) whose frequency is controlled by the CMTS. The
baseband signal is then passed to digital filtering and decimation stages, which select the
desired channel and provide 4 samples per nominal symbol duration. The final stage of the
digital front-end is the matched filter, which operates at 4 times the nominal symbol rate and
performs square-root raised-cosine Nyquist filtering. The matched filter output is delivered to
the digital demodulator.
Digital Demodulator
The basic function of the digital demodulator is to perform timing and carrier
synchronizations, channel equalization, ingress noise cancellation, and make symbol
decisions. First, a coarse timing function detects the beginning of each burst with the
required precision (typically a precision of a half-symbol period). The conventional approach
to coarse timing estimation is based on power estimation. Since the received signal level in
the absence of bursts is small compared to the signal level received during bursts, a power
estimation circuit followed by a threshold comparator can detect the start of bursts. This
technique has two problems: The first problem is that the precision of the burst start estimate
is a function of the power-averaging filter. A short filter memory is required to improve
precision, but then the estimator becomes very sensitive to additive noise.
The second problem is that the threshold is a function of the received signal power level. A
high threshold leads to the risk of missing bursts and leads to an estimation delay. A low
threshold reduces the delay, but creates the risk of false alarms. To avoid these problems,
we developed a new coarse timing detector that involves a correlator and the computation of
a contrast function that is independent of the received signal power [2]. The correlator
correlates the incoming signal with the preamble sequence stored in the receiver. With a
contrast function that is independent of the received signal power, a fixed threshold can be
used to detect the burst start. The threshold comparator determines a short time-window in
which the correlation maximum is to be searched. In the traffic mode, the CMTS has some a
priori knowledge of the burst position and knows the time window over which it must search
the correlation maximum.
Digital Demodulator
Coarse Equalizer / Carrier / RS decoder
Timing Interpolator Noise Phase
Recovery Canceller Correction
Carrier Synchronization.
The final function before the threshold detector (which makes the symbol decisions) is the
carrier synchronization function. This includes a frequency estimator that estimates the
frequency offset between the CM and the CMTS and a phase recovery circuit that
synchronizes the carrier phase of the incoming signal. The estimated frequency offset is
used to derive a control signal, which is sent to the CM to synchronize its oscillator frequency
with that of the CMTS.
16 QAM
QPSK with RS and 8 QAM
3 reduced number of
2 64 QAM
with reduced
number of
5 10 15 20 25 30
C/N (dB) for BER=10-8
16 QAM RS (240,16)
32 QAM tcm RS (240,16)
0 100 200 300 400 500
burst duration (in chip periods)
Simulated and measured BER performance of the receiver was previously reported in [2].
The results indicated that the receiver performance is 0.2 dB from theory in QPSK and 0.5
dB in 16-QAM. Here, we will report some additional results giving the measured packet error
rate (PER) performance with RS code parameters k = 80 and T = 3 and compare it to
theoretical performance.
Fig. 5 shows the results for an AWGN channel. For 16-QAM, it also shows the results of
measurements using a legacy CMTS that uses commercial burst demodulator chips. Note
that the degradation of the legacy CMTS receiver with respect to our receiver is over 9 dB at
the PER of 0.1%, and the performance degradation is even higher at lower PER values.
Even in the 64-QAM mode, our receiver achieves a gain of 3.5 dB over a legacy 16-QAM
receiver (at the PER of 0.1%). The poor performance of legacy receivers is perhaps the
main reason why 16-QAM is virtually not used in the field today.
Next, Fig. 6 shows the receiver performance in the presence of ingress noise. Specifically, it
gives the measured PER as a function of the carrier-to-interference ratio (C/I) in the
presence of two continuous-wave (CW) interferers. We can see that in the 16-QAM mode,
our receiver achieves a PER of 1% at the C/I of 1.5 dB, while the legacy receiver requires a
C/I of 22 dB to achieve this PER. Also note that the legacy receiver exhibits an irreducible
PER floor near the 0.1% PER. Furthermore, even in the 64-QAM mode, our receiver
achieves a PER of 1% at the C/I of 5 dB, still giving a tremendous improvement of 17 dB
over a legacy 16-QAM receiver in terms of robustness to narrowband ingress noise. The
excellent performance of our receiver is primarily due to the efficient ingress noise canceller
implemented. But even when the ingress noise canceller is disabled, our receiver still
achieves a 7-dB gain over a legacy receiver at the PER of 1%.
64QAM (measurements)
64QAM (theory)
16QAM (measurements)
1.E-04 16QAM (theory)
16QAM (legacy)
QPSK (theory)
QPSK (measurements)
5 10 15 20 25 30
C/N (dB)
Packet Error Rate
We have described an advanced CMTS receiver architecture for DOCSIS 1.x/2.0 cable
networks. The receiver is based on direct digitization of the upstream channel spectrum and
makes use of highly sophisticated algorithms for timing and carrier synchronization, channel
equalization, and ingress noise cancellation. This structure leads to a very compact CMTS
on one hand and gives quasi-ideal performance on the other hand. Measurement results
show that the presented receiver substantially outperforms legacy CMTS receivers based on
commercially available burst demodulator chips. The excellent performance achieved by our
receiver design makes it possible to use high-level modulation schemes on noisy cable
plants and also to use the parts of the spectrum which suffer from a significant amount of
group-delay distortion and narrowband ingress noise. We have also examined the
performance vs. data rate trade off in DOCSIS 2.0 and shown that reducing the number of
spreading codes in S-CDMA loses too much in data rate to be of practical interest. Finally,
the trellis code option of the S-CDMA mode does not significantly improve performance on
AWGN channels and actually degrades performance in the presence of burst noise.
1. Data-over-Cable Service Interface Specifications – RF Interface Specification, SP-RFI-
I05-991105, Cable Television Laboratories, November 1999, Louisville, Colorado.
2. F. Buda et al., "Design and Performance of a Fully-Digital DOCSIS CMTS Receiver," 2001
NCTA Technical Papers, pp. 212-220, June 2001, Chicago, Illinois.
3. J. Proakis, "Digital Communications," 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2000.
4. B. Currivan, "Cable Modem Physical Layer Specifications and Design," in Cable Modems:
Current Technologies and Applications, John Fijolek & al. (Editors), pages 135-142, IEEE
Press, 1999.
5. T. J. Kolze, "An Approach to Upstream HFC Channel Modeling and Physical-Layer
Design," in Cable Modems: Current Technologies and Applications, John Fijolek & al.
(Editors), pages 135-142, IEEE Press, 1999.
6. G. Redaelli et al., "Advanced Receiver To Dip Ingress Noise in HFC Return Channel,"
ISPACS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaï, November 2000.
[7. A. Popper, F. Buda, and H. Sari, "An Advanced Receiver with Interference Cancellation
for Broadband Cable Access Systems," Proc. 2002 Zurich Seminar on Broadband
Communications, pp. 23.1-23.6, February 2002, Zurich, Switzerland.
8. Data-over-Cable Service Interface Specifications – RF Interface Specification, SP-
RFIv2.0-I01-011231, Cable Television Laboratories, Dec. 2001, Louisville, Colorado.
9. E. Lemois, F. Buda, and H. Sari, "An Analysis of the A-TDMA and SCDMA Technologies
of DOCSIS 2.0," NCTA 2002 Technical Papers, pp. 322-331, May 2002, New Orleans,