Absolute Arm Systems and Accessories: Product Catalogue

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Product catalogue

Absolute Arm systems and accessories

Version 2.2
This catalogue contains the complete range of products and accessories
available for Absolute Arm systems from Hexagon. Whatever the industry or
application, the Absolute Arm has a solution.

All systems and accessories offer the same high-end, straight-forward design
and quality users expect from Hexagon products.

Please direct any questions about Hexagon products or accessories to an

authorised local sales representative to receive guidance and assistance in
making an appropriate purchasing decision.

Important note

The information provided by Hexagon in this catalogue is for general information purposes only. All
information and arm configurations subject to change without further notice.

The images in this document are for reference only and are subject to change without notice. The
colour, shape and weight of the products represented here may be different from those delivered.

Copyright and Intellectual Property: All elements of this document (including trademarks, text,
graphics, logos, photos, etc.) are the property of Hexagon AB in the United States and selected other
countries. Therefore, any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution in whole or in
part, in any electronic form or not, present or future, is prohibited unless express consent is given.

 : standard delivery
 : compatible with the item or accessory
– : incompatible with the item or accessory
 : mandatory accessory
opt : optional accessory
: not in standard delivery

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 3


Applications 6

Absolute Arm systems 9

Probes and scanners 23

Mounting solutions 39

Artefacts and certifications 47

Accessories for tube inspection 53

Volume extensions 59

Other accessories 63

Application software 71

Warranty and maintenance 83

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Jig and fixture

Build and inspect

Tube and wire

Sheet metal

Mould and die

Shop floor

6 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com


Gear measurement


and repair


Reverse engineering

Virtual assembly


In-process checks


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Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm systems

Overview 10

Absolute Arm 7-Axis | 83, 85 and 87 series 13

Absolute Arm 6-Axis | 83, 85 and 87 series 16

Absolute Arm Compact | 83 and 85 series 19

Absolute Arm Tube | 83 Series 21

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 9

Accuracy Speed
The Absolute Arm range offers probing The RS-SQUARED is designed to obtain
accuracy as fine as only 6 microns and data sets of large simple objects in the
scanning system accuracy to within 43 shortest possible time, while the RS6
microns. is designed for high-speed scanning of
highly detailed parts.

Convenience Resilience
Even the largest Absolute Arm weighs The robust and shock-resistant carry
less than 11 kilograms, making set-up and case keeps the arm properly protected
repositioning a quick and easy process. and in perfect condition wherever and
however it’s transported.

Productivity Connectivity
The SHINE technology of the RS6 Laser Industry 4.0 ready with full 300 Hertz
Scanner takes data quality to a new level scanning performance over WiFi and
without compromising on speed, while simple integration within Hexagon’s
the ground-breaking RS-SQUARED Area Smart Factory concept.
Scanner brings ultra-fast structured
light scanning to a portable measuring
arm for the first time.

Repeatability Monitoring
A patented kinematic probe joint The SMART – Self-Monitoring Analysis
minimises downtime by allowing all and Reporting Technology – system
probes to be swapped on the fly with no provides full diagnostic monitoring for
need for recalibration. comprehensive measurement reliability.

Compatibility Certification
An established and reliable software Probing accuracy certified according to
interface that is compatible with ISO 10360-12 as standard, along with full
and supported by all major portable scanning system accuracy according
metrology software packages. to ISO 10360-8 Annex D. User accuracy
verification supported by supplied
CMM-certified artefact.

10 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Absolute Arm systems
Patented Absolute Encoders
within every articulated joint
are exclusive to Hexagon and
make the Absolute Arm the
only portable measuring arm
that has completely eliminated
warm-up times and encoder
referencing before use.

The unique Zero-G Counter
Balance system and low-
friction rotating grips reduce
user fatigue and maximise
accuracy by minimising inertia.

High-tech carbon-fibre tube
construction ensures strength
and thermal stability under
any environmental conditions.

Multi-functional control
buttons and a convenient
OLED wrist display screen
put measurement control Security
directly in the user’s hand, The HomeDock and
while a range of probes and SmartLock features allow
3D scanners deliver flexible the arm to be stowed and
measurement functionality. locked in place between
measurements, for greater
security during transport,
set-up and station moves.

Feedback Portability
True wireless connectivity
Easy user interaction in
and hot-swappable batteries
even the harshest industrial
give greater flexibility when
environments through visual,
moving the arm around the
acoustic and haptic feedback
shop floor, along with full
functions, now augmented
WiFi scanning performance
with Bluetooth technology.
with our rapid RS6 and RS-
SQUARED scanners

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 11

Accuracy Specifications
All probing specifications are achieved with an Absolute Arm mounted on a standard base plate or magnetic base (as available
in this catalogue) under stable environmental conditions. This level of equipment accuracy is not guaranteed with other
stands and volume extension products.

Nomenclature RA8525-7
-7 7-Axis model
-6 6-Axis model
-T Tube model
12 1.2 m measuring volume
20 2.0 m measuring volume
25 2.5 m measuring volume
30 3.0 m measuring volume
35 3.5 m measuring volume
40 4.0 m measuring volume
45 4.5 m measuring volume

87 series - Ultimate solution for portable high-accuracy measurement

85 series - Perfect balance between value and accurate measurement
83 series - Entry-level measurement accuracy

Absolute Arm 7-Axis wrist packages

Removable Fixed pistol 3 sizes Nose cone RS6 Laser RS5 Laser RS-SQUARED Fixed Alignment Alignment
pistol grip grip hand grips Scanner Scanner Area Scanner adaptor sphere plate

H00007281 - Probing kit    *

H00009220 - RS6 kit     

H00007293 - RS5 kit     

H000013115 - RS-SQUARED kit     

H00007294 - External
   *

*Certified chrome sphere for probing only.

Control packs
Power Battery Ethernet WiFi Ethernet cable Scanners
AC Arm Scanner adaptor Arm Scanner Arm Scanner RS6 RS5 RS-SQUARED HP-L-8.9 APODIUS 3D
H00015423-01 Connector Pack
        
H00012444-01 Wireless Pack
           ** **

** HP-L-8.9 and APODIUS 3D sensors do not support WiFi scanning.

*** Includes a 3-metre ethernet cable and Gigabit ethernet adaptor.

12 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm 7-Axis 83 series

7-axis portable measuring arm for all-purpose tactile measurement and scanning
functionality, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for

- SmartLock + HomeDock probing/scanning
- Base plate - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes articulated arms for tactile
- RDS calibration and interface software measurement)
- Wrist display - 24-month warranty
- Travel case

H00008000-03-8320 Absolute Arm 8320-7

2.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8325 Absolute Arm 8325-7

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8330 Absolute Arm 8330-7

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8335 Absolute Arm 8335-7

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8340 Absolute Arm 8340-7

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8345 Absolute Arm 8345-7

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders 

Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home- 
Display OLED wrist display | LED pictograms 
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet Wireless pack (CP-W) 
adaptor | Power supply  Artefacts* Verification bar opt
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring  Certified sphere for probing / scanning 
7-Axis kit 7-Axis probing kit, installed 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel 
RS6 kit, installed 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
RS5 kit, installed 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby 
RS-SQUARED kit, installed 
Packaging Hard case  7-Axis SE kit, installed 
Accessories case 
Warranty 2 years** 
Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 
Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
Software USB Standard Package: for tactile measurement)
RDS driver and interface  ISO 10360-8 Annex D (certificate of combination
User manuals  for arm, laser scanner and area scanner)

* All artefacts are delivered with a certification.

** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 13

Absolute Arm 7-Axis 85 series
7-axis portable measuring arm for all-purpose tactile measurement and scanning
functionality, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for

- SmartLock + HomeDock probing/scanning
- Base plate - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes articulated arms for tactile
- RDS calibration and interface software measurement)
- Wrist display - 24-month warranty
- Travel case

H00008000-03-8520 Absolute Arm 8520-7

2.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8525 Absolute Arm 8525-7

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8530 Absolute Arm 8530-7

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8535 Absolute Arm 8535-7

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8540 Absolute Arm 8540-7

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8545 Absolute Arm 8545-7

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders 

Software USB Standard Package:
Measurement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home-  RDS driver and interface 
Dock User manuals 
Display OLED wrist display | LED pictograms  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration 
Artefact** Verification bar 
Handling grips SpinGrip* | SpinKnob  Certified sphere for probing / scanning 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet 7-Axis kit 7-Axis probing kit, installed 
adaptor | Power supply  RS6 kit, installed 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring  RS5 kit, installed 
RS-SQUARED kit, installed 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel  7-Axis SE kit, installed 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
Warranty 2 years*** 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby 
Packaging Hard case  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
Accessories case  for tactile measurement)
ISO 10360-8 Annex D (certificate of combination
Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded  for arm, laser scanner and area scanner)

* Not available for 8520 models.

** All artefacts are delivered with a certification.
*** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

14 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm 7-Axis 87 series

7-axis portable measuring arm for all-purpose tactile measurement and scanning
functionality, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for

- SmartLock + HomeDock probing/scanning
- Base plate - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes articulated arms for tactile
- RDS calibration and interface software measurement)
- Wrist display - 24-month warranty
- Travel case

H00008000-03-8725 Absolute Arm 8725-7

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8730 Absolute Arm 8730-7

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8735 Absolute Arm 8735-7

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8740 Absolute Arm 8740-7

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-03-8745 Absolute Arm 8745-7

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders 

Software USB Standard Package:
Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home-  RDS driver and interface 
Dock User manuals 
Display OLED wrist display | LED pictograms  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C)
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration 
Artefacts* Verification bar 
Handling grips SpinGrip | SpinKnob  Certified sphere for probing / scanning 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet 7-Axis kit 7-Axis probing kit, installed 
adaptor | Power supply  RS6 kit, installed 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring  RS5 kit, installed 
RS-SQUARED kit, installed 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel  7-Axis SE kit, installed 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
Warranty 2 years** 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby 
Packaging Hard case  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
Accessories case  for tactile measurement)
ISO 10360-8 Annex D (certificate of combination
Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded  for arm, laser scanner and area scanner)

* All artefacts are delivered with a certification.

** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 15

Absolute Arm 6-Axis 83 series
6-axis portable measuring arm, designed for all-purpose tactile measurement or
optional entry-level laser scanning, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for probing

- SmartLock + HomeDock - ISO 10360-12 certification (for articulated
- Base plate arms for tactile measurement)
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes - 24-month warranty
- RDS calibration and interface software
- Travel case

H00008000-01-8320 Absolute Arm 8320-6

2.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8325 Absolute Arm 8325-6

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8330 Absolute Arm 8330-6

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8335 Absolute Arm 8335-6

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8340 Absolute Arm 8340-6

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8345 Absolute Arm 8345-6

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders 

Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home- 
Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 
Display LED pictograms 
Software USB Standard Package:
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  RDS driver and interface 
User manuals 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet adap-
tor | Power supply  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring 
Artefact* Verification bar opt
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel  Certified sphere for probing 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby  Warranty 2 years** 
Packaging Hard case  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
Accessories case  for tactile measurement)

* All artefacts are delivered with a certification.

** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

16 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm 6-Axis 85 series

6-axis portable measuring arm, designed for all-purpose tactile measurement or
optional entry-level laser scanning, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for probing

- SmartLock + HomeDock - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- Base plate articulated arms for tactile
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes measurement)
- RDS calibration and interface software - 24-month warranty
- Travel case

H00008000-01-8520 Absolute Arm 8520-6

2.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8525 Absolute Arm 8525-6

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8530 Absolute Arm 8530-6

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8535 Absolute Arm 8535-6

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8540 Absolute Arm 8540-6

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8545 Absolute Arm 8545-6

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders  Packaging Hard case 

Accessories case 
Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home- 
Dock Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 

Display LED pictograms  Software USB Standard Package:

RDS driver and interface 
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  User manuals 
Handling grips SpinGrip* | SpinKnob  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet adap-
tor | Power supply  Artefact** Verification bar 
Certified sphere for probing 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring 
Warranty 2 years*** 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby  for tactile measurement)

* Not available for 8520 models.

** All artefacts are delivered with a certification.
*** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 17

Absolute Arm 6-Axis 87 series
6-axis portable measuring arm, designed for all-purpose tactile measurement or
optional entry-level laser scanning, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance - Certified alignment sphere for

- SmartLock + HomeDock probing
- Base plate - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes articulated arms for tactile
- RDS calibration and interface software measurement)
- Travel case - 24-month warranty

H00008000-01-8725 Absolute Arm 8725-6

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8730 Absolute Arm 8730-6

3.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8735 Absolute Arm 8735-6

3.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8740 Absolute Arm 8740-6

4.0 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8745 Absolute Arm 8745-6

4.5 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders Packaging Hard case 

Accessories case 
Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home-  Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 
Display LED pictograms  Software USB Standard Package:
RDS driver and interface 
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  User manuals 
Handling grips SpinGrip | SpinKnob  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C)
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet adap-
tor | Power supply  Artefact* Verification bar 
Certified sphere for probing 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring 
Warranty 2 years** 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby  for tactile measurement)

* All artefacts are delivered with a certification.

** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

18 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm Compact

Versatile 6-axis small-diameter ultra-high-accuracy portable measuring arm, including:

- Integrated base - ISO 10360-12**** alignment (for

- Counterweight balance system articulated arms for tactile
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes measurement)
- RDS calibration and interface software - 24-month warranty
- Travel case
- 3 magnetic anchors
- Certified alignment sphere for probing

H00008000-01-8312 Absolute Arm 8312-6

1.2 m measurement volume

H00008000-01-8512 Absolute Arm 8512-6

1.2 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders  Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 

Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  Software USB Standard Package:
Display LED pictograms  RDS driver and interface 
User manuals 
Handling grips SpinKnob* 
Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet adap- Wireless pack (CP-W) 
tor | Power supply  Artefact** Verification bar (83 series) opt
Mounting base Standard base plate  Verification bar (85 series) 
Magnetic anchors  Certified sphere for probing 
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel  Warranty 2 years*** 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby 
for tactile measurement)
Packaging Hard case  ISO 10360-02 (certification for use in conjunc- opt
Accessories case  tion with a full-size CMM)****

* 85 Series only.
** All artefacts are delivered with a certification.
*** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.
**** Optional certification.

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20 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Absolute Arm systems

Absolute Arm Tube

6-axis portable measuring arm designed for tube measurement, with a special
counterbalance, including:

- Zero-G Counterbalance, tube version - Certified alignment sphere for probing

- SmartLock + HomeDock - ISO 10360-12 certification (for
- Base plate articulated arms for tactile
- TKJ 3-mm / 6-mm / 15-mm ball probes measurement)
- RDS calibration and interface software - 24-month warranty
- Travel case

H00008000-02-8325 Absolute Arm 8325 T

2.5 m measurement volume

H00008000-02-8330 Absolute Arm 8330 T

3.0 m measurement volume

Encoder Absolute Encoders 

Movement and security Zero-G Counterbalance | SmartLock | Home-  Dust cover Dust cover, Hexagon-branded 
Software USB Standard Package:
Haptic feedback Wrist vibration  RDS driver and interface 
User manuals 
Cables 3-metre ethernet cable | Gigabit ethernet adap-
tor | Power supply  Control Pack Connector pack (CP-C) 
Wireless pack (CP-W) 
Mounting base Standard base plate with mounting ring 
Artefact* Verification bar opt
Probes TKJ L 50 – ø 15-mm stainless steel  Certified sphere for probing 
TKJ L 50 – ø 6-mm ruby 
TKJ L 50 – ø 3-mm ruby  Warranty 2 years** 
Packaging Hard case  Certification ISO 10360-12 (certification for articulated arms 
Accessories case  for tactile measurement)

* All artefacts are delivered with a certification.

** The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

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22 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Probes and scanners

Probes and scanners

TKJ aluminium-body contact probes 24

TKJ carbon-body contact probes 26

TKJ angled contact probes 30

TKJ contact probe kits 31

TKJ special probes 32

TKJ touch trigger probes 33

M3 styli 34

Non-contact tube probes 35


hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 23

TKJ aluminium-body contact probes
Standard aluminium probes for the Absolute Arm are available from 50 to 100 millimetres in length. 8x12 
An M3 connector allows the use of any M3 sphere tip. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

H00007186* Probe-Alu-L50-15 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm Fixed Stainless steel 15 mm


H00007189-50* Probe-Alu-L50-3 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm

H00007187-50* Probe-Alu-L50-6 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm

H00007189-75 Probe-Alu-L75-3 75 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm

H00007187-75 Probe-Alu-L75-6 75 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm

H00007189-100 Probe-Alu-L100-3 100 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm

H00007187-100 Probe-Alu-L100-6 100 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm

* Already included as standard probes within all Absolute Arm packages.

24 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

TKJ aluminium-body contact probes

L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

54388-03 Probe-Alu-L50-Point 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Tungsten Point

54388-11 Probe-Alu-L50-½” 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm Fixed Ceramic 12.7 mm


NCA7-5-52480 Probe-Alu-L50-15 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm Fixed Stainless steel 15 mm


H00000906-01 Probe-Alu-L50-9.5 50 mm Aluminium 15 mm Fixed Stainless steel 9.5 mm


54388-06 Probe-Alu-L75-Point 75 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Tungsten Point


54388-09 Probe-Alu-L100-Point 100 mm Aluminium 15 mm M3 Tungsten Point


hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 25

TKJ carbon-body contact probes
Carbon-body probes for the Absolute Arm offer the largest range of probe sizes and types. Models available 8x12 
from 50 to 350 millimetres in length, and with standard M3 ball tips or fixed balls from 2 to 25 millimetres in 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
diameter, for any kind of hard-contact probing task. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

H00000383-01 Probe-Carbon-L50-9.5 50 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 9.5 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-02 Probe-Carbon-L50-10 50 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 10 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-03 Probe-Carbon-L50-15 50 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-04 Probe-Carbon-L75-10 75 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 10 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-05 Probe-Carbon-L75-15 75 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-06 Probe-Carbon-L82-9.5 82 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 9.5 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-07 Probe-Carbon-L85-½” 85 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 12.7 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-09 Probe-Carbon-L85-25 85 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 25 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000576-01 Probe-Carbon-L85-2 85 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 2 mm


54397-01 Probe-Carbon-L85-3 85 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


H00000576-02 Probe-Carbon-L85-4 85 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 4 mm


54397-02 Probe-Carbon-L85-6 85 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-03 Probe-Carbon-L85-Pt 85 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

26 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

TKJ carbon-body contact probes

L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

H00000576-04 Probe-Carbon-L100-10 100 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm


H00000576-03 Probe-Carbon-L100-2 100 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 2 mm


54397-04 Probe-Carbon-L100-3 100 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


54397-05 Probe-Carbon-L100-6 100 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-06 Probe-Carbon-L100-Pt 100 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

H00000383-10 Probe-Carbon-L130-10 130 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 10 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-11 Probe-Carbon-L130-15 130 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre ball steel

54397-07 Probe-Carbon-L130-3 130 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


H00000576-05 Probe-Carbon-L130-4 130 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 4 mm


54397-08 Probe-Carbon-L130-6 130 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-09 Probe-Carbon-L130-Pt 130 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

H00000383-12 Probe-Carbon-L150-10 150 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 10 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000383-13 Probe-Carbon-L150-15 150 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre ball steel

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 27

TKJ carbon-body contact probes
r L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

H00000576-06 Probe-Carbon-L150-2 150 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 2 mm

54397-10 Probe-Carbon-L150-3 150 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm

54397-11 Probe-Carbon-L150-6 150 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-12 Probe-Carbon-L150-Pt 150 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

H00000383-14 Probe-Carbon-L165-15 165 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre Ball steel

H00000383-15 Probe-Carbon-L180-10 180 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 10 mm

fibre Ball steel

H00000383-16 Probe-Carbon-L180-15 180 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre Ball steel

H00000383-17 Probe-Carbon-L180-20 180 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 20 mm

fibre Ball steel

54397-13 Probe-Carbon-L180-3 180 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


54397-14 Probe-Carbon-L130-6 180 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-15 Probe-Carbon-L180-Pt 180 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

54397-16 Probe-Carbon-L200-3 200 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


54397-17 Probe-Carbon-L200-6 200 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


54397-18 Probe-Carbon-L200-Pt 200 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Tungsten Point

fibre carbide

28 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

TKJ carbon-body contact probes

r L Body ØB Tip type Tip material ØT

H00000383-18 Probe-Carbon-L293-15 293 mm Carbon 16 mm Fixed Stainless 15 mm

fibre ball steel

H00000576-10 Probe-Carbon-L300-3 300 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm


H00000576-08 Probe-Carbon-L350-6 350 mm Carbon 16 mm M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm


hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 29

TKJ angled contact probes
For hard-to-reach areas of parts, the Absolute Arm can be equipped with special angled probes designed 8x12 
to allow for measuring around obstacles. Angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees are available. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

L Y Body Tip type Tip material ØT

54280-01 Angle Probe 45DEG with M3- 149 mm 38 mm Aluminium M3 Tungsten Point
Pointer Stylus TC-10 carbide

54280-02 Angle Probe 45DEG with M3- 149 mm 38 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm
Stylus R-3-SS-1.5-L10

54280-03 Angle Probe 45DEG with M3- 149 mm 38 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 4 mm
Stylus R-4-SS-2.5-L10

54280-04 Angle Probe 45DEG with M3- 149 mm 38 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm
Stylus R-6-SS-2.7-L10

54280-05 Angle Probe 60DEG with M3- 149 mm 57 mm Aluminium M3 Tungsten Point
Pointer Stylus TC-L10 carbide

54280-06 Angle Probe 60DEG with M3- 149 mm 57 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm
Stylus R-3-SS-1.5-L10

54280-07 Angle Probe 60DEG with M3- 149 mm 57 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 4 mm
Stylus R-4-SS-2.5-L10

54280-08 Angle Probe 60DEG with M3- 149 mm 57 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm
Stylus R-6-SS-2.7-L10

54280-09 Angle Probe 90DEG with M3- 173 mm 43 mm Aluminium M3 Tungsten Point
Pointer Stylus TC-L10 carbide

54280-10 Angle Probe 90DEG with M3- 173 mm 43 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 3 mm
Stylus R-3-SS-1.5-L10

54280-11 Angle Probe 90DEG with M3- 173 mm 43 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 4 mm
Stylus R-4-SS-2.5-L10

54280-12 Angle Probe 90DEG with M3- 173 mm 43 mm Aluminium M3 Synth. ruby 6 mm
Stylus R-6-SS-2.7-L10

30 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

TKJ contact probe kits

To enhance the possibilities of probing, customisable probe kits are available, each offering a 8x12 
different range of probe sizes. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

54388-50B Body Probe-Alu-L50

Individual solid aluminum probe shaft, length 50 millimetres.
For use with all Absolute Arm models with a TESA kinematic joint connector.

54388-100B Body Probe-Alu-L100

Individual solid aluminum probe shaft, length 50 millimetres.
For use with all Absolute Arm models with a TESA kinematic joint connector.

54135 Probe Kit – Body Short

Short-body probe set consisting of 5 aluminium probe shafts,
5 styli with ruby-ball tips, 2 adaptors and tools.
For use with all Absolute Arm models with a TESA kinematic joint connector.

Bodies Length 50 mm / 60 mm / 70 mm / 85 mm / 100 mm

Tips ø 2 mm / 3 mm / 4 mm / 5 mm / 6 mm
(Synth. ruby)
Length 10 mm
Connectors 2 x TKJ
Tools Body probe wrench + probe pin wrench

54136 Probe Kit – Body Long

Long-body probe set consisting of 4 carbon-fibre probe shafts,
5 styli with ruby-ball tips, 2 adaptors and tools.
For use with all Absolute Arm models with a TESA kinematic joint connector.
Bodies Length 130 mm / 150 mm / 180 mm / 200 mm
(Carbon fiber)
Tips ø 2 mm / 3 mm / 4 mm / 5 mm / 6 mm
(Synth. ruby)
Length 10 mm
Connectors 2 x TKJ
Tools Body probe wrench + tip wrench

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 31

TKJ special contact probes
Probes to designed to seat spherical retroreflectors or for customised purposes. 8x12 
83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00000742-01 Probe-Alu-L75-12.7 for Tracker

Reflector not included.
ø Tip type L Body

12.7 mm Magnetic seat 75 mm Aluminium

H00000742-02 Probe-Alu-L75-22.225 for Tracker

Reflector not included.
ø Tip type L Body

22.225 mm Magnetic seat 75 mm Aluminium

H00000742-03 Probe-Alu-L75-38.1 for Tracker

Reflector not included.
ø Tip type L Body

38.1 mm Magnetic seat 75 mm Aluminium

54431 Universal Probe Adaptor – TKJ male to M8

Probe body for adapting any M8 standard or customised probe adaptor.

32 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

TKJ touch-trigger probes

Touch-trigger probes allow for the measurement of sensitive parts. Available in fixed or adjustable 8x12 
versions, the touch-trigger probe is triggered immediately upon touching the surface. Suitable for any 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
soft surface and for easily movable parts. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

34386 HP-T-EF Touch-Trigger Probe Kit

TKJ male probe with touch-trigger contact.
TKJ-M8-TTP NCA7-5-19344 included
Tips ø 3 mm / 6 mm
(Synth. ruby)
Length 20 mm / 10 mm
Trigger force Extended force (0.10 N at 50mm)
Length 73 mm

NCA7-3-52596 HP-T-RP M8 Adjustable Touch-Trigger Probe Head

M8 head for TKJ adaptor touch-trigger probe.
TKJ-M8-TTP NCA7-5-19344 included
Tips ø 3 mm  / 6 mm
(Synth. ruby)
Length 10 mm
Trigger force Adjustable 0.11 N - 0.30 N
Length 85 mm

34385 TP20 Renishaw Touch-Trigger Probe Kit

TKJ male probe with touch-trigger contact.
TKJ-M8-TTP NCA7-5-19344 included
Tips ø 3 mm / 6 mm
(Synth. ruby)
Length 20 mm (ø 3 mm) / 10 mm (ø 6 mm)
Trigger Force Extended force (0.1N at 50 mm) – 2 heads
Length 83 mm

NCA7-5-19344 TTP Adaptor – M8

TKJ-M base for all M8 touch-trigger probe heads.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 33

M3 styli
A range of tips is available to allow for adapting the probe to the measurement object. All tips are fixed 8x12 
with a M3 thread and can be used on any hard-contact body probe or touch-trigger probe. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

Ø D A Tip material L A
74128 M3-Pointer Stylus 2 mm 1.5 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm

74133 M3-Pointer Stylus Point - M3 Tungsten 10 mm

TC-L10 carbide

03969327 M3-Stylus R-3-SS- 3 mm 2 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm


74130 M3-Stylus R-4-SS- 4 mm 2.5 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm D

74131 M3-Stylus R-5-SS- 5 mm 2.5 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm


03969326 M3-Stylus R-6-SS- 6 mm 2.7 mm M3 Synth. ruby 10 mm

2.7-L10 Ø

NCA7-7-18998 Tip-M3-Lg20-2mm 2 mm 1.5 mm M3 Synth. ruby 20 mm

NCA7-7-19997 Tip-M3-Lg20-3mm 3 mm 2 mm M3 Synth. ruby 20 mm

NCA7-7-19998 Tip-M3-Lg20-6mm 6 mm 2.7 mm M3 Synth. ruby 20 mm

34 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

Non-contact tube probes

Infrared non-contact probes for tube measurement are available in 6 sizes, allowing measurement of all 8x12 
kinds of tubes. A laser dot (class 2M) guides the user for precise placement. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
Compatible with TubeShaper, GTube and Docs software. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

NCA7-2-21952-01 NCP1 Non-Contact Tube Probe (12.5 mm)

ø 4-13 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 6.4 mm (ref NCA7-2-21953-01)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 8 mm (ref NCA7-2-21954-01)

NCA7-2-21952-02 NCP2 Non-Contact Tube Probe (25 mm)

ø 6-20 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 6.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-01)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 8 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-01)

NCA7-2-21952-03 NCP3 Non-Contact Tube Probe (50 mm)

ø 10-40 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 12.7 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-02)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 20 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-02)

NCA7-2-21952-04 NCP4 Non-Contact Tube Probe (75 mm)

ø 12-65 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 12.7 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-02)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 20 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-02)

NCA7-2-21952-05 NCP5 Non-Contact Tube Probe (100 mm)

ø 20-85 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 25.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-03)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 40 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-03)

NCA7-2-21952-06 NCP6 Non-Contact Tube Probe (150 mm)

ø 30-130 mm
Recommended T-bar* ø 25.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-03)
Recommended Z Gage* ø 40 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-03)

* Certified T-bar for alignment and certified Z Gage for verification not included.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 35

RS6 Laser Scanner and RS-SQUARED Area Scanner
H00009221 RS6 Kit, Accessory, for RA8 7-Axis 8x12
Flagship laser scanner for RA8 Absolute Arm 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
7-Axis models. Shipped individually in shipping 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

- RS6 Laser Scanner
- RDS maintenance and interface software
- Certified scanning sphere, incl. certificate
- Scanner certificate
- 2-year warranty *

Arm must be equipped with at least CP1 or CP-C.
Scanner not delivered with “System Scanning Accuracy” ISO 10360-8 Annex-D report.
ODU-ethernet cable (3 m) not included.
Ethernet gigabit adaptor not included.
Wireless scanning available only with CP-W.

H00013263 RS-SQUARED kit, Accessory, for RA8 7-Axis

Ground-breaking white light scanner for RA8 Absolute Arm 7-Axis
models. Shipped individually in shipping box.

- RS-SQUARED Area Scanner
- RDS maintenance and interface software
- Rest cradle
- Artefact plate for alignment and calibration, incl. certificate
- Certificates
- Travel case and strap
- 2-year warranty *

Arm must be equipped with at least CP1 or CP-C.
Scanner not delivered with “System Scanning Accuracy” ISO 10360-8 Annex-D report.
ODU-ethernet cable (3 m) not included.
Ethernet gigabit adaptor not included.
Wireless scanning available only with CP-W.
RS-SQUARED can not be used with any 2-metre arm models.

* The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year.

36 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Probes and scanners

RS5 and HP-L-8.9 Laser Scanners

H00007975 RS5 Kit, Accessory, for RA8 7-Axis 8x12
General purpose laser scanner for the 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
RA8 Absolute Arm 7-Axis. Shipped 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
individually in shipping box.

- RS5 Laser Scanner
- RDS maintenance and interface software
- Certified scanning sphere, incl. certificate
- Scanner certificate
- 2-year warranty

Arm must be equipped with at least CP1 or CP-C.
Scanner not delivered with the “System Scanning Accuracy” ISO 10360-8 Annex-D report.
ODU-ethernet cable (3 m) not included.
Ethernet gigabit adaptor not included.
Wireless scanning available only with CP-W.

H00007977 HP-L-8.9 Accessory Kit, for RA8 6-Axis

Cost-effective laser scanner for the Absolute Arm 6-Axis.
Shipped individually in shipping box.

- HP-L-8.9 Laser Scanner
- Certified sphere for probing and scanning
- ODU-ethernet cable (3 m)
- Scanner certification
- RDS maintenance and interface software
- Travel case
- 1-year warranty

Arm must be equipped with at least CP1 or CP-C.
Scanner not delivered with “System Scanning Accuracy” ISO 10360-8 Annex-D report.
Wireless scanning not available with HP-L-8.9.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 37

38 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Mounting solutions

Mounting solutions

Standard bases 40






hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 39

Standard bases
All the standard bases for the Absolute Arm are designed for use with the Absolute Arm Mounting Ring.

NCA7-5-21497 Base Plate with Mounting Ring 8x12 *

Base mounting set that can be used to fix a 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
base plate to the Absolute Arm so that it can 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
stand freely on any flat and stable surface. Fully
compatible with accuracy specifications and all
Absolute Arm models.

Delivery contents
- Base plate (size: 170 x 235 x 15 mm)
- Mounting ring (ø 108 mm)
- 6 screws (SHCS, M8 x 1.25 x 25 SS)

NCA7-5-19866 Magnetic Base with Mounting Ring 8x12 *

Magnetic mounting adaptor for magnetically fixing 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
any Absolute Arm system to magnetic surfaces. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
Works best on flat surfaces. Fully compatible with
accuracy specifications and all Absolute Arm models.

Delivery contents
- Magnetic base plate (size: 238 x 271 x 112 mm)
- Set of three magnets (100 kg force / unit, size: 50 x 55 x 73 mm)
- Mounting ring (ø 108 mm)
- 3 screws (SHCS, M8 x 1.25 x 20 SS)
- 6 screws (SHCS, M8 x 1.25 x 25 SS)

H00008527 Witte Vacuum Mount Base 8x12 *

For mounting the arm on any flat surface without 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
additional tools. For arms with up to 2.5 m 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
measurement volume. Weight 6.3 kg.

Delivery contents
- Mounting ring
- Storage and transport case
- Rechargeable battery and charger
- User manual

* For 8x12 models a Mounting Ring Adaptor (H00012888) is required.

40 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Mounting solutions


H00004220 Mounting Ring 8x12 *

Ring attachment that allows the Absolute Arm to be 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
mounted to any surface using just 6 screws, with no 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
additional base plate required.
Fully compatible with accuracy specifications and
with all Absolute Arm models.

Delivery contents
- Mounting ring (ø 108 mm)
- All necessary mounting screws

H00012888 Mounting Ring Adaptor Kit 8x12 **

Allows the use of any standard mounting base or 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
tripod with RA8 Absolute Arm Compact models. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7

Delivery contents
- Mounting interface
- Nut
- All necessary mounting screws

H00000896 Magnetic Anchors

Magnetic anchors for the use with the integrated
base of Absolute Arm Compact models.

Delivery contents
-3 magnetic anchors
Magnetic anchors are delivered as standard for all
Absolute Arm Compact models

H00001346** Magnetic Blocks and Anchors Kit

Magnetic blocks and anchors for the use with the integrated
base of Absolute Arm Compact models.

- 3 magnetic blocks (100 kg force/unit)
- 3 magnetic anchors
- All necessary mounting screws
- Short hexagon key

* For 8x12 models a Mounting Ring Adaptor (H00012888) is required.

** Option available only for 8x12 models.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 41

Instrument stands for functionality and portability. Collapsible, tripod-type stands are available in a number of standard
configurations. Stands with graphite upper legs have a low weight and give an advantage with respect to thermal stability. The
height of the stand is adjusted by releasing quick-action levers and setting each telescoping leg to the desired length.

H00011491 Hexagon Stand, Graphite Portable Adjustable 8x12 *

(MxS2000SA) 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Height adjustable 743-1403 mm 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Net weight: 18 kg
- Feet: 3 pad feet (32990) included

H00011492 Hexagon Stand, Graphite Portable Fixed 8x12 *

(MxS2000SF) 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Height adjustable 619-972 mm 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Net weight: 16 kg
- Feet: 3 pad feet (32990) included

H00011493 Hexagon Stand, Tetralock Portable - 400S-D 8x12 *

- Materials: aluminium / stainless steel 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Height: adjustable 750-1190 mm 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Net weight: 11 kg
- Transport case: duffel-style canvas bag

32990 Brunson Pad Feet for Graphite Portable Stands

- For H00011492 (MxS2000SF), H00011491
(MxS2000SA) and H00011493 (400S-D)
- 3 pieces

576905 Travel Case for Graphite Portable Stands

Travel case for easy and safe transportation when
shipping or packing requirements call for more
protection, included carrying bag.
- For H00011491 and H00011492

576906 Tripod Padded Bag

Durable carrying bag for easy transport to and
from the jobsite.
- For H00011491 and H00011492

* For 8x12 models a Mounting Ring Adaptor (H00012888) is required.

42 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Mounting solutions

Rigid heavy-duty metrology stands are perfect for 3D measurement applications that require a
great deal of stability along with mobility around the workplace.

H00011496 Hexagon Stand, Model 230-F-24 Small 8x12 *

- Height: fixed 610 mm 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Net weight: 77 kg 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00011497 Hexagon Stand, Model 230-F-36 Medium

- Height: fixed 910 mm
- Net weight: 86 kg

H00011498 Hexagon Stand, Model 230-F-48 Large

- Height: fixed 1220 mm
- Net weight: 104 kg

H00011494 Hexagon Stand, Model 231 Small 8x12 *

- Height: adjustable 710-1070 mm 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Net weight: 88 kg 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00011495 Hexagon Stand, Model 230 Large

- Height: adjustable 1090-1700 mm
- Net weight: 104 kg

32004-1 Brunson Stand Extension 234-20 8x12 *

- Height: 508 mm 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Includes spacer ring 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00011499 Hexagon Laptop Support Arm and Tray 230-231 8x12 *

Black laptop support stand with adjustable laptop 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
support tray, power cable management clips and 2 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
power supply mounting brackets.
- Materials: aluminium (frame), plastic (tray)
- Max. keyboard thickness/width: 44 mm / 394 mm
- Net weight: 5 kg
- Portable: yes
- Transport case: no

* For 8x12 models a Mounting Ring Adaptor (H00012888) is required.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 43

Hexagon portable base stations provide the ideal workplace for your portable measuring arm. Available in
a number of sizes and configurations, they have a rigid design and are fully rust proofed. Stable, lockable
wheels and a convenient handle allows for easy movement and secure stowing. Lockable doors and
drawers are designed to store frequently used inspection tools, accessories and other components safely.
The M8 threaded top plate is magnetic, allowing the arm to be mounted directly. The 50-millimetre hole
pitch ensures maximum flexibility and freedom in setting up the right fixture for every part. Each base
station is equipped with a Swift-Fix Basic kit (pictured) as standard, enabling operators to correctly fixture Swift-Fix Basic Kit
parts of different shapes, sizes and complexity.

Available in two sizes, each with two configurations: two doors and one drawer or two large drawers. Maximum workload
capacity of all congiurations is 250 kg. Two-draw versions available with foam insert for Absolute Arm Compact models.
Skeleton versions available with option of stable feet or lockable wheels. Dimensional indications (W x D x H) in mm.

GB0005-2014 Version two doors, one drawer 910 x 610 x 935 115 kg net

GB0005-2015 Version two doors, one drawer 1220 x 910 x 935 196 kg net

GB0005-2016 Version two drawers 910 x 610 x 935 115 kg net Version two doors, one drawer

GB0005-2024 Version two drawers 910 x 610 x 935 115 kg net

with foam insert for 8x12 arm
GB0005-2017 Version two drawers 1220 x 910 x 935 196 kg net

GB0005-2025 Version two drawers 1220 x 910 x 935 196 kg net

with foam insert for 8x20 arm
GB0005-2011 Skeleton version on stable feet 910 x 610 x 935 250 kg net Version two drawers

GB0005-2007 Skeleton version on lockable wheels 1820 x 610 x 935 250 kg net

GB0005-2008 Skeleton version on lockable wheels 1830 x 910 x 935 250 kg net

Skeleton example
H00002365 Tube Inspection Table 1854 x 1230 x 917 100 kg net
Table dedicated for tube inspection

Compatible with
- Mounting ring
- Stands (NCA7-5-52794 and NCA 7-5-52795)
- M6 holes grid

44 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Mounting solutions

Stable height extension for any arm. Particularly suitable for Absolute Arm tube inspection systems.

NCA7-5-52794 Arm Raiser – 250 mm

Multi-purpose stand, suitable for Absolute Arm
tube stations as well as other high-accuracy arm

- Compatible with accuracy specifications

- Compatible with all sizes of arm
- Mounting Ring included
- Height: 250 mm

NCA7-5-52795 Arm Raiser – 500 mm

Multi-purpose stand, suitable for Absolute Arm
tube stations as well as other high-accuracy arm

- Compatible with accuracy specifications

- Compatible with all sizes of arm
- Mounting Ring included
- Height: 500 mm

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 45

46 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Artefacts and certifications

Artefacts and certifications

Verification bars 48

Certified spheres 49

Artefacts for tube probes 50

Optional certifications 51

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 47

Verification bars
Certified length bars are mainly used to verfiy the accuracy of portable measuring arms
and to perform length checkouts. They can also be used to evaluate arm performance
against ISO 10360-12, ASME B89.4.22 or VDI/VDE standards. L1

32377* Certified Length Bar (short)

This length bar is recommended for 1.2 m Absolute Arm models.
L1: 170 mm
L2: 310 mm
Delivery contents
Certified length bar
DIN ISO-17025 certificate 32377

32378* Certified Length Bar (medium)

This length bar is recommended for 2.0-2.5 m Absolute Arm models.
L1: 362 mm
L2: 712 mm

Delivery contents
Certified length bar
DIN ISO-17025 certificate

32379* Certified Length Bar (long)

This length bar is recommended for 3.0-4.5 m Absolute Arm models.
L1: 514 mm
L2: 1016 mm

Delivery contents
Certified length bar
DIN ISO-17025 certificate

* One included with all 85/87 Series arm packages, according to arm size.

48 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Artefacts and certifications

Certified spheres
Certified spheres are used to calibrate all contact probes and laser scanners or to verify
their accuracy.

NCA7-5-20653-01 Calibration Sphere for Contact Probes 8x12 

- Already included with 6-axis and SE arms 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
- Sphere: ø 25.4 mm / hardeness 58 Rc 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Material: high-chrome high-carbon stainless steel
- Certificate and base plate included

H00000347 Scanning and Probing Certified Sphere 8x12

- Recommended for scanning systems 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
- Already included with RS5 and RS6 kits 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Sphere: ø 25.4 mm
- Material: Tungsten carbide with matte finish
- Certificate and base plate included

H00016402 Certified sphere for RS-SQUARED Area Scanner 8x12

- Certified sphere for checking RS-SQUARED 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
Area Scanner 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
- Sphere: ø 75 mm
- Material: Aluminium alloy with coating finish
- Certificate and based plate included

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 49

Artefacts for tube probes
Calibrate tube probes and evaluate tube probe accuracy against 8x12 
certified tools. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

NCA7-2-21953-01 Calibration Artefact for Tube Probe (ø 6.4 mm)

Quarter-inch diameter T-bar for non-contact
tube probe alignment.
- Recommended for NCP1 and NCP2
- Certificate included

NCA7-2-21953-02 Calibration Artefact for Tube Probe (ø 12.7 mm)

Half-inch diameter T-bar for non-contact tube
probe alignment.
- Recommended for NCP3 and NCP4
- Certificate included

NCA7-2-21953-03 Calibration Artefact for Tube Probe (ø 25.4 mm)

One-inch diameter T-bar for non-contact tube
probe alignment. NCA7-2-21953-01
- Recommended for NCP5 and NCP6
- Certificate included
NCA7-2-21954-01 Z Gage for Tube Probe (ø 8 mm)
Gauge for non-contact tube probe verification
and certification.
- Recommended for NCP1 and NCP2
- Certificate included

NCA7-2-21954-02 Z Gage for Tube Probe (ø 20 mm)

Gauge for non-contact tube probe verification
and certification.
- Recommended for NCP3 and NCP4
- Certificate included

NCA7-2-21954-03 Z Gage for Tube Probe (ø 40 mm)

Gauge for non-contact tube probe verification
and certification.
- Recommended for NCP5 and NCP6
- Certificate included

50 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Artefacts and certifications

Optional certifications

H0000536 Certification – ISO 10360-12 8x12 

Certification according to standard definition 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
for tactile probing measurement with an 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
articulated arm CMM.

H00000621 Certification – B89.4.22

Available only for RA7 models. Includes
certification only (without recalibration).

H00000658 Certification – ISO 10360-2 8x12 opt

Optional probing certification. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 -
Available only for 8x12 Absolute Arm Compact 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 -

NCA7-4-52504 Certification – VDI/VDE

Available only for RA7 models. Probing
certification according to standard definition.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 51

52 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Accessories for tube inspection

Accessories for tube inspection

Non-contact tube probes 54

Tools 55

Software and bender links 56

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 53

Non-contact tube probes
Infrared non-contact probes for tube measurement are available in 6 sizes, allowing measurement 8x12 
of all kinds of tubes. A laser dot (class 2M) guides the user for precise placement. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
Compatible with TubeShaper, GTube and Docs software. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

NCA7-2-21952-01 NCP1 Non-Contact Tube Probe (12.5 mm)

ø 4-13 mm
T-bar* ø 6.4 mm (ref NCA7-2-21953-01)
Z Gage* ø 8 mm (ref NCA7-2-21954-01)

NCA7-2-21952-02 NCP2 Non-Contact Tube Probe (25 mm)

ø 6-20 mm
T-bar* ø 6.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-01)
Z Gage* ø 8 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-01)

NCA7-2-21952-03 NCP3 Non-Contact Tube Probe (50 mm)

ø 10-40 mm
T-bar* ø 12.7 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-02)
Z Gage* ø 20 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-02)

NCA7-2-21952-04 NCP4 Non-Contact Tube Probe (75 mm)

ø 12-65 mm
T-bar* ø 12.7 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-02)
Z Gage* ø 20 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-02)

NCA7-2-21952-05 NCP5 Non-Contact Tube Probe (100 mm)

ø 20-85 mm
T-bar* ø 25.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-03)
Z Gage* ø 40 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-03)

NCA7-2-21952-06 NCP6 Non-Contact Tube Probe (150 mm)

ø 30-130 mm
Recommanded T-bar* ø 25.4 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21953-03)
Recommanded Z Gage* ø 40 mm (ref. NCA7-2-21954-03)

* Certified T-bar for alignment and certified Z Gage for verification not included.

54 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Accessories for tube inspection


EBD-12865 Tube Holder (ø 0-20 mm)

- Available in Europe, Middle East, Africa and South America
- Weight: 17 kg

EBD-12866 Tube Holder (ø 20-70 mm)

- Available in Europe, Middle East, Africa and South America
- Weight: 17 kg

20539-4 Tube Holder (ø 0-50 mm)

- Available in North America, China and Asia-Pacific
- Weight: 10 kg

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 55

Software and bender links

The BendingStudio software platform links all data and processes around the
production of bended parts – from design and process planning to manufacturing
and quality control. BendingStudio is the only tool to meet and combine these
requirements with an emphasis on metrological processes.

With clear actual-nominal value comparison allowing for fast evaluation, the
implementation of multiple inspection plans with individual measurement criteria
for each part, and the presentation of results remaining the same no matter the
origin of the data, BendingStudio is the complete package for complex analysis and
management of tube and wire production.

With the capacity to work with measurement input from both TubeInspect
and Absolute Arm systems, BendingStudio is a key part of any tube and wire
manufacturing toolkit.

Please refer to page 78/79 for further information about software packages.

56 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Accessories for tube inspection

Software and bender links

Created specifically for the Absolute Arm, TubeShaper brings user-
friendly inspection to the tube manufacturing sector.

Designed to maximise production efficiency and reduce scrap,

features such as offline licensing, direct import of CAD models and
an intuitive modern graphical interface allow tubes to be designed,
checked and corrected with speed and precision. Direct connection
to a wide range of CNC tube bending machines from the market’s
leading manufacturers ensure that bending corrections are applied
in real time on the shop floor.

Offering a state-of-the-art user interface, TubeShaper enables

users to fully harness the measurement power and versatility of Monitor not included.
the Absolute Arm for all tube inspection applications. Non-contact
infrared tube probes allow even soft rubber tubes to be measured,
while tactile probes can also be used to reverse engineer or inspect
complete tube fixtures. Uniquely, TubeShaper also allows for the
measurement of rectangle-section tubes.

TubeShaper is the product of over three decades of experience in

tube inspection and was developed in close collaboration with some
of the world’s leading tube manufacturers. Tube measurement
software has never been so complete.

Please refer to page 80/81 for further information about software packages,

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 57

58 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Volume extensions

Volume extension systems

GridLOK 60

Leap Frog Kit 61

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 59

GridLOK is an expanded measurement solution that allows the 8x12
accuracy and convenience of the Absolute Arm to be applied to 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
larger parts and systems otherwise beyond its reach. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

51460-XX GridLOK Installation

- Please specify the grid size when you order the kit
- Grid pattern available from 4 by 6 m up to 60 by 60 m*
- Please consult arm factories for further information and

11615 GridLOK stand-alone license

Dongle-protection to activate the use of GridLOK function.

* Specific measuring area can be evaluated on request.

60 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Volume extensions

Leap Frog Kit

A set of magnets used to align an Absolute Arm across multiple 8x12 
measurement stations when measuring larger parts. 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

54479-01 Leap Frog kit

Delivered in storage box.

- 4x Magnets with cones

- 1x Short rod

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 61

62 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Other accessories

Other accessories

Cables and adaptors 64

Control packs 65

Batteries 66

Dust covers 67

Installation USB 67

Vision solutions 69

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 63

Cables and adaptors
H00017063 Gigabit Ethernet Apaptor 8x12 
Ethernet to USB adapter, for users who prefer a 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
USB connection to ethernet. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00003263 ODU-Ethernet cable (3 m) 8x12 

3-metre long ethernet cable for arm-to-computer 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
data transfer and scanner data transfer. For use 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
with all RA8 Absolute Arm models.

H00008521 ODU-Ethernet cable (5 m) 8x12 

5-metre long ethernet cable for arm-to-computer 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
data transfer and scanner data transfer. For use 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 
with all RA8 Absolute Arm models.

64 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Other accessories

Control packs
Every advanced function an Absolute Arm performs is mediated through a control pack.
From power, probing and scanning over a single cable connection to hot-swappable
batteries and full-speed measurement-over-WiFi for unmatched portability, it all comes
down to the control pack.

H00016653 CP-C, Accessory 8x12 

Connector Pack (CP-C) shipped individually 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
in shipping box. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

- Single cable connection for all touch probes, tube probes and scanners
(HP-L-8.9, HP-C-V3D, RS5, RS6 and RS-SQUARED)
- Connection over ethernet or USB (with adaptor)

-Connector Pack CP-C
-RDS maintenance and interface software
-ODU-Ethernet cable-3m.
-Ethernet Gigabit adaptor.

Warning: Not compatible with HP-L-20.8 Laser Scanner

H00016654 CP-W, Accessory 8x12 

Wireless Pack (CP-W) shipped individually in
83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
shipping box.
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

- Single cable connection for all touch probes, tube probes and scanners
(HP-L-8.9, HP-C-V3D, RS5, RS6 and RS-SQUARED)
- Wireless connections for all touch probes, tube probes, RS5, RS6
and RS-SQUARED. (HP-L-8.9 and HP-C-V3D do not support wireless
- Connection over ethernet or USB (with adaptor)
- Battery operation (with hot-swappable batteries)

-Wireless Pack CP-W
-RDS maintenance and interface software
-Two rechargeable batteries
-ODU-Ethernet cable (3 m)
-Ethernet gigabit adaptor

Warning: Not compatible with HP-L-20.8 Laser Scanner

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 65

NCA7-6-50108 Li-ion Battery
Internal Lithium-ion battery. A second battery
can be hot-swapped with the battery installed
in the control pack to allow constant powered
wireless usage with no downtime. For all Absolute
Arm Series 8 models equipped with a Wireless
Pack CP-W, Control Pack 2 or Control Pack 3.

CH5000E Charger for Li-ion Battery (EU)

External quick charger for Lithium-ion battery.
CH5000U Charger for Li-ion battery (UK)
External quick charger for Lithium-ion battery.

CH5000A Charger for Li-ion battery (US)

External quick charger for Lithium-ion battery.

H00007922 RS-SQUARED Warming Plug

Permits advanced warmup and/or maintenance
of operational temperature of RS-SQUARED Area
Scanner while using Absolute Arm with other

- Warming plug
- Power supply

66 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Other accessories

Dust covers

Protection against dust is available for all Absolute Arm models and sizes. Designed to fit
the arm when in the rest position.

H00006817 Dust Cover – Hexagon branded (750 mm) 8x12 

For Absolute Arm size 1.2 m 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7

H00006816-01 Dust Cover – Hexagon branded (1080 mm) 8x12

For Absolute Arm size 1.5-2 m 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00006816-02 Dust Cover – Hexagon branded (1280 mm) 8x12

For Absolute Arm size 2.5-3 m 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

H00006816-03 Dust Cover – Hexagon branded (1640 mm) 8x12

For Absolute Arm size 3.5-4.5 m 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

Installation USB package

H00007157 USB Package Absolute Arm 8x12 
Installation USB memory stick, including RDS 83-6 / 85-6 / 87-6 
installation files and all user manuals. 83-7 / 85-7 / 87-7 

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 67

68 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Other accessories

Vision solutions
The first ever metrology solutions dedicated to carbon-fibre part applications, Hexagon's Vision
System technology delivers camera-based analysis of composite fibre orientation .

HP-C-V2D-KIT HP-C-V2D Vision System

Standalone 2D carbon-fibre orientation analysis sensor. Shipped
individually in shipping box.

HP-C-V2D Vision Sensor; interface box with USB cable (3 m); sensor cable
(5 m); power cord with adaptor (1.5 m); power cord with strands (3 m);
user manuals; storage box; 2 carbon fibre sample sheet demo parts; and
12-month warranty.

HP-C-V3D- HP-C-V3D Vision System for RA8

KIT-RA8 Carbon-fibre orientation analysis sensor that uses current
generation Absolute Arm and laser scanner for 3D global
coordinate referencing. Shipped individually in shipping box

HP-C-V3D Vision Sensor; adapter for RA8 Absolute Arm [H00012103];
calibration kit; user manuals; storage box; carbon fibre 3D double
dome demo part; and 12-month warranty.

HP-C-V3D-KIT HP-C-V3D Vision System for RA7

Carbon-fibre orientation analysis sensor that uses previous generation
Absolute Arm and laser scanner for 3D global coordinate referencing.
Shipped individually in shipping box.

HP-C-V3D Vision Sensor; connecting cable for RA7 Absolute Arm (3 m);
connecting kit for sensor; calibration kit; user manuals; storage box;
carbon fibre 3D double dome demo part; and 12-month warranty.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 69

70 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Application software

Application software

PC-DMIS Portable 72



3DReshaper Meteor | QUINDOS 76

APODIUS Explorer | VISI Reverse 77


TubeShaper 80

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 71

PC-DMIS Portable
Portable measurement devices have changed the way operations are monitored, making
it possible to take measurements and analyse the results directly where parts are made
and assembled. PC-DMIS Portable provides the tools needed to more effectively monitor
operations and identify minor issues before they turn into costly problems.


Includes LMS license + all Portable interface (ROY-I-PORTABLE) + ​
XACT GD&T + IGES / DXF / DWG /STEP203 / STEP 214 / VDAFS / ​
XYZIJK / DES and DMISI/O translators and updates for 1 year


Includes LMS license + All Portable interfaces (ROY-I-PORTABLE) +​
Hexagon Scanning Probe Interface + Scanning Auto Features + ​
Full COP support + XACT GD&T + IGES / DXF / DWG / STEP203 / ​
STEP 214 / VDAFS / XYZIJK / DES and DMISI/O translators ​
and updates for 1 year.


Includes LMS license + all Portable interfaces (ROY-I-PORTABLE) +​
Hexagon Scanning Probe Interface + Scanning Auto Features + ​
Full COP support + XACT GD&T, IGES / DXF / DWG / STEP203 / ​
STEP 214 / VDAFS / XYZIJK / DES and DMISI/O translators + STL Mesh​
Creation and Inspection and updates for 1 year.

ROY-UP-300 UPGRADE PC-DMIS CAD++ Probing to PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning

for use with RSx​
Allows existing customers with a valid SMA to upgrade from PC-DMIS CAD++
Probing to P
​ C-DMIS CAD++ Scanning.

ROY-UP-301 UPGRADE PC-DMIS CAD++ Probing to PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning for use
with HP-L-20.8​
Allows existing customers with a valid SMA to upgrade from PC-DMIS CAD++
Probing to PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning.

72 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Application software

PC-DMIS Portable


to PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning/Mesh​
Allows existing customers with a valid SMA to upgrade from
PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning ​to PC-DMIS CAD++ Scanning/Mesh.

ROY-SMA-PROBE-I-A Annual SMA for CAD++ Scanning​

Annual Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) after year 1.

ROY-SMA-SCAN-I-A Annual SMA for CAD++ Scanning​

Annual Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) after year 1.

ROY-SMA-MESH-I-A Annual SMA for CAD++ Scanning/Mesh​

Annual Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) after year 1.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 73

User-friendly measurement software for portable probing and scanning

Inspire is the next generation inspection software for all portable probing and scanning devices. Inspire
is a new software package that makes measurement simple and the complex possible. With one simple
interface, Inspire works with laser tracker for probing and scanning applications. Intuitive and easy to
use, Inspire software is a comprehensive solution that makes measurement simple, saves time, and
ultimately improves productivity.

Inspire capabilities
- Measure
- Align
- Assemble/Build
- Analyse
- Report
- Scan and Probe
- Mesh
- Instrument networking
- Advanced Scripting
- CAD Import

Single Seat Licence includes all hardware interfaces and supports IGES, STEP, STL, CATIA, Solidworks, NX,
ProEngineer, Inventor and Parametric CAD import. Training classes available at additional cost and updates
for 1 year. Inspire provided with licence code.

576741 Inspire - Single Seat Licence

74 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Application software

Powerful and traceable measurement and analysis software

SpatialAnalyzer ® (SA) is a powerful, traceable and easy to use metrology and analysis
software package, tailored for Hexagon`s Manufacturing Intelligence portable CMM family.

SA offers a vast number of benefits, including:

- Intuitive, state of the art graphical environment.
- Interfaces to all Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence portable CMMs.
- All common CAD exchange and native formats.
- Advanced analysis and processing and unique alignment techniques.
- Easy multiple-instrument station bundling.
- True GD&T and feature checks.
- Numerous reporting options.
- Measurement uncertainty calculation.
- Unified Spatial Metrology Network to achieve the ideal instrument network.
- Integrated Modern Scripting Language to automate complete workflows.
- Multiple language support.
- Free SA Viewer to share SA job files easily. Monitor not included.

SpatialAnalyzer ® makes metrology easy.

SA PRO SA Professional

SA UL SA Ultimate


576737 Upgrade from SA PRO to SA UL


SA PRO EXT SMA for SA Professional

SA UL EXT SMA for SA Ultimate

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 75

3DR Meteor
Entry-level solution for reverse engineering and point cloud inspection

3DR Meteor application for Absolute Arm systems and scanners: a complete 3D point-cloud
processing software for users who need to handle rapidly generated point cloud files and obtain high-
quality 3D meshes. All licences include 12-month warranty.

Standard licence
MET-NEW-STD 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence​
Includes Point cloud + Mesh + 3D Inspection + CAD + RDS + one year
MET-NEW-EDU 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence (Education)
Includes Point cloud + Mesh + 3D Inspection + CAD + RDS + one year

Sofware maintenance
MET-SMA-STD 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence
Point cloud + Mesh + 3D Inspection + CAD + RDS + one year maintenance.
Laptop not included.
MET-SMA-EDU 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence (Education)
Point cloud + Mesh + 3D Inspection + CAD + RDS + one year maintenance.

Reactivation of SMA which ends up more than 6 months

MET-REA-STD 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence Reactivation
MET-REA-EDU 3DR Meteor – Standalone or Floating Licence Reactivation (Education)

Licence rental
MET-REN-STD 3DR Meteor – Standalone
Licence attached to a single computer.

MTW-510-QPG-001 Gear Software Package for Portable Products
- Quindos 7 Basic (incl. CAD basic for scannable portable devices)​.
- Gear (measurement of straight or helical (cylindrical) gears.​
- Unknown Gear (inspection of straight and helical, external and internal gears or gears
segment with unknown parameters
Attention: When using the Absolute Arm for larger applications, an extension of the
measuring volume may be required. Note that the required length must be adapted to the
gear size.

76 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Application software

APODIUS Explorer
The uniquely specialised composite fibre orientation analysis platform

An innovative and intuitive real-time software solution designed specifically for handling the
unique challenges of composite scanning and fibre orientation analysis. Supports both manual
and automated analysis processes.


Includes HP-C-V2D software dongle and single-user licence. First year
SMA included.


Includes HP-C-V3D software dongle and single-user licence. First year
SMA included.

HP-C-V2D-SW-1Y-SMA APODIUS Explorer 2D Software Maintenance Extension - 1 Year

HP-C-V3D-SW-1Y-SMA APODIUS Explorer 3D Software Maintenance Extension - 1 Year

VISI Reverse
VS-B10A Cloud to Mesh
Allows imported scan data (from file or directly from a Hexagon
scanner) to be converted into a refined mesh (noise reduction, filtering,
smoothing, topology detection, re-alignement). Mesh data can then
be used as is or as a reference model for curves extraction. Direct
interface to Absolute Arm included.

Attention: Other prerequisite module(s) (VS-B03B / VS-S020)

required. Please consult your local Hexagon representative for a
complete overview and compatibility information.

VS-B10B Mesh to Surface

Allows mesh models to be converted automatically or semi-
automatically to analytical surfaces.
Attention: Other prerequisite module(s) (VS-B10A) required. Please
consult your local Hexagon representative for a complete overview
and compatibility information.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 77

The complete platform for bending data and processes

Bendingstudio links all data and processes involved in the manufacture of bended parts,
from production and process planning to manufacture and quality control.

110852 BendingStudio EFFICIENT

Compatible with TubeInspect and Absolute Arm with laser scanner (RDS) measurement systems.

Functionality includes:
- Database
- Optical gauge
- Bend data
- Bender interface standard
- Reverse engineering
- Statistics and reporting

110853 BendingStudio TUBE

Compatible with TubeInspect and Absolute Arm with laser scanner (RDS) measurement systems.

Functionality includes:
- Database
- Optical gauge
- Bend data
- Bender interface standard
- Reverse engineering
- Statistics and reporting
- Functional dimension
- Deflection dimension
- Formed ends diameter change adaptor

110854 BendingStudio WIRE

Compatible with TubeInspect and Absolute Arm with laser scanner (RDS) measurement systems.

Functionality includes:
- Database
- Optical gauge
- Bend data
- Bender interface standard
- Reverse engineering
- Statistics and reporting
- Functional dimension
- Deflection dimension
- Bender interface freeform

78 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Application software

110855 BendingStudio PROFESSIONAL
Compatible with TubeInspect and Absolute Arm with laser scanner
(RDS) measurement systems.

Functionality includes:
- Database
- Optical gauge
- Bend data
- Bender interface standard
- Reverse engineering
- Statistics and reporting
- Functional dimension
- Deflection dimension
- Formed ends diameter change adaptor
- Bender interface freeform
- Branched tubes
- Hoses

110856 Upgrade EFFICIENT to TUBE

110857 Upgrade EFFICIENT to WIRE

110858 Upgrade TUBE to PROFESSIONAL

110859 Upgrade WIRE to PROFESSIONAL

110860 TubeInspect CONTROLLER

106484 BendingStudio CAD-WIZARD

106488 BendingStudio OFFLINE Licence

Same modules as main licence but without interface to measurement
system. Applicable also for extension of network license (ART110874)
with 1 additional user.

110874 BendingStudio OFFLINE Network License

Same modules as main licence but without interface to measurement
system, Network licence for 1 user only; licences for further users on

106489 BendingStudio Network Service

109654 1Y-SMA BendingStudio OFFLINE

110826 3Y-SMA BendingStudio OFFLINE

110321 1Y-SMA BendingStudio and Absolute Arm with Scanner

110827 3Y-SMA BendingStudio and Absolute Arm with Scanner

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 79


Specialist software for tube measurement, gauging and bending machine control

Created specifically for the Absolute Arm, TubeShaper brings a combination of user-
friendly inspection and advanced functionality to the tube manufacturing sector.

The TubeShaper licensing concept allows TubeShaper to be configured by combining the

three modules in several ways. There are effectively 4 possible configurations:​

1. TubeShaper with no arm or bender interface

2. TubeShaper with arm interface, but no bender interface
Monitor not included.
(H00017742 + H00017744)​
3. TubeShaper with bender interface, but no arm interface
(H00017742 + H00017743)​
4. TubeShaper with both arm and bender interfaces
(H00017742 + H00017743 + H00017744)

80 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Application software

H00017742 TubeShaper, Core Licence​
Includes all functionality, but no connection to any arm or bender.
First year SMA included.

H00017743 TubeShaper, Arm Measurement Module

Allows for connection to and collection of measurement data with any Absolute
Arm or other RDS compatible arm.​Supports all touch probes and tube probes.​
Must be added to a TubeShaper Core Licence.

H00017744* TubeShaper, Bender Link

Interface for connecting to 1 compatible bending machine.
Warning:​ Bender compatibility must be checked in advance (see TubeShaper
bender compatibility guide).

ROY-SMA-TUBE Annual SMA after Year 1

Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) provides access to software updates
and ​unlimited technical support.

H00017746 Upgrade from G-Tube to TubeShaper without Bender Interface

G-Tube dongle will be required

H00017747* Upgrade from DOCS (without SMA) to TubeShaper with 1 Bender Interface.
DOCS dongle will be required.

H00017749 Upgrade from SUPRAVISION to TubeShaper without Bender Interface​.

Supravision dongle will be required.

* Please consult your local Hexagon representaive for a complete and up-to-date list of available CNC tube bender interfaces.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 81

82 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com
Warranty and maintenance

Warranty and maintenance

Warranty plan renewals 84

Customer Care Packages 86


hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 83

Warranty plan renewals
H00011149-01* Absolute Arm 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal
Renewal of standard manufacturer’s warranty plan for Absolute Arm range for 1 year.

H00011149-02* Absolute Arm 2-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer’s warranty plan for Absolute Arm range for 2 years.

H00011149-03* Absolute Arm 3-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer’s warranty plan for Absolute Arm range for 3 years.

H00011150-01* RS5 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS5 Laser Scanner for 1 year.

H00011150-02* RS5 2-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS5 Laser Scanner for 2 years.

H00011150-03* RS5 3-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS5 Laser Scanner for 3 years.

RS6-HW-1Y-WRTY* RS6 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS6 Laser Scanner for 1 year.

RS6-HW-2Y-WRTY* RS6 2-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS6 Laser Scanner for 2 years.

RS6-HW-3Y-WRTY* RS6 3-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS6 Laser Scanner for 3 years.

H00018289-01* RS-SQUARED 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS-SQUARED Area Scanner for 1 year.

H00018289-02* RS-SQUARED 2-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS-SQUARED Area Scanner for 2 years.

H00018289-03* RS-SQUARED 3-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for RS-SQUARED Area Scanner for 3 years.

HP-C-V2D-HW-1Y-WRTY** Vision Sensor 2D 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Including calibration and certification of the sensor. Must be ordered within eight (8) weeks of
initial purchase. Can be purchased twice to extend the warranty from the first year (included) up
to three (3) years.

HP-C-V3D-HW-1Y-WRTY** Vision Sensor 3D 1-Year Warranty Plan Renewal

Including calibration and certification of the sensor. Must be ordered within eight (8) weeks of
initial purchase. Can be purchased twice to extend the warranty from the first year (included) up
to three (3) years.

* Can be added as an option before the first 24 months of standard warranty have expired.
** Renewal of standard manufacturer warranty plan for Vision Sensor 2D and 3D for 1 year. Includes calibration and certification of the sensor.

84 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Warranty and maintenance

Warranty plan conditions

Standard manufacturer warranty plan

Hexagon's portable measuring arm factories provide a 2-year manufacturer warranty for Hexagon arms and scanners
(excluding the HP-L-8.9 and HP-L-20.8 laser scanners). Warranty period begins at the customer delivery date or 3 months after
the factory delivery to the local Hexagon representative. Standard factory warranty plan renewals have the following terms:

1. Repair of manufacturing defects on the following components: arm, encoders, encoder board, electronic boards, probe,
scanner optics and light source (excluding HP-L-8.9 and HP-L-20.8) and all other arm parts.
2. The warranty of two (2) years is valid only if an arm service check is performed during the first year. This is a paid service
that must be purchased by the customer at some time between the arm delivery and the due date, meaning maximum one
(1) year after the instrument delivery.
3. Unlimited telephone and email technical support during the warranty period.
4. Under normal usage, the carbon-graphite tubes have a lifetime warranty.
5. Customer assumes all shipping costs.

Renweal of standard manufacturer warranty plan

Hexagon's portable measuring arm factories offer 1, 2, or 3-year renewals for the standard factory warranty plan. To be eligible
for renewal, the warranty plan renewal must be ordered with the instrument or ordered before the existing warranty plan
expires. Standard factory warranty plan renewals have the following terms:

1. Replacement or repair, at Hexagon portable measuring arm factory’s discretion, free of charge, of any component or
parts of the instrument which upon examination are found defective in workmanship or material.
2. Any required repairs not covered by the warranty plan renewal cost extra.
3. The instrument must be returned to the factory or an authorised and certified Hexagon service centre if a repair,
calibration or certification needs to be performed.
4. For the renewals of the warranty, the instrument must be calibrated in a certified service centre, in the first instance
no later than 15 months after delivery. The following calibrations are then required to take place every 12 months
according to the warranty plan renewal.
5. Customer assumes all shipping costs.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 85

World-class service made simple

Customer Care
Owners of Hexagon products featured in this catalogue have the opportunity to invest in a Customer Care Package – a
standardised after-sale service package designed to ensure equipment remains in top condition and can be relied upon for
accurate measurement results.

• Maintenance and warranty plans that ensure top equipment availability

• Trouble-free usage and minimal downtime.
• Preferred hotline access at no additional cost
• Access to professional advice whenever it’s needed

Customer Care Packages include a selection of the following benefits, depending on the tier chosen.

• Planned annual service

• Hardware support
• Annual maintenance and recertification
• Remote assistance
• Repair parts and labour
• Customised local benefits
• Software maintenance

For complete details of the benefits of each level of Customer Care Package, please contact a local Hexagon representative.

86 Manufacturing Intelligence hexagonmi.com

Warranty and maintenance

Absolute Arm Customer Care Packages

Platinum* Gold* Silver * Bronze*

Planned annual service    

Customer hardware support    

Annual maintenance and recertification    -

Remote connected assistance   - -

Repair parts and labour  - - -

Local customised benefits    

All packages below can be added as an option before the first 12 months of standard warranty have expired.

H00010531-01 6-Axis Bronze Customer Care Package

H00010532-01 6-Axis Silver Customer Care Package

H00010533-01 6-Axis Gold Customer Care Package

H00010534-01 6-Axis Platinum Customer Care Package

H00010531-02 7-Axis Bronze Customer Care Package

H00010532-02 7-Axis Silver Customer Care Package

H00010533-02 7-Axis Gold Customer Care Package

H00010534-02 7-Axis Platinum Customer Care Package

* For further information about Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum service contracts, please contact a local Hexagon representative.

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 87

World-class products to rely on
Drawing on decades of research and development
experience, metrology technology from Hexagon’s
Manufacturing Intelligence division is built on a long
history of outperforming technological innovation.
Deriving quality from experience to drive productivity
is what keeps Hexagon in front and able to deliver
first-class solutions for industries around the world.

Along with the assurance of ten years of serviceability,

owners of Hexagon portable and large-volume systems
benefit from a 24-month factory warranty as standard
– our guarantee that our technology will always meet
the needs of our users.

World-class support delivered locally

The international presence of Hexagon guarantees comprehensive aftersales
support and services across the globe. With the largest dedicated service team
of any metrology equipment manufacturer and an emphasis on locally delivered
solutions, Hexagon is unmatched from service, repair, certification and calibration
through operator training and software maintenance and upgrades.
Warranty and maintenance

Customer and demo centre Production facility

hexagonmi.com Manufacturing Intelligence 89

Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions.
We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity,
and quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, safety,
and mobility applications.

Our technologies are shaping urban and production ecosystems

to become increasingly connected and autonomous – ensuring a scalable,
sustainable future.

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division provides solutions that

utilise data from design and engineering, production and metrology to make
manufacturing smarter. For more information, visit hexagonmi.com.

Learn more about Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) at hexagon.com

and follow us @HexagonAB.

© 2020 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.

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