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Control Trainer: (Model: XPO - PID)

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CONTROL TRAINER (Model : XPO - PID) [a family of training system]


SALIENT FEATURES u Graph printing facility for laboratory journal entries.

u Learn how an Analog as well as Digital PID works. u Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (master unit) carrying
useful experiment resources like Power supplies, DPMs, Computer Interface,
u Facility to monitor behavior of the controller output (Un) & process variable (MV)
Analog PID controller with central slot to hold various replaceable experiment
either on PC screen or on CRO. Settable time constants.
panels / processes.
u P4/XP or latest version window based PID controller (DDC) software package
u Connection through sturdy 4mm Banana sockets & Patch cords, Students
with P, PI & PID control, Ratio & cascade control, three operating modes, Online
workbook & Instructor's Guide provided.
graph drawing & data acquisition modes (SCADA). PC not in scope of supply
u Useful for Post Graduate projects and research purpose.
u Can learn about different processes using simulated building blocks as well as
real life processes using replaceable experiment panels/processes and built in
square / triangle / sin function generator as disturbance.

Specification of Master Unit (MU) b) Process Monitoring Mode

Basic Resources on Top board Drawing graphs of analog data presented at CH 0 & CH of
u Built in power supply Computer Interface. Cursors for X & Y axis for measurement &
DC supply +12V,500mA. online graphs savings for reproduction
1phase sine reference for cosine firing 30Vpp max. c) PID controller Mode
17Vdc, 500mA unregulated for driving pulse X'mer l PID controller with parameters like Integral Time Ti (0.01-64000),
Variable DC power supply : 7 to 14V/3A Sampling Time Ts (0.1- 99.9), Derivative Time Td (0.1-99.9),
u Display Proportional Band Pb(1-999), Derivative Gain Kd(1-999), Set
A) DPM - 2Nos. Value Rn (0-99.9), PID output Upper Limit Uh(0-99.9), PID output
i) For Temp. upto 1000C & intensity in Lux (2000) Lower Limit Ul (0-99.9).
ii) For speed 2000 rpm & voltage upto 20V. l Facility to set units for output viz. Percentage (%), oC, RPM,
B) Analog Meter - 2Nos. Voltage(V), mm, LPH, kg/cm2, msi/cm, degree.
i) Centre zero for display of process error (+9V) l Optionally experiments with advance process control scheme viz;
ii) For MV/SP (0-2.5V) Ratio, Cascade, feedfor ward with user selectable Aux PID, Ratio
u Operating voltage station & programmable FF transfer function calculator.
Switch selectable 220-240Vac, ±10%, 50Hz, 75VA u Computer Interface Adapter / CIA
u Mechanical Dimensions l Optoisolated Adaptor to prevent damage to PC parallel port (25
Master Unit :460mm(W), 160mm (H), 350mm(D) pin LPT) due to wrong connections. Interfaces through 25 pin M to
Net weight: 6.5 Kg. Gross weight : 8.5 Kg. F cable 1mtr Length. P4/XP not in scope of supply.
b) Panel : 215mm(W), 165mm(H), 40mm(D) 4 ADC channels : 0 to 2.5V full scale.
Net weight: 700gm approx. 1 DAC channel : O/P 2.5 V FS.
PC (P4/XP/WIN7/FAT32) based PID controller (Optional) V to I Function block : Input : 0-2.5Vdc
u Online monitoring / Data acquisition / PID Software : on Installable O/p: 0-20 or 4-20mA, in 100E load
(CD) works under XP, WIN7. PC with parallel port / USB needed. Max
u Operating modes l USB IO module to interface 25 pin D connector on CIA panel to
a) Simulator Mode USB PC port enclosed in 25 Pin D shell using Type A to mini B
Tests data already stored in files (*.txt) & Drawing graph for all cable.
P,PI,PD & PID modes. l V to PWM function block : I/P -0-2.5V, O/P-1KHz PWM O/P ±9V.
Analog PID (APID) controller l Level shifters (2No) +9V to 0-2.5V & 0-2.5V to +9V to match voltage
with built in low freq. function generator levels of PC (2.5V) and opamps (+9V).
l Controller selection P,PI,PD,PID with slide switch 2) Thyristor Actuator panel (TAP) /EMT9 (CE2)
Parameter settings : Integral Time Ti (0.5-25Sec) [Provided with 13 banana tags]
: Derivative Time Td (0-2Sec) l Thyristor bridge based 0-200V/3A cosine firing circuit, I/P 0 to 2.5Vdc.
: Proportional Band Pb (5-200%) Supports signal conditioning of RTD (PT100), Thermocouple K type &
Photodiode to give output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).
: Set point (-9V- +9V)
l Facilitates closed loop control experiments based on temperature,
l Operating modes : Fast (X 100/10mSec) for oscilloscope,
light intensity, speed measurement using built in P/PI controller as well
Slow ( X 0.1/1Sec) for PC interface. as external Analog / Digital PID controller.
l 2 No. Level shifter converting process O/p (+9V) to 0-2.5V for PC 3) Stepper Motor Demonstrator Expt. Panel (P25) / (Modified)
interface & Actuator panel
[Provided with 15 banana tags]
l Test points for Process Error, Set Point (Rn), Measured Value (Cn),
Direction, speed, auto, manual operations of Stepper Motor, Position
Controller output (Un).
control by step operation, Position control by continuous operation,
Built in function generator Angle control by step operation, Speed control by control switch, Angle
l O/p waveform selectable sine, triangular & square. control by software, Dynamic current / torque characteristics. Closed
l O/p freq. range from 0.016Hz to 166Hz, 4 steps & fine control pot. loop experiment with servo pot for PID experiments, V to F function
l Variable amplitude control 0 to +9V. block.
Modular Expt. Panels offered 4) Servo Interface panel (SIP) / CE3
(Must select atleast one of following panels to work) [Provided with 36 banana tags]
1) Process Simulator Panel / CE1 Control Interface circuit for AC & DC servo motor, signal conditioning
circuit for speed sensor to O/P 0 - 2.5VDC (2500RPM) with speed
[Provided with 49 banana tags]
l Functional blocks for Lag (3 No.), Integrator (3 No.), Transport Lag
Level shifter 0 - 2.5V to ± 9V (2nos).
(1 No.), Summer (2 No.), Gain (1 No.), Inverter (2 No.) for constructing
simulated Type 0,1,2,3 & 1st,2nd,3rd Order processes to work under l Relay control characteristics : Hystersis, Dead band & Relay control
PID. circuit (2term & 3 term), process block for 2Nos. of 1st order lag /
integral + transport lag, error and gain block for process simulation.
l Experiments with Lead / Lag / Lead - Lag compensators to control
Phase plane analysis by display of X & X dot.
behaviour of matching processes using above function blocks.
5) Computer Interface panel (CIP/PCT1)
l Open loop & close loop response of processes under different P, PI,
PID - Analog or Digital controllers. Experimental varification of PID l V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4-20mA (100Ω
Controller settings (Pb, Ti, Td) load) switch settable.
l Auto Tuning explained using Ziegler Nicolas I & II. l I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V
l Fast (10mS) & slow (1sec) mode selection for all processes to observe l Opamp based relay controlled circuit with set point & feed back
response on either CRO or PC using CIA. controlled to drive 2 Φ synchronus motor using 2 relays manual &
auto operation.
l Drawing Bode plot & Nyquist plots, transfer function determination.
l Advance process control scheme viz; Ratio, Cascade, feed forward.

Process -I Temperature/Light Optional Process Setup :

Process I Temp/Light
Table Top assembly Process box containing 3 high
/ accessaries wattage (60W) bulbs under
aluminum plate as heater.
Built in fan, lamp as disturbance
Panel TAP (CE2/EMT9)
Sensor RTD for temp. control upto 1000C
with built in CAL facility,
Photodiode for light intensity
control upto 2000lux.
Mechanical 280(L)x115(W)x160(H)
Dimension Powder Coated
Weight : 2Kg.
List of Experiments l PID tunning by Ziegler - Nichols
l Transfer function determination
l Operation under various P/I/D
Process -II High Temperature

Process II High Temp.

Table Top assembly Electric Bunsen Burner (300W)

/ accessaries with 50cc heating volume. (Works
with DPID only as large transport

Panel TAP (CE2/EMT9)

Sensor K type stainless tube encapsulated

TC for temp control upto 550°C

Mech. Dimension 200(L)x130(W)x270(H)

/ Wt. Powder Coated
Weight: 2Kg.

List of Experiments l PID tunning by Ziegler - Nichols

l Transfer function determination
l Operation under various P/I/D

Process III : DC Servo Position Control

Process III DC Servo Position Control
Table Top assembly l PMDC Motor 12V DC, 40 Watt ND
/ accessaries RPM 2000 RPM with gear box (Ratio
30 :1)
l Loading : Using PMDC Motor @
12V/5A max. Servo Amplifer with built in
12V/3A power supply.
Panel SIP (CE3)
Sensor l Photo reflective speed sensor with
direction detect using 2 pairs of photo
emitter detector giving Quadrature
l Servo pot as position feedback
Mechanical 365(L)X220(W)X95(H)mm / 10Kg
Dimension /Wt.
List of Experiments 1) PID tunning by Ziegler Nichols Motor
Process parameter study torque speed
(optional) Dynamics measurements &
transfer function determination.
2) Close loop position control using 2/3
step controller.
3) Close loop using 2/3 step controller with
simulated processes.
Process IV : AC Servo Position Control

Process IV AC Servo Position Control

Table Top assembly l AC geared (50:1) 2 phase

/accessories servo motor. Main winding :
230VAC Control Winding :
6VAC /1A O/P shaft
RPM 25 (D), ND RPM 2500

l Loading: Using small PMDC

motor @ 12V/1A max. Servo
amplifier with built in 12V/ 3A
Power Supply.

Panel SIP (CE3)

Sensor Servo pot as position feedback

Mechanical Dimension 365(L)X220(W)X95(H) mm / 8 kg.

/ Wt.

List of Experiments 1) PID tunning by Ziegler Nichols

Motor Process parameter
study torque speed (optional)
Dynamics measurements &
transfer function determination.

2) Close loop position control

using 2/3 step controller.

3) Close loop using 2/3 step

controller with simulated

Process V : Stepper Motor

Process V Stepper Motor

Table Top assembly Stepper (3kgcm/12V) Coupled to servo

/ accessaries pot.

Panel P25

Sensor feedback Servo pot as position

Mech. Dimension 220(L) x 100(W) x 92(H)

(mm) /Wt. Powder Coated / 2Kg.

List of Study of Stepper motor behaviour under

Experiments open loop / closed loop
Process IX : AC Voltage Servo Stabilizer

Process IX AC Voltage Servo Stabilizer

Table Top / 240VAC l AC synchronous 2 Phase

100mA assembly/ Motor 60 rpm, 2 kgcm Torque.
accessaries l Variac 0-270VAC/0.75Amp.

Panel CIP

Sensor PT (270 VAC Prim. /12 VAC 100mA

Sec.) followed by Precision
Rectifier O/P 0-2.5V DC

Mechanical 365(L) X 220 (W) X 95 (H) mm/

Dimension/Wt. 8 kg.

List of expt. l Study of AC Servo stabilizer

l Close loop and open loop

behaviour of voltage stabilizer

Process XI : Inverted Pendulum

Process IX Inverted Pendulum

Table Top assembly DC Servo motor 12VDC/2A, 1800 RPM,

/ accessaries 8N/cm, 15W, Standalone servo amplifier
with built in power supply 12V/3A, Table
Top Set up using 30mm X 30 mm
alluminium profile

Panel SIP(CE3)

Feedback Sensor Servo pot to indicate vertical standing


Mech. Dimension/Wt. 200(L) x 200(W) x 300(H) (mm),

Wt. of arm = 510gm, wt of setup = 5Kg

List of Experiments A)Close loop upright position control of

rotary inverted pendulum using 2/3
terms relay controller. Here PID
software is used in process monitoring
mode to plot

B) Close loop upright position control of

behavior Graph. rotary inverted
pendulum using Digital PID controller.
Here PID software acts as controller as
well as graph plotting device

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