This patent describes a bush bearing that has at least two joints of the male and female clinch type. It is formed from two bearing halves that are pressed into mating portions and joined together. This design improves accuracy, yield of material, and allows for tapered bush configurations compared to prior single joint bush bearings. The two joint design prevents axial displacement of the halves relative to each other.
This patent describes a bush bearing that has at least two joints of the male and female clinch type. It is formed from two bearing halves that are pressed into mating portions and joined together. This design improves accuracy, yield of material, and allows for tapered bush configurations compared to prior single joint bush bearings. The two joint design prevents axial displacement of the halves relative to each other.
This patent describes a bush bearing that has at least two joints of the male and female clinch type. It is formed from two bearing halves that are pressed into mating portions and joined together. This design improves accuracy, yield of material, and allows for tapered bush configurations compared to prior single joint bush bearings. The two joint design prevents axial displacement of the halves relative to each other.
This patent describes a bush bearing that has at least two joints of the male and female clinch type. It is formed from two bearing halves that are pressed into mating portions and joined together. This design improves accuracy, yield of material, and allows for tapered bush configurations compared to prior single joint bush bearings. The two joint design prevents axial displacement of the halves relative to each other.
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4909,638
Muto 45 Date of Patent: Mar. 20, 1990
(54) BUSH BEARINGS OF MALE AND FEMALE 58) Field of Search ............... 384/273,272, 271, 295; CLNCHTYPE HAVING AT LEAST TWO 277/221 JOINTS (56) References Cited (75) Inventor: Takashi Muto, Nagoya, Japan U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1,271,077 7/1918 Probasco ............................. 277/221 73) Assignee: Daido Metal Company, Ltd., Nagoya, 1,859,045 5/1932 Monckmeier ....................... 384/273 Japan 2,464,653 3/1949 Phipps ................................. 277/221 4,102,419 7/1978 Klima .................................. 277/221 (21) Appl. No.: 326,427 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 22 Filed: Mar. 21, 1989 39-24101 8/1964 Japan . 44-7446 3/1969 Japan . Related U.S. Application Data 44-20681 9/1969 Japan. 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 151,830, Feb. 3, 1988, aban Primary Examiner-Lenard A. Footland doned. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Browdy and Neimark (30) Foreign Application Priority Data 57 ABSTRACT Feb. 5, 1987 JP Japan .................................. 62-25412 A bush bearing of male and female clinch type which has at least two joints. 51 int. Cl."........................ F16C 17/02; F16C 17/12 52 U.S. C. ..................................... 384/273; 384/295 4 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 1990 Sheet 1 of 4 4,909,638 U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 1990 Sheet 2 of 4 4909,638 F G. 5 U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 1990 Sheet 3 of 4 4,909,638 U.S. Patent Mar 2, 19 Sheet 4 of 4 4909,638 4,909,638 2 1. FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the wrapped bush BUSH BEARINGS OF MALE AND FEMALE bearing according to the second embodiment; CLINCHTYPE HAVING AT LEAST TWOJOINTS FIG. 8 is a perspective view showing blanking of a This application is a continuation of application Ser. 5 tapered of the bush bearing according to a third embodiment invention; No. 07/151,830, filed Feb. 3, 1988 now abandoned. FIGS. 9 and 10 are perspective views respectively BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION showing two bearing halves forming the tapered bush 1. Field of the Invention & bearing according to the third embodiment; FIG. 11 is a perspective view of the tapered bush The present invention relates to a bush bearing of O bearing male and female clinch type having at least two joints. tively informed FIGS. by the bearing halves illustrated respec 9 and 10; 2. The Prior Art A joint configuration in a conventional wrapped bush bearing illustrated inelevational FIG. 12 is a side FIG. 11; view of the tapered bush bearing been of two types including a butt joint type FIG. 13 is a fragmental view of mating portions of a and a clinch type, which are used properly in compli 15 bush bearing, the mating portions being of single clinch ance with the purposes of use. In general, the butt joint type; and type is widely utilized from the economic point of view, FIG. 14 is a fragmental view of mating portions of a while the clinch type is employed when needed from bush bearing, the mating portions being of composite the functional point of view. clinch type. It is usual that the wrapped bush bearing having ei 20 ther one of the above-mentioned two types of joint DETAILED DESCRIPTION configuration has a single joint. The wrapped bush Referring to FIG.S. 1 through 4, there is illustrated a bearing having a single joint has the following disad wrapped bush bearing 6 according to a first embodi Vantages. ment of the invention. In FIG. 3, mating portions 2 are (a) If the bush bearing is manufactured only by press 25 formed, by means of press forming, on opposite lateral forming, accuracy in out of roundness of the bush bear side edges of a bearing strip 1. Each of the mating por ing is low as compared with a split type bearing. tions 2 has projections and recesses which are comple (b) If the bush bearing is of tapered type, the yield of mentary respectively to each other. In addition, the material is low. Specifically, a bearing stock having a bearing strip 1 is formed in its both sides with laterally width of the finished bearing is first bent into a cylindri 30 extending grooves 3 each having a V-shaped cross-sec cal body, and then the opposite axial end faces of the tion. The bearing strip 1 is severed along the grooves 3 cylindrical body are machined into a requisite tapered into pieces. The severed piece is then bent into a semi bush configuration. Thus, the tapered bush bearing is circular shape to form a bearing half 5 as shown in FIG. low in yield of material. 2. Two such bearing halves 5 are joined to each other to (c) The yield of material is also low when a longitudi 35 form a bush bearing 6 as shown in FIG. 1. It is to be nal direction of a bearing strip is aligned with the direc noted that the thus formed bushbearing 6 has two joints tion in which the bush bearing is wrapped. The reason 7 of clinch type such that the bearing halves cannot be for this is that, when blanking is performed in the strip, displaced axially relative to each other in a free state. it is necessary to take into account an allowance margin FIG. 4 illustrates, in an enlarged scale, an example of or a cutting margin in the vicinity of each of mating the contour of the mating portions 2. portions of the bush bearing, because the mating por From FIG. 4 it is seen that the projections or joining tions are different in configuration from each other. elements have semi-circular curves of major radius R1 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and R2 from their respective centerpoints. Along out side edges which transition to a transverse joining line It is an object of the invention to provide a bush 45 are reverse curves of minor radius r1 and r2, and along bearing which is high in accuracy of out of roundness, inside edges which transition to an inclined longitudinal and high in yield of material. joining line are curves of minor radius p1 and p2. As can According to the invention, there is provided a bush also be seen, the sum of the radii R1 and R2 is greater bearing of male and female clinch type which has at than the distance between their centerpoints whereby least two joints. 50 interfitting of the projections causes them to lock to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS gether or clinch. Another example of blanking is shown in FIG. 5, in FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a wrapped bush bear which mating portions 2a are formed such that a longi ing according to a first embodiment of the invention; tudinal direction of a bearing strip 1a is aligned with a FIG. 2 is a perspective view of one of two bearing 55 direction in which a bush bearing is wrapped. The halves forming the wrapped bush bearing illustrated in blanking shown in FIG. 5 is higher in yield of material FIG. 1; than that shown in FIG. 3. FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing blanking of the Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, there is illustrated a bush wrapped bush bearing illustrated in FIG. 1; bearing 8 according to a second embodiment of the FIG. 4 is an enlarged fragmental view showing a 60 invention, in which the bush bearing 8 is provided contour of mating portions of the bush bearing illus therein with an oil groove 9 and an oil bore 10, and has trated in FIG. 1; two bearing halves 11 and 12 different in axial width FIG. 5 is a perspective view showing blanking of a from each other. wrapped bush bearing according to a second embodi Referring to FIGS. 8through 12, there is illustrated a ment of the invention; 65 tapered bush bearing 13 according to a third embodi FIG. 6 is a perspective view of one of two bearing ment of the invention. As shown in FIG. 8, grooves 3c halves forming the wrapped bush bearing according to and mating portions 2c are formed in a bearing strip 1c the second embodiment; by means of press forming. Each of the grooves 3c has 4,909,638 3 4. a V-shaped cross-section and extends, laterally of the Accordingly, an alloy layer or layers in a bush bear strip 1c, generally in an arcuate form as viewed in plan. ing can be set to be small in thickness. The bearing strip c is severed along the V-shaped (f) The yield of material is improved. grooves 3 into pieces. The severed pieces are then bent (g) The basic or fundamental manufacturing steps of widthwise of the strip 1c to form respective bearing a bush bearing formed by two bearing halves can be halves 14c and 15c shown respectively in FIGS. 9 and made common to those of a cylindrical bush bearing. 10. Subsequently, the bearing halves 14c and 15c are This makes it possible to utilize the equipment effec assembled with each other to form a tapered bush bear tively. ing 13 as shown in FIG. 11. The tapered bushbearing 13 (h) Depending upon the purposes of use of the bush 10 bearing, two or more bearing pieces may be assembled has its opposite axial end faces which are inclined with respect to an axis of the tapered bush bearing 13. Thus, with each other to form a bush bearing. the tapered bush bearing 13 is trapezoidal in shape as What is claimed is: viewed in side elevation as shown in FIG. 12. 1. A cylindrical slide bearing to be press fitted into a FIG. 13 shows abush bearing 16 having two joints 7d 15 nationformed bore in a bearing housing, comprising in combi (only one shown) each of which has a single clinch bearing half, saidslide an upper two bearing half and a lower slide bearing halves having first and configuration 18. FIG. 14 shows a bush bearing 17 hav second ends, each end of one of the bearing halves being ing two joints 7e (only one shown) each of which has a adapted to interlock with a corresponding end of the composite clinch configuration 19. other of the bearing halves, each of said first and second As described above, the bush bearing of male and ends having at least one pair of joining elements consist female clinch type having at least two joints according ing of a recess and a projection of the same size and to the invention has the following advantages. configuration, said joining elements of said first end (a) Since bearing halves are assembled with each being of the same configuration and of the same size as other to form a bush bearing, out of roundness as at those of said second end but being formed at positions tained is favorable, making it possible to omit the step of as shifted axially so that said joining elements of said first machining the outer diameter of the bush bearing. and second ends are arranged in such a manner that, (b) Desirable bearing outer diameter and axial width when said ends of said bearing halves are joined to are obtained by means of press forming, and an oil gether, a pair of said joining elements formed in one of groove and an oil bore can also be formed in the bush said ends is complementary and interfits with the pair of bearing by means of press forming. said joining elements formed in the other corresponding (c) Bearing halves different in axial width from each one of said ends, each joining element having a radius of other can be assembled with each other to form a substi curvature R extending from a centerpoint whereby 2R tute for a tapered bush bearing. This makes it possible to is greater then the distance between adjacent center simplify the manufacturing steps, and to improve the points so that said joining elements interlock with one yield of material. 35 another. (d) Two bearing halves which are different in thick 2. A bush bearing as defined in claim 1 wherein the ness of an alloy layer and/or different in alloy material bush bearing has its opposite axial end faces which are from each other can be used to meet various bearing inclined with respect to an axis of the bush bearing. design requirements. For example, one of the two bear 3. A bush bearing as defined in claim 1, wherein said ing halves may have a single layer of alloy or iron. 40 two bearing halves are the same in axial width. (e) Bush bearing formed by two bearing halves is 4. A bush bearing as defined in claim 1, wherein said superior in thickness distribution as compared with two bearing halves are different in. axial width. wrapped bush bearings. . . .
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