Chapter Five: at A Glance
Chapter Five: at A Glance
Chapter Five: at A Glance
At a Glance
5.0 Introduction 158
5.1 Research questions 158
5.2 Meaning and importance of study habits 159
5.3 Need of the present research study 161
5.4 Statement of the problem 162
5.24 Findings 174
In earlier times, education was primarily meant for survival. Children were
taught the necessary skills for living. Gradually however, man began to use education
for a variety of purposes. Today we realize that education may be used not only for
the purpose of survival but for a more enriched life.
“In the literature, study skills are usually defined as students’ ability to
manage time and other resources to complete an academic task successfully. ‘Study
habit’ is the amount and kind of studying routines which the student is used during a
regular period of study occurred in a conductive environment. (Ozsoy, Memis,
Temur , 2009, p156)
Study habit is one such important strategy that evolved as a useful tool in
leading students towards meaningful and proper learning. Study habit means tendency
of a student to study in proper or improper way. Study-habit is a process from which
an individual gets proper input to feed his hunger and to quench his thirst for
Learning occupies a very important place in our life. Teacher can create the
situations that help the student to learn quickly and to retain it. Most of the things
which we do or not do are influenced by what we learn and how we learn it. Efficient
learning process does not depend on teaching alone but it depends on learning
procedures and learning techniques as well. The acquisition, integration, organization
and storage of knowledge are all facilitated by the use and practice of effective and
efficient learning strategies and techniques.
There is a need to guide the students about the meaningful learning so that
they are able to memorize things in a better way. Students improve their performance
because they can learn most of the concepts clearly through proper study habits.
A student must know learning method and study habits, which helps him to
achieve the goals of education. Learning through good study habits is the key process
in human behavior. Parents and teachers always show concerns for child learning,
because learning through good study habits influences our language, our skills,
attitudes, interests and even our goals.
“Learning involves the development of proper study habits and skills. The
problem of study habits is one of the universe importances both from theoretical and
practices points of view. Theoretically, efficient learning depends upon the
development of efficient study habits and skills.” (Nadeem, Puja, Bhat, 2014, p91)
It is known fact that every person has its own way of learning. It is also true
that what works for one person may not work for another. So if certain techniques are
used by the students to develop their study habit it may show different and good
results. There is no magic formula for success in examination but hard work and use
of study habits may help to change the results. According to proverb ‘Practice makes
man perfect’ but we can say that ‘Perfect practice makes man perfect’. For students to
be achievers the way of ‘perfect practice’ should be shown to make them ‘perfect in
the studies’.
In past, students have learnt to take notes in linear form, either copying them
from the teacher or creating their own notes. This approach can be useful to some
students, but it is not clear to other students and does not have as many possibilities
which study habit provides.
For all students academic achievement has a great value in their career but at
the same time all the students can never gain or reach the same level of achievement
in the examination. The percentage of failures at secondary level is also increasing.
There are many factors affecting the achievement like stress, tough competition, low
confidence level, lack of motivation, improper attitude towards study and also way of
studying. A large number of failures at secondary level are an issue of great concern
for teachers, parents and administrators.
The target of the study is secondary level std. 9 students, as these students are
in the stage of self study. They want to do independent studies. Secondary level is the
junction between primary education and college education. If at this age proper study
habits are developed, it will stay with the students forever and will help them to shape
up their interests, attitudes, skills and even goals.
The sample chosen by the researcher is mostly from lower middle class, most
of the students work to earn for their family and also for their education. They have a
strong desire to get education. These students have less facility for their study at
home. There is a lack of personal attention to these students. The students from lower
middle class of the society have less exposure to various activities related to their
study habits. Researcher felt the need to judge their study habits at present and to
guide these students to have desirable study habits which will help them to better their
lives and future.
In today’s world of tough competition, it is the need of the hour that students
should develop proper study habits. They should know the proper, efficient and
systematic way of learning to face various competitions. If the parents are well aware
of the situation they can guide their children or make arrangements for the same but
the researcher thought of lower middle class students wherein the parents are also not
aware of all these things.
Researcher felt the need to find out, whether there is any difference between
study habits of boys and girls because from Maharashtra state Secondary School
Certificate results the remarkable difference in the passing percentage of boys and
girls was observed. The average percentage of boys and girls for the years 2010 to
2013 was 87.625 and 89.07 respectively. This indicates that percentage of girls is
more than boys. The sex wise percentage of results is mentioned in the summary of
S.S.C. board results. ( (Refer appendix R).
The reviews taken by the researcher also indicate that study habits of boys and
girls are different. Nirmal, Kanta (1979) and Singh, Muktesh, and Snehalata (2010)
stated that girls had better study habits than boys. And Shejwal, B.R. (1980) reported
that boys had better study habits than girls. Whereas Nagailinkim, Caraline (1988)
noticed no significant difference study habits of boys and girls. Therefore researcher
felt the need to study whether there is any difference between the study habits of boys
and girls or not.
Many researchers have carried out surveys on study habits to identify and
judge the study habits of students. They have located many problems faced by
students during studies and factors affecting studies of the students. At the same time
very few researchers have implemented programme to guide the students to develop
proper study habits. Researcher felt the need not only to locate the problems of
students in their studies but also orient them to overcome them.
Thus there was a need that study habits programme should be developed,
implemented and its effectiveness should be checked for the benefit of students,
teachers and parents as well.
1. To assess the existing study habits of Semi English Medium students of std. 9.
2. To find out the difference between study habits of boys and girls.
• Effectiveness
• Study habits
Conceptual definition:
¾ Reading ability
¾ Note taking
¾ Memory
¾ Health
¾ Budgeting time
¾ Taking examination
Operational definition:
¾ Motivation
¾ Preparation of charts
1) Law of proximity
2) Law of similarity
3) Law of closure
4) Law of simplicity
¾ Comparative study
¾ Practice to raise confidence
• Science Achievement
Conceptual definition:
• Standard 9 Student
The one, who has passed standard 8 and studying in further standard in Semi
English Medium School from Pune city.
Habits play a very important role in our lives. Study habits are also very
imperative for all students for perfection in studies.
The present research will be useful for all the students, parents, teachers, head
masters and automatically to the community as it would guide them to do their work
efficiently, systematically and in perfect manner.
As Proper study habits help persons to better their future, to develop proper
attitude towards study and avoid wasting time or energy unnecessarily. The present
research work will help students for the same.
The present research work will help the students to develop proper study
habits, actualize their abilities and potentials.
“A well planned study programme gives students the freedom to pursue their
interests in school subjects and such freedom leads to the development of their
personalities.” (Ogbodo, 2010, p229). Here in the present research also, researcher
had planned study habits programme for development of the students.
Many students have the urge to study and gain better achievement but they are
not well aware of the strategies or techniques to study effectively. Students can be
benefitted if an effective study habits programme is developed and implemented in
the schools. This will enable them to do smart work during their studies.
Secondary level students run through the stormy period of their lives. They are
full of energy and are ready to accept new challenges. They have an urge to learn new
things always. This research work will be useful to fulfill their urge of learning in a
systematic way and also help them to control and channelize their energy in a proper
way. It will be useful for them utilize time profitably, to motivate them to study, to
learn various techniques of study. It will guide them to do smart work along with hard
The present research work will be important for lower middle class of the
society, as it is mentioned, it will help the students to be independent in their studies.
Most of the students are engaged in other activities apart from their study. The various
techniques from present research, like time management, note making, reading skill
will help them to do smart work which will develop confidence in them. As these
students are having lack of personal attention, less exposure to various study habits
activities, the study habits programme from present research will help them to
overcome such problems.
The present research work is important as it will help parents and teachers to
guide the students as per their own learning styles. As we know some students are
auditory learners, some are visual learners while some are kinesthetic learners. The
present research will guide to develop study habits as per each students own learning
styles as it includes various elements for different categories of learners.
1. There will be a significant difference at 0.01 level between the mean scores of
study habits of boys and girls of std. 9 before implementation of the study
habits programme.
2. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study
habits of students of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
3. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of Science
achievement of std. 9 students after implementation of the study habits
4. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study
habits of boys of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
5. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study
habits of girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
6. There will be a significant difference at 0.01 level in the mean gain scores of
study habits of boys and girls of std. 9 due to the implementation of study
habits programme.
7. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of Science
achievement of boys of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
8. There will be a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of Science
achievement of girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
9. There will be a significant difference at 0.01 level in the mean gain scores of
Science achievement of boys and girls of std. 9 due to the implementation of
study habits programme.
10. There will be a significant difference at 0.01 level between the mean scores of
study habits of boys and girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
• The present research dealt with above mentioned habits as desirable study habits.
1. The majority of the students had no clear idea about the purpose of studying and
the objectives of schooling
2. Not more than 50% of the students got guidance from parents. In the above study,
Bandavane and Rathod had developed a study habits programme and studied
its effectiveness on the academic achievement. The present research is also similar to
it but in present research, the programme implemented was different and was
conducted on IX standard students. In addition to the techniques used by Bandavane
and Rathod many other techniques were included in the present research. Both of
them found a positive effect of study habit techniques on the academic achievement.
The review also reveals that though many of surveys are done, there was a big
gap of experimental studies in study habit area i.e. After Ghalsasi (1988) the
experimental study was made by Rathod in 2009.
X1 O X2
The targeted population of the present study was all secondary level students of std. 9
of Pune city from Semi-English Medium schools.
5.19 TOOLS
1) Study habits inventory by Dr. N.M. Palsane – To assess the existing study
habits of the students.
1) t-test.
5.20 PRO
ation of the study habitts programm
Pilot study
Tradittional teachiing
mentation off study habiits program
Science ach
hievement posttest
nt of study habits
h of thee student affter implementation of study
habitss programm me
Figure 5.1
1 Procedurre of the study habits prrogramme
The study habits programme was based on the following theories, laws, or
techniques -
After taking deep review of related literature, researcher followed following steps
for formation of study habits programme.
II. General instructions regarding the study habits programme were given to the
III. The charts were prepared and displayed in the classrooms based on the manual
prepared by the researcher.
Chart 2 - Few things to do
IV. Explanation of each chart and technique included in the manual by giving
examples from Science.
1. The collected data regarding the study habits inventory were assessed by the
researcher as per the instructions given in the manual by Dr. M.N. Palsane
4. The percentage of students, who had unsatisfactory study habits was also more
(32.86%) .
b) Findings for Objective 2 - To find out the difference between
study habits of boys and girls.
1. None of the girls (0 %) had very unsatisfactory study habits but very few boys
(11.11%) had it.
3. Most of the girls (40%) and boys (37.78) had average study habits.
4. Few boys (13.33%) and more girls (32%) had good study habits.
5. Very few girls (4%) had excellent study habits but none of the boys had it.
1. The percentage of students lie in various categories of study habits was different
at Pre SHI and Post SHI.
2. At Pre stage, few (1.43 % ) students had excellent study habits but at Post
stage it reached to 61.43 %
3. 20 % of students were in ‘good’ category of study habits at Pre stage and at Post
stage 27.14 % of students were found in the category of ‘good’ study habits.
4. At Pre stage, 38.57 % of students had ‘average’ study habits and at Post stage
level only 11.43 % had ‘average’ study habits.
• Effectiveness of study habits programme in terms of Science
achievement -
6. There is a significant increase at 0.0.1 level in the mean scores of the Science
achievement of std. 9 students after implementation of study habits programme.
7. Most of the boys (53.33%) had excellent study habits at Post stage
9. At the same time, the percentage of boys in average category reduced to 15.55%
from 37.76 % which means very few boys had average study habits at Post
stage .
10. None of the boys belonged to ‘unsatisfactory’ and ‘very unsatisfactory’ category
at Post stage.
11. Percentage of girls in excellent category increased from 4% to 76% and it was
decreased in ‘good’ and ‘average’ category.
12. No girl was present in ‘unsatisfactory’ and ‘very unsatisfactory’ category at Post
d) Findings as per the hypotheses testing
/Rejection of
Null Hypotheses Null Hypothesis Interpretation
and its
1. There will be no significant Significant at There was difference
difference at 0.01 level 0.01 level between the mean scores
between the mean scores of Rejection of of study habits of boys
study habits of boys and girls and girls of std.9 before
Null hypothesis
of std.9 before implementation of the
implementation of the study study habits programme
habits programme
2. There will be no significant Significant at There was increase in the
increase at 0.01 level in the 0.01 level mean scores of study
mean scores of study habits of Rejection of habits of the students of
the students of std. 9 after std. 9 after
Null hypothesis
implementation of the study implementation of the
habits programme study habits programme.
/Rejection of
Null Hypotheses Null Hypothesis Interpretation
and its
difference at 0.01 level in the 0.01 and 0.05 in the mean gain scores of
mean gain scores of study level. study habits of boys and
habits of boys and girls of Null hypothesis girls of std. 9 due to the
std. 9 due to the is accepted implementation of study
implementation of study habits programme.
habits programme
7. There will be no significant Significant atThere was increase in the
increase at 0.01 level in the 0.01 level mean scores of Science
mean scores of Science Rejection of achievement of boys of
achievement of boys of std. 9 Null hypothesis std. 9 after
after implementation of the implementation of the
study habits programme study habits programme.
8. There will be no significant Significant at There was increase in the
increase at 0.01 level in the 0.01 level mean scores of Science
mean scores of Science Rejection of achievement of girls std. 9
achievement of girls std. 9 after implementation of
Null hypothesis
after implementation of the the study habits
study habits programme programme.
9. There will be no significant Not Significant There was no difference
difference at 0.01 level in the at 0.01 and 0.05 in the mean gain scores of
mean gain scores of Science level. Science achievement of
achievement of boys and girls Null hypothesis boys and girls of std. 9
of std. 9 due to the is accepted due to the implementation
implementation of study of study habits
habits programme programme.
10. There will be no significant Not Significant There was no difference at
difference at 0.01 level at 0.01 level. 0.01 level in the mean
between mean scores of study Null hypothesis scores of study habits of
habits of boys and girls of std. is accepted at boys and girls of std. 9
9 after implementation of the 0.01 level. after implementation of
study habits programme the study habits
e) Findings from the qualitative analysis of the feedback forms
filled by the students –
5. Students used various Study habits techniques taught by the researcher like –
• Preparation of charts
• Preparation of notes
• Meditation
• Time Management
2. Parents agreed that the programme helped the students to increase their Science
achievement in following way –
3. Parents also suggested that such kind of programme should be arranged in the
schools to help the students.
4. Parents opined that the programme will help the students in their future.
2. Girls had better habits than boys before implementation of the study habits
3. There was a significant difference between study habits of boys and girls before
implementation of the study habits programme.
4. Most of the students had excellent study habits after implementation of the study
habits programme.
5. There was significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study habits of
std. 9 students after implementation of the study habits programme.
6. There was a significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of the Science
achievement of std. 9 students after implementation of study habits programme.
7. There was improvement in study habits of boys and girls after implementation
8. There was significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study habits of
boys of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
9. There was significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of study habits of
girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
10. There was no significant difference at 0.01 level in the mean gain scores of
study habits boys and girls of std. 9 due to the implementation of study habits
11. There was significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of the Science
achievement of boys of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
12. There was significant increase at 0.01 level in the mean scores of the Science
achievement of girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
13. There was no significant difference at 0.01 level in the mean gain scores of
Science achievement of boys and girls of std. 9 due to the implementation of
study habits programme.
14. There was no significant difference at 0.01 level between study habits of boys
and girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits programme.
15. There was significant difference at 0.05 level in the mean scores of the study
habits of boys and girls of std. 9 after implementation of the study habits
17. Science achievement of the students was increased and study habits of the
students were improved significantly therefore the study habits programme was
proved to be effective for std. 9 students.
18. The conclusion can be generalized to other students from various classes of the
society depending on the facilities or exposure available to them, but when the
study habits programme will be introduced to them as a whole, effectiveness of
it may remain the same.
4. Students gave very good response and feedback for the guest lecture conducted
by Dr. Shobha Joshi on ‘Motivation for study habits’.
6. Students shared the mnemonics and concept maps prepared by them with their
9. It was easy for the students to understand and remember the various concepts
due to note making techniques.
10. Students realized the importance of study habit techniques in learning Science.
12. If students received the proper guidance in the class they can improve in their
13. The study habit techniques are student friendly because students themselves can
prepare simple concept maps, mnemonic devices, notes and charts on their own.
• Primary, Secondary as well as higher secondary teachers can practice regularly the
study habit techniques through classroom for betterment of teaching learning
• Primary, Secondary as well as higher secondary teachers can apply the study habit
techniques for remedial teaching
• Primary school teachers can inculcate proper study habits among the students so
that students find easy to learn on higher level.
• The teachers at all level can use study habit techniques for the preparation and
planning of their lessons.
• Teachers can motivate the students to follow the study habit techniques in their
• Head masters can motivate the different subject teachers to practice novel ideas
related to study habits in the classroom situation.
• Head masters can guide the teachers and students about the study habit techniques
and its effect on achievement.
• To develop good study habits various programmes can be arranged in the school.
• Head masters can organize orientation programmes in their schools for parents on
study habits in the schools
• Parents can motivate the students to follow study habit techniques in their study.
• Parents can guide the students about study habit techniques and its effect on the
The study habit techniques are useful tools in leading students towards
meaningful learning. In earlier chapters we have seen the importance of study habit
techniques, some of the major contribution to the field of education are as follows-
• The study habits programme from the present research will help students to
develop proper study habits.
• The same programme can be used for other subjects in the schools by teachers.
• The manual from the present research work will work as a guideline for the
students, teachers and parents.
• Head masters can orient teachers to run study habits programmes in their schools.
• The study habits programme provide a method of self learning to the students.
• Teachers can do their lesson planning for Science as well as other subjects by
using the techniques from study habits programme.
The review taken for the research work put forth the importance of study
habits for students. In our world of competition, it is the need of time that students
should know proper, efficient and systematic way of learning. Study habits lead
students towards achievement. Not only this, it develops interest, confidence and
ability to work hard for their betterment. All these qualities and more are essential for
all round development of the student. Here researcher feels happy and satisfied as this
research work contributed for the same.