The Problem and Its Setting Background of The Study
The Problem and Its Setting Background of The Study
The Problem and Its Setting Background of The Study
Floor wax’s evident benefits to man are undeniable. Processed products from
petroleum, particularly floor waxes and polishers are popularly used in the society,
especially in households. Floor wax can be made by mixing melted paraffin wax, extracts
In line with these, there are so many floor waxes that have been manufactured and
distributed in the country right now, especially in schools to maintain cleanliness. But the
problem is the prospect of cutting the cost by half with the same effectiveness similar to
what’s in market. Since Ipil-ipil leaves are high in protein, and when they are juiced or
squeezed into a pulp the protein can be added to paraffin wax for use on floors. And it
could have been the reason why concrete cemented floor shines wherever it is applied on
it. Since floor wax is essential in cleaning houses, commercial building floors, and
school; it could be the alternative to lessen the money spend for commercial floor wax.
Since floor waxes are being used inside the classrooms, students might be
affected by its contents such as Cresol, which can cause liver and kidney damage if
inhaled over extended periods of time, and Formaldehyde, which has been linked to
everything from asthma to reproductive problems to cancer. But if the researcher’s study
conclude to be efficient, alternative materials such as the Ipil-ipil, can give a rise to the
environmental development.
wax mainly consisting of straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with a variety of
substituted groups. Since there are many things that can be found in both floor wax and
The researchers’ intent to conduct this study is to see the extent of Ipil-ipil leaves
as an alternative floor wax to be able to produce a safe and eco-friendly floor wax.
This study sought to produce floor wax from leaves of Leucaena leucocephala
1. What is the best solution in making young ipil-ipil leaves as an alternative floor wax?
2. Will the effectiveness of Ipil-Ipil extract as an alternative floor wax last longer than
the commercial floor wax in terms of color, odor and luster when applied in?
3. Is there a significant difference between the Ipil-Ipil extract as floor wax from the
I. The matured Ipil-Ipil leaves are more effective in making an alternative floor wax
II. Yes. There is a significant between the two floor waxes. The alternative floor wax
might be cheaper, yet it is no cure-all. The commercial floor wax on the other
Definition of Terms
Floor wax – A preparation containing wax and used to polish and preserve the finish of
Commercial waxes – contains several of chemicals such as nitrobenzene and are often
used by many.
Epicuticular - is a coating of wax covering the outer surface of the plant cuticle in land
plants. It may form a whitish film or bloom on leaves, fruits and other plant organs.
Conceptual Framework
(Independent) (Dependent)
Ipil-Ipil leaves are the natural source for floor wax production. Therefore in this study, it
is assumed that Ipil-Ipil leaves will be the independent variable and its quality that is
Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that this study is significant and beneficial to the
- Floor wax is commonly used in schools. Perhaps this study may help both the
- Spending money wisely is a must. The researchers hope to help the community in
Future Researchers
- This would be a massive help for both Producer and Consumer since cheaper yet
The main focus of this study is to determine the possibility of producing floor wax
out ofleaves of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) tree. This inquiry is limited to purely
producing floor wax from Ipil-Ipil (L. leucocephala) leaves and its use on a concrete
cemented smooth pavement. The researchers also wants to limit the type of the leaves to
This study might take time to finish due to the impending defense and lack of
Chapter II
The species of Leucaena leucocephala has been world widely known for its many
In the Philippines, this species of trees is locally known as Ipil-Ipil. The tree
grows gregariously and in abundance mostly found in the settled areas at low and
medium altitudes. It is now pan tropic in distribution since its introduction from tropical
America many years ago (Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) of the Department of
Today, Ipil-Ipil tree in the Philippines is generally and popularly valued for
firewood and in reforestation work. The plant is also much used as a cover crop and is a
good exterminator of “kogon”. The bark is valued for its significant potential in
producing brown dye while the seeds of Ipil–Ipil in some provinces are used as coffee
A. Botanic Description.
shrubby and highly branched (ssp. Leucocephala) to medium-sized tree with a short, clear
bole to 5 m, upright angular branching and a narrow open crown (ssp. Glabrata), 3-
15(max. 20) m tall, bole diameter 10-50 cm. Bark on young branches smooth, grey-
brown, slash salmon pink, darker grey-brown and rougher with shallow, rusty orange-
brown vertical fissures and deep red inner bark on older branches and bole. This
evergreen plant is deep rooted. It often has a combination of flowers, immature and
small tree, 2 to 6 meters high. The leaves are compound, 15 to 25 centimeters long, with
hairy rachises. The pinnae are 8 to 16, and 5 to 8 centimeters long. The leaflets are 20 to
30, linear-oblong, and 7 to 12 millimeters in length. The heads are solitary, at the axils of
the leaves, long-peduncled, globose, and 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter, with many white
flowers. The pods are thin, flat, strap-shaped, 12 to 18 centimeters long, and 1.4 to 2
B. Morphological Constituents/Composition
To define and identify the different constituents of Ipil-Ipil tree, specifically the
major composition of its leaves (either young or mature), which was the main focus of
the study; certain studies conducted all over the world were taken into account.
the leaves of L. leucocephala. Findings of such researches do confirm the potential use of
the tree’s leaves as edible forage for animals and as safe food for human consumption
based on the leaves nutritive portions and components. Results also show a wide variety
of chemical compounds in the leaves which might be the reason for its many uses and
Duke (1983) of Purdue University of West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S. noted that,
most leaves of L. leucocephala contain traces of glucoside quercetrin about 0.08 percent
and in every g of N, there are 294 mg of arginine, 88 cystine, 125 histidine, 563
isoleucine, 469 leucine, 313 lycine, 100 methionine, 188 methionine + cystine, 294
It is further reported that, raw young leaves show a potential source as forage for
ruminant animals, containing per 100 g edible portion: 68 calories, 79.5 percent moisture,
2.9 g protein, 0.8 g fat, 15.3 g total carbohydrate, 1.8 g fiber, 1.5 g ash, 553 mg Ca, and
51 mg P. Raw, tender tops and pods contain per 100 g edible portion: 59 calories, 80.7
percent moisture, 8.4 g protein, 0.9 g fat, 8.8 g total carbohydrate, 3.8 g fiber, 1.2 g ash,
Accordingly, the crude protein (CP) of edible material (leaves and small stems) of
L. leucocephala ranged from 14-30%. The high crude protein in leucaena relative to
grass highlights the importance of maintaining adequate quantities of high protein legume
in the pasture and in the diet (Khamseekhiew et al. (2001) as cited by Aganga and
various localities in Western Nigeria shows that young leaves, pods and seeds contain
more crude protein but lower crude fibre and ether extract than mature ones. The crude
fat component was higher in the seeds (4.6% and 5.5% for green and ripe seeds,
respectively) than in any other edible part of the plant, while the green and brown seed
coats contain the least amount of ether extract and total ash. The mineral composition of
the dry matter of mature leaves is 2.8% calcium, 0.26% phosphorus, 0.37% magnesium,
The primary wax that coats leaves of most plants found in family Fabaeae in
Leucaena leucocephala has a wide variety of uses and it was this multiplicity of
roles that led to the worldwide reputation of the species as a ‘miracle tree’ Brewbaker and
Shelton (1994).
It is further stated that, “the leaves of leucaena are highly nutritious for ruminants
and many excellent animal production data have been published confirming the fodder
light hardwood for fuel (specific gravity of 0.5-0.75) with low moisture and a high
heating value, and makes excellent charcoal, producing little ash and smoke. It also can
be used for parquet flooring and small furniture as well as for paper pulp.”
The plant is also valued in the production of necklaces from seeds and the use of
young leaves and seeds as vegetables for human consumption. Young green pods can be
split open and the fresh immature seeds eaten raw or cooked. Only small amounts can be
eaten in this way because of the presence in seed and young growth of the toxic amino
acid mimosine. L. leucocephala will occasionally produce a gum similar to gum Arabic
Furthermore, red, brown and black dyes are extracted from the pods, leaves and
The New Encyclopedia Britannica (1993) states that, “wax is any class of pliable
substance of animals, plants, minerals, or synthetic origin that differs from fats in being
less greasy, harder and more brittle and in containing principally compounds of high
molecular weight. Waxes melt at moderate temperature and form hard films that can be
polished to a high gloss, making them ideal for use in a wide array of polishes.”
production of waxes. Paraffin is one type of Petroleum wax that is commercially used in
manufacturing candles, crayons and industrial polishes. It assists and supplies a water
applications to resilient flooring such as vinyl tile or wood to maintain a clean and
sanitary appearance in high traffic public areas. The polish is cleaned and buffed, often
daily, to restore the shine, and then periodically stripped and re-applied. Longer
maintenance intervals are often preferred, to minimize labor costs, but only if the polish
Waxes and polishes satisfy man of his demands for a clean and shiny floor. These
home cleaning materials are often used not only in improving the floor’s attribute
qualities but also in restoring the floor’s durability especially for wood floorings.
As evidence of this, Radaza and Amante (2008) noted that, floor wax is
important for housekeeping. It is used in coating to protect floors. Because waxes are
insoluble in the water, they are particularly useful for water proofing. Some plastics have
characteristics, and maybe blended with waxes, add glass, durability and increase
toughness. To make floor wax is very easy. In order to save money from buying
commercial and costly floor wax, we should learn how to make a cheap and easy to use
floor wax.
SpecialChem S.A. (2010) adds that, “wax surface modifiers satisfy many of the
performance demands of a floor polish. Proper selection and usage will control how the
polish responds to buffing; minimize black heel marks; and provide slip control, i.e. the
proper coefficient of friction to provide traction for foot traffic in wet or dry conditions.
By enhancing mar, scratch, and abrasion resistance, the surface modifier may also extend
Most commercial products especially synthetic ones (which might also be true for
waxes and polishes) are composed of some harmful compounds that might cause illness
among consumers.
In fact, the use of floor waxes and polishes is quite dangerous as claimed by the
such as floor waxes and polishes often contain mineral spirits and petroleum solvents,
both of which are neurotoxin and can cause severe eye and skin irritation as well as
carcinogenic benzene. Some wax removers with ammonia contain tripropylene glycol
monomethyl ether which can cause narcosis and kidney injury with repeated and
Chapter 3
This chapter contains the methods and procedure about the research in a step-by-
step manner. This also includes the research local as well as the instruments needed for
Research Locale
This study aims to make an alternative floorwax using Ipil-ipil leaves. This study will be
conducted at Labangal National High School that is located in General Santos city.
Research Design
The researchers will be using experimental research design in conducting this study.
Research Procedure
The following are the steps that need to be taken with caution.
1. Gather all the required ingredients together and set them out so that they are easily
2. Turn on the hob or stove you are planning to use and gently heat the paraffin wax until
melted. Stir occasionally to avoid the wax sticking to the base of the pan.
3. Carefully pour the mineral oil into your pan a bit at a time. Don't rush: Do this in
4. Add in the juiced young Ipil-Ipil leaves. Again, do this in stages to avoid missing the
5. Stir the mixture together thoroughly and turn off the hob. Don't stop stirring, though, as
6. Pour the floor wax gently into the small bucket. Dip the mop into the bucket and shake
off excess liquid before gingerly applying to your floor. Leave for 30 minutes.
7. Buff the wax on your floor and then remove thoroughly, leaving it sparkling clean with
the effect of the young ipil-ipil leaves at a fraction of the price normally spent on
commercial cleaners.
The instruments needed in this study are 50 ml Ipil-ipil leaves extract, 50g
Paraffin wax 250 ml mineral oil, also some materials that are needed in cooking or in
process like Gas or Electrical stove, large old saucepan, wooden stirring spoon, pouring
jug, waxing map, small basket where the the final product will be place.
Statistical tool
References Duke
13 Shelton (1994),