Syllabus Design For English Courses

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The planning of courses including designing curriculum and syllabus is often ignored in
English language teaching and teacher training. Harmer (2000) states that decisions about course
content are very often not taken by teachers, but by some higher authority. Curriculum and
syllabus are two major documents necessarily prepared in a course design task. Where a
curriculum describes the broadest contexts in which planning for language instruction takes
place, a syllabus is a more circumscribed document, usually one which has been prepared for a
particular group of learners (Dubin and Olshtain, 1986). A syllabus is more specific and more
concrete than a curriculum, and a curriculum may contain a number of syllabi. A curriculum may
specify only the goals – what the learners will be able to do at the end of the instruction – while
the syllabus specifies the content of the lessons used to lead the learners to achieve the goals
(Krahnke, 1987).

The aspects of language teaching method which are closely related to syllabus are the
theory of language, theory of learning and the learner type. The choice of syllabus should take
those three aspects into consideration. Furthermore, to design a syllabus is to decide what gets
taught and in what order. For this reason, the theory of language explicitly or implicitly
underlying the method will play a major role in determining what syllabus is adopted. A theory
of learning will also play an important part in determining the syllabus choice. For example, a
teacher may accept a structural theory of language, but not accept that learners can acquire
language materials according to a strict grammatical sequence of presentation. While the basic
view of language may be structural, the syllabus, in that case, may be more situational or even
content-based. Learner types can be seen in practical and observable terms, such as type of
cognitive activity, life style, aspirations, employment, educational and social backgrounds and so
on ((Krahnke, 1987)

The choice of syllabus is a major decision in language teaching, because syllabus that
being chosen will be effect the learning process, whether it will be effective or not. So, because
of that, there are some types of syllabus, those types of syllabus can be chosen by the teacher and
implemented in various teaching situations. Teacher can choose the best type of syllabus that
will suit the learner and the learning process.

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