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Method Statement Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment

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Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm: Real-Time Waves and Currents

Method Statement
Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment

October 2017

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Version Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Approved as

V01 19/10/17 S Reynolds K Ransom Draft

Changes from the Previous Version

Section Changes made
N/A Original

Distribution Method
Recipient Email address
Paper (copies) PDF

Zoe Roberts [email protected] X

Garry Mardell [email protected] X

Robert Inkster [email protected] X

George West [email protected] X

Partrac Various X

Holders of controlled copies will be provided with subsequent approved

versions of this document when they become available.

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1. METHOD STATEMENT ................................................................

................................ .......................................................
................................ ....................... 4
1.1 Outline of works ............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Equipment & Tasks ............................................................................................ 6
1.3 Methodology .................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Vessels ...................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Instrument and Mooring Configurations ......................................................... 8
1.3.3 Assessment of Weather & Mobilisation ......................................................... 10
1.3.4 Deployment ............................................................................................. 10
1.3.5 Recovery ................................................................................................. 11
1.3.6 Service Visits ............................................................................................ 12
ASSE SSMENT .......................................
................................ ....... 14
2.1 H&S Risks & Control Measures .......................................................................... 15
2.2 Identification of the Top 3 Hazards .................................................................... 16
2.3 Health and Safety Risk Assessment ..................................................................... 18
2.4 Environmental Risk Assessment .......................................................................... 31
2.5 Party Chief’s Responsibilities ............................................................................. 33
2.6 Maintenance and Monitoring of Control Measures ............................................... 33
2.7 PPE Requirements ............................................................................................ 33
2.8 Emergency Contacts ........................................................................................ 34
3. SIGNATORIES ................................................................
................................ ................................................................
................................ ................................ 35

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1.1 Outline of works

Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Ltd. (AOWFL) require specialist oceanographic observational
services to support the construction and operation of Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm (AOWF).

The Offshore consent for the AOWF is based on eleven (11) three-bladed horizontal-axis
offshore WTGs each with a maximum blade tip height of 198.5 m above LAT, associated
foundations, Inter-Array cables and Export cables.

AOWFL owns a Datawell Mk4 Waverider Buoy (herein referred to as the Wavebuoy) capable of
measuring wave and current parameters and equipped with an Iridium SBD communications
module. Data from the Wavebuoy is managed via PortLog, licenced by Oceanwise.

AOWFL has contracted Partrac Ltd to deploy, service and maintain the wavebuoy for a two year
period from 1 st November 2017.

The following Metocean data will be provided to a secure website in near real-time via a satellite

Total Sea:
• Significant Wave Height, Hs (m).

• Peak Period, Tp (s).

• Average Zero Up Crossing Period, Tz (s).

• Mean Wave Direction, θ m (Deg).

• Current Speed (ms -1 ).

• Current Direction (Deg).

• Sea Temperature (degrees Celsius).

• Battery status

• GPS position

Data will be updated at an interval of 30mins.

The AOWF site is located approximately 2.5 km off the coastline of Aberdeeenshire at Blackdog,
north-east Scotland. The water depth across the WTG locations is between 19m and 32m below
LAT, and the export cable routes range between 0 and 24 m below LAT. Figure 1 and Table 1
provide the proposed wavebuoy deployment position.

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Figure 1 Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Wavebuoy Location (Courtesy of Vattenfall)

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Table 1 Proposed wavebuoy deployment position
Location Latitude Longitude Water depth (m MSL)
WVR01 57° 13.463’N 001° 59.895’W 25.0

This method statement covers the deployment servicing and recovery of the Datawell Mk4
Waverider buoy.

1.2 Equipment & Tasks

Number Principal Equipment Required Who

1. Rover Alpha (Ness Offshore) Y IMCA auditor
2. Vessel lifting equipment Y IMCA auditor
3. 1 x Datawell Mk4 Waverider and associated mooring components N S Reynolds
Number Participants Position Done before?
1. Saul Reynolds Party Chief Y
2. Ross Flatman Y
3. Vessel deck crew and crane operator Deck Y
Who Who
Number Procedures
performs? supervises?
1. Inspection and test of vessel equipment Vessel S Reynolds
2. Deployment management R Flatman S Reynolds
3. Feeding out bungee / mooring line R Flatman S Reynolds
4. Release of ground weight R Flatman S Reynolds
S Reynolds /
5. Verification of deployment co-ordinates and water depth Vessel Partrac
Number Environmental Precautions Supervisor
S Reynolds / S Reynolds /
1. Suitability of environmental conditions Vessel Vessel
Captain Captain
R Flatman/
2. Oil spill prevention (use of prevention kit) Vessel
R Flatman /
3. Fuel spillage prevention (use of spill prevention kit) Vessel
4. Recovery of all equipment from the seabed R Flatman S Reynolds

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1.3 Methodology

1.3.1 Vessels

The vessel to be used for deployment and recovery operations is the Rover Alpha (Figure 2)
supplied by Ness Offshore, and it is based in Fraserburgh. The specification of the vessel is
given in Table 2, and it will be loaded and mobilised in Aberdeen Harbour.

Figure 2 Ness Offshore vessel

ves sel Rover Alpha

Table 2 Rover Alpha v essel d etails

Item Detail
Type of Vessel Workboat
Functions Survey, workboat, ROV
LOA 18.2m
Beam 6.0m
Draft Aft / Forward 3.4m / 2.8m
Speed (cruising) 8 knots
Winches Handling winch (SWL 5T), Anchor winch (2T)
Crane HMF type M111 410 deg rotation Crane
SWL 3500kg @ 5.5.m, 1250kg @ 8.5m
Thruster Forward Brunvoll Electro Hydraulic 60kw
and Aft
Accommodation Three berths, WC shower, galley and lounge/mess room.

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1.3.2 Instrument and Mooring Configurations

Mooring components are configured for the water depth of 25m plus tidal range.

Below is the specification for the individual system components. All shackles and rope will be
supplied with LOLER certification (where applicable). All components will be examined by a
competent person.

• 1 x Datawell Mk4 Waverider Buoy.

• 1 x 4-part Stainless Steel (SS) shackle + SS split pin.
• 1 x 30 m rubber bungee.
• 1 x 1T large SS shackle.
• 1 x 60 m x 18 mm Polysteel rope (SS thimble eye one end, galvanised eye spliced in the
other end).
• 1 x 3.25T 4-part Green Pin Bow shackle.
• 1 x 11" trawl buoy on rope spliced into polysteel rope at 5m above ballast weight.
• 1 x 2.5 m HLZ-9 chain to ground weight.
• 1 x 2T 4-part Green pin Bow shackle for attaching chain tail to ballast weight.
• 1 x 500 Kg chain ballast weight.

The integrity of all connection points is to be verified when the mooring is laid out on deck.

A schematic of the mooring configuration is depicted in Figure 3.

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Figure 3 Mooring layout for the Datawell Mk4 Waverider Buoy, configured for 25 m water depth.

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1.3.3 Assessment of Weather & Mobilisation

Persons responsible: Party Chief (Saul Reynolds), Vessel Captain.

Assessment of the weather conditions for instrument deployment and recovery will be completed
through a combination of the Meteogroup site specific forecast, Meteorological Office forecast,
various other wind and swell predictions, verification with near real time observations and local
knowledge. If a suitable weather window is available then mobilisation can commence.

The equipment deployment and recovery operation limits set by Partrac for the wavebuoy are:

• Hmax = 1.50 m.
• Hm0 = 1.00 m.
• Wind speed = 15 knots.
• Daylight operating hours only.

The maximum current speed during deployment is 0.8 knots.

1.3.4 Deployment

• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our
• Arrive at the deployment site and assess weather conditions and wave height. If
conditions are considered safe then deployment operations can commence.

Pre - deployment:
deploym ent:
• Tool Box Talk is to be completed on site by the Party Chief.
• Final verification of co-ordinates and water depth.
• After assessment of current and wind conditions a decision will be made as to
whether to:
o Maintain position facing into current and let current take the buoy and
mooring line away from the vessel; or
o To manoeuvre towards position and let the mooring and buoy pay out behind
the vessel; or
o A combination of the two options above.
• Sea fastenings removed from all equipment at point of lift.

Resp onsibilities:
• Crane and winch operations: Rover Alpha.
• Deck work: Ross Flatman/ Rover Alpha
• Watch Officer: Rover Alpha.
• Coordination of back deck movements: Saul Reynolds.
• Positioning: Saul Reynolds/ Rover Alpha.

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• The ballast weight will be manoeuvred over the stern quarter of the vessel on the
starboard side to sea level, using the crane. The weight will be taken on a 1 tonne
sling and quick release Seacatch release mechanism. A stopping sling with safety
hook will be attached to the weight and connected to a bollard on deck for security
and the crane will be detached from the weight.
• The crane will be connected to the lifting bridle on the wave buoy and the buoy lifted
overboard and lowered to the sea surface. The buoy will then be released from the
crane using a second Seacatch quick release mechanism.
• The buoy will drift away as the vessel moves slowly ahead towards the deployment
location OR the vessel will hold station and let the mooring drift away from the
vessel, depending on conditions at the site. The bungee and mooring rope will be
slowly paid out, coming up tight on to the ballast weight. A boat hook is to be
available to fend off the mooring rope if required.
• When within 100m of the position, the stopping chain will be removed from the
ballast weight.
• On position, the weight will be released using the Seacatch release.
• The deployment position will be recorded on the DGPS.
• The buoy position will be briefly monitored to ensure the mooring has not been
compromised during deployment.
• Buoy transmissions will be verified at the earliest opportunity via cell or satellite
phone to the Partrac office.
• Vessel will return to Aberdeen Harbour.

1.3.5 Recovery

• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our
• Arrive at the deployment site and assess weather conditions and wave height. If
conditions are considered safe then deployment operations can commence.

Pre - recovery:
• Tool Box Talk is to be completed on site by the Party Chief.
• A securing line for the mooring will be attached to an appropriate fixed point on the
deck of the vessel by the vessel crew.

• Crane and winch operations: Rover Alpha.
• Deck work: Ross Flatman / Rover Alpha.
• Watch Officer: Rover Alpha.
• Coordination of back deck movements: Saul Reynolds.
• Positioning: Saul Reynolds / Rover Alpha.

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• The vessel will approach the wave buoy and a boat hook will be used to grab the
bridle on the buoy.
• Once in a safe position, the vessel crane hook will be attached to the bridle on the
buoy, along with tag lines for control during lifting.
• The buoy will then be lifted using the vessel crane and once on deck will be secured.
The crane can then be disconnected from the buoy.
• The tag lines will be released. A trawl block will be connected to the crane hook and
the crane will be positioned over the stern quarter (starboard side) of the vessel for
recovery of the mooring and ballast weight.
• The bungee will be recovered by hand and the direction of the mooring will be
continually relayed to the skipper to enable positioning of the vessel directly over the
ballast weight on the seabed.
• When the entire bungee is on board and the mooring rope is accessible, the rope
will be passed through the trawl block and secured with a stopping chain. The
bungee will then be disconnected from the rope.
• The rope will be attached to the winch and the stopping chain removed. The
remainder of the mooring rope will be recovered using the winch. When the ballast
weight breaks the surface of the water it will be connected to the crane hook with a 1
tonne lifting strop and lifted aboard, using tag lines at all times.
• Once the ballast weight is on deck, the entire system will be fastened to the deck of
the vessel.

1.3.6 Service Visits

Service visits will be planned to be executed every six months to carry out buoy maintenance and
mooring verification/replacement.

• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our

Service visit
The Waverider buoy service visit will include:
• Recovery of the wavebuoy and all mooring components using the methodology
described in section 1.3.5 above.
• Servicing operations will be carried out on the aft deck of Rover Alpha whilst on site.
• All mooring components will be replaced with new certified constituents.
• The structural integrity of the wavebuoy and all lifting and connection points will be
scrutinised. In the event that any damage is found, the buoy will be returned to shore
for repair.
• The buoy will be opened and data will be downloaded on site. Internal checks will be
carried out at this stage to look for signs of damage or water ingress. Battery
voltages will also be manually verified.

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• Any fouling on the buoy will be removed and the buoy will be cleaned.
• All O-rings and seal points will be inspected cleaned and replaced as necessary
before the buoy is sealed up for deployment.
• Communications and data transmissions from the buoy will be verified on deck, if
• The buoy will be re-deployed in the required location using the methodology
described in section 1.3.4 above.

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Due to the dynamic nature of the operations, the on-site risks will be re-assessed and controlled.

All vessel and survey personnel involved in the works will be required to read and sign this
documentation. This is to be issued in a timely manner in advance of works in order that
amendments can be made if necessary and the output re-circulated to all relevant parties.

In addition to this Risk Assessment, personnel are required to take part in Tool Box Talks, Lift
Plans and Vessel Inductions, each of which also require sign off by all personnel involved.

Health, Safety and Environmental incidents arising will be reported to the client at the earliest
safe opportunity. Incidents requiring reporting to the HSE and/or the MCA will be completed as
soon as is reasonably practicable.

A copy of the Risk Assessment will be available to all persons who could be affected, and will be
stored on Partrac’s server. A hard copy will be prepared for the project folder and will
accompany the Survey Team offshore.

All documentation in support of the Risk Assessment including the Tool Box Talk form, Safety
Observation Cards, Lift Plans and Vessel Induction forms will also accompany the team on

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2.1 H&S
H& S Risks & Control Measures

The risks are assessed using the following scoring system.

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2.2 Identification of the Top 3 Hazards

A ct i vit y I d e nt i f ic at i o n o f t h e T op 3 H az a rds
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Tested, certified and inspected lifting
equipment only.
Trained lifting operators only.
Use of Banksman.
Use of Tag lines.
1. Lifting equipment. Struck / crush. Injury / fatality 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
Tool Box Talk.
Lift Plan.
Use of appropriate PPE.
Never stand underneath load or between a
fixed structure and load.

Guard rails to be kept in place at all times

apart from when equipment is being
If within 1m of open back deck harness must
be worn.
2. Vessel operations Man over board Injury / fatality 3 5 15 Replace guard rails at earliest opportunity. 2 5 10 Tolerable
Use of 275KN life Jackets.
No lone working.
Day light working only.
Mullion suits to be worn on back deck if water
<10degs Celsius.

Tool box talk.

Buddy system.
Paying out mooring
Entanglement with Trained, competent personnel only.
3. line during Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
persons. Ensure rope is in a ‘reducing figure of eight’
formation to allow free run.
Never stand in the bight of the rope.

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Always stand behind the rope.
Snap back zones are to be identified and kept
Use line runners to pay our ropes if available.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up safety
boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard hat with chin
strap, safety glasses).
Be prepared to cut away ground line if
entanglement occurs.

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2.3 Health and Safety Risk Assessment

A ct i vit y L o a di ng o f eq ui p me nt t o v e hi cl e
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Tested, certified and inspected lifting
equipment only.
Trained, certified and qualified lifting
operators only.
Tool Box Talk.
1. Lifting < 50 kg Personal injury Lost time injury 3 4 12 Lift Plan. 2 4 8 Tolerable
Use of appropriate PPE.
Use of Banksman
Use of Tag lines.
Never stand underneath load or between a
fixed structure and load.

Use pallet lifter, forklift or harbour crane.

Use of appropriate PPE (gloves, steel toe
2. Lifting > 50 kg Personal injury Injury / fatality 3 5 15 footwear). 2 5 10 Tolerable
Never stand underneath load or between a
fixed structure and load.

Distribute weight equally.

Weights of items are known and total weight
can be verified.
3. Vehicle weight capacity Over-loading vehicle No Injury 3 1 3 2 1 2 Acceptable
Verification of vehicle payload weight from
equipment requisition form.
Ensure two drivers.

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A ct i v it y L o a di ng / u n l oa di ng o f e q ui p me nt t o v es s e l
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Do not join or disembark vessel until
vessel is tied up securely and
authorisation is given.
Vessel access and egress points to be
made known to all personnel new to the
Consider vessel motion in harbour
(vessel pitch and roll).
Man overboard procedures to be
Falling into water. outlined within the vessel induction.
Falling onto another Always have three-point contact when on
Embarking / vessel alongside.
1. Injury /fatality. 3 5 15 ladders and gangways. 2 5 10 Tolerable
disembarking vessel.
Hypothermia. Ensure that all safety barriers are fitted
Drowning. on the vessel.
Ensure all spills are clearly marked and
spill kit is used to remove liquid from
floors and decks.
Ensure all wiring and other trip hazards
on deck are protected, covered or
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, hard hat with chin strap,
overalls, lifejacket, safety glasses).

Assume correct posture and procedures

Musculoskeletal for lifting.
Poor lifting posture. injury. 25 kg maximum lift per person.
Manual handling of Dropping weight onto Loss of equipment Do not step across on to vessel carrying
2. items to and from feet or another person. to the water. 2 4 8 a load. 1 5 5 Acceptable
vessel. Crushing injury. Lost time injury. When weight exceeds 25kg, pair up with
Falling, slipping. Damaged a colleague or use mechanical means
equipment. (HIAB/ Forklift).
Use lifting bags to transfer equipment.

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A ct i v it y L o a di ng / u n l oa di ng o f e q ui p me nt t o v es s e l
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Small items such as laptops and
personnel bags may be hand carried or
past across to vessel.
Use crane to load equipment on to the
vessel rather than manual handling
whenever possible.
Review the Lift Plan for loading from
quayside to vessel.
All vessel lifting equipment is inspected
with in date test certification.
Trained and competent hiab operators at
all times are required.
Never stand directly underneath a load.
Never stand between load and vessel /
shore structures.
All loads are to be kept as close to the
body as possible ensuring good body
posture is maintained.
Plan the route to prevent contact with
possible tripping hazards.
All Partrac personnel have completed
manual handling training.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).

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A ct i v it y L o a di ng / u n l oa di ng o f e q ui p me nt t o v es s e l
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Trained and competent personal select
the rigging equipment.
A lift plan is to be prepared which
details the rigging methodology and
selected rigging equipment.
All rigging to be utilised for lifting
operations is to be inspected and
certified safe for usage as per LOLER
Incorrect rigging leading Lost time injury. regulations.
to falling objects. Injury / fatality. Colour coding of equipment rigging
3. Rigging Operations. 2 5 10 2 5 10 Tolerable
Crushing injuries. Damaged equipment as per the inspection and
Damage to equipment. equipment. certification process.
A final inspection is to be performed of
the rigged load, to ensure the load is
rigged correctly.
All defected equipment is to be
quarantined immediately.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).

Review the Lift Plan.

Tool Box Talk.
Tested, certified and inspected lifting
Failure of lifting Musculoskeletal
equipment. injury. All lifting points of all items being lifted
Lifting operations are certified.
4. Personnel falling, or Loss of equipment 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
using hi-ab Colour coding of equipment rigging
slipping. to the water.
equipment as per the inspection and
Swinging weights. Injury / fatality.
certification process.
Ensure crane is certified
Trained and competent Riggers,
Banksman and Crane operators.

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A ct i v it y L o a di ng / u n l oa di ng o f e q ui p me nt t o v es s e l
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Use of Tag lines.
Personnel to be alerted (verbally) and
moved away from the lifting operation by
General public to be made aware of
lifting operations if in the vicinity
through verbal communication.
Ensure general public do not walk along
quay wall in the vicinity of the works
during lifting operations. This is to be
achieved through verbal communication.
Ensure that heavy loads are placed
within the operational zone of the
hydraulic crane.
Load at or near high tide for heavier
items if required.
Never stand underneath load or between
crane and side of vessel or within the
path of a load being lifted.
Ensure vessel is stable before any lifting
operations commence – beware of waves
from passing vessels.
Review weather before performing any
lifting operations. Beware of wind gusts.
Vessel hiab reach vs load capacity to be
confirmed with the vessel operator
before loads are lifted.
Loads to be lifted slightly off the ground
as a trial lift before the full lift can be
performed. Reset the lift if it appears
Assess the load weight and its impact
below if dropped (for example damage
to the vessel).

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A ct i v it y L o a di ng / u n l oa di ng o f e q ui p me nt t o v es s e l
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, hard hat with chin
strap, lifejacket, safety glasses).

A ct i v it y S e t t i n g u p / c o m mi s s i on i n g o f eq ui p m en t o n bo a rd v es s el
Initial Residual Unacceptable
Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable

All equipment to be utilized is to be CE

marked and manufactured to a
European standard.
All portable electrical appliances are
PAT tested with evidence of certification.
All cables and hoses are to be routed as
safely as possible to prevent tripping
hazards. Keep all electrical equipment
Set up of electrical indoors where possible.
1. Electrocution. Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
survey equipment.
Use weather-proof extension cables and
boxes to cover multi-plugs and
Power down all equipment before
Mandatory PPE must be utilized at all
times (flame retardant overalls, lace-up
safety boots, matting).

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable

Review weather forecasts with vessel

Injury / fatality. skipper and project personnel.
Damage to Review forecast with Port Authority.
Sea and weather equipment. Assess conditions before departing for
conditions leading to site.
Damage to vessel.
Assessment of weather unsafe operations,
1. Incorrect 2 5 10 Re-assess conditions on site. 1 4 4 Acceptable
and sea conditions. including weights and
frames swinging around equipment Vessel skipper to have ultimate control
when lifted. deployment. over Go/No Go based on site
Loss of conditions.
equipment. Do not commence operations if in
Use crane/HIAB.
One sole person in charge of the lift
Ensure good communication between
banksman, crane operator and crew.
All personnel operating crane/HIAB are
to be trained and competent.
Never stand underneath load or between
Injury / fatality. a fixed structure and load.
Positioning of the load Crushing or landing on Damage to Verbal and hand signal communications
2. 2 5 10 1 5 5 Acceptable
prior to deployment. personnel. equipment. between banksman and crane operator.
Damage to vessel. At any point throughout all operations, if
the situation is to begin to go wrong or
any person may be at risk an ‘All Stop’
must be voiced. This can be performed
by any person.
The vessel stability is to be taken into
account during any lifting operation, due
to the possibility of the vessel listing
during hoisting.
Continuous monitoring is to be

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
performed to ensure safe lifting
parameters is maintained (wind speed,
swell etc.).
All personnel are to remain at a safe
distance during all lifting operations.
Tag lines are to be utilised to control the
load and manoeuvre the load from a
safe distance.
Use of mandatory PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).

Never stand underneath load, between a

fixed structure and load or in the path of
a load being lifted.
Use taglines to steady the load,
releasing lines before the load enters the
Swinging of equipment
Lifting equipment over Ensure good communication between
3. leading to crushing Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
or in board. banksman, crane operator and crew.
against side of vessel.
All personnel are to remain at a safe
distance during the deployment and
recovery operations.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).
Tested, certified and inspected lifting
equipment only.
Trained lifting operators only.
4. Lifting equipment. Struck / crush. Injury / fatality 3 5 15 Use of Banksman. 2 5 10 Tolerable
Use of Tag lines.
Tool Box Talk.
Lift Plan.

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Never stand underneath load or between
a fixed structure and load.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).
Tool box talk.
Buddy system.
Trained, competent personnel only.
Ensure rope is in a ‘reducing figure of
eight’ formation to allow free run.
Never stand in the bight of the rope.
Paying out mooring Always stand behind the rope.
Entanglement with
5. line during Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 Snap back zones are to be identified and 2 5 10 Tolerable
deployment. kept clear.
Use line runners to pay our ropes if
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).
Be prepared to cut away ground line if
entanglement occurs.

All non-essential personnel to clear

Only trained and competent personnel
to operate hiab.
Deployment or Listen to crane operators at all times.
Crushing or landing on
6. recovery of ground Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 2 5 10 Tolerable
personnel. Never stand underneath load or between
a fixed structure and load.
Coil up lines so they prevent possible
tripping hazards.
Load cells are not required.

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Pitch / heave of the vessel is to be taken
into account, to ensure safe deployment
is maintained.
All personnel are to remain at a safe
Tag lines are to be utilised to control the
swing of the load.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).
Notice to mariners issued prior to
operations being undertaken.
If fishing activity is being undertaken in
the location then discussion with the
Deployment or recovery fishing vessels is required before work
lines snagged in fishing can take place.
Entanglement with gear. Lost time /
7. 3 2 6 If the equipment becomes entangled with 2 2 4 Acceptable
fishing gear. damage.
Vessel becoming fishing gear on recovery, the gear is to
snagged as a result. be cut away and the local authorities
Guidance on the most appropriate
course of action is ultimately the
responsibility of the vessel skipper.
Certified lowering wire, rope and
Breaking strain of ground line is known.
The ground line will be passed through
the capstan guide, disconnected from
Recovery winch rope Rope snapping back and
8. Injury. 3 4 12 buoyancy unit and transferred to the 2 4 8 Tolerable
snapping under load. striking crew.
capstan with 3 or more turns. The
ground line will then be slowly taken up
to tension using the crane, and further
tension slowly applied when the weight
of the frame comes onto the ground line.

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Personnel to stand out of line of rope
under tension.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).
Guard rails to be kept in place at all
times apart from when equipment is
being deployed/recovered.
If within 1m of open back deck harness
must be worn.
All works on board the Replace guard rails at earliest
10. vessel whether moored Man over board. Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 opportunity. 2 5 10 Tolerable
alongside or at sea.
Use of 275KN life Jackets.
No lone working.
Day light working only.
Mullion suits to be worn on back deck if
water <10degs Celsius.

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Ensure vessel induction is completed for
all new personnel to vessel.
Fire fighting equipment should only be
operated by trained personnel (vessel
crew and skipper).
Basic First Aid Training.
On seeing a fire, raise the alarm as
detailed in the Vessel Induction.
All works on board the Fire on board vessel
11. vessel whether moored leading to asphyxiation Injury / fatality. 3 5 15 Vessel skipper and crew are responsible 2 5 10 Tolerable
alongside or at sea. and/or severe burns. for tackling fires. All other personnel on
board to go to Muster Stations as
directed and if safe to do so.
If Skipper requires further personnel to
assist with fire-fighting, personnel are to
follow the instructions given.
Use of required PPE (gloves, lace-up
safety boots, overalls, lifejacket, hard
hat with chin strap, safety glasses).

In the event of both engines failing, the

coastguard and local vessels will be
contacted to obtain assistance (via HF
radio or satellite phone communication).
Multiple engine failure Injury / fatality. Vessel captain will issue all commands
All works on board the or other mechanical and will direct all staff as and where
12. vessel whether moored Catastrophic 2 5 10 2 5 10 Tolerable
failure on vessel. required.
alongside or at sea. equipment
Vessel adrift at sea. damage. Ensure that life jackets are worn by all
Vessel to anchor if appropriate.
All personnel to have completed STCW
95 Personal Survival Training.

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A ct i v it y D e pl o y m e nt / r ec o v e r y o f eq ui p m en t
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable

Weather forecasts will be obtained prior

to leaving harbour and monitored
Weather deterioration
during survey work.
13. Survey operations. Injury. 3 4 12 If weather conditions exceed the 2 4 8 Tolerable
Personnel knocked
maximum workable conditions, all work
around on deck.
will be halted and the vessel will return
to port.

Working outside of Only operate during daylight hours.

14. Survey operations. daylight hours. Injury / fatality 2 5 10 Ensure vessel radar is operable. 1 5 5 Acceptable
Sea fog / low cloud. Wait until fog clears if time permits.

Advise port of daily operations.

Ensure HF radio communications are
Other vessel traffic / working on the vessel.
15. Survey operations. Collision 2 5 10 1 5 5 Acceptable
water users in the area. Keep a look out for other marine traffic.
Do not work in darkness or poor visibility

Use of appropriately certified equipment

Minor able to withstand many months at sea.
Hazard to fishing impact. Design of system has been thoroughly
Recovery of all equipment. tested.
16. 2 2 4 2 1 2 Acceptable
deployed materials. Non-compliance
Loss of equipment. with ISO14001. All positions recorded to within +/- 5m.
All safe working practices / controls will
be adhered to and followed.

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A ct i vit y S e cu r it y R is k
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable

Preparation of
equipment on Potential lost Security Training during mobilisation in
quayside. Threatening time injury. Aberdeen.
behaviour targeted at
Loading and Damage to Guard vessel on-site 24x7.
1. personnel, equipment 3 4 12 2 4 8 Tolerable
unloading of vessel. equipment and Quayside security including meeting of vessel
and vessel.
vessel, when arriving in harbour.
Deployment and
Recovery Police and Coastguard consulted.
instruments and

2.4 Environmental Risk Assessment

A ct i vit y E n vi r on m e nt a l Ris k A s s e s s m e nt
Initial Residual Unacceptable

Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable

P S R P S R Acceptable
Hazard to fishing Use of appropriately certified equipment
equipment. Minor able to withstand many months at sea.
Recovery of all deployed
1. Non-compliance with environmental 2 2 4 Design of system has been thoroughly 2 2 4 Acceptable
ISO14001. impact tested.
Company policy. All positions marked to within +/- 5m.

Spillage to the sea. Environmental Managed by vessel operator according

2. Fuel & oil spillage. 3 2 4 2 2 4 Acceptable
Fire hazard. impact to MARPOL (1973) regulations (annexes

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Personnel to alert vessel skipper of all
spills and observations of any slicks from
the vessel.

All batteries are kept and returned to

Minor Partrac’s warehouse in Glasgow.
Battery leakage to the
3. Disposal of batteries. environmental 2 2 4 Batteries are disposed of by ‘BatteryBack 2 2 4 Acceptable
impact plc’ and the according documentation

Use of appropriate, certified and tested

Lost overboard or equipment.
4. Lost equipment Loss of equipment 2 2 4 2 2 4 Acceptable
through recovery failure. Experienced personnel.
Experienced procedural methods.
Use of appropriate PPE minimises
exposure to conditions including
waterproof jacket and trousers, overalls,
gloves, hard hat, safety glasses; and
Operative warm clothing under overalls in cold
experiences weather.
Rain/snow, sea spray,
extreme cold, wet,
5. Exposure cold/hot weather, wind, 3 3 9 Avoid sunburn through use of sunscreen. 1 1 1 Acceptable
hypothermia, sun
large waves Upon signs of sea sickness ensure
burn, sea
sickness. operative notifies Party Chief/Vessel
Master, stops work and rests (at position
in vessel with least movement if
possible), drinks fluids when possible to

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2.5 Party Chief’s Responsibilities

The Party Chief has the responsibility to ensure that:-

• All work is carried out in accordance with this RAMS document.
• Correct PPE is being worn by all members of the deck party during all work operations on
board the vessel and at the quayside.
• Guard rails are in place during transit to site.
• Safety checks are carried out on equipment deployment lines to ensure free entry into the
• All lifting equipment must be certified. All lifting equipment tested and prepared prior to
departing the quayside.
• Tool Box Talk and Lift Plans carried out prior to operations, with specific instructions on
personnel positioning during lift operations.
• Weather forecast to be obtained prior to operations and monitored during the course of
the works.

2.6 Maintenance and Monitoring of Control Measures

Measure s

• Review Risk Assessment prior to work commencing and re-state all the risks to all
personnel involved.
• Ensure PPE is well maintained and serviced, prior to field work.
• No lone working on site - a minimum of two staff present at all times.
• Minimum one trained First Aider present.
• Tool Box Talks and Lift Plans to be conducted prior to any operations.

2.7 PPE Requirements

R equirements

Each person must have the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Check your
equipment. Ensure that all lifejackets are in date and you are satisfied that they have been

Item Issued in
Number standard kit?
1. Lifejacket Y
2. Hard-hat Y
3. Steel-toe capped boots Y
4. Waterproofs Y
5. High visibility vest Y
6. Overalls Y
7. Gloves Y
8. Eye protection Y
9. Harness N

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2.8 Emergency C ontacts

Company /Organisation Name / Position Phone Mobile E-mail

Partrac Peter Wilson – Director HSE 0141 202 0644 07793 249080 [email protected]
Partrac Sam Athey – Project Director 0141 202 0644 07748 904766 [email protected]
Partrac Saul Reynolds – Party Chief 0141 202 0644 07876 560141 [email protected]
Partrac Office 0141 202 0644 [email protected]

Vattenfall Zoe Roberts – Project Manager 0203 301 9113 07814 444680 [email protected]
Vattenfall Gary Mardell – Client Representative 07426 855 699 [email protected]
Vattenfall Marine Coordinator 01224 984906 07976 439411 [email protected]
AOWF VHF Private Channel:
Frequency 157.45000 MHz

Vessel Operator
Ness Offshore Robert Inkster - Director 07759 214743 [email protected]
Ness Offshore George West - Director 07919 118694 [email protected]
07438 820701
Ness Offshore Rover Alpha – Vessel [email protected]
07759 214743

Aberdeen Port Office Administration 01224 597 000 [email protected]
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN 0345 456 6000

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Each person in the Survey Team including the vessel skipper and all crew must read and sign this
Risk Assessment prior to commencement of mobilisation.

I understand the risks involved as described throughout this document for the activity described in Section
1 (Method Statement) of this document.
document .
Any further risks not identified prior to survey will be outlined in the Toolbox Talks, for which further
signatures will be required.
Updates to this documentation may be requested via the Project Director Sam Athey (Partrac Ltd).

Person (Print name) Position Signature Date

Saul Reynolds Party Chief

Ross Flatman Marine Survey

Marine Survey

Client Representative

Vessel Skipper

Vessel Crane Operator

Vessel Deck Hand

Vessel Deck Hand

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