Method Statement Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment
Method Statement Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment
Method Statement Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment
Method Statement
Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Assessment
October 2017
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Partrac Various X
Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Ltd. (AOWFL) require specialist oceanographic observational
services to support the construction and operation of Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm (AOWF).
The Offshore consent for the AOWF is based on eleven (11) three-bladed horizontal-axis
offshore WTGs each with a maximum blade tip height of 198.5 m above LAT, associated
foundations, Inter-Array cables and Export cables.
AOWFL owns a Datawell Mk4 Waverider Buoy (herein referred to as the Wavebuoy) capable of
measuring wave and current parameters and equipped with an Iridium SBD communications
module. Data from the Wavebuoy is managed via PortLog, licenced by Oceanwise.
AOWFL has contracted Partrac Ltd to deploy, service and maintain the wavebuoy for a two year
period from 1 st November 2017.
The following Metocean data will be provided to a secure website in near real-time via a satellite
Total Sea:
• Significant Wave Height, Hs (m).
• Current Speed (ms -1 ).
• Sea Temperature (degrees Celsius).
• Battery status
• GPS position
The AOWF site is located approximately 2.5 km off the coastline of Aberdeeenshire at Blackdog,
north-east Scotland. The water depth across the WTG locations is between 19m and 32m below
LAT, and the export cable routes range between 0 and 24 m below LAT. Figure 1 and Table 1
provide the proposed wavebuoy deployment position.
This method statement covers the deployment servicing and recovery of the Datawell Mk4
Waverider buoy.
1.3.1 Vessels
The vessel to be used for deployment and recovery operations is the Rover Alpha (Figure 2)
supplied by Ness Offshore, and it is based in Fraserburgh. The specification of the vessel is
given in Table 2, and it will be loaded and mobilised in Aberdeen Harbour.
Mooring components are configured for the water depth of 25m plus tidal range.
Below is the specification for the individual system components. All shackles and rope will be
supplied with LOLER certification (where applicable). All components will be examined by a
competent person.
The integrity of all connection points is to be verified when the mooring is laid out on deck.
Assessment of the weather conditions for instrument deployment and recovery will be completed
through a combination of the Meteogroup site specific forecast, Meteorological Office forecast,
various other wind and swell predictions, verification with near real time observations and local
knowledge. If a suitable weather window is available then mobilisation can commence.
The equipment deployment and recovery operation limits set by Partrac for the wavebuoy are:
• Hmax = 1.50 m.
• Hm0 = 1.00 m.
• Wind speed = 15 knots.
• Daylight operating hours only.
1.3.4 Deployment
• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our
• Arrive at the deployment site and assess weather conditions and wave height. If
conditions are considered safe then deployment operations can commence.
Pre - deployment:
deploym ent:
• Tool Box Talk is to be completed on site by the Party Chief.
• Final verification of co-ordinates and water depth.
• After assessment of current and wind conditions a decision will be made as to
whether to:
o Maintain position facing into current and let current take the buoy and
mooring line away from the vessel; or
o To manoeuvre towards position and let the mooring and buoy pay out behind
the vessel; or
o A combination of the two options above.
• Sea fastenings removed from all equipment at point of lift.
Resp onsibilities:
• Crane and winch operations: Rover Alpha.
• Deck work: Ross Flatman/ Rover Alpha
• Watch Officer: Rover Alpha.
• Coordination of back deck movements: Saul Reynolds.
• Positioning: Saul Reynolds/ Rover Alpha.
1.3.5 Recovery
• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our
• Arrive at the deployment site and assess weather conditions and wave height. If
conditions are considered safe then deployment operations can commence.
Pre - recovery:
• Tool Box Talk is to be completed on site by the Party Chief.
• A securing line for the mooring will be attached to an appropriate fixed point on the
deck of the vessel by the vessel crew.
• Crane and winch operations: Rover Alpha.
• Deck work: Ross Flatman / Rover Alpha.
• Watch Officer: Rover Alpha.
• Coordination of back deck movements: Saul Reynolds.
• Positioning: Saul Reynolds / Rover Alpha.
Service visits will be planned to be executed every six months to carry out buoy maintenance and
mooring verification/replacement.
• Final review of the metocean conditions and forecast for the day’s operations.
• Vessel skipper to inform AOWF Marine Control and VTS of the vessel departure,
working location and expected time of return to port.
• When approaching site, make contact with any working vessels to inform them of our
Service visit
The Waverider buoy service visit will include:
• Recovery of the wavebuoy and all mooring components using the methodology
described in section 1.3.5 above.
• Servicing operations will be carried out on the aft deck of Rover Alpha whilst on site.
• All mooring components will be replaced with new certified constituents.
• The structural integrity of the wavebuoy and all lifting and connection points will be
scrutinised. In the event that any damage is found, the buoy will be returned to shore
for repair.
• The buoy will be opened and data will be downloaded on site. Internal checks will be
carried out at this stage to look for signs of damage or water ingress. Battery
voltages will also be manually verified.
Due to the dynamic nature of the operations, the on-site risks will be re-assessed and controlled.
All vessel and survey personnel involved in the works will be required to read and sign this
documentation. This is to be issued in a timely manner in advance of works in order that
amendments can be made if necessary and the output re-circulated to all relevant parties.
In addition to this Risk Assessment, personnel are required to take part in Tool Box Talks, Lift
Plans and Vessel Inductions, each of which also require sign off by all personnel involved.
Health, Safety and Environmental incidents arising will be reported to the client at the earliest
safe opportunity. Incidents requiring reporting to the HSE and/or the MCA will be completed as
soon as is reasonably practicable.
A copy of the Risk Assessment will be available to all persons who could be affected, and will be
stored on Partrac’s server. A hard copy will be prepared for the project folder and will
accompany the Survey Team offshore.
All documentation in support of the Risk Assessment including the Tool Box Talk form, Safety
Observation Cards, Lift Plans and Vessel Induction forms will also accompany the team on
A ct i vit y I d e nt i f ic at i o n o f t h e T op 3 H az a rds
Initial Residual Unacceptable
A ct i vit y L o a di ng o f eq ui p me nt t o v e hi cl e
Initial Residual Unacceptable
A ct i v it y S e t t i n g u p / c o m mi s s i on i n g o f eq ui p m en t o n bo a rd v es s el
Initial Residual Unacceptable
Item Task Hazard Consequence Risk Control Measures Risk Tolerable
P S R P S R Acceptable
Preparation of
equipment on Potential lost Security Training during mobilisation in
quayside. Threatening time injury. Aberdeen.
behaviour targeted at
Loading and Damage to Guard vessel on-site 24x7.
1. personnel, equipment 3 4 12 2 4 8 Tolerable
unloading of vessel. equipment and Quayside security including meeting of vessel
and vessel.
vessel, when arriving in harbour.
Deployment and
Recovery Police and Coastguard consulted.
instruments and
A ct i vit y E n vi r on m e nt a l Ris k A s s e s s m e nt
Initial Residual Unacceptable
P S R P S R Acceptable
Hazard to fishing Use of appropriately certified equipment
equipment. Minor able to withstand many months at sea.
Recovery of all deployed
1. Non-compliance with environmental 2 2 4 Design of system has been thoroughly 2 2 4 Acceptable
ISO14001. impact tested.
Company policy. All positions marked to within +/- 5m.
• Review Risk Assessment prior to work commencing and re-state all the risks to all
personnel involved.
• Ensure PPE is well maintained and serviced, prior to field work.
• No lone working on site - a minimum of two staff present at all times.
• Minimum one trained First Aider present.
• Tool Box Talks and Lift Plans to be conducted prior to any operations.
Each person must have the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Check your
equipment. Ensure that all lifejackets are in date and you are satisfied that they have been
Item Issued in
Number standard kit?
1. Lifejacket Y
2. Hard-hat Y
3. Steel-toe capped boots Y
4. Waterproofs Y
5. High visibility vest Y
6. Overalls Y
7. Gloves Y
8. Eye protection Y
9. Harness N
Vattenfall Zoe Roberts – Project Manager 0203 301 9113 07814 444680 [email protected]
Vattenfall Gary Mardell – Client Representative 07426 855 699 [email protected]
Vattenfall Marine Coordinator 01224 984906 07976 439411 [email protected]
AOWF VHF Private Channel:
Frequency 157.45000 MHz
Vessel Operator
Ness Offshore Robert Inkster - Director 07759 214743 [email protected]
Ness Offshore George West - Director 07919 118694 [email protected]
07438 820701
Ness Offshore Rover Alpha – Vessel [email protected]
07759 214743
Aberdeen Port Office Administration 01224 597 000 [email protected]
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN 0345 456 6000
Each person in the Survey Team including the vessel skipper and all crew must read and sign this
Risk Assessment prior to commencement of mobilisation.
I understand the risks involved as described throughout this document for the activity described in Section
1 (Method Statement) of this document.
document .
Any further risks not identified prior to survey will be outlined in the Toolbox Talks, for which further
signatures will be required.
Updates to this documentation may be requested via the Project Director Sam Athey (Partrac Ltd).
Marine Survey
Client Representative
Vessel Skipper