Saudi Safety Regulations - SUMMARY REPORT

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A quick glance to understand the

safety Occupational safety & Health
requirements in Saudi Arabia
Esam Zayed Summary Report
Short Bio
 A passionate Safety Leader with
13+ years of hands-on experience,
who believes in the integration of
all disciplines (Safety, Ops,

 Projects, Quality...etc) in order to

create a positive safety culture
where people lives and breath
safety every moment.

 Esam has a wide experience in improving the safety culture in

multicultural work environments, among four different industries:
 Oil &
 Gas;
 Petrochemicals’
 Manufacturing &
 Construction;
 He worked in Australia with Human Performance

 He was heavily involved in implementing the Human Performance

Program in Maaden, and He is a Super Advocate level and qualified to
provide entry level and Train-The-Trainer level.


 After a long wait, On July 1st, 2018  This works well when we start
The Minister of Labor and Social explaining the complexity of the
Development in Saudi Arabia has systems based on the size of the
introduced the occupational safety organization, this will also impact
and health management the hiring of the safety team
regulations (OSHM), there three whom will deal with such
levels of those requirements,; systems, and for sure will need to
minimum, average & maximum, attract competent and talents
based on the number of employees safety professional rather than a
and type of the business, head count.
companies will have to meet its
respective level effective  These regulation can also be
immediately. used the selection of the annual
Safety champions award which
 The funny thing is that the recognize the organization with
regulations were published only by the best safety records and
the official language (Arabic), not practices.
sure wither the minister is not
aware that the majority of the  I expect to see more initiative
safety professionals in Saudi from the m The Minister of Labor
Arabia are actually non Arabic and Social Development to
speakers, or they didn't have the introduce more safety initiative,
resources to translate such which will be in line with
regulation, anyhow I have decided VISION2030 of Saudi Arabia.
to take the initiative to translate it
and put it in one file. Esam Zayed

 Just to give you heads up the

regulations works as a
management system, no technical
requirements till the moment of
writing this report, it has the same
concept of the OHSAS18001 &
ISO45001, which means if you are
applying any of those it will be easy
for the company to prove its


Highest Level of Regulations

The mentioned below clause is just to

give you a taste of how the regulations
looks like, to get more familiar read till
the end and then you can deiced wither
this will be beneficial for your
organization or not, most likely will!


Occupational Safety &
Health Policy
The facility should develop a written policy of occupational safety and health
that should be clearly and accurately written in the languages most commonly
used by the members of the facility, and Arabic should be the main language of
the policy.

Employee participation in the policy

 The facility should encourage the participation in making the decisions

related to safety and health in the workplace

 Consult them - if necessary - when making decisions or making changes

in occupational safety and health at the workplace

 Consult them - if necessary - when delivering relevant occupational

safety and health information



Responsibility and accountability

 The full responsibility rests on the shoulders the facility and its
management, and they are responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy
workplace for all employees, visitors and passers-by who may be
affected due to their passage near the workplace.

Documenting the occupational safety and health management


 The facility should develop a modern system to document and maintain

occupational safety and health procedures and practices and to record
and follow up all occupational safety and health issues.

Efficiency and training system

 The facility should ensure that its workers are competent (i.e.
adequately qualified, properly trained and with sufficient experience) to
implement the occupational safety and health aspects of their duties
and responsibilities

Communication system

 The facility should ensure that appropriate channels are disseminated

and used to communicate on the occupational safety and health issues
at all levels and disciplines where appropriate.


Planning & Implementation

Initial audit of the occupational safety and health

 The facility should conduct a preliminary assessment to assess its

occupational safety and health status and practices, and document the
necessary actions to be taken as a result of the assessment in a written

Planning, development and implementation of occupational

safety and health operations

 The facility should develop a planning process when developing and

implementing the occupational safety and health management
regulation. This planning process should take into account the results of
the initial review, subsequent audits or other relevant data.

Occupational safety and health objectives

 The facility should set occupational safety and health objectives

in line with the occupational safety and health policy of the
facility, and based on the initial and subsequent references.


Planning & Implementation

Prevention and control measures

Identify and assess

 It is the responsibility of the facility to identify and assess the risks to
the safety and health of employees and to implement the necessary
preventive and control measures by the following:
 Provide or redesign processes and procedures to enable risk
management to be identified and thus being safe for the
workforce, if the source of risk cannot be removed.
 Replace the hazardous task, instrument, machine, material or
process with a less hazardous one, where possible
 Provide appropriate personal protective equipment for the
workers to reduce the risks

The management of change

 The facility shall closely monitor such changes and/or the suggested
changes within the facility that may have implications for occupational
safety and health.

Emergency prevention
 The facility should establish emergency prevention arrangements,
including documented procedures

 The facility should establish documented procedures to ensure that
purchases with the occupational safety and health implications are met
the required standards, including relevant legislation in Saudi Arabia.

 In the event that the facility assigned contractors for the performance of
certain tasks, they must ensure that its safety and health requirements
are applied to the contractors, as well as the employees.



Monitoring and Measuring Performance

 To determine the extent to which the OSH policy and objectives are
implemented and the risks have been controlled, the facility should
ensure that the performance of occupational safety and health is:
 is monitored  is measured  is registered


 The facility should establish a documented process for a periodic audit

to assess whether the application of the existing occupational safety and
health management regulation is sufficient and effective to protect the
safety and health of employees.

Investigation system

 The facility should establish procedures to investigate the origin and the
underlying causes of major occupational safety and health-related
accidents (e.g., injuries, illness, diseases and labor-related deaths) and,
where appropriate, notify the relevant authorities.

Review of senior management of occupational safety and

 The facility should regularly review its safety and health management
regulations with senior management and other occupational safety and
health regulations and requirements in the form of regular formal



Preventive and corrective measures

 The facility should develop procedures to assess the effectiveness of

corrective and preventive measures implemented as a result of
monitoring and measuring the performance of the occupational safety
and health management regulations, the audits, and the management

Continuous improvement

 The facility should make arrangements to analyze the continuous

improvement of OSH management processes, based on the following
(without prejudice to the requirements of the regulation).


Full Report – Click Here

This how it
looks like!

Thank You
for inquiries & suggestions
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