Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 3
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 3
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 3
Look at the verb phrases betow. Write the time(s) of day when it
usuaLly happens foryou by each phrase. (This may happen at
severaL different times of the day.)
'I fatl asleep. 7 I go to bed.
2 have a nap. 8 lget up.
3 Vly alarr. clock goes off. 9 lhave a bath/shower.
4 I feelenergetic. 10 | relax at home
5 | feeliired. 11 lfinishschool/work.
6 | have a clp of tea/coffee 12 lwake up.
and sornethlng to eat.
.ccountant dodof plumber nanny cook Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the
t6nstator judge taxidriver Useful [anguage box.
'uosrad qlea
,oj qol$aq aq] uo
oar8e pue sdnorB ullroi t
;^qy' zuoysd q)ea ro, qollsaq aql
uo aarBe olllnl!}}!p ro lrpu!] nox plc ssn)slc q
'arnslou u,
'os )! L{ l,!oP
'.nr1s,rE!L q PUE e 33Pn3uel lnJasn <
'aar8e s.l
:)tutql no^ oP leqn 'uoeod l'|)ea roj qol$eq aql ssnrslp pue rlpd u!}o,r eE
1a.r3e no^ oc
tu!a€r3?s!p puP Bu!a.r;v q
e aBen8uel lnlesn <
(r]l:a poo8 s,.qs/aq) sa)t a'ls/3!t ssnEraq
($fpurnotrorrop) e eq ptnoqs.qviq sdpqFd
'poau no^ seserqd/spro/v\ ,(ue ro; raqceal rno,(
poo8 s aq ]l/orts/aq o! 'suralqoi ;uhps so)tLl3qsFH )sv sirlorPjno^roj suospar aqt tnoqe selou a)jeh Z
- 1,uPr eqt.q 3sn€raq
($tpFup{/l3^ME poo8 E .q | aqteq )urql r,uop 'seepl u^\o rnoxJo )iulril puP
1P pooB s,.qvaq Bz aBed uo sqol sqt ]e )ool ue) no^ uosrod qree ro,
3snPr.q (r.qre3vrolrop) € 3q pFoqs aqvaq )! qr sqofalqrssod aarqlro o^$ u,$op allrv\'tsrll uosJed
suosear 3u!^!3 pue seap!rno^ Bulreduor e qlea roj qol$eq eql uo eppap otBuloB are nol L
3u14ead5 1se1
Find out first View
Work in pairs and discuss. Which 3a You are going to watch a vjdeo about nightworkers on
towns/cities in your country have an the London Underground. Beforeyou watch, checkyou
underground railway? How often do understand the meaning of the words/phrases in the
you travel on it? gLossary below.
Discuss. How much do you know peopLe who travelto and from work
about the Iondon Underground? Big Ben a famols ctock tower in London
Try to answerthe questions below the tinre of the day when the sun rises
'l How old is the London a long passage underthe grounn
LJnderground? the river that runs thfough Lonion
What ao peop[e call it?
How many lines/stations does ]t
have? O Watch the video with the sound off. Numberthe
What is rush hour'? What time things in the gtossary in the orderyou see them.
does thls happen in the morning/
What is the busiest station on the Read the text from the video beLow. Then watch again and
London llnderground? complete the gaps with the numbers in the box.
Search: London Underground / Thls is the London Undergrouni. r_ people use the
London rush hoLtr / London Underground every day and , peopte work on it.
Underground busiest station It's r_ in the evening - fush hour. A rnillion tired
Londoners go home. Blt when rush ho!rs finlshes, a
UndergroLnd workers start their nlghtt work.
B)' _ A! areloo. ,Lperv,sor
Dave closes the Underground station. ^ He's here alone here
all night untll6_ in the rnorning. At Blackho|se Road
)tat or a lea-r o'-t rr"l Lled-e-s go ro v orl ll e) -lean
7- of tunrelevery night. At Regent s Pafk station,
englneers change a broken rai[. t's 3 ln the morning.
The London Underground starts again. No ore thinks about
the people who work at night on the Underground ... but
their work is important.
'sea pl rno^ ored Luor puP rled ur)lloy' q
'su er] !o Sulll€^eil
ol s.snq uo SuLlla^ert ralird I
'slsrnol roJ lou aa4 aq
plnoqs t-rodsuerl )llqnd llp tpql )urql I
'r3P {Lu Jo asneraq
!odsuP.rl rLlqnd rol I uop I
/{l6ra^ un/looqrs {Lu ot atnL!urol
'^l r/uMot,{Lu uL rnoq qsn-r e s ereql
{LLr uL 5nq la^erl oldo.d tsoN
'^t ^q
J/u,\,\ol ur ruilsAs
^Lr.r P sr aroql
+rodsuert rllqnd pooS
's^ep tsou lodsuert r
lqnd asn I I l
'noxrol anrl oJe leql sauo
eqt )r[ /\^olsq slueurale]s aql lP )ool e5
/v\a!^ PuoA
should , shouldnl can, can't, have tg, don't have tg
'| can,can't
| + ; l/You/He/5he/We[hey lhoutd start now.
: - I /You/He/she/w€/They shouldn't (= should not) start now
P l--1 r-
;oB olrueM nofaraqM no^$^!p otl^\.uo.uos 0l
s)uuP no^satues PUe sqeu oq^^auoauos
1 _---- E
:slunorre lPDueuu qlw pue sdsa) orlMouoaLlot
I ----d
;sl.Iol puesedrd l3l€a sredsr otl^\.uo.uos
: L e nof u3qM nofsdtaq oqMauoauros
:usrPltqr ]31}E s)ooloqM auoaurot ^-
on tlea 01
. -Br- 1
auoq reYeP 01
:s3rF lsunol lnoqe no^ sll31 oqa .u6uros
deu e a^eq 01
I --p re. ol Su LjFUot
;rt1o31 rno^ rarJe qool or.1/1\ suoauos € or
Ple 35ljor/e4lo lnr e a^Eq
l) FAoqs/qleq e i^Eq or
:Nsners e u! poo] $leur oqM auoauios z
:$3en8uel qlta qio \ oqM.uoauos L
'sqoJ€{r €relduor or $41q aqr PPP Pue suo$!u!l.P .Lll
pe.l €
i^rGH sp/.\ l roopuaqrrl) oqrpauado Ple elErsu/r^op luoa -.)trd aqltolu.rrad 5l arrd nl3q1
pue dn 106 / iuaar I srelsuMop asou e Preaq r rq froPio (^€d)-.,.M $q aurn|ad aa4 (133)-a ^luo 3,\ :v
z ! fluo seM ftuappns dr / rno, 3toM t iq3ru or]l ro alppru
l t.un|ad 3a{ (1.3/ a^^)-', :€
aql ut daatsp ru.r! uoos rpue*B:t.qlto paurn1.
rrl/ 'dloq roJ.u {)se) ^ue no^ lrEr no^ !.qM
'3ulruor! 3q1u!poP,o l rol )rotr urrpte,tu los r'poq ol saun,]ad iqilnoqe 3!tq .ra^a (aoq)-6 noi :v
rueA / ro4 u3ql pue ]aaoqs e ,PPu / pe+ I Poq o1 o3 sauntad.qr
^yF uo Ie/sP
or papP.p t os pue par4 tu.^ .@e, / r?t/, l ss.uFnq u,l :€
IE to saui€u a']1 Mou) l,Lrop .snetraq P3uroM
sea,tuiH pu€qsnq^W ?uru re.uoq ro3 pue alel UoM B" i,oq are ro{ rrL$ he4
rq3tu ;ru Peq L
uet / paqs!u(|1e !o!t!J rsel e Peq no^ laquau,e! uoor te15 oqr ul lea PUe Poot u^ o rno{
'sr.asuE tr.Io, .ql €sooq) z (3uLrq) , no^ro €tra13ler rno ut no^ :v
aqrunl (e^Pq / ara',]'\ :a
.lea I 'sortlop reuis (rP.M)-, no{lnq'l,uop no^ oN :v
3 zu.o- Jn e (rP.$ ')- PJv :s
'f€P {ra^a ue5t:8
o;s 1e.r.q (oq) z no{ q'u e 6le suado doqs aql
:(re$/ l)-L auDlErl,^ queqr :€
qstut] g iqolaql lo3 a^,no^ suorlelnrEr;uol :V
5Fl)Piq u!
qr.^.qr Pue 1r€tllet
ltPi r )o 01.^eqzuop t ola^e4 vla uollesJ.^lor .tll .Fld!uo) z
'€ ut s8ulpua .ql qtlM v u!sSutuutBaq lql qrreN L
'u d Ot |r!n
uodos,rt Butua^a € ul)iro^ 01.lqe.r?no^ 0t
uaq ursSop^rerqt.ql
8!uq or no,{rol.Krssod rou s,ll 6
'Mou slo)r4 aql rol
1)trtvud I ol no,( ,o, ,qessa)€u sl 1l I
'o1 luEM rof iof uq 'a ^ed
1 e f.M ot ,oEssa..u lou s,ll I
tr uer
1uauou 3qr le olno^rc1alqFsod lou s,ll 9
Z.u qr$prE) lu.pnF ,trer 01 rress€.u rl sl 5
2oo1 '.uror 01 Pu.lrl xu rol .lqFsod ll
q t
'^epo1 ))eq 3u fpd 01 no,( rol ,tess.r.u rou s,ll €
'Metaq15,1t vSn oqlrol €sr^ € 1.3ol no,(rcl.(Jessa)€u s,ll z
'o1rueM rof} eno^ t
l,uop to 01 e^e4 tuet 'uer 8u!sn Ppq u! s6sEiqd .ql €rf^\al L
z 1)tr)vud