Intro To The Philosophy of The HP Q2 Module 1

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11 Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person

Quarter 2
Module 1: Freedom of the Human Person

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person-Grade 11

Quarter 2- Module 1: Freedom of the Human Person

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jonna E. Avanceña SHS Teacher II

Editors: Marissa D. Narte, HT

Reviewers: Mr. Dario I. Cabanela. EPS / Mr. Darcy Guy Y. Mañebo, EPS

Illustrator: Jonna E. Avanceña SHS Teacher II

Layout Artist: Jonna E. Avanceña SHS Teacher II

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person-Grade 11

Quarter 2- Module 1: Freedom of the Human Person

I. Introduction

As a student of this millennial age, you are facing several uncertainties

in life, sometimes you encounter something which you have never dreamed of will happen.
For instance, the pandemic COVID-19 caused by corona virus which brought fear and affects
the entire humanity. It confuses you whether you will pursue your study or face the
challenges caused by it. At your age, you must think more deeply before taking an action and
making choices in exercising your freedom. In one way, understanding that freedom is part of
your growing life.

II. Objectiv

After studying this module, you should be able to:

1. evaluate and exercise prudence in making choices.

2. realize that:
a. Choices have consequences.
b. Sometimes are given up while others are obtained in making choices.
3. show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their

III. Vocabulary List

For your better comprehension of the lesson, here are the list of important words and
their meanings. Read and understand them carefully.

 Choices
An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more

 Consequence

The result or effect of an action or condition.
 Dignity
The right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be
treated ethically.
 Dehumanizes
Treating other humans as not or less human.
 Essential
Extremely important.
 Free will
The capacity to choose a course of action from various alternatives.
 Freedom of being
The state of being free rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
 Freedom of choice
Describes an individual’s opportunity and autonomy to perform an action
selected from at least two available options, unconstrained by external parties.
 Freedom of expression
Freedom of an individual to articulate and express their opinion thoughts,
ideas, emotions.
 Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
The freedom of a person to have or consider an idea, fact, viewpoint or thought
according to their mind and consciousness. This right include also to change
his/her religion or belief.
 Goodness
The quality of being morally good or virtuous.
 Human being
Used to distinguish man from other animals.
 Human dignity
The recognition that human being possess a special value intrinsic to their
 Innate
A concept of knowledge which is said to be universal to all humanity.

 Indulge

Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
 Intrinsic
Belonging naturally.
 Intellectual virtue
Are qualities of mind and character that promote intellectual flourishing,
critical thinking, and the pursuit of truth.
 Prudence
The ability to regulate one’s actions and behaviour.
 Physical restraint
Refers to means of purposely limiting the freedom of s person’s bodily
 Rational being
One who capable of logical thought with the ability to reason toward sound
conclusions based on facts and evidence.
 Self-determination
Refers to the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on
their own preferences, monitor and regulate their actions, and be goal-oriented
and self-directed.
 Sense of right and wrong
Motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a
person’s thoughts and actions.

IV. Pre - Test

Before studying this module, answer the questions below to find out
what you already know about the topic to be discussed. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in your notebook.

1. It is an intrinsic and essential property of the human person?

a. freedom c. voluntariness
b. intellect d. responsibility

2. This refers the ability to act out of one’s own free will and self-determination?
a. responsibility c. voluntariness
b. intellect d. freedom
3. Also known as the freedom of choice?
a. psychological freedom c. moral freedom
b. determination d. physical freedom
4. Tony is carrying a heavy load of books along the hallway when he suddenly loses his
balance and drops all the books. Imagine that you are one of his classmate who
witnessed the situation. Which of the following reactions depict moral freedom?
a. You may choose not to help Tony and ignore him while he picks his books.
b. You may choose to help him picks his books.
c. You may laugh at him and refuse to help.
d. All of the above.
5. This refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their
a. Free will c. self-determination
b. responsibility d. moral freedom

V. Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1. What’s Your Choice!

Youth nowadays are preoccupied their time with so many distractions, like the

pandemic situation where COVID-19 virus is spreading anywhere, will you spend your time

rightfully to improve yourself or will you just let it pass-by without doing nothing? This is the

crucial moment to make decision what you think is good for you.

Look at the pictures below. After studying the pictures, your task is to list down 5
things that you must consider in making your choices. Write your answers in your notebook. 9

Process Question:
1. Did your knowledge increase in making right decision? Explain.
2. Is your good decision make you grow as a person? Explain.

Learning Activity 2. It’s Your Time to Shine.

As a person, you have made some important life decisions in the past. In your
notebook, make a time-line of major decisions in your life and below the line write down the
consequence of those particular decisions. It will help you to organize yourself when it comes
in decision making.
Life Decisions

12 years old 14 years old 16 years old


Learning Activity 3. What will happen next?

Write possible consequences on the right column to the actions mentioned on the left column.
Copy the table and write your answers in your notebook.

Your classmate hit you really hard
A person crossing the pedestrian lane not
observing traffic lights
Your friend littering around your classroom
A student reviewing his/her lesson
Eating healthy foods
A student smoking cigarettes
Your classmate helps his/her mother earn
A neighbor using prohibited drugs
Watching movies not suited at your age
Avoid gossips

Did You Know:

you to decide. You are the only one who have your possession of your freedom. Being alone in the act to your freedom, y

What is freedom? What is the significance of exercising freedom?

Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person. This means that the
human person by nature is a free being and that it is in his/her nature to seek freedom. An
important indication of human freedom is the ability to make choices and perform actions.
Your freedom to act sets you apart from other beings. Freedom is also understood as the
power to be what you want to be and the ability to decide and create yourself; it also gives
you the ability to strive to achieve your goal. In addition, freedom is rooted in the human
person’s self- determination and the exercise of intellect and free will. This means that a
person’s every action is freely determined and these actions define him/her. You can freely
choose to be good and to act well. A good act makes a person better while the opposite has a
negative impact on his/her as a person. This is a nature of self-determination.

Kinds of Freedom

1. Physical Freedom

Physical freedom refers to the absence of any physical restraint. The person has the
freedom of mobility to go where he/she wants to go. He/she is not impeded in his/her actions
by any physical force. Granted that the person has natural limitations, physical freedom
allows him/her to act and move in determined manner. You cannot go anywhere you want but
you are free to move from one place to another and to go wherever you want to go.

2. Psychological Freedom

This freedom also known as freedom of choice. The person is free to perform actions
that he or she considers right and wise. A person is free to act or not to act. This kind of
freedom is innate and cannot be denied a person. No outside force or influence can compel a
person to take an action against his/her will.

3. Moral Freedom

Moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and
goodness. A person must use his/her freedom to grow as a person. A person becomes freer
when he/she uses freedom well, but becomes less free when he/she uses it in a bad way.
Humans have a natural inclination for what is true and good, and when a person uses his her
freedom to do acts that violate human dignity and goodness, he/she dehumanizes himself or
herself and effectively negates human freedom.

Two Elements of Freedom

1. Voluntariness – refers to the ability of a person to act out of his/her own free will and
self-determination. This means that a person may decide to act or not to act, and the
decisions are made by his/her own free will. Voluntariness also means that a person
may act even if he/she is not required to take action. On the other hand, voluntary acts
are free acts which have a corresponding moral value.

2. Responsibility- refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions and their
consequences. As a free being, the person must accept the consequences of his/her
action and take responsibility. Whenever a person committed a bad action, he/she
may either voluntarily confess to it or other people will point out and hold his/her
responsible. Responsibility can also have positive and negative meaning, it goes hand-
in-hand with voluntariness in determining the morality of an action.

How can you exercise freedom in a responsible and beneficial manner?

Human freedom, though essential, is not absolute. Human freedom should be

exercised with controland recognition of reasonable limits. You can set limits to your
own freedom and learn to moderate or even control his/her thoughts, emotions, and actions
depending on the situation. You can even choose to limit your own freedom or even
surrender it entirely if it will result in greater benefits. For instance, you may be angry at your
classmate for bullying you in front of your peer group but you refrained from answering back
at him or her since it is considered disrespectful act. The sense of right and wrong guides
every person in recognizing and deciding on the limitations to freedom.

Freedom should also be exercised with regard for knowing and truth. As a
rational being, it is natural to think before you act. You can use your freedom to act and
acquire more knowledge in order to come up with the decisions and courses of actions when
you are facing difficult situations. For example, a student should prepare and study the
lessons before taking an exam to know the correct information needed to answer the test.
Otherwise, he/she may not able to answer the test correctly. It is necessary to cultivate the
intellectual virtue of prudence to be your guide in making choices.

In exercising freedom, you should also recognize and uphold not only your
individual freedom but alsothe freedom of others. A certain freedoms should enjoy by you
and all, as these contribute to the quality of your life and the welfare of the society. These
include the freedom to live and determine one’s identity; freedom from slavery and other
constraint; freedom of speech; freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It should be
exercised with due regard for the welfare of others and should be exercised not a tool to
restrict the freedom of others, but as a means to enable others to fully enjoy their own

VI. Practice
Let’s See Tasks
What You Have Learned

Read and analyze the following scenario below and answer the questions that follow.

Mang Lito was walking down street when he suddenly saw a boy crossing the busy
road. The boy was chasing after a basketball that had bounced off into the road. The boy had
his eyes on his ball and did not realize that there was oncoming traffic on the road. At the

same time, a taxi was passing along the
road. Its driver saw the boy suddenly
crossing and he quickly applied his brake to
stop the car. The taxi was about to hit the
boy when Mang Lito decided to take
action, run across the road, and grabbed the
boy to safety.

Instruction: After reading the article, draw a table, list down the actions and choices that
Mang Lito shows on the situation. In the left column write the actions and the choices in the
right column. Write your answers in your notebook.


Process Question: 2 points for each answer.

1. What can you say about MangLito and his actions?

2. What do you think will be the result of his actions?
3. Would it be possible for other people to risk their lives like Mang Lito did? Yes or
No. Why?

Practice Task #2 Action-Reaction

As a grade 11 students, have you ever made a voluntary action to address a bad
situation or did you choose not to act. In this activity figure out what is happening in the
picture below. What would be the best course of action if you are in this situation? Write your
answers in your notebook.


Guide Question: Based on your answer in Task #2. ( 5 points for each answer. )

1. What do you think is the result of your action? Explain

2. Is it possible for you to risk your life to others? Yes or no. Why?

Practice Task #3 How Proficient I am

Instruction: Read each statement carefully and choose your personal preferences. Be
truthful. Copy each sentences in your notebook and put a check before each number.
______1. Attend mass every Sunday and Holy Days.
______2. Play gadgets.
______3. Read good books to increase my vocabulary.
______4. Going home late at night.
______5. Research on a certain important topic to improve my knowledge.
______6. Practice waste segregation to help improve environment.
______7. Walking aimlessly in no direction.
______8. Go on shopping.
______9. Indulge in conversation.
______10. Do habitual exercise for body fitness.


Recall the previous activities in this module and answer the following question. Write your
answers in your notebook.

Guide Questions: 2 points for each answer.

1. Which part of the activities was difficult to answer? Why?

2. Which part of the activities was easier to answer? Why?
3. What enables you to exercise limits in your freedom?
4. How can self-reflection aid you in exercising freedom and making choices?
5. Why voluntariness and responsibility are significant elements of freedom?

VII. Post


Direction: Read carefully and analyze the statements below. Choose the
letter of the correct answer and write it in your notebook.

________1. Refers to the absence of any physical restraint.

a. moral freedom c. freedom of choice
b. psychological freedom d. physical freedom
________2. “My freedom to swing my fist ends where your nose begins”. This statement
means that…
a. Freedom is not essential though absolute c. freedom is essential and absolute
b. Freedom though essential is not absolute d. none of the above
_______3.This is the responsible use of freedom which uphold human dignity and goodness.
a. Physical freedom c. intellect
b. moral freedom d. responsibility
_______4.This is a close association in determining a person’s freedom.
a. free will and voluntariness c. intellect and free will
b. responsibility and intellect d. voluntariness and responsibility
_______5. Which of the following situation is an example that freedom should be exercised
with regard for knowledge and truth?

a. A young professional may choose not to speak up in meeting regarding serious
concerns about a worker, but instead directly confront the person concerned in
b. A student may choose not to enter the jeepney first despite being first in line to give
way to an elderly woman.
c. A discerning student will choose to find out each candidate’s views on important
school issues and cast his/her votes based on his/her judgment of who is the better
candidate to address these concerns.
d. A and c


Direction: Write F if the statement is fact. If it is bluff, change the underlined word/s to

make the statement correct. Write your answer in your notebook. (2pts)

______1. Voluntariness refers to the ability of the person to act out f his/her own free will and


______2. A person becomes not free when he/she does not exercise control over his or her


______3. Human action can either uphold or diminish freedom.

______4. Freedom is also rooted in the person’s point of view and exercise of intellect and

free will.

______5. Human freedom should be exercised with control and recognition of unreasonable


VIII. Assignment/Additional

Agree or Disagree

Direction: Analyze the following situations. Give your reaction on how the persons acted on
the given scenario. Explain. Write your answer in your notebbok.
1. Julia’s family is well-known for being wealthy and influential. However, her family
faced hard times in the previous year. Her father’s business closed and they were
forced to sell most of their possessions and live simpler life. Julia, however, wishes to
maintain her image among her friends. She has resorted to borrowing money from
relatives in order to keep up with her well-off barkada.

2. Mang Tony’s meat stall has been very profitable these days. It turns out that he has
been tampering with weighing scales and has been selling less meat at increased
prices. One time, some meat went stale and he decided to mix it with the other fresh
meat so he could still sell it.

3. Bernard was asked by his teacher to photocopy hands out and reading materials in
their English class. His teacher unknowingly inserted a copy of the final exam in the
stack of papers she gave to Bernard. When he saw the copy of the final exam, Bernard
quickly took it and placed it in his bag.


The idea and the thought was relevant on the
Content given situation using the various views on 5
human freedom
Analysis was clear and concise based on the
Analysis 5
given situation
It was well-written with ideas easily
Organization 5
conveyed to readers.

IX. Answer Key


1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 Guided and process questions.




1. He was walking down the street and
suddenly saw a boy crossing the
busy road.
2. He saw a taxi that was about to hit He decided to save the boy even if his life is
the boy. in danger.
3. He run and grabbed the boy to

PROCESS QUESTIONS: Answers may vary.

PRACTICE TASKS # 2. Answers may vary.


5 = statement means you can analyse situations and make right judgments.
4 = statement means you need improvement to organize yourself.
GUIDE QUESTIONS: Answer may vary.



1. D
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A


1. Self- determination
2. Less
3. T
4. Self- determination
5. Reasonable

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella, M.Div., D.Min
Introduction to the Philosophy of the human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos

Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao by Geoffrey Guevarra

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