5 Section 1

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Some of the key ideas discussed in the passage include the Enlightenment period, ideas of philosophers like Locke and Rousseau, and how scientific thinking led to changes in political and economic thinking.

John Locke believed that all people had natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He also believed that governments derive their power from the consent of the people.

According to Locke, the primary purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of its people, including rights to life, liberty, and property.

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1 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

SECTION Instruction Rousseau Stirs Things Up
In Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s most important work,
The Social Contract, he argued that in order to be
Objectives free, people should do what is best for their
As you teach this section, keep students community. Rousseau had many supporters who
focused on the following objectives to help were inspired by his passionate writings.
them answer the Section Focus Question European monarchs, on the other hand, were
and master core content. angry that Rousseau was questioning authority.
As a result, Rousseau worried about persecution
■ Explain how science led to the for much of his life. The “chains” below represent
Enlightenment. the social institutions that confined society.
■ Compare the ideas of Hobbes and
“ Man is born free, and everywhere he is in
Locke. chains.

—Rousseau, The Social Contract
■ Identify the beliefs and contributions of
the philosophes. Focus Question What effects did Enlightenment
philosophers have on government and society?
■ Summarize how economic thinking
changed during this time.

Prepare to Read
Philosophy in the Age of Reason
Build Background Knowledge L3 Objectives By the early 1700s, European thinkers felt that nothing was
Remind students that during the Scien- • Explain how science led to the Enlightenment. beyond the reach of the human mind. Through the use of reason,
tific Revolution, scientists used reason to • Compare the ideas of Hobbes and Locke. insisted these thinkers, people and governments could solve every
social, political, and economic problem. In essence, these writers,
explain why things happened in the phys- • Identify the beliefs and contributions of the
philosophes. scholars, and philosophers felt they could change the world.
ical universe. Then ask them to predict
what other aspects of life people could • Summarize how economic thinking changed
study using the new scientific method. during this time.
Scientific Revolution Sparks
Terms, People, and Places the Enlightenment
Set a Purpose L3 natural law Montesquieu The Scientific Revolution of the 1500s and 1600s had transformed
■ WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection Thomas Hobbes Voltaire the way people in Europe looked at the world. In the 1700s, other
aloud or play the audio. John Locke Diderot scientists expanded European knowledge. For example, Edward
social contract Rousseau
AUDIO Witness History Audio CD, Jenner developed a vaccine against smallpox, a disease whose
natural right laissez faire
Rousseau Stirs Things Up path of death spanned the centuries.
philosophe Adam Smith
Scientific successes convinced educated Europeans of the power
Ask students to explain in their own of human reason. Natural law, or rules discoverable by reason,
words what Rousseau meant by Reading Skill: Summarize Draw a table like govern scientific forces such as gravity and magnetism. Why not,
“chains.” What might have been some the one shown here. As you read the section, then, use natural law to better understand social, economic, and
examples of such “chains” in his time? summarize each thinker’s works and ideas. political problems? Using the methods of the new science, reform-
What are some examples today? ers thus set out to study human behavior and solve the problems
Thinkers’ Works and Ideas of society. In this way, the Scientific Revolution led to another rev-
■ Focus Point out the Section Focus
Hobbes Leviathan, social contract olution in thinking, known as the Enlightenment. Immanuel
Question and write it on the board.
Locke Kant, a German philosopher best known for his work The Critique
Tell students to refer to this question Montesquieu of Pure Reason, was one of the first to describe this era with the
as they read. (Answer appears with
Section 1 Assessment answers.)
■ Preview Have students preview the
Section Objectives and the list of Vocabulary Builder
Terms, People, and Places.
■ Reading Skill Have students use the Use the information below and the following resources to teach the high-use word from this section.
Reading Strategy: Summarize work- Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 5; Teaching Resources, Skills Handbook, p. 3
sheet. High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 6 philosophy, p. 546 n. the love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge
Jonathan’s philosophy of nature comes from his many hikes in the wilderness,
where he observes wildlife.

544 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution

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August 23, 2005October
1:36 PM 17, 2005 1:45 PM

word “Enlightenment.” Despite Kant’s skepticism about the power of rea- n Have students read this
son, he was enthusiastic about the Enlightenment and believed, like
section using the Paragraph Shrinking
many European philosophers, that natural law could help explain
aspects of humanity.
strategy (TE, p. T20). As they read,
have students fill in the table describing
What convinced educated Europeans to accept the each thinker’s works and ideas.
power of reason? Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide, p. 158
Hobbes and Locke Have Conflicting Views
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, two seventeenth-century English
thinkers, set forth ideas that were to become key to the Enlightenment.
Both men lived through the upheavals of the English Civil War. Yet they Teach
came to very different conclusions about human nature and the role of
Scientific Revolution/
Hobbes Believes in Powerful Government Thomas Hobbes out- Hobbes and Locke L3
lined his ideas in a work titled Leviathan. In it, he argued that people
were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. If not strictly controlled, they Instruct
would fight, rob, and oppress one another. Life in the “state of nature”— n Introduce: Key Terms Ask students
without laws or other control—would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, to find the key term natural law (in
and short.”
blue) in the text. Point out that during
To escape that “brutish” life, said Hobbes, people entered into a
the 1500s and 1600s, scientists used
social contract, an agreement by which they gave up their freedom for
natural law and the scientific method
an organized society. Hobbes believed that only a powerful government
could ensure an orderly society. For him, such a government was an abso-
to challenge long-held beliefs.
lute monarchy, which could impose order and compel obedience. Hobbes Writes the Leviathan n Teach Compare Hobbes’s and Locke’s
The title page from Leviathan (1651)
by Hobbes demonstrates his belief in
views on government. Ask In the
Locke Advocates Natural Rights John Locke had a more optimistic
a powerful ruler. The monarch here 1700s, what type of government
view of human nature. He thought people were basically reasonable and
moral. Further, they had certain natural rights, or rights that belonged
represents the Leviathan who rises existed in most European states?
above all of society. (divine-right monarchy) How did
to all humans from birth. These included the right to life, liberty,
and property. Locke’s ideas challenge Europe’s
In Two Treatises of Government, Locke argued that people traditional order? (His theory of nat-
formed governments to protect their natural rights. The best ural rights contradicted the theory of
kind of government, he said, had limited power and was divine rights.) What was the long-
accepted by all citizens. Thus, unlike Hobbes, Locke rejected term effect of these ideas? (They
absolute monarchy. England during this time experienced a shift influenced revolutions across the globe.)
in political power known as the Glorious Revolution. James II,
n Quick Activity Ask students if they
an unpopular absolute monarch, left the throne and fled
recognize Locke’s ideas of certain natu-
England in 1688. Locke later wrote that he thought James II
deserved to be dethroned for violating the rights of the English.
ral rights in our government. Have
Locke proposed a radical idea about this time. A government,
them read the excerpt from John
he said, has an obligation to the people it governs. If a govern- Locke’s Two Treatises of Government on
ment fails its obligations or violates people’s natural rights, the page 549. Then discuss if and when
people have the right to overthrow that government. Locke’s people have the right to overthrow
idea would one day influence leaders of the American Revolu- their government.
tion, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James
Madison. Locke’s idea of the right of revolution would also echo Independent Practice
across Europe and Latin America in the centuries that followed.
Pair students and have them write a dia-
How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their logue between Locke and Hobbes on the
views on the role of government? dethroning of James II in England.

Monitor Progress
As students compose the dialogues, check
to ensure they understand that Hobbes
and Locke would have had different views
on the dethroning.
Solutions for All Learners
L1 Special Needs L2 Less Proficient Readers L2 English Language Learners
Help students understand the power of reason and its Use the following study guide resources to help Answers
importance to the Enlightenment. Remind them that students acquiring basic skills:
reason is the ability to think. Previously, people scientific successes
Adapted Reading and Note Taking
accepted things on faith, which is an unquestioning Study Guide Hobbes believed that the government needed
belief. Have students brainstorm the advantages and n Adapted Note Taking Study Guide, p. 158 to impose order and compel obedience. Locke
disadvantages of using reason rather than faith. n Adapted Section Summary, p. 159 thought governments should have limited
power and be accepted by all citizens.

Chapter 17 Section 1 545

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The Philosophes L3 The Philosophes

Instruct BIOGRAPHY In the 1700s, there was a flowering of
Enlightenment thought. This was
n Introduce: Vocabulary Builder when a group of Enlightenment
Have students read the Vocabulary thinkers in France applied the meth-
Builder term and definition. Ask ods of science to understand and
students to define philosophy in improve society. They believed that
their own words. Then ask students to the use of reason could lead to
explain who the philosophes were. reforms of government, law, and soci-
ety. These thinkers were called
n Teach Create a two-column chart on philosophes (fee loh ZOHFS), which
the board, labeling one column means “philosophers.” Their ideas
“Thinker” and the other “Main Ideas.” soon spread beyond France and even
Ask volunteers to fill in the chart with beyond Europe.
the thinkers discussed in the section
and each thinker’s ideas and accom- Montesquieu Advances the Idea
plishments. Then have students use of Separation of Powers An
Voltaire Montesquieu early and influential thinker was
the chart to summarize the main ideas
François-Marie Arouet, known as Born to wealth, Charles Louis de Baron de Montesquieu (MAHN tus
of the Enlightenment. Using the Think-
Voltaire (1694–1778), was an impas- Secondat (1689–1755) inherited the kyoo). Montesquieu studied the gov-
Write-Pair-Share strategy (TE, p. T23), sioned poet, historian, essayist, and title Baron de Montesquieu from his ernments of Europe, from Italy to
ask students to discuss what made philosopher who wrote with cutting uncle. Like many other reformers, he didEngland. He read about ancient and
these ideas revolutionary in the 1700s. sarcasm and sharp wit. Voltaire was not let his privileged status keep him medieval Europe, and learned about
n Quick Activity Display Color Trans- sent to the Bastille prison twice due from becoming a voice for democracy. Chinese and Native American cul-
to his criticism of French authorities His first book titled Persian Letters ridi-
tures. His sharp criticism of absolute
parency 101: Enlightenment Ideas and was eventually banned from Par- culed the French government and social
About Government. Use the lesson monarchy would open doors for later
is. When he was able to return to classes. In his work published in 1748,
suggested in the transparency book to debate.
France, he wrote about political The Spirit of the Laws, he advanced
guide a discussion. Ask how the philos- and religious freedom. Voltaire spent the idea of separation of powers—a In 1748, Montesquieu published
his life fighting enemies of freedom, foundation of modern democracy. The Spirit of the Laws, in which he
ophes helped create new assumptions
such as ignorance, superstition, and What did Montesquieu think discussed governments throughout
about the proper use of power and the
intolerance. What did Voltaire was necessary to protect liberty? history. Montesquieu felt that the best
attributes of a just government.
attack in his writings? way to protect liberty was to divide the
Color Transparencies, 101 various functions and powers of
government among three branches:
Independent Practice the legislative, executive, and judicial. He also felt that each branch of gov-
ernment should be able to serve as a check on the other two, an idea that
n Biography To help students better we call checks and balances. Montesquieu’s beliefs would soon profoundly
understand the courage it took to criti-
affect the Framers of the United States Constitution.
cize powerful institutions, have them
read Voltaire and complete the work- Voltaire Defends Freedom of Thought Probably the most famous
sheet. of the philosophes was François-Marie Arouet, who took the
name Voltaire. “My trade,” said Voltaire, “is to say what I think,” and he
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 7 did so throughout his long, controversial life. Voltaire used biting wit as a
n Viewpoints To help students learn weapon to expose the abuses of his day. He targeted corrupt officials and
about the different viewpoints on edu- idle aristocrats. With his pen, he battled inequality, injustice, and super-
cation, have them read Enlightenment stition. He detested the slave trade and deplored religious prejudice.
Views on Education and complete the Voltaire’s outspoken attacks offended both the French government
worksheet. and the Catholic Church. He was imprisoned and forced into exile. Even
as he saw his books outlawed and even burned, he continued to defend
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 10 the principle of freedom of speech.

Diderot Edits the Encyclopedia Denis Diderot (DEE duh roh)

Monitor Progress worked for years to produce a 28-volume set of books called the
As students fill in their charts, circulate Encyclopedia. As the editor, Diderot did more than just compile articles.
to make sure they understand each
thinker’s ideas. For a completed version
of the chart, see
Note Taking Transparencies, 120 History Background
Science and Philosophy Sociology, the study of political climate controls behavior, and that the extent
human behavior and the development of human societ- of freedom in a society is determined by its institu-
ies, came out of the science practiced by the eigh- tions. He examined laws, customs, and behaviors of
teenth-century philosophes, in particular Baron de various societies. His method of study was to compare
Montesquieu. He can legitimately be called the father the features of past and present societies. This is simi-
Answer of sociology. In his great treatise, The Spirit of Laws, lar to the methods of comparative sociology today.
BIOGRAPHY Voltaire: the French authori- Montesquieu wrote that religion shapes politics, that
ties and enemies of freedom; Montesquieu:
separation of the powers of government

546 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution

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His purpose was “to change the general way of thinking” by explaining Vocabulary Builder
ideas on topics such as government, philosophy, and religion. Diderot’s philosophy—(fih LAHS uh fee) n. love of, New Economic
Encyclopedia included articles by leading thinkers of the day, including or the search for, wisdom or knowledge Thinking L3
Montesquieu and Voltaire. In these articles, the philosophes denounced
slavery, praised freedom of expression, and urged education for all. They Instruct
attacked divine-right theory and traditional religions. Critics raised an ■ Introduce Ask students to read the
outcry. The French government argued that the Encyclopedia was an introductory sentences under the red
attack on public morals, and the pope threatened to excommunicate heading New Economic Thinking. Have
Roman Catholics who bought or read the volumes. students predict how natural law could
Despite these and other efforts to ban the Encyclopedia, more than apply to economics. Then have them read
4,000 copies were printed between 1751 and 1789. When translated into to find out whether their predictions
other languages, the Encyclopedia helped spread Enlightenment ideas were accurate.
throughout Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.
■ Teach Discuss the new economic
Rousseau Promotes The Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau thinking. Ask What are two differ-
(roo SOH), believed that people in their natural state were basically good. ences between the physiocrats
This natural innocence, he felt, was corrupted by the evils of society, and the mercantilists? (mercantil-
especially the unequal distribution of property. Many reformers and rev-
ists: favored government regulation,
olutionaries later adopted this view. Among them were Thomas Paine
believed in building wealth through
and Marquis de Lafayette, who were leading figures of the American and
French Revolutions.
trade; physiocrats: opposed govern-
In 1762, Rousseau set forth his ideas about government and society in
ment regulation, believed in building
The Social Contract. Rousseau felt that society placed too many limita- wealth through land productivity)
tions on people’s behavior. He believed that some controls were neces- How did Adam Smith’s ideas build
sary, but that they should be minimal. Additionally, only governments upon those of the physiocrats? (He
that had been freely elected should impose these controls. agreed that government should not
Rousseau put his faith in the “general will,” or the best conscience of interfere with the economy.) According
Heated Debate
the people. The good of the community as a whole, he said, should be to Smith, what should rule the
Rousseau (left) and Voltaire (right) are
placed above individual interests. Rousseau has influenced political and pictured here in the midst of an argument. economy? (market forces of supply
social thinkers for more than 200 years. Woven through his work is a Even though the philosophes were reform- and demand)
hatred of all forms of political and economic oppression. His bold ideas minded, they disagreed about some issues.
Compare the beliefs of Rousseau and ■ Quick Activity Display Color Trans-
would help fan the flames of revolt in years to come.
Voltaire. parency 102: Law of Supply and
Women Challenge the Philosophes The Enlightenment slogan Demand. Use the lesson suggested in
“free and equal” did not apply to women. Though the philosophes said the transparency book to guide a dis-
women had natural rights, their rights were limited to the areas of cussion on the ways Smith’s ideas are
home and family. included in modern economic theory.
By the mid- to late-1700s, a small but growing number of Color Transparencies, 102
women protested this view. Germaine de Staël in France and
Catharine Macaulay and Mary Wollstonecraft in Britain
argued that women were being excluded from the social con- Independent Practice
tract itself. Their arguments, however, were ridiculed and Laissez-faire economists argue that soci-
often sharply condemned. ety would be better off if the government
Wollstonecraft was a well-known British social critic. She did not interfere with business and the
accepted that a woman’s first duty was to be a good mother marketplace. Discuss what students
but felt that a woman should be able to decide what was in believe to be the proper role of govern-
her own interest without depending on her husband. In 1792, ment in a nation’s economy.
Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman. In it, she called for equal education for girls and boys.
Only education, she argued, could give women the tools they
Monitor Progress
needed to participate equally with men in public life. Check Reading and Note Taking Study
Guide entries for student understanding.
What topics were addressed by the philosophes in their
Encyclopedia articles?

Solutions for All Learners

L4 Advanced Readers L4 Gifted and Talented Answers
While Locke and Montesquieu were rethinking the On Crimes and Punishment, he wrote that the object
role of government, Cesare Beccaria was rethinking of the penal system should be to preserve order, not Answers may include topics such as slavery,
the role of criminal justice. At this time, critics of the to punish people excessively. Have students research freedom of expression, and education.
king or the church could be punished for their views. Beccaria’s ideas and write a paragraph on his influ- Caption Rousseau believed that a freely elected
Beccaria objected to the use of torture, secret pro- ence on today’s justice system. government should exercise minimal control
ceedings, and brutal punishments. In his treatise, over the people; Voltaire believed in free
speech, equality, justice, and reason.

Chapter 17 Section 1 547

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Assess and Reteach New Economic Thinking

French thinkers known as physiocrats focused on economic reforms. Like
Assess Progress the philosophes, physiocrats based their thinking on natural laws. The
physiocrats claimed that their rational economic system was based on
■ Have students complete the the natural laws of economics.
Section Assessment.
Laissez Faire Replaces Mercantilism Physiocrats rejected mercan-
■ Administer the Section Quiz. tilism, which required government regulation of the economy to achieve
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 2 a favorable balance of trade. Instead, they urged a policy of laissez faire
(les ay FEHR), allowing business to operate with little or no government
■ To further assess student under- interference. Physiocrats also supported free trade and opposed tariffs.
standing, use
Progress Monitoring Smith Argues for a Free Market Scottish economist Adam Smith
Transparencies, 72 greatly admired the physiocrats. In his influential work The Wealth of
Nations, he argued that the free market should be allowed to regulate
business activity. Smith tried to show how manufacturing, trade, wages,
Reteach profits, and economic growth were all linked to the market forces of sup-
If students need more instruction, have ply and demand. Wherever there was a demand for goods or services, he
them read the section summary. said, suppliers would seek to meet that demand in order to gain profits.
Reading and Note Taking L3 Smith was a strong supporter of laissez faire. However, he felt that gov-
Study Guide, p. 159 ernment had a duty to protect society, administer justice, and provide
public works. Adam Smith’s ideas would help to shape productive econo-
mies in the 1800s and 1900s.
Adapted Reading and L1 L2
Note Taking Study Guide, p. 159 Why did Smith support laissez faire?
Investors in Paris, France, 1720
Spanish Reading and L2
Note Taking Study Guide, p. 159

Extend L4
Organize the class into small groups.
Have each group think of areas in modern
society that are based on or represent
Enlightenment ideas. (Sample: govern-
ment, human rights, education, gender
roles) Have them choose one Enlighten-
ment idea and discuss the similarities

and differences between that idea and the
present-day manifestation of the idea. Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: naa-1711

Answer Terms, People, and Places Comprehension and Critical Thinking ● Writing About History
1. For each term, person, or place listed at 3. Summarize How did the achievements Quick Write: Explore a Topic On some
Smith believed the market would be more essay tests, you may have a choice of topic.
the beginning of the section, write a of the Scientific Revolution contribute to
productive without government regulation. sentence explaining its significance. the Enlightenment? You should choose one that you feel most
4. Recognize Cause and Effect What knowledgeable about. Choose from the
did the philosophes do to better under- following, and draft a single sentence
2. Reading Skill: Summarize Use your stand and improve society? that identifies the main idea:
completed tables to answer the Focus 5. Synthesize Information Explain why (a) social contracts (b) freedom of speech
Question: What effects did Enlighten- the policy of laissez faire constitutes (c) women in the mid-1700s
ment philosophers have on government natural economic laws.
and society?

Section 1 Assessment human nature and government as well as ● Writing About History
to the physical world. Sentences should show an understanding of
1. Sentences should reflect an understanding 4. They applied the methods of science to the main idea of one of the three writing
of each term, person, or place listed at the study and improve society. topics given.
beginning of the section. 5. The government should not interrupt
2. Enlightenment thinkers spread their natural economic forces to achieve a
ideas to open new ways of thinking and favorable balance of trade.
effect change.
3. They led to greater faith in the power of For additional assessment, have students
reason. People began to apply reason to access Progress Monitoring Online at
Web Code naa-1711.

548 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution

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Page 549 Thursday, 549 Thursday,
November January
17, 2005 7:43 AM 19, 2006 3:41 PM

John Locke: John Locke: Two

Two Treatises of Government Treatises of Government
English philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) published Two Objectives
Treatises of Government in 1690. Locke believed that all ■ Explain the ideas presented in John
people had the same natural rights of life, liberty, and Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.
property. In this essay, Locke states that the primary ■ Understand the impact of this doc-
purpose of government is to protect these natural rights. ument on the French and American
He also states that governments hold their power only revolutions.
with the consent of the people. Locke’s ideas greatly
influenced revolutions in America and France. Build Background Knowledge L3
Ask students to recall what they know
about John Locke and his ideas on gov-
B ut though men, when they enter into society give up the
equality, liberty, and executive power they had in the state of
Nature into the hands of society . . . the power of the society or
ernment. Tell them that Locke explained
his ideas in this essay.
legislative constituted by them can never be supposed to extend
farther than the common good. . . . Whoever has the legislative Instruct L3
or supreme power of any commonwealth, is bound to govern by ■ Direct students to the introduction at
established standing laws, promulgated1 and known to the the top of the page. Then ask What
people, and not by extemporary2 decrees, by indifferent and does Locke believe is the primary
upright judges, who are to decide controversies by those laws; purpose of government? (to protect
and to employ the force of the community at home only in the people’s natural rights of life, liberty,
execution of such laws, or abroad to prevent or redress foreign and property) Ask students to recall
injuries and secure the community from inroads3 and where else they have heard this idea.
invasion. And all this to be directed to no other end but the Point out that Locke’s ideas about nat-
peace, safety, and public good of the people. . . .
ural rights and the obligations of gov-
The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their
John Locke and a book of his writings ernment later influenced Thomas
property; and the end while they choose and authorize a legislative is that
there may be laws made, and rules set, as guards and fences to the
Jefferson’s writing of the Declaration of
properties of all the society, . . .
Independence. This document states
Whensoever, therefore, the legislative [power] shall transgress4 this that all men are created equal and are
fundamental rule of society, and either by ambition, fear, folly, or given “certain unalienable Rights, that
corruption, endeavor to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any among these are Life, Liberty and the
other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people, pursuit of Happiness.”
by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their ■ As students read the selection, have
hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves5 to the people; who have a them list each of Locke’s ideas on gov-
right to resume their original liberty, and by the establishment of a new
ernment. When students have finished,
legislative (such as they shall think fit), provide for their own safety and Thinking Critically have them compare their lists, and
security. . . . 1. Draw Inferences According to then create a master list on the board.
Locke, how should a land be (Lists should include: People have natu-
governed? Why do you think this is
the case?
ral rights; people form governments
1. promulgated (PRAHM ul gayt id) vt. published or made known.
2. Identify Central Issues What does to protect their natural rights; if a
2. extemporary (ek STEM puh rehr ee) adj. without any preparation.
3. inroads (IN rohdz) n. advances at the expense of someone. Locke say can happen if a government government fails this obligation, the
4. transgress (trans GRES) vt. go beyond; break. fails to protect the rights of its people have a right to overthrow that
5. devolves (dih VAHLVZ) vt. passes.
people? government.)

Monitor Progress
To confirm students’ understanding, ask
History Background them to briefly summarize Locke’s ideas.
Solutions for All Learners
How does modern government incorpo-
L2 Less Proficient Readers L2 English Language Learners rate his ideas?
Use shared reading to help students read this docu- dents enter school, they hand over certain things,
ment. First, read aloud the first paragraph of the such as decisions as to how they may dress. Next, Thinking Critically
excerpt. As you read, model how to summarize the have them go back and read the primary source 1. by a government chosen by the people; Sample:
meaning of each section. For example, after you silently. Then, have students work in groups to All people have the same natural rights and
read aloud the first sentence, think aloud: When explain the meaning of a few sentences. After should be able to choose the body that protects
people join a society, they hand over certain pow- the groups have had sufficient time, discuss their them.
ers to that society. Provide an example: When stu- conclusions as a class. 2. The people can overthrow the government.


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