Colloidal Silica As A Nanostructured Binder For Refractory Castables
Colloidal Silica As A Nanostructured Binder For Refractory Castables
Colloidal Silica As A Nanostructured Binder For Refractory Castables
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ABSTRACT loidal silica as a refractory bonding system has been known for a while
Great efforts have been carried out in order to replace calcium alu- in the refractory industry, little systematic research has been found in
minate cement (CAC) by other types of binders in refractory castables. the open literature.
CAC contents higher than 2-3 wt% can impose difficulties for the dry- When combined with other solid particles, colloidal silica can be
ing step and for the system’s refractoriness when microsilica is pres- linked together in branched chains, in a process known as gelation [2,
ent. The present work applies a nanostructured colloidal suspension as 10], which can be induced by water removal. During the drying step,
a binder for refractory castable compositions. Colloidal silica’s (CS) the hydroxyl groups (Si-OH) on the surface of the particles generate
are stable water based suspensions that, when combined with castable siloxane bonds (Si-O-Si), which results in a three-dimensional net-
particles, provide, among other advantages, a higher drying speed and work (Figure 1) [10].
sinterability for the product. In this work, the performance of CAC, Gelation can also be induced by pH changes and a salt or water-mis-
HA (Hydratable Alumina) and CS as binder agents in refractory casta- cible organic solvent addition, named gelling agents. With the proper
bles was compared and analyzed. selection of these agents or the pH variation, the colloid is gelled
INTRODUCTION around the solid particles providing mechanical strength to the system
The reasons for the growing market of monolithic refractories, at the after drying [2, 10-11]. The resulting structure is highly permeable and
expense of traditional bricks, are their easy production, cheap installa- allows the composition to be easily dried, reducing cracks and explo-
tion and similar performance shaped products [1]. A significant sive spalling. During sintering, its high surface area (typically close to
advance in monolithics technology is the current supply of designed 200 m2/g) may induce the formation of mullite in alumina-based sys-
aggregates and dispersant additives, as well as in placing techniques.
The use of a refractory binder less susceptible to curing conditions
than the traditionally employed calcium aluminate cement (CAC) is a
subject under constant investigation [2].
Calcium aluminate cement is the most used hydraulic binder in
refractory castables compositions. Nevertheless, CAC amounts higher
than 2-3 wt% in Al2O3-CaO-SiO2 systems may induce liquid forma-
tion at lower temperatures [1, 3]. Other important concerns for the high
CAC content castables are the curing and dewatering steps, which
must be carefully conducted in order to reduce explosive spalling [1].
Among the different binding systems for cement free castables,
hydratable aluminas (HA) have attracted great attention [4-6]. HA are
low crystalline mesophase transition aluminas (e.g. , θ, ρ), which,
similar to cement, harden after reacting with water [7]. During heating,
the hydrated phases lose their chemically bound water, giving rise to
the stable form of alumina (α-Al2O3), which at higher temperatures
will help to develop a strong ceramic bond [1, 7]. However, the use of
hydratable aluminas also present limitations, such as the high likeli-
hood of explosive spalling during drying, because of its less permeable
structure when compared with a cement based composition [1, 4].
Concerning all these hydraulic binders’ drawbacks, the present work
applies a nanostructured colloidal suspension as a binder for refracto-
ry castable compositions. Colloidal silica sols are stable water-based
suspensions, containing up to 50 wt% of nanometric spherical amor-
phous silica particles (8-15 nm diameter). These materials have been
broadly used in the formulations of coatings, catalysts, papers, and
anti-soil treatments as well as high temperature binders for fibrous iso-
lating and investment castings [8, 9]. Although the application of col- Figure 1. Colloidal silica gelling mechanism.
where Pi and P0 are the absolute inlet and outlet air pressures,
respectively; Vs is the air velocity; L is the sample thickness; µ is
the air viscosity and ρ its density.
Apparent porosity was obtained according to the ASTM C 20-87
(immersion test), using kerosene as the immersion liquid.
Figure 3 compares CS bonded castables cured in two conditions:
open air and a moisture-saturated environment. The results indicate Figure 4. Permeability measurements (k2) as a function of curing time for differ-
that the CS system requires water removal to develop mechanical ent binders containing compositions, cured at 50ºC.
strength. In addition, Figure 3 also shows two distinct mechanical
strength behaviors. Whereas HAB and CS containing compositions
developed their maximum mechanical strength after the first 24 hours
at 50ºC, the CAC containing ones needed at least 72 more hours to
achieve its highest value. For the CAC bonded castable, this gradual
increase in mechanical strength is well reported in the literature and
associated with the time required for the dissolution/precipitation
processes involved in the hydraulic bonding mechanism [19]. The
HAB and CS bonded systems, on the other hand, have their mechan-
ical strength development related to the drying: during the water
removal, the sol is converted to dried gel, increasing the mechanical
strength [10]. Therefore, as drying is promoted, mechanical strength
is developed. An important consequence of this mechanism is the
reduction of the full processing time, since the curing step and the
mechanical strength development can occur simultaneously.
Figure 5. Apparent porosity (AP) for castables based on different binders, cured at
The binders tested display distinct permeability levels (Figure 4) 50ºC.
and these differences can be related to each consolidation mechanism
and sub-products. The CAC cured below 20ºC and the HA, during metric amount. A superior liquid content promotes the separation of
their hydration process, generate low-density products (calcium alu- the matrix particles and an inter-particle force reduction, resulting in
minate hydrates and alumina gel, respectively) that pores and reduce a more porous structure [21].
permeability [4, 20]. CS, on the other hand, does not generate Drying Behavior
hydrates [2], which, after gelation, favors the formation of an open Dewatering tests were conducted in a thermo gravimetric device
and highly permeable structure. composed by an electric furnace coupled to a digital scale [22].
As all formulations were mixed with the same water amount (4.5 wt Results correlating the samples’ temperature with their mass loss rate
%) it would be reasonable to expect similar values of apparent poros- were obtained applying continuous heating (5ºC/min) from room
ity (Figure 5). Nevertheless, due to its nanometer size, colloidal sili- temperature up to 600ºC. Mass loss was analyzed using the W param-
ca particles could behave as a liquid increasing the apparent volu- eter and dW/dt (drying rate), calculated following equations B and C,
Figure 6. Drying rate (dW/dt) as a function of heating time (5ºC/min) for casta-
bles prepared with different binders, cured at 50ºC.
Figure 7. Refractoriness under load for calcium aluminate cement (CAC), hydrat-
able alumina (HAB) and colloidal silica (CS) based compositions.
The dewatering of low permeability refractory castables, such as
CAC bonded ones, is carried out in several stages, driven by different
mass and energy transport mechanisms. In the first stage (from room
temperature up to around 100ºC) (Figure 6a-segment i), the main dry-
ing mechanism is the free water evaporation. The second stage (from
100 up to 250-300ºC) corresponds to the free water ebullition and
decomposition of low temperature hydrates and gel (Figure 6a-seg-
ment ii). The third one is usually related to the decomposition of
hydrated products, such as C3AH6 and AH3 (Figure 6a-segment iii)
The CS and HAB compositions were cured in an open atmosphere
during which some drying occurred; therefore, the amount of free
water removed and deleted by evaporation (first stage) during the
dewatering test was reduced. In the second stage, indicated by seg-
ment (ii) in Figure 6 a, b and c), the drying rate becomes highly sen-
sitive to the permeability level, as a higher amount of steam can be
Figure 8. Creep for castables containing calcium aluminate cement (CAC),
entrapped in low permeability structures, raising the pressure inside hydratable alumina (HAB) and colloidal silica (CS) for samples pre-sintered at
the castable. If the vapor rate formation is greater than the structure’s 1500ºC and tested at 1450ºC.