Pre-Int Unit 2
Pre-Int Unit 2
Pre-Int Unit 2
l': Read the article quickty and decide which ofthese tjtLes fits best.
a The iirst television programmes
b Telev sion past and fltufe
c F |sts in telev]s on technology
veryone knows that S@lsmar and the company paid just $9lo show
John Logie Baird invenled ihe iidurinq a baseballgame in New York.
liEitelevision: n th€ 6arly 1920s, Techno ogy sraned to develop laster
he made a basictelevlslon whtch a.d fasier in theseond halfoilhe 20th
transmtled pictures, buihe didn't devetop c€nlury ColourTV came io lhe USA in the
his idealurlh€r But nol manypeope know 1950s, io Japan in 1960andlo Europeand
that Vlad mnZworykin, a Russian lnvenior, Solth America in rhe late 1960s dd eany
invenied tho f rst '€ ectronic ielevision in 1970s. [4eanwhib, in 1967 peoplea]lover
1929. People otl€n call h m 'the father of lhe world watched as The Beatlessahg
le ev s on' as his inventon becam€ ihe on the progEmme our world, rhe ii6i
basls of al modern televisions- ever satollite TV pDgramme. The woddis
firsl video recordeB came from Japan n
The BBC (rhe Brirish Broadcasri.g
the mid 1 970s, but DVD p ayers didn't
Corporalion) made its iksi TV progra.nmes
appear untilNovember 1996, also made by
in 1936. Mosi people didn'twaich, as
there were only aboLt 100 te evlsion
sets in Bniain atthatrime. Thee were From 2005, il became poss ble 10 watch
programmes ior only lwo holrs a day TV on your mobie phon€, thafksto 3G
except Sundays, whenihey didn i show technology- The firsi country io change
any progrmmes at alll As w€llas news lrom analogue todjgira television was
ano spons, @oKery programmes were the USAi. June 2009. Canada and Japan
popular even in the 1930si Frenchman didthe same in 2011. Peopewatched
Marcel Boulesiin became lhe lirsl TV chef the liisi TV programme near y 80 y€ars
in 1937, The lirst ry adved,ln 1941, was ago. Afier the huqe changes i. television
for a Bu ova clock; t lasied 20 s€concls broadcasting in the20rh cent!ry who
krows what the nexi 80 yea6 wilbring?
'rxar €ql ut suro] rspd 3 lre8au.rou oar pu|tuaq] q
'p3qrrea 3laoao Fof{ z
FPlslq Padols^aP aH L
"raq]Jni 'no{ dt.q or y3r aqr
u!tool ulo,a !re3.u.qr o r s.) asaqllnd et
'no/( dpq oru.l
.q] u! Ioot i€q qF^ .'{r }o sr.!ro} rsed .ql .re Pq/\\ €
'unesourp tnoqe ellrurer6ord e Paqrle/t^ I 'l!6ru lse-l 'Paull,3Pun noI
sq.r.^ rqntu!! 3ql to surroj a^lr!u!ru! aql uaoP .1!r/\\ z
'eslej are qt!q^\ Pu€ erul6re qrlq/v\ ss6nD zsqE^rqn&,
's3)ue 9s,rno^ aredurof, Pue slled ul)i,rol^ q ,!u!s Fed aqlurojaaoP^^oH P.ulI.Pun no^
sq$^rpF ar €qlJo sruro, 3 !r!u!lu!.q1uMop au/r\ L
pllql e era^ no^uaqM al! l,uplP no^Sulqlauos 9
oBe srpe^ s^rt A ou) l,uplp no^ auoauos s
qluoLuAeeM ]sel tqSnoq no^3ulqlauros t 2relnBer1 are qelqm Pue reln8al
. sq$^ aqlJo qrlqi aldullslsed 6ql ulsqra^
)aaM lsel /\^Ps no,( auoeulos €
lee^ lsPl luaM no^ a.loq^laLuos Z a^!, aullapun gL o8ed uo y3t aql le ulP8e lool !
)jaa/\\/1q3lu ]sPI PsqrleM no( eLuuerSord Af P L
'seluelues aslpJ aarql puE enll aarql sllr/!\ a^llp3eu PuE a^lllsod * alduls lsed
8ur/r^olloJ 6qljo qres uoqe orue es auo alll eZ
L SnJOJ JetutueJD
'sqra aqr 8u!.(es .sDre& €
ra^qd cAC tert aqt 6
'()ro q E)a oqe uolsl^alat )uorlaele 19!] aql I
dnor8 r$rlor.qr ulrpaq nor(sqr€^aqlallll surro, eururerSord Af elllloles 1sru aql 1
rsgd.roni €uros,o uoltp!)unuord aqr ot u.tsll €'zrlt0 z ouoqd elrqour e uo eLuurpr3ord nt $lt, aql 9
uorsr^elsl rlseq lsu sql s
p€1selP.Pu3/pv r ua^Pe Al 1sru eqllo $or sql t
p3).LoM Pa)iooln/ q VSn eqt ul ]serpeorq Af anSoleue lsPl aql €
srlureiSord At f€g lsrlJeql Z
Par€3dde pql$ /p/
9€61 ur urelu€ ur s^l to ioqurnuaqt L
'stulpue pr- aqr lo uolleDunuod !.J.lrtp.ql €r!1oN
'suro, rsgd.qiro uott€lrunuord .'{1 or u.rslt z z L
U 6002 5002 966t L96l
65 oor 9€61 5Z6L sOZ6 L
'xoq sql u!01pp ro raqunu e qllr
'sro/r^suP rnol )raqf, Pue uarsl |z q9 q
uolteurorul oqt l{)leur pue uleBP 3lrltie oql peau €
'sallauoll) 09 moqP
JO a)uelslP € -6V ePer$o]nv aql uo esore^ 01
uelN uro! (a^up) re) lsrLjt aql'tZ6L
raqLuotdas lsLZ uO P Pllnq ol Pllo,4
aql ut lsr! aql (aq) ^eruolour sreaulBua uellell €
-or I s aqs Pue req
lq ]t - (do$ lou) r ier aqt
sartoLuoll g ra^o lsnflP Suna^erl rer e jo qled aql
olur()jle/!\) e aqs 968t lsnBnv
q11! rlo
(ueddeq)-, tueprrre eqf rel P jo llnso.r
e se olp ot uosred $ru sql sem
llo)suc le3Plr€ z
ilnoq rad
saile-lolr{ 0z Fnf to oNds dor e (a^eq)
r!'peJ ut-tse] /te^ (o8 rou)- s 1l
't681 ur .olan zui€1 .ql (eq) rPr r5r!
rlaq-L s068L aqt ul alprs eBrel e uo srPl Bu lnPord
(ur3aq)-r zuag rupdurol rer ueLlraD L
-z'slolrP4 u! qla^ aq1
ltrorro, aql q1/!\ tpe.rlxa aql elelouol e
Jo surrol lsed L
',, erabutary
n !uestior 3, the question word (Wrere... )refeBto Where did women getthe right to vote
the object in the !uestion. what is the cotrect word 5 for the firsttime in 19la?
order in thistype of question?
L:-j L:-J L.-.j L3
in a bad moad
2a z.zListen to Heten and Mark ta lking about the first
time they did something. which ofthe important firsts in
stressed exercise 1a do theytalk about?
l.f l lql l-l t^^l
l.l Listen again, For each story write down the answersto
questions 1-4.
excited relaxed
| " P
1 Where and when did it happen?
2 Who eLse was in the story?
3 How dld they feeL?
What happened in the end?
3 Listen again and tickthe phrasesyou hear in the Useful
language box.
3a Answer the questions betow using the
words from exercise 2,
How do you nofmally feet:
1 if there's footbatl on TV?
2 just before an important exarn?
3 ifyou can't femember someone's name?
4 with people you don't know w€t[?
5 when you finish schoo[/work?
6 if you lose your mobi[e phone?
7 ii yo! go to watch a big rock concert?
8 ifyoule late for school/work?
9 ifyou see a bigspider?
10 ifyour English Lesson is cancelled?
ZoP o]3uro3 s,aq )ulql
no^ op teql 2raurpd slq ro] luasatd e eq plc a
;d!t ssaursnq e uo ro uo ^nq
ueur aql sl
auoqd allqoul '
le^lre ro au!] .
txello oLlll .
'sluapnls l€qlo ql|/l^ suolles]a^uoJ rno^ alPdlllo] q rallll .
PlPr llPa.i, .
(puatrl e pue no,q dur/^epnoq rno^ raue . ^euoul
uodssed '
(larUlo uollPrB!urull sPoM aq] ))!I2to3
ue pue nof) uodile oql lP le^lre . s,a{ pa{) ueL! sLl saoP sSurLl aseql ro q)rqM .
(pual] e pup no^) [ ]no^ 3ro]aq
' 'suo!$anb eqlra^/\sue Pue u!e8e q)l€l q
'seeP!u/\ o Jno^PuP e€ esPFxa luorJ sesElqd/sPJor
aqltuFn uolle$o^uol loqs € eslpeld Pue sredold
'^\oleq st 1]odr!e
suolPnlsoqllo 3uo esootl)'sllPd u!)\
sql ]P )rPq $^!ie aq rauP lauued slq Buluoqd P
l.lodlte 3ql 01
BuroB arojaq spaau oq Sulqfia^e ro8 s,aq Bulr3q:|
rarrJo uorlerSlruuJ! ue suolNonb SulrsMsuv q
p ro] ta)lll slq tuqoo€
^surnolaueld 'suollPnls slll ]o euo
asn ol p3eu ]ou oP nol Lueql aos no^ rePro elll u!
'sla^\sue lno^ (p-e) suolten]ls aqrraqulnu pu€ oapr^ aqt q4e/v\ O ez
)paw pue seserqd Ia) eqlol ua$l pue qrlei o q
rnolroJ llpM no^ elrqM op no^ oP leqy' .
Z^ou.rnotlqBu lno^ se^( /'^oH I ino^ aroraq lodrle
zoLull.allu P e^eq no/( Plc I oqt ut no{ op sBulq11o spuq leq6 .
z8Lr!^els no^ are aleql 9
^nq ^llpnsn 2{q/v\
Zssaulsnq ub sroq no^3rv S MoH
Zuodrle iql u]o4 Pue o1 la^eil ,(llPnsn no{ op '
za.iaq aurll1sru rno( slql sl t
2{q4 2aBeBBnl
za^lre no^ oP eull leqy' € pupq .
rnof u!tnd s^eMle no^ op s8ulql leql
zrelrno^ s,aL!llleqy' z noK op sBurqr teq,4 .
2no^ ql^^ a)et
Z1a)rllErodssed rno^ loB no^ a^eH p aroroq
Z^oujnof aupld laa] nox oP oH .
'ssnr9!P Pue srled
u!)lo A L
,(epllor.l uo
ur,t'oN tapH puprD aqfrv .urt s!l se
luEllltq's3A aurl]etol L!'e0l slrla$H's3l sL:6
suolFsnb le^erl
'xoq aql
ulsra/\^sue aql qla /r olaq suo!$enb eql qrle^ Euqeed5
Past simple - positive and negative
1 Rewrite the sentences in the Pastsimpte.
page 17s).
3 l don'tgethomeuntilmidnight.
In the negative form, we use d/d + the base foftn of the verb.
4 The match beginsatS:30 p.m.
5 They worry about iheir eEms.
--:-- 6 f4y brotherand lstop eatingmeat-
lAoL/He/SheltAVef hey started. 7 They are verytired.
lAoL/He/5he/ltA{e/-hey won. 8 He doesn't travel very much.
9 f4y sister travels a lot forwork.
lAoL/He/5he/lt^Ve/-heydidnt{-drd.orJ start. 10 The shops aren'topen.
rAoL/He/she/rr^Ve/-h?,grd:., {' dl9.-11 y. . Complete the with th€ Past silnpL€ forft ofthe verb
. We use the Past simple to talk about a finished action or state in
the past.ltcan besomethlngthat happened once or manytimes. 1 In 1900theU5A_(win)thefirst DavisCup
We often saywhen it happeied. tennis competition.
He died in 198a. F once) 2 In 1911 RoaldAmundsenfrom NoMay_(become)
l\,1y fathet alwaystookne to schaaLwhen I was yaung. the first person to reachthe south Pole.
3 In 1920 the British writer Agatha Christie _ (write)
We ltved in avery shall hause r #oje day5. (= state) her first aetective novel.
. For regular verbs, we add -ed (warche4 sfaded). But ther€ are 4 h 1930 a NewYork busiiesman, Clarence Birdseye
some ex.eptions. (mak€) the firsi frczen vegetabtes.
5 In 194o Anrerican soldieB_{d ve) the firstleepso.
: Exampte 6 In 1 950 peopte (use) the flBt Diner's CLub' credit
card to pay for dinner ord nks-
rliked the fiLm.
(e.s. fte)
In 1960 the UsA
-_ {put)the fi6t wearher sat€llit€
Theystopped l
In 1 970 Pan knericai wo d Airyays (staft) the
for tunch. l
first Boeing 747 I umbo jet' seruice.
In 1979 sony (inveni)the fiBt'watkmano' personal
: (eg.nop)
l: eids
ends in consmanr -yto
consonanr -ied -e (affiedtl-e bass
- f4andela
In 1990 Nelio. (walkj as a free man for
the fi6ttimeafter 2TyeaE in a South African prison.
;::!(::?:''v) j 3lllf-y:-tl-9t-:: i
In 200010,651 athtetes (particip.te) inthe
hastwosyllables r doubtethefinal Iheytravetted sumnrer Olympic Games ir Sydney, Austratia.
and ends in one i consonant
consonant at night. 1? In 2010 a volcano in lcetand
(stop)flights in
voweL + -l i northwest Europe for severaldays.
. (ec r.d,el)
The past of,e is waslwere.
We don t use drd in the negati\e fom of waslwerc
Past simple - questions
Whenwe make questions using r€gularvetus and inegutarverbs
: : We,ryou/They were late. (1o-re) . rhe Par s mple. when
dd + the bas€ 'o m.